
Secrets of a Lunar Princess

by Flammenwerfer

Chapter 6: 6: Friends

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6: Friends

Secrets of a Lunar Princess

Chapter 5

Bonding and Admission

Voices. That’s all he could make out in his subconscious state: Voices. It goes without saying that he had no idea what they were saying… hell, he had no idea where the hell he even was! Phaze knew he was alive though, that much was certain. However, he was also certain that at this point, his body was not under his control. He felt things being done to him, but he had no idea what. It felt almost… muffled. So here he was, alone with his own thoughts and memories, although the latter was a bit more convoluted. He couldn’t recall recent events. The last thing he was certain of remembering was seeing the ground up close from behind the cockpit of an aircraft. Anything after that is a mystery and will have to be filled in when he regained control of all of his senses.

Currently though, he was stationary, most likely in a ‘lying down’ position, face up of course. He still could hear voices, still muffled, albeit becoming somewhat clear. His eyes wouldn’t open, of course, so he’d have to have patience. How long until he was free of his mental prison, however, was still a mystery. Phaze was not currently aware of the state of time. To him, it felt like he was stuck for mere minutes being unconscious. But most likely it had been several hours… or even days! Speaking of which… his black abyss of his mind was slowly becoming brighter. Was this it, was this waking up? Only one way to find out!

Phaze’s eyes fluttered before they opened, revealing his irises to the room. It was only lit by a small lamp that was giving off weak light, most likely because it was night time. He was able to turn his head, which was a bit stiff, to the window and noticed that the moon was still somewhat low near the east, indicating that night was merely a couple hours in. Oh yeah… where was he?

Phaze looked around at his surroundings. He was in a room, that much was obvious, and he was lying on a bed, covered from the torso down.

Hospital… gotcha.

Satisfied with his predicament, Phaze decided to test his body out to figure out the extent of the damage. He was able to turn his head and look around just fine, and there was no lingering headache; that was already a good sign. He attempted to curl his fingers… successfully. His hands also responded and his arms followed as well. He threw the covers off of his torso and noticed that his arms had a few scars and healing cuts on them… that were actually almost faded.

Medical Magic is amazing!

Another test: Could he sit up? Phaze placed his upper body weight on his elbows and forced his torso up… he winced in very light pain but it was mainly from stiffness of his muscles, most likely a side effect of healing as well as the medical magic.

Nevertheless, he sat himself up and propped his back against the headboard of the hospital bed. He sighed in contentment as he knew that he was lucky to have survived what he deduced was the crashing of his fighter. How bad the crash was would remain to be seen. He shrugged the idea off, just happy to even be alive, and drew his eyes around the darkened room. However, he stopped suddenly when he heard something right next to him; the sound of a sudden intake of breath as well as murmuring. He peered over and found a chair that was placed right next to the bed, and it was inherently occupied.

He looked over the figure and found the Lunar Princess, dressed in casual clothing, sleeping soundly (albeit it looked uncomfortable in the chair), and shifting slightly. This took Phaze by surprise, as he did not expect to see her here at all, especially being the first person that he saw when he came to. He also noticed something interesting: under her eyes appeared to be darker stains…

Was she crying?

As if his thoughts could be read, Luna shifted and murmured once more before her eyes groggily fluttered open, revealing her teal blues to him.

“I hope that you weren’t here the entire time I was out…” Phaze said softly, but nevertheless Luna jumped and looked at Phaze with wide eyes. He gave her a weak smile due to being still somewhat tuckered out after the whole ordeal.

“Phaze!” she exclaimed with a whisper as she got up and gently embraced the wounded soldier in a tender but tight hug. This came rather unexpectedly for him as his eyes widened as a result. As he thought about it, Luna had never once made any friendly physical contact towards him, and he didn’t seem to mind. Now that she was actually doing it, it took him completely by surprise! He gently returned the embrace as well, the whole ordeal bringing somewhat of a smile to his face. Being in the ESF he forgot what it was really like having a friend come to your aid rather than merely a squadmate.

“My, someone’s affectionate towards her friends…” Phaze playfully remarked. Luna didn’t break the hug but her hand flared in magic, the result was one of Phaze’s healing arms being constrictedd in a magical vice, forcing him to grunt in pain. Luna only smirked deviously.

“Squander not my affections,” she replied softly before releasing the embrace. Phaze couldn’t pass up the next opportunity:

“Don’t be mad because you care about me…” he quipped once more. He was right. Luna did care about him but her pride wouldn’t let her admit that she found solace and softness in friendship with someone else.

