
HUMAN in Equestria: A Conversion Bureau Story

by Chatoyance

Chapter 6: 6. Fear And Desire

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The Conversion Bureau


in Equestria
By Chatoyance

6. Fear And Desire

The border of the Everfree looked a bit gloomy, but it did not seem the least bit dangerous. As the children and Equestrians passed into it, only the latter seemed afraid, despite the discussion earlier. The children had been expecting to be pounced upon by dreadful horrors before they had even drawn near to the woods. When nothing at all happened, they began to doubt the worries of pigs and ponies entirely.

Milo, who felt himself every bit as studied about the old, pre-ecodisaster earth as Petra, insisted that the Everfree resembled the Northamerizonian Everglades more than the Amazon. Petra quite disagreed with the boy and the two got into an argument until Plantain and the pigs interrupted them with a lecture on the value of being quiet and unseen in what they considered a very dangerous place.

"We have been walking now for quite some time, I should say an hour at the least, and I honestly do not see what is so terrifying about this forest." Petra's stomach was unsettled from the somewhat green fruit that Plantain had found for them to eat. It had been sour and not entirely ripe, and all of the children were feeling somewhat cranky from it. The only child not perpetually upset was Isla, who somehow always seemed to be quite unreasonably quiet. Then again, she was perpetually entranced with the little bunny Crème, which seemed to sooth her greatly.

"I am surprised that you can't feel it! All the newfoals I've known told me that humans can sense magic, that it makes them feel strange, or sick, or that it burns them. If anything, humans are supposed to be overly sensitive to magic! I can certainly feel it, everywhere around us, and it is not nice magic at all. It is wild and strange and chaotic. I feel as if I were being hunted by griffons!" Plantain shivered at the thought. She had heard stories of the days, centuries ago, before the Pax Equestria.

"Celestia and Luna reconstructed us, Plantain. The only reason we can be here and not be ponies is that the princesses remade us out of the stuff of Equestria." Petra pushed her way through thick, dangling vines and wide, enormous leaves. "I suppose we were remapped like double-H-Gee objects into some different format."

"Double... H... gee?" Plantain hopped over a fallen log, trying to stay side-by-side with Petra.

"HHG... Holographic Hypernet Graphics. It's a graphics thing they used on the hypernet. You could see it on a screen or just download it right into your head if you had the right implants. I once had a quite lovely art program I would play with back in Antarctica. I made a very nice model of princess Celestia within it, and uploaded it to... well, never mind. I dare say it doesn't matter anymore." Petra realized she felt thirsty, and hot, and that she was not at all happy.

"Plantain, is there any water about? I am ever so dry, and I think we could all use something to drink again." Petra looked about, hoping to see a stream or a river, or even a clear spot to sit down for a while. "Also, I could use a rest."

The chestnut pony began sniffing intently at the air, trying to concentrate. It was difficult because the children behind Petra were still jabbering about various things despite the constant requests to be quiet in the forest.

There was no water immediately nearby, but Plantain's sensitive ears did hear the sound of faint, playful yips. "I think I've found a safe place to rest for a while. No water yet."

"Please guide us then, if you please." Petra turned to the children, pigs and chickens who had caught up. "We are going to take a rest for a while just ahead."

"I'm thirsty!" Isla normally said little, when she did speak it was usually serious. The little girl must be very thirsty indeed.

"Plantain hasn't found water yet, but I am sure she will. I'm sorry, Isla, please try to be strong!" Petra felt the dryness of her own throat. Her lips felt dry too.

As the children followed Plantain, the soft sound of yapping and the occasional canine bark filled their ears. It was not constant but occasional, yet the voices of playful pups were unmistakable.

Plantain led the group to a wide clearing in the thick verdancy. The sound of puppies seemed to come from the clearing, from everywhere and nowhere.

"Little doggies?" Isla scanned the area but saw no wagging tails nor padding paws.

"What, invisible dogs? Where is that noise coming from?" Asher didn't seem overly happy about puppies, which surprised no one.

