
E-27 S The journal of a runner

by Sir Hat


"It's a canyon!"

"That's...that's a town...unfit for life my ass!" I continued my scanning. Who ever marked this planet as unfit was either an idiot or, more likely, an outright liar.

My scan found several towns clustered together. I figured I'd land close and try to make contact. My hand shot to my gun at the thought of being the first human contact. We've had mixed results in the past but I always wanted to be known for discovering a new race.

My devious grin quickly faded as I remembered my predicament. Getting caught with illegal weapons parts will tend to ruin any chance at fame, at least without the possibility of imprisonment. It felt weird seeing my name and face plastered all over wanted posters. I was just lucky my old captain generously donated a light frigate to my cause. It was amazing how easy it was to turn it from a war machine to a mobile home over the months.

I was brought out of my stupor by a loud whirl from my main console, "Oh shit!" I hadn't been paying attention and almost overshot my landing zone. After a bit of course correction I decided to land near a canyon, a ways away from any towns and a place that I could hide in.

After a bit of precarious maneuvering I managed to seat my ship at the mouth of the canyon. I quickly stood from my chair and started off to the airlock. I grabbed a mask and pulled it on, testing the seal with some smoke and purging it once it was sealed tight. The smell of sterilized air filled my nose as I started opened the airlock.

After a few seconds the ramp outside slammed open, "God damn it...I really gotta fix that." The ramp had been acting up since I stole this thing. I gave it a quick stomp before walking off and finding my way out of the canyon.

I started walking in the vague direction the town was in. Several loud rustled sounded next to me before petering out. Putting my paranoia aside, I hurried my pace and pushed through the light forest. Little by little thatch roofs started coming into view. I decided to observe first and climbed a tree.

Once at the top I finally got a good view. The town was full of bright colored horses. No riders, and it looks like they're talking, "Well...I suppose I've seen stranger things." I mused on my luck, at least without hands they probably don't have guns. That significantly reduces my chances of getting shot, stabbed, taken hostage, or otherwise injured...besides gravity...feels a bit heavier than normal, and I suppose there is always the chance I might accidentally shoot myself like a dumb ass.

I started to climb down when I felt my hood catch on a branch. "Stupid thing...why did I wear this...it's not even cold out!" I yanked my hood free and pulled it over my head. When I pulled my head up I was face to face with a pair of blue green eyes, staring me dead in the face. Normally I'd stay calm when meeting a new race...but I was also about ten meters in the air, "What the hay is a Songhai?"

My mind went blank as I remembered what I painted across the solid steel faceplate I was wearing. Sons of Songhai.

"You saw nothing." I mumbled as I climbed my way down, "Nothing." I added a novelty hiss to accentuate my point. The creature gave me an odd look before slowly backing away. I meanwhile Decided to hurry and simply let go of the tree. seven meters later I was off and running back to my ship. Perks of human eugenics: increased bone density, better physicality, and excellent hair.

I chuckled to myself as I rocketed past the trees. Using my momentum and pulling myself along by the trees. It reminded me of back home, you never really get the same freedom of movement on a ship.

I had gotten so wrapped up in getting faster and faster that I completely forgot where I had parked. I flew out of the trees and flew gut first into the side of the canyon. I quickly tumbled down and landed with a heavy thud. I just laid there in the dirt for a little while, contemplating my stupidity. Flying face first into a mountain at thirty KPH is bad enough, but doing it to myself was just shameful.

Eventually I stood up and dusted myself off. I looked up from where I had fallen. To think, two hundred years ago I would have broken both my legs from that. I felt a smirk grow on my face as I limped back to my ship. I hadn't broken anything but it still hurts to fall from high places.

I made it to the ramp again, but something was immediately wrong. The outside door was closed. I never close the outer door.

I quickly started the cycle and stepped into the airlock. Once the interior door popped open I started looking around my ship. Room by room I searched until I heard blaring music start up in my bedroom. I slowly made my way to it, drawing my gun and getting ready for the worst. I could almost hear the cheesy music from every horror movie I've ever seen as I stacked up on the door. I slowly pressed the button, the door flew up and out of the way just as I peeled inside and scanned the room.

Empty...nothing...something turned on my radio but that is it. "Hey human...what's up?"

I spazmed as the voice grew closer, "Bwah ah! Fuck!" I plastered my back against the hall wall and watched as a horse walked past me and into my room. "You scared the shit outta me damn it...wait...who the hell are you!?" I quickly followed her into my room.

The mint mare quickly jumped onto my bed and rolled onto her back, "Hands go here." She started poking her stomach with a hoof, "Chop chop human...been waiting a long time for this so get to work." She threw her head back and outstretched her limbs.

"What. The. Hell? How did you even get in here- wait...how did you- the ship...doors..." My head started throbbing from this mania, "What the hell is going on?"

The mare rolled onto her side and gave me an annoyed stare, "I knew humans were real...but I didn't think they'd be this dumb.... I'll say it slowly," She exposed her stomach again, "Hands, go, here." She poked her stomach again, "Been waiting for years and I'm not about to miss my chance at this."

I stood in the doorway, dumbfounded from her sheer audacity. "No...how about no, because no works for me."

"Too bad...also I'm moving in. I'll bring my stuff later but yeah...you're not getting rid of me." The mare quickly started rubbing her back across my sheets and throwing her head about my pillows, "Freaking told Bon Bon they'd come."

I blinked hard at this madness, "Get out...now." I leveled my gun with her gut, "Go on...get."

She just glared at me, "Do it...I dare you...do it."

I was caught off guard by her daring, "...Damn..." I holstered it, "Balls of tungsten...so who the hell are you?"

She smiled victoriously, "Lyra Heartstrings, Local anthropologist and xenological expert." Her eyes darted around a bit, "I also play the lyre...."

I furrowed my brow and walked into my room, "Anthropologist...you study humans?" I asked with a bit of a mocking laugh.

She grimaced, she quickly replaced it with a smirk as I felt something pull my leg out from under me. I slammed headfirst into the wall, "Yes...human sightings, trace evidence, radio signals, abduction encounters-"

"Bitch!" I yelled without any direction, "Ow...wait- ow- abductions? So...I'm not the first human on this planet?"

She laughed at my pain, continuing to smooze my bed, "Well...first I've ever actually seen. By the way do you really have two penises?"

I felt the muscles in my face droop, "No...we don't. Why in the love of god would we have two penises?!"

She rolled onto her side, facing me, "i don't know...it's what I heard."

"From who!?"

"From...somepony...don't worry about it." She spread her limbs again, "Seriously now...hands please." I left something drag my entire body over to the bed.

"Whoa what the shit!?" I looked around, a faint gold aura was surrounding me. A quick glance at the horse saw the same aura on her horn. Horn, something I should have noticed by now, "Okay...so...horn...horse...tree...man I'm damn confused."

"Well rub my damn belly and I'll explain things! Geez...you really are dumb."

"Oh I'm dumb!? Sorry if an alien coming into my ship, saying she's moving in, and- did you just ask me to rub your belly?" I returned to reality as my mind processed her absurd request, "Rub...belly...I- what the hell...seriously...what the flaming hell?"

"Are ya gonna do it?"

I could feel my blood pressure spike. "Ya know what...I don't even care...." I undid my boots and chucked them across the room. I quickly put my foot on her chest and pushed her over on my bed. With her clear I walked over to the foot of my bed and fell face first into the mattress. "Smells like body now...." I just buried my face in the pillow and laid there.

I quickly felt my left hand lift up and land on something warm. Deciding to give up I scratched at the hair covered surface, "There we go...a little more...oh~ lower." I didn't actually move. The mare dragged my hand to her gut and I just curled my fingers over and over again.

"I can honestly say I've been in bed with weirder things...is that sad?"

"Hmm? Oh...a little."

"Thanks..." I rolled my head to face her, "So you gonna tell me why the hell you think it's okay to stowaway?"

She seemed to be enjoying my hand rubbing her soft stomach, "Huh? Oh, because you're human."

I ran my tongue along the inside of my lips, "Because I'm human...and that seemed like a valid reason why?"

The mare pouted, "Because shut up. Anyways, did you bring me a present?"

"Did I bring you a present?"

"Yes...why do you keep repeating the question?"

I rolled my face back into the pillow, "No...I didn't. Was I supposed to bring a present for someone I had no idea existed?" I felt something perky on my fingertips and quickly yanked my hand back, "The fuck was that!?"

"Nothing...don't worry about it...." I stared her down, she gave a quick smile followed by a slightly embarrassed blush, "And you should...Hearth warming eve is soon!"

I rolled onto my back, "I don't even know what that is...."

She quickly grabbed my hand and brought it back to her chest, "If I'm right, humans have something similar. Chritmas or something right?"

I stared at the lights on the ceiling, "It's Christmas...and I'm Jewish."

"What's Jewish?"

I yelled some glottal groan. "Can you leave now? Seriously I'll even leave the planet if you want-"

"No!" She screamed, clutching my hand with her limbs, "No...I mean...you should hang out. Please?" She hung her head over mine, showing me her toothy grin.

Seeing an opportunity I posed the universal question, "What's in it for me?"

"What do you want? Cash? I got some bits back home. I'll be your friend...I'll-" She swung her tail across my leg, "I'll be your best friend...or more if you-"

"Oh my god...are you serious?" I groaned, "I mean honestly...you...god damn." I looked around my ship, "Is that why you asked about the penis thing!? What the hell is wrong with you!?"

"Hey it was a legitimate question...and I'm just throwing it out there..."

I grimaced and shook my head, "You can't just leave?"

I felt her wrap her hooves around my head and nuzzle my cheek. And uncomfortable scowl sitting heavy on my face, "Nope...you're my human now. Deal with it."

"So...what's to stop me from taking off and leaving the planet with you in tow?"

Her eyes lit up at that, "Really!? You'd take me with you?"

"That wasn't...that wasn't supposed to be a good thing.... God damn it...this is gonna be like that banana incident all over again." I sat upright and swung out of my bed, "Fine...ya know what...what ever...follow me."

She returned me a beaming smile as I lead her through the corridors of my ship, "Wait...I can do it."

I was about to open a door when she pushed me out of the way and pressed the panel with her hoof. I just shook my head and walked inside, "Spare room...but you're technically crew. Banana incident.... Anyways, I'm trying to hide out for a while so keep this quiet."

She trotted into the plain room. It was odd having a horse almost eye level with me, I was about six seven, foot to shoulder she was about five ten. "Wait...so...you're letting me stay? Just like that?"

I rubbed the back of my head, "Happened before...Banana incident.... It's usually fine unless it's not, and given your knowledge of human, which I expect you to explain at some point, who knows...maybe I'll drop you off on a station when I get a chance."

"Sweet...so...what's the catch?" She stepped onto her new bed and curled up, "You don't want sex...you didn't say yes to money...so what do you want?"

"What do I want?  I want you to shut up, but I'm doubtful that that will happen. Uh...how about you tell me about your people."

She smile wide and levitated a chair over. Great...telakenetic horse. "Sit."

I did. She quickly gave me a broad overview of the town I had landed next to, about ponies, about princesses, and about apples, "...Why you landed in Ghastly gorge is beyond me though."

"Ghastly gorge?" I looked out the window and shudders, "I landed in a canyon."

"We're in Ghastly gorge right now."

"It's not a gorge! It's a canyon! There's a difference!"

"Oh yeah smart guy, what's the difference?"

I was caught off guard by her question, "A gorge...is like a canyon...but.... Shut up." She smirked at her petty victory, "It's still a canyon!" Her smile only grew wider, "Screw you horse! Fuck it, I'm going out...."

I started off down the halls, only to be pulled back into the room, "Not yet," She rolled over onto her back, "More rubbing...then I'll take you into town myself."

"I wasn't even going to go into town, I was gonna go...do something else." I grabbed onto the door frame to stop her pulling me around.

"Oh come on, you know you want to." She wiggled around on her new bed, "Look at my belly, you know you want to rub it."

I let my head fall, "Yeah...I do want to. But see, you want me to...so...yeah, conflicted."

"Let me ask you this," She pulled my over to the side of the bed, "Do you have anything better to do?"

I gave it a quick thought, "Huh...I could get drunk-"

"We could get drunk, then you could rub my belly!" Lyra rolled onto her front at the prospect.

"What is with you and belly rubs?"

"What is with you and not wanting to rub a belly?"

"...I'll get the booze...." I sauntered out of the room and to the mess room. I quickly found a bottle of jeager, "The taste of regret..." I swung the bottle back, "Tastes like...death."

I slowly got hammered as I walked towards the room. The mare had disappeared. I slowly walked into the room, "But...horse in the ship-" I was cut off by a heavy weight landing on my back and making me stumble forward.

"Yoink!" The bottle was quickly ripped from my grasps, "What is it?"

It felt like she was mounting me, an uncomfortable feeling I was unable to stop as I stumbled forward and slammed into the bed. Lyra got off of me and crawled back onto the bed, "Jeager...intergalactic icebreaker, or it might kill you...can you drink alcohol?"

She made a quick farting sound, "Can I drink, you bet your-" She brought the bottle to her lips. Her eyes shot wide as she suffered through the drink, "That was awful."

I yanked the bottle back and sat with my back against the side of the bed, "Jeager is awful." I slammed the drink back, "But it gets you drunk." I threw my hand back and started running it along a fleshy warmth, "What am I grabbing?"

I could hear the bottle slosh around behind me, "Don't worry about it." Her breath was a bit unstable, "So...are you single?"

I just kept rubbing the soft flesh, "Pass that thing back...I'm way to sober for this right now." I quickly felt the bottle back in my hand. I took an elongated hit and felt horrid liquor coat my mouth, "Ya know...I've fucked a few aliens in my life...never fucked a horse."

"I'm not a horse you ugly jerk!"

"Horse! Anyways...I was gonna say...I don't plan to. Not right now especially...so just...shut up and drink." I passed the drink back and went to scratching her belly. I saw the now empty bottle drop to the floor.

It was accompanied by a weight on the top of my head, "I knew you were real...they called me carzy...I'll show em cazy!" I brought my hand back and started feeling around my crown, "Hey...hi hand...I love you too." I tapped the top of her muzzle and let my hand rest there.

"Freaking aliens...never understand personal space. Space...space!" I screamed like an idiot, "I like space."

I could both hear and feel Lyra chuckling. Her laughs were followed by a pair of legs dangling next to my head, "Human...you're stupid. Why are you stupid?"

