
Rainbows in the Night Sky

by Kamikakushi

Chapter 1: Confession

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Rainbows in the Night Sky

Chapter 1: Confession

Twilight paced back and forth in the middle of the library, her heart weight heavy with angst. Her usually well-combed mane was a unkempt mess, and bags sat heavy under her eyes. She let out a long sigh of fatigue. Each step she took was heavy and slow. Every few moments, she glanced at the table.

She hadn’t slept at this point for two days, but sleep was the farthest thing from her mind This anxiousness had been building inside her for about a week now. Just thinking about it made her heart tighten in fear. She was late, and not in the usual sense of the word. She had been praying to Celestia that she was just late, but after a week it still hadn’t come. A chilling realization was sinking in, and the hazy memories of a drunken night came to mind. She could still remember the smell of sweat and lust from that night. The crazy series of events played out like a slideshow in her mind. Her heart seized for a moment, and her hooves trembled as her memories resurfaced. She made a mistake that night, and now she would have to live with the consequences.

Twilight looked back at the test sitting on the table once more. This was the longest two minutes of her life. Questions raced through her mind, like what would she do, how would she tell everyone, her friends, her family, her teacher. No one could accept this; no one would accept what Twilight had done. This was the worst possible mistake she could have made. Each step she took only drove the stake of guilt in deeper to her heart.

Her mind was darting between her worries as she paced. Family, friends, none of them would be as hard to tell as the father. How in all of Equestria was she going to break it to Rainbow Dash? She hadn’t so much as expressed her pent up feelings to the pony, and suddenly she was just going to show up and tell her that she was pregnant? Twilight’s heart raced as she worried even more. She couldn’t be sure Rainbow Dash would even understand how this happened—Dash wasn’t a unicorn, she didn’t understand magic. Twilight groaned just thinking about the mess lying ahead of her.

When she glanced over, she saw the test was done. She levitated it over to her, and just like she suspected, it was positive. Twilight Sparkle, protégé to Princess Celestia and an Element of Harmony, was pregnant.


Spike hesitated before opening the door to the library. He stared at it for a moment, debating whether he wanted to walk inside or not. His errands were done, and Twilight surely needed his help again, but he didn’t want to see her. Just thinking about Twilight all stressed out like she had been for the past week made him want to cry. Something was clearly bothering the librarian; he wasn’t oblivious—he knew she was pacing for the past few nights, and she wasn’t sleeping in her bed, nor was she eating too much.

But try as he might to get her to tell him what was wrong, she wouldn’t. Twilight would simply tell him not to worry. It was clear she was putting on the façade of normalcy. She would try and act like nothing was wrong around him, but he could hear her at night, he could hear her soft sighs when he turned his back, he could see her mind was wandering. Spike was nearing his breaking point. He simply couldn’t not worry about her; she was acting too strange.

With a deep breath, he readied himself for Twilight’s act. Slowly he opened the door, and walked into the library. But instead of Twilight pacing, he was welcomed with the unexpected sight of his caretaker curled up in the corner, sobbing to herself.

“Twilight? What’s the matter?” he asked, rushing over to Twilight’s side. He had known something was bothering her, but he didn‘t think it was this serious. He couldn’t help but feel he should have pressed the issue harder now that Twilight was crying. He placed a claw on her shoulder, trying to comfort the librarian as best he could. He could only hope now she would finally confide with him.

“Spike, you may have a baby sister on the way,” she said wiping her eyes with a hoof all the while trying to force a smile.

“Baby sister? What are you talking about?” he asked.

“Nothing, Spike. Watch the library for a bit,” she said slowly getting back on all four hooves. She levitated a brush over, and ran it through her hair a few times to straighten her messy mane. Next she brought over a mirror and gave herself a quick glance over to make sure she wasn't a complete mess. With a small sigh, she found herself at least slightly presentable. She rushed past the dragon, leaving him looking at her confused.

“Twilight, come on just tell me what’s going on, you’ve been acting weird for the past few days,” Spike pleaded with her before she rushed out the library door.

“Spike, you’re too young to understand,” she said with a slight smile, “You are still a baby dragon after all,” she said, placing a hoof to his cheek in a loving manner. He looked up at her with a very confused look. Without saying another word she left the library, leaving the dragon standing in the middle of the room utterly befuddled.