"Dogwood trees." Plantain sat down with a huff. She was tired too.

"You're making that up!" Seraphina half laughed and half accused as she found a fallen log to rest on.

"What?" Plantain decided to fold her foreknees and lay down entirely. Ah... that was better.

"You're making fun of us. Dogwoods. Because of the barking." Seraphina tried to comb her hair with her fingers, but it wasn't working very well.

"That's whats making the sound. All around us. They like clearings for some reason." Plantain poked a hoof at some odd-looking, short, stumpy trees that surrounded the circular area. "Dogwood trees are good protection in the Everfree. Their barking scares away a lot of things. They like nice creatures, which is why they sound happy right now."

Seraphina and Petra and the other children fell quiet and listened carefully. Surely enough, the sound of happy yips, soft, playful growls, and panting could be heard from the odd, short trees.

Little Isla walked timorously to one of the small trees and noticed it was covered in short fibers, almost like fur. She stretched out a hand, slowly, and stroked the fibers. The tree made cute sounds, as if it were happy at the touch. "It likes me!" Isla smiled and began patting the little tree in earnest. It produced a friendly bark.

"This is just..." Asher shook his head. "Your world is nuts, pony... Dog Wood trees... what's next? Snow Bunnies?"

Crème ran to Plantain and clutched her leg. Plantain gave her friend a nuzzle. "Oh, you wouldn't want to run into one of those."

Asher seemed startled, then developed an incredulous half-grin. "Really." Plantain seemed serious. "What can a snow bunny do? Cuddle you to death?"

Plantain stared at the boy. "Hardly. Snow Bunnies are mostly peaceful. They hide out during the day. But if something scary startles them, they can freeze everything around them. The cold just spreads, turning things to ice, frosting over plant and animal alike. It's horrifying, Asher. Snow Bunnies are worse than Timber Wolves. You can outrun a Timber Wolf, or kick it into sticks if you get cornered. But Snow Bunnies..."

"Wait... what do you mean..." Asher felt more than confused. His brain had jumped directly to being perplexed, bypassing befuddlement all together. "You can't kick a wolf into sticks!"

"Of course you can. If you can buck them hard enough. And if it isn't a really big one. The big ones aren't made of sticks, the really big ones are made out of entire trees!" Plantain could see Asher simply didn't believe a word she was saying, but for the life of her, she could not understand why.

A rustling sound came from the place where Isla sat. What looked like a lumpen mass of lush green leaves was stumping around on two tiny, short legs made of twisted roots. The small plant-creature seemed to be playing with Isla, who for her part began to giggle as she wiggled her fingers low for the emerald biped of foliage to follow.

Asher stood transfixed, his perplexity sublimated into an instantaneous state of helpless stupefaction. "What..."

The other children clustered together, all astonished, all watching Isla play with what looked like a little animated topiary.

"A Bush Baby!" Plantain seemed happy. "Oh, that's a very good sign! If there are Bush Babies about, then this is an especially safe spot! Poor little things are easily caught and devoured, so you can only find them where nasty things aren't."

Asher, regaining some of his wits, studied the living plant creature and finally dared to offer his thoughts. "I guess a 'Timber Wolf' in this world is made out of..."

"Made out of branches and wood. Of course. What else could it be?" Plantain relaxed, feeling relieved that there was no current danger. "I couldn't understand why you seemed to not believe what I had to say - you had clearly heard of Snow Bunnies before."

Asher sat down on the ground, watching the Bush Baby struggle to climb up on the log where Isla sat. Isla reached down and picked the little, squirming mass of leaves up. It seemed to want to be held, and relaxed in her arms. Isla began cooing to the bizarre creature, which only appeared to make it happier.

As Plantain watched, a tear slid slowly down Asher's cheek. He turned away and began poking the ground with a stick. She wanted to find out what was bothering him - any pony would have felt the same way - but she had dealt with enough newfoals to know that humans were sometimes odd about sharing their emotions.

