
A second Chance

by kkman57

Chapter 2: A Rainbow of hope part 2

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"I'm Listening." Celestia asks as she makes eye contact with Hank.

Hank rubs the back of his head with his hoof nervously as he looks up to Celestia and says. "You heard me, if me, Bill, Boomhauer, and Kahn agree to stay here will not send us back!"

Celestia takes a closer examination at Hank, she could see that he was serious. "Even if I was able to keep you and all of your friends here, what about your loved ones at home, surely it would not be fair for them not to see you again."

Hank was stunned by this fact. He did not consider the possibility that he would not be able to see his family again. He frown as he hangs his head down, covering his face. "They...are gone..." Hank muttered. Celestia brings her head closer to hear better, but Hank shouts. "My family is already gone, everyone I knew on Earth has died already!"

Celestia backs away, surprised by what Hank has said. Twilight was baffled by this. No one has raised there voice towards Celestia, but what surprised her even more was what Hank just said.

Hank then hangs his head his head low again none of the ponies including Celestia saw this, but Twilight could see as clear as day, Hank was crying.

"Even if this was a mistake by God...I c-can't just leave. I always know that my wife and son were not here, but I never thought that they had passed on. I...just can't go through this again, I don't want to sadden the ponies that I have come to know." Hank said sadly, he then looks up to Celestia. She could see his tears slowly rolling down his cheeks.

All of the ponies frown sadly seeing this including Apple Jack, Flutter Shy, and Pinkie Pie. No other pony saw this except Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash. Twilight was the only pony of all the Ponyvile to have tears to coming from her eyes. She has always seen Hank Hill as one of the most sweetest colts in his group of his friends, He would always listen to her whenever she talks. He would finish all of his chore's on the list that she gave him, in order. Seeing his sorrow towards leaving her and her friends made her heart skip a beat.

"What's happening to me?" Twilight asks herself as she places her hoof on her chest. "I know that Princess Celestia has a reason for sending Hank...and his friends back.. but I don't want them to leave us...I don't want Hank to leave...me." Soon her thoughts were broken when Celestia speaks again.

"Do you really wish to stay here?" Celestia asks, keeping her emotions hidden. Hank clears his cheeks with his hoof as he slowly nods yes. She then turns her head towards Kahn, Boomhauer and Bill. "Do you desire the same?"

Kahn didn't know how to respond. In his heart he truly wanted to comeback to Earth and reunite with his wife Min and his daughter Connie, but after hearing about the Rapture he knew that they were long gone from Earth he truly knew that they were in a better place, it would be unfair if he were to take that away from them. Then he turns to Flutter Shy, who was frowning sadly. He also knew in his heart that she needed his help. If he would were to return to Earth then she would return to being a very shy pony and a very sad pony. He would not leave his new friend, not like this. Still he did not want to sound like a softy in front of his 'friends'.

"Yea, yea, I'll stay here with Hillbilly Rednecks, Just go Gribble will stop crying like little Redneck Baby."

Celestia slightly nods hearing his words, but she could tell that, he was hiding more then what he said. Dale and Rainbow Dash chuckle by what Kahn said as they wrapped there hoofs together. Twilight, Apple Jack, Spike, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy giggles by this as well. Celestia the turns to Boomhauer.

Like Kahn, Boomhauer also didn't know how to respond. If there was that Boomhauer miss on Earth it was sex. During the time he was in Ponyvile he has not had sex. It drove him crazy inside. Sure he had opportunities with other ponies, but something always ruined his change. Its always either Bill, making threats to him, to never touch or use them the wrong way or Rarity, always wanting him to try on new tuex's. Still he was glad to make new friends with girls that didn't end up in monogamy and seeing how happy Dale was with Rainbow Dash made him feel awful. For years he has known that Nacy was cheating on Dale even though she has stopped, it was still unfair that she had done this to him. So for Dale's sake he is willing to spend the rest of his life as a stallion pony for his best friend's happiness. Boomhauer turns to Celestia and stares at her with a blank face, before saying.

"Yo. Man."

Celestia had a bit of difficulty understanding what he said, but assumes that it means yes, soon all of the ponies squeal in excitement that the handsome stallion wanted to stay while the colts glare and grunt angrily at Boomhauer. Rarity grunts slightly at all the ponies who were squealing over him, but in her mind she was happy as any other pony that he might stay here. Then she lastly turn to Bill, before she could even blink Bill dashes towards Celestia with glee.

