
My Little Pony: The Elements of Chaos

by TheShadow98

Chapter 2: 2. Chapter Two: One Fateful Night

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High school on a Friday meant that nobody was going to be very productive. Tavin found high school to be pretty boring, well, the classes were boring to be more specific. He really only goes to the school to hang out with his friends, but he does do well in his classes still with very little effort. He made it to his last class of the day, which was fortunately history. As the teacher droned on about the Cold War, Tavin was doodling on a piece of paper.

Man, why can't school be over already? Tavin thought.

As time slowly dragged on, clouds began to come in from the east, blocking the sun's rays.

Crud, so much for an awesome evening, those clouds look pretty dark, he thought as he browsed his phone's weather app. Hmm, that's strange, the weather report doesn't say anything about thunderstorms in this area, the app is probably faulty. He didn't think of it again for the rest of the class.

BRRIIIINNNG! "Aha! Yes! Quitting time!" Tavin exclaimed in excitement. "I can go home and enjoy the weekend at last!"

On the bus ride home, he noticed that the clouds were slowly getting darker and darker.

"Wow, that must be quite the storm that's on its way!" he said out loud. No one paid him any attention though, they were too busy gossiping about the big hockey game coming up that night.

As he stepped off the bus, a great gust of wind came out of no where, causing Tavin to stumble around for a few seconds, but he paid no mind to it as he had seen worse weather than this before. He reached his home at last and dropped his bag on the floor of his room. Shortly after, he collapsed in a heap on his bed, exhausted from the day's events.

He napped for a couple of hours until he was called for dinner. He stared at his clock and it read six-thirty p.m. He groggily rubbed his eyes and went upstairs to enjoy the nice meal his mother had prepared for the family. After some small talk and a few light-hearted jokes, Tavin decided that he was done for the evening.

"This has been a lovely meal once again mom, thank you, but I'm going to head to bed now, if that's okay with you." Tavin said. His mom gave him a silent nod of approval and he hurried downstairs. In his room, he had a quick look through his window and noticed that the clouds were as dark as the night, it gave him an eerie feeling and he quickly closed the curtains. He slid underneath the covers and slowly closed his eyes, and fell into a deep slumber.

KA-THOOM! Tavin woke up suddenly and at full alert.

"Holy, that was the loudest thunder clap I've ever heard in my whole life!" he exclaimed. He rushed to the window and opened the curtains, only to view what would be the harshest storm in recorded human history.

Rain pummeled the ground below, lightning crackled in the clouds above, and the thunder was intent on destroying every glass window in it's wake. Tavin turned away to check the time, only to see that it was blinking twelve a.m.

"Crud, there must have been a power outage, I wonder if-" KA-THOOM! It was closer that time, striking Tavin to the bone. He heard a branch thump onto the ground outside, and… there was another sound as well.

"What is that sound? It sounds like a violin, but that's impossible! No one in their right mind would go outside in something like this!" Tavin exclaimed.

KA-THOOM! KRA-BOOM! That time Tavin lost his balance and fell on his behind. "An earthquake!? No… the building is still structurally sound… Oh what the heck, forget what I said before. I must see what is happening outside!" Tavin said, but he wasn't so sure of himself.

He threw on his clothes from the previous day and grabbed his jacket. "Huh, I'm surprised no one else is awake." Tavin mumbled. He went upstairs and opened the front door, only to be greeted by the howling wind and the rain, which instantly chilled him from head to toe.

Mustering up the courage he had, he went outside and closed the door quietly, because slamming doors is just rude. He immediately noticed that not all was what it seemed in his backyard. A glowing object was protruding from the ground about seven feet away from him.

Aha! That must be what made the boom! It's a… a meteor? No, something else… Tavin thought.

As he inched closer, the wind started to pick up even more, the rain came down like it was Niagara Falls, and the lightning continued to crackle. He was a few inches away at this point and he started hearing the violin again. It was coming from the glowing object! Something inside him felt inclined to touch the object, but something wrestled against that notion. After an inner battle, Tavin ultimately decided to touch the object.

"This is probably against my better judgement, but here I go!" Tavin shouted. He placed his hand on the orb, and what happened next felt like it was all in slow motion. The orb burned brighter than the sun, yet Tavin felt no heat. His hand was sealed to the orb and he tried to shield his eyes from the brightness.

"What's going on!? Help! HELP! I'm stuck!" Tavin cried as he struggled to remove his hand, but it was of no use.

Suddenly, Tavin heard a mysterious voice in his thoughts, Do not fear, relax, you are in good hooves. "H-hooves!?" Tavin stuttered.

The sky then opened up, and at that point in time, Tavin feared for the worst. A single bolt of lightning struck the orb, releasing an explosion of colour and light, leaving Tavin's hair standing on end. When the light faded, a colourful smoking crater was left behind. The storm slowed to a dull rumble, and Tavin was nowhere to be found. The only thing left of him was the shoes he wore.

The orb was nowhere to be found either as the clouds parted and revealed the rising sun of Saturday morning. The sun's rays shone upon the crater, revealing a mark oddly shaped like a star. The symbol for the Element of Magic

Next Chapter: 3. Chapter Three: The Everfree Forest Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 23 Minutes
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