The chilly air hit her fur with her first step outside the library. Twilight shivered a bit, steeling her nerves. She knew she would have to find and tell Rainbow Dash her feelings. That had to be the first thing she did, since she couldn't just drop the “I’m pregnant” bombshell on her right away. Besides, there was no point in trying to hide her feelings anymore. Like it or not, she was pregnant with one of her best friends’ foal, it wouldn’t really be possible to keep her feelings hidden once ponies asked about the father. She felt a pit form in her stomach just thinking about it.

She looked up at the sky, seeing it blanketed in clouds. The first thing she had to do was find Rainbow Dash, but as she looked around Ponyville, she really didn't know where to begin. Thinking about it logically, Twilight knew Dash should be working, and she vaguely recalled that there was supposed to be rain tonight, which meant Rainbow Dash would be on cloud duty. That should make her easy enough to spot.

Twilight eyes flowed up to the grey blanket above, finding only a few places where the sun was still shining through the clouds. The place she noticed the most pegasus ponies gathered in the sky was the town square. For Twilight, that was a good place to start looking for Rainbow Dash. She readied herself, steadying her nerves for her inevitable confession. With a gulp to swallow the pooling saliva in her mouth, Twilight set out to search for her friend.

Walking down the street, she felt her whole body go stiff. Her heart almost stopped from sheer nervousness at the thought of telling Rainbow Dash drawing near. After a few small breaths, she slowly walked forward. Suddenly she felt like everyone around her was staring at her, somehow aware of her condition—aware of what she had done. Twilight’s heart went from a dead stop to pounding in an instant. She lowered her head, trying to look as inconspicuous as she could, but it didn’t help. It only made her feel silly on top of her paranoia.

As her eyes darted between the ponies passing her, it seemed like every single one looked back at her. She wanted to scream out, she wanted to run, but that would only draw even more attention to herself. Twilight tried to calm herself with reason—there was no way any of these ponies around her knew about her condition, let alone how she got pregnant in the first place. As her eyes wandered around, she faintly became aware that the town was getting denser. Her heart skipped a beat when she realized she was drawing close to the town square.

Twilight came to a dead stop in the middle of the town square. Looking out at how busy everyone was around her, she couldn’t help but feel stupid looking for Rainbow Dash at work. No matter how she looked at it, this wasn’t an appropriate reason to interrupt someone at work, but this was important. She couldn't wait till Dash was done to tell her; she absolutely had to get something off her chest now—be it her feelings, her pregnancy, or her frustration. She glanced up above, looking for the rainbow-maned athlete, and as luck would have it, she happened to spot the pegasus moving some clouds just above her head. Although she was nervous, she grabbed Dash’s attention.

“R-Rainbow Dash!” she called up to her winged friend. Twilight steadied herself as she took a deep breath, held it for a moment, and then let the air out slowly, hoping that would calm her nerves a bit, but no such luck. Rainbow Dash was clearly at work, and clearly busy, but Twilight had to talk to her; she had something important to say, and she had to get it off her chest.

“Give me a minute, Twi, I’m kinda busy!” Dash yelled back, without taking her eyes off the task at hoof.

“It’s important!” Twilight called back.

“Not as important as the weather! We’ve got a storm planned for tonight, and three ponies called off sick today!”

“No, it’s really, really important!” Twilight stressed, with an almost whine in her voice.

“Later, Twi!”

Rainbow Dash’s continued dismissal was starting to irk the unicorn. “It can’t wait!” Her growing aggravation showed in her tone. Twilight stamped her hoof hard against the ground in protest.

“I bet it can!” Rainbow Dash reciprocated Twilight’s frustration back at her.

“Rainbow Dash!”


I’M PREGNANT!” Twilight finally yelled at the top of her lungs. Every single pony in the town square fell silent, letting Twilight's voice echo—the pegasi stopped moving clouds, and the ponies on the ground stared at her with shock. Once she noticed, she instinctively shrunk down as gazes from about thirty ponies fell on her. A distant cough could be heard stressing the complete silence. Twilight laughed weakly and shrugged her shoulders slightly. After a moment everyone returned to their lives, though a few started whispering among themselves.