"Yes I want to say here! I love everything about Ponyvile! I've made so many new friends here and I don't want to leave them! Beside I hated my life back on Earth, no ever listened to me there, but here every pony is so kind and friendly to me!" Bill stated being loudly for all of Ponyvile to hear. Unlike the humans back on Earth who would normally mock him if they had heard anything him say that. All the ponies were touched by his words and some of them even cried for Bill, including Dale, Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack, and Fluttershy. Then in the last ditched effort he gets on his back knees and grovels to Celestia's hoofs. "Please let us stay in Ponyvile, please!"

Celestia couldn't help but chuckle happily by this, including Kahn, Boomhauer, Spike, and Pinkie pie. Hoping that this will convince Celestia to let Bill and his friends stay. Pinkie pie dashes towards Celestia and Bill. She then grovels to Celestia hoof as well.

"Yeah come on Princess Celestia, please let them stay?!"

Celestia smiles slightly as she pads Pinkie pie's head. She then focus's her attention towards the five ponies who wished to stay here. "So all of you wish to stay among us?"

Hank nods his head slightly, wiping the tears away from his glasses. Boomhauer nods with a blank look on his face. Kahn nods while grunting slightly. Dale looks over at Rainbow Dash and smiles brightly as he nods towards Celestia, Rainbow Dash smiles as well, as the two Pegasus's hoofs remained locked together. Bill excitingly nods his head repeatly as well as Pinkie Pie.

Not sure what to decide Celestia then turns to the six ponies who have created the most connection towards Hank and his friends. "Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Apple Jack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash could you six come here?"

The six ponies were confused by that request, but decide to approach Celestia. Rainbow Dash was hesitated at first, not wanting to let go of Dale's hoof, but Dale reassures her that he was not going anywhere by slightly touching her nose with his. This gives her the confidence to let go and approach Celestia, as she walks along side Twilight and Applejack. Once all of them gather in front of Celestia, she clears her throat as stares down at the girls.

"I trust you girls the most so answer me honestly. Do you think that these five ponies should stay with us?"

"Do yea got to ask twice ma'am ,of course I wouldn't mind having these pony slickers here!" Applejack replied.

"Well normality I wouldn't allow such unfashion ponies to live in my town..." Rarity said, she then glances over at Boomhauer. She blushes slightly as she looks back at Celestia. "But I think I could help them, so my answer is yes!"

"Um...I don't mind if they stay...It would be nice to have some new ponies here." Fluttershy said. Kahn couldn't help, but chuckle by this happily until Bill steps on his hoof, assuming that Kahn was mocking Fluttershy. Kahn grunts slightly, rubbing his hoof.

"Yes! I want them to stay here, I'll have tons more fun if we have them here!" Pinkie pie screeches as she hops happily around Celestia. Celestia then looks over at Rainbow Dah, she didn't need to say another word to her. Celestia could already tell that she wants them to say. So she nods slightly towards her then finally looks over at Twilight.

"Well Twilight Sparkles, all of your friends say yes. So what do you think?" Celestia asks.

Twilight then looks up at Celestia. Unsure of how to respond to her question. Yes she truly wanted them to stay here, but would her words be enough to convince her. If they Celestia said no to her the first time then would she even change her mind a second time? "Well...Princess Celestia I..."

Twilight hesitates and quickly silences herself. Celestia looks at her with a confused look. As Twilight was about to speak up again, she quickly notices Hank and his friends walking towards her and her friends. Kahn stood beside Fluttershy, padding her back as encouragement that no matter what happens they are still friends. Boomhauer stands by Rarity, she blushes slightly before Boomhauer could notice, she turns her head away to hide her cheeks. Bill tires to hop with Pinkie Pie as well, but found it very difficult as well because of his big gut, he soon tires himself out and soon lays on his stomach. Dale takes hold of Rainbow Dash's hoof, she stares at him with a frown, but he stares at her with a gleeful look after Rainbow Dash gazes into his eyes she finally cracks a smile.

Then finally Twilight see's Hank standing besides her. She stares directly at Hank while he looked up at Celestia. She could see that Hank was very determined to stay here. Hank soon stares down at Twilight, she was surprised by this, but manages to keep herself from blushing. That's when it finally hits her the constant blushing, always wanting to spend time with him, and the consistent chest pains it all all made sense to her now. She was in love with Hank.

