
A Brave New World

by slice141

Chapter 2: 2. Chapter 2

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(4 hours later)

Dash and Jayde along with two sleeping babies walked into Jaydes house to find their friends already there and the party was in full swing while they were greeted by the the others.

"Awww Twilight your babies are so CUTE!" Pinkie gushed as Nicholas snored softly with a spit bubble on his lips.

"Seriously Pinkie my name is Jayde not Twilight, and I'm gonna put the kids down so Tricia keep it down to a low roar." Jayde said getting a nod from the woman while Jayde headed upstairs while the ponies talked about their day with the others.

"So Dash how was your day with Twilight?" Rarity asked as the mare blushed with a small smile on her face.

"It was pretty cool, we went to all kinds of places from the library to the race track and to something call the arena where these flying things did all kinds of cool stuff! Best. Day. Ever." She said sighing and plopping down with a goofy grin on her face as Fluttershy smiled and noticed her wet wings.

"Um Dash what happened to your wings? Um if you dont mind telling us that is." She asked snapping the mare out of her daydream but held onto the fond smile on her face.

"Twi was getting tired from carrying the kids so I offered to hold them for a while, they took a liking to my wings and slobbered all over them." She said laughing while the humans gaped at her.

"Jayde let you hold her kids? Wow you must have really earned her trust." Patricia stated making them look at her.

"What do you mean?" Dash asked getting her answer from Rebecca.

"Jayde wouldn't let anyone hold them but us and family. For her to let you hold her kids she must trust you some kind of hardcore." She said getting a smile from Dash just as Jayde came down.

"Ok guys I just layed them down so now we can party!" Jayde smiled getting some in return from the others. Jayde and her friends partied well into the night before it started to wind down and her human friends left.

"See you later guys! I had a great time be safe heading home." She said as they all headed to their cars saying goodbye to the mare before she closed the door and turned to see the other mares looking at her.

"Ok guys guest rooms are down the hall and bathroom is at the end of the hall so you guys can take a shower, I'm upstairs if you need me second door on the right." She said waving goodnight to them as she headed to take a shower and get some sleep.

Rainbow watched her head up the stair and sighed and headed for the shower first since she was sweaty and had baby slobber all over her. After her shower she headed down to one of the rooms and layed down on the large bed sighing before starting to fall asleep.

Later that night Rainbow woke up to the sound of hoofsteps above her making her get up and walk upstairs to check on Twilight and the kids. After looking in on the children who where still alseep she looked in on Twilight but saw she wasn't in her bed, she wondered the hallway and saw Twilight outside looking up at the stars lost in her own little world. As Rainbow got closer she could see that something was troubling her and had a need to help her.

"Twilight?" Dash said softly but got nothing out of her.

"Jayde?" She called out again a little louder as watching the mare turn to her and smiled.

"Oh hey Rain, what are you doing up?" She asked turning back to the stars.

"I should be asking you that. You ok Jayde?" Rainbow asked getting a sigh from the mare.

"I dont know Rain, yesterday I thought I was the only one of my kind in the galaxy and now I found out that I had a past life in a world full of my own kind." She said before looking down.

"I always felt so alone being the only one of my kind and now I just don't know. I'm happy that I'm not alone but what happens now? I can't just leave what I have here behind, my life is here." She said and looked over at Rainbow.

"I keep having these flashes of us, our friends I guess is what we all were but with you it was different so many different feelings surface when a memory of you comes up. Saddness, need, want, and love. Rain were we together before I disappeared?" She asked as Rainbow stared at her for a minute before she sighed.

"No, we weren't. When you disappeared it was after your brothers wedding I was gonna ask you out that night, hehe, I was gonna come to your room and seduce you and hope against hope that you accepted me. But I guess that it's to late for me anyway, you have a family here and I'm pretty sure that you're not going to be coming back with us when we leave. I wish that I would have said something to you back then sooner." Dash said smiling and looked up at the sky.

