

by canonkiller

Chapter 5: Cotton Candy

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**WARNING TO ALL READERS - This will get graphic. Not clopfic graphic, just reading-between-the-lines graphic. And no, it's not gore. **

Distraught, Luna trotted further into the depths of Everfree. Her temporary sheild was protecting her from both the cold and the Poison Joke as she wandered aimlessly.

Looking back towards the town, small flickers of fire arced randomly out of the wreckage. Again, Luna saw her billowing, nightly tail, and again, a few more tears ran down her face.

She felt like she needed help. Celestia's teasing nature, despite being annoying, was hard to miss. Luna only knew one other creature that held that level of annoying authority.

Luna contempatled this choice. If it went wrong, there was little she could do to change it back. The Elements had disbanded long ago, and although Luna knew where they were, they had no bearers. She closed her eyes with a sigh and readied the teleportation spell, selecting her target in the castle's garden.

A flash of light, and a large stone statue appeared, it's smooth marble finish out of place in the dark forest. Luna felt some pity for the statue, being trapped in such an obnoxious pose for eternity.

"Well," Luna whispered, "eternity ends today."

The statue was illuminated in magic, and slowly grew brighter before darkening completely.

As Luna caught her breath, the statue began to break off in egg-like shards. The inside of the stone was just as smooth as the outside, marred only by the occansional muscle line. The creature inside streched out his claws, yawning with comical exaggeration.

"Ah, beautiful chaos." The creature sighed. "Destroyed again."

Luna moved into sight of the draconequus. He waved a claw, summoning a small pink cloud and crushing it between his talons in frustration.

"I need your help."

"Nobody ever needs my help. They help me."

"Discord, Celestia is dead."

He actually looked shocked, his small red pupils growing as he looked down at the Moon Mare. Her eyes were filled with tears.

"Why did you," he waved a paw at the shells of stone, "awaken me?"

"You're the only creature annoying enough to match Celestia." She admitted.

He sighed, waving his lion's paw. "Luna, Luna, Luna, did you really think this was a good idea?" Before she could respond, he wrapped his tail around her belly and lifted her into the air. Her eyes were level with his. "Really, I thought you would have known enough about your dearest sister to know that she shouldn't have a replacement."

"W-what do you m-mean?" Luna stammered, his thick tail tightening around her middle.

"Let's see how many times she's let you down." He explained, holding up two closed fists. "For starters, she sent you to the moon. She let you have control of only what everyone else didn't care about. She watched you be attacked by a bunch of fillies. She never asked you how you felt." One paw was now completely open. "She tormented you with her constant tricks." Three toes were left. "She made a stained-glass window of your failure." Two. "She made sure your side of the story was never told." He smiled, his one long fang hanging beside his mouth. "And she always had that hint of Molestia in her, didn't she? There was always the few words she never said, because you were her sister. Well, I have something to tell you." His two front paws had all fingers extended as he constricted her tighter. "I. Am. Not. Your. Sister."

He lowered her to the ground, holding her upside-down. Her eyes widened in fear as he grabbed her shoulders with his claws, before changing his mind and covering her mouth with one.

"Luna, Luna, Luna, precious little Luna," Discord whispered, "where's your sister to save you now?"

Crimsonleaf kicked out in his sleep, muttering about fire. Sweetie was standing beside him, gently stroking his sweaty flanks to try and soothe his dreams. She could only wonder of what was happening in his nightmare. Apple Bloom was nearby, desperately sorting through a pile of burned food. Almost all of it was beyond consumption, but whatever wasn't couldn't be wasted.

Sweetie half-thought about where their new Queen had gone. But, there wasn't any reason to worry. The mare had always been prone to walks alone.

Next Chapter: Senses Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 42 Minutes
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