
Secrets of a Lunar Princess

by Flammenwerfer

Chapter 5: 5: Bonding and Admission

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5: Bonding and Admission

Secrets of a Lunar Princess

Chapter 5

Bonding and Admission

It is certainly interesting to note how much of a change a little bit of understanding is capable of. This was no different for the Lunar Princess and her new partner, or now, friend, Phaze. It had been a good two weeks since Luna had sincerely apologized to him, swallowing her pride and fully accepting that she was, indeed, in the wrong. With her conscience cleared, a large weight had been lifted off of her shoulders and her overall demeanor had changed considerably, especially her attitude towards him, which happened to be very warm now. Much to the surprise of Phaze, Luna had invited him out several times to have a late night drink with her, her reasoning being that it was “what friends do to fraternize.” He wasn’t complaining in the slightest, but rather enjoying the newfound company of one of his rulers. Luna herself was finding his company more than pleasant and was quickly cherishing his friendship. Phaze found his current situation rather interesting. If someone had told him that he’d be personally partnering up, and eventually befriending the Princess of the Night, he would have probably had said person reported. Even more so if someone told him that he’d find himself where he was now: North, past the Equestrian border and in a mountainous and lush area of Southern Greifenraum.

Their mission was a long one, however; requiring the two to be gone for two days and three nights. According to shared intelligence from both nations, a group of separatists who were against the alliance held between the Greifen nation and Equestria, and constantly trying to instigate conflict, were stockpiling large amounts of weapons and heavy munitions which were to be launched into Equestria. Greifenraum had explicitly stated, when asked, that they were more than capable of handling the insurgent forces. However, there’s what was explicitly said, and what Princess Luna was willing to actually listen to. So, the mobile weapons stockpile needed to be located before it would be undoubtedly seized by advancing Greifen forces, or destroyed by retreating insurgents. They needed a sample of the alleged weapons, as reports indicated a new type of missile delivery system that could have potential consequences for the future.

With that, she and Phaze found themselves deep within a lush, forested area on a mountainside; being their last night ‘behind enemy lines.’ The not-so-distant sounds of war could be heard as Greifen troops engaged the militant forces and undoubtedly putting them down with utmost prejudice. The two of them were huddled over a small fire for warmth with semi-content expressions on their face. The first two days and two nights were spent tracking the insurgent group as they moved around, while avoiding detection by both belligerents. Finally, their efforts had born fruit (in conjunction with a large stroke of luck) that the insurgents were getting cornered by Greifen forces, which was what the current skirmish was (the one that they were hearing). The mountainous terrain called for a slight reworking of their equipment. Longer range combat possibilities caused for a favor of high accuracy and power over rate of fire; bolt-action rifles fit the criteria nicely. The high potential of facing higher powered weapons called for heavier composite layers under their uniforms, on top of a heavier steel sys-polyalloy helmet. When the two had first suited up, they looked like soldiers out of the First Global Conflict, bringing about much jesting about disregarding of technological advancements.

The two had sat in comfortable silence, readying themselves for when they had to move out and into battle before escaping back into the brush and getting extracted. Phaze was inserting crystalline projectiles into stripper clips while Luna casually adjusted a few things on her rifle. Phaze felt the need to break the silence.

“Hey Luna?” he asked softly, still being wary of his surroundings.

“Hmmm?” she acknowledged back, still concentrating on her weapon.

“You’ve been a little quiet these past couple of days. Forgive me for asking, but is something the matter?” Phaze asked once again, still retaining his respect for her. Luna looked to him, locking her eyes to his and offering a nice grin.

“I thank thee for thy concern, but it is nothing you need worry about. I have just been… thinking, is all,” she replied, her voice much softer towards him recently, before turning back to her rifle.

“About…?” he asked, still careful not to press. Luna chuckled a bit.

“That… shall be a story for another time. I, however, want to get home before we discuss such trivialities.”

Luna shoved a stripper clip into the receiver of her rifle before cycling the bolt forward, arming her weapon.

“Come. Let us move out so we can leave and get some sleep. Tomorrow afternoon I have a training exercise for us, but I believe you shall enjoy it thoroughly,” she said somewhat eagerly. Phaze stood up and readied his rifle as well, but naturally curiosity got the best of him.

“And just what might that be?” he asked, falling into step beside Luna. She laughed softly under her breath before looking to him.

“One question… how much has ESF taught you in piloting?”

His brain stopped working temporarily as they trudged along, attempting to rationalize what she was saying. He loved to fly, that was apparent, and Luna could only giggle softly as they continued onward.

“I have about… 1500 hours of flight time accrued. Nowhere near the average Equestrian pilot,” he finally responded. Luna looked at him incredulously.

