
Dawn Shield

by shirotora

Chapter 36: Chapter 3: The Hand We're Dealt

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Chapter 3: The Hand We're Dealt

“What?” Rainbow inquired. “You see yourself?”

“It's called the 'scout's eye' rune,” Jacob explained. “It's used to eliminate the need for a scout to carry bulky cameras or surveillance devices. A spy can just waltz in and look at whatever he needs to. There are no runes that can give someone back their sight if they don't have eyes, but at least with this you can see something. Just don't try walking around. It's ridiculously disorienting.”

“This is so awesome!” Scootaloo cheered. “Mom, look at me again.”

Rainbow turned toward her daughter who removed her blindfold.

“Whoa! That is so bad ass looking! I can't believe I finally get to see what I look like... Cutie mark! Mom, I haven't seen my cutie mark!”

Rainbow couldn't help but smile at her daughter's excitement. She let a little giggle as she took a good look at the lion's head on Scootaloo's flank.

“Awesome! Now the others!”

As Rainbow examined Sweetie and Applebloom, Scootaloo's smile couldn't have gotten any bigger. The young mare was so ecstatic to finally be seeing again, even if it's only through the eyes of another pony.

Scootaloo turned the rune off and ran to Jacob, tackling him in a tight hug saying, “Thank you, thank you, thank you! This is the greatest gift ever! Thank you!”

“I take it you like it?” Jacob asked jokingly.

“Are you kidding?” Scootaloo gushed, “I can see!”

“That's marvelous,” said Celestia, her sudden appearance causing everyone to jump.

“Holy shit! Where'd you come from?!” Jacob exclaimed.

Midnight powered his seal down and sighed, “Yeah, she likes doing that.”

“Only for you, my little alien,” the solar princess stated, matter-of-factly

Midnight rolled his eyes, a grin on his face. “Jacob, meet Princess Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria.”

Jacob's eyes widened and he quickly fell into a deep bow.

“Tell me, Jacob Corbin,” Celestia started, ignoring his awkward pose, “how is it you gave young Scootaloo her sight back without her eyes?”

“W-well, your majesty,” Jacob stammered, “I gave her a r-rune that allows her to share the sight of another willing subject and see through their eyes.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow at the human, “Are you alright?”

“I think he's a little nervous, princess,” Midnight informed the royal. “I don't think he knows how to act around royalty.”

“Ah, I see.” Celestia regarded the human with a little more understanding. “Well, Jacob Corbin, I assure you, I don't bite,” she leaned in and whispered in a husky voice, “unless you want me to.”

Jacob stood there with a dumbfounded expression on his face as everyone else's jaws dropped. The runeshith's shock didn't last, however, as his face soon lifted into a smile as he busted out laughing. He couldn't even support his own weight under his out of control mirth, but thankfully, Celestia moved to his side to offer him support.

“Oh-oh, Goddess, hahaha, your faces! I-I can't breath!” His laughter continued until his sides burned from the strain and tears streamed down his face. “You... are the coolest princess ever!”

“So, I take it you are a little more relaxed now?” Celestia said.

Jacob looked up at the princess with a grin, “Oh, I see what you did.”

Celestia gave her signature serene smile, “When you've lived as long as I, you learn how to help others feel more at ease. May we speak now?”

“What do you want to know?”

“Come, sit with me,” Celestia motions with her head to a patch of grass on the hill that looked softer than the rest. “Why don't we start with your reasons for being here? Midnight has spoken of the dimensional gate, but little else on the subject.”

“I don't know everything, but I do know the higher ups have had their eye on this world for a long time,” Jacob began. “About seven years ago, we discovered this place and sent a few probes. What they returned with was data that put this world as having the highest levels of raw mana we've ever seen.”

“Seven years ago?” Twilight muttered. “Do you know the exact date by any chance?”

“Uh... I think they were sent on the thirteenth of Eventide.”

“So...” Midnight did a few calculations in his head to match it up with the Equestrian calendar, “January 29.”

“January 29? No way that's a coincidence,” Twilight said, addressing her teacher. “That's just two days before I had the idea to build the door.”

“It seems the Elements have worked through you in more ways than we realize,” Celestia commented. “Please continue.”

