
HUMAN in Equestria: A Conversion Bureau Story

by Chatoyance

Chapter 5: 5. The Long Way 'Round

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The Conversion Bureau


in Equestria
By Chatoyance

5. The Long Way 'Round

"Children not in Masada master! Scootybutt sure! All diamond dog sure!" Gérard Hollande's butler wrung his paws in shame at failing to find his master's daughter. "Am sorry, master, please forgive Scootybutt?"

Hollande turned to Luigi Draghi, who had arrived with Sergey Brin and a fairly large pack of the clothed, troll-like canids. "Any luck?"

Drahgi gesticulated wildly "I can't find my daughter Isla anywhere! She's not even inside the walls, if these damn dogs can be believed!"

"Scootybutt nose good! All dog nose good! Tell truth! Tell truth!" The other diamond dogs were beginning to whimper and some were whining. The easiest way to win the loyalty of a diamond dog was to be dominant, and the easiest way to make them cry was to be disappointed for any reason.

"If they aren't here, then where in hell are they?" Sergey Brin gave his lead housedog a light kick with his foot. "Nobgobbler! Where is Asher? That's your job, to look after my boy! Now where..." Another kick "...the hell..." Nobgobbler was couched low, shielding his head behind large clawed paws as another kick was directed at him "IS HE?"

"Nob not know, master, Nob sorry, please master, please, Nob not know!" The normally immaculate diamond dog looked scruffy, with his golden coat mussed and his white suit stained with shoe prints. The kicks, of themselves, meant little to the creature. What mattered was that master was angry. Nothing was worse to a diamond dog than the displeasure of an Alpha.

Stefan Bettencourt marched towards the group, with numerous parents and other family heads following him. "My hunting dog sniffed out the story. There's a hole in the wall. It looks like they raided several pantries, including the Club. Left all the stuff under some bushes at the front of my land. I think they got spooked and left before they could reclaim their supplies."

"They can't be far, and they'll be miserable without food and water." Ophelia Sachs laughed. "Silly kids. I expected better of Oliver. He's normally very careful about details."

Andrew Cameron scowled. "Maybe at the shallow end of the pool..." Ophelia caught all too well that Andrew was referring to status and not water "...worrying about food is an issue. With Camerons, duty is what matters. Your déclassé sissy doubtless corrupted my Milo and the others." Andrew traded his scowl for a glare. "What are you even doing talking to any of us?"

"Enough!" The bickering of these petty social climbers was annoying Stefan. There was a Bettencourt out there, with that pack of insignificant brats, and the shame ate at him. "Grunthas! Round up every dog you can find and go after the children! Bring them directly back here! Do whatever you have to, as long as the children aren't harmed, understood?"

"Yes master!" The diamond dog wiggled his tail. He was given the order, so he was Alpha of the searching pack. "But me not Grunthas, me Grunthas! Grunthas is..."

The look on Stefan Bettencourt's face made Grunthas think of the business end of enraged dragons, and an enraged dragon was something no living creature ever wanted to see. "Me get dogs. Me and dogs go get children, bring back, fast, fast, master!"

Stefan watched Grunthas immediately begin growling and barking as he ran off, signalling the other dogs to join in under their new, temporary Alpha.

"What are you doing, Bettencourt? We should be out there going after..." Gérard Hollande went silent at a duplicate of the same look that had frightened the diamond dog.

"The dogs are faster, they know this insane realm, they can track with their noses, and they are utterly loyal and intelligent..." Stefan thought a moment. "...to a degree. If you can claim even one of those traits, please, be my guest."

Brin smirked at the dig. Sergey had always thought Gérard didn't belong in the upper tier.

Stefan gave Sergey a glance as he passed by him, feet directed towards the Club. "Get everyone to the Muleskinner, will you Brin? There's a good boy."

Gérard Hollande chuckled softly. Bettencourt wasn't playing favorites.

Oliver wanted to go north.

"It is the shorter distance, so we will get to Canterlot sooner! We could take the road that goes through the pass there. My mother told me about it. She rode there with Mrs. Prada and Mrs. Reinhart and the Klattens and the Waltons that time Celestia invited the..."

"I say we go south. They'll be expecting us to take the easy path. And nobody cares what your mother thinks, Sachs." Asher stood so that Oliver was blocked from view. Mostly.

"But mom told me that the pass is covered in these beautiful flowers, really big ones the size of dinner plates and..."

