
Equestria Girls: Disney Change

by The Cat Charmer

Chapter 1: Revenge of the Villains

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Once upon a time, there were six ponies who were the heroes of Disney and Equestria. Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy helped every princess, hero, and sidekick to achieve their goals and defeat the villains. They did that all thanks to the Book of Disney. But, what they didn't know that the book can lead them to another universe.

It all started when Twilight is reading a book called Harry Potter from the human world thanks to Sunset Shimmer. She loved every moment of it because it's a school of magic. She was grateful that Rainbow Dash didn't get a hold of it otherwise she'll go nuts on it. "I'm really glad that Sunset has been able to give me stuff from her world. This book is amazing. I heard that it has seven books in total. I have to read them all." she said.

While she's reading, Spike entered her room in worrisome. "Oh, hey Spike. Wanna see my new book?" she asked. "Um, Twilight? Do you know any differences from the Book of Disney?" he asked. "No. Why?" Twilight asked. "Well, it's been acting weird lately. Last time I checked, the entire book was blank." Spike explained. Twilight gasped and shouted, "Oh no! It better not be broken!" She raced to the throne room to check on it, but what she saw was in complete shock. The Book of Disney was open, but nothing was in it. "What happened to it?" she asked. "I don't know. Is it that you and your friends do it too much?" Spike asked. "We love going on new adventures in the book. But, I just don't know why it stopped." said Twilight.

Then suddenly, she hears a sparkling sound coming from her library. "It's not the Book of Disney, isn't it?" Spike asked. "I don't know, but it's coming from the library." said Twilight as she goes to the library to follow the sound. When she got there, she found out that it was Sunset Shimmer's book that's making the sound. "Sunset Shimmer's book? I never saw it glow and make noises like that." she said. "Why don't you open it to see what's what?" Spike asked. Twilight opened it and she read,

"Dear Princess Twilight,

I hope you're doing fine with your princess duties. I heard that you and your friends are taking adventures with a magical book called the Book of Disney. But, I need your help. There was a tall woman with horns on her head and she wants revenge on you and your friends. She also said there are a lot of villains you have faced wanting revenge as well. She told me that herself and then she cursed me. My curse was that I could die if I touch a spindle of a spinning wheel. And then, she disappeared to her world. Please, Twilight. I need help or else I'll die. You know your Disney friends more than I do. If you want to, you can ask Princess Celestia for guidence.

Please help me,

Sunset Shimmer"

After she read the letter, Twilight gasped in horror. "Maleificent." she muttered. "What?" Spike asked. "Maleificent cursed Sunset Shimmer and she's begging us for help." Twilight explained. "What do we do?" Spike asked. "Send messages to my friends. They need to hear about this. I'll write back to Sunset, she needs to come to our world so we can help her." Twilight ordered. "Yes, ma'am." said Spike as he writes emergancy messages to Twilight's friends about what's going on.


The girls received the message and immediately went to the castle.

"Twilight, we came as fast as we could!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "And did you say that the Book of Disney doesn't work anymore? That's awful!" Pinkie shouted. "Thank you girls for coming. Now I know you're all here because the Book of Disney got damaged and Sunset got cursed by Maleificent. So I was thinking that we should bring Sunset to our world and then we should try to go to the Disney universe." said Twilight. "And how in tarnation are we gonna get to the Disney universe?" Applejack asked.

"I don't know, but we have to get Sunset first. She's really important now." said Twilight. "Are we gonna get her by doing the portal you made so you can go to the human world?" Fluttershy asked. "Exactly. Even though it's been a while since I used it." said Twilight. "Well, we can't just sit here and let her die. Let's get her right now." said Rarity. "I agree." said Applejack.

"Let's do it." said Twilight.


So, they went to the library to get out the portal to the human world.

"Here it is. It's kinda rusty, but I hope it still works." said Twilight as she turns on the machine. When she did, the portal began to open. The mane six cheered. "Alright, it still works." said Pinkie. "You know what to do, Twilight." said Applejack. Twilight nods at her and enters the portal.

When she reached to the human world, the school was empty. Twilight knew something was wrong. She opened the door and saw the entire school being destroyed on the inside. "Hello? Is anyone here?" she shouted. But, no one answered. She kept walking around and continued searching for Sunset. "Hello? Sunset? Sunset, where are you?" she called out. She looked all over the school and no sign of Sunset Shimmer. But when she went to the gym, she saw a figure lying at the center of the room.

