
The Rainbow in the Rough

by Redbook

Chapter 7: The Shattering Diamond

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The Shattering Diamond

Rainbow Dash was lightly sleeping after Rarity left to have her tea with Twilight. She couldn’t wait for her to come back with the next copy of ‘Daring Do’, but the medicine she was given took a lot out of her and she thought that Rarity would be back before she would wake up.

Her sleep didn’t last as long as she had hoped for. Before she knew it there were voices in the hallway, but what caused her to not to brush it off was hearing Rarity’s name, mentioned by some stallion.

“This Rarity is so going to get it. That little fillyfooler will pay for kicking me ‘there’,” the high pitched voice called out in the hall. Rainbow had an idea where he was kicked. What really worried her, though, was that Rarity was the one who kicked him. She was also getting angry at hearing that guy use such a nasty term to call Rarity, her Rarity. If it wasn’t for her body being in pain at any fast movement, she would’ve been out there, slapping that stallion and telling him a thing or two about insulting Rarity.

Soon the sounds of the angry stallion faded away and it was good enough to help calm Rainbow down, but she would be having a word to Rarity about what happened. She heard a beep and felt a wave of bliss as the device they had her plugged into, gave her more medicine. She felt like she was in a dream and she marvelled at how things in medical field had changed from when she would need to have a doctor or nurse come by every so often, to give her the happy medicine.

It took Rainbow Dash a while before she realized there were two ponies in her room. It must’ve been late because the room was darker than before and she couldn’t make out much of the ponies. But as the world around her became a little clearer, it was just one pony in the room. Before she could take a guess who was in the room with her, a voice she knew echoed from the dark.

“Hey, Sugacube. I didn’t mean to wake yah. I just had to finish some things up before I could rush over here,” came the sweet voice of Applejack. Rainbow was glad to see her friend here. It had been a while, between her weather job and seeing Rarity, meeting all her friends was getting kind of hard to do. Rainbow smiled and was about to say ‘hey’ to Applejack, but was cut off again.

“I thought I would take this here chance to talk to you. Seeing as you ain’t flying off and that sort of things. The whole town is abuzz with the news of you and Rarity.” There was a long silence before she began to speak again, this time her voice sounded like she was about to cry. “I wouldn’t be the Element of Honesty if I didn’t tell you this now...” Applejack didn’t know how to tell Rainbow Dash her feelings before. She didn’t want to feel like a fool for tripping over her own words. Her feelings for Rainbow had been there for a long time. Applejack couldn’t really pick the moment in time where she first felt something for this mare lying in the bed. Hearing the rumors about Rainbow and Rarity just gave her the feeling that she was running out of time to get this weight off her back. This was probably the only chance she would ever get to tell her. “Rainbow Dash… I love you.”

Rainbow just laid there, not knowing what she could do at this point. It seemed that Applejack thought she was still asleep. The farmer was pouring out her soul to her, knowing full well that she was with Rarity. She just kept telling her more and more about her feelings. Rainbow had few choices to pick from; she could just lay here and fake being asleep and let Applejack tell her deepest feelings for her, wait here and hope Rarity comes back to help her talk to Applejack about things. Or she could try and sit up so she could talk to Applejack one on one. All the choices seemed to still lead to an heartbroken Applejack and leaving Rainbow Dash feeling like crud. It didn’t take Rainbow long to choose which one she had to do.

She slowly rose out up and let out a gasp as a sharp pain went through her gut. She guessed she had done more damage than to herself than assumed at first. This caused Applejack to look up and then look away as a light blush came to her face.

“Didn’t hear a thing did yah, Dash?” Applejack asked as she tried to keep her voice in check. Applejack prayed that Rainbow didn’t hear her. She looked over to her, seeing Rainbow nod slowly.

“I’m sorry, Applejack, but I couldn’t just lay here and let you think I wasn’t awake. That would be like lying to you. You are my best friend and I could never lie to you.” Rainbow stopped and tried to think of the best way she could word what she should say next. She never thought that she would be placed in something like this. She had to take a page out of Applejack’s book and just be honest with her.

“I am really sorry Applejack. I feel like crud for not sharing the same feelings back. I’m in love with Rarity. I wish there was some way I could make this up to you. Maybe once I’m out I can help you find someone else who shares those feelings for you.” Rainbow hoped that this would work and that they could still remain friends.

It seemed fate, yet again, was not with Rainbow. Applejack’s mind was just rushing in every direction but the right one. She knew that Rainbow was in love with Rarity, but she deep down really wish that it was her that Rainbow was in love with. The facts and what one wish for was two different things. Fact was that Rainbow is with Rarity and no amount of wishing would change that. And the fact that they were all friends just made Applejack feel even worse then she felt telling Rainbow her feelings in the first place. Applejack just couldn’t deal with being in that room at the moment. Applejack burst into tears and run out of the room before Rainbow could even move an inch. She let out a sigh and looked down at the foot of her bed. She thought that life would get better when she told Rarity her feelings. Hearing Applejack tell her the same things that she told Rarity, life just didn’t seem fair to her. Did her happiness come at a price of losing one of her best friends? She could feel a tear being to roll down her cheek.  It wasn’t long before she heard that dang beeping again. The dang thing keep from getting too stressed out, they said that it would cause her to take longer to heal. So it wasn’t long before she fall back into her pillow, the last thing she seen before falling asleep was a copy of ‘Daring Doo’ and a note on top of it.