"Shut the hell up, pansy!" Asher Brin raised a hand as if he might slap the overweight, delicate boy. "Pansy. Pansy Flower. Now you have your pony name. You're welcome." Oliver had backed off and turned around, so none of the other children could see his face.

"Stop picking on him. What is your problem, anyway?" Seraphina Hollande walked over to the quietly weeping Oliver. "You've been nothing but mean since we left the Masada. I can't see you as a pony at all, frankly." She put a hand on Oliver's shoulder, but he didn't respond. She had wanted to put an arm around his shoulder, but he was taller than she was, even though he was significantly younger.

"I do not approve of your boorish behavior either, Asher." Petra stood up from where she had been sitting. The children had been resting in a hollow created by the rolling hills of grass. "Still, Asher has a point. Not about your mother, dear Oliver..." The poor boy still wasn't willing to turn around. "...rather, I mean about how they will expect us to take the shorter path. 'That is surely what a child would do' I think they will say, and they will expect us to go north."

"Like I said. We go south." Asher kicked at the grass in frustration.

Petra joined Seraphina, but walked around to face Oliver. He was wiping his eyes. Petra gave the boy a comforting pat on the shoulder. "I am certain that your mother was correct, and that the flowers in the pass are just lovely." This seemed to cheer the plump, pale child. "We shall go back, someday, and see them when we are ponies!"

"Oh, yes please!" Oliver beamed through the last of his tears. "Let's!"

Petra smiled her warmest Bettencourt smile and returned to Plantain, Crème and Isla. Isla had somehow become Crème's personal transport and grooming servant, much to Plantain's amusement. "She's popular with other bunnies too." Plantain had offered with regard to her fluffy-tailed partner.

The journey south would take several days, according to Plantain. "I've been down that way before with the Happy Pony troupe. We put on shows in Clydesdale and South Withers once, and Paine picked me up at my home and we just traveled south. That was a couple of years ago, but I remember it sorta okay."

Petra was hungry - all the children were - so it was best to think about anything else. "What is it like? Being on stage I mean, in front of so many people? I should be terrified in such a situation!"

Plantain shook her head so that her yellow mane swirled around her withers. "It's not scary at all, not if you've practiced and know your routine. It's super exciting though!" Plantain grinned and Crème, who was being carried by Isla beside them, nodded so hard her little top hat nearly came off.

"Really?" Petra stepped around a large mass of flowers and a bush "You don't feel afraid at all?"

"Well..." Plantain studied her hooves as they walked. She looked up again. "I was frightened the first time. Alright... the first few times. At the start. But once we were all into our performance, once the dancing started, all there is left to think about is not making any mistakes!" As she passed the flowers, Plantain took a big bite and chewed as they walked. "Mnnf... mnn... Basically... mnfff... once you're out there, mnn... mnnph.... it's like all the fun in the world all at the same time. The bunnies are dancing, or the spiders are doing that thing with the really complex rhythm..."

Plantain looked briefly sad "...Oh. I forgot, you've never even heard them. I know, I know, spiders. They eat bugs, they sit around on webs. Seriously, once they get clicking it sounds incredible! You wouldn't believe how good..." A tall patch of particularly juicy grass, laden with grain at the end of the stalks caught Plantain's eye. "...It's just... Mnnff... Nyumph... amazingly... mnff..."

Petra's stomach growled like some angry beast.

Plantain stopped chewing and swallowed. "Oh." The little earthpony looked utterly crestfallen. "I... I wasn't thinking. I mean... sorry."

"Please, Plantain, it's all right." Petra grabbed a handful of flowers and grass stems from another tall patch as they walked. "I suppose, for you, we are walking right through the middle of a banquet right now, aren't we?"

"It... is sorta good." Plantain's sheepish look suggested it might be better even than that.

"Worth a try, I suppose." Petra studied the palm-sized colorful flowers and the thick stems of grass in her hand. She cautiously nibbled one of the blossoms. After chewing, she swallowed. "Nothing is poisonous in Equestria, right? That is what we've been told."

"Correct!" Plantain smiled, then looked concerned. "For ponies, anyway. And diamond dogs and dragons and griffons. Probably humans too. I can't imagine Celestia not making it true for you too."

"If she was allowed to, I am certain it would be true for us." Petra nibbled one of the grass stalks, then spit it out. It was very hard to chew. "Father says that Celestia was forced by the Covenant to keep us completely human. As much as possible, anyway. I read an old book once that said that a lot of flowers on earth used to be really dangerous. You could eat some, and some people did. In the olden days they even put flowers in salads. But they had to be just the right sort of flowers. Some could stop your heart or make you very sick."

