
Dawn Shield

by shirotora

Chapter 37: Chapter 4: Government Contract

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Chapter 4: Government Contract

Jacob's heart was seconds from exploding. The tiny ball of concentrated adorable, hiding behind his brother's legs, peeking out at him shyly, was too much. The little white maned filly was the single sweetest thing he had ever seen.

“Come on, Aurora, don't hurt your uncle's feelings,” Midnight tried to coax her out. “I know he's ugly, but try to at least say hi.”

“Hey!” the filly looked up at her father with an angry expression. “That's not nice! Just because he looks different doesn't mean you should be mean to him. Now say you're sorry!”

“Okay, I'm sorry, Jacob,” Midnight said, but gave his daughter a smirk, “But I got you to come out.”

Aurora's eyes widened as she realized that she did in fact put herself between her father and the strange creature he said was his brother. She swallowed as she looked at him. He wasn't as intimidating up close as she thought, but she was still nervous.

“Hi, Aurora,” the human said softly, extending his hand, palm up, toward her. “I'm so happy to meet you.”

“Are you going to eat me?” the filly asked nervously.

Jacob laughed, “As delicious as I'm sure you are, I could never eat such a sweet little girl. You'd give me tummy aches.”

Aurora giggled at that. “You're silly. Um, but you really are an omnivore, right? You eat plant and animal matter?”

Jacob raised an eyebrow, “How old are you?”

“I'm four but I'm already in school! That's a whole year before other ponies start!” Aurora proudly announced before letting out a gasp. “School!” she shouted and ran into the next room.

“She gets it from her mother,” Midnight explained.

“It's obviously not from you,” Jacob teased.

“That's not all she inherited from her mother,” Midnight said with a grin.

“Okay! I got my morning checklist. I'm ready,” Aurora cheered as she came back in, set a piece of parchment down, and picked a pencil up in her mouth.

“That,” Midnight chuckled.

“A stickler for organization, huh?” Jacob shook his head.

“Alright, Aurora, school books?” Midnight began.

“Check,” the filly replied through the wooden writing utensil.






“Check. Yay, I got everything,” the filly beamed. “Let's go! You too uncle Jacob. I wanna show you to my friends.”

With the filly ready, the three headed out the door and toward the school house. The entire way, Aurora talked excitedly about her three friends, school, and their ideas for their first crusade. It was still early, so there weren't many ponies to stare at the strange new creature. Thankfully, Rarity and Pinkie had been spreading the word that Midnight's non-ponified brother was in town, so even those few that were out didn't gawk... much. Jacob just ignored them.

Listening to his niece, it didn't seem to take any time at all to reach their destination. When they arrived, it was as if someone had thrown an off switch, all conversation and merriment from the foals came to a sudden halt as they approached. Unlike the adults in town, the youngsters had no reservations about starring.

“Hey, Aurora!” a pair of very similar looking foals called. “When did you get a pet?”

Jacob raised an eyebrow at the two obvious siblings. Both looked very much alike despite one being a yellow unicorn filly, with an orange mane and the other being a tan pegasus colt with a brown mane. With his snootiest, poshest voice, he replied, “I do say. I may have to throw poo for such an insult.” The two foal's eyes widened in shock, much to the human's amusement.

Aurora seemed to share Jacob's sentiment as she laughed out loud. “No, this is my uncle. He just showed up yesterday from the place daddy used to live.”

“Whoa!” the colt said excitedly. “You're what Mr Star used to be?”

“He kinda looks like a pony and a diamond dog put together,” the filly added.

“Uncle Jacob, this is Pound and Pumpkin, they're twins! That means they were born at the same time,” Aurora introduced. “Guys, this is my uncle Jacob. This is what daddy used to look like.”

“Cool,” the twins breathed simultaneously.

Jacob laughed, “No, your dad was never this good looking.”

“I don't know,” Pumpkin said skeptically. “Mom told Miss Bon Bon if it wasn't for Dad and Mrs. Twilight, she'd give him a piece of her pie, and she was giving Midnight a funny look when she said it. That means she thinks he looks handsome, right?”

Midnight's eyes widened as he spouted, “Okay, have fun Aurora bye!”

Jacob was nearly pulled off his feet by the retreating stallion, though this fact only seemed to make him laugh even harder than he already was. The three foals watched in confusion as the strange adults ran off.

“Where's daddy going so fast?” Aurora asked the other two.

“Maybe he's going to get a piece of moms pie?” Pound offered.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Jacob had not stopped laughing, much to Midnight's ire.

“You know,” the human managed, “you guys could swap for a night.”

“You want to learn what a hoof to the head feels like?” Midnight said with a glare.

Jacob just rolled his eyes. “You know I’m just messing with you, right?”

“Nope, didn't even cross my mind,” Midnight said, giving his brother a deadpanned stare.

Jacob rolled his eyes. “Smart ass.”

“Dumb ass,” Midnight shot back with a smirk.

