
A Dimensional Shift in Perspective

by MecoEco

Chapter 10: Chapter 9:

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Chapter 9:

“Okay...this is actually bigger than my cottage.” I walked around the room, no doors or windows, just a circular room with a bed and table. “I wonder where they put my chest?”

Ting. I turn around as food appears on the table. I walked up to the table and removed the silver lid. A sandwich with a side of fries lay on the silver tray.

“What! No hot sauce,” under the mistreatment of no sauce. Taking a bite of the sandwich, “Dam! Thats some good shrooms!”

The cucumbers and roasted mushrooms played with the odd creamy sauce. The fries themselves were perfect, crunchy without being too greasy.

A door appears on the wall, I ignore it since whoever it was...who am kidding this sandwich is amazing.

“Hey Astral! Luna says to...Ah! Why are you naked,” Fen floated in front me a quizzical look on his face.

I swallowed what remained in my mouth, “You know I don’t like wearing dirty cloths!”

“Still...is that fries!” Fen drooled.

“No!” I moved the plate away from his greedy little claws. “These are my fries!”

Fen gave me those heart broken kitten eyes, but I held firm. These were good fries.

“Astral honey...why are you naked,” Luna walks in, with some of her bat winged guards.

“He hates wearing dirty cloths,” Fen answered, swiping at the bowl.

“Well...I’m sorry but can you put some clothes on!” she looks away, covering her eyes.

“Then get me some clean clothes,” I demanded, after finishing off my food, “and where’s my drink!”

“We’’ll get you that later but first put something on,” Luna begged, constantly peeping and covering her eyes. Though I don’t know why her guards are looking away, I mean it’s their job to keep watch over me.

Piling my clothes on the bed sheet I tied them into a sack. Taking the pillow cases I tied the ends together to wrap around my privates or tried to, tails are really annoying.

“So where to?” I asked as Luna was somewhat able to stand my clothing options.

“Can’t you just wear your old cloths,” she pointed to the sack of clothing.

“I could, but...”

“But what?” she raises an eyebrow.

“They’re dirty!” I answered back, she pinches her nose in frustration.

“Never mind...well get you some clean cloths alone the way.” She sighs and turns around, “Let’s go.”

I just nodded and followed Luna. Fen rested on her shoulder as the two guards followed suit.

We passed hall ways, and guard patrols. The looks some of them gave me was on the verge of contempt and utter bafflement, but honestly it may have something to do with the scars on my body.

It wasn’t long till we stopped in front of a door with a picture of a spool of thread and scissors. Luna knocks on the door and a orange glow covered the door.

“Cooome in!” someone coaxed as the doors open. We enter the room and to my surprise the place was filled with various bolts of cloth and a mannequin the size of Celestia.

I whistled at the different varieties of cloth and the sowing machines that lined the center of the room. A mare wobbles up to the Princess, her whitened mane an indication of her age.

“Princess Luna! Its so good too see you,” She greeted by hugging the moon Goddess, “are you here to finally get something to show off that ass of your!”

From what I saw the old mare was smirking as Luna tried to hide her blush.

Composing herself Luna was able to come up with some excuse, “N-no Threader I...we are here for him!”

The mare turns her gaze towards me, “Hmm...A bit young don’t you think!”

Luna was nearly going to faint from embarrassment, while Fen was holding back his laughter. All the while I was starting to love this woman.

“Your to kind my dear...but I’m older than I look!” I winked, as the mare smiled.

“So then if your highness isn’t here for a new dress...then what can I do for you,” she turns to me, measuring tapes floating around her.

“Ahem! If thou would please to fashion him with something to wear,” Luna announced, but the addition of the royal ‘We’ was kinda throwing me off.

“And can you make me something to show off my ass,” I added as I continued to stare at Luna. Sadly she turns around heading out the door, but the guards are still here.

“Gladly!” Threader’s horn glows and bolts of cloth started to fly around me, “Anything you want specifically?”

“Hmm...Just a shirt and pants,” I answered placing my bag on the floor.

“Ohhh! No underwear,” she smirks.

“No thanks! I kinda plan on free-balling today.”

She turns her head in confusion and I believe one of the guards broke protocol by raising an eyebrow.

“You know...just letting it hang without constraint,” I pointed to my crotch and the old mare just laughs.

The sowing machines came to life, cloth was cut and measured. The only time I took my eyes away from the unicorn my clothes were cleaned and pressed.

I whistled at the clothes, the navy blue short sleeve, hugged my body, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. The pants she made did the same, but luckily she made it without zippers, just a simple button that hooked and tightened. She really knows what she’s doing.

“Would you like some shoes,” She asked, levitating a few boxes to me.

“No thank you!” After seeing the first two choices, I had to decline, “I’ll just barefoot!”

“You sure,” she waved the open boxes near my vision.

“Most definitely...why is that one covered in gems?”

“Don’t know,” she puts the shoes back in their respective place, “so if that’s all for the day...this mare needs her sleep.”

She moves behind a curtain, the sound of a door opening and closing. I just smiled and picked up my belongings.

