

by kilala

Chapter 1

*Anthea’s POV*

I lived in the orphanage on the edge of Ponyville. It was a nice place. The foals there were quite nice too. I couldn't complain. I did wish I had a family though. I would always wonder what it would be like to have a permanent home with a mother and a father. Maybe even a brother or sister. It's too bad my parents didn't want me. They probably thought that I was helpless and wouldn't be able to live up to their expectations or something. I might not have been able to but I am in no way helpless. I guess when you're disabled, ponies automatically assume you can't take care of yourself.

Oh yeah, that's right, I didn't quite introduce myself. My name's Anthea. I'm a unicorn mare and I'm blind.

Anyways, back to the story. Because of my disability, I'd always get special treatment from everypony at the orphanage. Or at least from the ponies who did talk to me. Some wouldn't because they thought I was weird or distant from them which is kinda understandable I suppose. At this orphanage, we had a very nice mare named Mrs. Green Bow, as our caretaker. She treated me the best of all and I really appreciated that. She would spend a lot of time with me, make me feel special and wanted. She was also the one who took on the long and difficult task of teaching me my colors. Although I'm technically blind, I can see just enough to make out colors. It was hard for me to learn them because they would sometimes mix together. But she stuck with me anyways and because she did, I'm really good at picking out colors now.

I loved Mrs. Green Bow but she, like everypony else, did give me really special treatment. Nopony would let me go out on my own, do things on my own, get things on my own; I wasn't allowed to do anything on my own. I knew I was capable of being independent and I was getting pretty tired of everypony thinking that I was helpless. I was getting pretty tired of BEING helpless. That's when this little story takes place. It's around the day I wanted to prove everypony wrong. The day I did prove everypony wrong.

"Anthea?" said the friendly voice of an adult mare. "Are you up dear?" She was all the way down the hallway but I could hear her with my really sensitive ears.

"Yes Mrs. Green Bow!" I replied.

"Do you need help getting ready? You know we're going out today right?"

"Yes ma'am and no I don't need help," I said with a liiiiittle more attitude than I intended.

"Alright, we'll let me know if you need anything. And please be timley. We don't want to be late for this!"

Today was the day all of the ponies representing the Elements of Harmony were going to come together and speak to us foals about friendship. It'd been a while since they all came together here in Ponyville. I imagined they were all busy with their new lives. From what I knew, one lived in Canterlot, one lived in Cloudsdale and was constantly on the road doing shows all over Equestria, three were still in Ponyville and one of them was always busy taking care of her farm and the last one was a Princess. So it seemed like it was a rare occasion to have them all in one place at one time. I had no idea how they managed to stay such great friends after being so far away from each other. But I liked the idea of that. It was like they were a family who stuck together even when apart.

We left the orphanage and headed towards Sugarcube Corner. I thought it was kinda weird that a such an amazing occasion was going to be held in a cupcake shop. It must've been much more special than I thought. We arrived just in time as we had all just gotten seated and trumpets could be heard.

"Fillies and gentlecolts, the Elements of Harmony," said the voice of who I assumed was a stallion in the royal guard. Everyone began to cheer. I could still hear the six of them walking in, plus something else really big. I looked over in that direction so I wouldn't seem oblivious as to what was going on. I heard them walk in front of us and get settled. I was so excited. I'd never met the Elements of Harmony before. Well, except for Pinkie Pie since she would still frequently go to Sugarcube Corner. I ran into her a couple times when Mrs. Green Bow took me there. She was a VERY friendly pony.

"Good morning children!" I knew this was the Princess. She had such a nice voice. It had the same calm tone of Princess Celestia herself.

"Good morning Princess Twilight Sparkle!" we all replied.

"Oh, no need to call me that. We're all friends here," she told us. "Well, it seems like you all know who I am already so I'll introduce my friends. This is Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and....."

"PINKIE PIE! I'M PINKIE PIE!" said the pink pony.

"We get it Pinkie chill out," said the raspy voice of a mare named Rainbow Dash.

"Never! I'm just soooo excited!" she replied.

"Ahem, anyways, we are the Elements of Harmony and this is my good friend Spike the dragon."