"Haha! I still rememeber when I first met you." She said smiling at the memory.

"I remember that, you bawled me over and into a mud puddle and then you gave me your patented 'Rainblow Dry' messed my mane up even more and then you and um Spike started to laugh at me. I was so angry but now that I think about it WAS pretty funny." She said smiling as the memory came to her.

"We had some good times huh Rainbow?" Jayde asked turning only to be on the of a deep kiss from the pegasus surprising her and jumped back looking at Dash in shock as all kinds of feeling swarmed her.

"Sorry Twi, I just couldnt help myself. I know that this is the last I will problably ever get to see you and well I figured I might as well get that one kiss in before we leave so I can have something to remember you by. But I'll leave you alone now." Dash stated looking down as tears started to bud in her eyes and head towards the hallway.

"Wait Rain, don't go." Jayde said making the mare stop in her tracks.

"Since you know that I won't be leaving why dont you stay? Here with me and my family, I know Nik wouldn't oppose having you with us and he'll be tickled to know that his wife is bringing another mare into the famliy." Jayde asked running her hoof along the ground.

"Twi are you serious? Your not mad?" She asked as Jayde shook her head with a smile.

"Im serious Dash and Im not Twilight anymore, I'm Jayde and besides Nik knows that Im bi-sexual and if I have a need I usually get some help from my friends especially when my heat kicks in. Why dont you sleep on it Rain and give it some thought and let me know before you leave ok?" Jayde said walking up to her and pulling her into a deep searing kiss making Rainbow's wings snap out and moan into the kiss before Twilight pulled back with a smile at the glossy and goofy look on Rainbow's face.

"Just think about it Rain ok. Now why don't we head to bed, we've had a long day today." She said giving the mare another searing kiss running her tongue along her lips as Rainbow opened her mouth and Jayde's tongue invaded her mouth claiming it as hers while Rainbow's eyes rolled into the back of her head before Jayde pulled back with a pop keeping a hold of the mare who's legs were like jelly at the moment and into Jayde's arms panting.

"See you in the morning Rain." Jayde said leaving the panting mare giving a extra sway in her hips and smiled as Rainbow was mesmorized by her flank.

"Uhhhhhhh, wow." Was all Dash could say when she lost sight of the sexy mare while a goofy grin spread across her face before it fell to a frown.

Rainbow was faced with a very difficult decision ahead of her, on one hand she could stay with Twi er Jayde and be with the mare of her dreams and leave everything she knew back in Equestria behind her, friends, family, the Wonderbolts. Everything. OR She could go back and leave the mare of her dreams behind possibly forever.

She sighed and looked up at the sky hoping it could give her the answers, but after a while she sighed and headed back to her bed.

(Next day)

Jayde and Rainbow were just outside town with most of the people there waiting for the race to start as the two opponents smirked at each other. Everyone watched as Dash flapped her wings grinning at Jayde who was smiled and reved her turbine engine shooting flames out the back of her RY-Super Charged Sport Cruiser. The two watched a light hovered in front of them counting down as the whine of Jayde turbine spun just as the light reached zero and a green GO flashed signaling the drag race to start.

The aftershock of the two speedsters take off made many loose their footing and some were completely blown over as a color of rainbow shot up into the sky showing Dash broke the sound barrier followed by another sonic boom of Jayde right behind.

A screen popped up showing the super sonic racers as they reached the first checkpoint neck and neck.

"Wow ah've never seen Dash going so fast in mah life!" Applejack stated as Alice smirked.

"Jayde is just getting warmed up." She said as they saw Jayde pulled ahead of Dash and another sonic boom sounded telling everyone she reached Mach 2 followed by another rainboom making the ponies cheer.

"WOW two rainbooms in one day! Dashie is really amping it up!" Pinkie yelled just when the sound of another pair of sonic booms and a rainbow ring shot into the air making the ponies jaws drop as the two crossed the finish line with a tie.