“O... kay,” Jacob looked between the three, not knowing what they were really talking about. “Anyway, I was sent with a scouting party to gather more data that probes can't.”

Midnight spoke up, “They plan on taking Equestria, don't they?”

Everypony in earshot looked at the human in shock. Jacob could only nod.

“Well, I believe we have discovered the reason the Elements of Harmony brought you here, and why the Elements of Order have appeared,” Celestia said. “They must have sensed the danger the probes represented and somehow gave Twilight the idea to make a door they could use to link with Determis. Perhaps they believed someone from the world that threatened ours would be best suited to defend us.”

“Perhaps,” Midnight said. “How long do we have until they arrive?”

Jacob thought for a moment. “It was scheduled for six months after the scout mission returned, but since we aren't returning, it'll probably be six months from when they lost contact with us.”

“Six months,” Celestia thought for a moment. “That gives us time. I want you all to take today and tomorrow easy, get Mr. Corban settled in, introduce him to the town and try to relax some. Today has been stressful and don't want you stressed out. I have some things to prepare in Canterlot. Jacob, can I assume you will stand with us in the coming battle?”

“Damn right I am!” the human stated.

“You are willing to leave everything you know and love behind to fight for strangers?” the solar alicorn asked.

“Yeah right,” Rainbow Dash flew in the human’s face. “Who in their right mind would just decide to fight against their own country without even thinking about it? What’s your game?”

“Rainbow,” Midnight glared at the pegasus. “That’s my brother, trust me when I say-”

“And you haven’t seen him in years,” Rainbow interupted. “For all we know, they brainwashed him to infiltrate us and sabotage us from the inside.”

“Let me ask you something,” Jacob began. “Do you have any family?”

“Yeah, my daughter’s right there,” the weathermare said, pointing towards Scootaloo.

“If she were in David’s place - having been used by a tyrannical government as a weapon, hunted like an animal, had a husband and child murdered, and all the other bullshit he’s been through - what would you do in my place?”

Rainbow Dash thought for a second before answering, “I... I would... Yeah, I guess I’d turn on them, too.”

“Exactly,” Jacob said with a warm smile. “David’s my only family, and my loyalty is to him before anyone else.”

“Well, then I suppose it’s settled,” Celestia said. “I would like a report of all we can expect, as well as ideas on how to prepare for what is to come. For now, enjoy the rest of today and tomorrow. I will contact you Thursday.”

And with that, the solar princess vanished in a flash of white light. The ponies looked at each other silently for a while before the silence was broken by Applejack.

“Am Ah the only one who thinks that things are movin' a mite fast?”

“Well, that's how life is sometimes,” Sweetie said. “Things can be one way in the morning, and by afternoon, you'll be wondering how only a few hours have passed.”

“No kidding,” Midnight agreed. “The princess has a point, though. Today has been... rough. Let's all take the rest of the day to rest. Twi, you mind if I get the guys together for a few hands?”

The lavender mare rolled her eyes. “It is a special occasion, but don't lose everything to Blue again, and don't let Spike drink too much.”

“I won’t,” Midnight chuckled. “Come on, Jacob. I'll introduce you to the rest of the gang.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“... and then her magic struck my egg and not only fertilized it, but also accelerated my growth until I hatched. Of course, right after her magic made me grow to a few hundred hooves high, but the princess fixed all that.”

Jacob listened to Spike's story intently. He always found the dragons of Determis interesting, but they were nothing but savage beasts. The dragons of Equestria, though, were sapient. That made them all the more fascinating. Of course, the story left a few questions, one stood out more than the others.

“Wouldn't that make Twilight your father?”

Spike rolled his eyes, but before he could reply, the door to the shop opened and Midnight walked in with a stallion, a mare, and a big dog.

“Meet the other two members of Dawn Shield,” Midnight began. “This is our medic and my best friend, Redheart, and this is our scout, Blue Streak.”


“How's it goin'?”

Midnight continued, “Finally, this is Virgil Silverpaw, Rarity's husband.”


“Guys, this is my little brother, Jacob,” Midnight finished the introductions.


“Alright, so you guys ready to give me your hard earned bits?” Blue said with a cocky grin.

The five took their seats, drinks were poured, chips were distributed, and cards were dealt and exchanged.