"'Sup, kids?" He asked.

"Oh, Spike dear you simply must be more formal than that. We're trying to be professional here," said an obviously sophisticated mare with an accent who must've been Rarity.

"Oh, my bad, I just thought that since they're kids......y'know?"

"Wait, are we even still the Elements of Harmony? We put those things back on that tree like...years ago." Rainbow Dash asked out of nowhere.

"Of course we are. We represent them. We don't need to have 'em to be 'em," said another mare with a country accent who I assumed was Applejack.

"Well sorry for asking a totally relevent question."

"ALRIGHT, back to the magic of friendship guys," Twilight interrupted.

They were definitely a family. So dysfunctional, yet so close. They talked to us for quite some time and we enjoyed every second of it. They told us of their adventures, triumphs and a bunch of other silly stories. All of them came down to friendship and how great it was. At the time, i really wished I knew how great it was since I didn't have too many friends.

After they finished talking, we moved on to the after party Pinkie Pie planned. It sounded really fun but I ended up sitting by Mrs. Green Bow for most of the time. Though I didn't want to be sheltered and wanted to be independent, I was actually really, quite shy.

"Do you want to go talk the the Elements of Harmony Annie?" Mrs. Green Bow asked. I just nodded, but inside I really, really wanted to. We started walking but I didn't know who we were walking to. We stopped.

"Hello your majesty," Mrs. Green Bow said. I could feel her bow so I did the same.

"Hello there. No need for that. It makes me feel like less of an authority figure when you don't. I'd rather get to know you as friends," the princess said. "So, what are your names?"

"I'm Green Bow and this little darling here is Anthea."

"Hi Princess," I replied softly.

"Hi sweetie." She paused for a minute. Appearently I wasn't looking directly at her.

"Oh I'm sorry if she doesn't quite look you in the eye, Princess,"she started. "I'm afraid the poor child is blind."

"Oh, no it's not a problem at all," she sounded a little distant for some reason. I could then feel her looking at me intensely and coming closer. I just stood there not really knowing what else to do. She touched her horn to mine. I got a little startled by this since my horn was pretty sensitive and I had no idea she was that close to me.

"You're... different. There's something special about you," the princess said to me.


"Mmhm, your magic feels very strong. You're a very special pony Anthea."

"Wow thank yo..."

"Princess, I'm sorry to interrupt but you are needed at the castle right away," said a guard.

"Seriously? I was going to spend time with my friends today," the princess said sadly.

"I'm sorry Princess Twilight, but it sounds important."

"Alright," she said, letting out a sigh.

"Do you want us to come Twilight?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah it'll be fun!" Rainbow Dash added.

"That's sweet of you guys, but I'm positive it's a royal matter and only Spike can come," she said as she looked at the guard to confirm. He nodded. "I'll have to catch up with you later."

"Awwwwwww," Pinkie Pie said sadly. "Well, at least the party is almost over. You won't be missing anything here."

"Thanks, girls. You go on and catch up with each other, but we have to all get together soon okay? Promise?"

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" the other five Elements of Harmony said. Twilight giggled.

"C'mon Spike, let's go."

"Bye guys," said the dragon. "Bye Rarity, I'll see you later."

"Bye darling," she replied. I then heard what sounded like a little kiss. That kinda confused me.

"Goodbye everyone!" she said. "And goodbye Anthea."

"Oh, goodbye Princess!" I replied. She left the cupcake shop with the guard and Spike and things returned back to normal.

The party went on for another half hour or so. After that, everyone helped clean up the place and then the Elements left all together. I assumed they were going to go and all catch up with one another. The rest of us headed back to the orphanage after thanking the Cakes for all the food. As we headed back, I had the warmest feeling inside of me. The princess herself thought I was a special pony. If that didn't make you feel good, I don't know what else would.

When we got home I went to my room and began to color in a little sketchbook Mrs. Green Bow had gotten me. It was all I really did in my free time. I don't know why I enjoyed scribbling in that thing so much especially since I couldn't even see what I was doing. As I drew away, I overheard one of the other foals at the orphanage, Hot Head, talking to his friends.

