
The Outsider: Tales of a Space Technician

by Justin Daniels

Chapter 8: Chapter 6: Double-Double Ticket Trouble!

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Summer 3, 1000 AN

81 Days Remaining...

Justin Daniels's POV

I was running through an orange, dusty mountain, trying to avoid getting hit by bolts of lightning that flew from behind my back. In the distance, I could hear Twilight yelling at me.

"GET BACK HERE, YOU COWARD!" She yelled. Her voice echoed through the mountains, while I simply kept dodging the lightning, and looked around for a weapon for me to use.


She teleported behind me, and grinned slyly. "You should've thought of that BEFORE you chose to challenge me!"

Before I could react, I found a thick bolt of lightning plunged through my heart, while everything around me faded away.

Within Twilight's Living Room...

I sighed, and groaned, while Twilight laughed hysterically next to me, while we sat there on the couch, holding controllers in our hands, and wearing odd-looking helmets over our heads. "Bull crap! You cheated!" I pointed at her, while she rolled her eyes, and smiled at her number of victories. "I demand a rematch! Best FIVE out of NINE!"

She smirked, then replied, "Oh, come on, Justin! You KNOW I'll just win... like I did the LAST four times!" I was about to retort, until she patted me on the back. "Besides... don't forget that I HAVE been playing Pony Fighter 2 since I was just a filly!" I sighed, because I knew she was right. I have NEVER been skilled in Fighting Games, even back in the Earth that I came from!

Knowing how much she loves to read, I could only guess that she memorized EVERY single combo that each weapon set can use, and since she played this game for years, I'm sure she knows different strategies to use for EVERY attack programmed in the game... still, though... she could've HELPED me with the freakin' CONTROLS, at least!

I decided to just let her victory slide this time... I can tell that it's making her feel better than last night, when I... kinda pissed her off with a joke I made. I can see that she's still annoyed about that statement, though... or at least, she's annoyed about SOMETHING. She stood up from the couch, and started trotting to the kitchen, until I spoke up.

"Hey, Twilight!" I began. She looked back at me, with her left eyebrow raised. I cleared my throat, and continued. "I hope you aren't still mad about my... joke... last night. The thing is... I don't want it to get between our friendship, or anything like that!"

She smiled, then trotted back over to me, and patted my shoulder. "Oh, Justin! I'll admit I AM still a slight bit ANNOYED about that joke... but I'm definitely not MAD at you anymore... and honestly, I was NEVER mad at you to begin with!" Then, she wrapped her left hoof around my neck, and with her right hoof, gave me an unexpected noogie, before standing back up, and continuing her trot into the kitchen. I, however, just sat there, and tried fixing my hair, still confused at her sudden change of personality. Huh... I guess even TWILIGHT has her moments... "Sorry, what was that?" N-nothing! ...Damn. I just HAD to think of something, didn't I?

After a few minutes of just sitting around, I sighed. Then, I picked the two VR Headsets, still attached to their controllers, and placed them back in Twilight's shelf, and covered them in books again, just like how Twilight had them before. "Hey, Twilight! You busy today?"

She poked her head back into the living room, and shook her head. "Unfortunately, today seems to be uneventful! I was planning on seeing if Applejack-"

Suddenly, somepony started knocking on the front door. I turned to Twilight, who said, "I'm cooking breakfast... can YOU answer it please, Justin?" I nodded, then walked over to the front door, and opened it.

There, standing in front of the entrance, was Applejack, who seemed to be carrying two empty buckets over her back. "Well, howdy, Justin! Is Twilight around?"

I smiled, then nodded my head. "Yes, ma'am... but she's cooking breakfast. Hey, wait!" I turned towards the kitchen, and asked, "Hey, Twilight! You got enough breakfast in there for Applejack, as well?"

While Twilight didn't poke her head out THIS time, her voice replied, "Of course I do! Come on in, AJ! Make yourself at home! Breakfast will be ready in just a few minutes! Oh, Justin! Do you happen to know what a 'Pancake' is?" Holy crap! THEY HAVE PANCAKES HERE?! She giggled. "Your thoughts says it all! Well, then... how many would you like?"

I tried to decline her offer, but of course, things ALWAYS had to have a conflict. "Really, Twilight! You don't have to-" My stomach started to grumble loudly, which caused Applejack, who was now inside the living room, to laugh. I could also hear Twilight laughing in the kitchen. "...Maybe three or four?"

"Four Pancakes, coming right up!" Twilight said, humming an oddly melodic tune. If I could put the tone into words, I'd probably have to say it would sound like the lyrics would be "My Little Pony"... but I'm not entirely sure...

Applejack looked around, confused at the mountain of pillows that were lying around in the corner. Most of them were emptied out, and had feathers scattered around them. She opened her mouth, and was about to speak, but I quickly shook my head, and said, "Please... don't ask." She looked at me even more confused now, but decided to just shrug, and sit on the couch.

"Whew! Ah sure have been workin' HARD today! How 'bout you, Justin? You been busy, lately?" Applejack asked, while I sat down on the couch next to her.

