
The Outsider: Tales of a Space Technician

by Justin Daniels

Chapter 9: Chapter 7: A "Great-And-Powerful" Problem!

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Summer 4, 1000 AN

80 Days Remaining...

Justin Daniels's POV

"My sister and I regret to inform you that, due to unexpected circumstances, we will need YOUR help dealing with a SERIOUS Emergency up here in Canterlot today, Justin! If, for ANY reason, you wish to visit Ponyville, you MUST return within an hour, unless FURTHER instructions are given! We have already sent word to the guards at the front gate, and a chariot SHOULD arrive to pick you up any minute now, so we implore you to be ready. -Sincerely, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna." I sat there, reading the letter to Twilight, who was sitting on the couch next to me. We both had worried expressions on our faces.

"Serious Emergency? The Hell could THAT be?!" I asked, unable to hide the nervousness in my voice.

Twilight shrugged, then replied, "I... don' know... but WHATEVER it is, I'm certain that you will be able to handle it! The princesses are usually RIGHT about those things, you know?"

I sighed, then nodded slowly. "I'm not sure WHAT I'll be facing, but... I guess it doesn't really matter NOW, does it? Princess's orders, after all..."

Then, there was a knocking on the door. A low-pitched masculine voice said, "Chariot for Justin! Please hop in!"

Twilight smiled at me, then motioned for me to go. "Better be off, then!"

I smirked, then jokingly said, "Kiss for good luck?" Then, I noticed her infamous angry look building up. "Joking, Twilight! JOKING!"

Third Person POV, Outside the Golden Oak.

Justin's voice yelled through the doors that the Guard was just staring at, "Joking, Twilight! JOKING!" A couple seconds after that, the door slammed open, and Justin was running top-speed, and dodging a large amount of pillows, which vanished when they landed outside. "C'mon, Twilight! Can't you take a JOKE?!"

Then, he looked down the steps, and noticed the guard, trying to hold a serious face, but failing miserably. Justin smirked, then said, "No use holding it in, pal. THAT'S becoming a daily thing for me, now!" That made the guard burst out laughing.

"Oh, that IS Princess Celestia's STUDENT, alright!" The guard said, while Justin took his seat in the chariot.

Then, Justin noticed that the guard was a Pegasus. THIS caused Justin to look around nervously, and realize what he just got himself into. "W-wait... you're a Pegasus... the chariot isn't even on a road... does that mean that this chariot FLIES?!" He screamed his LAST statement when the Pegasus took off into the air, which made Justin look around desperately for a safety belt, which surprised him when he DID find one.

While flying off, he didn't notice Twilight staring up at the chariot through her windowsill.

Twilight Sparkle's POV

I took a deep breath, and sighed. I couldn't figure out what's gotten into me. No matter HOW close I ever GET to figuring my odd feelings out, they just end up changing WAY too much! One minute, I fee dizzy, then another minute, I feel cheerful. One second later, I feel sick, then a couple after that, I feel healthy, but with an increased heart rate!

Quickly, I started rushing through the bookshelves, trying to find a book that could HOPEFULLY help me get my mind off of the odd feelings. Then, I remembered that I had a new package delivered recently! Almost instantly, I have already torn through the box, levitated all of the books out of it, rushed up to my room, and began reading through them all, HOPING that they could either clear my mind, or solve my problems.

One hour later...

After reading through the last of the twenty books, I returned time around me to a normal pace, and stretched my legs. While I could easily slow time around me, that didn't mean that my muscles would be able to remain normal. When I slow time, I slow down with it, with the exception of my magic, and my mind. Using that to my advantage, I'm able to read through books that would NORMALLY take more than a day to read, in only a few minutes!

I sighed, though, because I couldn't find anything that could ease my nerves. Slowly, I trotted downstairs, and was about to get a glass of apple juice, until the door burst open, and Spike ran in, with a troubled look on his face.