Jacob opened his mouth to give another shot when a pink blur interrupted.

“There you are!” Pinkie shouted in Jacob's face. “I need your help. Hurry, Mr and Mrs Cake are gone and we only got an hour!”

In a blur, Pinkie and Jacob were gone, leaving a very confused Midnight behind. Thankfully, years of experience allowed him to recover quickly from the anomaly called Pinkie. They were across the road from his house, when they were interrupted so it was only a few seconds before he walked through his front door... and was immediately assaulted by a bolt of stinging magic.

“Ow! What gives, Twi?” Midnight complained as he rubbed his cheek where the bolt struck him.

“You had one job, Midnight!” Twilight fumed quietly as she tended to a hung over Spike.

“Hey, don't blame me,” Midnight whispered, trying to spare the dragon any more pain than he was already in. “Jacob got a hold of some of Granny Smith's special brew. I thought it was just vodka.”

“What!?” Twilight shouted, much to Spike's discomfort. “Sorry, Spike,” she whispered before turning back to her husband. “Where is he?”

“Sugar Cube Corner,” Midnight answered. “Pinkie said she needed him for something.”

“Alright, let's go. Spike, I'll be right back.”

Spike groaned. “Twi, come on. It's not his fault. I knew it was too strong after the first shot, but kept drinking it anyway. Don't embarrass me.”

“Yes, but he shouldn't have been pressuring you,” Twilight excused. “Everypony knows you aren't exactly resistant to peer pressure.”

This brought a flare to the drake's cheeks from embarrassment. He hated how Twilight could be so overprotective of him, but before he could voice his objections Twilight pulled Midnight out the door.

“Calm down Twi,” Midnight pleaded as his wife closed the door behind her. “Don't you think you're being a bit irrational?”

“Irrational? Not at all,” Twilight said, giving the blue stallion a smug grin. “I find embarrassing Spike is the best form of punishment for him.”

Midnight stared, uncomprehendingly at his wife for several seconds before it clicked. “Oh, you evil, evil mare. You’ve gotten pretty good at bluffing.”

“I do have to speak with your brother, though,” Twilight said matter-of-factly. “The princess wants to know how quickly he can give thirty ponies a rune or two.”

When they arrived at the famed bakery, they noticed the 'out to lunch' sign on the door.

“Pinkie did say the Cakes were out and that they only had an hour before they returned,” Midnight explained.

“Huh, that's strange,” Twilight furrowed her brow in thought. “I wonder what they're doing that has to be done while the Cakes are out? Come on, let's go around back.”

As they made their way around the building, they heard some muffled conversation, but couldn't make anything out until they reached the back door. Just as Twilight was about to knock, she heard something that made her freeze in place.

“Oh~” came Pinkie's voice, “it's so big. Are you sure it'll fit?”

“Trust me,” Jacob's voice followed. “This isn't my first time doing this. Just spread your legs a little more.”

Twilight and Midnight gave each other shocked looks.

“Like this?”

“That's it. Okay, you ready? I'm going to slide it in.”

No wonder he was asking about interspecies relationships, Midnight thought to himself.

“Oh my gosh!” Pinkie groaned. “It's too big!”

“No it's not,” Jacob said. “One more push!”

A loud, metallic screeching noise made the two eavesdroppers jump in surprise.

“Told you it'll fit,” Jacob said triumphantly. “Now let's get this old one out of here.”

The back door swung open causing Midnight and Twilight to jump back.

“Oh, hey, bro,” Jacob said as he pushed an oven out the door. “Mind giving me a hand... or hoof, I guess?”

“I, um... got it,” a blushing Twilight managed and took hold of the baking apparatus in her lavender glow.

“What...” Midnight searched for the right words. “What were you two doing?”

Pinkie perked up and hopped outside, explaining, “Mr and Mrs Cake's anniversary is in three days, but they're going out of town tomorrow, so I decided to give them their gift today! Isn't it beautiful!?”

The couple looked at the new oven the hyper pink mare pointed at. Neither of them being bakers, they simply saw a shiny new kitchen appliance, but based on Pinkie's excitement, it was a good one.

“That must have been expensive,” Midnight mused.

“Not really. My father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate owns a baking store, so I got a good deal. Funny guy. Likes helmets. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go find a disco ball and a glass harmonica.” With that, Pinkie hopped off, down the road a bit before diving into a bush.

“Okay,” Twilight said, brushing it off as 'Pinkie being Pinkie'. “Anyway, Jacob, can I speak with you, please?”

“Sure thing, sis. What's up?” Jacob said with a smile.

“How many runes can you give a day?” asked the scholar.

Jacob thought for a moment before answering, “Seeing as I used up my mana batteries on you girls, I can only do about two before needing a five hour rest, so about six a day.”

Midnight nodded and said, “That should work. Dawn Shield is going to have thirty more boots in its ranks, and we're going to need them equipped and trained.”

