
A second Chance

by kkman57

Chapter 1: A Rainbow of hope part 1

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Pilot: Part 1


Twilight's Library

Twilight and Hank were busy reading books when all of a sudden Spike came in and burped out a scroll.

Hank was used to seeing that.

Twilight read the scroll and smiled.

"Princess Celestia is coming to visit!"

Hank smiled.

"I'll be damned. I'll finally meet that mare Bill wouldn't shut up about."

Twilight nodded.

"It says she wants to meet you, Dale, Boomhauer, Kahn, Cotton, and Bill."

"SHE WANTS TO MEET ME-E-E-E-E-E-E-E! ?" Bill said as he suddenly appeared in front of Twilight and Hank, surprising them both.

Hank rolled his eyes. "Oh God"


The next day


Twilight's Library

Hank, his friends, Kahn, Cotton, the Mane 6, Spike, and Applejack's family were waiting for Princess Celestia.

Kahn groaned.

"This redneck pony probably not even come..."

"It's 'will probably not come' Mr. Kahn"

Kahn turned around and gasped, along with Hank, Dale, Cotton, Boomhauer, and Bill.

Bill screamed like a Japanese schoolgirl. "OH MY GOD! IT'S PRINCESS CELESTIA! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !"

Princess Celestia laughed. "You must be Bill, the brony."

She looked over to Bill's friends.

"And you must be Hank Hill, Dale Gribble, Cotton Hill, Kahn Souphanousinphone, and Jeff Boomhauer"

Boomhauer, the ladies' man, was blushing, much to Kahn amusement.

Twilight bowed to her mentor.

"So what brings you here?"

Celestia frowned. This was more harder than she thought.

"I...came here to give some bad news"

Everypony looked surprised and worried.

Celestia looked over to Hank and his friends.

"You are all aware, except for Cotton, how you got here?"

Dale nodded.

"Sure. Our world ended."

Celestia nodded.

"Because your God started a rapture."

Bill was surprised.


Celestia bit her lip.

"However, your God now regrets destroying your world so..."

"...He's bringing us back from the dead?" Hank interrupted with a shocked look on his face.

Celestia slowly nodded.

Hank lowered his head.

Dale gulped.

Bill let out a tear.

"Jesus Christ" Boomhauer muttered.

Kahn just shook his head.

"Your fucking kidding me" Cotton muttered.

Everypony all had shocked looks on their face.

"I'm sorry" Celestia whispered.

She looked at Cotton.

"You get to stay, since you died before the rapture"

Cotton lowered his head and angrily let a tear out.

Hank, who was actually crying, spoke up.

"When do we leave?"

Celestia answered back sadly.


Bill whispered, "Can we say our goodbye?"

Celestia slowly nodded.

Hank walked up to Twilight and Spike.

"Well, bye, I guess. Damn, I'm not good at this"

Twilight and Spike hugged Hank, to his surprise.

"That's OK" Twilight said.

"We'll miss you!" Spike said.

Dale walked up to Rainbow Dash.


Rainbow Dash smiled and nudged Dale's shoulder.

"Goodbye, Rusty Shackleford"

Dale couldn't help but laugh.

Bill walked up to a sad Pinkie Pie.

"Goodbye Pinkie Pie. Oh come on! Where's the happy Pinkie I knew?"

Pinkie Pie was still sad.

Bill smiled.

"Did I tell you the time when Hank's gender was female on his license"

Hank glared at Bill, who just smiled nervously.

Pinkie couldn't help but laugh her flank over that.

Boomhauer walked up to Rarity.

"Well man dang o good bye i guess"

Rarity kissed Boomhauer on the cheek.

"Good bye Mr. Boomhauer"

Bill looked envious.

"Lucky bastard. Got kissed by Rarity"

Kahn walked up to Fluttershy.

"Good bye Fluttershy. Don't let rednecks get to you"

Fluttershy couldn't help but giggled.