"Maybe you shouldn't eat the flowers, Petra." Plantain felt very worried now.

"Pity, really, because the grass is too tough for my teeth. The flowers at least are soft. They taste very odd, and not at all delicious." Petra threw her handful of foliage away. "They must taste much differently to a pony, I expect."

"Oh, they do!" Plantain grinned. "Most of the cast of the Happy Pony show are newfoals, you know. I was always hearing about how their tastes were changed when they became ponies. Argent and Topic - they were with the original cast, but they got married and settled down in Canterlot - the two of them just went on and on about hay. They had all these favorite blends of grasses, and specific strains they liked best and how best to prepare them and..."

"Prepare hay? How?" Petra was flabbergasted. Hay, as far as she had read in her old books, came in bales and serving hay consisted of throwing it at the ground.

"You can eat hay as is, of course, and it's very tasty fresh and green or dry. When it's dry, hay tastes completely different, and is... richer. More savory, with kind of a nutty aftertaste. Green is good too, though, kind of a lime bite to it, and of course it's juicy, too. And sweet."

Petra's stomach growled again. She tried to ignore it. She had always wanted to hear about what ponies ate directly from a living pony. Talking with Plantain like this reminded her of certain episodes of her beloved holoprogram.

"You can also cook with hay!" Plantain seemed happy talking about the subject. "Hay pancakes, hay almondine, hay fries, stir-fried hay and vegetables, spicy pan-seared hay with chillies, fried green grass, baked hay with cheese..."

"SHUT UP!" Milo Cameron's red face and angry eyes met Petra and Plantain's "I can't even imagine eating... this crap..." Milo smacked his hand through a tall mass of stalks "...but hearing you two go on about it is just too much! Stop it!"

Milo's stomach rumbled even louder than Petra's had. It was quite a sound.

"I wish I was a pony right now so much!" Isla walked grimly on, but even with Crème clutched close to her chest, it was clear she was not happy.

The children walked on in silence for a while, Petra and Plantain feeling very embarrassed. They really shouldn't have been talking so much about pony food. Especially when Plantain made it sound so wonderful. It was impossible for Petra not to invent new hay dishes in her head as she walked. The possibilities just seemed endless, and then, when one added in all the different types of flowers...

"STOP!" Asher walked briskly to the front. "I'm thirsty and hungry. We all are. But I need water the most. Pony!" Asher stared straight at Plantain. "You're supposed to have a sense of smell thousands of times better than a human. I've read that ponies back on earth could find water just by smell. You must be thirsty too! Find some water!" Asher put his hands on his hips and tried to look severe.

"Actually, that's what I've been doing all along." Plantain scraped the ground with a hoof. "Ponies need a lot of water, even more than you. I'm really painfully thirsty, myself. There's a stream just a ways ahead. I've been working us toward it from the moment we started south. It's just that I'm trying to keep us in the hollows between the hills, so that we're harder to spot."

Plantain looked from one child to the next. "Be patient, everypony, please! If we keep going this way, we can all drink our fill in just a half an hour. Try to hold on that long, alright?"

Milo's stomach made a horrific sound again. "What about food? When we left, you said everything would be okay if we ran. We should have brought the supplies! Who's stupid idea was it to leave the supplies there?"

Asher stood with his face close to Milo's, doing everything he could to look big. "It was my idea. Want to make something of it?"

Both boys found themselves pushed apart by a very annoyed Seraphina. "Just stop it! Now. If we start fighting, we might as well just turn ourselves over to our parents!"

That sent a shiver through all the human children.

"Not that we even could fight." Grumbled Milo.

"Maybe we can. I sure felt like I could take you." Asher stomped his footfalls as the group continued.

Seraphina glared at Asher. "I said, stop."

Milo and Asher grumbled in concert with their stomachs as the children and Equestrians marched on.

"Humans are very quarrelsome, aren't they?" Hamton whispered to Cutler, the pigs and chickens following well behind the children.

"Hmm..." Cutler thought for a moment. He was a very analytical pig. "Perhaps. We haven't seen them when they are fed. Everypig is different, after they're fed."

Tourt Pière was giving both Cluckalina and Beaktrice a ride on his back. "They are a predator species, like the diamond dogs and the griffons. Not like the dragons, though." Tourt was acknowledged as the intellectual of the group. The only pig smarter had already been eaten. "Dragons are dangerous, but very honorable. Humans are sneaky. I would say they are like both diamond dogs and griffons put together. They have the pack instinct and situational hierarchical loyalty of the dogs, but they also have the unpredictability and viciousness of the griffons."