“Hmm,” Jacob scratched his chin in thought. “That'll be hard. There's still about ten runes each I wanted to give you guys. I was planning on working on Pinkie, seeing as she was already here.”

“That's a lot of runes,” Twilight pondered. “Is there a way to charge your mana batteries?”

Jacob answered, “I was planning on trying to build a charger, but it's pretty complex and expensive, and I’m broke. Do you think the princesses would be willing to fund it if it helps the country?”

“If they do, it'll probably be state property,” Twilight said. “Are there other uses for these batteries?”

Jacob laughed at that. “Are you kidding? Just about all our tech runs on the things. I can share all kinds of designs with you guys.”

“I'll get in contact with her later about that. In the mean time, why don't you get started with Twi?”

Jacob had only one more question he needed to know. “I'm getting paid for this, right?”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“You really think he'll help me?” Applebloom asked.

“I don't see why not,” replied Nightshade from beside her. “He's his brother, so he's gotta know what Midnight likes.”

Applebloom had been waiting for the human to finish giving Twilight a couple new runes. Nightshade had the idea that he might be able to help Applebloom win over Midnight, so they decided to ask him.

“Shush, here he comes,” the farm filly quieted her ghostly friend.

Nightshade just laughed, “Yeah, because he's gonna hear me.”

Applebloom ignored her and trotted up to the human with a smile. “Hey there, Mr Jacob, can Ah have a word?”

Jacob looked down at the young mare. “Sure, uh, Apple... blossom?”

“Applebloom, but you were close,” she corrected. “Yah mind if we talk?”

“Sure,” Jacob said with a warm smile. “David said you girls are like family, so that makes you my family, too.”

“Well, uh...” the filly tried to find the courage to ask what she wanted too. “First off, why ya call him David, anyway? Ya know he goes by Midnight, now, right?”

Jacob just laughed and replied, “Because to me, he's always been David and always will be. Besides, someone's got to remind him who he is. Now, what is it you really want?”

“Oh, right,” Applebloom took a deep breath to steel her nerves. “Ah was hopin' you could help me with somethin'.” Seeing she had his attention, she continued. “Well, ya see, Ah like Midnight... ya know, like, like him.” Before he could reply, she explained, “Ah know he's married, but that don't matter here. Ya see, herdin' is a regular thing here, seein' as there's more mares than stallions, so it ain't unheard of for one stallion to have two or three mares.”

“So, polygamy is a thing here? Okay then,” Jacob said, taking in this new info. “So what's the problem?”

“Well...” Applebloom shuffled nervously, “Midnight still thinks it’s kinda weird, seein’ how y’all only ever have one mate at a time, and Twilight don't like herds at all. She says it promotes favoritism and ain't fair to the mare that don't get as much attention.”

“I can understand that,” Jacob said.

“But Ah don't care if Ah'm just the other mare. Ah love him, and want to be with him.”

Jacob sighed and regarded the filly with a calculating gaze. “How old are you?”

“Ah'm fourteen. Gonna be fifteen in 'bout eight months, so Ah got some time.”

Jacob raised an eyebrow. “I take it, by the way you say it, fifteen is considered an adult with you ponies?”

“That's right.”

“Look, I’m not going to do anything to break them up, alright,” Jacob gave her a stern look, “but I don't see any harm in giving you a few pointers to get his attention. Of course, a few things will probably be different. I'm guessing he doesn't like prime cut porterhouse anymore?”

Applebloom giggled, “Maybe he likes soy steak?”

“Soy stake?” Jacob deadpanned. “Really?”

“Course,” Applebloom shot back as if it were obvious. “They're good, too.”

Jacob laughed at that, shaking his head before becoming very serious. “Alright fine, but no pressuring him, got it. If he shows that he doesn't feel the same, you drop it and look elsewhere.”

Applebloom squeed and went to lock him in a bone crushing hug, but caught herself before she broke any bones and managed to use a bit of restraint.

“Alright now,” Jacob said when she let him go. “I got to get back to plan some stuff out with David. I'll talk to you when I can.”

“Kay, thanks,” Applebloom gave him a grateful smile as he turned and headed back towards Twilight and Midnight's house.

“Told you he'd help,” Nightshade said, smugly. “Now we just have to convince Twilight. That's going to be the hard part.”

“What do you mean?” Applebloom asked her deceased friend.

Nightshade winced and averted her eyes, “I... just get this feeling that she wants to hog him all to herself.”

Applebloom's brow furrowed. “No, Twilight's a reasonable mare and she ain't greedy. She'll be okay with if if Midnight wants it.”

Nightshade sighed and said in a tone that betrayed her skepticism, “If you say so. I just hope you're right.”

Applebloom couldn't help but feel her confidence waver at her friend's uncertainty.

Next Chapter: Chapter 5: Gear Up Estimated time remaining: 7 Hours, 34 Minutes
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Dawn Shield

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