"Spike?! What's wrong?!" I asked, now galloping towards him.

He slowly caught his breath, then replied, "Twilight! There's another Unicorn out there! She seems... well... you're gonna HAVE to come see for yourself!"

I nodded, then rushed to the kitchen, poured a couple glasses of apple juice, served Spike one, while I drank the other, then after the drinks, we both rushed out the door, with Spike seated on my back.

Meanwhile, in Canterlot Castle...

Justin Daniels's POV

When we finally landed, I jumped out of the chariot, and literally began kissing the floor. I didn't think I would even DO that... but of course, I DO have a natural fear of heights.

After wiping my lips off, and sheepishly smiling at the many curious eyes, I turned around, and was escorted back to the Princesses. What? They never see a guy SCARED before? Oh, wait... they probably haven't even seen a HUMAN yet...

When we reached the Throne Room, I noticed Princess Celestia and Luna were both looking out the windows. When they noticed me, they both smiled, and rushed by me.

"Oh, Justin! Thank goodness, you've arrived!" Celestia cleared her throat. "My sister and I have seen a vision... it was a vision of a COLOSSAL monster that was spotted in Fillydelphia! It was reported to be headed towards Ponyville!"

"What's it look like?!" I asked. The princesses showed me a PAINTING of the monster, with the name "Taowls" written on it... at least, that's what my translator said. Just seeing the picture ITSELF was enough for my eyes to widen, though! I stared at the princesses in disbelief, and asked, "Y-you want me to fight THAT thing?!"

They looked at each other worriedly, but nodded. Before I could say anything else, Celestia said, "We have ALREADY prepared an army of guards to back you up! They've been prepared with the BEST armor we could offer them, but we believe YOU might have, not only the best ARMOR, but the best WEAPONS against it!" I tilted my head in confusion. "We WOULD'VE done it ourselves, but alas, we're not even HERE, right now! These are VISIBLE illusions, only seen by the guards in here, AND you! We're in Saddle Arabia right now, which is why we need you to STAY here for the night! We'll PROBABLY be able to return SOONER than tomorrow, but we can't make any promises on that!"

I thought for a moment, then sighed. I can't believe I'm about to do this... "With all due respect, princesses..." I paused, while opening a medium-sized window. Then, I checked my fuel level, and smiled inside when I saw that it was full again. Then, I looked at the princesses, and continued my sentence. "...I don't NEED the guards. Please leave them here, to watch the castle while I'm out... but in the mean time, I'll handle THIS one on my own!" I saw ALL of their eyes widen, and their jaws drop. Even the nearby guards stared at me in disbelief.

"W-WHAT?! ARE YOU INSANE?!" The nearby guards asked, while I jumped on top of the windowsill.

I looked back at them, and smiled, then replied, "Nope..." I turned my head back to the gigantic drop below the window, then TRIED to make a witty comment. "...I'm just an AVERAGE Run-Of-The-Mill Technician!" With happy thoughts clouding my mind, I jumped out of the window, which caused the ponies from the room to rush to the window, and watch me fall, while SOME tried to jump out to save me... they were stopped from the Princesses, who knew what I was planning.

While jumping, I even called out, "Woo!"

While in midair, Jasper said in a worried tone, "S-sir! Do you even KNOW if the Jet Pack is even FUNCTIONAL, yet?!"

I smiled, then slapped my watch's "Gear Up" button, replying, "Not sure... better get TESTING then, huh, Jasper?" While asking him, my armor quickly began unfolding over my body, starting with the legs and torso, then ending with the helmet.

Right after the helmet fitted on, my Jet Pack started releasing the flames, while my boots did the same. Eventually, I angled myself upwards, and JUST before I could reach the floor, I swooped into the air, and smiled widely. "YE-HAW!" I cheered, my inner "Cowboy" suddenly going into play. Sure enough, clearing my mind DID do the trick to my "MILD Acrophobia"... PLUS since my armor protects me from falling down HIGH places, I didn't really NEED to panic, anymore!