I shrugged, then replied, "Well, unless you count playing Video Games against Twilight, and getting curb-stomped twice, pushed off a ledge, AND impaled by lightning, then no... it's been rather slow lately."

She looked worriedly at me, until I passed her the box to the game "Pony Fighter 2". THEN, she understood what I meant.

"Well, when it comes to smarts, I must admit, I wouldn't even WANT to compete with Twilight, THAT'S fer sure!" She said, turning her head to Twilight, who was walking in the room, levitating three plates, each stacked with pancakes on them, and a bowl filled with... gems?

Then, Twilight trotted to the stairs, and yelled, "SPIKE! BREAKFAST IS READY!"

I heard the sound of fumbling, and bumping coming from over the ceiling. Then, I heard Spike calling from upstairs, "Coming, Twilight! I'm on my way!"

She giggled, then walked to the table, humming that tune again. "Oh, and Justin!" I looked up at her, unable to put my finger on what that tune is. "I hope you don't mind, but I MIGHT be heading out for a little while, after breakfast!"

I smiled, then gave her a thumbs-up, which I quickly backed with "Sounds good... then I'll just... I don't know... clean up around here?"

Spike looked up at me, while he passed by, and smiled childishly. "Wait, so YOU'LL help me clean?! AWESOME!" Then, he looked around, and deadpanned. "But you BETTER not be trying to REPLACE me!"

I waved my hands defensively, shook my head, and replied, "Of course not, Spike! Knowing that YOU'VE been here longer than I have, I wouldn't suppose ANYTHING could replace you!"

He nodded his head, while we both just walked to the table, and took our seats... well, HE took a seat. With my... Vertically unstable situation, however, I ended up sitting on the floor, since the table wasn't that high. It was about the size of a basic coffee table from MY world, which of course, was just above my knee level.

Both Twilight and Applejack lightly laughed at my situation. Then, Twilight said, "We'll... PROBABLY have to get a bigger table, huh?"

I shook my head, then replied with a light laugh of my own, "Nah, it's fine! I'm comfortable! Really!"

Of course, Twilight simply rolled her eyes with a smile, and sarcastically said, "Riiight..."

Applejack looked at her, then smirked. "Ah gotta admit, Twi... I hadn't seen YOU so cheerful, like, EVER! Somethin' you'd like to share with us, Sugar Cube?" Sugar Cube? Huh... didn't think that was a "Nickname", as well!

"Well," Twilight began, "the thing is... I'm MOSTLY excited about a new shipment of books! I've been waiting for a WHOLE day for them to get here! In fact, I've ALREADY read through the twenty that I was given YESTERDAY!" Wait, wait, wait... WHAT?! TWENTY FREAKIN' BOOKS IN ONE DAY?! She smirked. "You should hear what Justin's thinking! It's HILARIOUS!" Seriously... HOW do you even DO that?! "Oh, it's MUCH easier than it seems! All you have to do is slow time! Oh... wait, never mind... I forgot you can't use magic... sorry!" Did anyone tell you you're evil? "Did anyone tell you you're funny?" Wait, what?!

"Alright, y'all!" Applejack placed her hooves between us, then looked at Twilight. "As much as I'd LIKE to hear y'alls THINKIN' conversation, I MOSTLY came by to ask fer a helpin' hoof around the farm!"

Twilight smiled, and nodded her head. "Of course, AJ! I'd be MORE than happy to help!" She looked at me, then said, "Oh, but Justin might need a break, though! Yesterday wasn't necessarily the BEST first day around... and I'm SURE he'd like to explore a little, right?" I raised my right eyebrow. What about helping you clean? She giggled. "Eh, you and Spike can clean LATER! Maybe tomorrow. I WAS wanting to find a new place for the upcoming shipment of books, after all!"

I looked at Spike, who only stared at her shocked. "Hold on, Twilight! Now I KNOW that something's up with you! I mean, you DO get all giddy and girly when you get a new shipment of books, but I think there's MORE to it than that!" I couldn't tell whether to agree or disagree to what Spike said, so I remained silent.

I patted my belly after finishing off the last of the pancakes, and stood up, lifting my plate from the table. Oh, and about that bowl of jewels? Turns out THAT was Spike's breakfast! I couldn't help but ask myself if that was even HEALTHY, but Spike ended up telling me different kinds of jewels, and their nutritional values... which I ended up looking dumbfounded in the end of his explanation.

Anyways, so I was offering to take the dishes, and wash them, but instead, Twilight levitated all the dishes, including the one from my hands, into the kitchen, and had the dishes wash, ALL while she got up, then walked towards the front door with Applejack following right beside her. Dammit, Magic! You suck, you're good at EVERYTHING! I noticed Twilight look back at me with a glare at the FIRST statement, but when I made it to the "good at EVERYTHING" part, she busted out laughing.

Applejack stared at her confused, then asked, "Um... you alright there, Sugar Cube?"

Twilight regained her self-control, and replied in a still giggly tone, "Y-yeah... sorry, it's just... I'll... tell you when we get to the farm!"

With a shrug from Applejack, the two of them headed out, and closed the door behind them, leaving Spike and I staring blankly at the door, wondering what THAT was all about.