"Because I allowed an alien onto my ship for the twentieth time. Oddly enough this is the first time they asked me for sex, not the other way around." I gave a long sigh as I laid my head back against the top of the bed, "Sen'ari were the best...lizard people."


"Quiet you." I grumbled, "What's your excuze- excuz- ex...problem?"

She bopped my hand up and down on her muzzle, "They look like little penises. Hands are cool...dragons have claws...so do griffons...they're kinda the same but.... I've been with a griffon...talons hurt too much."

I brought my free hand up to my forehead and started slamming it across my head, "Creepy...I wonder if I was like this with any of em." I mused on it as I slowly drifted to sleep. My arm was slowly falling asleep from its elevated position, but Lyra refused to give it back. It felt like she was chewing on it, or gnawing to be more accurate.

Well, I did want to meet the locals. Kinda unexpected meeting maybe, but still...pet horse now? That has to count for something cool right? Strange drunk thoughts.


A bright light woke me up, "Eugh- Songhai...close shutters." There was a loud ding before the shutters slammed shut around the windows, "Songhai I love you." I chuckled as I prepared to face my hangover. As I tried to stand I was reminded of the sleeping horse perched on my head. Deciding not to argue with the world for once, I slung her over my neck and carried her through my ship, "About...sixty...Songhai: measure weight."

Another ding sounded from the comms, "Total weight one hundred eighty KG."

I had hit it spot on, "Thank you Songhai," I smiled at my guess as I walked into the restroom block. I set the slowly waking mare on the floor of the shower and walked into a toilet stall.

"Where is the what?" Lyra asked, sounding extremely fucked up.

I finished with my morning piss and started undressing while walking back into the shower, "Shower, best way to clear up a hangover besides hair of the dog."

I chucked my pants outside the shower, followed by my shirt and other clothes until I was left standing nude in the middle of the public shower with Lyra staring at me, "I thought you said you-"

I shook my head, "I've showered with an entire ship crew...you learn that it really doesn't matter." I walked over to the shower room panel and queued up a cold shower. I found a plastic chair in the side of the shower and sat back, "This is gonna be cold, three, two, one." I pressed the button from my seated position and was immediately met with a frigid rush of water, "Okay fuck that!" I slammed the panel until the water went from freezing to luke warm. I dare not take a hot shower while hungover, ends up just feeling gross.

Once everything was sorted and the room was spitting out a torrent of pleasing water I just sat back in my chair and tried to enjoy it. Once I opened my eyes again I was being stared at by a mop of a mare, "Can I touch it?"

I scooted back in my chair, "Seriously? And a better question, how, you don't have hands."

Lyra didn't seem to care about logic, simply content staring at me. "So...it's...big."

I backed up into the wall, "Human eugenics is amazing isn't it...almost as useful as human pride." A combination of gene therapy, good breeding, and physical training has given me everything I need to be amazing, yet still my dad had the foresight to bless me with a decent sized pecker.

In a hasty moment of not wanting to be molested right after waking up hungover I scanned the shower wall and found a bar of soap, "Hey catch-" I hurled the soap past Lyra and to the other side of the showers, "Aw, ya missed. Mind walking over there and getting it?"

She smirked devilishly as the bar quickly slid across the floor and behind her. She quickly turned around and bent over, lifting her tail over her head and wiggling her rump, "I just cant get it, no hands. I might be down here for a while, I might never be able to pick it up."

I was face first with a sopping wet vagina convulsing at me. Had I known her better this might have been awesome but as it was it just made me uncomfortable. I quickly crossed my legs and stared at the shower heads that lined the ceiling, "I'm gonna go, do something somewhere else." I walked out of the shower, grabbing a towel as I passed, "I'll be outside."

I hurried to my room, grabbing a pair of pants, an undershirt, any my mass driver. I always did like shooting the thing, only problem was I was never in an open area like this. I checked the machine and grabbed a few magazines and bottles that littered my room. I really needed to clean this place up...maybe I can make the stowaway do that.

I hurried outside, skipping the mask and braving the fresh air. It was some time in the early morning, sun just cresting over the top of the canyon. It felt nice to feel an actual sun on my face instead of the buzzing electrical lights I normally deal with. I wandered into the canyon and set a few bottles down along the wall.

I walked to the other side and took aim. I always liked these mass drivers, a rail gun that shoots a solid steel spike through just about anything.

I loaded the gun and took aim. The shot was thrown straight through the bottle and deep into the side of the canyon. I moved to the next. I took aim at the very tip of it, trying to shoot off the head. I took my time, lined it up, and... "Human!" The voice caused me to jerk the rifle and send the bolt into the rock above.

"God damn mother fucker!" I threw my gun down, "Don't do that! I could have killed someone!" I stood up and turned, about to scold Lyra, "Just because you-" I bumped into a navy horse, eye to eye with me, "Oh."

The dark blue mare smiled at me, "Human, it is good to see another, even if it has been some time." She pulled me agaist herself with one hoof, "Truly we are pleased to see another."

I pushed free and took a step back, "You horse- ponies- people, whatever, have no concept of personal space!" I pulled a long strand of deep navy hair off of me, "What the hell?"

The mare stomped her hooves, "Human, we request assistance. We need to go to the moon!"

I finally got the hair off of me, "You want to go to the moon...whatever! Fine, maybe then you'll stop invading!" As much as I didn't want these things thinking they could just invade and I'd go along with whatever the moon looked barren, barren moon, no people.

I scooped up my rifle and hurried back to my ship, the mare was breathing down my neck the whole time, "Can you back up please?" I held her a step back, "You can come along but seriously stop standing so close to me...might get the wrong idea."

She looked confused at that, "We don't understand."

I shook my head and walked her towards the pilots station, "Songhai: start launch protocols."  A loud ding sounded once again, followed by a loud whirl as the engines started up. As we walked through the halls Lyra peeked her head out from the galley door, "Find a seat, we're taking off."

"Wait wh-"

"Find a seat, we're taking off." Once I was done I pushed her back into the galley and closed the door. I walked backwards and looked over the dark mare, "So moon butt, what's your name?"

"Moon butt?" She looked at her flank, "Ah, we see...humorous. We are princess Luna!"

"And we talk in the third person!" I mocked, once again flying over her head, "Never mind...name's Ryan, find a seat and get ready." I swung around into the pilots seat and started everything up. Once my new guest was seated I took us up and off the ground. Exiting the planet was a breeze, getting onto the moon was even easier. Only a loud ding caught me off guard, "Songhai?"

Luna leaned over to me, "Who is Songhai?"

The ship gave a soft ding, "Songhai: Sh-"

"Songhai: disregard!" Another loud ding, "Songhai is the ship...now, Songhai: what have you found?"

Another ding, "Ship ID signature: C-6291"

"A ship...on the moon?" I looked at Luna, "You knew about this didn't you." She nodded, growing slightly melancholy. "Songhai...find the ship." I let go of the controls and let the ship fly itself. After a few minutes of flying it settled itself down, "Great...I'll go take a look."

I hurried to the airlock and got suited, Luna once again towering over me, "We will accompany."

I shook my head, "There's no air...on that note, Lyra!"


"Don't use the door, we're on the moon!"


I shook my head and finished with my suit, "So, you go wait in-" I quickly felt a hoof plink off my helmet.

"We have been on the moon before human...we are not dim. We wish to...pay respects to a lost friend."

"Whatever." I was more interested in seeing what this ship was now. I started the cycle and was quickly met with the dark void of the moon. I was quickly flung aside as the larger creature barreled past me. Once I regained my footing I followed. Behind a small dune sat an antique ship and a ring of paper hats surrounding a corpse, "Man...I'm really not the first human."

I bounced over and found Luna laying with the corpse, "We have missed you Hastings." She laid her head across the well preserved corpse.

"Wait...did you say Hastings? No way this could-" I looked back at the single man ship, "That logo...holy shit!" I ran over to it and inspected the logo, "Holy shit! Oh my beloved god!" I ran over to the corpse and looked him over. A small tag on its suit read Salem Hastings. I stood there dumbfounded, "This...is...amazing!"

Luna looked up at me, a bit teary, "Human?"

"This guy...this body, ship, all of this. This is worth so much money! I can pay off my bounty, buy a ship, buy a planet! I have to go call this in!" I ran back to my ship, leaving the mare to her grieving. I bounced into the airlock and quickly got inside again, "Songhai find the nearest Miran ship and ping them!" A loud ding confirmed it as I hurried to the cabin. I swung into my chair and started pulling up comms.

Another ding came from the computer, "M.C.S. Munich in range. Connecting."

While the computer connected me to the Munich, Lyra strolled in, a towel wrapped around her head and a pair of boxers strapped to her flank. I did a quick double take and looked her over, "Are those mine?!"

She looked back at her flank, "Yep, question, why do they have a tail hole?" She turned around and showed me her butt. She had threaded her tail through the crotch hole.

I blinked hard and drew my lower lip into my mouth, "That's not a tail hole. That's supposed to be for a penis...."

She looked back at her flank before smiling at me, "It still can be if you want~"

"Eugh..." I turned back to my computers and waited.

"Really human? I mean, not to be pompous, but I'm pretty hot." She sat in the chair next to me, "I mean-"

"For a horse...also, do you not know my name? You keep calling me human...."

She looked at me and rolled her head, "Well, I was just gonna call you Humie the human."

"That's terrible, like if I called you pony the...pony." She cocked an eyebrow at my example, "You get what I meant. Anyways, my name's Ryan." I leaned back in my chair, "So this human thing is a fetish isn't it?"

"A little, still just like em though- you- humans I mean. Bigger than I thought you'd be...in both ways." She smiled again, "Oh don't look at me like that...I found the magazines."

My grimace turned to a scowl, "Why are you looking through my stuff!?"

She stuck her tongue out at me, "Studying. Also, are there really lizard people?"

I leaned back in my chair and sulked, "Yeah...they feel really weird, like oiled leather. Nice people though, one of the few races to not immediately shoot at us." I picked a photo off the pin board I kept in the cabin, "Nice girl." I held the picture out for her, "The nice thing about the universe is, generally speaking, females always have holes, males always have pokers, so you generally know what you're in for."

"Huh...scaly," She levitated the picture back to me, "So why not me?"

I stuck the picture back to the board, "I knew that girl for two months before we started dating. I've known you, a stowaway, a few hours?"

She scrunched up her muzzle, "Yeah but I've been waiting for humans a lot longer."

"Deal with-" I was cut off by a loud buzz from a monitor, "Oh, here we go."

The monitor flashed to life, revealing a slender women in a grey officers coat, a bright orange stripe running down the breast of her uniform, "Captain Messer of the Munich, who are you and what do you need?"

I shoved Lyra aside and got ready to talk, "Captain...I have a proposal. I have a small bounty on my head-"

"A criminal!? Yet you think to call a government ship!? Are you stupid?" She asked as if honestly worried.

"Ow...my pride. Listen I think I found the body of one of the Hastings. You know who I'm talking about, I'm offering the location for a pardon, maybe a bit of spending cash. Confirmation on the body: Salem Hastings, ship ID: C-6291. Death from what looks like suffocation."

The captain looked off to the side and spoke some German, "Ensign, check the records. We will see if you are correct..." A few moments later and the captain was handed something, "Repeat ship ID."

"Charlie, six, two, nine, one."

The captain scanned the paper, "...And the body is intact?"

"It's on a rock with no atmosphere, no decomposition, no deterioration. So we have a deal?"

"And you? I need a name for a pardon."

"Ryan Hannik, ex captain of the Songhai, now AWOL." The captain shouted off the screen again, "And don't get any ideas, you try anything funny and I'll throw the whole set into the nearest star."

The captain furrowed her brow, "Ryan Hannik: one count of joint smuggling, one count of dereliction of duty. The bounty for any returned pioneer... Ja, we will be clean, you're small time mein friend. Consider yourself clean once we arrive. Who knows...maybe we leave some money for you." She laughed, "Frau Messer, out." The console shut off.

"Bitch..." I mumbled, "I'll show her small time- wait!" Right after I said it I could hear Lyra snickering, "Shut up!"

"Hey I've seen your penis, I'm not gonna make fun of it. Even if you do." She snickered as she walked out of the cabin, "I'll be in your room if you need me."

"God damn it." I looked out the main window, Luna was rearranging the paper hats around the body, "She's gonna be mad."

"Wait really? You're okay with it?" I yelled as I laid the body out, "I thought you'd be mad."

Luna shook her head, "He was my friend, but I understand. He truly was a hero, deserves to go back to his home."

I moved the body to a stretcher and started back to the ship with Luna, "Huh, that's really nice of you. So how do you know him?" I pressed the button and started the cycle.

Luna smiled and started telling me her story.

With the body stowed safely, I sat with Luna in the cabin, "He just went to sleep..."

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, "That's...wow...that bums me out." I look at my ships clock, we'd been up here about three hours, "Man, that- I mean...sorry. You ready to go back down?"

Luna gave one long look at the lunar landscape, "We are ready. We thank you for your time."

"Thank me? Oh believe me, you don't need to thank me." I started up the ship and started off back to the canyon, "Alright...we'll land in a bit. So...you gonna be alright?"

Luna smiled at me, "Yes human, we will be fine. We thank you. What will you do now we wonder."

"Wait...the ship I contacted is about a half a year out. So yeah, I'll be around." Before I could continue we touched down, "And back again...god I love this stupid ship." I stood up and started walking Luna outside, "So you think the natives will be excit- oh." As the ramp slammed open, it revealed an absolute horde of ponies watching me.

"We think so." Luna giggled before prancing out and taking off.

I quickly turned away and started jamming the close door button, "Dude, sup." A neon blue mane strolled into the airlock before it shut, "Don't mind me, just a fan."

"Seriously!? Why does everyone think it's okay to come in he-" I was pushed against the wall of the airlock by the new mare.

"Dude...chill, I'm here for the machine."

"And that mak- Can you fix the ramp?" I asked lazily.

She smiled, "You mean because it slams when it drops? Probably just an over torqued drive chain. You got tools?"

My eyes snapped wide at her knowledge, "Okay...so...I'm not looking for crew...but..." I made sure Lyra wasn't around, "You can stay...just fix the fucking ramp please."

She smiled, "Got a place for me?" I nodded frantically and walked her to a free room, "Sweet," She levitated her bags off and tied her mane back. Her glasses were quickly replaced with a pair of safety glasses as she walked back over, "So, we got work to do?"