Anyways, so I flew onwards, taking a quick peek back, making sure nopony else was following me, then started my scanner for the location of the Taowls. "Location confirmed! Destination: Fillydelphia! Direction: Northwest!" Jasper told me through the speakers.

"Hmm... so just past the Everfree, huh? Thanks, Jasper!" I replied, now turning towards the direction I was given. "Who knows? maybe I'll be able to see Twilight from up here!"

As I flew over Ponyville, I noticed a large crowd gathering in front of a wagon that had a stage in front of it. A Magic Show? In a place where that's a NORM, I would never have THOUGHT I'd see one HERE! With a slight shrug, I decided that MUCH more important matters were at hand, and if I were to delay even a SECOND, then Ponyville could end up on a monster's lunch menu! With that in mind, I continued on my way towards perhaps one of the BIGGEST hunts I would EVER get myself into.

Twilight Sparkle's POV

Okay, so I've been watching this "Trixie" girl for about an hour now, and already, I felt like she was... KINDA being a little full of herself. She made a lot of boastful comments about her "Special Powers", which I thought was just BASIC Magic! I mean, I'll admit I'm no pony to judge, but really? It wasn't her SELFISHNESS that caused me to grow disgusted at her, but her RUDENESS, instead! She not only lifted herself on a Pedestal of Pride, but she LOWERED everypony ELSE below a Ground of Ridicule! Calling guests up to "Prove she's better than them"... REALLY?!

It looked like the ponies around me seemed to think about her the same as I. There was, however, a SLIGHT difference with what the ponies around me believed... they were starting to sound like they didn't like Unicorns in GENERAL, after all Trixie has done to EMBARRASS them! Even my FRIENDS were there, and they didn't seem to like it, either! Seeing no other options, I KNEW I had to leave, before she calls me up to the-

"Oh, yeah?! Well, TWILIGHT can do MUCH cooler things than YOU can!" Spike yelled through the crowd, which caused EVERYPONY'S eyes to face me, while I was trying to sneak away.

I smiled sheepishly at the crowd, while my friends sided with Spike, and tried to encourage me to go up there. Ignoring their requests, however, I slowly backed up, and listened to Trixie insult me even more. With the attention, I suddenly found myself too nervous to say anything!

Due to my silence, Trixie turned her gaze from me to Applejack, and taunted, "Well? What about YOU, Little Hayseed?"

After THAT statement, Applejack stood up to Trixie, by saying "That's it! I can't stand fer NO more o' this!" Then, she began spinning a rope into a lasso, and jumped through the hoops, which I'll admit, was REALLY impressive! In fact, she even managed to pull an apple from a nearby Apple Tree, and pull it RIGHT into her mouth! Ha... leave it to APPLEJACK to pull a stunt involving APPLES! Afterwards, we ALL gave Applejack an applause, which caused her to smile slyly at Trixie, and jest, "Top THAT, Missy!"

Trixie, however, spat on the ground, and smirked. "Oh, ye of LITTLE talent! WATCH, and be AMAZED, at the MAGIC of Trixie!" Then, she levitated the same rope Applejack used, and caused it to move upwards like a snake. Somehow, it caught Applejack's eye, because she was focused ENTIRELY on it! Is THAT a FOCUS spell?! That's one of the grade 7 spells, and yet she pulled it off like THAT?! (The Magic Scale is graded from TOP, to BOTTOM, from 10 to 1, with 10 being the most BASIC, and 1 being the most ADVANCED, by the way! Right now, I'm at grade 6, but I'm on my way to 5, after I show my improvements to Princess Celestia!) Then, she made the rope's other end grab ANOTHER apple from the same tree, while the end that had Applejack's attention quickly wrapped around her hooves, and lifted her upside-down. After dropping her, still tied up, the end with the apple shoved it in Applejack's mouth, while the crowd laughed... save for our friends and I.