She ran towards the figure and it was Sunset who was unconcious and injured. "Sunset!" she shouted. Sunset coughed and begins to wake up. "Twilight?" she asked in a weak voice. "Yes, Sunset. It's me. I heard your message, are you alright?" Twilight asked. "No. Ever since that horned lady cursed me, I've been depressed. I forgot to tell you that a day after she cursed me, she came back with grey skinned men who attack the school. They destroyed everything, but the students made it out okay. But, not me. I tried to stop her with Equestian Magic, but I ended up getting hurt." Sunset explained. "Oh my gosh. Why is she after you? You have nothing to deal with her. The horned lady that cursed you and attacked the school was Maleificent." said Twilight. "So, that's her name. I can tell you faced her before." said Sunset. "I did. Now, I have to take you back to Equestria. My friends and I have been discussing about you and how we're gonna save you." said Twilight as she helps up Sunset and helps her walk all the way to the portal.

When they were about to leave, a huge breeze came in. Twilight and Sunset covered their faces from the wind. Then, a figure came out of nowhere and its revealed to be Maleficent and the Evil Queen. Twilight gasped and shouted, "Maleficent!" "Well well, if it isn't the famous Twilight Sparkle." said Maleificent. "Why are you doing this? How is it possible that you came back from the dead?" Twilight asked. "Magic, duh." said Maleificent. "We brought all of our friends back to life just to get revenge on you!" Evil Queen shouted.

"But, how come you took your revenge on Sunset and not me?" Twilight asked. "She's much easier to handle. We thought that we can take our revenge on your closest friends outside of your world. So, I cursed your friend here and destroyed this school so we can get you." Maleificent explained. "No matter how hard you try, my friends and I will defeat you! You'll see!" Twilight shouted as she uses her Equestian magic to shove them out of the way to get to the portal, taking Sunset with her.

Evil Queen and Maleificent got up and growled at the fact they escaped. "Let's go after them!" Evil Queen shouted. "No, we need them to come to us. It'll be much easier for our other friends to take revenge on them." said Maleificent as she laughs evilly.


When Twilight and Sunset made it back to Equestria, the girls were shocked at their injuries.

"Oh my Celestia! Are you sugarcubes alright?" Applejack asked in worrisome. "Applejack? Fluttershy? Pinkie Pie? Rarity? Rainbow Dash? How did you guys survive?" Sunset asked. "How does she recognize us? Oh, that's right. There's another us in her world." said Applejack. "How did Sunset get hurt?" Rarity asked. "I found Sunset like this and the school was destroyed by Maleificent and her minions. Speaking of Maleificent, we bumped into her and the Evil Queen." Twilight explained. "Oh goodness. That's awful." said Fluttershy.

"Hey, Rarity? Do you still have healing powers?" Pinkie asked. "Wait, Rarity has healing powers?" Sunset asked. "Yes, I do. I hope the damage of the Book of Disney didn't take my healing powers. That would be awful." Rarity replied as she heals her with her powers. Thankfully, Sunset was completely healed. She got up and walked normally. "I'm healed! I'm no longer in pain! Thank you, Rarity! Thank you!" she shouted as she hugs her friend. "I'm glad you're all better, Sunset. But, you still have that curse Maleificent gave you." said Twilight. "I know. I wish it would go away." said Sunset. "It will. You'll see." said Twilight.

"I'm sorry you have to run into Maleificent." said Fluttershy. "It's okay. At least I know what she's up to. All we have to do now is plan to go to the Disney universe." said Twilight. "We could use that portal. But, we could switch a few buttons." said Sunset. "Yeah, that's a great idea!" Pinkie shouted. "But, I think we need something Disney related to make it work." said Twilight.

Then suddenly, the Book of Disney made an unfamiliar sound. "Hey, it's the Book of Disney. I thought you said it didn't work and was completely blank." said Applejack. "It didn't, but I don't know why it's doing it." said Twilight as she picks up the book and opens it. What she saw was a surprise. She saw pictures of her and her friends spending time with the Disney characters. What's more entertaining is that the pictures move. "Oh my Celestia. It's us with our friends and our precious memories we have with them." she said. "I can't believe it did that. Is it a sign?" Pinkie asked. "I don't know. But, I'm thinking that this will help us get to the Disney universe." said Twilight. "Why don't you try it to see if it works?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Twilight puts the Book of Disney on top of the portal and its magic transformed it into a new type of portal. The mane six and Sunset were amazed at the Disney Magic. "That was incredible. I can't believe it did that." said Sunset. "Will it handle all seven of us to go in there at once?" Applejack asked. "I hope so. Are you ready, girls?" Twilight asked. The girls nodded in agreement with her. Twilight took a deep breath and stepped into the portal. Then, the others followed her footsteps.

Once inside the portal, it began changing the mane six and Sunset into human girls. But, they still have the same hair and skin like in their world. Their new Disney adventure has just begun.

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