(With Jayde)

The purple mare was stunned that Rainbow was able to keep up with her even after she reached Mach 3, once she was stopped she jumped out and ran to the mare who was grinning like crazy just as Jayde slid and caught her as she fell and held her close to her chest.

"RAIN! Are you ok?!" She yelled as the mare started to laugh weakly.

"Ha! I did it, a triple rainboom!" She smiled and poked Jayde in the nose.

"Boop. Hehehe you should see the look on your face. Hey Twi. looks like I can never call you a egghead again huh? Can't believe you pushed me so hard to keep up with you." She said sighing and snuggling into the other mares G-suit.

"I'm really tired Twi. I'm gonna take a nap." She said getting a smile from Jayde who held her tighter and ran a hoof through her mane.

"You idiot." She said as medic's came over to them and said she was suffering from extream exhaustion. Jayde sighed and picked the mare up with her magic while Francheska ran with them to the ambulance that was taking Dash to the vet to be looked after.

(Animal health clinic 2 days later)

Jayde smiled running her hoof through Rain's mane just when she saw the door open revealing her husband making her shoot up and wrap her arms around his neck and pull him into a heated kiss.

"I missed you." She said leaning her forehead to his feeling his hands moving further south making her grin.

"I missed you to." He stated kissing her and nibbling down her jaw line and neck getting a pleased sigh from the mare before he stopped making her groan in disappointment and look at him.

"What did you stop for?" She asked as he nodded his head over to a grinning pegasus.

"Oh please dont stop on my account. This is a awesome way to wake up." She smiled.

"RAIN!" Jayde jumped out of her husbands arms and ran over to the mare worried.

"Are you ok? How are you feeling?" She asked as the pegasus smiled.

"Really, really sore. But (ow) I'll live." She said as Jayde smirked and bumped her shoulder making the mare wince.

"Dude that was awesome! I dont know how you did it but I'm gonna chalk it up as a pegasus thing, I can't believe how your body held up at Mach 3 but its amazing Rain!" Jayde grinned as her husband walked over to the two as Jayde told him about the race.

"Well Ms. Dash I think my wife is right you truely are amazing." He smiled as the mare blushed at the human and looked away.

"How long have I been out?" Rainbow asked.

"Bout two days, it's about 4 right now so if you want I can go get a Fran for you?" Jayde offered as Rainbow nodded.

"Might as well get if over with." She sighed getting a understanding nod from Jayde and Nikolia.

"Nik stay here with Rain, I'll be right back." Jayde said getting a nod from her husband.

"Of course beautiful." He said making her smile and head out to find Fran leaving the two alone.

"So you are from my wife's homeworld yes?" He asked getting a nod from the mare.

"Yeah, I met Twi a few years ago. Been best friends ever since." She smiled but looked over at his confused face.

"Who is this Twi?" He asked as she sighed.

"Back home her name was Twilight Sparkle and was the student of our ruler the sun princess Celestia. Well after a attack on her brother's wedding and we beat the snot out of the invaders, Twilight was attacked by a assassin. But something went wrong and when the two were fighting it created some kind of ball of energy, Twi was trying to shut it down after she knocked the assassin out but then I had to go and scare her." She said as tears started to fall from her eyes.

"If I had'nt had scared her she would still be home! With us, with me." She said looking down sniffing but looked up hearing the door close.

"Ms. Dash I must say that I am sorry that you and your friends." He said running his fingers through her mane making her smile and relax.

"But I have to also thank you." He said making her eyes snap open and look at him.

"If it was'nt for you I never would have met the love of my life, I never would have had my two beautiful children or the life I have now. So thank you Ms. Dash." He said hugging the shocked mare who smiled a little and hugged the large human back.

"But now she does'nt remember any of us! I never got to tell her how I feel or had the life with her that I hoped for." She said looking at the mare and blushed as he wiped her tears away.