After she embarrassed Applejack, the crowd booed poor AJ off the stage, while Trixie laughed. "Once again, the Great, and Powerful Trixie PREVAILS!"

I watched in horror, as my friends continued challenging her one-by-one, and failing. I sighed, then thought to myself, Oh, Justin! If only YOU were here, right now!

Then, Trixie smiled, and pointed at me. "Hah! You think YOU'RE better than the Great and Powerful Trixie? You think YOU have more magical talent? Well, COME ON, THEN! Show Trixie what you've got! In fact, show us ALL!" She grinned wickedly, while my friends tried getting me to go up there.

Nervously, I stuttered, "W-who, m-me? I'm j-just your run-of-the-mill citizen of Ponyville! No powerful magic here! I, uh... I think I hear my laundry calling. Sorry, gotta go!" With that, I rushed as far away as I could at that time, while Trixie laughed at me from the distance, and claimed herself the "Most Amazing Unicorn in ALL of Equestria".

Meanwhile, somewhere VERY high in the skies of the Everfree Forest...

Justin Daniels's POV

Celestia, if there's ANYTHING you'd like to tell me, any WEAKNESSES, ANYTHING would be USEFUL, RIGHT ABOUT NOW! I practically yelled through my mind, while flying through the clouds at a fast rate, while a HUGE cloud busted open, revealing the MASSIVE bird-like creature, undoubtedly known as The Taowls. Funny thing... I did NOT expect this thing to be as big as a freakin' MOUNTAIN when I encountered it in PERSON! And DON'T get me started on it's POWERS! And the LEAST you could've done was WARN me that it can shoot ELECTRICITY at me!

"Well, we DIDN'T expect you to face this thing ON YOUR OWN! Honestly, there's a REASON why we had an army of Pegasi and Unicorns to face this thing WITH you!" Princess Celestia groaned through my mind. Well, NEXT time... just a heads-up, okay?! They sighed through my mind, and didn't respond. Don't worry! I'm sure these things'll work out for the best! Don't send ANYPONY here to help me, either! I'll spend this time EXAMINING the thing, since I've got it's attention, already! Y'know... discover it's MOVE patterns, so the NEXT time one of these things becomes a problem, we'll KNOW what to do! "Well... just be CAREFUL, okay?!" Not gonna make a promise on that, Princess! Didn't you forget? I'm HUMAN! I'm NATURALLY Reckless! "Yes... we learned THAT one already..." They didn't sound TOO happy about that. Look, I'll be FINE! And SO will Ponyville, and Canterlot! "How can you be so SURE about that, though? What if something BAD happens during our absences?!" Hey, Canterlot's ALWAYS full of people who DON'T care! And Ponyville? *RASPBERRY* It's PONYVILLE! What bad things could happen THERE?! After a moment of silence, I smiled sheepishly. Actually, DON'T answer that one!

Back in Ponyville...

Twilight Sparkle's POV

I ran through my library, and began reading through my books, trying to find any books that could help me out about this whole "Ursa Major" statement that Trixie boasted about. Spike was helping me look, as well, but he looked at me worriedly most of the time.

I sighed. "Sorry, Spike... I KNOW I might've let you all down... it's just that... didn't you hear the way everypony talked about Trixie's magic?! I don't want to prove myself better than her at magic, because if I do, I'll just be putting myself in TRIXIE'S shoes! And I... I don't want to risk LOSING my friends! If I do, then I... I don't know WHAT I'd do!"

Spike nodded, then gave me a quick hug. "I understand, Twilight... and I'm sorry for calling you out like that! I just... I don't like the way she makes everypony LOOK bad! She even made YOU look bad, just by making the OTHERS look down on ALL unicorns!"

I raised an eyebrow. "Wait, YOU noticed that, too?!"

With a smile, he replied, "Of course, Twilight! Don't forget WHO it was that raised me, after all!"