Twilight just blew it. She wanted to ease into this, and now there wasn’t a gem’s chance in a dragon’s lair of doing this delicately. So much for starting off with how she felt, and hoping things wouldn't be awkward between the two of them. Now she had to deal with the proverbial elephant in the room head on. Reluctantly she glanced up to Dash.

Rainbow Dash could only stare at Twilight in disbelief. After a quick glance back at the cloud, she gave it a shove, and dove down towards Twilight, stopping just a few feet above the ground.

“C-come again?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I’m pregnant,” she said only a little louder than a whisper.

“Um...congratulations,” Rainbow Dash said with a mixture of surprise and embarrassment. She rubbed her hoof against the back of her head while trying her best not to look Twilight in the eye.

“It’s yours, Rainbow Dash...” Twilight said after a small pause. Dash landed on the ground, giving Twilight a puzzled look.

“Twi, didn't your parents ever give you the birds and the bees talk? Two mares can’t have a foal—wait a minute...” Her eyes went wide as she realized what Twilight was telling her.

“I’m aware of that, Rainbow Dash. However, you and I had a special kind of evening a few weeks ago...” Twilight tried to jog the pegasus’s memory, but Rainbow Dash only stared at her with the same wide eyes. “You do remember that party at Pinkie’s, right?” Twilight ask with her face turning bright red. Rainbow Dash’s face turned red the instant that party was mentioned.

“K-kind of...I was pretty drunk...” she said averting her gaze once again.

“Look, I’d rather talk in private.” Twilight glanced around at the ponies in the square, many of whom were still whispering amongst themselves. “Can you take the rest of the day off work?” she asked.

Rainbow Dash looked around, seeing the majority of the job was just about done. “Hey can you guys finish up for me?” she called up to the two other pegasi working above.

“Sure!” one of them said back to her. She gave them a wave, and turned back to Twilight. With a small nod of her head, the two headed off.


“How can you be so sure it’s mine, Twilight?” Rainbow Dash asked, finally breaking the uncomfortable silence. They had been walking down the street for about five minutes without so much as a peep, and it was already past awkward—especially after the bombshell Twilight dropped on her.

“Well, there hasn’t been anypony else,” Twilight responded after a few seconds. Her voice was almost sad, and a touch fearful.

“I’m still confused on how...”

“Look, after we left the party, we went back to my place. I don’t remember too much, because I was pretty intoxicated myself, but I do remember that it was just you, me, and nopony else.”

“Well how much do you remember about that night?” Dash asked timidly. Her eyes looked off to the side, finding something interesting in the houses next to them as they walked. Twilight wasn't faring much better in the conversation. She was trying to calm her nerves by thinking about some of her favorite books, but it wasn't helping.

“N-not much,” Twilight said nervously. She was lying of course, she remembered quite a bit about that night in fact—well, feelings mostly, nothing specific. For instance she remembered the feeling of having Rainbow Dash on top of her, her sweet moans as her and Twilight made love, and the wonderful feeling of her finally in Twilight’s bed. There was way too much Twilight wanted to remember about that night for her to let herself forget in a drunken haze. When the morning came, that passionate night became their little secret.

“Anyway I do remember casting that spell on you to give you a um...a stallion’s genitalia.” Both mares turned away from each other as their faces turned bright red. “And um...well, it’s originally a procreation spell—not exactly meant for two mares on a fling. I was too drunk to remember that there’s an extra part in the spell to make the semen inert.”

“In plain Equestrian, egghead.”

“Basically, I forgot to make the cum not work...” Twilight summarized while rolling her eyes at the crude language. Apparently Dash found Twilight's use of crude language as awkward as she had, since silence fell over them again. The two continued their walk without so much as a word between them. They were finding themselves heading further away from the relatively bustling center of town. Houses became more sparse, and fewer and far between. After a few minutes of awkward walking, Rainbow Dash took a deep breath.

“Well, I have to come clean with you, Twi. I wasn’t that drunk,” she said finally with a sigh.

“Are you kidding me, you were too drunk to fly home, that’s why you stayed at my house,” Twilight said with a little bit of a laugh.