I looked at Spike, then asked, "Um... Spike... is she ALWAYS like that?"

"N-no... but I'm kinda getting worried about her. In fact, she seems a little... more GIRLY than she usually is!" He scratched the back of his head with his right claw.

"Well, since we have a day off," I began, "what do you say we head on over to Rarity's? She DID say that she should have a new set of clothes for me to wear when I get there!"

Spike smiled at that statement, then nodded his head, and rushed to the front door, while I smiled, and followed him. This day just MIGHT actually be a good one... after all! With that, I closed the door behind us, and soon, we were on our way to The Carousel Boutique.

One hour later...

Inside The Carousel Boutique's Main Room

Spike and I have been sitting in the main room, waiting for Rarity to finish with my clothes' "Finishing Touches". What we DIDN'T expect, however, was for her "Finishing Touches" to take a little over an hour! At least during that time, I was able to read one of the new Holo-Books in the wait. The book was titled "Ponyville Culture", and during the wait, I was able to get a few notes on many different things:
1. During special occasions, the ponies of Ponyville, AND Canterlot often tend to break into a song that, surprisingly, would end up fitting together, even in DIFFERENT locations! Glad I brought some music for when they do!
2. They don't have a Christmas here, but instead, they have a "Winter Wrap-Up".
3. They also don't have "Halloween", but "Nightmare Night", instead.
4. Despite the rural appearance, Ponyville houses MANY different types of ponies, from Party-Hard, to Total-Silence, from Smart-And-Nerdy, to Dim-But-Hardy.
5. The mythologies that the ponies fear, not just in Ponyville, but globally, are "Vam-Ponies", "Were-Timberwolves", "Zombie Ponies", and "Ghosts". Huh... now that I look back on it, the LAST one seems normal! At least... it sounds like it ISN'T Pony-Related!
6. Ponyville is the CLOSEST in Equestrian lands to the Everfree Forest, which divides the Ponies from the Dragons, Changelings, and Gryphons.
7. Although rarely spotted, there have been MULTIPLE reports of a few LARGE predators living in the Everfree Forest. Namely the Poisonous "Hydra", and the Ferocious "Ursa Major". Even RARER reports speak of even LARGER creatures out there, unseen by most, and considered as "COLOSSAL MONSTERS". (Those events were even reported as early as one month ago! Those events revolved around a creature called Azi Sruvara.) Huh... I sure hope THAT one LEFT this place, already!
8. Most of the creatures known as a "Myth" in MY world, are pretty much a norm in THIS one.
9. Regardless of it's colorful scenery, this place is known to be MORE dangerous than any other planets around. After yesterday, I'm MORE than willing to agree!

After going through my notes, I heard Rarity's voice in the distance. "Okay, Justin! Your new clothes are ready for you to try on!"

Quickly, I stood up, and walked to the door that went through to her Tailoring Room, and gently opened the door. When I opened it, I was greeted by an impressive-looking outfit!

The outfit GREATLY resembled a London Guard's uniform, only the shirt, instead of being red, was actually blue, and the pants were as red as the shirt WOULD'VE been. Below them were black boots that slightly resembled my hiking ones, but after closer inspection, I noticed that they weren't made of leather, but some sort of "Imitation Leather", instead!

"Wow, Rarity!" I said, eyes glued on the impressive uniform. "They look awesome!" Then, I paused. "Um... how much do I owe you, exactly?"

She smiled, then fanned her left hoof dismissively. "Honestly, dear! Did you forget who you were speaking with? For you, FREE of charge!"

I smiled back, and bowed my head respectfully. "Well, I appreciate the work you did for me! Really, though, I MUST insist I pay you back with SOMETHING!"

"Well," she began, "if you INSIST, I was wondering if you could be a dear and help me out with something?" I nodded my head, while she levitated a piece of paper, and a quill. "I need you to draw out a few different designs of clothing that humans wear, if that's alright!"

I smiled, feeling relieved that she didn't need any more "measurements", because THAT was embarrassing ENOUGH already. "Of course... but I don't really need the quill. I've already got a pen!"

She stared at me curiously when I mentioned the "pen". It was clear she must've thought I meant "Clothes Pin", because she stared at a few sheets of fabric hung on a wall. Instead of intensifying her curiosity, I pulled a pen from my inventory, and showed it to her, which she eyed curiously.

"W-what does THAT do?!" Rarity asked, pointing her right hoof at the pen.

I smirked, then replied, "Think of it as a quill... but instead of being made of a feather, it's made of plastic... and instead of dipping it in ink, it already has ink INSIDE it, already! On the tip of it is a ball. The ball is what gets the ink out in a neat, and evenly displayed pattern! Observe, if you'd like!" I began drawing a pattern of a t-shirt and knee-level shorts. (I mentioned to her that THIS was a design I didn't like, just because I don't really like wearing shorts.) Below the shorts, I drew medium-length socks, which I mentioned is the size that I prefer. Below the socks, I drew a pair of tennis shoes.