"Ms. Dash I know that's not true, when I saw the two of you a while ago I could see her look at you the same way she looks at me. She may not know it yet but she does feel the same for you as you do her, but you already know this don't you?" He asked as she looked away and nodded.

"Besides Ms. Dash if I know my wife, and I do before you leave here she will go back with you. At least for a while before she comes home." He smiled at the hope in Dash's eyes.

"I figure my wife offered you a oppertunity yes? To stay with us and our family? Well I have no problem with it Ms. Dash but if you do choose go back I dont know if you will be able to came back if you change your mind. I will talk to my wife and make sure she goes with you for a while at least to see her own kind and to see your side of things, I'm sure you have your own dreams for the future and family and friends back home. Jayde needs to see that so she doesnt try to force you to stay here." He said leaning over and giving the mare a small kiss on the head making her face light up.

"But it would be nice to have you stay with us Ms. Dash." He said getting up and heading to the door.

"Rain." She said as he turned back to her confused.

"Just call me Rain, it's what Twi er Jayde calls me." She said still blushing with a small smile.

"Ok Rain I will be right back, I'm going to check on Jayde." He said opening the door to find a pile of mares and humans falling into the room just as Jayde rounded the corner with Francheska.

"Um what's up?" Jayde asked as the humans and ponies jumped up blushing at being caught.

"Um nothin, nothin at all. Um hey Applejack why don't you come help me with some of the garden at the farm." Alice said her eyes shifting all over the place while Applejacks eyes were wide and all over the place as well.

"Yah took the words right out of my mouth." She said as the two took off.

"Um me, Pinks, and Tricia have to do that think at the bake shop." Rebecca said sweating.

"What thing?" The two bubble girls asked as the woman started to turn pale.

"You know that thing at the shop you told me you wanted to show us." She said fidgeting under Jayde's narrowed eyes.

"Um I don't remember any thing at the store. What about you Pinkie?" Tricia asked.

"Nopey dopey!" She said before they were both dragged out of the clinic by the flustered girl mumbling about thick headed people and ponies.

Jayde watched the three leave before turning her gaze on the two fashion divas.

"Well darling we must be going there is new line of products that I simply must show Rarity so she can be ahead of the game back home so to speak." Rose said walking away quickly just as Fluttershy came around the corner.

"Um Francheska one of the bunnies is having a tummy ache, where do you keep their stomach pills?" She asked watching the two walk back and then break into a run down the hall and out the clinic.

"Um well it's in the cabinet above the operating sink, if that's ok?" Fran said as Fluttershy blushed.

"Oh ok I'll be going then, if that's ok with you?" She said getting a nod from Francheska who then turned back to Rainbow and a glaring Jayde making her squeak.

"I'm gonna get those 8 back for this." She smiled and turned to see Fran checking on Rainbow as her husband came out and shut the door.

"Come on Jayde lets go have a chat ok?" He said as Jayde looked confused.

"Ok?" She said as the two headed down the hall.

In the exam room Francheska was just getting done with Rain when they heard Jayde scream.

"WHAT!" The two looked at each other as Francheska wimpered.

"Why don't you stay in here with me till they cool down." Rainbow suggested getting a nod from the woman.

After a while she saw Nikolai walk in with a smile give Dash a thumbs up and a wink.

"She'll be going with you but on one condition and she'll tell you when you start to leave. I swear she would have made great ambassador." He said getting confused looks from the two girls as Jayde pushed passed him and plopped down next to Dash and pouted.

" I do this under protest Nik and your sleeping on the couch for a week when I get back." She said getting a wince from him.

"Well I better enjoy the bed while I can." He sighed making her smile watching him walk out.

"Jayde your really going to have him on the couch for a week?" Francheska asked as Jayde laughed.

"Please Fran you know there is no way I'll last that long without him! And he knows it to, he's just being dramatic is all." She smiled and looked at Dash.