Twilight Sparkles has fallen in love with Hank Hill!

Regaining her confidence she once again speaks up to Celestia. "I think Hank, Bill, Boomhauer, and Kahn should stay here in Ponyvile!"

Twilight's loud statement surprised her friends as well as Spike and Kahn. Hank was also surprised by this, normally Twilight was never one to speak out loudly, but hearing this surprised him, but at the same time he was glad that Twilight was on his side. He just hoped that it will be enough. Soon Twilight, Hank, and all the there friends look up at Celestia to see what she has decide. Celestia closes her eyes. She goes over everything that has been said.

For what seemed like four hours Hank and Twilight's friends waited nervously for Celestia's decision. Dale and Rainbow Dash's hoofs lack never loosened. Pinkie Pie hoping never ceased while Bill was still tired from his. Hank continues to await her decision, not moving a muscle from were he was standing. Twilight looks at Celestia as well, but makes a small glance at Hank. Soon all eleven ponies take quick notices as Celestia re-opens her eyes.

"After hearing your words and statements I have made my decision. Hank, Bill, Dale, Boomhauer, and Kahn you..." Celestia said. Soon Hank, Twilight and there friends eyes became buckled as she finished her statement. "...Passed."

Twilight and her friends cheer in celebration that there new friends get to stay. Soon all of Ponyvile cheer as well. Full of happiness Rainbow Dash plants a huge kiss on Dale's cheek, but as soon see's Dale looked more confused than happy. The other notice this, looking at the expressions of Dale's friend faces. All five of them were confused.

"What do you mean by passed?" Hank asks, cocking his head slightly.

Celestia smiles, seeing Hank and his friends were confused. "You see Hank, Bill, Boomhauer, and Kahn. I have absorbed you ponies since you first arrived in Ponyvile. At first I was unsure that you colts could adapt to our world, but in time I have come to realize that you boys could adapted nicely here. To make sure that you boys were ready for this I wanted to test you and see if you wanted to reunite your family or stay with us."

It was a lot to take in for five stallions. "So what a minute, this was a lie?!" Kahn stated "You lied to us!"

"In a way yes Kahn." Celestia said slightly nodding her head.

"So...Does this mean you can bring our family's here? Hank asks. Kahn and Dale were also concert with that possibility. Still Dale never releases his grip on Rainbow Dash hoof. Twilight frowns slightly, looking at the ground and kicking some dirt.

Celestia frowns. "I'm afraid not." Before Hank, Kahn, and Dale could ask why she replies. "I cannot tell you why because even I do not know why. I asked God, but he replied that he could not bring your family here."

Hank, Kahn, and Dale frown slightly by this. "I'm sorry..."

After a moment of silent moaring Hank finally speaks up. "Then we will do what we can to make Equestria a better place." Celestia and Twilight stare at Hank with a surprising look. "Even if we can not see our families again me and the guys will take advantage of our new lifestyle by repaying you and our new friends for giving us a second chance to live."

So all of Hank friends and Kahn agree in a unison. Celestia nods happily by this. She then realizes that she has something very important to attend too. "Very good, well I must return home to Canterlot, but I shall see you again soon."

Hank and the guys nod slightly by this while Bill nods his head happily. Celestia then turns to Twilight and her friends. "I trust that you girls will continue to help them adjust to there new life's?" Twilight and her friends nods. "Very good, farewell for now."

Soon Celestia expands her wings and starts to ascend from the ground. Twilight and her friends wave there hoofs goodbye, followed by Hank, Dale, Kahn, Boomhauer.

"Bye Princess Celestia, I LOVE YOU!" Bill shouted. Hank sighs face hoofing in embarrassment. Dale and Rainbow Dash chuckle by Bill statement. Celestia simply nods at Bill before disappearing from view.

Soon all Ponyvile gather around Hank his friends. Bill was happy to talk to every pony that wanted to listen to him. Boomhauer soon get surrounded by his fan's that was until Rarity moves them away with her magic, Boomhauer stares at her with a confused look. Kahn quickly gets annoyed by the constant questioning, he rubs his temple in annoyance while grunting.

Hank watches and smiles slightly seeing his friends and Kahn quickly adjusting. Just as he was watching he notices that Twilight was staring at him. Twilight quickly looks away not wanting him to see her flushed face. She quickly tries to change the subject.