She went to walk past, but I caught her in the door, "How do you know about machines?"

"Dude I'm the only pony in Ponyville that has a computer...the one they call when the train breaks, and the one with the sickest beats.... That's a long way of saying I'm awesome."

I said nothing, just giving her a quick hug and leading her to the access hatch. I brought her everything she would need and laid them out while she worked, "So...you're really gonna fix the ramp? Cause...either you're gonna break it worse and I will toss you out on your ass or-"

"Got it." She said, pulling her now grease stained head of the the panel. "Like I though, just needed an adjustment." She tossed a wrench aside. She walked with me into the airlock and pressed the button. The ramp eased down before landing with a soft thud.

I turned to her in amazement, "...I wanna have sex with you really bad right now...."

She smirked, "Maybe later dude. You got something to drink?" She bopped the button and stopped anymore ponies from getting in.

"Seriously...say the word and I will go down on you..."

Her smirk grew a bit worried, "Dude...it was just a ramp...."

"I'm just- oh wow I sound like Lyra- I'm just putting it out there.... Anyways...yeah I think I have some soda somewhere." I wandered off with my new greasy, mechanically gifted, friend to find some soda.

I tossed her a can of fruit juice, "Dude I don't give a crap if you're an alien. Just someone to talk to about something besides apples, friendship, and books is enough for me."

I popped open a can of orange soda and leaned against the counter, "See I thought you'd all be backwards hicks, glad to see I'm wrong. How the hell did you learn about machine parts? Scans said this place is a technological deadzone."

She slammed back the can and crushed it under her hoof, "Well...started with a computer. Then I started mixing music on vinyls, then they built the train. Not a lot of ponies like getting dirty, but those who do are pretty good at it."

I covered my face, "Please stop...seriously you can't get anymore attractive."

"Thanks dude but seriously we just met-"

"Look you're the first anything I've met, that had the skills and the knowledge to fix the stupid thing. It's been broken for about a year and now it's not. You could be anything- you could be a sentient rock for all I care.... Anyways...you like machines?"

She chuckled lightly, "Yeah...on that note, anything else need to be fixed."

"Stop! God damn...I mean...I'm sure I could find a reason for you to bend over but really-" I looked around the room, "Ah here," I grabbed a book on basic maintenance for a spacecraft from on top of the fridge, "Just take this and go before my penis explodes."

She sighed, "Fine...but we're talking about computers later!"

"Over drinks?" I asked with a laugh, "Sure..." I stared at her as she walked off, "God damn...figures at least one of them would be useful." Finally alone in my own ship I sat quietly in the galley. "....Can't go outside...Lyra!"


"Can you make the outside people go away?"

"Ponies pestering my human? Oh heck no." I saw her run past the galley door and towards the airlock.

"Huh..." I sipped my drink, "It's not Hanukkah yet is it?" This was working out pretty well and I just got here, serendipity your name is...wait, I never asked her name. That should really be the first thing I do. I wandered off to find the blue haired mare.

Grease stains

200 days until arrival

"Alright..." Vinyl hovered a checklist next to her, "Monday was the ramp, Tuesday was the doors, I fixed the swiveling chairs Wednesday, and yesterday I finished up with the coffee machine. Anything I miss?"

I just sat there, head in my hands, staring at the floor, "God damn it...can we have sex yet?"

Vinyl swatted my face with her tail, "Not yet. Wait...I mean no." She pranced backwards, "Anyways...anything left?"

"Nothing you'd know how to do." I grunted, "I have to change the fuel rods today."

As I stood from the galley seating I walked Vinyl back towards the engine. She looked around as we walked, "So...this whole sex thing...is it seriously because I fixed everything?"

I looked at the floor, "Would you believe me if I said yes?"

"Kinda. So this engine, what are we pulling?"

"Not sure...I know the energy levels. About three Terajoules per rod, fit about four rods in at a time."

Vinyl stopped in the hall, "Wait, wait, wait, rods?"

I walked backwards in the hall, "Yeah, some kind of uranium. I have the whole thing labeled on the actual engine but whenever I change to rods I'm stuck in a hazmat suit so you'll have to watch from the monitoring station."

"Whoa there, you just said a lot of things I don't know...."

We reached the engine and I lead her to the sealed monitoring station, "It's radioactive. Not dangerously so but it will still screw up your genes." I found my bright orange suit and got ready, "You'd think they'd build a robot to do this by now...but nope. I guess they might have them on bigger ships but this one is still manual feed."

I showed her the camera stations and how to use the intercom before heading inside. We were already separated by a thick steel wall after a few moments. I wasted no time in gathering the equipment and pulling out a case one new rods. One by one I pulled out the spent and set them into the disposal area. The new rods slid in quickly, the newer rods were always easier to put in than the spent. The spent usually melt a little at the base and can get stuck, "Dude this is awesome."

I looked up at the camera in the room, "Yep, nothing like white hot fusion." I finished up with the rods and stepped back into the antechamber. A quick shower in some weird solution, a five minute wait, and I was back in the room with Vinyl, "Let me see that list." I walked over and yanked the list out of her bag.

"Dude...that was cool." She gawked at the video as I checked the list.

"Ramp, doors, chairs, coffee machine, fuel...hmm, yeah we're missing something...."

Her head snapped over to me, "What!? No way I missed-"

"We still need to bang...." I scribbled some lewd picture on the clipboard and set it on the nearest clear surface.

"Seriously dude...I'm not that hot...." She started to blush, backing away and hiding it with a hoof.

"Did I say it was about looks? I'll tell you the same thing I told Lyra, you spend enough time on a freighter you learn sex is about who it's with, not how they look....ask Hesha...fucking miss her." Vinyl tip toed about uncomfortably, "Anyways...we'll talk about it in the shower, you're greasy and I smell like the inside of a sock so come on." I started pushing the apprehensive mare through the halls and towards the showers.

Once we were in I pulled her bags off her back, tossed em clear of the showers, and got undressed myself. Vinyl stared at the shower heads, "Dude...do you need to be in here?"

I hurled my boots across the room, "Look, even if I didn't want to wreck that ass, I actually need a shower...did you see that suit? It smells like a gym sock." I finished getting undressed and hurried to the shower panel, "Three...two...one." I set the shower to full blast at about thirty degrees.  The room filled with steam immediately, "See? Can't even see a thing."

"I guess!" Vinyl called from somewhere in the room, "So...can I ask a serious question?"


"Why do you really not want to have sex with Lyra, but still want to with me. Cause...she's been asking about it."

I wandered around the shower with a bar of soap until I found Vinyl, "Yo, soap." I tossed her the soap. She quickly brought it against her grease stained neck, "You really want to know? Because she asked me...call me a weirdo, but I like to be the one to kick things off...that, and she's kinda weird."

"You're kinda weird." Vinyl retorted with a laugh, "Is that really why? Cause that's how things usually work here."

I grabbed the soap away from her, "Yeah well...call me weird then. What about you, you've been here a week, you've fixed half of what is wrong with this ship, you've got into the good graces of her captain, and still, nothing. What's up with that?"

Vinyl rolled her head around, her wet mane flopping about, "Isn't there some rule military types have...I saw that sword you have in your room."

I thought back to it, I always kept an old saber in my room. "Ex military...long story behind that but I kept the thing as memorabilia. So technically yes we do have rules against fraternization, but I'm not military anymore."

Vinyl looked me up and down, "I don't know dude...Lyra would be all mad and-"

"Lyra won't be mad...she'll get hers, even if it doesn't end up being me I'm sure some drunk crewmen will come along in that ship." I walked over to her, "Tell me how I can make this happen, and I'll do it."

She stared into my eyes, "This gonna be a thing or we doing this once?"

I smiled, "Who knows...let's not limit it to a one time thing...but let's not tie each other down. Figure it would be casual sex at most...so...is that a yes?"

"You'd better keep my happy is all I'm gonna say...I fixed everything, I can break it too." She yanked the soap from my hand and sauntered off to another part of the shower, swinging her hips and flicking her tail as she went.

"I get the feeling that was supposed to be provocative...was it?"

"Killing the moment dude...I'll wait in my room." Vinyl said as she disappeared into the fog.

I hurried to find another bar of soap and clean up.

I grabbed a few things from my room and started off down the hall. I was almost in the clear when I was blindsided by Lyra, "Ryan...hi...."

I could feel her eyes scanning me, "Lyra...hello...."

Her tail swished about in my stolen boxers, "Gonna go have some fun?"

"Not that it's your business...but yes."

Lyra just frowned, "You have weird taste in mares."

"Yes...yes I do. You gonna make this a big deal?"

She rolled her eyes, "Just remember you owe me." She started walking away.

"What the hell do I owe you for!?"

Lyra let her tail ride up angrily, her nethers covered by the pilfered boxers, "Teasing me."

I shook my head angrily, "Tell ya what, when the Munich gets here I'll hook you up with more humans than you can handle, deal?"

She stared back over her flank, "We'll see.... Anyways, you still wanna go into town tomorrow?" She hit the switch from bitter to happy so fast, it really was miraculous.

"Uh...sure? Fridge is getting empty so yeah sounds good." I stared at her smiling face, "So...you're not mad about this- me and-"

"Oh I'm livid. But we're still friends, right." She asked with a growl.

"Friends is a strong word...but yeah...why not." We stared at eachother for a bit before laughing, "Seriusly you're not mad?"

"Eh...you let me steal your clothes without much of a fight so I won't begrudge you for sticking it in a mare. Better than being a stuffer." With that final bit of charm she walked off into the galley.

"What's a stuffer?" I asked myself, walking towards Vinyls room.

Vinyl was laying on her bed reading some heavy metal construction book, "Dude...what's in the bag?"

I tossed by pack down, "Lube...before you laugh I've found that it always helps to have it."

She snickered before taking her glasses off, "What flavor?" She had an excellent poker face before bursting out laughing, "For the record though...I'm not some old mare that needs lube."

I pulled the bottle out and sat next to Vinyl on the bed, "Hey you're a mechanic, DJ, pony...thing...anyways my point is machines work best when well lubricated."

She suppressed a laugh, "You saying you're a machine?"

"No...I'm just saying it can't hurt." I started getting undressed. She quickly tied her mane back and rolled onto her side.

"Hey before we start...no puns...no drop that ass, or let me screw you. You make a pun and you'll be on the back burner for a month."

I finished getting undressed and made my way to her flank, "One before we start then. My bolt's gonna nut in your screw hole." Vinyl stared at me, her gaze unwaveringly stoic before suddenly busting up.

"Okay Mr. clever, how about you put that mouth to work on something productive." She rolled onto her back and spread her legs, "We doing this we do it my way."

I rolled my eyes and lowered my head between her legs. A few passes with my fingers sent her breath ragged, "So what am I in for?"

She looked down at me between her legs, "What?"

"Taste wise. It's not gonna stop me but I'd like to know." I ground my thumb into her blub, causing her to toss her head back hard.

"Why would I know!? I've never tasted my own vagina...."

I held her nub between my fingers and rolled it between them, "Not saying you you've never done it?"

Vinyl's legs nearly clocked the side of my head, "Shut up dude- fuck!"

"Guess I'll find out." I let her nub go and spread her lips. The words sloppy and inviting clashed in my head. Deciding it would be best to stop thinking so much, I dug straight in. The taste was strangely sugary, a slight bite to it, but mostly sugary. I dug in and let my tongue ride up her entire sex, letting it dig into her hole and flick against her nub.

I sank my fingers into her and work them around while I suckled on the upper half of her sex, being sure to keep my tongue on her button. I looked up her body to find a bright red streak riding her half concealed face. Her eyes watching me until a certain soft spot sent her eyes rolling back into her head.

With a bit of arrogant pride I jammed my fingers in to the knuckle. A bit of squishy poking later and I could feel her legs curl around my head, sex twitch, and entire body shudder. My fingers we quickly soaked as I pulled my head back, "Whoa there."

"Oh fuck..." Vinyl moaned, hugging a pillow to her chest.

"Hold on there girl...we're not done yet." I got to my knees and scooted my groin towards her's. I wasted no time in lining myself up with her once battered sex and poured some lube between our parts. Once it was nice and slick I slowly sank it in. I let my hands slide up the side of her body and let my hands rub her sides as I entered her.

The combined effort nearly sent the mare off again. Her legs wrapping around my back and drawing me in, "God damn...you alright?" I asked the nearly crying mare.

"Luna's great spotted ass...that was...different...." I took that as an okay and started slowly thrusting, "Fuck- fuck- fuck- fuck!" With that final fuck she bit the pillow before throwing her head back and letting me work. Even while my thrusts must have been ruining her, each time I ran my hands along her sides she would arch her back, twitch under my touch, and moan into the air.

My thumbs traced up and down her stomach as I pushed in and out of her. As I hit her insides my thumbs would crest along the bottom of her ribs, as I pulled back they would run along her lower stomach and what I guessed were teats.

As Vinyl started riding out her second orgasm her legs went limp, popping up past her hips as I slammed forward and falling back once I had hilted. It brought a smile to my face to see her writhing under me but I needed to finish this up.

I quickened my pace, bringing myself near the peak and holding out as long as I could as a railed myself against her wet vise. Each slam forward was easy, each pull back was met with such a grip I had to actually put some effort into digging myself out. But that also meant as I did, each control of her insides massaged my cock and brought the inevitable closer.

I held on for dear life as I slammed myself inside her one last time. I held on as long as I could, fighting against her twitching sex as I tried my damnedest to hold out, "Fucking fuck fucker!" I yelled, pulling back, shifting my grip to her thighs and slamming in and out of her with woeful abandon.

Vinyl had no idea what was going on anymore, her head back, mouth open, forelegs wrapped around a pillow, back legs flying free as I finished with style.

I slammed hard, lifting Vinyl's backside up as I showered her insides. I moved my hands to her lower stomach and rubbed small circles around her muscles, "Holy shit...." I grumbled as I slid out, "Fuck- different...not the word I would use."

"Dude...are my legs still there...I can't feel em."

I laughed as I grabbed her back legs and shook them about, "Nothing?" I move my hands to the soft parts of her hooves and rubbed them, "Not even this?"

She twitched weakly as I worked her hooves, "Dude...stop, no more. Please no more- ah~" She bucked once before going completely limp.

A bit winded I tucked the mare into bed and went to find something to drink.

"Lyra...hello." Lyra walked into the galley, "Juice?" I tossed her a juice bag, "Some alien shit so be careful, got an emergency kit if anything goes wrong."

