
My Little Special Agents

by Sunny Smile

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

***************Tony's point of view**************

Over the years I have worked here, if I have learned anything it's three things.  

1. Any day could be your last.

2. You either risk your life, or get bored out of your mind.

3. When you think you've seen everything and can't be surprised anymore, guess what.  You're wrong!

When I walked in the door I thought it was going to be a number two day.  I couldn't be further from the truth.  I walked in thinking about Gibbs's twelfth rule, never date a co-worker.  That was my least favourite rule due to the feelings I'd developed on my partner Ziva David.  I did have to smile thinking about her.  She may have been raised as a Mossad Assassin, but had become an American citizen, gotten a permanent spot on Gibbs's team, and caught my eye.  Most people thought that wasn't hard because of what I tended to talk about.  Y'know, one night stands with random girls.  I admit it's a lie.  I had been slipping into a daydream about Ziva, when Gibbs's voice pierced the air.  "Gear up!  We got a dead marine and an unidentified creature.  Also dead."

I quickly grabbed my gear and responded, "On your six boss!"

***********Tim's point of view*********

When Gibbs said unidentified creature, that threw me off, but I quickly got my stuff and followed.  We got into the van and Gibbs drove to the area.  The crime scene was a half hour away, so the drive gave me time to think.  Gibbs had a lot of rules that I could comply with.  Except for one.  Rule 12.  I realized Abby and I had broken up, but I don't think either one of us wanted to.  I had no idea how long I had been lost in thought for, but I snapped out of it as I realized DiNozzo had been using a bunch of his 'creative nicknames' for me.  "Hey!  Probie Wan Kinobie!  McDaze!  Um, McDaydream!  Yo, Probicus!"

"What do you want Tony?"  I asked exasperated.  

"You've been staying out the window for 10 minutes now.  What's goin' on?  You've been out of it all week.  And you're a terrible liar.  You can't lie to me."

Ziva agreed and said "Yes. DiNozzo is correct.  You have not been like yourself lately.  What is going on?"

Realizing I want getting out of it, I rolled my eyes and said, "Well it's just I over think things and I hate one of Gibbs's rules."  I had said that last part very quickly hoping they wouldn't realize what I had said.

DiNozzo have an evil grin and said, "Oh, I see what's going on.  You still haven't gotten over Abby.  Oh poor McGoo."

Ziva, coming to my rescue pointed out, "Tony, give him a sleep.  We do not choose who we fall in love with."

I think I was the only one who saw the blush on her face as she said that while looking at Tony.

DiNozzo rolling his eyes said, "Ok.  I know that and also Ziva, it's give him a rest.  Why did you use Tony and not DiNozzo?"

Ziva groaned and said, "Because I thought you were too simple minded to realize you were DiNozzo."

I jumped in and said, "You guys might want to stop arguing.  We kinda have to do our jobs."

Ziva glared at Tony and growled, "This is not over."

************Ziva's point of view****************

I have fallen in love with my partner.  The one I argue with and tease.  I do not know how this happened.  I just hope my blush was not noticeable when I was saying that we do not choose who we fall in love with.  I sighed as I got out of the van thinking.  I heard Gibbs say, "David, find locals and see if they know what happened.  McGee, find anything that could be a lead.  DiNozzo, pictures."

As I walked around the crime scene, I noticed the lack of people around.  I also noticed that our unidentified creature seemed to be a horse or something.  "DiNozzo," I called, "Do you know what the creature is?  It looks like a horse."

"I think you're right Zee-vah."  He replied using that terrible nickname I usually hated, but I kind of liked coming from him.  

I called back, "Abby is the only person who can kill you leaving no forensic evidence.  She will help me kill you if I ask.  I can also kill you 18 ways with a single paper clip.  Do not use that terrible nickname you quote on quote creatively came up with for me.  Now I must get back to my job."

************Gibbs's point of view************

Lately I don't even know how to face my life.  I don't think my team knows I had heard their entire conversation in the back of the van.  I happen to know Abby still wanted to be with McGee, but didn't want to break rule 12.  I had actually been thinking about getting rid of rule 12.  I also know Ziva and DiNozzo both have feelings for each other, but don't know about the other's feelings. I realized I had gotten lost in thought again.  That was the third time that week that it had happened.

"DiNozzo!" I called out, "Is our unidentified creature still unidentified?"

"Uh, boss.  We think we know, but some things are confusing us."  DiNozzo responded.

"Explanation DiNozzo."  I yelled back.

"Well it looks like a small horse but it has a horn."  He said sounding confused.

I pulled out my cell and called Jen who was at NCIS.  "Director Shepard."

"Hey Jen.  It's Gibbs."

"Hello Jethero.  Why are you calling?"

"I think we need to involve the ECIS."

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