Next to that design, I drew a sleeveless shirt that hung over a pair of baggy jeans, and running shoes below. On top of it, I drew a baseball-type hat, only on top of it, I drew a square, which I explained was where a sport's team's logo would go, to explain that the wearer was a fan. She nodded her head, and explained that they already HAD those kinds of hats here, but appreciated me answering a future question of hers. Thank goodness! Glad I don't have to go into all THAT detail, then!

After that one, I drew a picture of a suit, with a top-hat and a pair of sunglasses. I also drew a pair of white gloves with it, saying that THAT was one of my favorite parts of both, suits AND tuxedos. I even drew a picture of a tuxedo next to the suit. At first, Rarity looked confusedly at the suit AND tux, but quickly caught the differences when I got to the bow tie, and the folds. I began explaining what they were meant for, but she stopped me mid-way, and explained that she even MADE suits for stallions before. I smiled, nodded, and continued drawing a few more styles of fancy-type clothing, like button-up shirts, and plaid clothes.

During my whole drawing process, I noticed Rarity was MOSTLY eying the pen, and how it functioned so impressively. Normally, she would ask if I needed any more ink, but I shook my head, and replied, "It still has a LOT more ink available in it! In fact, THIS pen actually takes ink directly from my inventory, if I'm ever short. Thanks for the offer, though!"

After I drew the last of the clothing styles, I placed my pen back in my inventory, and said, "Well THAT about sums it up! Although, there's STILL a lot more designs out there, I'm pretty sure YOU can be more creative than I am, ESPECIALLY when it comes to fashion!"

She smiled again, and eyed the designs of clothes that I made. "Oh, THESE will do just NICELY, darling! Thank you SO much for the drawings, and the description of that... 'pen', as you called it! Perhaps, when I've got the time, I can try making one of my own!"

I shook my head, then pulled out a box of pens from my inventory, and said, "Nonsense! I've got PLENTY over here! Just let me know if you need MORE, and I'll be happy to help!" She was reluctant at first, but eventually, I managed to get her to take the box, with her thanking me in return. Then, I headed outside the room, carrying a box of my new clothes, along with a couple copies of it, both green with orange pants, and yellow with dark purple pants, each with extra pairs of shoes, colored to match their uniforms' pants. She even threw in a pair of red boots for my first one, and mentioned that the black ones were there to fit in with just about ANY clothes I have.

When I made it out of the room, I noticed something odd. The room seemed more quieter than it normally was. Sure enough, something was missing... or rather... some-ONE. "Spike? Where'd you go?" I asked. When I looked where he sat, I noticed a letter on the seat. After translating it, the translation read, "Dear, Justin... I headed off to Sweet Apple Acres. Twilight just got a letter from the princess, so I'm not sure HOW long I'll be, but you're MORE than welcome to check out the rest of Ponyville, if you'd like! Applejack's farm is ALWAYS open to visitors, so you could ALSO check it, if you're ever led near THAT side of town! -Your pal, Spike!" I chuckled lightly, then placed the letter in my inventory. "Well... looks like I'm off to explore, then!" Giving Rarity my thanks, and good-byes, I packed the boxes of suits into my inventory, and headed out the door, on my way to see the WHOLE town!

Meanwhile, at Sweet Apple Acres...

Twilight Sparkle's POV

After about one hour of magically pulling apples from the trees, Applejack trotted up to the table I was sitting at with a plate that had two cups of Apple Juice on it. I smiled, and took the cup she offered me, and said, "Thank you, Applejack!"

She smiled, then nodded her head. "Naw, thank YOU, Twilight! I couldn't have done it without you, after all!" I deadpanned at her statement, but she backed it with, "Really! Don't forget... I AM the Element of Honesty, after all!" Hearing that, I smiled, and nodded.

"By the way, Twi... is everythin' alright? I noticed yer actin' all... idunno... WEIRDER than usual, now that Justin lives there. Has he done somethin' to you, Twi? You can tell me, and I won't say a WORD!"

I sighed, then replied, "I don't know, Applejack! I KNOW he didn't do anything to me like THAT, but... I don't know... ever since yesterday, I've been feeling... odd around him."

She raised an eyebrow, and nodded her head. "Go on...?"

"W-well... when he looked me in the eyes last night, I could see something in him... compassion... he spoke to me about personal matters, so I won't go into detail, but... I could see something in him that reminds me about MYSELF... yet he seems so DIFFERENT! I'm interested in BOOKS! HE'S interested in COMPUTERS! I'M SERIOUS in most cases, HE'S PLAYFUL in the SAME cases! I READ, HE TINKERS! I don't understand!" I groaned, and slammed my head on the table. "I HAVEN'T even read ANYTHING about these odd feelings! Am I sick? AJ, do I LOOK sick?!"

Applejack patted me on the right shoulder, and replied, "I don't know, Sugar Cube... perhaps you should just relax a little, y'know? I'm sure Rarity can get you into that Spa she goes to! I hadn't been there yet, but she's ALWAYS badgerin' ME to go, so I reckon it's nice!"

I lifted my head up, and smiled. "Thanks, AJ... I think I WILL... I just... just... Spike?"

Applejack looked at me confused, then turned her head to where I was facing. Sure enough, Spike was rushing up here, holding a letter, and panting heavily.

