This story is from the point of view of a blind, orphan filly named Anthea. All she wants to do is show that she is capable of taking care of herself. She does something incredibly risky to prove that she is. Will it work? (Adoption story)
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Fuzzy, blurry patches of color. That's all I can see. I wouldn't even call it "seeing". It's quite sad to be honest. Being pretty much blind makes me feel so helpless sometimes. My parents must've thought I was pretty helpless too for them to leave me. I think everyone thinks I'm helpless to some extent. I was so sheltered during my life at the orphanage. I admit, it was nice being taken care of and knowing that I was safe. But I wanted to be more than that filly who would just stay in her room all day, waiting for something interesting to happen in her life. I wanted to take action and prove I was anything but helpless. That lead me to do something no one saw coming...

Slice of Life

5,827 words: Estimated 24 Minutes to read: [Fimfiction.net] [Cache]

1 Chapter:

  1. Chapter 1 [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Dec 10th, 2013
Published Dec 10th, 2013


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