
Equestria Girls: Disney Change

by The Cat Charmer

Chapter 2: Welcome to the Disney Universe

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When Twilight woke up from the effects of the portal, she was shocked at the fact that her friends are now human. Including herself. "What? What's going on? Why am I human? This isn't right!" she yelled at herself. Sunset heard her yell and woke up from it. "Twilight, what's with all the yelling?" she asked as she realized she's human. She gasped real loud and asked, "What did the Book of Disney do to us? We're not supposed to be human, aren't we?" "I don't know, I'm as scared as I am. The others might be scared of this as well since they don't know how to be human." said Twilight.

The others screamed at their new human bodies right when they woke up. "Girls! Girls, calm down! It's okay. We're all humans." said Twilight. "How in tarnation did this happen? I thought this only happens when we go to the human world." said Applejack. "This feels weird. Not the weird I usually do, but a different weird. This is a new weird which is driving me crazy!" Pinkie shouted. "Ugh, I don't have wings anymore. How am I supposed to fly when we fight villains?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Look at my mane. It's longer than usual. I kinda like it. And this outfit, totally matches my style." said Rarity. "Oh my. Is this new thing bad? I hope not." said Fluttershy. "We're gonna be fine, girls. I know you're scared of this human thing. But, look at me. I'm used to being human. So, let's learn how to walk like them." said Sunset.

"Oh, sure. That'll help with our situation." said Rainbow Dash. "Here. Let me help you up." said Sunset as she takes her hand and helps her up. At first, Rainbow Dash felt wobbly when she stood up and then she fell. "Come on, Rainbow Dash. Try again." said Sunset. Rainbow Dash stood up again and took a few steps. Then, she started walking without and wobbling or tripping. "Yeah, that's it. You did it." said Sunset. "And did it in ten seconds flat." said Rainbow Dash. "Come on, guys. You can do it too." said Sunset. "Well, we can't just sit our butts off all day." said Applejack as she begins to stand up and begins walking just like Rainbow Dash did. And just like that, she was walking very easily. "That's weird. Usually, it takes a while to handle stuff like this." she said. Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy stood up and walked without a doubt. "You're right. It is kinda odd. Maybe it's because of the Disney Magic." said Fluttershy.

That gave Twilight an idea. "That's it. Anyone from Disney might know we were coming. So, that's why we turned into humans and we were walking so perfectly." she said. "But, you don't know why they did it. That's the problem." said Sunset. "So, you're saying we turned into humans because anybody from Disney except for the villains wanted to protect us?" Pinkie asked. "Exactly." said Twilight. "Yeah, and do we know we're at the Disney universe? I mean, I don't see any Disney characters walking by, recognizing us." said Rainbow Dash. "Um, girls? I think we are at the Disney universe. Look." said Fluttershy as she sees a sign that says, "Welcome to the Wonderful World of Disney" The girls gasped at the sign.

"I can't believe it. We're finally here." said Twilight. "It's even more awesome than I expected!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "I hope our Disney friends recognize us, even though we're humans. But, they can recognize our skin tone and hair styles." said Rarity. "I have a feeling we're gonna stay here for a while." said Applejack. "I hope the villains didn't damage this place." said Fluttershy. "Not really. It doesn't look like they touched this place yet." said Pinkie. "Probably because it's being protected by the heroes." said Twilight.

Suddenly, a van with colorful markings on it showed up in front of them.


The guys who were driving are Donald and Goofy.

"Well, lookie here. New Disney members." said Goofy as he looks at the girls. "Honestly Goofy? Do you do that every time we see somebody? We just met Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde last month." said Donald in annoyance. "But, look at them. They seem familiar." said Goofy. Pinkie gasped real loud and shouted, "I know you guys! Donald and Goofy!" Donald was shocked about what she said and got out of the car. "You know us? How do you know us?" he asked. "I told you they're familiar. Except the one with the red and yellow hair. Let me think of your names. Uh? Hmm." said Goofy as he begins to think. "Donald, Goofy! It's me, Twilight. Don't you recognize me or my friends?" Twilight asked.