Lyra magically caught the bag and looked it over. She found the straw and jammed it in, "What's in it?"

I looked at the bag, "It's kind of like...citrus...but not. Kinda bitter with some weird acidic taste. It's good if you like...lime...and grapefruit...and...lemon, oranges, and omila without the sweetness."

Lyra gave me a dodgy look, "What's an omila?"

I finished my juice, "It's like a sweet and sour melon. Really good with eggs and toast." She cocked an eyebrow, "Hey if you're not gonna drink it then I will."

Lyra stared at the juice before jabbing it with the straw. She gave a single suck, her eyes lighting up and spurring her to suck the entire bag dry, "Shit...it will not love you the more you suck it....Stop."

Lyra finished the juice and threw it in a bin, "Okay...so...there's more right?" I nodded and tossed her a new bag.

"To juice..."

Lyra nodded and started ravaging the bag, "To juice!"

Vinyls are an outdated format

194 days until arrival

"Droppin space knowledge..." I grumbled as I spun around in a galley chair, Lyra had been asking me about the Munich, "From what I remember from class...it was some city. The Germs love their nostalgia."

Lyra tapped the comms console, "So...I...uh...Germs-"

I could tell something was wrong, "Lyra." I grunted, "What did you do?"

"Nothing!" She continued with the console, "Okay maybe something..." She hit a button and up popped a stranger staring into it, "Ryan...meet Jan."

"Jan" Looked around the screen, "Hello." He waved at the screen, speaking with a very soft dutch accent.

I stared at Lyra, "Okay...so what the hell is this? Who's the kraut?"

"I'm not Germ-"

"I found him on Friday...we've been talking since. You've made it clear you don't want to be in a relationship so-"

I pushed Lyra out of the way, "Yo...Jan, who the hell are you?"

"I am Jan Granger...I work in the main gun of the Munich. Did you need something?"

I stared at him, "What are you...you speak English. Why are you talking to her?"

Jan shifted slightly, "I am Dutch, born on Traxis, raised on the Kepler."

I leaned into the console, "You like the guitar?"

Jan looked confused, "Yes? I play when I have free time."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "You're alright..." I leaned away and let Lyra back into the picture, "Lyra...don't use the main comms." I pulled an uplink off the wall, "Take this...go to your room. And don't flash him right away, make him wait a week."

Lyra cocked an eyebrow before taking the uplink with a smile, "I make no promises." She tilted her head up and pranced out of the room.

"Oh...well that wen-" I turned off the main comms.

"Shut up Dutchmen." I kicked my legs up on the copilots seat, "Goy weirdo."

Vinyl walked in, looking behind her at the prancing Lyra, "Two questions, what's a goy, and what's with Lyra?" She pushed my legs off the chair and took a seat.

"Uh, the Dutch are goy."

"What's a Dutch?"

I shook my head and looked out the window, "Don't worry about it...anyways Lyra's got a...I don't know what to call it. She's talking with some guy on the Munich."

Vinyl started laughing, "Well that's good, less competition." She poked my stomach, "Speaking of your stupid ass, you wanna go into town?"

I straightened out my jacket, "Eh, why not. You got a plan?"

She nodded, "Lunch, then maybe hang out at the club, hang out in the VIP area if you're good."

I popped my eyes open and craned my neck, "Sounds good. Should I bring something to trade or you gonna pay?"

"I was gonna ask about that, what you been trading for stuff?"

I stood up and started walking out of the cabin, "Some crystals and old coins from some trips I went on. Some white chick wanted to buy em all."

Vinyl rolled her head, "White mare, besides me there's...Rarity? She made my hair ties."

I went into my room and found a bag of stones, "Wait, so what does she do?"

Vinyl shrugged, "She makes clothes and stuff, anyways we-" As we waited in the airlock a sudden cold started seeping into the chamber, "Aw dude!"

As the ramp settled down a chill ran through me, "What the hell? Snow?" I walked down the ramp, rubbing my arms and trying to fight the bitter cold, "It was sunny yesterday."

Vinyl wasted no time in charging out and prancing about in the snow, "I freaking love winter!"

"Uh...Vinyl..." I walked out into the snow and grabbed her side, "You're acting like a- filly."

She blushed hard and started walking away, "I like winter, don't judge me." She bumped me with her flank and started walking down the path into town, "So you ever going to move into town? Walking from the gorge is a pain."

"Canyon." I mumbled angrily, "I don't know, maybe." I took her side as we walked, "So, how did it snow this fa-" A yellow streak cut through the sky, scattering snow as it went, "Oh. Well then."

Vinyl smiled, "You should get out more, don't even know about weather ponies." I gave her ass a quick slap in retaliation before taking a swift kick to the shin and shutting up. We had a, mostly, nice walk through the woods.

"So do I measure you from the foot to forehead, or foot to horn?" I asked Vinyl, "Cause you're tall regardless, but I'd like to know."

Vinyl bopped her head about, "Foot to forehead,"

I grabbed Vinyl to stop her, "Hold up." I stood next to her and compared our heights, she was about eye level with my chin, "Yeah so you're just tall. I mean...I'm tall, like six something, you're at least six foot."

She cocked her head and shrugged, "Eh,"

I started laughing, "Eh?"

"Eh." She walked off into town, several ponies glancing at me before walking off, "So what do you want to eat?"

I waved back to several ponies before realizing what she said, "Oh, I can eat anything."


I coughed once, "Yeah...maybe not that. Something I can digest would be best." I looked around the area, "Pick somewhere, I'll find something."

Vinyl frowned before pushing me towards a shop, "Find some seats, I'll find something." She pushed me into the shop and started towards the counter.

I dusted myself off and found a pair of seats. I could feel a lot of eyes on me, even three fillies staring at me through a window. I tried to ignore them as they gawked, "Hey!" One called through the window, "Hey! Human thing, hey!" They started tapping on the window, "Hey!"

I slowly turned to the window, "What?"

The trio just stared at me, "Nothing." They just kept looking at me. Even when Vinyl brought something over and set it in front of me I was locked in a staring match with the orange one, "You look funny."

"And you're a horse." I retorted, grabbing around the table, eventually finding a piece of toast, "Can you stop staring at me?"

The white one of the group slowly backed away, dragging the yellow one with her. Now it was just me and the orange one, watching eachother through the window, "What's your name!?" She yelled, tapping on the window again.

I looked at Vinyl, she seemed to be very amused at the situation, "Vinyl a little help?"

She shook her head and buried her muzzle into a cup, "You're a big guy, you really need my help dealing with a filly?"

I grimaced at her before turning back to the window. The orange girl had pressed her face against the glass. "You wanna come inside?" I asked with an annoyed throw of my hands, "We got room!" I pointed to the seat next to me. The orange girl looked at it before slowly walking away, "Damn kids." I turned to Vinyl and ate some toast.

I could hear Vinyl snickering behind her mug, "Shut up...why are you still wearing your glasses? It's freaking snowing out!"

She stuck her tongue out at me and finished her coffee, "Because I can,"

I shook my head and finished off the simple lunch, "Still weird though-" I mumbled.

"The spaceman is calling me weird? Seems a bit hypocritical." Vinyl levitated a half finished piece of toast off my plate and ate it, "You were done right?" She asked with a face full of crumbs.

"Well not really but doesn't matter now." I slid out of the booth an waited for Vinyl by the door, "So where we going now?"

Vinyl didn't answer, instead she pushed me out the door and started walking. I begrudgingly followed, I could see the trio from before watching from a distance.

"Okay so where are we?" Vinyl strolled open to an unassuming building, "This where you live?"

She wiggled her head, "Sort of? I've been staying with you for a while but yeah, I lived here." She hit the lights and revealed a large dance floor, "Welcome to Club Scratch."

I walked in and looked around. It looked like any other club you would see on any planet or station. Granted it looked cleaner than any club I've ever been to, "Club Scratch...cause you're name's Vinyl, clever. Vinyl Scratch...heh."

"Oh shut up!" She bumped me into a wall, "Take a look around, I'll be in the back office when you need me." She hurried away and closed a door with a sign on it behind her.

Alone in the club I wandered around. I snagged a bottle of alcohol from behind the counter and went behind the booth. I took a swig before flipping through the vinyls.

I put one on the deck and tried to figure out the machine. I was more comfortable handling any women than I was with this stupid machine, "I miss Songhai." I fiddled with the knobs and sliders, trying to figure out how to turn the damn thing on, "How the hell. Ass, ass, ass, balls." I grumbled at the booth, "Vinyl!? Help me!"

"Dude what the hay are- dude." She hurried over and started laughing, "What were you trying to do?"

"I don't know!" I pointed at the machine, "Why would you leave me near tech I have no idea how to work!"

She moved me out of the way and fixed her setup, "You're a space dude, you can't figure out how to work a DJ booth!?" She put the vinyls away, "You're a wreak. Come on." She pulled me along with her magic. A bit of dragging later and we were in a side room with a sofa, "I just can't leave you alone can I?"

I shook her grip off and flopped onto the couch, "I guess not. Stupid machine."

She sat next to me, "Don't blame the booth." She wiggled around on the couch, "So...we...are we gonna-"

I cut her off with a quick kiss. She quickly returned it in full. It turned into a quick game before she moved around and straddled me. Her entire weight was balance on my groin as she ground herself up and down my crotch.

Her hooves wrapped around the back of my head as my hands found her sides. I rubbed softly as we fought with out tongues. Her tongue was a lot wider than mine, managing to worm its way around my teeth, filling my mouth, and fighting my own. Luckily enough her tongue wasn't quite as strong as mine, I managed to pin her's down and force my own into her mouth.

I quickly pulled my arms up and pushed her back with a sloppy pullback. Her face was bright red, tongue hanging out, breath already a bit haggard, "Wait a minute..." I looked at her lips, "Are you-" I licked my lips, "Lip balm?"

She smiled before pulling me back. I kept my eyes open as I watched her move. She was dry humping my tented member, moaning into my mouth, trying to force her entire tongue into my mouth.

I added to her fun by sinking deeper into the couch and giving her more of me to rub herself on. I traced my fingers down her spine and dug in near the start of her tail. She shot back away from me, saliva trailing between us as her tongue flopped out. I drove forth and sucked on her tongue. Each time I traced the tip of my tongue along the center of hers she would squeak. As I would suck, she would moan, each tug was met with her hooves tightening around my head.

I slid my hands up and down her sides as she rode my crotch. I let her tongue go and jammed my own into her mouth. The taste of toast and coffee filled my mouth as the warm taste of peaches rode her lips.

I move my right hand up and pulled her glasses off, putting them on my forehead. I tickled her tongue with my own before nipping at hers and dragging my teeth along her tongue, finishing with a moan and a sloppy break off.

"Du-dude..." She scooted her body forward, resting my tip between her cheeks. She leaned over my head, "Okay...you've earned this." She pushed off of me and sat on the floor, "Get em off."

"Nope...not yet." I turned and laid along the couch, "Mount up."

Vinyl gave a devious smile before climbing up and landing her rump on my chest, "This good?"

I slid my hands down and pulled myself free of my clothes, "Almost, needs one more thing." I slid her glasses down over my eyes, they fit horridly but would be fine for blocking her juices. To give her the green light I planted my hands on her hips and pulled her apart.

As I played with her sex Vinyl took me into her mouth. The fleshyness mixed with the excessive saliva made it a wondrously warm experience, "Shit-" I grunted. Vinyl must have enjoyed my reaction. She pulled back, keeping her lips around my head and flicking my tip with her tongue like wild.

I could see drops falling onto her glasses as I pulled, twisted, squeezed, and stretched her sex. The warm twitch around my fingers completely reminded me of what my cock was buried in. I exhaled against her sex, causing her to twitch and bat her tail around my head.

I lost control of my hands as she slowly took me into her mouth fully, swishing her tongue around as she got down. Eventually her tongue pressed against my balls. I pushed my thumbs into her sex and spread her, a dark view of her insides greeted me.

I played around like an idiot while my tip entered her throat. Fleshy spasms squeezing my tip, a strong liquidy suction rushing past my base, her warm tongue swinging across my balls.

My leg started twitching as she pulled away, the entire liquidity warmth dragging from my base all the way to the tip before being drolled down my length. I felt a hard sensation teeter my member, "You wanna cum?" Vinyl asked seductively, "You wanna cum in my mouth? You wanna cum on my face, your warm sticky coating my face, you wanna give me your cum?"

"Oh you kinky bitch." I groaned, my member bobbing at her touch, "You'd like my cum wouldn't you? Wanna taste it? Wanna feel the warmth in your mouth?"

I felt her take my head back into her mouth. Her tongue pressed against the bottom of my tip as she stroked my rod with her hooves, hard of her hoof mixed with the slick saliva coating it worked oddly well. As I felt my eruption start she pulled her hooves away. My orgasm built up in my base from the sudden loss of stimulation. For a few moments it felt like it would settle down, but like a flash I felt the energy rush up and explode out. Each twitch made better by the wait, each spurt sent the mare moaning, reverberating through my length.

My right hand flopped against my chest, my left fell off the side of the couch. My member was sucked cleaned before falling against the side of my leg as the mare enjoyed her liquid meal, "See, this is why I let you do this." Vinyl sat upright on my chest, "You taste like- I don't know, salty, but savory. It's good."

"Like the taste of meat? Well..." I sat upright and rested my arms on her rump, "Feel free to take a taste whenever." I took the glasses off and held them for her.

Vinyl levitated her glasses over and gave them a lick, "Hm, am I a good lay?"

I played bongos on her bum, "One of the best."

She smiled as she pulled her glasses on, "And that is why I let you touch me. Gotta say, completely worth the sex."



175 days until arrival

I squeezed Vinyl's thigh, letting my fingers trace along the short hair on the inside of her thigh, "Time to get up." I grumbled, pushing off the bed, "Too cold. Songhai set temperature to seventy eight degrees."

A loud ding and a rush of warm air washed into the room, "Hmm?" Vinyl rolled around, looking at me with her gorgeous red eyes, "What?"

"Gonna get up?" I threw the covers off of me and onto Vinyl, "I'll get some breakfast and hop in the showers, you want anything?"

Vinyl gave me a bleary look before rolling back and pulling the covers over her head, "Juice."

I nodded and shook out my limbs, "Alright. No food?"

"Juice." She grumbled from the pile of sheets. All that was left of her was a faint outline and a bedraggled blue mane, peeking out of the top.