"Good bye Mr. Super Phone"

"Souphanousinphone" Kahn corrected as he hugged her.

Hank walked up to Cotton.

Cotton looked the other way. "God damnit"

"Good bye Dad."

"Good bye Colonel" Dale replied.

"Take good care of the ponies" Bill begged.

Cotton sighed and said what he couldn't believe we would say.

"Goodbye son" as he hugged Hank.

Applejack and her family walked up walked up.

"We'll miss you Hank Hill"

Hank smiled.

"You got Big Mac with you to remind you"

Everypony, even Big Macintosh and Cotton, started to laugh.

Hank and his friends walked up to Celestia.

They all nodded.

Celestia's started to glow.

Hank and his friends waved one last time.




"Mmm hmm"


A white light suddenly appeared and got bigger and bigger until...


"STOP!" A voice cried out, hearing the sound Celestia ceases her glowing. Hank and the gang were jumped in surprisement by the loud cry. The other ponies join in as well. everyone looks at one another to see which pony had said that. They did not need to look any longer as they saw a certain blue Pegasus with a rainbow mane dashing towards Celestia. She could see that Rainbow Dash was fighting so hard to hold her tears back.

"Rainbow Dash, what on earth...?"

"Princess Celestia... I beg you please don't send them back!" Rainbow Dash said as small tears soon start to escape her eyes. Hank and the guys were shocked by this as they watched her cry angrily, especially Dale. Through the time that Dale has known Rainbow Dash, she was always had a tough, but sweet personality. Always the adventurous type and never fears of danger and is willing to do anything to help her friends out. He sometimes wishes that he was more like her, if he could have more time here then maybe he could have been more braver.

"I'm sorry Rainbow Dash but they must return to there own world.." Celestia said. This puts a frown on Rainbow Dash's face, unable to hold it in any longer more tears soon falls from her cheeks. Hank, Boomhauer, and Kahn frown slightly while Bill weeps controllably. While in the crowd of ponies Twilight, Flutter Shy, Rarity, Spike, and Apple Jack frown as well, they were saddened to see there new friends leave so soon, but they were more sadden by Rainbow Dash's sadness.

"B-But it isn't fair!" Rainbow cried, stomping her hoofs repeatly. Twilight and Apple Jack soon rushes to her side.

"Rainbow Dash listen, I know you want them to stay, but they must return home." Twilight said as she places her hoof over her shoulder, but she slaps it off.

"But there our friends Twilight how can we just send them be sent away, that's not how friends treat other friends!" Rainbow Dash cried. She then looks down at ground hiding her face as her tears were touching the ground, soon she feels a hoof lifting her chin up. She then sees that it was Dale Gribble holding her head up. "Dale..."

He smiles slightly seeing her cry for him and his friends. "Listen Rainbow Dash...I know that you want us to stay, but like Celestia said God wants us to return to earth."


Dale's sighs as he removes his hoof from under her chin. "Please don't cry over us it's for the best that we.."

Dale's words are soon cut off as Rainbow Dash press's her nose against his and rubs her against his. Soon all of the ponies of Ponyvile gasped by this. Rainbow Dash's friends gasped by this. Dales friends were also in shock by this, but did not fully understand what it meant. Bill almost immediately over gasped and falls on his butt.

"Oh God..." Bill said rubbing his head in his light headed state.

After what seemed like hours between Dale and Rainbow Dash. She moves her nose away from Dale's. His ciggerate soon falls from his mouth and falls to the ground, he really couldn't understand why, but when she pressed her nose against his he felt as though something had shot his heart with a gun repeatedly. He has not had this feeling since his was with his wife Nancy back on earth, but even so this new feeling for Rainbow Dash was even stronger, his heart felt like it was going to burst at any moment.

"R-Rainbow Dash..." Dale said now muttering his own words, before she cuts him off.