"T-Twilight..." he began, passing the letter to me. "Letter... from... Princess... Celestia..." Before I took the letter, I levitated him to the table, and nodded my head, while levitating the letter for me to read.

"Thanks, Spike! Hey, Applejack, may you PLEASE get Spike something to drink too? He looks like he ran a LOT!" I opened the letter, while Applejack nodded, and headed to the barn. When I read the letter, I gasped.

My gasp caused Applejack to run back to where I was, and ask, "What's goin' on, Twi?! Is it serious?!"

I cleared my throat, and read, "Hear ye, hear ye. Her Grand Royal Highness, Princess Celestia of Equestria, is pleased to announce The Grand Galloping Gala to be held in the magnificent capital city of Canterlot, on the 14th day of Summer, on the 1000 AN, and that Her Grand Royal Highness, Princess Celestia of Equestria cordially extends an invitation to Twilight Sparkle, plus ONE guest!"

After a moment of silence, both Applejack and I cheered, "THE GRAND GALLOPING GALA!"

Five hours later... somewhere in Ponyville...

Justin Daniels's POV

Alright, so here I was, just walking around, until I bumped into a light-blue unicorn with a white mane. I apologized to her, and helped her up, only for her to stare at my hands, wide-eyed. Sure enough, I had a feeling this would be the infamous "Lyra Heartstrings" that Twilight warned me about last night. She told me that there was a reason why she wasn't invited, and that was because she was ALWAYS obsessed with a myth which, ironically, was about "Humans"... now that I think about it, WHERE did that myth even COME from?!

Before I could react, she used her hooves, and patted my chest, then my arms, and my shoulders, then eventually, she reached my face, and began tapping on my face. "Um... do you mind?" I asked, trying to sound as polite as I could.

She gasped, then replied, "A HUMAN! YOU'RE A REAL LIVE HUMAN!" She blushed, then giggled. "S-sorry about that... I'm... not necessarily considered the most SOCIABLE out here... Nice to meet you, Mr. Human!" She stretched her hoof out, and smiled.

I smiled back, and accepted her hoof-hand shake, replying, "Nice to meet you too! Really, though, there's nothing to worry about, Lyra! You aren't the ONLY one! Oh, and my name's Justin Daniels, by the way!"

She gasped, and squealed, "You KNOW my name? OHMYGOSH! A HUMAN, AND HE KNOWS MY NAME?!" Another blush and apology followed, with another sign of forgiveness from me.

"If you don't mind me asking... HOW exactly do you know MY name?!" Lyra asked, now looking slightly worried.

I lowered myself to her level, to seem less intimidating, and replied in a gently tone, "I've only heard a few rumors around town about you... something about you and myths involving 'Humans'? How exactly DO you know about HUMANS, though?"

She scratched the back of her mane with her right hoof, and, with a sheepish smile, replied, "Well... my coltfriend sort of told me about another world he saw in some sort of invention he made! I haven't really been able to see it for myself, though, since he said it's FAR too dangerous... so here I am, just the infamous 'Human-Crazed' mare in Ponyville, who... now has... seen PROOF!" Her eyes sparkled, and she jumped up and down in a manner that reminded me of Pinkie Pie. "OHMYGOSH! YOU COULD BE MY TICKET TO FAME AND FORTUNE!"

"OHMYGOSH! Oh, but Justin isn't the ONLY ticket around, Lyra!" Pinkie Pie said, who was apparently standing behind me for Celestia-Knows-How long. Her sudden appearance caused me to jump, and scream, almost like a girl, while both Lyra AND Pinkie Pie fell to their backs, laughing.

Then, Lyra looked back at Pinkie Pie, and asked, "Wait, what do you MEAN he isn't the ONLY ticket around here?!"

Pinkie pointed towards the town square, which caused my eyes to widen. Is that... Twilight?! She seemed to be running away from something, and whatever that something was, it was causing a "Stampede-like" sound. Upon closer inspection, I concluded that that sound was, in fact, Ponyville itself. The HELL is going on down there?!

I heard her voice say through my mind, "If you aren't in the library in ONE minute, you WILL get locked out!" Alright, but you're gonna HAVE to tell me what's the deal, okay? "Later! Right now, I want you to lock the doors, and barricade the windows! Make sure NOPONY is inside! Alright?" What about- "NOPONY!" Alright, already! SHEESH!

I looked back at Lyra, and said, "Sorry, Lyra... I gotta go, now. But hey, perhaps we'll bump into each other again!" I held my hand out, but noticed that she wasn't even THERE anymore. I looked around confusedly, and shrugged, before running to The Golden Oak Library.

When I closed the front door, I noticed Twilight teleport right above where I was, and soon, she and Spike were dog-piled on top of me, with me grunting. "Great! Now, lock the doors! And... Justin?" She looked below her belly, and realized that she landed right on top of me. "Heh... oops... sorry about that!" She stood back up, while I took deep breaths, trying to re-inflate my lungs again. Any WARNINGS would be nice, you know?! "Hey! Just because you were STANDING there doesn't mean you're safe from EVERY spell, you know?" STANDING there?! I just WALKED in! "You... wait, what?"