I lightly laughed, then gave him a hug. "Thanks, Spike! And Justin was right, you know?"

"About what?" He asked.

"NOTHING, and NOPONY can replace my Number ONE Assistant!" With that, I gave him a noogie, which made him laugh childishly. I can see why Pinkie Pie ENJOYS making others laugh!

Then, when I released him, I sighed. "Still, though... I don't understand why ANYPONY would act the way Trixie did! Was it something somepony said?" I closed my eyes, then opened them at the book that lied below my right hoof. When I lifted it up, I gasped. "Spike! I found it!" I lifted up the book titled, "MONSTERS of MYTHOLOGY: The TRUE Dangers of Equestria, Volume 12: The "Lunar" Monsters!" Since the book was a large one, I knew it would take me about a few hours to read it all the way through, but since we're studying about the "Ursa Major", I knew we're also gonna require a few EXTRA details on HOW Trixie could've possibly VANQUISHED it! Even so, while I began reading, Spike decided he would spend a little time outside, just to make sure nopony ELSE was hurt, or ridiculed, by Trixie.

Four hours later... Deep in the Everfree Forest...

Third Person POV

Snips and Snails, two of Trixie's BIGGEST fans, or in THIS case, ONLY fans, were trotting through Ponyville, gawking on about how "Awesome" Trixie was for defeating the Ursa Major. Finally, when Spike made it near them, he told them that without PROOF, how would they even KNOW if Trixie was even telling the TRUTH. Of course, he wasn't aware of their NEXT goal, because in the matter of seconds, they were on their ways to the Everfree Forest. Spike, who was originally headed to Fluttershy's Cottage, noticed where they were headed, and silently followed them.

Meanwhile, up in the sky...

Justin Daniels's POV

Okay, so it's been FOUR hours, and I've already been hit by a few shocking bolts, each of course MOSTLY dodged, so I wasn't ENTIRELY hurt... but I STILL felt like I had enough static build-up to power a freakin' ROBOT! "Would that ROBOT happen to be MY new body?" No, Jasper! It's just a figure of speech! "Oh... well, shoot!" Don't WORRY! I'll get that squared away as SOON as I can!

While I was arguing with Jasper, Princess Celestia asked through my mind, "Who's Jasper?" I'll introduce you to him when you get back! In the middle of a battle now, though, so I can't really TALK right now! "But aren't you 'THINKING' right now?" Not in the mood, Princess! "No, but I am!" I heard her laughing gently through my mind. I couldn't really stay annoyed at her, since her laugh sounded graceful and elegant, and SOMEHOW, it seemed to make ME laugh! Well, in case you BOTH might've forgotten, I've got a HUGE monster on my tail, I'm getting my A-err... FLANK shocked off, and if anyone would like to make ANOTHER statement, then PLEASE! I'm ALL ears! There was a moment of silence, before Celestia's voice asked, "Don't you only have TWO ears?" DAMMIT!

Out of frustration, I turned around, and faced the Taowls, which was flying my way, and pulled out my plasma pistol. Then, I began firing shots at it, which seemed to do the trick! Okay, so NEW discovery! This thing freakin' HATES Plasma! Go figure! I kept firing plasma shots at it, while it angrily shot lightning at me, which hit a few times, but regardless of the pain, it didn't stop me from firing even MORE shots right back! Finally, after shooting it about sixty times, it finally bled out, and fell towards the ground level, while I quickly had Jasper do a calculation on where it would land, and the results.

"According to my scanner," Jasper began, "the Taowls will land CLOSE to, but not directly IN, Ponyville, in approximately FIVE minutes. Unless rescued, there will be THREE Casualties. ALL of them are deemed 'Hostile', but ONE of them has an additional note that says 'Only Hostile when Pissed Off'!"

My eyes widened, and I gasped. "Oh, sh*t! TWILIGHT! Jasper, FULL speed! We HAVE to get her out of the impact zone!"