“I most certainly do not!”

“That is the greatest lie in Equestrian History! You care about me! The Lunar Princess of the Night cares about a common ESF soldier!” he said gleefully. Luna visibly looked flustered before she turned away to avoid further embarrassment. When that mood died down, he allowed conversation to turn more serious.

“So… how bad was I?” he asked. Luna picked up a clipboard at the end of his bed and read off:

“Thou had… A broken arm, a broken shoulder, collarbone fractured in two, almost three, places… umm… both thy femurs were bruised and you had some internal bleeding from your stomach and liver as well as a collapsed lung. Not to mention the innumerable cuts, bruises, burns, and lacerations that were caused by not only the crash but the impact of the High Explosive Anti-Aircraft shell. By the way: AA shell. Misfire,” she stated so nonchalantly before tossing the clipboard to Phaze. He casually looked it over and ‘assessed the damage,’ nodding with a look of impressment on his face.

“How long was I out?” he asked while setting the papers aside.

“Six days!” Luna said almost too enthusiastically, albeit with a softer tone due to it being nighttime. Phaze’s eyes widened.

“Six Days?! What the hell?!”

“Well technically, thou wert unconscious for about five hours before you started to stir. Had medical staff not kept you sedated, thou would’st likely have perished a most painful death from the sheer overload of pain on your central nervous system. I’m most pleased that that wasn’t the case.”

“How did you manage that? Just administered anesthetic before I got operated on?” he asked out of curiosity. Luna giggled.

“Funny story, actually. You were finished being operated on but they had not finished taking care of basic cosmetic appearance of your wounds, magically speaking. I was able to be present during that procedure. When you were starting to stir, it was completely unplanned and as such they had no anesthetic available on hand at that particular moment. Instead of someone rushing to get a vial, I personally took the liberty of planting my fist in the side of thy face. That ‘did the trick,’ I believe is what they say.” Luna explained, unable to suppress her giggles. Phaze then felt the right side of his face and found it was indeed a tad bit sore, and upon finding a mirror, it was discolored in a shape of relative size to Luna’s fist. The moment he took notice of it Luna doubled over in suppressed laughter.

“So… you actually knocked me out. How long have you wanted to do that?” he asked with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. Luna wiped her eye and turned back to him.

“Longer than you care to know, ‘Phaze with a Z.’” Luna replied back with a joking smile. Phaze couldn’t help but return it. After a couple moments of comfortable silence, Luna spoke up:

“Well… how are you feeling? Are you up to walking?” Luna asked, sitting on the foot of the bed. Phaze stretched a couple of times before shifting his feet over the side of the bed and planting them on the floor. He then stood up to test the waters. He was a bit sore, but not uncomfortable. Definitely needed to stretch, however. Nevertheless, he actually… felt great! He jumped a bit in place and performed a few odd forms of motion before he looked to Luna and nodded.

“Yeah… I guess I am!” Luna nodded back with a grin.

“Most excellent. Then let us be off,” Luna said as she slung a duffel bag over her shoulder. He looked at her with a curious stare, cocking his head.

“To where?” he asked. Luna then threw some clothes at him.

“Out of the hospital and back to Canterlot. The doctors and nurses had already cleared you to leave once you woke up… or I signed you out, rather. Whichever you prefer. Get dressed, for hospital attire suites thee not.” Phaze shrugged and stepped into the bathroom, reemerging later dressed in some pants and a plain black long-sleeved shirt.

“Good. Let us leave now,” Luna proclaimed, leading the way out of the door. Phaze followed after her as they strode down the halls, passing by the night nurses and doctors. Overall, the floor was rather quiet save for a few audible moments of chatter. Phaze quickly fell into step with Luna as they exited out of the hospital doors, finding an armored chariot waiting for them, flanked by two Lunar Guards. She nodded to the two of them before they all stepped in, the craft taking flight shortly afterwards.

Something seemed odd. Phaze had been in situations with Luna where they would have to fly together in the same craft, or just be in close proximity with each other, and as of recently it never seemed to be a problem (even if they would just relish in comfortable silence). But Phaze could clearly sense… almost taste some tension in the air. Upon looking at what appeared to be a bored-out-of-her-mind Luna, he was reminded of the tear stains that had not been wiped from under her eyes. He started to feel… bad for her, for lack of better words.

“I hope you weren’t shedding tears over something as simple as me,” he quipped... somewhat. Luna immediately (by way of her own pride, of course) sat up and wiped her eyes.