"The Elements of Harmony are so cool! Rainbow Dash is my favorite. She's the awesomest. Y'know, one day I'm gonna be as fast a flier as she is."

"Ha, dream on," said a little filly named Amber Lily, "Nopony is as fast as Rainbow."

"Psh, whatever. You'll see, I'll get there."

"Well you're right about the Elements of Harmony being cool. Their adventures sounded so exciting too," said another colt that went by Lucky Star.

"Hey remember that Tree of Harmony they were talking about? Why don't we go look for it! We can go on an adventure like them!" Hot Head said enthusiastically.

"But that's in Everfree! It's so dangerous. Besides, Mrs. Green Bow would never let us go out there," Amber Lily said. Intrigued by their conversation, I left my room and went to go eavesdrop a bit more.

"Yeah but I think we'll be fine if we're quiet and careful. We're all pretty fast. If we needed to, we could get away. Also, we could get our cutie marks if we succeed!" Hot Head said. "C'mon! We'll just tell Mrs. Green Bow that we're going to the clubhouse or something. As cutie mark crusaders, we gotta do whatever it takes to get our marks!"

"That's true," Lucky said. "Are we gonna tell any of the other crusaders?"

"Nah, they're all hanging out with their families 'n junk. Besides, having too many ponies will make it harder to sneak around."

"Alright, I guess I'm in," Amber Lily said.

"Awesome, we'll leave in fifteen minutes."

"Can I come?" I asked as I walked out of my hiding spot.

"Hi Annie!" said Amber Lily. "Didn't see you there."

"Wait you wanna come? But you're like...blind. Ow!" Amber had punched Hot Head in the shoulder.

"You can't just say that!" Amber scolded.

"Well I mean it's gonna be dangerous Anthea. I don't know if you'll be able to hold your own out there," Luck told me.

"Yes I can! I can do whatever you guys can do!"

"Except see," Hot Head mumbled to himself. Amber heard the colt and punched him again.

"HOT HEAD! Talk about rude."

"I promise I can keep up. A-and if I can't, I'll come back here."

"Well....." Amber started looking at Lucky and signaling for him to help her out.

"Please?" I asked giving them the best puppy eyes could.

"Well I don't see why not. But you're gonna have to stick right by one of us the whole time, 'kay?" Lucky said. My face lit up and I nodded.

"We're leaving soon so we should probably let Mrs. Green Bow know that we're going to 'the clubhouse'," Hot Head suggested. Right on cue, Mrs. Green Bow walked in. "Hi Mrs. Green Bow! We're gonna go to the clubhouse in a little bit. Is that alright?" Hot Head asked politely.

"Soon? Isn't it a bit late?" Mrs. Green Bow asked.

"It's only four," Lucky stated.

"Well I suppose. Just be careful please."

"Yes, thank you!" Hot Head shouted.

"Thank you!" the rest of us said.

"Wait, Annie, you're going with them?" I was kind of scared to tell her the truth knowing how she'd probably reply.


"Oh Anthea, I don't know about that..." she said.

"Please Mrs. Green Bow, I'll stick with them the whole time and I'll be careful! I promise!"

"I just don't want you to get hurt."

"I have just as good a chance getting hurt as they do! And they never get hurt! Why are you giving me special treatment? I'm not helpless." The other three foals didn't say anything. They were probably shocked at my behavior. I'd never acted out like that before. I was just so fed up with everypony babying me. I didn't mean to get as angry as I did but I couldn't help it.

"Anthea please..." Mrs. Bow said, remaining calm. Knowing that she wouldn't change her mind I got up and turned to the three other foals. "Meet me under my window," I whispered. I walked to my room without another word. I locked the door. I felt bad for getting mad and I felt bad that I was about to disobey my caretaker who just wanted the best for me. But this was something I had to do. I waited a few minutes and then I opened the window in my room and jumped out. This wasn't the first time I'd snuck out.

Amber Lily, Lucky Star and Hot Head were outside waiting for me.

"Looks like we got a rebel on our hooves," Hot Head said smugly. "You're pretty cool Annie." I had no clue how to respond to that so I just awkwardly smiled. "Alright, let's head out. Cutie marks, here we come!"