"I'm already on it, Master... although you MIGHT want to consider CHANGING that note... AND her Hostility Status!" He replied, while my rockets began increasing the speed. What?! I'm SURE she can take a joke! "Says the pillows she throws at you EVERY night?" Not now, Jasper! We need to FOCUS! "Oh, alright, then!"

"... Should I go on ahead and CHANGE her Hostility Status?" JASPER! Ugh... sure! Go on ahead! "Great! She is NOW in the 'Lover' Status!" Alri- wait, WHAT?! "Just kidding! Although NOW that I have your attention, WHAT will we do when the Taowls lands? It DOES say that she will be followed by a REAL HOSTILE entity, and I'm not certain THAT one would be friendly enough to stop attacking, should it be rescued AS WELL!" Hmm... y'know, I haven't really thought about that! What do YOU have in mind? "I... can't make the calls, sir! It's on you!" Very well, then! ...Split-Second Rescue? "Sir, with ALL due respect, won't that risk YOU getting crushed, as well?" Not with THIS armor! How much power do I have in the Strength Boosters? "About 5%, sir." Ah... damn... well THAT changes things! Wait! The Anti Matter Lifter SHOULD work on corpses, right? "Indeed, as a corpse wouldn't necessarily count as... 'Living', if you know what I mean?" Alright, then! Here's my plan...

Back in Ponyville...

Twilight Sparkle's POV

I ran the OPPOSITE direction of where the OTHER ponies were running. I TRIED to get Spike to stay in The Golden Oak, but knowing HIM, he's probably following me right now. Why was everypony running? Well, he said that Snips and Snails brought an Ursa Major into town! I read through the book, and found that the ONLY known way to truly KILL an Ursa Minor, Ursa Major, AND/OR Ursa Mega, would be to crush it with something that weighs MORE than it! I didn't know of anything BIGGER, NOR HEAVIER, than even an Ursa Minor! Thankfully, though, I knew a few spells that I could use to my advantage. If I wasn't gonna SLAY it, I might as well LEAD it AWAY from Ponyville!

When I made it to where Trixie was, I heard her confess that she never really vanquished an Ursa Major before. I looked up, and noticed that it was only an Ursa Minor, which gave me SOME sense of relief, at least!

...That was, until from the distance, I could see an Ursa MAJOR in the background! It looked like it wasn't going to turn away anytime soon.

I looked back, and noticed my friends were there, ALL petrified with fear. Applejack, staring wide-eyed at the two massive creatures slowly walking towards Ponyville, had her hat over her heart, obviously fearing that these were her final moments to live. Then, her eyes closed, while a sad expression formed on her face. I also noticed Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy crying over each others' shoulders in a hug. Pinkie Pie hid behind a barrel, while Rarity tried comforting her from behind a box. She was rubbing Pinkie's back gently with her hoof.

I saw Trixie was running away, leaving her wagon and everything, which was already smashed in the distance. I glared at her as she ran. I hope she NEVER comes here again!

Then, I glared at the Ursa Major and Minor, and stepped forward, which made Applejack look up at me, and go, "Twilight? What're you plannin'?!"

I turned back to them, and smiled, replying, "I'm saving my FRIENDS... THAT'S what!"

Before they could even respond to that, I quickly ran forward, and used the "FOCUS" spell on my own horn, then created a light that made both Ursas put their attentions on me. Then, I quickly rushed past them, and into the Hillsweep Meadows, which bordered Ponyville for miles around. Looking back, I smiled at the fact that I got their attention from Ponyville, because NOW, they were both after me, while I saw my friends stare at me from the distance, tear-felt, and worried about my safety.

I watched as both Ursas were catching up to me, both of which at alarming speeds! Before I knew it, the Ursa Minor leapt in front of me, while the MAJOR remained behind me. The impact of the Minor landing caused my to fall onto my back, unable to get up. Then, they leapt up for the kill, while I watched in fear, as a HUGE shadowy creature fell my way! The creature looked like it was FOUR times the size of the Ursa Major itself! With THREE giants about to fall on me, my life flashed before my eyes. Before I knew it, everything went dark.