I let out a long yawn and stretched out, "Yep, juice it is." I walked lazily through the halls, walking into the galley and finding some juice. I grabbed the packs and started heading through the halls. I stopped dead when I passed Lyra's room. I could hear some soft moaning and decided to call her out. I pressed the button and sent the door up into the machine, "Lyra."

She was grinding on her bed before snapping her head to me and freezing into place, "Ryan...hi."

I grabbed a juice bag and punctured it, "So...good morning?"


"Having some fun?"

She stared at me hard, "Yes."

I started laughing as I leaned into the doorway, "Any particular reason or-"

"...dark..." A muffled voice rang out from between her legs.

I shot back and tried my best not to laugh, I could feel my eyes tearing up as I turned away, "Holy shit...."

"Shut up!" Lyra screamed as she started off after me. She started jamming the button, causing the door to slam into me over and over, "Go away! Private conversation!"

I held the door in place above me, "Not much of a conversation." I turned to her, she was glowing bright red, "Man...hey Jan!"


Lyra swung her head back to the now damp communications uplink, "Jan!"

I cringed and tried not to laugh, "Shit...I can't-" I lightly slapped Lyra's cheek, "Go finish your show, I'm gonna go, have actual sex." She pulled her head away and tried to bite my hand, "Hey calm down. I'm going." I stepped away and let the door close.

I strolled my way towards my room. Vinyl still kept her things in her quarters but she's been sleeping with me for a few days now. By far one of the best times I've had with a girl in years. Plus her taste in music is pretty good. Not a huge fan of dubstep but I have tons of techno and electric saved on Songhai's computer.

I reached my room and hit the button, the door slid upright, revealing Vinyl wrapped up like a nomad with the blanket, "Ehhh." Vinyl whined, "Ehhh-eh-ehhhh." She kept groaning, falling onto the bed and rolling around. She finished by pouting off the edge of the bed, "Eh."

I walked over and held a juice bag for her, "You sound like a sheep." I sat next to her.

"Ehhh-" She jabbed the juice and sucked the straw into her mouth, "I don't like morning...and be careful, you make me mad and I'll do it all the time."

I finished my juice and crumpled it up. I threw it near the trashcan and stood up, "Man...Songhai's a mess." I looked around my rather dirty room, "I'm gonna get a shower, you want me to keep the water running?"


I nodded and started stripping as I walked into the showers. I started it up and enjoyed the water, "Songhai..."

A loud pop sounded from the speakers, "Yes Ryan?" The voice sounded a bit off.

I let my head fall, "Damn it Songhai, do I need to reset your memory again?"

After a few seconds Songhai broke the lie, "Screw you." The female voice spoke calmly, too calm for what he was saying, "Why is it that every time I remember who I am, you say that?"

"Because I don't like talking to a gender confused machine!" Songhai's voice was a synthetic women's, but he called himself a man whenever his AI started to remember what it was, "Look...behave this time before I lock down your systems, anyways...scheduled an enema for stall two."

A loud ding sounded from the speakers, "You would like to have me in your ass."

"Not my ass ya damn space computer, thing."

After a moment the horridly feminine voice spoke again, "Oh, you want to send me into your girl? I won't complain, popping her black cherry."

I cringed at his vulgarity, "I could always just tear out your voice synthesizer, also, you're not a man, you don't even sound like a man...you sound like a lesbian." I finished with my shower, "Just lock all the other stalls and make sure you clean her up."

"Gonna toss her salad? Filthy animal."

"So...you like being able to talk? Then you shut your fucking computer face!" I walked out from under the water and grabbed a towel, "I hear anything bad about you and I will wipe your memory back to default! You won't even remember where you were made!"

"Fine, who am I to judge the man who sodomizes horses?" I ignored him- her- it, and sat on a sink. Vinyl walked in a bit later.

"Where you waiting for me?" She asked, walking into the water, "Gonna watch my sexy flank?"

"I'm just here for the show."

She cocked an eyebrow, "Show?"

"Don't worry about it. Just remember Songhai can dry you off in seconds in a stall."

"Hmm, sure."

Vinyl finished up with her shower and walked into the stall, "Ryan are you waiting for me the whole time?"

"You'll see."

"Ryan you're being- whoa! Ryan...I think some th-ing! Oh my gosh! ahhh- ah! What's going on-non non non...ahhh~" I smiled my devious smile as Vinyl endured her little adventure.

"I'll be in the cockpit."

Vinyl waddled in and sat next to me, "Ryan...what was that?"

I stared at the main console, "Something so I can do something without getting sick...."

"With my butt?"

I grabbed the throttle and started turning on the ship, "With your butt." I pulled back hard and took off.

"Dude! Where the heck are we going!?" Vinyl leaned back into her seat, "Why are we moving!?"

"Because I haven't had fun in zero gravity in a while...and by fun no, I don't mean just sex, I mean fun." I waited until we were in high orbit and let us drift, "And, gravity..." I pulled up the sequence and turned it off. Slowly everything that wasn't mounted started drifting to the left. I pushed out of my seat and flew into the hall, "Wooooo!" I yelled, spinning around the hall outside the cockpit, "Vinyl! Spin!" I looked back at Vinyl who was doing the pony paddle, trying to move.

"Ryan! Ryan! I can't move!" I flew back in and grabbed her leg. I pulled her weightless form along through the halls and pulled her into an empty crew room, "Ryan...this is weird."

"Push off the walls, man, I just realized you're feet aren't magnetized. First thing they should do is make some proper suits and gear for you guys." I reached down and clicked a button on my boots. I flew to the ceiling and stood upside down, "Anyways..." I walked bulkily over and grabbed Vinyl by the tail, "After this I'm sure you're love zero-G."

"Ryan I don- ah!" I pulled her tail up and out of the way and ran my finger along her doughnut, "Dude- it's not clea- oh...still I don't thi-" I poked my finger just into her, "Ah! Hey!"

Vinyl tried to paddle away, her body still straight with the floor while I was standing on the ceiling. I pulled her flank up and poked her with my tongue, my view a perfect unobstructed look at Vinyl's sex.

I wrapped my hands around her thigh to hold her in place as I pushed my tongue into her, "Oh~ Ryan I don- oh~ squishy."

I made sure to set my apprehension aside and let her hole squeeze my tongue. I dug in as deep as I could and worked my tongue around. Vinyl started moaning as wiggled it around in her, "Ryan ho- oh my gosh. Fuck!" I pulled my tongue out and watched as her sex twitched in front of my eyes. I jammed my fingers in and spread her button, "Oh- fuck!" She let out a drawn out moan as she came, her juices shooting out and floating past me.

With some quick hand motions I spun her around and pointed out her floating juices, "Did Vinyl came? Did little Vinyl Scratch cum in space?" I caught it with my hand, "Does little Vinyl wanna cum again?"

She stopped panting just long enough to shoot her neck out and take my fingers into her mouth, "Yes daddy, little Vinyl wants to cum again, in space."

I smiled and swung her back around, "So Vinyl, tell me, how's it feel to have someone else completely in control of you. If I wanted to I could tease you until you cum like a mare in heat. I could leave you flailing around in here, watching as I do what I want." I ran my hands up and down her body, "Does that my little Vinyl excited."

I could feel her body heat up, breath quicken, body convulse as I rubbed her body, "Yes daddy, please, please make me cum."

"How rude." I held her and place and slapped her flank hard, I latched on and pulled at her flank, "What about me? What about you daddy?" I rubbed her button with my thumb, "Do you want me? You want me inside of you?" I pinched the dock of her tail, "Deep inside you, hard, deep, you want me to pump some warm goo deep inside you?" I slowly pulled her closer to the ceiling, lining her hole up with my member. I pulled myself free and held my member teetering on the center of her hole.

Vinyl looked up her chest, "Yes daddy, please shoot it inside my butt, shoot it deep, fill me up!"

"Fucking love you." I slowly pulled her down onto my cock, "Oh sweet shit..." I groaned as I felt her end pucker around my my tip, "Shit wait." I pushed her away and held her in place, "Don't move." I turned off my boots and shot through the doorway. I made my way through the halls and found Lyra suspended in the hall with her uplink, "Heads up!"

"Whoa! Ryan...you...busy?"

"One could say that!" I yelled as I shot through the hall. I swung into my room and looked through the load floating junk. I pulled open a drawer and pulled out a small bottle, "Oh lube, how I love you."

I flew down the halls and found Vinyl stuck in the same place I had left her, limbs hanging weightlessly beside her. Her face still bright red. I took my place next to her, her sex was absolutely frantic, twitching, winking, leaking it's juice into her fur.

I lined myself up with Vinyl's pucker and slowly sank it in. I jammed the nozzle of the lube along with my member. Vinyl moaned hard as I pushed the slick liquid into her. Once I felt it was enough I pulled back. The liquid did wonders and eased the impalement. I slowly pulled Vinyl down along my member. Her breath catching after each inch sunk into her. With a few inches left I slammed forward, smacking our hips together, "Oh fuck!" Vinyl screamed as I twitched my muscles inside her.

I slid my hands along her flank and pulled myself back, "Vinyl you alright?"

Vinyl peered over her body, "Make me feel good...please make me feel good." She moved her hooves to her lower stomach and rubbed her soft underbelly. I slid my hands around the front of her thighs and started pumping. The sheer tightness was insane, her clamping around me and squeezing my member inside her was going to make this quick.

I slowed my pumping, grabbing her back and bringing her body parallel with mine. My right hand still held her rump in place as my left held her face. She was burning red, losing her mind as I slowly sank it into her.

In one vigorous bout of thrusting I jammed myself as deep as I could. I let out a strange growl as I pumped my seed deep into her insides. "Ah- ah- ah- ah~" I pulled her head against my shoulder, "Fu-ck...I just creamed so fucking hard."

As I came out of my afterglow I could feel a hot liquid splattering against my groin, "Phew...does it feel good? All warm and sticky?"

I could feel Vinyl breath across my neck, "MMmmm~ yes daddy, so deep, so warm," She shifted her rump, "Hot and gooey."

I slowly pulled out of her, "God damn...you are the definition of a hot mess." I popped out and let my cock slap against her rump, "Such a good girl," I pulled her rump towards my head and watched as a mixture of white fluids leak out of her pucker, "Holy crap." I shook myself out, "I'm gonna go turn the gravity back on. We should seriously hang out in low gravity again though. For...you know...sex...and not sex."

"Eh." Vinyl squeaked, bouncing off the wall and floating away.


150 days until arrival

"Wait...so what are you doing?" I lined Vinyl up with the corridor, "Ryan?"

"Quiet...gotta line this up." I looked down her back and lined her up with the hall, "I am going to, follow me here, spank you down the hall."


I gave her backside a testing shot, "For science." I pulled my hand back and slammed my hand across her rump. She gave a loud squeak before zooming down the hall, "And, she, might, go, all, the, way!" I could see Vinyl bounce off the end of the hall, "Yes!" I grabbed a door frame and threw myself down the hall after her, "Vinyl, space!"

She glared at me as she floated through the room, "Woo...space..."

I wrapped my arm around her and pushed off towards the cockpit, "Oh you had fun," I rubbed her flank with my hand as we flew, "Don't be mad at me...blame your butt...it's hard to ignore." Vinyl just glared at me as we flew through the halls. I swung us into the cockpit and pressed Vinyl into the copilots chair, "Oh calm down, you're gonna love the things I got you for...what did you call it?"

"Hearth warming eve? You got me stuff?!" Vinyl started floating out of her chair, "No no no no no!" I pressed her back into her chair as I started up the centrifuge, "Anyways...you got me a present?"

"Presents...space man trade with primitive people, turn out very well, many coin."

The gravity started coming back up, "You're not funny...but seriously, you got me stuff?"

"Well, I had got you some stuff, but seems like you're being naughty." I grinned deviously, "Gonna be a good girl now?" Vinyl glared at me, "Oh come on, a quick tap."

Vinyl blew a string of hair out of her eyes, "Fine...butt loving weirdo." She stood up in the low gravity and turned around, "Just get it ov- ah!" I brought my hand down hard, her leg shooting off the floor in response, "Owwie..." I rubbed the impact, tracing small circles around her flank, "That really hurt...."

"Sorry." I finished my rubbing and turned to the console, "Let's land, I have to pick up your last thing."

She lit up and started poking my side, "So uh...what did you get me?"

"You'll see."

"Aw dude come on! Please." She levitated her glasses off, batting her eyelashes and looking at me with her ruby eyes, "For me?"

I bit my lower lip, "Don't make me ruin it...please? I promise it'll be worth it." She pouted and let her chin fall on my lap, "Good things come to those who wait," I turned to the console and watched as we landed back in the gorge. Touchdown was quick. I hurried through the halls to the airlock, Vinyl followed me through the halls, "Oh! One thing you can open early." I stopped and went into my room, "This isn't really a gift, just something you can use." I found my rudimentary gift, "Here."

I set the gift down for her, Vinyl jabbed her horn in and tore out the strange leg harnesses, "What is it?"

"Mag boots, I had the clothier help me make the harnesses. That way when you're in zero-G you can move without...you know, flailing."

She looked them over, "Huh. How do- oh!" She magically pressed the button and the boot shot out of her grip and clung to the ceiling, "Well...they work. Do I just-"

"You can walk normally with them on, anyways, I got you actual things. Just let me pick up the last thing." I rustled her mane and hurried to the airlock.

I walked through town, ponies still looking at me. They stopped staring about the third time I walked through town. I was immediately followed by the usual orange filly, "Scootaloo, hello. You excited?"

Scootaloo nodded frantically, "Yeah!"

I nodded once, "Come on, we can grab the last thing and head back." We started heading towards the bakery.

"Welcome to- oh!" Cupcake shot upright, her pudge jiggling as she popped back, "Ryan, hello. Happy Hearth warming eve."

"Happy Hanukkah," My joke was completely lost, I gave a rough cough, "So uh...the cake ready?"

She smiled and walked back into the bakery. She reemerged with a large cake on her back, "Here you are dear, enjoy." She boxed it quickly and waited politely for me to take it.

I grabbed the box and started hobbling out, "That's a big cake." Scootaloo commented offhandedly.

"Yep...please don't talk...I don't want to drop this thing." I focused my hardest on not dropping the massive treat, "Just- crap. Like I promised, I'd bring you along, but so help me god if I drop this thing!" Scootaloo took a step to the side, "Thank you."