“So where to,” I asked the guards. The mare to my left steps for ward while the other opens the.

“You are to meet the Princesses in the grand hall!” she turns and headed out the door, I follow and the other guard brings up the rear.

The trip down to the hall was boring, the guards just stood straight faced like statues. Though I was happy that I didn’t have to deal with these guys, but that one noble really got under my skin.

A few minutes ago:

“Who let this popper in,” said the asshole with the blonde mane. I ignored him and nudged the guard forward.

Apparently he doesn’t when to just let things be, he grabbed onto my shoulder demanding something about respecting authority. I didn’t really pay attention, my fist met his face and he was knocked into the wall.

My escorts and other individuals looked on in utter shock.

“Let’s get going,” I continued down the hall the guards following.


The Grand Hall was...a giant wast of space. I mean theirs nothing here but decorative stain glass and paintings of old dead people. Wait! Is that?

I stopped in front of a picture, of a Unicorn Mare. Her flowing silver mane complementing her white complexion.

“Na-nana!” I gasped. I take a better look at the woman, her emerald eyes following my movement, “No way...It is her.”

“I’m glad somethings remained the same,” I turn my gaze and Celestia walks towards me. How such a large woman can walk so silently is beyond me. She looks me over, a raised eyebrow adorns the single magenta eye not caught in the wafting mess of her hair.

“Why aren’t you wearing shoes?” She asks.

“They were out of my size,” I answered, turning my gaze back to the painting.

“You have her eyes...you know,” Celestia stands next to me, observing the painting and I.

“Yeah! Kinda wished I had her ass instead,” oh how wonderful my life would be if I had them. Those awesome firm bags of pure fun...I really wished granddad never told me about how they met. That guy knows how to drag a story.

“Ahem,” a blush forms on Celestia’s cheeks.

“Oh what do you have to be embarrassed about. You clearly inherited her lushes ass, and I’m stuck with these!” I emphasized by slapping my ass. I really wanted that ass.

She avoided eye contact, and turned, “Come, your mother will meet use in the throne room.”

“Tch,” Mother my ass, she stabs me in back by planning this whole thing and expects me to follow through...dammit it was just like her. She is such manipulative...ahh! Why. Why, couldn’t she just have been the complete opposite. Would it kill ya god to just give me that!

We enter the throne room, another place I thought was a waste of space, and there next to the throne were the mares I so loathed to meet and some guy in an arm cast.

As we got closer most of them glared at me, but the worst of it was from the pink Alicorn. I really wonder why she’s so pissed at me. It’s not like I killed her puppy or something.

“So what’s this all bout?” I asked as the silence and death glares were annoying me, “And where’s Luna?”

“Luna’s been...detained at the moment,” Celestia dismisses the guards and joins the rest of the group, “she'll be joining us shortly!”

“All right,” I walked pass the group and took a seat on the throne, and pulled a thinker pose. Most of the mare’s and the other guy looked on in pure surprise. Celestia however just smiled and watched.

The rainbow one was fuming, miss I gotta kiss Celestia’s ass every bloody minute was about to explode in a fire storm. The pink Alicorn was on the verge of exploding and stallion with a blue mane was perplexed at what to do.

“You know Tia...you could get a comfier throne,” maybe I shouldn't egg these guys on...nah! Celestia seems to enjoying this, so why bother.

The doors to the throne room burst open, as the I the guy punched earlier stomps in.

“Aunty!” He screamed at the top of his lungs. God he has such a whinny voice. “I was assaulted by the most heinous of criminals...You!”

He stops short of reaching the group, pointing an accusing finder at me. “Guards! Guards! Arrest that pony.”

A group of guards rush in, weapons drawn. They almost reached the throne if not for Celestia casting a barrier, that or the amplified voice thing.

“Stop!” her voice shook the very room, the guards grind to a halt, but kept their weapons at the ready.

“Aunty! He assaulted me!” Again with this guy.

“Enough Blueblood,” Celestia commanding voice gave everyone the shivers, turning towards me, “Is this true Astral.”

“Yup! Punched him square in the face!” No point in lying to a demigod...who’s my aunt. I wonder how she handles when someone that’s close to her dies...cake. Yup cake.

Celestia sighs the ever present situation worsen as the blonde unicorn dude demanding something about my head on a spike or something. An odd shimmer moves across the room and how they not see that.

“Damn...Really wish I had some Molotov's Cocktails right now,” I said thought aloud, gaining the attention of room.

“And pray tell what would you do with alcohol,” Celestia smiles.

“What can’t you do with booze...no seriously what can’t you do with booze!” I don’t think their taking me seriously...maybe it’s the drool. Though that annoying shimmer was getting closer.

“Astral...” Celestia sighs, but no one paid attention to her. All their eyes were on the sack flying through the air.

Author's Notes:

This story is actually getting harder to write. Not because I ran out of ideas, it's that the first person perspective has proven to be difficult to write. So I'm just going to scrap this story and rewrite it. Don't worry Astral and Fenwick will still be there but through a much more different circumstance.

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A Dimensional Shift in Perspective

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