I sat up, and decided to actually SPEAK to her this time. "I JUST walked in the door, when you and Spike, like, LANDED on me! By the way... is there ANY reason why ALL of Ponyville was chasing you around town?!"

Twilight sat up, then sighed. "Yeah... but BEFORE I explain it, please PROMISE me that you won't try to go AGAINST me on this, like EVERYPONY ELSE?!"

I nodded, now looking FAR more concerned than I was a second ago. "Of course!"

"Alright, then... so you see," she pulled out a pair of golden tickets, "I have been given TWO tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala, and-"

I sighed, then finished her sentence for her. "You're NOT sure who to choose, because you DON'T want to hurt anyone's feelings, and even though you KEEP on trying to figure out the solution, ANOTHER pony shows up, and tries to claim that second ticket, NOT caring about either of their friends' feelings?"

She stared at me wide-eyed, then asked, "H-how did you know that?!"

I shrugged, then replied, "I kinda feared that THAT would be the case when Celestia offered ME the second ticket."

Now, even MORE confusion. "Wait... she offered YOU the second ticket?! But... if THAT'S the case, then WHY did the letter say for a 'Guest' to get the ticket, huh?!" She seemed to be going through a lot, and found it hard to believe, if the facts were stacked AGAINST the statements.

"Because," I began, "I wanted to make sure YOU had a say in it, of course! I was the one who requested that she give YOU the chance to actually CHOOSE who to take, because if I were to accept the ticket, then I'd risk ruining YOUR image!" She seemed taken aback by my statement.

"Wait... so you mean... YOU could've just taken the ticket, and the two of US would be going, but instead, you put MY feelings ahead?! That's... that's ACTUALLY very sweet of you..." She seemed emotionally touched by the amount of care that I showed. Even so, she burst into tears, and fell to the ground, unsure of what to do at this moment.

Then, I noticed the other five ponies were in the corner BEHIND me, and they seemed saddened by the way they must've acted. "Gosh, I... I would NEVER have guessed that that ticket was meant for YOU, Justin! But... did you honestly THINK that she would be able to make THAT kind of a decision?!" Applejack stared at me confused, which she won an understanding nod from the other ponies.

I shrugged, then replied, "I honestly didn't think that that decision would HAVE to be FOUGHT over, that's for sure!"

"And just WHAT do you mean by THAT?!" Rainbow Dash asked, now flying in front of my deadpanning face.

I replied, "What I MEAN is... if y'all call yourselves FRIENDS of hers, then PLEASE explain to me why she's even IN this mess?! Did any of you consider HER feelings?! I haven't been with her most of today, and ALREADY I can see that her day was a living NIGHTMARE! And for what, those stupid TICKETS?! For heaven's sake, they're HER tickets! She could EASILY have thrown them away, so that NOPONY goes, but instead, she's been TRYING to help EVERY-SINGLE-ONE of you, only to find the five of you TEARING at those tickets, going AGAINST, not just HER, but YOUR OWN FRIENDSHIPS!" I pointed at each one of them while speaking. I noticed that what I was saying was, indeed, getting through to them, because even RAINBOW DASH was saddened, and each of them were rubbing their hooves to the ground, aware of their mistakes. "Applejack, do you HONESTLY believe that your attitude towards your friends was good? Rarity, was it GENEROUS of you to try and TAKE that ticket for yourself? Fluttershy, was it KIND of you to try and USE your friends' trust to gain that ticket? Pinkie Pie, was it FUNNY to make your friend CRY? Rainbow Dash... how LOYAL is it to break your friends' hearts?" They seemed even MORE saddened by THOSE statements. "Exactly! And just WHO do you think is trying to take THOSE into consideration, when she tries to decide?! Heck, to be honest, why does she even HAVE to go through with this mess, when ALL of her friends appear to be USING her, for THEIR OWN benefits?!"

"Gosh, Twilight, I... I didn't MEAN for you to get hurt by our arguing... and if it means somethin'... I don't even WANT that ticket no more!" Applejack said, now slowly trotting to Twilight, who was on the ground, still crying.

"Yeah, we weren't TRYING to upset you, or anything! And if that ticket meant upsetting you, I DON'T want that ticket, either! It really IS no fun making my friends cry!" Pinkie Pie agreed, while following Applejack.

Soon, the others apologized, save for Rainbow Dash, who's pride soon got the best of her... although, it ended quickly when we ALL gave her a stern look. Then, she showed that she REALLY was sorry.

Twilight stood up, and smiled. "Spike, take a letter!"

Spike nodded, and began writing Twilight's letter. "Dear Princess Celestia... I've learned that one of the joys of friendship is sharing your blessings, but when there's not enough blessings to go around, having more than your friends can make you feel pretty awful. So, though I appreciate the invitation, I will be returning both tickets to The Grand Galloping Gala."

The ponies gasped, while my eyes widened. Wait... WHAT?!

"If my friends can't ALL, go, then I don't wanna go, either!" Twilight said, now with a serious expression on her face.

"Twilight, you don't have to do that!" Applejack objected.