"Plantain?" Petra sat down on the ground next to her and allowed Crème to climb into her lap. With Isla occupied, Crème almost seemed jealous, so Petra gave the little doe a proper scratching around the ears, under the brim of the bunny's hat.

"Mnn?" Plantain was still pondering the mystery of Asher.

"After the princesses change us into proper ponies..." Of course they would, Petra thought. Surely they would. Luna had said as much - Petra had remembered her final words to her. The princesses would definitely change them. "...then what? We can't go back to our parents, they wouldn't want us in the least, and I certainly wouldn't want to face my mother's wrath in any body, pony or human. Are there... some kind of child services in Equestria? Is there a place for fillies without a home?" The last thing Petra wanted to say was 'orphanage', but it was certainly what she was thinking.

Plantain snapped back from considering the tear on Asher's cheek and turned to Petra. "Um... no. There's no place, no specific place anyway, for fillies without homes. Because that just doesn't happen. Ponies don't foal very often, so fillies and colts are very treasured. I've heard that humans on earth had lots and lots of babies, most of them unwanted. There are lots of foalless ponies who would be more than happy to give all of you homes! You'll have ponies begging you to join their families."

"Oh... that's right." Petra remembered reading an article on the hypernet about how the Equestrians had very low birth rates. They lived a very long time and had very few children. Entire towns might have no more than ten or twenty foals at any given time. Once the children were transformed, they would all become what Father would have called a 'high value commodity'.

"Won't we just be shipped out to those 'Exponential Lands' that were made out of the earth? We would be newfoals then, after all." Seraphina almost sounded bitter. "I think being changed will be our first and last look at Canterlot."

"Oh, please don't be that way, Seraphina!" Petra had noted the intonation of the older girl. "There were billions and billions of us on the earth and not even a single billion of the ponies - even including the dragons, dogs and other creatures of Equestria! Where else could they put all of us? If all the humans tried to live in the Equestria we've heard about, there would be no room for anyone to even sit down!"

Seraphina hung her head. "I know. I know." She looked up and made another attempt to straighten her tangled hair. Sleeping on the ground had been difficult for all of the children. "It's just that I've heard stories that they have to start from scratch out there, and I'm not keen on physical labor of any sort."

"Maybe not now..." Plantain shifted so that her hind legs were more comfortable. "But if you become an earthpony like me, using your body will become a joy. I promise!" Plantain smiled. "Newfoals I've talked to who became earthponies say they feel a hundred times stronger and lots more powerful. I've seen grown-up newfoals just run around all day long like colts and fillies just because they could. They were eager to pull and lift and haul things, because they said it felt good!"

"What if I don't become an earthpony like you?" Seraphina was not convinced.

"It's kinda the same, really, only with other abilities. The unicorns aren't strong, but they can do magic, and the newfoals who became unicorns that I know can't seem to get enough chances to use their horns. The pegasai... you can't keep 'em on the ground. One of the best fliers I've ever met was a newfoal pegasus. Thunder Road - she worked her way up into owning a carriage service, then joined the Happy Pony show. She used to give rides through storms, but then she found her real calling was aerial ballet! When she flew, even when it was hard to do, she had to fight from grinning.

"Seriously. Thunder'd do these moody dance pieces and grin like a hinny the whole time. Paine used to get upset." Plantain recalled the bright red pegasus mare nearly laughing with delight while dancing in the air to the most somber music.

Milo, who had sat down nearby to listen in, leaned forward. "Don't you mean 'grin like a ninny?'"

"What's a 'Ninny'?" Plantain scratched her head with a hoof.

"Petra..." Seraphina had given up trying to do anything about her hair, and was pointlessly attempting to scrape a stain off of her clothing. "Why do you want to be a pony? I mean... you're a Bettencourt. I would have assumed that..." The older girl's voice trailed off. She was unsure how to phrase anything beyond that point.

