
Nordryd's Blog

by Nordryd

Chapter 24: Thoughts on Buckball Season

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Tuning into a stream right now. I hope there's no backwards development here, but I have a feeling this episode will be quite prone to it. We'll see.

Buckball Season

Anybody else waiting for the clopfic called Fuckball?

Oh no, I'm already sensing backwards development with Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy doing her spinning tail catch. That's my waifu!

Man, every unicorn besides Twilight and Rarity are idiots.

I take that back. Snails isn't an idiot either. He's actually doing something cool in this scene.

I can imagine Coppermane standing on the sidelines cheering for how amazing Fluttershy is. I think he'd probably be one of the mess-up unicorns though . Nevertheless, he'd cheer Fluttershy on, and I can see Fluttershy blushing at his cheers.

I swear, if they make Fluttershy cry in this episode...

"If it means beating Appleloosa..."

Oh no. This is all going to be about winning, isn't it?

This is going to be all about losing the fun in the game and being focused on winning.

I can see Coppermane looking unsure about Applejack and Rainbow's coaching.

"You've totally got to get this drill down."

She does? Really? Um... I don't know about this.

Coppermane would not approve. I can see Coppermane looking unsure.

"What in the apple happened to those two?"

Oh gee, I don't know... PRESSURE?

I'm hating this episode.

So apparently winning matters more than having fun? Applejack and Rainbow Dash just need to chill the hell out. Haven't they learned anything from the cart race?

I'm going to have to write a fic about Coppermane being looking unsure about Rainbow Dash's training. Coppermane would've been all over Rainbow and trying to comfort Fluttershy.

Sorry if I'm talking about Coppermane a lot. I just can't help but picture him in this scene.

On the train...


I can picture Coppermane next to Fluttershy comforting her as she's scared.

Fluttershy's outburst. YES! THANK YOU! GO FLUTTERSHY!

Even Fluttershy has her limits.

"We went and ruined what was fun about the game for them."

I called it. I fucking called it.

The FlutterPie is real here.

And they made Fluttershy cry. Of course. Because she's weak, right? And Pinkie Pie cried too. Really, Hasbro? Do you have to drive the characters to tears just to teach morals?

"Looks like you two really do need practice."

SassyShy is best shy.

Coppermane is cheering for Fluttershy again!

I saw the moral of this episode coming from a mile away.

"I don't think about anything... EVER."

Same, Snails.

Coppermane is cheering for Fluttershy extremely loudly at the stadium.

Hasn't Applejack learned anything from being alright with failure from winning no blue ribbons at the rodeo?

I can picture Coppermane rushing Fluttershy and giving her a big hug and kiss when they win.

Overall: I didn't like this episode. I hated seeing Rainbow Dash push Fluttershy so hard, and I didn't like how Applejack and Rainbow Dash hadmore backwards development with being so focused on winning. I mean, have they learned nothing? They've done backwards development twice already in the season. I'm tired of it. Although, I loved Fluttershy's outburst, finally giving into her stress. But no real development happened here. The show has done this moral before. You don't have to win to have fun. Nothing new at all. And no real development in any of the characters. Snails was more likable in this episode, but that's not saying a whole lot. I might have to write a fic about this though. I can see Coppermane a lot in this episode. Nothing really happened here at all. I didn't really care for it, honestly. This is pretty much exactly what I expected would happen as far as no development and infuriating training montages. I just wish Hasbro would stop with Applejack and Rainbow Dash being so stubborn and oblivious to other pony's feelings and stress. It's getting ridiculous how many times they've done it, when theyshould've learned to not be like that. I'm waiting for a lot of FlutterPie fics from this episode.

Why is the unicorn in the game again? They didn't focus on the unicorns at all later in the episode. Snails came in and, oh well that problem's solved. Yay. That was easy.

And again, isn't the point of this season supposed to be Starlight's redemption? Where the hell is she?

And for that matter, where the hell were Twilight and Rarity? I mean, if Rainbow and Applejack were so hell-bent on winning, wouldn't they have gotten every unicorn in town to try out? Twilight maybe would be an exception since she's an alicorn, but Rarity and Starlight are unicorns. Where were they? Rarity might not want to be in the sport because it's not her thing, but where was she? I don't know. Plot holes and crap.

You might be expecting a CopperShy fic from me soon, or not. I don't know. If I lose interest, you might not see it. I've got a lot of homework to do, so that has to come first. We'll see what happens.

Do you agree with my thoughts? What did you think of the episode?

Thanks for all your continued support!

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