Twilight smiled, then looked up, and said, "Nope, I've made up my mind! Spike, you can send the letter, now!"

Before Spike could send the letter, though, I quickly grabbed it with my Anti-Matter holder, which caused the ponies to all gasp, even Spike, who looked at me confusedly. "Hey! What gives?!" Spike asked, now looking at me annoyed.

I smiled, then used my translator to re-write some of the letter in Equestrian. "Sorry, girls, but I THINK I might have a... BETTER idea... than that!" Then, I held the letter in front of Spike. "Alright... NOW you can send it! Oh, and no peeking!"

Spike shrugged, then blew the note through a green blaze, which caused me to stare wide-eyed, as the letter's dust just flew out of a window that was, somehow, STILL open! Huh... no wonder they appeared from THAT corner!

After a moment of reconciliation, the girls walked closer to each other, and in the matter of seconds, they did a group hug, which caused Spike to stick his finger in front of his mouth, with his tongue sticking out, as if he were disgusted. Then, he covered his mouth, while his stomach inflated, and he began making grumbling noises. Is that... NORMAL?!

Applejack deadpanned at him, and said, "Well wallop my withers, Spike!" Then, she walked closer to him, complaining, "Isn't that just like a boy? Can't handle the least bit of sentiment-" Before she could finish her sentence, though, Spike let out a flaming belch which NEARLY took Applejack's face, had she not ducked. "-WHOA, Nelly!" She said, surprised at the sudden burst of flames.

What surprised ME, though, was a letter that MATERIALIZED from that fire! Twilight quickly levitated the ticket to her sight, and her eyes widened... not that MINE wasn't wide, either! "A letter from the Princess! Well, THAT was fast!" Then, she opened the letter, and read, "My faithful subjects... Why didn't you all just ask sooner? OF COURSE I'm alright with it!" Afterwards, Twilight gasped, and levitated... SEVEN tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala?!

"Now, we can ALL go!" Twilight cheered, before her stomach started grumbling loudly. Was THAT your stomach?! "I... forgot to mention... I couldn't even eat LUNCH, due to the commotion today!" Her voice spoke through my mind.

"Allow US to treat you to dinner!" Rarity chimed in.

"Yeah!" Pinkie Pie agreed. "Cupcakes are on ME!"

Then, we all began following Pinkie Pie, grabbing our respective tickets, while I followed Twilight, who was next to last. When we were all outside, I stopped, and said, "Y'all go on ahead! I'll catch up!" When they were out of sight, I noticed that Spike wasn't with us. I quickly walked inside, and noticed him sitting on the couch.

"What's wrong, Spike? Aren't YOU going?" He shook his head, but I could see a saddened look on his face. "Alright... I may not be a dragon like you, but I can EASILY tell when something's got someone down. What's going on, bud?"

Suddenly, tears filled his eyes, and I could see right there that something was, indeed, going on that caused emotional pain in his heart. Before I knew it, he was crying on my shoulder, and saying between tears, "R-Rarity... she... she's planning on... w-well, she's planning on going to the Gala for Princess Celestia's nephew, Prince Blueblood!"

Ouch... NOW I see where these tears are coming from! It would seem that Rarity might have a crush on somepony else! Luckily, I've seen how SO many first-impressions always turn out! Perhaps I could use THAT to improve his feelings!

"Hey, hey! It's alright! Look, just because somepony might've caught her EYE, it DOESN'T mean that he caught her HEART, you know!" He looked up at me, and had a confused look on his face.

"R-really? H-how would YOU know, though?!"

"Believe me, Spike," I began, "I've seen these kinds of things in MY world, ALL the time! Just because she might go head-over-he- err... HOOVES for a prince, does NOT mean that she'll end up MARRYING that guy! Sure, she might've SAID something like that, but if she did, I can almost GUARANTEE that that's just her EYES talking!" Then, I gave him a wink. "And hey, considering you're one of her CLOSEST friends, I can even PROMISE you that it'll be easier for YOU to impress her, than for HIM!"

He wiped his nose, and nodded, then smiled. "You know something... you're RIGHT, Justin! I should NOT give up on Rarity like that!" Then, he stood up and, with his right fist in the air, said, "I'm going to PROVE to Rarity that I can be better than ANY stallion for her... even a PRINCE!" Then, he paused for a moment, and slouched back down. "But... I don't even HAVE a ticket to the Gala! I accused it of being too 'Girly' for me..."

I smiled, then said, "Uh, YEAH you do!" Then, I lifted up my ticket, and passed it to him.

He looked at it with a saddened expression, and said, "R-really?! You'd DO that for me?!" I nodded, which led to him hugging me again, then running out of the door, giggling like a child.

I couldn't help but smile at the good deeds I've been doing lately. And to think that three days ago, I was in Outer Space, unsure of where my life was gonna go, besides within New Eden. Now, here I am, helping a lot of ponies and a dragon with a lot of random things. Ha! I'd bet this could make an EPIC Movie... OR a TV Series, perhaps?