“Nay! Ummm… just something I had in my eyes… both of them. At the same time. Or my mascara that had not been removed for several days… both scenarios actually!” Luna attempted to reason, but almost half-assed, as if she was just saying it to make herself feel better and not actually convince anyone. Phaze only looked at her with somewhat of a solemn look on his face, subtly telling her that he indeed was not buying her attempted ruse. Luna sighed and looked down to the floor of the craft before meeting her gaze back to his. Her eyes told him everything.


“I thought you would almost certainly die,” Luna interrupted with a somber tone. Clearly she was somewhat affected, which surprised Phaze greatly. Yes, she’d probably be a bit shaken up but she seemed as if she almost lost a best friend or something. He wasn’t that close to her… right?

“Yet, here I am,” he responded, stretching his arms out a bit for emphasis.

“But there was high probability you would have! The doctors poured as much magic into you as a young Uni-Cron human naturally produces in a year to keep you alive!” Luna raised her voice.

That probably explained why he felt a bit tingly here and there.

“You really do care… don’t you?” he asked with the tone that was used friend-to-friend. Luna could only smile in contentedness and sigh.

“Probably a tad more than I should, considering the lack of time we have known each other.”

Fair enough… she admitted it. But Phaze had one question that was bothering him in the back of his mind constantly as a result of his suspicions:


Luna remained in silence for a few moments, staring at her free-flowing hair as she attempted to come up with some words.

“Mainly… because thou treatests me as an equal; not someone who is necessarily above you or a ‘better person.’ You dost not pander to me, nor do thy job with your only goal in mind to ‘please a superior,’ and most importantly, you not only treat me, but embrace me as your equal. Ultimately it’s nice to have someone also see you as a friend or someone who is not awkward to be around, nor afraid of you.”

Luna looked up again and smiled at him.

“And for that, I thank you. It may not seem like it at times, but through these short few weeks, you’ve grown on me, Phaze. But let that not get to your head, lest you believe I’m ‘coming on to you,’ or something,” she said with playful edge of scorn. Phaze was moved, he really was, but he couldn’t help but chuckle at that last statement.

“I thank you for your kind words, Luna, I really do. It means a lot coming from you, and you know I more than gladly accept your gesture of friendship. It’s nice to know that someone else cares, especially someone like yourself,” he replied in turn. Luna couldn’t help but smile at that.

“However, about the ‘coming on,’ comment, even if you were, know that you are an amazingly attractive woman but I’d have to respectfully decline in that given situation.”

This peaked Luna’s curiosity.

“Oh? Pray tell, hypothetically speaking of course.”

“Let’s just say that my heart belongs to someone else…” he said with a grin and a nod. Luna grinned back and laid her head in the palm of her hand, eventually taking a leaning stature against the interior hull of the craft.

“Likewise, my dear friend. Likewise.”

The two returned to Canterlot and disembarked on the landing pad. The Lunar Princess and ESF soldier shared casual conversation down the hall as they returned to their own quarters, the moon high in the sky and illuminating their path. It was good to be back… that was for sure. Luna promised to see Celestia in the morning as well and deliver the news. Eventually, the two arrived in front of Phaze’s door, which was on the way to the Lunar quadrant of the castle.

“Thanks for watching over me, Luna. It really meant a lot,” he said with sincerity. Luna only responded by taking him into a hug, which he eagerly returned.

“I would not have it any other way.”

“I’ll be here if something comes up. If not, I’ll probably see you tomorrow anyways,” he replied, both of them releasing each other.

“Indeed. I look forward to it. Until then… have thyself an excellent slumber,” she commented before turning her body away from him and starting down the hall.

“Night, Luna!” he shouted back before entering his room and collapsing on his bed the moment he got there. He was still pretty tired (even though his body felt rejuvenated) and decided on some more sleep.

As well, Luna was nearly out like a light when she hit the pillow on her bed. She didn’t even bother to change into any sleepwear. She had a nice smile on her face and she sighed once more before fully succumbing to the depths of a nice slumber.

The night continued peacefully and the scene was rather serene around Canterlot. That was… until there was an inexplicable but large flash of light in the distance on the horizon which was immediately accompanied by a low (but short) rumble… then another… then two more. Slowly the flashes in the distance fell into no particular rhythm, but the low rumbles and bangs could be heard almost like white noise to the surroundings. It would almost seem ominous, if not soothing… that at least would be the case, had it not been for the sudden eruption of a piercing and bone-bone chilling sound of the Invasion Siren that started blaring throughout the castle and military grounds.


Next Chapter: 7: Total War Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 28 Minutes
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