Justin Daniels's POV

I noticed the ground FINALLY starting to become visible. I continued flying downwards, next to the falling Taowls, making SURE I reach Twilight in time. Then, I noticed a light that was guiding TWO massive creatures out of Ponyville. Yep! THAT'S Twilight, alright! With a good visual on where to go, I quickly flew out of the creatures' ways, and watched as they leaped. Then, after they were both in the air, in a large collision course for the Taowls, I quickly set my Jet Pack to Hyper Speed, and flew towards Twilight. In a split second, I curled around her, and set my armor to "Heavy-Lifting" Mode.

When they landed, everything around me was dark, but thanks to my helmet's night-vision, I could see Twilight shaking in fear, with her eyes closed, and her forehead covered in sweat.

Alright, Jasper! Turn the Anti Matter Lifter on, please! "As you command, sir!" He said, which caused Twilight's eyes to open widely, and stare in my direction. Then, with my arms, I slowly lifted the three giant monsters over my head, which might've made an EPIC scene for artists in Ponyville to draw... but that was the LEAST of my concerns.

I looked down, and lowered my helmet, then smiled at Twilight. "Well, aren't YOU glad I landed here JUST in time, huh?"

She looked around even more, before smiling tearfully at me, and nodding her head. Then, I used my Anti Matter Ray to shrink the creatures, and add them into my inventory, for resource harvesting. I didn't really explain THAT bit to anypony, as it would PROBABLY sound barbaric to them... not that it mattered, though, because the MONSTERS were the LEAST of their concerns.

I looked towards Ponyville, and noticed our friends rushing to our side, each worriedly looking at Twilight, before smiling widely when they saw that she was alive.

"Oh... my... GOSH! What in Equestria WAS that thing that fell from the sky?!" A couple over-hyped fillies cheered out.

I noticed the ponies around them were glaring, which made me believe that maybe THEY had something to do with this mess. Paying no mind to THEM, I turned to Twilight, who seemed to have the SAME question in mind. "What, THAT thing? Oh, it's nothing... just a Taowls, and-"

"A TAOWLS?!" The ponies around me shouted, each with wide-eyed expressions.

"What?" I asked, unaware of what the big hype was about.

"Justin," Twilight began, sitting up slightly, "a Taowls is a creature that wiped out ARMIES in our history! And from the looks of it... wait, did YOU slay that thing ON YOUR OWN?!" Now, she looked even MORE shocked, while the ponies' stares just continued on me. Their heads were, literally, moving forward in suspense.

I shrugged, and nodded my head. "Well, yeah! I mean, I didn't want anypony to get hurt, or anything like that!" Now, their jaws were all dropped. "Did I... do something bad?"

Twilight started getting up, but when she placed her front-right hoof on the ground, she winced in pain, and moaned in pain. When I looked her way again, I noticed her right hoof was in the air, and wobbling. "Oh, crud! Twilight, are you hurt?!" I asked, now running her way.

She faked a smile, and replied, "Oh, it's nothing! It's just a sprain!" I didn't buy it, though. I used my helmet's X-Ray vision, and sure enough, it looked like she had a fracture in her bone.

"Oh, NO it's not, Miss! You're in NO shape to be trottin' around!" Before she could even place her hoof back down, I quickly lifted her off the ground, and cradled her, which caused her face to turn even redder than before. She was about to object to me lifting her like that, until I scratched the backs of her ears, which made her giggle.

I turned to our friends, and said, "Look, to KEEP her from doing anything, I MIGHT have to take her with me back to Canterlot for the time being. In the mean time, I need y'all to let Spike know what's going on. Rarity," I turned to her, "Would you be alright with babysitting Spike for now? I'm sure he'd be useful to you, and I KNOW Twilight would appreciate it!" I looked down at Twilight, expecting a response, but the only response I got was her, SOMEHOW, falling asleep! Ah, come to think of it, Magic DOES run off of Energy, doesn't it?