“Twi, I only had—like—three drinks. You on the other hand had way too many, you were completely smashed!” she said giving Twilight a playful nudge, “You were stumbling so bad, it’s a miracle you didn’t fall face first into somepony and poke ’em with your horn.”

“So what, you were just acting drunk then?” Twilight sounded a bit betrayed.

“N-not exactly. I had a bit of a buzz, but I wasn’t wasted like you.”

“Hold on, so you remember the whole thing? Why are you asking me questions about it!”

“Doesn’t mean I know how the hay it worked. You told me you had a good idea, and that’s when you cast that spell. Next thing I knew I was burying that thing you put on me into your...” Rainbow Dash coughed as a form of censorship. “You know...It was too weird...and strangely hot to even comprehend, I couldn’t really think too straight in that kind of situation.” Rainbow Dash’s cheeks turned visibly red.

“I guess I can see that...” Twilight nodded a bit.

“I guess I just didn’t think I could get you pregnant with that...” Rainbow Dash said softly.

“It was a really stupid mistake on my part—”

“Stupid is kind of an understatement here...” Dash said with a sigh. She turned her head away from Twilight, rolling her eyes as she did so.

“Look, I wasn’t planning this, okay!” Twilight defended.

“Whether you planned it or not, we’re dealing with it now...”

“This isn’t easy for me...” Twilight said softly.

“You weren’t the one told out of nowhere that you’re going to be a dad!” Rainbow Dash’s volume jumped, and her tone bore some accusation. She watched Twilight shrink down in response to having blame placed on her.

Twilight stopped in the middle of the street. She wanted to apologize, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. This wasn’t how this was supposed to played out. She wasn’t supposed to blurt out that she was pregnant. She was supposed to ease into this whole situation. She was supposed to tell Dash that she loved her, and then tell her she was pregnant. But as she thought about it, even that wasn’t easing into the situation. There really wasn’t any way to ease into this. A tear started to fall from Twilight’s eye.

“This isn’t how this was supposed to happen...” Twilight muttered in between sobs.

“T-Twi, don’t cry. I didn’t mean it...” Dash put her hoof around Twilight. She looked around to make sure no one else was around before guiding the unicorn into an empty alley way.

“I wanted to tell you that I like you first. I wanted to tell you my feelings before I said anything to you about this whole mess...” Twilight wiped her eyes.

“You like me?” she asked, taken aback a bit. She took a small step towards Twilight.

“I know, that night was probably just a fling to you, but...I’ve had a crush on you for a long time...” Twilight said with a sniffle.

“I...” Rainbow Dash was at a loss for words. Her eyes darted around as she tried to think of something to say, but she couldn’t. The silence didn’t last long though as Twilight continued to blame herself.

“And I just had to go and yell that I’m pregnant! You probably hate me now...”

“I don’t hate you, Twi,” Dash said softly, trying to comfort the librarian.

Twilight’s head sank low in self-pity. “Yes you do...” she muttered as another tear slid down from her eye.

“Look, it wasn’t a fling for me...” She lifted her friend’s head up, so she would look her in the eyes. “I thought you were just too drunk to realize what you were doing. I’ve got feelings for you too, Twi, it’s just...”

“I dropped a lot on you?” Twilight asked, already knowing the answer.

“Yeah, I mean...this kind of came out of nowhere...It’s a lot to take in.”

“I can understand that...I mean, motherhood wasn’t on my agenda either,” Twilight said with a small sniffle.

“I-it’s just...I’m going to need some time to think about this, alright, Twi?”

“Y-yeah, take your time. I-I’ll be at the library...just trying to figure out what to do about this...” the unicorn said, forcing a smile. The two stared at one another for a moment before Rainbow Dash took off into the sky. Without so much as a word, she left Twilight standing there. The sight of her friend leaving left her heart weighing heavy. She watched as the prismatic trail behind Rainbow Dash disappeared in the distance. Alone, Twilight let out a dejected sigh before starting her journey home.

Author's Notes:

This is my first time writing MLP fan fiction. Let me know how I did, and if there's major issues with the grammar/spelling, let me know. I would be more than happy to fix them.

Later chapters will contain some clop.

Next Chapter: Disconnect Estimated time remaining: 8 Hours, 27 Minutes
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Rainbows in the Night Sky

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