"I don't want you to go Dale,...you are one of the best Pegasus that I have ever met...Not only that you are also so strong and bold and your never afraid to speak up your mind...I know that you have a special pony back on Earth, but I can't sake my feelings away... I refuse to sake it away!" Rainbow Dash yells as her voice echo's through Ponyvile.

"But Rainbow Dash I..."

"No Dale, don't you dare make me toss my feelings away!" Rainbow Dash screams even louder as starts to cry again. Now with nothing left to loose she puts all of her cards on the table, hoping that it will be enough to keep Dale with her always.


Soon the whole town of Ponyville are in great shock. All of the Colts including Hank, Boomhauer, Kahn, and even Cotton mouths dropped hard to the ground. While all of the other ponies, including Twilight, Rarity, Flutter Shy, and Apple Jack were lost for words by what Rainbow Dash had just said. Pinky Pie and Bill were also in aw but both squealed in excitement by this turn of events.

Once Rainbow Dash had said this she soon falls face forward to the ground and starts crying uncontrollably. Apple Jack and Twilight try to approach her, but Dale places his hoof in front of them indicating them to stop. He gently nudges his hoof on her back. She looks up and see's Dale staring at her.

"Is..this how you really feel about me?" Dale asks as soft as he could even though his voice was still scratchy. Rainbow Dash slowly stands on her four hoofs and looks at Dale, she slowly nods yes. Then as fast as a speeding bullet he presses his lips against hers, Rainbow Dash's eyes buckle in great shock by this turn of events, but she didn't care about that now. The Pegasus of her dreams was right here, right now touching her lips. She could not help, but cry by this...

Twilight and Apple Jack could not help, but cry as well followed by Rarity, Fluttershy and Bill. Pinky Pie just smiled brightly seeing her best friend so happy. Hank, Kahn, and Boomhauer scratch the back of there heads while looking away in a Unison.

Cotton being...well... Cotton, he grunts as he leaves the crowd and heads back to Apple Jack's home to rest. "Baw, I don't have time for all this sissy crap."

Once Dale and Rainbow Dash breaks there kiss they smile happily at each other before focusing there attention on Celestia. She sadly frowns a pond them.

"So does this mean I still have to go?" Dale asks Celestia as he was moving Rainbow Dash's hair from her face while Rainbow Dash Wraps her neck around his.

"Yes.. I'm afraid so..there's no other way. I can't.."

Just as she talking Hank slams his hoof hard to the ground to get her attention. "Wait Miss Celestia!" Soon the Celestia, Dale and his friends, Rainbow Dash and her friends, and all of Ponyvile focus there attention to Hank. He clears his throat before speaking to Celestia. "Now I may not know much about how things run here, but I'm sure we can work something out."

"As much as I would love to find to another way out of this, it's beyond my control." Celestia said

"But there has to.."

"I'm sorry Hank, but nothing you can say that will change my decision." Celestia said more bluntly. No longer wanting to waste anymore time she soon starts to glow a white light again. Twilight then tries to intervene.

"Princess Celestia please at least let Dale stay here!"

Celestia's eyes soon start to glow white as she turn her attention towards Twilight. "I can not just leave one pony here Twilight, you know that."

Twilight submits to defeat, not even her words were enough to change Celestia's mind. Dale and Rainbow Dash soon wrap each other in there hoofs, holding on to each other as long as they could. Then once again a white light suddenly appeared and got bigger and bigger until...

"What if we all agree to live among you and your ponies in Equestria for the rest of our life's!" Hank screamed to the top of his lungs, hoping that Celestia could hear him. Once again Celestia ceases her glowing momentarily once again as she stares down at Hank. Twilight eyes buckle in surprisement, she has never seen another unicorn or a pony for that matter who has spoken up against Celestia twice, she slightly blushes, noticing how brave he was standing up for his and her best friends love. Once again Celestia ceases her glowing once again as she stares down at Hank. Despite this Hank doesn't back down.

"I'm listening."

To be continued...

Next Chapter: A Rainbow of hope part 2 Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 24 Minutes
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