“Ah, but Phaze, thou are not an ‘average’ Equestrian pilot.”

The mission was an enormous success, or at least what one could consider such a success in terms of these types of missions. Most of the hostile insurgents were fighting against Greifen troops, so there were few guarding the weapons storage, as every able body was needed. In total, Luna and Phaze only had to inflict ten casualties: seven fatal and three not, combined. Also, neither of them even so much as received a scrape… or even a bruise from operating the bolts on their rifles. They collected two samples of launch-able weapons and were able to scurry out. There were perks that definitely came along with fighting an insurgent force instead of a highly trained army. The two had managed to return safely to Canterlot with more than enough time to catch a good sleep. It was quite a happy sleep for the both of them too. Neither was going to bed angry, irritated, or pissed off at the other anymore. Progress is glorious.

The afternoon sun shone brightly over Canterlot and Phaze was just starting to stir from his sleep. He couldn’t get his thoughts straight in his contented bliss due to a forceful knock at his door. He already knew who it was.

“Yes, Luna?” he asked, still in a semi-groggy state and refusing to move in the confines of his comfy bed.

“Phaze! May I enter?” she asked from the outside of the door. Like he had a choice in the matter anyway.

“Naturally. The door is unlocked.”

At that instant Luna magically rematerialized on his side of the door, bearing a large tray of something.

“…or just phase through. Who needs doors,” he rolled his eyes.

“I am Princess of the Night, I shall do whatever I damn well please. At any rate, I figured I’d find you here. I come bearing luncheon for us before we head off to the airfield. Art thou as excited as I am? I have not flown in ages!” Princess Luna stated in a rather giddy fashion, setting the tray down on the bed. Phaze had noted that she had been taking her ‘friend’ proclamation quite seriously. Phaze chuckled a bit, mainly because this is a side of the Princess that few would ever see.

“Thank you, by the way. And I guess… It seems surreal because I haven’t flown in a while either. I’m proficient but nowhere near an ace,” he replied, stuffing his face alongside Luna. Luna nodded as she swallowed her food.

“Right you are. And neither was I. But realize that threats against Equestria come not restricted merely to the ground. As such, we must be ready to meet and repel our adversaries with extreme prejudice on every terrain accordingly.”

He nodded in acknowledgement, seeing the point.

“I suppose I see the truth in that. Very well then. I’m assuming our eating will not affect our flying?” He asked curiously. Luna shook her head horizontally.

“Not this time. This particular arrangement of food is filling, but still rather light. Also, we are not performing any mind-blowing maneuvers like the Wonderbolt squadron. Their maneuvers are more suited to entertainment and are quite lacking in the realm of practicality. Thy meal shall thus remain in your stomach unless you perform an error in judgment.” Luna replied with a mischievous smirk. Phaze shrugged and accepted it. Soon they both finished their lunch over light conversation. Phaze had to admit, the Princess was good company and that was a gross understatement. She was definitely interesting to talk to.

“Alright, I’m ready when you are. Lead the way.”

“Quite! To Canterlot Airfield!” Luna pointed out the door and the two exited to start the real fun.

Canterlot Airfield was as expansive as it was necessary. It was the shelter of over two-hundred and fifty aircraft of all types and an undisclosed amount of aircraft used for secret stealth missions. The skies were clear and it was a beautiful day, the sun’s rays radiating off the pristine coat of gradient-blue paint on two EQ-192 interceptor class Fighters. Magically enchanted (and expensive) armor over the hull offered above average protection than was allotted to the average interceptor craft (as well as decreasing drag), and the fact that it was powered by two under-wing Colt-Trotsdem jet engines (using either conventional or magical fuel propulsion) made sure it had the speed necessary to do its implied job. The eight twenty millimeter cannons mounted down in front of the raised cockpit and embedded in the fuselage would shred any craft in range, as well as the six guided missiles that were also stored under the wings. The wings, mid-rear fuselage, and tail were emblazoned with the Lunar emblem for added emphasis. The most advanced aircraft in Equestria’s arsenal? Not in the slightest. Rugged, dependable, and deadly? Most definitely.

“Lunar 1 to Control. All systems are reading green lights. On your orders.” Luna spoke through the radio communication, her plane on a runway parallel to Phaze’s. Her full face flight helmet let none of her face show through, giving an odd sense of anonymity. She looked over to Phaze and they gave each other a thumbs up.

“Copy that Lunar 1. The sky is clear and you’re cleared for takeoff. The Equestrian sky is yours. Have a nice flight, Lunar Squad.”

