
Lifeless Sand

by Write Holiday

Chapter 3: The Race

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The Race

"Begin!" I see all seven opposing pegasi burst off like a bullet around me. And here I am, staring at a cloud in though. A good two seconds go by until I relize it began. I fly, shooting off the cloud like a gazelle from the street. I catch up to the one in seventh. "Hey Rainbow Crash!" He snickered. I want to hurt him, so bad, but I ignore it and keep going. "W-wait, wait for me!" He yells. I just slightly laugh to myself, knowing he's in the clouds behind me. I hear the announcer.

"Current standing are, in order, Ace Wing, Spitfire, Fleetfoot, Top Wind, Cloud Control, Sandwedge, Rainbow Dash, and Dirtlink!"

Of course Ace Wing is in front. It's only fitting I suppose. After all, she was the first Mare to win five different flying events, and she is the daughter of Keelal, the head of the Pegasus flying competition, PFC for short. She won so much, she has been accused of steroid-like drugs. Of course she has been tested, but she still is strongly disliked by a lot of Pegasi. As I'm flying around the first corner, I pull ahead of Sandwedge. "Hey!"

I just fly past. As I fly down the stretch, I pass the next two. I hope Fluttershy is watching me. I turn the second corner, and pass the next Pegasus. I'm catching ground fast. I turn the third corner, and then fifth. I pass the last corner, and look up. Time itself slows down. I see Fluttershy standing there in all her beauty. Her pink mane flowing with the slight breezes made by the passing Pegasi, her teal eyes glistening from the sun, her light-yellow skin beaming with beauty, I have never seen such a sight as beautiful. But of course, as I'm looking at her, I fly next to the wall of the building she is standing in. I catch myself before hitting into it, but I'm sure she saw me. I get back into the line of Pegasi in the race. "They are turning the final corner, let's see who takes first loaded of the first lap!" The announcer yells. We turn the last corner, and I relize I'm in second. I fly even Easter, and I'm neck and neck with first place, Ace Wing.

She kicks the air, trying to kick me out of the way. She thankfully misses, and I pull ahead. We cross the starting line. "No!" I hear her yell.

"And first place of the first lap goes to Rainbow Dash!" I hear the announcer yell. But it was only one lap, we have along time before we are done.

After 348 laps, it's the final one. It was a very boring race. No fights, no Pegasi crashing into each other, no fun. But I was able to hold the lead from the first lap on, apparently it was a new record. I don't know though, it wasn't the point. The point was that I was in first, that's it. As I turn the last corner, I feel teeth on my hoof. I look behind me for a second, and I see Ace Wing biting my foot. I can feel my blood from her teeth. She pulls ahead of me, and the last stretch shows itself. I fly as fast as I can, and get neck to neck. We pass the finish line. I fall onto a cloud, and almost immediately fall asleep.

I wake up in a hospital, dazed and confused. I hardly remember the four hours of the race, and I can't see an inch in front of me. My vision slowly focuses, and I see an orange blob. I realize it is Applejack. "Hey RD." She says, seeing I am awake.

"Hey AJ, what's up?" I ask tiredly.

"Well, just wanted to apoligize for earlier. How I kinda blew up on ya like that. Also wanted to say congrats on the win."

"Wait I won?" I ask in disbelief.

"Well, yea. You didn't know?"

"No, I must have passed out. Wait, did Fluttershy see me win?" I ask.

"Yea, she said to say congrats to ya when you wake up. Also to meet her in her cottage tonight, she wants to do something for ya."

"Did she say what?" I ask, trying to not to let Applejack onto my excitement.

"No, just that she wanted to do something for you."

"Ok. Thanks." I say. I get up, and fall to the floor.

"Easy there pardner, your foot."

"Oh yea, Ace Wing." I say, huffing.

"Yea, about that. She technically won, she crossed the finish line first. But she was disqualified as soon as they saw your foot, and put two and two together."

"Really? Well, thanks for telling me."

"No problem RD. I'll let you rest." And she leaves. I can't believe she won. And why did Fluttershy not come see me? She could have told me herself. I have to find her. I get up, holding my injured hoof up, and trot over to the door. I open it, and Fluttershy is standing there.

"Oh, hi Fluttershy." I can feel my face become hot and red.

"Hi Rainbow, congratulations on your win."

"Oh, thanks. I, I um, I need to get going." She trips me with her hoof. "Kwan! What was that f-" She kisses me on the lips. My mind melts, and my body relaxes completely. I forget about my hoof, and only focus on the kiss. She pulls away.

"Come here for a second, I want to show you something." At the time, I had a bad feeling. Damnit, I should have listened to myself. If I did, none of this would have happened. But no, I had to ignore myself. I had to follow her. I fly my way behind her, still thinking of that kiss. I never thought it would happen, but it did. I was so happy. Once we get to the edge of the Everfree forest, we stop. "This is it. Follow this path." I go without giving it a second thought. I get to a hole in the path. I fly up, but a branch falls and pushes me down the hole. I pass out.

Next Chapter: The Sand Estimated time remaining: 17 Minutes
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