"Well it looks like you guys get to stay here with us, indefinitely." Twilight said, she then glances over at Dale and Rainbow Dash. They were wrapping necks together and cry with tears of joy. "I'm glad that our friends have found love."

Hank was never one to show his emotions towards anyone, lets alone a female. He fiddles with his glasses before replying. "Um...Yes I am 'cough' glad for them."

After two minutes of awkward silence, Twilight speaks up again. "So...uh Hank there's something that I wanted to ask you..."

Hank looks over at Twilight. "What is it Twilight?"

Twilight stares at him nervously, not sure what he will say. She quickly decides to go for it. "Hank I..." She was soon interrupted as she hears three little fillies running toward them.

"Yay, Uncle Hank get's to stay!" Appleboom, Sweetiebelle, and Scootaloo shout in a unison as they tackle Hank to the ground and bouncing on him.

"Ow, get off of me!" Hank said trying to get up, but the three fillies ignore his cry and continue to bonce on him. Twilight tries to intervene, but she soon finds it amusing and laughs. The other saw this as well and soon all of Ponyvile join in as laughing in amusement by this.

"I think they'll fit in just fine." Twilight thought. As she watched her friends getting along with Hank's friends . She thinks that in time Hank and his gang colts will enjoy there new life's as ponies and live happily in Ponyvile.


But...What Twilight and Hank did not know is that they were being watched. Up in mountain top of ponyvile two ponies were watching them. They have seen everything that has just occurred. One of the spies was a brownish red stallion with a long black mane and tail that could touch the ground. He was very well built for a stallion his upper body. His brown eye glared angrily as he watched Dale and Rainbow Dash chat happily while holding hoofs. Soon he grunts loudly as he grids his teeth together.

"It seems that our master's information was correct, John Redcorn."

Redcorn cocks his head and see's the unicorn who accompanied him on the way to Ponyvile. The unicorn was as black as night but had a dark brown mane and tail he was rather slightly taller than most unicorns and his eyes were a squinty. Redcorn simply grunts at the unicorn as he turns his head towards Dale.

The black unicorn approaches him. "Is something wrong?"

Redcorn turns his glare towards him. "What's wrong?! Your asking me what's wrong?!"

The black unicorn doesn't show any reaction and remains neutral. "Yes, that is what I am asking."

"Look!" Redcorn said as he points his hoof down toward Ponyvile. The black unicorn glances to wear John was pointing. He only see Dale holding Rainbow Dash's hoof while they were scolding Scootaloo for jumping on Hank, but soon all three of them start laughing in a unison when they see Pinkie Pie jumping on Hank. "He has abandon Nancy and Joseph!"

The black simply stares at the angry stallion. "And your point is...?"

"My point!" Redcorn says as he stomps his hoof to the ground hard enough to create a four inch hole. "Nancy is worried sick about him and he's doing this behind her back!"

The black unicorn simply sighs as he readjusts his glasses. "Have you not heard a word of what Hank said...?" Redcorn continues to glares at him but was still interested to hear what he had to say, the black unicorn continues. "He thinks that every pony is on Earth is dead, the others thinks so as well...So during the time that Dale-san has been here he has manage to find someone to fill the whole in his heart."

"Then let's tell him then and the others about what happen to us!" Redcorn said as he starts to walk down towards Ponyvile but the black unicorn places his hoof in front of him.

"I would not advise you to do that." The black unicorn said.

"What do you mean, you said that..." Redcorn said, before the black unicorn cuts him off.

"Our master has instructed us just to observe them. We are not to interact with them until we are instructed to do so."


The black unicorn simply glares at Redcorn, indicating it as a warning. "I am in no mood to deal with you, now that we have our information we must return to our master."

Redcorn grunts again. As strong as he was, he was no match for the black unicorn. He simply nods as he gets one more glance at the orange Pegasus who has betrayed his family. "Dale Gribble, when I get the chance I will kill you myself."

Redcorn then turns around and soon dashes into the woods, but as he enters the woods he shouts. "Come on Junichiro !"

He simply sighs by Redcorn's frustration. Junichiro takes one more glance at his half-brother, who was chatting with Twilight and Applejack. "Brother..."

Junichiro then extents his black wings and soon fly's into the forest to catch up to Redcorn.

Next Chapter: A new life Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 9 Minutes
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