One more thumbs up later, the engines on both aircraft fired simultaneously. They picked up speed comfortably, lifted up off the runway, and shot into the sky unabated. The two continued to fly straight for about thirty seconds to reach a comfortable altitude before anyone spoke.

“I remember when I first took a plane up. It is much like driving: I never understood how much of a big deal was made out of it, when in reality it really is not overly difficult,” Phaze commented through the radio com. Luna chortled.

“A fair observation. As you can see, flying the plane, after enough practice, is no more difficult than operating a motor vehicle. However, there are more ways to get oneself killed in the air, thus making it more of a ‘big deal,’” Luna commented right back before banking the craft to the left. Phaze followed after her. Luna straightened out her plane and allowed Phaze to drift up beside hers in formation before she spoke.

“Take a look…” she commented, motioning with her hands. Phaze looked down to see a stunning sight. Canterlot in all of its glory shone brightly along with Ponyville, the Everfree forest, and a few other landmarks that were easily visible.

“A glorious sight…” he commented in awe. It had been sometime since he had been up in a plane. Luna nodded in return and motioned with her hand to follow.

“Come. Let’s get a better view,” Luna said and banked to the left and down. She performed a slow barrel roll as she descended at a comfortable level. Phaze followed in turn, mimicking her movements. Luna banked up and straightened out over the castle and another military base close in proximity, allowing him to once again fall into formation. This trend continued: a more glorified version of ‘sightseeing’ if you will, combined with combat maneuvers. What struck Luna as odd, however, was the fact that there were drones flying in somewhat close proximity to them.

“Alright gentlemen, listen up! Today is a standard anti-aircraft drill. Drones will be flown into view and you will fire upon them with an array of cannons and auto-cannons. Are we clear?” an Equestrian Artillery Officer shouted to a bunch of somewhat experienced troops.

“Sir yes sir!”

“Very good! Look alive, the drones are coming in! Fire at will!”

“Drones… I was not told of there being a flight op today besides our own…” Luna said out loud. Her thoughts were interrupted when one of the drones exploded. That immediately got both of their attentions.

Don’t tell me…

“Luna… am I hallucinating or was that fl—”


He didn’t get to finish his sentence as the rear of his aircraft exploded violently. Luna banked right violently as Phaze’s plane was inevitably going down. Flak was exploding all around them suddenly.

“PHAZE! CAN YOU HEAR ME? GET OUT!” Luna shouted into the intercom, sincerely hoping that the AA shell didn’t kill him. She was somewhat relieved when he responded.

“I can’t open the canopy! The stabilization is fucked… the back is completely blown to bits and I can’t control her!” Phaze said in a panicked but still level-headed manner. Luna seemed more genuinely scared than he was.

“Lunar 1 to Control! Lunar 2 has been hit by friendly anti-aircraft fire and is going down! I need emergency response teams three miles outside of Ponyville in Ponyville fields Immediately!” Luna shouted out authoritatively, banking her plane to Phaze’s rapidly descending one… or what was left of it.

“Lunar 1, did you say ‘hit by anti-aircraft fire?’”

DO NOT QUESTION MY ORDERS! DO AS I HATH COMMANDED OR THOU SHALT BE SHOT FOR TREASON!” Luna screamed into the radio, most likely temporarily deafening the control operator.

“ugh… copy that Lunar 1. They’ll be there. Out.”

Luna radioed back to Phaze, gaining on his rapidly falling plane.

“Keep as steady as possible! Thou shalt be alright!” Luna shouted back. Pushing the limits of the powerful engines. She was attempting to try and get under his aircraft to stabilize it externally before hitting the ground. It could (and most likely would) spell ruin for both aircraft.

“Don’t do anything stupid, Luna! I’m trying to unjam the canopy but any movements and I’ll be spinning like a gyroscope!”

“Keep trying! And keep her steady… I’m almost… there!” Luna strained, attempting to correctly line up his craft with hers… So… close…

Luck runs out eventually.

Barely a thousand feet off the ground, Luna overshot his plane, missing it by what seemed was millimeters.

FUCK!” Luna bellowed as his plane was a mere hundred feet from the ground. The last thing that went through his mind before impact:

Well… this won’t be too pleasant

The aircraft impacted the ground, albeit not as harshly as it would have without his efforts at stabilization. It continued to bounce and slide in the fields before it came to a stop.

“PHAZE!” Luna yelled out. No response on the radio. Many emotions were running through the mind of the Lunar Princess, rage being most prominent. She had half a mind to turn back and strafe the Anti-Aircraft Position. The second most prominent was that of extreme fear… fear that she had just lost one of her only close friends. She kept her composure as she circled the crash site, looking for any sign of life. True to the Control Tower’s word, emergency crews arrived almost immediately and were scouring the wreckage.