*Speaker change*

"Thank you for walking me to my parents' house Fluttershy, I really appreciate it," Rarity said.

"Of course," Fluttershy replied.

"Oh I'm so happy we're moving back to Ponyville! I love Canterlot but I sure do get homesick every once in a while. It'll also be nice for the kids to get a change of scenery."


"Fluttershy, are you alright?"

"Hm? Oh yes, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You were much more quiet than usual today. You didn't talk at all at Sugarcube Corner now that I think about it."

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't realize."

"What's wrong darling? You can talk to me."

"Well I've just been deep in thought I suppose. Thinking about life."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, after catching up with you guys all together, I realized that I'm the only one of us who doesn't have a family of my own. You all just seem so happy. And I'm happy that you guys are happy. It's just… I guess I'm a little jealous."

"Oh Fluttershy... You know, I've met many fine stallions while up in Canterlot and I'm sure many of them would kill to have a mare like you in their life."

"Thank you Rarity but I'm just not sure if I'm ready for that."

"Hmmm...well that is a problem isn't it? I'm afraid I can't come up with a solution for you at the moment but I'll think of something. And I'm sure you will too."

"Thank you, but don't worry about it too much, you have your own family to take care of. I'll be fine."

"I don't believe you for one minute. How about you don't worry about it too much, hm? We'll think of something. I promise. Besides, you have us. Well it looks like we're here. Thanks again for walking me."

"No problem at all. I'll see you later!" Fluttershy started walking home.

"Mommy, Mommy!" Yelled two little dragon-ponies from inside Rarity's parents' house.

"Hi T! Hi Claire! Did you have fun with Grandma and Grandpa today?"

"Yeah! We went to the park, we played games, oh, and we even got to see Aunt Sweetie! It was so fun......" The child's voice trailed off as Fluttershy got farther away from the house. She lowered her head and continued home.

Fluttershy was almost to her cottage but then she heard the sound of several, small hooves. She looked up to see four foals heading into the Everfree forest. She immediately recognized three of them as some of the cutie mark crusaders.

"What is with cutie mark crusaders and the Everfree forest?" She asked herself as she followed them in.

*Anthea’s POV*

I was really scared. Not gonna lie. I'd snuck out of the orphanage a few times but that was nothing compared to going into the Everfree Forest. I was so scared to the point where I was shaking. I stayed VERY close to Amber Lily who seemed as calm as ever.

"You alright there, Annie?" She asked. "We can go back home if you want."

"I'm fine, just a bit cold."

"Whatever you say."

"This forest is a lot bigger than I thought. Which way do you think the Tree of Harmony is?" Hot Head asked.

"I dunno. You're the leader. You should've brought a map or something," Lucky Star said.

"Hey, don't blame me!"

"It was your idea to come out here."

"Well, you all agreed!"

"True, but you coulda been just a bit more prepared."

"Whatever. We'll find it. Don't worry."

I was pretty terrified now knowing that we were walking aimlessly through a dangerous forest. I was about to ask Amber if she would take me back home, but I held my tongue. I didn't want to seem scared. If I showed the crusaders that I was, well, that'd just prove that they were right about me all along.

We'd been walking for so long that I had lost track of time. Suddenly, we stopped.

"W-what's wrong? Why'd we stop?" I asked frantically.

"Something doesn't feel right," Hot Head said. I could sense the fear in his voice. I had never heard this tone from him. He was usually so fearless and confident.

"It feels like something's watching us..." Amber said.

"What do you mean? Like a monster?" I asked, desperate for an answer.

"I'm not...." Amber was cut off by a loud roar. I heard he other three scream. I didn't scream. I just stood there, paralyzed. I then felt Amber leave my side, which was the worst thing I could have felt at the moment. The three foals had run away in fear while I stood alone in front of a monster I couldn't see.

*Speaker change*

"I can't believe I lost them! They couldn't have gotten that far," Fluttershy said as she looked for the little foals she followed into the forest. Just then she heard a roar followed by some screams.