“So, Virgil,” Jacob began as he looked at his cards. “You're married to a pony, huh? How well accepted is that here? Raise two.”

“In Ponyville, a few think poorly of our union, but that is because my kind is often considered barbaric and dirty,” Virgil explained. “Diamond dogs are usually a subterranean race, digging for gems and precious metals. We usually have little desire for luxuries and things without use or value.”

“See your two, and raise two,” Midnight cut in.

“But you're an exception.” Jacob observed.

“I was raised by ponies, and so have a more equine mindset,” Virgil clarified. “I will see your two, and raise three.”

Jacob turned to his brother and asked, “So, David, do mares adopt the surname of their husbands like back home?”

“See three, raise two,” Spike tossed in his chips.

“Sometimes, though it can also happen the other way around. Usually it's something a couple discusses long before their wedding. Most, though, keep their names as a kind of middle name. Twilight's full name, for instance, is Twilight Sparkle Star, Star being my chosen surname, and Rarity's is Rarity Belle Silverpaw.”

“See your two and raise two,” Redheart added her chips to the pile.

“Ah, I see,” Jacob said.

“See two, raise three,” Blue finished the first round of bets.

“So, what about you, Spike? See your three and raise two,” Jacob turned to the young dragon. “You banging a pony, too?”

The dragon's face bloomed red. “Wh-wh-what?! N-no! I mean, not yet-I mean, uh-”

Midnight chuckled, “Relax, Spike. Jacob, his fillyfriend is still technically a minor, so they're waiting until after she turns fifteen – That's the age one is legally an adult here – and then they are going on a romantic getaway to Canterlot. See two, raise three.”

“I'm afraid I must fold this round,” Virgil set his cards down.

“Oh-ho! Sounds like a great time.” Jacob's grin widened. “So, when can I meet her?”

“You already did, Sweetie, Rarity's sister,” Midnight informed.

“No shit? Nice work, she's cute,” Jacob congratulated the dragon.

“Hehe, thanks,” Spike said, “See three and raise three.”

“I'm done,” Redheart folded.

“I'll see your three and call,” Blue stated, revealing two pair, fives and eights.

Jacob revealed three sevens, Midnight's hand was a pair of kings, but Spike's hand was three jacks.

“Sweet, my new hoard,” the dragon teased.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Twilight's going to kill me,” Midnight said as he watched Spike stagger over to a bush and begin 'watering' the thing.

“Dude, how was I suppose to know he's a lightweight?” Jacob asked, “I only gave him three shots.”

Midnight just chuckled and rolled his eyes. “It was Granny Smith's 'special' brew. I'm surprised you're still standing after five shots of that stuff.”

“I got a high tolerance,” Jacob explained. “I, uh, did a lot of drinking when I was told you... you know.

Midnight quickly changed the subject, lest the jovial atmosphere be tarnished by depressing thoughts. “So, I noticed you were interested in Virgil and Spike's relationships more than any other. I figured you'd be asking all kinds of questions when Red told you about her fillyfriend.”

“Yeah, I was just wondering, you know,” Jacob said, obviously avoiding the question, but Midnight's expression told him it wasn't working. “Well, think about it. I decided to stay here, but like any guy, I'd like a nice girl by my side. These ponies are rather easy on the eyes and I could probably see myself with one, so it's nice to know that not being a pony won't hurt my chances.”

“Well, buck you, too, ya jerk,” Spike slurred.

The two turned around to see him glaring at his shadow on the wall beside him.

“You believe thish ash hole!” the drunk dragon asked, looking back at the two brothers. “I jusht ashk da time, an' he givesh me the shilent – the shilent... he don't talk ta me.”

“Come on, Spike,” Midnight said. “Let's go home and sleep it off. If I’m lucky, Twilight won't kill me.”

“If she does, tell her to use her runes. It'll be good practice,” Jacob teased.

“I love you too, little brother.”

Author's Notes:

Yes, I skipped Rarity's wedding. Why? Because it was just a regular wedding, not much different from Midnight's and Twilight's.

Anywho, drunk Spike is fun to write. That is all.

Next Chapter: Chapter 4: Government Contract Estimated time remaining: 7 Hours, 46 Minutes
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Dawn Shield

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