"Humans sound scary." Penderloin was doing his best to follow all the big words. "I hope we don't run into any!"

Tourt Pière ignored the comment. "They seem most like ponies when they are young, I think. But only sometimes, and then only for short periods of time. I can understand why Celestia, in her wisdom, wanted them transformed."

Cutler considered that. "Why so, Tourt?"

"I have always thought that she made a mistake with the dragons, griffons and dogs. That generosity on her part has caused endless trouble throughout the history of Equestria." Tourt Pière snorted as he trotted. "Only the Pax Equestria sorted that, and even there she has been held hostage for the sake of her ponies multiple times. Don't get me wrong. I believe in the essential goodness of our beloved princess. I just think that in the past she let her generosity exceed her wisdom about some matters."

Hamton was a very shocked pig to hear such criticism of the princess of the sun. "Surely she had her reasons, Tourt Pière! Perhaps she felt keeping the dragons and griffons as they were was necessary in some way we mere pigs cannot..."

"You know what I think, Hamton?" Tourt Pière snorted again, this time so loudly that one of the primates, the boy named Oliver, looked back at him briefly. "I think that our dear Celestia finally wised up when it came to the humans!"

Hamton felt so upset by this near blasphemy that he found himself quite speechless all the rest of the way to the stream.

The Southern Trail was crawling with diamond dogs.

"Dammit!" Milo hit the dirt with a fist. Asher sat and brooded. Isla began sniffing, which made Crème, who had been laying on top of her head like a living hat, begin to try to stroke her ear with a little paw.

For three days the children, pony, bunny, pigs and chickens had been traveling cross-country. Plantain's unerring nose had led them from stream to pond, so that everyone had water to drink. Food for the humans, who did not find the land of Equestria the unending feast that the pigs, chickens, pony and bunny did, had been a problem.

The human children were always hungry, and they seemed to need a great deal of food. Plantain sniffed out groves of fruits and the occasional patch of vegetables growing wild that the children could eat. They grumbled terribly about anything she managed to find.

Apparently, many of the human children did not actually like vegetables, and were very clear on the point. The fruit they seemed to like well enough, though some claimed it sour for being unripe, or too mushy for being overripe. The pigs went to great trouble to use their special talent to find truffles - their main offering to the ponies that normally cared for them - yet the human children wouldn't even touch the delicacies.

"They're supposed to be cooked!" Milo also had not liked the fact that the enormous truffle was dirty and that there was no convenient water nearby to wash it. Pointing out that dirt wasn't 'dirty' in Equestria the same way soil was on the vanished earth had made little difference.

"I have to say I understand why the ponies keep you though." Asher also would not eat the fungus, but he did seem to marvel at it. "Back on earth, even before the Collapse? A truffle like this could have bought ten farms. No wonder ponies keep you pigs. You are like living gold mines."

Despite the compliment, none of the children were willing to devour the odd looking, basketball-sized mass, so the pigs gobbled it themselves, shaking their heads the entire time.

"You... mnnn... try so hard for them... mnphmmm..." Hamton adored truffles.

"I know. Mnnnph, ummnn, I thought humans loved truffles." Cutler took another snoutfull of succulent fungus.

"Best walkies ever!" Penderloin did not seem to grasp the situation, but no pig could disagree with his sentiment in the moment.

The group sat for a long time watching the diamond dog pack stationed at the entrance to the Southern Trail. There were at least ten dogs, and maybe fifteen. It was hard to tell exactly, because they kept separating into little squads and making sweeps of the area near them. Seraphina was sure one of the dogs worked for the Fontbona family, which amazed Milo.

"They all look different, you know. If you bother." Seraphina huffed and shook her head.

"I know! Mister Tumblebumble has the cutest little spot, right on top of his little furry head!" Oliver practically squealed at the memory. "I hope Mister Tumblebumble isn't angry with me for leaving. He's such a good doggie!"

Asher stared in disbelief at the rotund boy. "You're shitting me, right? He let you name him that? 'Mister Tumblebumble?"

Oliver beamed. "Oh yes! He would bring me breakfast in bed, and tell me a story every night. I miss Mister Tumblebumble so very much." Oliver looked sad at that. "I'm sorry, Mister Tumblebumble."

"You're a totally bent little prat, aren't you?" Asher spit on the ground in disgust. "Just lop it off and put on a dress already! God."

"First," Seraphina pointed a finger at Asher "you shut up. Second, Petra - what do we do now?"