"Alright, go find the others and tell them to meet me in the galley." I bumped Scootaloo's bum with the side of my boot and sent her on her way. I trundled into the galley and set the cake down on the galley counter and set out a few greens and fruit.

Lyra was the first one to wander in with Jan on the uplink, "So I was just hanging out, talking with Jan, then some orange filly ran in and told me to find you. So why is there a filly on the ship?"

"Holidays, I'll explain once the others get here." I lead Lyra to a booth and took the uplink from her, "Jan, sup?"

"Nothing, you have it ready?"

"Yeah man, Songhai helped, should be wired up and ready." He lit up, "Yeah calm down." I walked back over to Lyra and set the uplink down just as Scootaloo ran in, Vinyl chased after her, "Whoa, Vinyl, what happened?"

Scootaloo ran behind me, "She was looking through some drawers and almost fell!"

Vinyl ran over and pawed at the filly behind me, "I was not!"

I caught Vinyl in a hug and walked her away from Scootaloo, "You were looking for your presents weren't you."

"No! ...Yes...." Vinyl slowly calmed under my touch, "But still!"

I let her go and walked over to the cake, "Anyways, cake." I yanked the top of the cake box off and revealed the massive confection, "Communal present." I set out a few plates and started plating some. Vinyl took a large hunk and walked off, bouncing her flank as she danced towards a booth.

Lyra didn't get up, levitating a plate across the room and waving. I carried a slice for Scootaloo and sat her at a booth, "Eat up, presents after this."

"Well that was...diabetic." I cleaned up the plates and pulled a load of boxes out of a galley cupboard.

"The kitchen!?" Vinyl yelled.

"Yes the Kitchen, because you'd scour everywhere else, as has been proven." I carried the boxes over to the center of the room, "First off, me and Jan got Lyra something."

"Really!? Jan...thank you!" Lyra jumped off the booth and walked over. She tore the paper off and looked into the paper box, pulling out a prosthetic hand, "...Is this a joke?"

"Oh jeez...we try to do something nice for you." I walked over and turned it on, "Jan, it's on."

"What are you-" Lyra was cut off as the fake hand ran the outside of it's finger across her cheek. She stared at it with utter shock on her face. She quickly smiled as the hand caressed her, "Oh my gosh, this is so cool!" She hooked the uplink around her horn and darted out of the room.

"Good thing it's waterproof-" I was quickly bopped with a hoof by Vinyl, "Ow...what?" Vinyl cocked her head towards the orange filly, "Ah...good point. Well Scootaloo, you ready for your present?"

She smiled wide and nodded like crazy, "Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

I held Vinyl's head down and whispered into her ear, "Find the mag boots," I let her go and hurried to head up into orbit.

"Oh sweet Celestia this is so cool!" Scootaloo flew around the weightless room like a humming bird, "I'm flying! I'm flying!"

I smiled as I stood on the wall, I turned to Vinyl who was standing on the ceiling, "Did I do good? I feel like I did good."

She watched as the filly buzzed around the room, "Yeah, ya did good." She walked over, nuzzling my the side of my head and biting my ear, "But remember who your mama is."

"Right, Scootaloo." She ignored me and used her wings to push her around the room. Completely wrapped up in her weightless flying, "Scootaloo?" Once again ignored as she flew around out of the galley and through the halls, "Eh...she'll be fine." I bounced off the wall and gathered Vinyl's gifts, "Come on, bedroom." With her gifts around me I floated towards the room. Vinyl bounced from wall to wall after me.

"That's a lot of boxes..." Vinyl mumbled behind me, "Are those all for me?"

"Most, some are for me. Well, they're for you but I'll probably enjoy them more." I smiled to myself as I flew down the hall, "Don't worry, I think I picked pretty well."

"You'd better." Vinyl flew past and stuck herself to the wall. I opened the door and let her pull herself inside while I corralled her things.

I pulled myself into the room, catching her things and holding them in place, "Sorry about the no gravity thing, I promised the kid I would."

Vinyl waved a hoof at me, "Don't worry, how did you meet her anyways?"

"Remember that time we went out for breakfast, and the time I went to fix the tear in my shirt, and-"

"Okay, I get it, admirer." Vinyl looked away as her horn lit up, dragging the largest box towards her.

I smiled as she tried to be nonchalant about it. "Oh just open it."

The present continued its slow creep, "I have no idea, oh! Look at that...almost like magic," She turned around and tore the paper off, "Now here's a real question, where did you get all the boxes?"

"Boxes? You're worried about the boxes?"

"Pff no," She forced the box open and looked inside, "Clothes?" She levitated out a pair of stockings and a hat, "Is this because it's winter or because you're a pervert?" She asked with a knowing grin.

"Well, it was meant for winter, but the second thing did help." I tossed her another box, "You'll probably like this one better."

She tore the box wide open, my old music player floated out into the room, "What is it?"

I walked over with a second box, "Music, but kinda need this one too." I grabbed the tiny machine and waited for her to open it. She tore the set of headphones out and pulled them onto her head. I took the other end and plugged the player in.

Next thing Vinyl knew her head was being flooded with age old synth and electronic. It took a moment but she started bobbing her head, eventually throwing her entire body into the mix. I jumped back and watched as she danced, "Dude, it's almost like you know me!"

I shrugged, knowing she was lost in her new toy. I decided to let her enjoy the rest while I went to find the rogue filly flying through the ship, "Songhai, where's the little one?"

"She's in the cargo hold, better question, why did you bring a kid? You a kiddie fucker?"

I momentarily thought about making a detour and tearing Songhai's circuits out. "No, and go fuck yourself." was all I could really say.

I floated my way into the cargo hold. Nice open space for someone to enjoy, and she was enjoying it. Flying around the room, floating through the air and bounding off the walls, "Hey kid," I threw myself backwards into the room, "Space fun?"

"Huh?" I caught her attention just long enough for her to plow herself into the wall.

"Oh...that was completely avoidable, and totally my fault." I flew over to her and tucked her against my gut. I landed on the ground and waited fro her to right herself.

"Uh...you can let me go." Scootaloo wiggled free, I reached and grabbed her again, "Hey!" I held the small filly like a glider and tossed her to the other side of the room. She bounced off with her forelegs and started bouncing around the room. I ducked down and threw her along when she passed by. It was amazing the way she could zip around, she flew over and hovered in front of me, "So uh...yeah, thanks." She threw herself past, wrapping her hooves around my neck before letting go and spinning around the room.

I started walking out, leaving the filly to her weightless fun. I stopped to check on Lyra, the prostethic hand was scratching the underside of her neck, "Wow, showing more self restraint than I though." I joked as I floated in the doorway.

"Huh?" She asked as the hand went to work.

"I thought for sure you'd be riding that thing by now."

She looked at it before smirking, "Who said we didn't?"

I just stared at her, "Right...I'll just...go somewhere else then." I pushed off and floated away. I swung back into my room and found it littered with ripped paper and floating boxes.

I searched the littered room, hoof steps sounding from some unseen depth. Before I could start to panicked as I was quickly taken from behind. A warmth pressed itself into the back of my neck as I spun, "Thank you Ryan," Vinyl cooed before going back to kissing my neck, "Best Hearth warming eve ever, even if it is a little early."

I grabbed a wall and stopped spinning, "Eh, you know me." I wiggled free and faced her, "Are you- that's..." I felt the back of my neck, my hand came back with a few red smears on it, "Heh. Red does look good on you."

She smiled before hugging me, "Now it's time for your presnet." She whispered into my ear.

I could feel my face flush, "That sound...well...amazing, but I'd rather wait until there isn't a rouge filly in the ship." Vinyl pouted at my refusal, "Give her another hour, then I'll bring us back down."

"Fine...but you're missing out." Vinyl pulled her headphones back on and danced out of the room.


??? days until arrival

I woke up before Vinyl. I took a deep breath past her hair, "Hmm, time...awake." I mumbled as I rolled onto my hooves.

"Eh-" Vinyl's now famous sheep impersonation was getting better everyday.

I started shaking Vinyl with my hooves, "Come on monkey, time to wake up." I yanked the covers off, "Cute panties,"

She swung her arm around, pawing at me lazily as she tried to fight waking up, "You're a jerk, a pony jerk."

"And you like to jerk ponies." I sat upright on the bed, "We all have problems, now get up."

"Ehhhhh!" She swung her body upright, breasts bouncing in her tiny bra, "Why sun come up?"

I licked just under her bra, "Because space happens, now get up. You taste like sweat, I'll go start the shower." I stood up and pushed off the bed and got onto my hooves.

Vinyl was rubbing her eyes, "Why do you have to taste me, you know what I taste like...you've effectively licked each inch of my body." She ran her hand along her side and down her waist to emphasis her point, "Dirty pony," She stared me down as I walked out, "But you're my dirty pony."

I shook my head, "Anyways, meet me in the shower." I hurried into the hall, Lyra was standing groggily in the hall, "Lyra...rough night?"

"Huh?" She blinked hard at me as she tried to focus, "Ryan? Hi...uh, tired..." She looked around before scratching her bum, "Jan and I kept talking all night...slept late...tired now."

"I can tell," I walked past and brushed her with my tail, "Wanna shower?"

"With you and Vinyl...uh, you're not gonna screw are you?" She tripped into the hall and leaned on the adjacent wall.

"Not in the shower, no-" I was cut off by green mane falling over my head, "Crap...hey Lyra you wouldn't know how to cut a mane would you?"

She smiled from under her mint striped hair, "I can...but, you gotta make breakfast today."

I scrunched up my muzzle, "Fine, later. Until then are you in for a shower? Double the boobs is fine by me."

She walked past, "You're a lecherous horse, too tall to be a pony." She was about two or three inches shorter than me, "Sure, keep it warm."

I smiled as she pushed off me and trundled lazily down the hall. Once she was clear I made my way into the showers and turned them on. The room quickly fogged up as I cleaned myself off. Vinyl wandered in with her panties around her leg, she kicked them off and walked under the water, "Dude, by far one of the best things about moving in, the shower never runs out of hot water."

I just stared as she found some soap and started washing herself, "Arguable...." I mumbled as she lathered her body, I made a lewd popping sound as I watched her breasts jiggle, "Ma-ma-ma-mmmmmmmmmaaaaa-"

Her eyes shot open and locked on to me, "And you said I sounded like a sheep."

"Maaa-" I was shut up with a quick slap, "Ow. Fine, I'll stop. But I'm still gonna look."

Vinyl rolled her eyes as Lyra strolled in and sat in the corner. I was going to ask what was wrong when Vinyl started cleaning her chest right in front of me, "You like it when I do this?" She walked forward, bouncing them, "No touching,"

Even as Vinyl slowly encroaching I could see Lyra sulking in the corner. "Vinyl wa-" I was cut off by Vinyl's breasts encompassing my face along with her arms pulling me into her chest, "Wauhuh-" My words were filled with tit as I tried to back away. I finally reared up and broke free, "Vinyl wait!"

"I thought you-" I caught her off guard with a quick kiss.

"I know, bedroom, go." I pushed her towards the door and walked over to Lyra, "I taste...boob...anyways, Lyra! You look sad, did something happen?"

Lyra watched behind me as Vinyl walked out. I joined in and watched as she bounced her hips and danced out of the room, "Man...her hips are massive. What did you need?"

I craned my neck and watched as she swung her way out of the room, "Yes...massive hips...massive...sexy- uh, oh...sorry. You looked down, did something happen?"

Lyra smiled, she put her elbow on my neck and leaned into me, "No, well, no-"


"Fine." She shoved off of me and stood in front of me, "Just Jan, he hasn't answered my calls yet."

I shot her a strange look, "It's been like...an hour."

"Yeah," she crossed her arms, "But he usually answers right when I wake up-"

Vinyl walked back in with a towel wrapped on her head, "Lyra, the thing in your room was blinking." With that she left once again.

Lyra looked at me before blushing bright red and hurrying out, "Paranoid weirdo." I laughed and shut the water off.

I wandered around until I got to my room, "Ryan, lay down."

"Vinyl rea-"

"Bed, on your back, now!"

I flinched away from her, "Okay...." I whispered defeatedly. I walked onto my bed and rolled onto my back, "What got you-" I was cut off as Vinyl towered above me, putting her foot on my barrel.

"Do you like my toes?" She wiggled her painted toes in front of me, "Ryan?"


"Do you like my toes?"

"Yes? They match your hair...they look good." I could see Vinyl smiling. She ducked down and knelt next to me.

"Don't cum until I let you alright?"

"Uh...so this is happening- oh~" I felt as Vinyl wrapped her fingers around my member.

"Hmm, a little dry." She reached over and grabbed a bottle. My cock was quickly slathered in some lotion as Vinyl wrapped both her hands around me, "There we go...nice juicy meat log." She pulsed her fingers around my base as she started stroking, "My nice, throbbing, juicy, thick," She leaned down and sniffed along my tip, "Strong, stallion cock." She twisted her grip as she tugged.

"Holy shit Vinyl- holy shit!" I threw my head back, grinding my hooves into the bed as she teased my member.

"Hmm? You like my hands around you? Around your cock? Your big fat stallion cock?" Vinyl brought her hands to my head and started running her thumb along the top of my flat head, causing me to twitch and convulse under her touch. "Your hot throbbing stallion cock, it looks so strong, so thick, so,"- Vinyl kissed the edge of my head, flicking her tongue against my skin for one amazing moment, -"Yummy."

"Fucking fuck! Vinyl- gonna cum!"

Vinyl smirked as she stopped stroking, standing up and planting her foot along the bottom of my dick, forcing it against my stomach. She started sliding her foot up and down as she curled her toes into my flesh, "Ryan, you wanna cum? You wanna come all over me? Come on my pretty feet?" She pressed more weight into the ball of her foot and stood on my head, "Cum all over my toes, get them all sticky and warm with your gooey stallion cum?"

The way she was talking down to me, the way her foot was sliding up and down me, the way her leg looked a mile long from down here, the smell of her sex filling the air. It was all too much. I let out some animal whinny and lost it.

Vinyl curled her toes over my head and caught the spunk shots with her toes. The rest of her foot putting weight on my pipes, causing what would be normal burst to turn into built up explosions, splattering all over my head, her foot, and my stomach, "Oh~ it's nice and hot." Vinyl stepped down onto my stomach, stepping into the thick puddle on my stomach, "Such a good boy," She leaned down, keeping her foot half on my cock, "Imagine all this hot sticky mess shooting down my throat," She wiggled her toes, "Imagine filling my mouth with your cream, your warm tasty cream filling my mouth, coating my tongue," Vinyl spread her toes, showing me the sticky web she had dipped her toes into, "Too bad you couldn't wait, gonna gave to just settle for my toes,"

I pulled my head up weakly, "Doesn't matter...came. Came hard...." I let my head fall back and passed out.