"I see you learn FAST, Justin!" Princess Celestia said, who was apparently standing BEHIND me this whole time. I, of course, emulated my girly scream that I pulled near Lyra and Pinkie, which, of course, made Celestia laugh as well... only HERS didn't involve rolling around on the ground.

I sighed, then sat back down. "Y'know... there IS a door, right?!"

She finished laughing, and replied, "Yes, but trust me... it was, as Rainbow Dash would say... WORTH it!"

I smirked. "You know... for a PRINCESS, you SURE do seem more cheerful than those from my HISTORY books!"

"Well, what can I say?" She asked. "I rule a kingdom of LOVE and TOLERANCE! What better way, than to set an example for ALL of my faithful subjects?" I nodded. Good point. "Anyways, I'm glad to see that you're making QUICK friends of them! But I have to ask... is there anything we can do to earn YOUR trust?"

I thought about that question for a moment, and shook my head. "No need... I'd say you've ALL proven to me that I can count on y'all for anything... in fact... I..." I gulped, before continuing. "I... MIGHT take you up on that offer with... HELPING Twilight out with the... *sigh* stallion problem..."

She smiled, then asked, "You will?! That's FANTASTIC! Then it's a good thing I brought... THIS!" She levitated an EIGHTH golden ticket to me, which I accepted with a smile.

"Thanks, Princess! I'll..." *sigh* I can't believe I'm saying this... "I'll look forward to the Grand Galloping Gala... for Twilight's sake, that is!"

The princess gave an understanding nod, and replied, "Very well, then! I look forward to seeing you on the 14'th! Oh, and be SURE that you bring a blue rose! Twilight LOVES those!" WHAT?! I THOUGHT YOU SAID I'M NOT- She giggled. "Joking! Anyways, don't you have a party to go to?"

I was about to respond, until Applejack called my name. "Justin! You comin'? All the others are wonderin' where yer at!"

"Of course I'm coming! Just talking to Princess Celestia here, that's all!" I replied. Applejack looked around the room, and had a confused look on her face.

"Oh, come on, now! Stop pullin' our leg! We ALL know Princess Celestia's at Canterlot, right now! So come on! I'll tell 'em you were just talkin' to Spike... which I thought was mighty nice of you, by the way!" Applejack said with a giggle.

"What're you talking about? She's right... over... here?" I turned around, and noticed that Princess Celestia wasn't even THERE anymore! I lightly chuckled, then said, "Alright, then... right behind you!" With that, Applejack and I headed towards Sugarcube Corner, all while I thought, I guess even ROYALTY could use a good laugh every now and again, huh?

Third Person POV

And so, with the ticket situation under control, Justin and Applejack grouped up with the others, and they all enjoyed the rest of the night! Even though Twilight was given uncomfortable stares from a lot of ponies, Justin simply stood up for her, and said that she already gave the ticket away, which dropped the subject fast. Something ELSE that caught Justin's attention, though, was that Lyra was there, but she didn't even seem SLIGHTLY interested in the ticket, like everypony else! Soon, that thought left his mind, as he and Twilight headed back home that night, with Spike on Twilight's back.

"So, Twilight! How about another rematch on Pony Fighter 2? Or are you too SCARED I'd kick your flank up and down... the... wait... no, No, NO!!! JOKING!" *POOF* Justin's voice was blocked off by the sound of another pillow hitting his face. "Ugh, AGAIN WITH THE PILLOWS?!" *POOF* *POOF* *POOF* "ERR, CRRM RRN!" He spat the feathers out again. *POOF*

Author's Notes:

Justin: Okay... now THIS is an odd letter!

Twilight: What? What is it about?

Justin: Apparently, I'm needed at Canterlot, for a meeting with the princesses... THEN they said I'm also going to need to stay there for the day, to deal with a HUGE emergency that they might need my help with!

Twilight: Ooh, really?! Don't worry, I'm SURE you'll do fine! Princess Celestia has ALWAYS been able to pick the right help from the right ponies!

Justin: Emphasis on the "Ponies", though...

Twilight: *Levitates a pillow.* Don't forget WHO it was that taught ME my magic there, buster!

Justin: *Gulp* H-hey! Twilight! Let's just... put the pillow DOWN!!! *POOF* OUCH!!! WAS THERE A ROCK IN THAT ONE?!

Spike: Twilight! There's another Unicorn in Ponyville, and she's... well... you're gonna have to come see for yourself!

Announcer: With the tickets divided EVENLY for the ponies, dragon, and of course, human, the plan is in motion! Unfortunately, though, Justin will have to spend the next day in Canterlot, dealing with an emergency, while Twilight remains in Ponyville, ALL while a Not-So-Friendly Unicorn visits the small town, and challenges EVERYPONY for the title "Most Amazing Unicorn in All of Equestria"! What challenges lie in wait? Who IS this rude Unicorn? IS her boastful claims for defeating an "Ursa Major" true? Find out next time, in "The Outsider: Tales of a Space Technician, Chapter 7: A "Great-And-Powerful" Problem! See you then!

Another day, another chapter, and another BIG thank-you to those who support me! Brohoof! /)

Next Chapter: Chapter 7: A "Great-And-Powerful" Problem! Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 32 Minutes
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