"It's not simple rebellion, or anything like that." Petra rubbed her sore legs. This journey had been the most physical activity any of the children had ever done, except for Asher, who claimed to have gone climbing in the mountains of Antarctica with his uncle. "I... I truly fell in love with the princess, and with the things she told me about Equestria. I watched every program and read every article that my caretakers would allow. When Celestia was forced to leave by the rules of the Covenant, I was ever so sad. But I found a program, a program about a human girl going through a Bureau. More than anything in both worlds, I wanted to do the same. But... I was forbidden."

"No... that's not quite what I mean." Seraphina struggled for a while, inside her head, trying to find just the right words. At the edge of the clearing, Isla had sung the little Bush Baby to sleep. Now she was rocking it in her arms. Seraphina looked back at Petra. "What I am asking is... what is it about actually being a pony... that makes you want to be one. It will be forever, for the rest of our lives you know."

Petra smiled, not a Bettencourt smile at all, but a very rare thing instead, a genuine Petra smile. "Oh! Where to begin! I want to run and play and feel the wind in my mane! I want to be just another pony, and not some... well, 'Bettencourt'. I want to belong to Celestia, so that she can never be taken away again. I don't care at all what kind of pony I should become. Whatever type I would be happy, and dance upon my lovely hooves in gratitude!"

Seraphina became thoughtful, taking that in. Milo crawled closer, fully engaged now. "That's not enough. You can run and feel the wind in your hair now. I understand the bit about Celestia. I think we all do." Milo noted the 'humph' from Asher, behind him. "Most of us, anyway. I'd also like to know what being a pony really means. To you."

Petra became quiet. Her innocent smile died on her face. "Celestia told me ponies don't think like we do. Not entirely. Sometimes... sometimes I think very bad thoughts. I think terrible things about simply everyone. When I have been very, very cross with mother, I have wanted her to be killed in front of me. Not quickly, but quite slowly, with a very great deal of screaming and begging for mercy. I have wanted to see her taken apart, bit by bit, until all she could do is flail her stumps at me and beg me to spare her life. I have wanted to take her eyes and make them my marbles."

Plantain was rigid, every muscle in her pony body on alert. This was not the simple matter of when humans swore and the emotional violence that felt disturbing in the moment. The fact that her friend Petra could even imagine such terrible... whatever it was. Plantain's mind slipped around a sudden void in her memory where the awful things were that Petra had just spoken, a protective pony thought cocoon that she could sense but thankfully not penetrate. The fact that Petra could... say... whatever it was that she had said... deeply disturbed and frightened Plantain.

Her newfoal friends in the Happy Pony Show had tried to explain to her that humans had been dangerous, that even the nicest of them were capable of thinking the most truly terrible thoughts. But - because they had been ponified - it had been impossible for her newfoal friends to explain what those terrible thoughts actually were.

Now, she had heard something of what humans could think about that ponies could not, and the feeling of it made Plantain want to jump up and gallop as fast as she could far, far away, in any direction so long as it wasn't here. Her very coat felt like it was rippling over her muscles, trying to move just a little further away from Petra's body heat. Plantain calmed herself by remembering that in all of this time, Petra had been nothing but sweet, and that almost certainly the other human children surrounding her never thought things like that.

"Oh, god. I am so glad you said that." Milo breathed out a sigh of relief. "Me too. All the time. Hell, I've wanted to hammer the brains right out of the heads of some of the kids in Paris. I almost did too - I had a hammer, it had this really sharp end, and there was this one kid, and I was sure I could get away with it. Would have too, if it hadn't been for..." Milo took another deep breath. "Anyway, after Celestia, I never, ever wanted to think stuff like that again. I'm glad I didn't hurt that kid but... I was really angry. I planned it all out and everything. I would have done it, too. I want to be a pony so I never, ever have to feel that way again."

