
A Stroke of Insanity

by Doctah WAAwee

Chapter 2: Idea #2: Fluttershy goes to KFC

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Idea commented by stenalik: Props to you son!

"Um...if you don't mind me asking...where are we going Anon?" Fluttershy timidly asked. She was floating next to you. Going towards a well known restaurant...

A very well known restaurant.

Your eye twitched and you slowly turn your head towards her.

Your off your meds again...

"Don't worry, higgily wiggly mr tiggly man is bringing you to a VERY nice place to eat. Filled with delectable delicacy's for a delectably delicate pony suc-TAX EXEMPTION-h as yourself." You smile with the force of one thousand pedophiles on cocaine laced with LCD.

"Just don't take my shoes Butterbean and we'll be just Kosher Dill, okays?" You say.

Fluttershy backs away from you just a little bit, but everypony is used to your...insane moment's. Fluttershy took the longest though.

A couple years back both earth an Equestria found each other on a dimensional level. Five years later, even though both planets are still settling, life has regained some normalcy.

Now you and Fluttershy were walking towards a restaurant to eat...well.

When you became insane like this, no one held you accountable for the things you did, partly because sometimes you don't even remember what it is you did.

"KFC?" Fluttershy asked. Getting a little worried, she doesn't like going into human restaurants, mainly because humans eat meat. Even though she deals with carnivore's on a daily bases, she still isn't comfortable with the premises of eating meat.

"YES, Flaaashaaa *twitch* let's get some bicycle food *twitch* for your Boeing 747, okays? I'll pay the kind money with some people I have in my pocket." You say, grinding your teeth while looking up at the sky.

"...Okay..." Fluttershy says. She had enough experience's with Pinkie Pie to know when not to question things.

They enter the building.


Fluttershy's face contort's into one of complete horror.

Many morbidly obese...ponies were ripping into the deliciously made chicken.

Pieces of fried chicken skin were flying all over the place, Fluttershy saw everything in slow motion.

Scootaloo was being dragged to the back of the building, they were slathering her in the traditional 11 herbs and spices and the grease of their ancestors powered by the elder gods.

Many ponies were viciously beating each other with drumsticks and biscuits....

You were the only human there...

This was a special KFC, one that catered to ponies mostly...

I'm sorry, did I say KFC?...

I meant CFC 'Canterlot Fried Chicken' Princess approved!

Fluttershy tried valiantly to save Scootaloo from her delicious demise, but she was hit in the face with a drum stick, she slowly went crashing towards the floor. The grease from the delicious projectile ruined her precious mane.

A speck of chicken skin hits her chin, she violently lurches her head back as if she were punched by Mike Tyson.

While she was on the floor she saw, to her horror, Soarin from the wonderbolts...

He was passionately making love to a chicken pot pie in the background. Pieces of the poor pie were flying everywhere.

There was a banner hanging from the ceiling. In big happy letters in said.

'Happy birthday Flit- Fluute- Flaa-Flutter!'

They ran out of space on the banner to finish her name.

You decided that a cooked Scootaloo wouldn't taste very good. So you take a pot filled with gravy and pour it all over the ponies dragging Scootaloo away while singing.


The confusion was enough to make the ponies sing along. They started to passionately wrestle in the puddle of gravy you so kindly made for them.


You grab Scootaloo and spin your head with the speed of Helicopter blades and also grab Fluttershy while she's traumatized because of Sorin's 'thigh pie'.

You somehow gain thrust because of the speed your spinning your head. And take off crashing into the ceiling.


Everypony is throwing pieces of greasy disgusting chicken at you while you try to fly away. The road that is below you turns into a pool of greasy chicken and even though Scootaloo is about 100 times more greasy than Fluttershy you manage to drop Fluttershy into the greasy pool of Chi-



Fluttershy wakes up in a daze. She looks around to see you shaking her awake.

"Come on Fluttershy, I know you don't like the aspect of eating meat, but please we need to meet somepony in there. Now come on, it will be over soon."

"...I can't...I had an AWFUL dream and I..." You silence her by scratching behind her ears.

"Look I know it's scary, but 5 minutes tops, okay."

She was about to say okay and go in with him...

Until she saw Soarin come out with a pie box. Fluttershy promptly fainted.

"...Dude, really?" You say. Soarin shrugs and leaves.


(I think there is something wrong with me.)

Next Chapter: Idea #3: OHHHHHH! Estimated time remaining: 9 Minutes
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