“Lunar 1 to Ground Control. I want a status report immediately!” Luna spoke into the radio.

“Ground Control to Lunar 1, we’ve opened the canopy of what remains of the aircraft and retrieved Lunar 2. He’s alive, but barely. He has serious injuries and needs immediate medical attention. We’re taking him to Ponyville hospital with haste, over.”

“Copy that. I’m heading back to base. Do. Not. Let. Him. Die. Dost thou understand mine decree?!” Luna replied back impatiently as she banked upward and upside down, straightening out back to the airfield.

“Yes, Lunar 1. We are doing everything humanly possible. We’ll send you updates every ten. Out.”

Luna relaxed somewhat, but not very much. From that wreck, there was as equally likely chance that Phaze would die as he would survive, even with medical magic. Then again, she didn’t know the extent of his injuries and neither did the first responders.

“Luna, this is Celestia. I heard what happened immediately after you radioed Control. I thought you might like to know that the 123rd Anti-Aircraft battery was holding an unauthorized training session which resulted in this accident. I’ll personally deal with the commander.” Celestia said over the radio.

“Why?! Why must you address this incompetent worm!” Luna said, her composure weakening as the gravity of the situation was slowly weighing down on her.

“Because, Lulu, if you personally dealt with him, you’d probably shoot him… several times. Now, get back to base and head to the Hospital. I’m sure your efforts are best concentrated there for right now,” Celestia remarked. Luna only sighed in acceptance and sped towards the airfield, where she landed roughly and nearly jumped out of the plane, ordering immediate transportation to Ponyville.

Luna arrived at the hospital and demanded entrance to wherever Phaze was currently being held. She was informed that he had been in a Magic Operating Room for the past hour and that a doctor would be out to let her know of his status soon enough, citing policy that absolutely no one but physicians were allowed in there. She reluctantly accepted this answer and retired to the waiting room. Before she could even think about anything else, the entrance opened again to reveal Twilight.

“Luna!” she exclaimed. Luna looked up and eagerly accepted the tight embrace of the magic adept.

“I came here as fast as I could when I heard what happened… Celestia told me. How are you?” she asked, taking a seat very close to Luna.

“I… I’m not sure actually. I just…” Luna sighed in defeat as she couldn’t come up with the proper wording to accurately describe how she was feeling right now. After all, it had been a rather hectic day and a life was still on the line.

“It’s okay, Luna. You don’t have to say anything, I just came here to see how you were holding up.”

“What exactly dost thou mean?” she asked curiously.

“Well, according to Celestia, it’s very apparent that you care a bit more about Phaze than the average person; most likely because you’ve now been given someone you can see on a regular basis. There’s no shame in admitting that,” Twilight answered. But of course, Luna’s pride was preventing open admission to anything. Her silence, however, told Twilight enough. She only smiled at her and comfortingly grasped her hands. Luna relaxed noticeably even more, letting out a breath that she did not know she was holding.

“I’m sorry I can’t stay too long, Luna. But I had to see you and make sure you’re alright. I’m sorry about everything that’s happened, but I know things will work out for the better. Please give Phaze my well-wishes and I’ll keep him in my thoughts,” Twilight said after letting Luna rest with her on the chairs for a little while. Luna only nodded with a smile, more than grateful for her visit, before Twilight embraced her tightly once more and took her leave. Luna watched her go and sighed once more, lounging even further in her seat. She thought about everything that had happened not just today, but since they actually met almost a month ago: Their first joint mission where Phaze saved her ass, the time when they accepted each other as friends, their first tipsy conversations in the castle tavern, and everything in between up until today’s events. It may not have been much in the grand scheme of things, but to Luna, it meant an enormous amount. He had given her a chance, even though she had been a complete brat to him. Out of it, blossomed a great partnership and a friendship which was just as good.

Luna continued thinking, and she realized more that she did not want to go back. Her work and overall attitude on life in general was enormously better with his induction… and even though Twilight, the unsuspecting recipient of Luna’s affection, would always be there for her if she needed someone, it still wouldn’t really be the same.

Luna didn’t want to go back to the plain “necessities of duty.” She didn’t want to feel alone again in her endeavors. And in the end, she realized, albeit painfully, that she didn’t want to… no… couldn’t lose him. It would feel as if she lost Twilight to a horrible accident. Gravity finally caught up with her thoughts and emotions, and Princess Luna, co-leader of Equestria, Captain in the Equestrian Regular Army, and Special Agent in the Equestrian Special Forces and Air Force, did something that she had not done in many, many years:

She wilted her head down and silently shed a few tears.

Next Chapter: 6: Friends Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 39 Minutes
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