

by canonkiller

Chapter 6: Senses

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**Yeah, still semi-graphic... I wasn't just going to end it there - 'she's never seen again and nopony wonders about it yadda yadda yadda' so let's all put on our poker faces and brave these next few chapters out... **

Something was moving outside, almost silently. Sunrise could hear it, perched on the windowsill, leaning forward to hear better. It was far away, she noted, but not too far. Easy to reach at a moderate speed.

She remembered Luna going for a walk. Was she in trouble? There were a lot of things in the Everfree that were more than a match for the mare. Worried for the Princess, Sunrise went to jump outside, only to be met by a beak clamping on her tail.

"Let go!"

Tigerjay obeyed, sending Sunrise rolling into the grass outside. "Where were you planning on going?"

"Can't a girl go do her buisiness without being questioned?" She lied, scuffing a talon through the dirt.

"Oh." The Griffon blushed, dropping back on all fours. "Sorry."

As soon as he vanished back inside, Sunrise targeted the noises again and set off at a run.

Panting slightly, Sunrise crawled through the web of branches, careful not to make a sound. If she endangered herself, she couldn't help Luna. Closing her eyes so they adjusted faster, Sunrise tried to listen to what was happening.

There was almost no noise, nothing of the turmoil she had heard before. Instead, there was heavy breathing.

Breathing that was far too heavy to be of a pony.

Setting her jaw and preparing her mind-bleach, Sunrise opened one eye. The darkness was still thick, but she could make out a pony-like figure lying on a large, distorted rock. She was moaning slightly.

Was she hurt? No sane pony would be lying in the open at night unless they couldn't help it. Filled with fear for her Princess, Sunrise's senses took an adrenaline jump. Everything was brighter, clearer.

And she could see her Princess wasn't lying on a rock.

A thick red tail held her down, while a massive body was curled below her. A dragon claw and pony hoof held her between them, jabbing her back into the body below. All the while, Luna was moaning in a cross between pleasure and pain, while the creature below breathed quickly and heavily.

Sunrise slammed her eyes shut, mentally pouring the mind-bleach. When she opened her eyes, she fixed them on the ground, which was covered in stone fragements.

One of Twilight's stories surfaced in the puddle of bleach, filling her head. Had Luna released... Discord?

Slowly backing up through the bush, Sunrise bolted back to camp, ignoring her strained breaths. If either of them even heard her, they were in no position to follow.

Tigerjay was preparing to set out after Sunrise when she came running out of the dense forest and crashed into his chest. Her forehead was soaked in sweat, and Tigerjay wiped it off with one paw, trying to open her squeezed-shut eyes. When her breathing slowed, she slowly opened her eyes, not shocked to see the worried Griffon only a muzzle-length from her face.

Any other circumstance, and she would have felt that this was very romantic. But she was still filled with shock at what she had seen. She dove through her mind bleach to remember how to speak.

"L-Luna in f-forest and-d D-Discord..." She stammered, looking up at Tigerjay. "D-Discord was... was... Luna..." She shuddered, pressing up against the Griffon's chest in mental disarray.

He placed a talon on her back and stroked her shoulders, trying to stop her trembling. She whimpered and pressed in further, eyes shut again. But despite her repeated shudders, she was calming down, the young Griffon's warm body relaxing her tensed muscles.

"Please, can you tell me what you saw? I want to know what happened."

She glanced around a few times before waving a claw for him to lean forward. She whispered a few quick words in his ear, and his heart rate increased dramatically.

"H-how are we going to help?" He choked out. "We can't do anything to a d-d-draconequus..."

"I don't know." Sunrise whispered back. "But there has to be something."

"...I don't think there is..."

"We can't just leave her to be-"

"I know." He placed a talon across her muzzle, keeping her from continuing the sentence. "I agree. We aren't leaving her with him forever. Just until we come up with a plan. I will find a plan."

Sunrise glanced out towards the trees. Her dragon hearing surpassed Tigerjay's, and she could still hear Discord's heavy breaths. "I just hope she'll be alright..."

Tigerjay settled a wing on her back and guided her inside. "Let's just rest up. We can plan better in the morning. Agreed?"

Sunrise swallowed the lump in her throat. "A-agreed."

Next Chapter: Darkest before the Dawn Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 39 Minutes
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