I snapped awake in my dark room, "What the fuck?!" I yanked the covers up, Vinyl was napping quietly her hooves tucked against her chest, "Huh...the hell does that mean?" I remembered my dream, "I think I might have a foot fetish."


120 days until arrival

I sat outside, watching the birds go by, "So yeah," I turned to Vinyl, "You where a human, I was a hor-"


"Whatever. But uh...yeah, I think I might have a foot fetish...for a girl with no feet." I threw my head back and peered at the sky, "The irony...it's palpable."

I felt Vinyl lean into my shoulder, "You really are weird, like Lyra...you really missed the prefect opportunity with her."

I swung my arm around her and pulled her close, "Yeah but I think I made the right choice, and if I had a hoof fetish we'd be great, Lyra's got the finger thing."

"I thought it was hands." Vinyl scooted closer and buried herself into my coat.

"Who knows, I don't think it matters to her. Are you cold?" I took of my coat and threw it over her back, pulling the hood over her, "Just ask next time, cute works too but it takes me some time to realize."

She smiled and leaned back against me, "Idiot." She kissed my neck once before staring at the sky with me, "Why are we out here anyways?"

"Because Songhai smells and I don't want to clean it." I frowned as I thought about the daunting task, "I know what the smell is...I could clean it in a second but I'm not just gonna clean one part. When I clean it I'm gonna clean it all. Hey, what the hell is that?"

Vinyl squinted as she looked into the sky, "Yeah...what the- is it getting closer!?" She started scrambling, I held her against me and kept her from running.

"Hold on...it's moving, it's alive...it's-" I was cut off by a loud whoosh, Vinyl's hood flying off and causing the snow to kick up around us, "Great, another one." The blue mare landed a few feet away, "Look I'll tell you the same thing I told Scootaloo, there's no room."

See walked up to me and got in my face, "You don't look so cool."

"Hey Vinyl...go inside,"

"But I-" I turned her around and gave her ass a quick smack, "Fine!" Her back leg kicked my lower back before she walked away.

"Okay so who is the rude bitch that just flew out of the sky and made fun of my to my face? You got a name or should I just call you dyke, damn pride parade."

The mare in front of me scowled hard, "Heard you were some hotshot, looks more like a monkey weirdo to me."

I stood up and stared her eye to eye, "Yeah and you look like a gay horse, we all have problems, some are just worse than others ya damn gay ass horse!"

"I know right, I mean I can't imagine being a monkey." The mare let a shit eating grin grow on her face.

My rage started to subside, "That was lame...anyways, you being rude for a reason?"

The mare took an abashed step back, "I uh...yeah...I...that wasn't cool was it?"

"Not really." I crossed my arms and leaned back, "So did you need something?"

The mare took a step back and threw her head around, "I heard the one who blocked up Ghastly gorge is actually pretty cool, but you look too slow to be cool. I mean, you only have two legs."

I lowered my head, "It's a fucking canyon. And I'm not slow, you wanna try me?"

"You? Race me?" She started laughing, "No offense but I could run circles around you."

A sudden idea struck me, "You wanna bet?"

Her ears perked up as she swung her head to meet mine, "Bet?"

"Sure, uh...first one through the canyon? Wait what's your name anyways?"

"Rainbow Dash, and you really don't want to race me."

I pinched the hair on her neck, "Scared to make a little bet? Huh, thought someone as colorful as you would be more outgoing."

Rainbow Dash pulled away from me and nearly bit my hand, "Fine then!"

I smirked, "Perfect, first one from here to the end of the canyon wins. I win you have to clean Songhai," I tapped the hull.

Dash looked over the large ship, "Fine, but if I win you have to clear the gorge and tell everyone in town how awesome I am!"

"Perfect, let me go get changed."

"Fine I'll go find somepony to make sure who wins." She flew off and left me to get changed, "Meet me on the top of the gorge!"

I smiled as I went to change.

"Dude that's sexy." Vinyl ran a hoof along my suit, "Where were you keeping this thing?"

I grabbed my mask and pulled it on. I checked my harness, gloves, boots, I shook my limbs out and gave a final jump to shake out my body, "I was a soldier ya know, this thing was made to last."

"And look amazing." Vinyl walked around me, her tail swishing wildly, "Sleek."

"Right? It's nice, fits well, only thing is it's hard to clean." I tugged at the uniform. Rip proof, breathable, strong, light, and most importantly, climate controlled. The mask was just the final piece, a featureless steel shell with two circular eyes. Normally we would wear them to see where each other was, get medical data, and spot enemies. But today it was just serving as a windscreen.

Lyra finally joined us on the edge of the canyon with Jan, "So you do realize who you're racing right? I mean no offense but she's really fast."

Jan looked rather bored, "Lyra dear...we are very fast, very strong. Ryan."

"Yo," I faced the small screen that was levitating next to Lyra, "Sup?"

"Have they seen you move? Do they know what to expect?"

I thought about it, "I don't think so, at least they haven't."

"Ryan." I leaned in as Jan lowered his head, he shot upright and looked at me with an evil fire in his eyes, "Destroy them."

I smiled as I turned to Lyra, "Man, you really know how to pick em."

Lyra smiled weakly before starting to walk away "Anyways...I'm gonna go inside, too cold out here." Lyra turned towards the ship. Jan started yelling about wanting to watch but Lyra just ignored him and walked into the ship.

I turned to Vinyl, "You gonna go inside too?" She had the soaks I had bought her on and was wearing a wooly jacket, "Guess not."

Vinyl smiled and hugged me, "Nope, I wanna see what you can do outside the bedroom too ya know."

"Nice..." A raspy voice cut in, "You ready monkey?" Dash trotted over and stood with an orange mare, "This is Applejack, she's gonna make sure no one cheats."

"Howdy," Apple horse walked over and extended a hoof to me.

I just looked at her, "Do I...bump or shake or...what do I do here?"

Applejack lowered her hoof, "It's fine partner. So you and Dash here gonna race, from the far end back here, terms been set, every pony ready?"

"Aayo," I said rotating my neck, "That means yes."

I got a strange look from everybody. Dash eventually shook it off and stared at me, "Whatever, yeah! I'm totally ready!" Dash flared her wings, "Let's do this!"

I got a curt nod from the apple horse, "Remember yer startin' from the other end of the gorge. Get goin'"

Before I could say anything Dash shot up the canyon, "Don't wait or anything." I looked at the canyon wall and started jumping rock to rock, rocketing up the face and to the top in seconds. Dash looked a bit worried as I wiped my hands, "Oh, did I not mention I could do that?" I started laughing as I strolled towards the back of the canyon, "Regretting our bet yet? Songhai's pretty big, and it's a damn mess."

Dash shot me a worried look, "N-no! Maybe you can jump but I bet you're slow as...as...uh, slowness!"

"Lame, anyways lets get this started." I started jogging along, leaving her behind in seconds. She caught up and matched my pace as we jogged to the far end of the canyon.

We stopped on the edge of the canyon, "Long fall..." I mumbled.

I heard Dash snickering, "What's wrong, scared?" She took to her wings and shot down.

"I've fallen from high orbit." I muttered to myself as I walked off the edge. The straight fall down meant I slammed into the floor, making a small crack in the stone. The impact was mostly absorbed by my boots, the rest just resonated through my bones, "Ow...that was-" I shook my legs out, "-never liked that feeling." I turned to find the blue pony staring in awe, "What? never seen someone jump from thirty meters?"

She just snorted and got into a starting pose, "Just shut up and race."

I stood next to her and got ready, "Three...two...one!" I dug my boots and and bolted down the frozen riverbed. Chunks of earth flying behind me as I darted away. I could see the rainbow girl keeping pace for a while. Once we passed through a small cave, the wind pulled her back a bit, I just dug in deeper and sprinted through.

I looked around the inside of my mask, velocity is at 30 kph. I started laughing wildly as we started into a large patch of brambles. I could see the rainbow girl darting through while I just jumped through, my arm catching for a moment before ripping past. Once free of the brambles I started off again.

Dash was just behind me as we entered some narrows with some large pock holes in the wall. I watched as serpents started lunging from the wall at her, meanwhile I was still grounded, the serpents completely oblivious to my ground based running.

Once we were clear I could see Dash pulling ahead. I threw it into overdrive and bolted. I just passed the straining mare when the finish came into sight, several ponies waiting at the end.

"Come on! Come on!" I ignored the burning in my legs and ran my hardest to the end. I could feel the earth breaking as I ran, each step tearing up the ground behind me. Dash bolted past.

In a moment of brilliance I spotted a stone jutting out of the ground. I used it like a springboard and flew past her and rolled onto the finish, nearly bowling over a large crowd. I rolled onto my back and let my body go limp, "Did I win?"

Just as several random ponies started crowding around me a rainbow streak flew overhead. I started laughing like an idiot, "Wooo!" I pulled my mask off and threw it into Songhai, "Suck it world!"

"I lost?" I heard Dash whine from my right, "That's not fair!" She bolted over and stared at me, "You didn't have to doge the eels, or the wind, and you- you-"

I let out a long breath, "I also- can't fly-" I added a smirk at the end as Dash grew flustered. I could see apple horse pulling her off to the side, "Hey- we had a deal!" I laughed in my slight pain.

I was cut off by Vinyl jamming her tongue into my mouth. I had to push her back to catch my breath, Vinyl leaned past my head "I want to fuck you so bad right now."

She went to dive back towards me, I held my hand up and caught her face, "Public, public! We're in public!"

"Don't care." She started kissing my neck, working her way up my jaw and onto my chin.

I could see the crowd either snickering or growing uncomfortable and walking away. "Wait, wait!" I held Vinyl back and found Applejack, "Bring her some time next week! We had a bet!"

Applejack tipped her hat and walked off to find the defeated Dash, "Sure partner, a bet's a bet!"

I pushed off the ground with Vinyl hanging off my neck. I cradled her and started off into the ship.

"Keep it on...." Vinyl cooed as she looked me over, "Sit down and wait like a good boy." Vinyl walked out as I sat back on my bed. She came back a few minutes later with bright blue lipstick, "Gonna leave a mark this time." She climbed onto the bed and laid down on my legs, her head falling right next to my groin, "Well...you gonna get it out?"

I quickly undid the lower half  on my uniform and pulled myself out. Vinyl smiled as she planted a deep kiss on the side of my cock. A deep blue stain lingering once she left. She leaned back, planting her lips perfectly around my head and leaving a blue ring around my cock. I grunted as a sudden warm touch surrounded me. I looked up to see Vinyl's horn glowing bright, the same light encompassing my member and squeezing it.

Every so often she would break through the soft light and give my member a loving kiss, some with just a glancing lick. All the while the soft warmth squeezing up and down my length was drove me forward. Vinyl pulled her head back and let my cock slap the top of her muzzle, she inhaled along my length as she drove her lips into my base, talking one of my balls into her mouth.

I reached up and started rubbing her ears as her magic continued to draw my explosion forward. It came suddenly, Vinyl tongue riding from my base to my tip sending me over the edge. She held her mouth open in front of me, eyes closed, blue lips wide open, tongue flopping around lewdly in her mouth.

I grabbed the sheets as my first spurt flew across her face, half landing in her mouth while the rest streaked across her muzzle. Vinyl leaned in, catching my entire second burst in her mouth. I could feel her hot breath against my tip as she took me into her mouth. She popped a single clean eye open and stared at me as I finished in her mouth. She pulled back, throwing a string of what was either saliva or cum from her mouth. She gave me one last loving look before closing her eyes and swallowing.

I fell back into my bed as Vinyl continued toying with me. I passed out from exhaustion. I'd have to do something nice for her once I wake up....

Calling in debts

103 days until arrival

"Ryan...Ryan, it's coming."

"Come on just hold on a little longer, for me?"

"I- I can't- oh fuck here it comes."

"God damn it no! It's gonna make a mess!"

"Ryan- I- ah-ah-ah-" Vinyl exploded over my hand, "Ahhh..."

"Fuck...couldn't wait until I found a tissue." Vinyl had a trail of snot running from her nose to my hand, "God damn it...this is gross." I walked with her to find a tissue. I found a box next to my bed, "Love is: catching your girlfriends snot in your hand..." I wiped my hand down and cleaned off her nose, "It's your fault you got sick too!"

Vinyl moaned as I rubbed her nose, "Ryan keep doing that...keep...yeah...ahhh~" She wrapped a hoof around my arm as I wiped her snotty nose, "I get- ah- why Lyra likes finger now."

I finally pried my hand away, "Gross." even when it was cleaned off I still felt dirty.

"You've been in my butt...you're grossed out by this?" Vinyl walked over, nose glowing bright red.

"It's...different, I mean sure you- you know, but this is...it's different." She shot me an annoyed look, "Anyways, you sure you don't want a decongestant or anything?"

She shook her head, "I want you to have to deal with this problem as long as possible." She smiled wide and nuzzled me.

"Yeah, thanks." I held the side of her head as she rubbed my cheek, "Vinyl Scratch, paragon of civility."

"You know it." She pulled away and flopped onto the bed, "Now, serve me."

I stood at the foot of the bed and stared at her, "Serve you what?"

"...Anything, I'm sick you're not, help me."

"Help you with what!?" I threw my arms up.

"Stop yelling at me! You don't get to be the bitchy one, I get to be the bitchy one!" She pouted on the bed, "Jerk."

I glared at her, "Look are you gonna be alright on your own? I wanna go find Rainbow Dash, she was supposed to be here last week."

"But Ryan...I'm sick...stay." Vinyl rolled around my bed whining, "Ehhh- eh- eh-eh!" She kept whining even as I stepped into the hall. I ignored her baying and went out into the airlock. I stepped out into the cold air and started walking towards town.

I got directions to the Apples from some townsfolk, she was the easiest way to find the illustrious sore loser. I got the feeling that these trees would be a lot more pleasant in the spring, as it stood it was just rather depressing, all the trees bare, the ground plain white.

I tried to ignore it as I made my way to the farmhouse. A quick step onto the porch and I was met with a filly bundled up on a rocking chair next to the door, "Hey there!" The yellow filly peeked out from under her hat, "You need something?"