"Oh no," said the pegasus. The roar echoed so he had no idea which direction to run towards. She jumped up and started flying hoping it would be a better strategy for finding the children. It didn't help much since the trees were so thick and she couldn't see anything below her. However she was able to pinpoint where certain sounds were coming from a little easier. Thankfully, she was able to locate the crusaders, who were running for their lives. She dove down and landed right in front of them. This got them to screaming more.

"Shhh, shhh. It's okay, it's me Fluttershy. Are you kids alright?"

"FLUTTERSHY!" They all shouted as they jumped into her arms. "Thank goodness!"

"Alright, you all seem fine to me. Wait, didn't four of you come in here?"

"Oh no! No, no, no! Annie! I just left her!" Amber said in a voice filled with worry.

"Left her?"Fluttershy asked.

"We were walking to go find the Tree of Harmony and then a monster jumped out of nowhere! We all must've got so scared that we didn't realize we left Anthea!" Lucky explained.

"Where did you guys run from? I got to go find her." Fluttershy said.

"Over there," Hot Head said as he pointed to a very dark pert of the forest.

"You kids go back home now. Just follow this path back to Ponyville, okay?"

"No, we have to find Annie too! It's all our fault that she's lost out there," Amber said.

"Please just go back home. I'll feel much better knowing that you're at home and safe. I'll find your friend, I promise."

"Okay," they all replied in sync. They headed down the path slowly as they looked back at Fluttershy who ran deeper into the forest where Anthea supposedly was.

*Anthea’s POV*

I had no idea what the monster was. All I knew was that it was getting closer. It was so close that I could feel its warm breath. I wanted to run away as fast as I could but I just stood there. What else was I supposed to do? I was sure it would catch me if I did run away. I thought that, maybe, if I just remained still, it would think I was dead and then leave. I stayed there for a while holding my breath, not moving an inch.

This went on for what seemed like hours to me. The monster was still there and I didn't know how much more I could take. What I did next was crazy and was probably the result of the lack of oxygen getting to my brain since I'd been holding my breath for so long. I TOLD the monster to leave.

"Look here mister monster! I did nothing wrong to you and I just want you to leave me alone!" I heard it growl a little and I could sense that we were making eye contact.

"If you just let me go, I'll be on my way home. Please."

It roared right in my face. I didn't realize the stupidity of what I'd just done until then. I began to tear up knowing the hopelessness of my situation.

"Fine! Eat me then! I don't care. Nopony else will care either." The monster kept on roaring. I angered it, that's for sure. Never before had I felt so helpless.

However, just then, I felt a magic well up inside me. It was a new feeling I'd never felt before and I had no clue what it was. I just knew it made me feel....powerful. It was amazing. I could tell things were getting brighter around me. I could only assume it was my magic. I had no idea what else it would be. I felt a powerful surge of magic flow out of my horn. It was so powerful that I'm pretty sure I blacked out for quite some time. The roars of the monster ceased and everything was quiet.

The next thing I heard was a muffled voice. I couldn't quite make out who it was or what it was saying for a while. Finally, I was able to hear the words and comprehend them.

"Are you alright?" Said a very sweet sounding voice. "Please be okay." I tried to speak but all that came out were moans and tears.

"Let's get you home." The voice was from a mare. That I could tell. I was in her arms. Then it felt like we were flying. I could feel the cool, night wind flowing through my mane. I regained consciousness and without thinking asked, "What happened?"

"Oh thank Celestia you're okay," the mare said. "You were up against a Manticore! Do you have any idea how dangerous they can be? On the other hoof, I've never seen a unicorn filly with so much power before. That spell you cast calmed it down right away. You were very brave to do what you did."

"I was brave?"

"Oh yes, but please don't let that get to your head. I don't want you getting into a situation like that ever again."

"Yes ma'am."

"So, your name is Anthea?" The mare asked, changing the subject.


"Well it's very nice to meet you. I'm Fluttershy."

"Fluttershy? THE Fluttershy? The Element of Kindness Fluttershy?" I asked with increasing interest. She giggled.

"Yes, that's me."

"Wow," I said. Shortly after our little introductions we landed.

"Alright, we're out of the Everfree Forest now. You should probably get home now. I'm sure your parents are worried. Er, I could walk you home if you'd like." I didn't even bother telling her that I was an orphan.