Donald looks at Pinkie very closely and recognized her because of her hair. "Pinkie Pie?" he asked. "Yay! You remembered me!" Pinkie shouted as she hugs him. "Wow. I can't believe it's you. I haven't seen you since Christmas two years ago, but you were ponies." said Donald. "Yeah, long story." said Pinkie. "So, it really is Donald and Goofy. Good to see y'all again." said Applejack. "Applejack! Rainbow Dash! Rarity! Fluttershy! Twilight Sparkle! Oh my goodness! They're all here!" Goofy shouted as he hugs them all. "The mane six has finally arrived to our world." said Donald. "It's true. And we pretty much had to come here." said Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, did you here about the villains taking revenge? They got us big time. They even cursed most of the Disney princesses." Donald explained. The mane six and Sunset gasped. "That's horrible! Why would they do that to the princesses?" Fluttershy asked. "Because they're as popular as we are. Without them, it's not the same." said Goofy. "Well, my friend Sunset Shimmer has been cursed as well." said Twilight as she gestures her friend to Donald and Goofy. "Nice to meet you, malady." said Goofy as he kissed her hand. "You're lucky you didn't get put to sleep like the princesses did." said Donald. "I know. But, I'm still scared." said Sunset.

"Well, don't ya worry. We're going to the Disney Castle and talk to Mickey about the situation." said Goofy. "That's great. Thanks for helping us out." said Twilight. "No problem. Just hang on tight cause it's gonna be a bumpy ride." said Goofy as everyone got into the car and drove to the Disney Castle.


When they got there, they immediately went to the throne room where Mickey and Minnie Mouse are.

"Mickey! Minnie! You would not believe who we bumped into. The mane six! And their new friend Sunset Shimmer." said Goofy. Mickey and Minnie looked at them and smiled. "Well, I'll be. Hot dog! I can't believe I'm seeing you lovely ladies at last, it seems forever." said Mickey as he shook their hands. "Is it really them? Oh my, they look so different the last time we saw them." said Minnie. "Hi Mickey! Hello Minnie! It's so good to see you too." said Twilight.

"Good to see you too. So, how did you turn into humans?" Mickey asked. "Well, we went through a portal I made to get to the Disney universe. I'm not sure why it did it though." Twilight explained. "Huh. It is very wired that the portal did that. Anyways, I'm glad you're all here. We need your help. I'm sure Donald and Goofy told you about our problem with the princesses, right." said Mickey. "They did. Every word." said Applejack. "And you said the villains cursed them and then they were put to sleep." said Rarity. "That's right. The only princesses who didn't get cursed are Merida and Elsa." said Minnie. "That's good news. Where are they?" Rainbow Dash asked. "We don't know where Merida is, but Elsa is in the chambers with the princesses. We have to keep them there so the villains won't get to them." Minnie explained. "We should probably check on her." said Twilight.

"Come on, everybody. Let's go." said Mickey.


They went to the chambers where eleven of the Disney princesses were in deep sleep and were put in glass coffins for protection. The mane six and Sunset gasped at the sight.

"I know it's a shock. But, that's what happened. One by one." Minnie said sadly. "Do you know how to break the curse?" Sunset asked. "Yes, we do. The princes are the only ones that can break the spell. But, they've gone missing and we can't find them anywhere." Donald explained. "Do you know where they are?" Fluttershy asked. "Well, we believe that the villains have them captive since they don't want the spell to be broken." said Goofy. "Is there a different type of love that we can use to break the spell other than true love? No family love? No friendship love?" Applejack asked. They all nodded their heads no. "Oh shoot. I can't believe what the villains are doing is getting harder by the minute." she said.

"Oh, those poor princesses. They don't deserve this fate." said Fluttershy. "Yeah. Especially Belle. She was the one I was close to the most." said Twilight. "Mulan and I were the best warriors China has ever seen!" said Rainbow Dash. "I was close to Tiana since we have a lot in common." said Applejack. "Not Rapunzel! Anybody but Punzie." Pinkie cried. "No wonder why Aurora is usually called Sleeping Beauty because she's a lot more beautiful when she sleeps." said Rarity. "I feel bad for Snow White. She always gets hurt by those who are jealous of her." said Fluttershy. "Wow. It looks like you were very close to them, aren't you." said Sunset. "Well, that's what you get for going inside the Book of Disney." said Twilight.