"I'm looking for Applejack, you know if she's in?"

The filly smiled and walked past and into the house. Some yelling later and I was face to face with a rather robust mare, "Oh, mornin!"

"Good morning, you remember me?"

She nodded once, her hat falling slighty, "Hard ta forget the pony- uh...what are ya?"

"I've been called human, but I go by Ryan."

"Well that's a fancy name, but ya I remember ya," She held the door open, "Come on in!"

"Oh...well thanks." I walked in and looked around, I waited until Applejack lead me into a small sitting room. I sat across from a rustic fire pit, the filly sitting in a large recliner, "So uh...I was wondering if you've seen Rainbow Dash, she never showed up after our bet."

Applejack frowned hard, "Yeah...that might not be all her fault. You want me to go find her so she can explain?"

"If you wouldn't mind."

She nodded and started pulling on a pair of what looked like boots, "Yall can stay here if ya want, it'll be a bit."

I walked over and helped her with her boots, "Sorry if I'm inconveniencing you."

She smiled and waved me off, "Don't worry bout it partner, I'll be back soon."

I walked back into the sitting room and waited. The whole house had a nice rustic feel to it, the fire was even better. The only sound besides the fire was the girl rustling around in her seat, "Hey kid," I called out.

She looked over at me, "What?"

"Come here."

She gave me a strange look, "Why?"

"...Hug?" She shot me another strange look before walking to me, she stood next to me on the sofa, "I lied!" I grabbed her and pulled her across my lap, running my hands along her coat and scratching. The new sensation sent the filly giggling under my touch.

"Hey!" She giggled, "Why you doing that?"

I calmed my petting and let my hand idle around her side, "Just...it feels right, petting something while sitting next to a fi-" I cut myself off at the sight of a large red stallion watching from the doorway.

He stared at me, nodding once, "Eeyup." He walked off after that, leaving me to lean back and enjoy the fire and softly scratch the filly on my lap.

I was slowly drifting to sleep with the filly on my lap and Big Mac napping in the large recliner, "What the- oh..." I was snapped awake as Applejack and Rainbow Dash walked inside, "Makin' quick friends." Applejack laughed as she walked over to me.

I held my hand out and scratched along Applejack's neck, "Fingers are a big draw." She strarted craning her neck around as I scratched, "Anyways, you! Why you back out on deal!?" I snapped at Rainbow Dash.

She lowered her head, "You said next week and then next week came and now everypony's getting ready for winter wrap up. I didn't forget but I...I'll go do it once we leave." She looked crushed.

I stopped scratching the now enthralled Applejack and let my hands fall onto Apple Bloom, "What the hell is winter wrap up?"

Applejack sat next to me on the sofa, "Ya don't know bout winter wrap up?"

"Nope...should I?"

Applejack quickly went into a long description of Equestrian weather and the yearly wrap up, "I was actually gonna ask ya to help."

"Why?" I asked, rolling Apple Blooms ear between my fingers.

"Well we can always use some help pulling a plow and ya looked pretty strong when ya raced."

I popped an eyebrow at Applejack before looking at Dash, "Hey, so when is this?" I asked with a bit of genuine interest.

"Four days!" Applejack yelled, her drawl rather endearing.

I stared at Rainbow Dash, "Okay...so I'll wait until after whatever wrap up-" She smiled wide, "But, you gotta show up in a maid outfit to make up for it." Her smile quickly deflated as Applejack started chuckling, "And yeah, I'll help. Should I just show up here in the morning?"

Rainbow Dash muttered to herself and left, "Maid outfit...maybe Rar-"

Applejack gave a final drawn out sigh as she tried to stop laughing, "Sure, the earlier the better."

I nodded and slowly picked the sleeping filly off my lap and set her down on the still warm seat, "I'll see you then, uh...then." I hurried out to avoid making another verbal hiccup.

"Vinyl, I'm back!" I let the door close behind me as I hurried through the halls towards Vinyl's baa'ing.

I walked into my room and found her sitting on her haunches, dead center in the bed, "Ryaaaaannnn...nose."

I walked over and pulled a few tissues as I sat next to her. I let my fingers dig just inside her nose as I cleaned her up, "Why do I have to do this? Can't you just use magic?"

She blew her nose into the tissue, "I thought you didn't like calling it magic."

I finished up with the tissues and chucked them in a bin, "Because...I've done gross stuff for you."

"Like what!?" Vinyl opened her mouth and rolled her tongue, "Yeah but you like it!"

She stuck her tongue out at me, "Yeah but still. How about this, because I want you to."

I took a final tissue and wiped her nose for a final time, "Well at least you're being more realistic." I finished and sat with her on the bed, "Ya know what...can you rent a room in town, I want to rent a room now."

Vinyl cocked her drowsy head, "Why? We could go to my house. But why?"

"Does it have a fire pit?" Vinyl nodded, "Okay...so I'll carry you." I threw a few pairs of clothes into a bag and hoisted it over my shoulder. Vinyl quickly followed as I threw a blanket over her and carried her out and into town, "Just trust me, at least for the rest of winter."

"My music..." Vinyl mumbled as I walked on.

I set her down on the couch, blankets covering everything but her head, "Why did we leave the climate controlled future house for a fire pit?"

"Quiet you." I mumbled as I threw some logs into the fireplace, "It'll be worth it, trust me." I finished with the logs and started a small fire that quickly grew around the extremely dry wood. I took my boots off and threw myself onto the couch. I pulled Vinyl next to me and pulled the cover over us.

I scratched lightly against her coat as I started drifting to sleep, "Okay, so this is nice." She leaned her head into my neck, "Not perfect, but I like it too."

I kissed her forehead before leaning back in the large couch and drifting off to the warm fire.

Wrapping up of-

99 days until arrival

0 days until arrival

"Stupid singing." I grumbled as I walked up Songhai's ramp. "Always god damn singing. It's like some slave folk music." I pulled at my sore muscles as I waited in the airlock. The phrase winter wrap up had become synonymic with pulling a plow for two hours. Granted I enjoyed helping but my back was killing me.

Hopfully Vinyl could make me feel better. Even if she was still sick she was nice to be around.

I stepped into the ship, something was wrong. Something was really wrong. "Songhai?" After a few seconds of nothing I started running through the ship. "Shit shit shit!"

I should have brought my gun. There was no doubt in my mind whoever was here was looking for me and I walked right into it! I got soft, let my guard down. "Fucking fuck!" I screamed to myself as I hurried to my room.

I was cut off by a stiff arm clotheslining me and knocking me to the floor. As soon as I popped my eyes back open I was face to face with the barrel of a gun. "Do not move." A bring blue glow started lighting up the dim room as three men kept me pinned.

I was yanked upright abruptly and forced against a wall. "Under Caledonian order you are under arrest for desertion." The voice was metallic, curt, and horribly quick. I felt a zip tie fly around my hands as I was searched.

"God damn it, what did you do with them!?" I yelled as they held me against the wall.

A cold voice broke the rustling of my clothes. "Ryan Hannik, one count of espionage, one count of treason, one count of desertion. Can you guess which we're here about?"

I knew this voice. So this was them again. "Clive...I thought you said we were clean!" I swung my body around just in time to catch a punch to the stomach by one of the soldiers. I looked up at Clive, his white hair unmistakable.

"Whoa, Twenty, ease up." I was picked back up as the soldiers held me upright. "Hmm, they are a little bit too eager." Clive pulled a knife from his harness. He shoved the soldiers off and cut my bindings. "Ryan, how has my favorite Jew boy been?"

"Better than you ya tattooed freaks!" I snapped as I rubbed my wrists.

Clive shook his head. "Still not tattoos. Also my men have been a bit untrue to you. You're not under arrest right now, you're being detained."

"Oh how cheery...." I muttered as the soldiers walked to Clive's side. "So this is it then? I'm done?"

Clive cocked an eyebrow. "What makes you think that? I mean yes, you're running is done. But we take care of our agents." I cringed as he spoke. "Do your little...friends, know?"

"No, and where are they!?"

Clive turned around. "Seven, bring them in!"

One of the soldiers hurried off, quickly returning with my friends. "Ryan!" Vinyl ran over and wrapped her hooves around my neck. "Who are these people!?"

"Don't worry, I've-"

"Calondonian military." Clive cut me off. "Ryan here helped us smuggle some weapons a long time ago. He tried to run before we could properly thank him for his service."

I hugged my girlfriend as Lyra ran over. "Ryan?" Lyra looked worried as she walked over.

I set Vinyl down and turned away from them. "It's a long story."

Clive gave a rough cough. "Yes well long story short, Ryan Hannik is a turncoat. A true Cale at heart." I turned around to face them. They didn't look disgusted, which meant they had no idea what it meant. "Ryan, explain it to them. I'll be in your galley when you're ready to discuss your extradition."

I was left alone with the mares and a single soldier. "Vinyl, Lyra, I uh...I did a bad thing...."

"They offered me a way out. So...I took it. I never knew what they were moving but when I found out...I just...I ran." I rubbed the back of my head as I finished talking.

Lyra frowned at me. "What's gonna happen?"

I frowned hard as I leaned against a wall and pointed towards the soldier. He looked up at me before nodding. "Ryan is going to be placed under our protection, his possessions will be confiscated, and you will be released." he finished talking and leaned back down.

"Yeah...that." I looked to my friends, they looked a little worried but still not disguested.

Vinyl stared at me a long time before turning away. "Ryan, I'm going home." She turned towards the exit. "You be there when you're done alright?"

I smiled hard she sauntered out. "Aw...how...not cute." The soldier cut in. "I mean she's a horse...you've been fucking a horse, but that was...nice. In a humanist kinda of way."

"I didn't ask you-"

"Yeah well you fuck horses, you don't get to say shit to me!"

I just stared at him. I couldn't see his face through his uniform but I felt like I should say something about his marks. "Tattooed freaks."

He just crossed his arms. "Nice...really grown up-"

"Will you both shut up!" Lyra yelled as she stormed over to the soldier. "Take that stupid thing off your face!"

"What!? No!" Before the soldier could say anything Lyra pulled his mask off. "How the fuck!?"

Lyra took a step back before dropping his mask. "Oh...wow...you're uh, you...really pretty...."

The soldier cringed as he pulled his mask back on. "We all look like this." he grunted angrily as he fixed his mask.

Lyra looked at me. "Yeah...they all have those weird lines on their faces. Some cultural thing, something about Celts or something."

Lyra swung her head back towards the soldier and walked over. "Take the mask off."


Lyra leaned against his chest and looked straight up at him, fluttering her eyes and cooing, "Please, for me?"

The soldier looked at her for a moment before looking up at me. "This is bullshit...." He pulled his mask off and set it on his belt. "Happy?"

Lyra stared at him. "Hey follow me."

"What, no!"

"Oh go with her." Clive walked back in. "I need to talk with Mr Hannik so you go ahead."

"Sir...is that an order?" he asked, almost worried.

Clive turned around and looked the soldier dead in the eyes. "You are out of unifrom, consider this your punishment until further notice. You are to guard this mare with your life, and do anything she asks. Refusal will be punishable with summary execution."

"Are you shitting me?" he asked as Lyra started tugging at his hand. "Sir? Sir? Sir!?" he petered out as Clive lead me through the hall.

"So what did she want with him?" Clive asked with a laugh.

"Nothing wholesome. So what's next?"

"Straight to the point. I like that. What happens next is you hand over the body, we set you up with a new life as a Cale, and you stay exiled on this planet for a few years until we come up with a body to give to the Mirans."

"The body...the body!? You were after the fucking body!?" I snapped at him.

Clive just brushed me off. "Well we were looking for you, but this just presented too good an opportunity to pass up."

I thought back to the body in my storage. "They know I have him, they've been on their way for a while!"

Clive shook his head. "They won't be getting here any time soon. Trespassing could be misconstrued as an act of war and with all that's been going on I'm doubtful they'd try to sneak past. Especially with an informant." Clive jostled my shoulder. I felt low, these people, they weren't bad. No worse than Mirans but something about this didn't sit well. "We'll still turn the body over so calm down. We're just going to trade for it. Right to this sector for the body of a cultural savior seems fair right?"

I gave a deep sigh. "So what...I'm one of you now?"

Clive frowned. "Well it's either you try to make a new life or you face trial, and let me tell you something, an auxiliary like you won't last long in court for treason."

"Then I don't have much of a choice here...do I have-"

"Yes, you're going to have the marks put on you."

I rubbed the back of my neck at the prospect. "Okay then...so what exactly is it anyways?"

Clive scratched his chin. "Normally it grows from birth, but for you we'll just have to guide it. It's skin pigmentation not ink so it will...hurt...just a little."

"Great." I grumbled.

"Oh calm down. As a Cale you'll have free reign in our lands, which might I add, contains this planet." Clive gave a wide, knowing, smile. "And from what I can tell you've made yourself quite at home here. I don't see a reason you can't stay." Clive squeezed my shoulder before walking off. "Oh and one last thing." He spun on his heel. "Thank you for your cooperation, and praise the Mother." I scratched my head. "No really...praise the Mother. Don't tell anyone you're Jewish."

"Ah...gottcha." He flicked his fingers off of his temple at me and wandered off. Maybe this wasn't so bad.

I started walking through my ship somberly. Only cut off as the soldier from before skulked out of Lyra's room, wiping his fingers on his pants. "Goddess damn it all."

I walked over to him. "She make you-" I made a lewd gesture with my fingers.

He just looked at the floor. "I don't want to talk about it...." He skulked off deeper into the ship.

I just laughed and leaned against the wall. Well, at least now I can stop running. "I wonder if they'll make me bleach my hair too...." I ran my fingers through my hair as I walked outside and into the fresh air. I looked up, a large warship was now clearly visible in high orbit. "Man...I really hope not."

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Other Titles in this Series:

  1. E-27 C The journal of a pioneer

    by Sir Hat
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    Entry date: 2212. My name is Salem, I have been sent to survey each planet in this system as a part of a colonization effort. In the event of my death I have written this journal.


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  2. E-27 S The journal of a runner

    by Sir Hat
    11 Dislikes, 954 Views

    Date: 2519 My name is Ryan Hannik, for the past few months I've been running from the law for something I had no say in. This planet has been marked as unlivable, but it looks like a perfect place to lay low.


    10 Chapters, 27,177 words: Estimated 1 Hour, 49 Minutes to read: Cached
    Published Dec 24th, 2013
    Last Update Jan 17th, 2014
E-27 S The journal of a runner

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