Rarity had been by Rainbow’s room the other day to visit her a little and drop off a copy of ‘Daring Doo’. Sadly Rainbow was out like a light when she got there. A passing nurse told her that the meds would make her kind of sleep. That this was to help her heal quickly. Rarity understood that she was right and just left the book on the nightstand next to Rainbow and made a quick little note for Rainbow to read, she hope that she would. But she knew the chance of that happening. Everypony knew Rainbow loved reading ‘Daring Doo’.  That note was just something in the way.

This only cause Rarity to giggle. It was getting late and Rarity had a feeling that tomorrow would be busy like no other. Her ears twitched a little as she could hear something off in the distances. She turn only to see a shadow of what she thought was a mare running towards the edge of town. She could hear her crying and only hope that mare would feel better. No pony should being crying on such a lovely night. In the back of her mind she was wondering why that mare was crying.

The thoughts of that mare still peek its little head to the front of her mind, even though she was sitting in her little living room. Then things hit her, the direction the mare was running. Sweet Apple Acres was in that way. There were only three mares she knew of that lived there. It couldn’t be Granny Smith, she was too old to be running that fast. It wasn’t Apple Bloom, she wouldn’t have a reason to be out this late and to be crying. That only left one Apple that could be running and crying into the night.

 She didn’t know what to do. She had to do some dress work, but she couldn’t deal with worrying why Applejack was crying about. She looks over to the clock and sighs. It was getting late and by the time she would make it to the farm, the Apples would be asleep. She would go over to see Applejack after her visit with Rainbow Dash. With the next day planned out, she made her way to bed.

The sun was coming up and the light was beginning to bug the living daylights out of Rainbow. She want to sleep a little longer, but the light would not let her be. She was feeling so much better than she did the other day. That was the best part about being a pegasus, you can get hurt and no time at all you're all healed. She keep her head on the pillow and looked over at the little clock they kept on the nightstand. It read twelve in the afternoon. There was a light little cough that made her look at Rarity smiling at her from the only chair in the room.

“Well I see somepony is doing better now?” Rarity just giggled as Rainbow set herself up to have a better look at her.

“I’m doing so much better that my lovely Rarity is here,” Rainbow said in her best flirting voice she could muster at the moment. But it did what Rainbow wanted, a faint red being to come to Rarity’s face. Now it was Rainbows turn to giggle.

“You’re only saying that to get into my bed,” The way the words came out of Rarity’s mouth was enough to send a shudder down Rainbows back. She didn’t want to admit to losing at anything, but she lost when it came to using a flirting voice. It shown as her whole face was turning a very bright red. To save what awesomeness she had left, she quickly change the subject.

 “Well… I’m sorry that I wasn’t awake when you stopped by last night. I hope you sleep well without me saying or…” Her eyes darted around the room before finishing what she was saying. “Kissing you goodnight.”

“I did kind of miss your kiss last night. But I had other things last night. I see a mare running down the road and I think that it might have been Applejack.” This cause Rainbows heart feel like it stopped. Should she tell Rarity what happen the night before. It wasn’t a hard thing to pick, she was going to be honest like she was with Applejack.

“I think I know why she was crying for,” Rainbow’s voices was kind of shaky from feeling like crud for being the reason why. Rarity just blinks at her, not fully understanding what she meant.

“What do you mean, Rainbow?”

“She was in my room last night and well…” Rainbow was scared to look and see what Rarity’s face looked like. “She told me that she loved me.” She closed her eyes and hope that there wasn’t a hoof flying to smack her. But there was nothing, not even a word. This scarier than anything else in this world. Then came a question that Rainbow knew the answer or she only knew part of it.

“What did you tell her…” Rarity choked out trying not to cry before Rainbow could tell her told her everything. “And what do you feel… the same?” To Rarity, it felt like the hardest thing to ask. It almost painful to have to ask Rainbow that last question. She loved Rainbow and would believe that she wouldn’t share the feeling that she said she had for her to Applejack.

“I told her that I love you, Rarity. I even told her that I would help her find a pony that would feel the same to her that she felt to me.” She said in a rush to defend herself.  But was she froze as her mind and her heart had a fight for well everything that would matter to her. She knew that she is head over hooves for Rarity, but part of her kind of really like Applejack. The time that this battle was taking place inside of her. To Rarity, it was the answer to the question. Rarity’s mind jump to one thing that she didn’t really want to believe. That Rainbow might have feelings for Applejack and might just leave her for Applejack. She felt so mad and sad all at once. Her world that she just gotten use to was now crumbling away around her.

 Rarity was known for an occasionally over reacting to some things.  Rarity was kind of in the right to burst out crying and giving Rainbow a good hoof slap before she ran out of the room.  Rainbow didn’t know what to do. She slowly place a hoof where she was hoof slap. She didn’t cry. She didn’t move. Rainbow just seat in the bed looking at the door. That hoof slap really must knock a few things loose in her head. She didn’t want to rush out after her while she couldn’t really move. She knew that before going to Rarity, she would need to get her feelings in order. Does Applejack mean just as much to her as Rarity or is Rarity the only pony for her. Before Applejack told her feeling to her. It would have been Rarity hooves down, but now she didn’t know any more.

Rainbow never really had the time to just sit back and look at her own feelings. She knew that she like to spend time with Applejack, but to spend that kind of time with her never cross her mind. She like doing the little games that they did to see who was better. Had that been her way to flirt with Applejack. She let out another sigh. Why did this have to happen now. She was enjoying her life. She didn’t want to feel so lost about her own feelings. She had the time on her hooves now to really think about where her feelings belong.  Life just became harder then she thought it would ever be.

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