The impossible has happened, through all the pain and darkness, Twilight Sparkle succeeded in her impossible mission...mostly. King Sombra is still plenty rough around the edges, but despite being an old dog he's making an effort to learn new tr
20 Dislikes, 8,843 Views

The impossible has happened, through all the pain and darkness, Twilight Sparkle succeeded in her impossible mission...mostly. King Sombra is still plenty rough around the edges, but despite being an old dog he's making an effort to learn new tricks. Where will this new way of life take him? He has absolutely no idea, but with his queen to guide him, what could possibly go wrong?

On Hiatus
Slice of Life

6,961 words: Estimated 28 Minutes to read: [Fimfiction.net] [Cache]

3 Chapters:

  1. Prologue [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Jun 10th, 2014
  2. Chapter One: Homecoming [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Jun 10th, 2014
  3. Chapter Two: The New Regime [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Jul 31st, 2014
Published Jun 10th, 2014
Last Update Jul 31st, 2014

Other Titles in this Series:

  1. Lost into Shadow

    by Lucidenn
    39 Dislikes, 15,896 Views

    King Sombra returns to Equestria, requesting a chance to be reformed like Discord, on the condition that Twilight be his reformer. Fascinated by Twilight's ascendance, Sombra intends to study and corrupt her, but things do not go according to pl


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    Published Dec 26th, 2013
    Last Update Jun 4th, 2014
  2. Path of Redemption

    by Lucidenn
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    The impossible has happened, through all the pain and darkness, Twilight Sparkle succeeded in her impossible mission...mostly. King Sombra is still plenty rough around the edges, but despite being an old dog he's making an effort to learn new tr

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    Slice of Life

    3 Chapters, 6,961 words: Estimated 28 Minutes to read: Cached
    Published Jun 10th, 2014
    Last Update Jul 31st, 2014
  3. Path of Damnation

    by Lucidenn
    27 Dislikes, 8,271 Views

    Twilight has failed, or rather, she has succeeded. Her darkness is her power, and together with her husband, Queen Twilight has a new plan for all of Equis. War is brewing as the black castle rises, and hope is now but a happy memory.


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