At the corner where Anna's glass coffin is was Elsa who was crying over the loss of her sister. The mane six saw her and walked up to her. "Is that Elsa?" Fluttershy asked. "Yes it is. She's been here for days without any sleep ever since Anna was cursed." Mickey explained. He touched her shoulder to get her attention. Elsa gasped and looked at them. She wiped her eyes and said, "Sorry Mickey. I just can't do this without Anna, she means everything to me." "It's okay, Elsa. Maybe these ladies will help you." said Mickey as he gestures the mane six and Sunset. Elsa gasped and shouted, "The mane six! Oh, I've missed you so much! But, you look different."

"Hi Elsa!" the girls shouted. "Who's this? Is this your friend?" Elsa asked, gesturing Sunset. "My name is Sunset Shimmer and I've been cursed just like the princesses." Sunset introduced. "Oh, you poor thing. Was it Maleficent?" Elsa asked. "Yes. How'd you know?" Sunset asked. "She was the one that cursed the princesses, including my sister Anna." said Elsa. "That's because she's the only one that knows how to do the spell." said Sunset. "That's right. Oh, I should've froze Hans when I had the chance!" said Elsa. "Hans? What do you mean Hans? Did something happen to him? Including his smile?" Pinkie asked. "Well, Hans was the one that lured Anna to Maleificent. He's the reason why she's like this, and I'm not sure if he did it to the others as well." Elsa explained.

"Do you know where he is?" Twilight asked. "He's at the dungeon here at the Disney Castle." said Elsa. "Yep, and we watched him real good just in case he tries to escape." said Donald. "I think we should talk to him. He probably knows where the princes are." said Twilight. "But, he's a villain." said Minnie. "I know he is, Minnie. But, he's the only villain we have in captivity and will answer every question we ask him." said Twilight.

"Then, let's give him a piece of our minds!" Pinkie shouted.


So, the mane six and Sunset went to the dungeon to talk to Hans. Everyone was suspicious about him, except for Sunset since she's never met him before.

Hans saw them coming into his cell and gave them an evil grin. "Well well. If it isn't the mane six. I can tell you changed your bodies, for a good matter." he said. "Shut up Hans! We know what you did and Elsa told us that!" Pinkie shouted as she tugged his shirt and growled at him. "What did she tell you?" Hans asked. "She told us that you lured Anna to Maleficent. Is it true?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, it is true. I disguised myself as a citizen wearing a mask when Anna and Elsa were shopping. I wanted Anna the most because she's a princess while her sister isn't. Maleficent wanted me to bring Anna to her. What I did was I told her about a chocolate store nearby and wanting to take her there. Elsa was concerned about this since I was a stranger. So, I had no choice but to bring both of the sisters to the trap. When I led them to a dark corner, Maleficent came out of nowhere and cursed Anna just like that. And then forced her to prick her finger on the spindle of the spinning wheel. Anna was out like a light. Maleficent thanked me for my job and then vanished. Elsa was really furious at me, so much so that she tried to freeze me. She managed to capture me and brought me here." Hans explained.

"So, did you do it to the other princesses?" Rarity asked. "No. Gaston and Shan Yu helped me out by kidnapping them and bringing them to Maleficent." Hans answered. "Well, how come they didn't take them hostage?" Rarity asked. "They didn't take them. They just left them there, tricking the other Disney characters think they're dead. But, they're not." said Hans. "And it's a good thing to. We can't break the spell without the princes, but they're missing. Do you know where they are?" Applejack asked.

"No. Jafar kidnapped them all and separated them to another villain. He didn't tell me who he gave them to or where they are." Hans explained. "Are you telling the truth?!" Pinkie shouted. "I am telling the truth. I'm not lying like last time." said Hans. "Uh, Pinkie. I think he really means it." said Applejack.

Pinkie sighed and said, "Fine, I'll let you pass for this. But, heed my warning. If you think about tricking us again, I'll be watching. Always watching."

Next Chapter: Sunset's Curse Estimated time remaining: 0 Minutes
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