"Hey Fran you mind giving me and Rain a minute alone?" She asked getting smile from the woman.

"Ok, I'm gonna go check on Fluttershy. Um if that's ok?" She asked getting a nod from the pair as a smile came from the woman who quickly left to go tend to Fluttershy leaving the two alone and a heavy silence filled the room.

"Um so what should I expect when I get there or well get back that is?" Jayde asked getting a smile from Rainbow.

"Mostly hugs and parties from everypony like your brother and parents, along with Cadence, Spike, and the Cutie Mark Cruasders." She said as Jayde sighed.

"This is going to be so awkward." She said but felt a kiss on her cheek.

"Dont worry Jayde I'll be there with you every step of the way." Dash said making Jayde smile and nuzzle her.

"Ow OW!"

"Quite being such a wuss."

(2 weeks later)

Jayde was standing in front of Luna and Celestia with her saddle packs full of gear and her trusty sidearm along with a small square.

"Are you ready Twilight?" Celestia asked.

"It's Jayde princess and yes I am but there is one thing you have to promise to do before we go." She stated getting a curious look from the two rulers.

"And what's that Jayde?" Celestia asked as the unicorn smirked.

"You open trade and allow access between our two worlds." She stated as everyone's eye's popped open while Jayde's mother in law started to cackle.

"Honestly mother you're very creepy when you laugh like that." Nikolia said and got a smack in the back of his head for his troubles while the others laughed.

"That is a very bold request Jayde." Celestia said while the unicorn smiled.

"Well if my memories are correct then I am the element of magic for something called the Elements of Harmony and a key part of Equestria's defence against evil yadda yadda yadda and three bags full. So I think it's perfectly reasonable to have a ally and new trade partner, besides it's a win win situation for both of us. Between the new influx us buyers and sellers along with our advanced technology we can jump start your nation forward by hundreds or even a thousand years. Plus even if Im not going to be staying I will be able to help you with any kind of danger that pops up once we have trade routes set up and you will have the might of the Lunar Republic to call on if heaven forbid there is war." She said as they all looked at her stunned as she took another breath.

"And from you we would be able to have fresh supplies to maintain our people and expand our trade goods to you and bring in some from your nation to us. Not only that but from what Rarity told me gems in your land are so common that they barey are worth much. I say with can split the profit, say 70/30. We will be providing the tools to mine and transport the gem and you just porvide the gems." She said as Luna stepped up.

"That sounds very good indeed but for the profit I say 60/40 since we will be providing the gems." She said as Jayde grinned.

"Yes you will be we are providing the labor, tools and the most experianced miners the moon has to offer to mine, haul and ship the gem. So I say 70/30 our favor." She said as Luna's eyes narrowed.

"60/40 your favor, we must get some kind profit from this along with a 70/30 our favor for any Equestrian goods besides the gems." She stated as Jayde thought about it.

"Sounds fair, you got yourself a deal." She said shaking her hoof.

"Well once we get there and back the president should have everything set up and documented ready to make it offical." She smiled as her eyes turned white and the runes on her body glowed bright before she slammed her hoof down on the stone floor as a pattern began to draw itself on the floor and flashed and Jayde stopped glowing as a black stone with runes carved into it popped up out of the floor in the middle of the pattern.

"Ok lets go." She stated walking over to the ponies who were gaping at her especially Celestia and Luna.

"Whoa." Dash stated.

"Twili er Jayde what did you just do?" Rarity asked.

"She placed a interdemintional marker. Not even Celestia was able to understand how to do the spell at such a young age, you surpise me Jayde Romanov." Luna said smiling.

"Meh its just something I found in some Saturn ruins." She said as the two alicorns were in thought.

"ALRIGHT! Now how bout we get this show on the road." She said snapping the mares out of their stupor.

"Indeed." Celestia said staring at Jayde before she and Luna gathered their magic before they flashed away.

Next Chapter: 3. Chapter 3 Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 37 Minutes
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