"I think we're all agreed then!" Seraphina laughed and Milo and Petra joined in. "We don't like our angry dark sides one bit. I would also add that I don't want to end up like my parents. My mother is such a narrow, bigoted thing. She hates all sorts of people for the dumbest of reasons. My father only cares about power and who is at which rank or in what circle. I don't want any part of that! When I look at ponies, I see a life where everyone just... well... is. They can be friends and never worry that someday..."

"That someday they'll get stabbed in the back." Asher had finally turned around. "That's what it's all about, really. Deep down, every man has his price. That's what my dad says. Your own family will cut your throat, if the price is right. You can't trust anyone human." Asher studied the other children with narrowed eyes. "Or any special pony who deals with humans."

Nobody imagined he wasn't referring to Celestia. It was obvious he meant Celestia.

Plantain had watched as Crème slowly, like a little fuzzy spider, crept out of Petra's lap without her even noticing. Crème was now pressed against the back of Plantain's neck, having covered herself with long strands of yellow mane. Plantain could feel the bunny clinging so tightly that her withers hurt from the grasp of little, frightened paws.

Isla joined the group, having left the sleeping Bush Baby on the ground by the log. The little girl sat down next to Oliver, who had been quietly listening the whole time. Isla gave Oliver a little squeeze after she was settled. "I think bad thoughts sometimes, too."

Seraphina turned to Isla. "Is that why you want to be a pony, Isla? To make the bad thoughts go away?"

Isla was looking around for Crème, but the little bunny was well hidden in Plantain's mane. Finally she looked up at Seraphina.

"Yes. That and... I don't like how people treat each other." Isla put her arm through Oliver's surprising him. She nibbled on the index finger of her other hand for a moment. "I don't like how my daddy looks down on the other families, or how everyone looks down on Oliver."

Oliver found something on the ground very interesting.

"But what about all the court ponies in Canterlot? That's the same thing!" Milo was not persuaded by Isla in the least.

"Yes... they have that. But that court stuff isn't for life. Plantain's mother wanted her to be a court pony. With us... you're stuck." Isla gave Oliver's arm a hug. "When we're ponies, Oliver, we're gonna all be ponies, and nopony looks down on any other pony."

"Oliver." Petra found herself curious. "Why do you want to be a pony?"

Oliver seemed startled at the question. Also nervous. "All of those reasons. And..."

The breeze rustled the treetops. No pegasus had generated it. Only the Equestrians found this eerie and disturbing. Plantain watched the little Bush Baby wake up and stand. After shaking it's leaves, it ran off into the forest, apparently in quite a hurry.

"And...?" Petra coaxed.

Oliver seemed very far away, and not a little frightened. "I don't know."

It seemed very much to everyone that he did know, but that he just didn't want to say. For a while, all that could be heard was the sound of the Dog Woods growling at the edge of the clearing. Nobody knew quite what to say, and it was clear that Oliver did not want to be asked any more questions.

Finally, Petra turned to Asher. With her, every eye - except for Oliver - also turned to Asher. Asher finally broke when he saw the chickens join the pigs in staring at him.

"You wanna know why I want to be a pony?" Asher stood up, and stretched his legs. He brushed the forest from his pants. "I know what you think. Asher - he's an asshole. Don't even bother, Seraphina - 'Oh!'" he mocked "'Dear me! I can't even imagine you as a pony!' Suck it, Sera! I have as much reason as any of you dorks to be a pony. More, if you only knew. So just leave me alone!"

"But... we really do want to know." Seraphina felt bad for what she had said the day before. "I'm sorry for what I said, but you have been a bit... well, rude."

"Yeah! Yeah, maybe I have been rude! Maybe I'm angry, maybe..."

Asher never got to finish his statement because that was the very moment something snakelike, pitch black and strangely shimmery scraped the top of his scalp straight off of his naked skull. Asher didn't even make a sound as he fell, in shock, to his knees, the blood beginning to trickle down his face.

The dying skin and hair that had previously covered the top of the boy's head fell with a plop into the leaves beside him.

Next Chapter: 7. Sticks And Stones Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 54 Minutes
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