"It's okay. Could you just tell me exactly where in Ponyville we are? I'm blind so I can't really tell where I am," I said with a fake laugh.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry! I'll walk you home then!"

"Thank you but it's fine, I can find my way around Ponyville as long as I know where I am. I don't want you worrying about me more."

"Anthea! Anthea! Oh, thank goodness! Are you hurt? Did the monster attack you?" It was Mrs. Green Bow. She and some other ponies were galloping towards us.

"Annie!" Amber shouted.

"I'm fine, thanks to Mrs. Fluttershy."

"Oh thank you Fluttershy. I don't know how I'll ever repay you," Mrs. Green Bow said.

"I actually did nothing. Anthea stopped the Manticore all on her own. She's quite a brave and powerful unicorn if you ask me." Those words made me so happy to hear. Never before had anyone called me brave or powerful.

"Wow! Annie, you took on the Manticore all by yourself? That's so cool!" Hot Head said to me.

"Th-thanks," I replied in shock at all the sudden respect I was getting. It felt good.

"Well we better get back to the orphanage kiddos. We have A LOT to talk about," Mrs. Green Bow said to us.

"Yes ma'am," we all said flatly knowing that we were probably in a lot of trouble.

"Orphanage?" I could hear Fluttershy quietly ask herself.

"Thank you again Mrs. Fluttershy!" I said as I waved to her.

"N-no problem."

Our punishment wasn't too bad. We were just grounded from going out. I thought the punishment would have been worse but I think my temporary disappearance was scary enough to teach us all a lesson. I didn't think about the punishment too much though. After that night, I got so much more respect from my peers and even Mrs. Green Bow. That was all I was asking for the whole time.

A week or two passed since the incident and things settled down in the orphanage. Me and the crusaders were no longer grounded and I was allowed to go out much more. Everything was perfect. However, one morning, Mrs. Green Bow came into my room sniffling.

"Mrs. Green Bow? Are you crying? Are you okay?" I asked her with concern.

"Oh I'm fine Annie. Come with me, I have a suprise for you."

"O-okay." We walked down the hall. I had no idea what was going on or why my caretaker was crying. I followed anyways. We came to the front room where we were met be another mare.

"Hello there Anthea," she said.

"Mrs. Fluttershy?" I looked towards Mrs. Green Bow in confusion.

"Fluttershy and I have been talking for a while and she has been telling me that she is very interested in adopting a certain filly. And you happen to be that certain filly Annie."

"R-really?" I asked. Different emotions that I couldn't explain filled up inside of me.

"Well only if you want me to... I mean if you don't, I understand..." Fluttershy said as her voice trailed off.

"Yes, yes please! That would make me so, so, so happy!" I screamed as I ran to her.

"That makes me so, so happy, too," Fluttershy said as she hugged me.

"Thank you Mrs. Fluttershy."

"You can just call me 'mom' if you'd like." The tears just poured out of my eyes at that point.

"Okay. Mom sounds good to me."

"I'm so happy for you Anthea," Mrs. Green Bow said as she wiped a tear from her eye. "Why don't you go pack up your things so you can go home?" Naturally, in my excitement, I went to my room to gather all my stuff together. Everything was happening so quickly. It seemed so unreal. Shortly after, I came out with my bags.

"Seems like you're ready," Fluttershy said.

"Almost." I went over to Mrs. Green Bow and gave her the biggest hug I could. "Thank you so much for everything."

"You're welcome Anthea," she said. "Oh, I'm going to miss you so much. Make sure you visit okay?"

"I will." I let go of her and walked over to Fluttershy. We headed out the door and said our goodbyes.

"I think you're really going to like it at my house," Fluttershy told me. "There's plenty animals and a lot to do. And it's very safe as well. Oh, I'm so excited that you're going to be living with me now! I used to feel so lonely at home sometimes." I just smiled back at her. I didn't know what to say. I was just as excited as she was. I honestly didn't care what my new home was like. I was just happy to be a part of a family. It was small and one would think it only consisted of Fluttershy but knowing who her friends were made me feel like I was entering something so much bigger.

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