
A Stroke of Insanity

by Doctah WAAwee

Chapter 1: Idea #1: Celestia...the dancing princess

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"...Okay...okay...okay. So let me get this straight...You're daring me...to serenade one of you guys?" You say, while sitting indian style in a circle with the mane 6.

You appeared in Equestria a couple month's ago, and even though it took a while for the populace to get used to you, they were all nice.

You somehow got roped into attending a slumber party with the six ponies you mostly hang out with and surprisingly Celestia, and now they dared you...to serenade one of them.

Celestia just watched the entire thing transpire with that relaxed smile she always wears.

"Yupper's! You choose the song, and it has to have passion,fire,sexual irresponsibility, and..." Pinkie vanished for a split second and then came back...

With the most bedazzled,shiny and iced out 70's disco wear you have ever seen in your life. She also had a pair of 70's shades.

You really didn't know what to say when she came with this up.

"...Those are some stank-ass shades..." You say. Pinkie nodded.

"...Where in the wide, wide world of Equestria did you get that..." Rarity says, obviously intrigued by the...attire in front of her.

"Google search" Pinkie simply said. You turn your head to this.

"What!? I don't even- how did you- what!?" You babble uncontrollably. Twilight suddenly saved your sanity...or not.

"Just don't question it...you'll save yourself a couple ice pack's to the head if you do." Twilight said. She herself was calming a vain that was popping out of her head, obviously from over thinking.

You nod you head...but the shock you felt from the entire situation...wasn't going away...

Back on earth you weren't very...stable. You had to take a strict schedule of medicine to keep it under control. Being in the land of magical, flying, talking colorful ponies didn't help your sanity any and...



Pinkie's forth wall break made you very unstable right now...

"...I know just the...PERFECT...song to serenade one of you GURRRRLS...today on this fine day that is today." Your eye twitched three times and you smiled THE MOST SKETCHIEST smile ever constructed by human facial muscles.

The room got a little colder...

You reach into your pocket and pull out your ipod, which you had on you when you came here.

A little visit to Vinyl's place fixed the charging problem.

You scroll up towards the beginning of the song list...


"Give me the clothes Plonka...*tongue slurp*...I need to change my peel right about yesterday." You say. Your head twitching uncontrollably.

The rest of the mane six back away from you slowly, they all knew you were as stable as a house of cards supporting the empire state building, said cards also had brittle bone disease...relative to cards of course. Cards don't have bones...do they?

Celestia had a neutral face during this, she didn't know the human well...but she was going to ask Twilight if there is anything wrong with him.

Pinkie smiled and hopped in place.

"YAY! I knew the fun you would come out eventually! This is going to be soooooooo tubular!" Pinkie exclaimed. Giving you the clothes.

You walk (hop with all your strength on the floor) towards a more private place to change your clothes. You come back decked out in 70's dancing attire.

"Alright this is Howling Mad Man Murphy coming to you FART live and lucid from my sweaty pucker hole bringing you nice tunes from the old days." You play the song...

Twilight forgot to mention that Celestia took time from her busy schedule to relax with the girls...

Well she's really going to relax now.


You swag over towards the group. Two steps forward and one step back.


You point over towards Celestia and passionately gyrate your hips.

"You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life! OHHH! See that girl, watch that scene, diggin' the dancing queen!"

You get closer to her. Her shocked face is exactly what you want to see. One thousand years and more of life experience can only go so far in expecting the unexpected.

"Friday night and the lights are low! DE ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne NE! Looking out for the place to go...Ohh"

You start dancing around Celestia, making full use of you dynamic hip bones. Like a true 70's man, using your pelvis.

"Where they play the right music, getting in the swing. You come in to look for a king...DE NE NE!"

"Anybody could be that guy~DE ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne NE!! Night is young and the music's...high!"

"With a bit of rock music, everything is fine. You're in the mood for a dance DE NE NE!"

"And when you get the chance..."

You hold out your hand to Celestia...

And she takes it out of shock.

"You are the dancing queen! Young and sweet, only seventeen!"

Lets not argue that.

"Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine! AW YEAH!"

Guess who spawned a tambourine? Take a guess.

You take lead with Celestia, and dance with her (more like she's trying to follow your erratic movements.)

"You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life! OHHH!"

Dip! (Don't ask me how you can dip an Alicorn.)

"See that girl, watch that scene, diggin' the dancing queen!"

While Celestia is being dipped you point out towards the other group of ponies watching you. Moving your head to and fro.

You look at Celestia.

"You're a teaser, you turn 'em on! DE ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne NE! Leave them burning and then you're...gone!"

Maximum rustling...

"Looking out for another, anyone will do.You're in the mood for a dance, DE NE NE!"

You get her back on her two hind legs.

"And when you get the chance..."

Again you frantically dance. Pouring as much emotion into your facial expression's as you sing the classic song.

"You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen!"

Again, let's not argue that.

"Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine AW YEAH!"

Pinkie with that tambourine swag!

"You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life! OHHH! See that girl, watch that scene, diggin' the dancing queen! DE neeeeeee ne ne ne ne ne NE...DIGGIN' THE DANCING QUEEN!

You let go of Celestia and swag away, looking like a boss...

Until you decide that Twilight's kitchen table is eyeing you funny and proceed to Zinedine Zidane the table with all your herculean strength (not really but you get the point.)

You promptly pass out.


Next Chapter: Idea #2: Fluttershy goes to KFC Estimated time remaining: 12 Minutes
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