
Lifeless Sand

by Write Holiday

Chapter 4: The Sand

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The Sand

I wake up, hurt and confused. I slowly open my eyes, and look around. I can't believe what I am seeing. Sand. Just, sand. North, sand. South, sand. West, sand. East, sand. It's all sand. I'm in, a desert. It doesn't make sense though, there are no deserts near Ponyville, not even near the Everfree forest. So how did I end up here by falling in a hole?

I get up, and slowly begin to walk. I have no direction to go, so I just, walk. As I'm walking, I think of how I could have ended up here. The last thing I remember is walking into the Everfree forest, and I fall into a hole. Then it's all black and foggy. But how did I go from a hole to a desert? I trip over a bump. As I look behind me, a tan Pegasus gets up. "Hey! Go find your own hiding spot!" He says.

"What? Hiding spot? What are you hiding from?"

"You mean you don't know?" He asks, being suddenly serious.

"N-no, why?" I ask, slowly becoming scared.

"Fine. I'll tell. You see, my name is Bluespark. I used to work for Princess Celestia. I was part of the council team at the time of code57-59921."

"What does that mean?"

"Code57-59921 means that Celestia is corrupt. It has been around ever sense the fillyada revolution."

"Fillyada? I've never heard of it." I say, trying to fish for an answer.

"You wouldn't have. It was part of Equestria at a time, but the ruler of that specific region was Prince Redroad. He was an amazing ruler. He kept the crime rate at nearly zero, every pony was happy, it was a utopia. But one day, he saw Canterlot and how rich it was. He thought that if he was able to enslave all of the ponies, they could mine for riches under the ground. So he did just that. After twenty-seven years of the enslavment, the ponies revolted. They demanded freedom and equality, but the Prince wouldn't listen. So they forced it. They stormed the castle, and executed the Prince. But in all the chaos, there was a pony that lit every building on fire. The town was literally burned off the face of the earth. That's why no text books talk of it."

"So, what does this have to do with that code?"

"Well, you see, after the king died, Celestia became feared. She wanted to make sure that all rulers are kept near normality. So she set up a code. This code would be used when a ruler is corrupted, and is making all the wrong decisions. Recently, Celestia herself became like this. The majority of the council voted to put his code into action. If the code is activated, then the current corrupt ruler will be forced to step down. But when Celestia heard this, she went on a rampage. Of the fifty council members, I am one of the last remaining seven."

"So that is why your hiding in the sand?"

"Exactly. You are a good Pegasus, I can tell, so I leave you with this advice. Stay away from the yellow and pink one."

"Wait, why? That's Fluttershy, why would I stay away from her?" Hut Bluespark digs back into the sand. "Bluespark!" I try digging, but I can't find him.

"I heard something over here." I hear a voice say. I turn and run. "There, I see her!" I keep running. I feel heat on my right side, and look. It's a beam. They must be unicorns. I can hear some sort of engine, so they aren't on foot. They keep trying to hit me with the beam, and thankfully keep missing. I trip over a rock, but thankfully I trip into a hole. The three unicorns float over me, still firing beams into the one direction. I pull myself out of the hole, and squint to see if I can see them. I feel a hoof on my back. I jump and turn around.

"Howdy RD, fine weather huh?" Applejack passes out, her head landing on my shoulder. I slowly put her on the sand, and stand there. How is Applejack here? For that matter, why? I look up again, and squint even harder. I can't see them, but I can hear their beams slowly dying off in the distance. I sit down, thinking. If that code thing was put into place, how did Celestia get away with the murder with fourty-three royal guards, and still attend the race? And why did Fkuttershy lurker me into the path just to fall? I need answers, but I need sleep more. So I lie down, and rest

Next Chapter: Betrayal Estimated time remaining: 14 Minutes
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