Asher humphed and sat down. Oliver looked embarrassed, ashamed, and on the verge of tears, and also a bit like he had been caught with a pudgy hand in the cookie jar - Which was, truth be told, not an uncommon event for the boy. Quiet little Isla scootched over on the ground and gave Oliver a gentle hug.

Petra looked at the dogs in the distance, at the unclimbable mountain, and the forest beside it. The Southern Trail went between forest and mountain. Petra turned to Plantain. "Easy! Let us travel just a little more to the south, and then cut through the forest. We shall make our own trail!"

Crème Bûnnée hopped away from Isla's lap and stood in front of Plantain. The little rabbit waved it's forepaws while jumping up and down. It made little squeaks while pointing to the forest. Finally it drew a paw across it's throat in a dramatic fashion and finished by crouching down and shivering.

"You don't understand Petra. That's not just any forest. That's the Everfree." Plantain shook her own head, slowly.

"Great, it's got a name! So what?" Asher did not seem impressed.

"Shut up, Asher." Seraphina gave the boy a hard look. "What is the problem, Plantain? Is it a scary forest?"

Petra studied the distant woods for a moment. "It doesn't look terribly frightening to me. It quite looks like the Amazon - well, before it became the Amazon Desert of course. It looks just like those old pictures! As long as we are careful... the land looks flat... and I can even see the other side from here!" They had decided to rest on the top of a largish hill, which provided the group with a fairly good view.

"Petra, everypony, listen, you don't understand." Plantain rubbed her head with her forehoof. "The Everfree isn't normal. It's a magic forest. The plants grow on their own, the weather happens of its own accord. Nopony knows all the strange creatures that live in there. Some say that distance and even time doesn't work the same inside the Everfree. Why do you think my spiders are working so hard to gain citizenship - they're giant spiders and they think the Everfree is too scary for them to live in!"

"That... is a fairly compelling argument." Milo hadn't liked the thought of the pony entertainer consorting with gigantic spiders from the moment it had been mentioned in front of him. If this forest was worse than that...

"This forest is truly that dangerous?" Petra could not see any other alternative. Going back north would be ever so traumatic, going further south would take forever and only take them farther and farther from their goal. The Canterlot mountains were impossible to climb, they were all nearly vertical!

"Oh Petra, you have no idea... there are monsters in there that..." Plantain was unable to finish her statement because Asher had made a decision.

"We're cutting through the forest."

Tiny little pellets fell from the cotton puff behind Crème.

"You can't be serious Asher, as I was trying to explain..." Again Plantain was cut off.

"We can't go north, they're waiting for us there. They're waiting for us right down there, a whole pack of dogs! Forget the mountain, it's impossible. You wanna live on berries and rutabagas with human mouths forever? Wanna just go back to mom and dad and say 'Hi dad! Sorry for running away and taking all the meat with us but the fact is I really, really wanted to be turned into a pony! Are we okay? Still pals?'"

All the children stared at the ground. The pigs and chickens looked insulted at the 'meat' comment. Plantain shook her head. "Maybe we can... go south? It's only a week or two until we reach Greater Fetlock, and then we can..."

"I can't go on like this for a week or two." Seraphina shook her head slowly. She looked up at Plantain. "None of us can. Listen, Plantain... Equestria is a paradise, I get that, I really do - but it's a pony paradise." The girl looked at the rest of the group. "Maybe a pig paradise too. But it's not a paradise for humans. We can't live forever sleeping on the ground and eating berries and the odd turnip. We definitely can't live on grass. I'd kill, if I could, for some buffalo wings right now. No offense." She instantly felt bad after noticing the chicken's reaction to her words.

Plantain watched the chickens nervously backing up. The pigs seemed a little uneasy too.

Asher stood up and began storming off to the southwest, toward the boundary of the Everfree, far away from the patrol routes of the diamond dogs guarding the trail. "Nothing in that forest - I don't care how magical it is - is worse than my dad. You losers can join me or wait to be caught."

It was unthinkable. Plantain knew it was just crazy-talk. But what other choice was there? Besides, ponies ducked into and out of the Everfree forest all the time! The stories of terrible tragedies and monstrous horrors were not everyday things.

Of course, no pony tried to walk straight across the Everfree every day either. Or every year. Truth be told, Plantain couldn't remember the last expedition to try to cross, from one side to the other, the Everfree.

Primarily because attempting it would be insane.

Next Chapter: 6. Fear And Desire Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 12 Minutes
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