
Diary of the Night

by CalebH

Chapter 59: Reunion - Chapter 59

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There is one pony alone in all of Celestia’s day guard that may be respected in the night guard: Morning Star. Sergeant Morning Star has a mediocre record with Celestia’s guard. He has shown remarkable personal discipline yet a poor adherence to his training. His superiors have regarded his tactics as unconventional and dishonorable. I take this to mean they are not entirely stupid and suicidal in nature.

Celestia was not fazed by my rejection of Shining, or Captain Shining Armor as he will soon be called. She regarded the information with that half-smile she gets when she is scheming. It is a small, unreadable curve of her lips that has been my bane for centuries. My sister’s games are not always kind.

She is planning something. I do not know what it could be but her plan has already been set in motion. I cannot help but believe that I have already played into her hoofs.

Next Chapter: Reunion - Chapter 60 Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 14 Minutes
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