The ponies nodded at me, agreeing to the plan. When I started flying away, I heard them cheering at me, although I STILL don't know why! The Taowls wasn't even that RESILIENT, to be honest! Then again, WHO would even WANT to go against something THAT big, if they don't have armor like mine? ...Oh... NOW I might see what they're getting at!

Later that night...

I was sitting on a chair near Twilight's bed, wrapping a bandage around her broken hoof. She was barely awake, and complaining about the pain. I merely smiled, and told her that it'll be better in the morning.

"So, I hear you led those Ursa things out of Ponyville, right?" I asked her. She smiled weakly, and nodded. "Sorry... I just didn't take YOU to be the Reckless Type, you know?" I smirked, before meeting face-to-face with another pillow.

"All joking aside, though, I'm glad you're doing okay, Twi." I smiled back at her, and rubbed my hand across her mane. She giggled at the contact... or was it the foreign feel of my fingers brushing across her mane? Eh, I'm not sure. Whatever the case, it made her smile.

Before I stepped out of the door, Twilight quietly yelled, "Wait!" I stopped, and turned around, only to find her smiling at me. "Th... thank you, Justin... for saving us TWICE in a row!"

I smiled, and gave her a thumbs-up, which I'm sure she knows about now, because she nodded, and gently fell back on her pillow.

When I closed the door, I heard her say in my mind, "Good night!" I gently laughed. G'night, Twilight! With that, I walked through the hallway, and into my room.

After folding my armor into my belt, I plopped onto my bed, and gently began to doze off. When I was almost COMPLETELY asleep, I wasn't aware of the floating pillow near my head. *POOF* "TWILIGHT!"

Author's Notes:

Justin: Okay, so NOW I think I'm starting to regret bringing TWILIGHT with me to Canterlot, because NOW she won't stop complaining about the lack of books! (Even though there's, like, FIFTY in her room already!)

Twilight: So you'll take me BACK, now?!

Justin: Ha! Aren't you aware that it'll take MORE than a few pillows and complaints to make ME surrender!

Twilight: *Levitates five pillows behind her back.* Oh, I'm AWARE, alright! But the TRUE question is... are YOU aware of how much MORE challenging I can be?!

Justin: *Gulp*

*A guard opens the door to the room.*

Guard: Mr. Daniels! You are needed in the Throne Room, at once! The princesses are on their way, and... err... am I interrupting something?

*Justin and Twilight smile sheepishly at each other, and shake their heads.*

Announcer: With THREE giant beasts defeated, Justin continues thinking his time here could actually be MUCH more restless than he had hoped for... but seeing how much they might actually NEED him, he decided that being restless is, without a doubt, WORTH it, for once! Still, though, isn't it quite coincidental that ALL these things are to happen, RIGHT when he got there? How many MORE challenges will be there for him, AND his friends, to handle? What could the NEXT challenge be, in fact? Will Twilight's hoof be fixed up enough for her to STILL go to the Gala? What kinds of help will Justin have to do THIS time? Another GIANT monster? And last, but not least, WHY does Twilight keep hitting Justin with pillows? (Actually, THAT one might be self-explanatory!) Tune in NEXT time, in "The Outsider: Tales of a Space Technician, Chapter 8: Dress For Success!" See you NEXT time, My Little Bronies!

Yet again, ANOTHER chapter is up! Surprisingly, THIS one took a day to complete! Hopefully, I'll be able to have THIS much spare time even more! Oh, but I, of course, wouldn't want to put my bits where my MOUTH is, though! Anyways, thank you ALL for your continued support, and I look forward to the next chapter for you all to enjoy!

Next Chapter: Chapter 8: Dress for Success! Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 9 Minutes
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