
A Brave New World

by slice141

Chapter 1: 1. Chapter 1

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(Equestria 1974)

Twilight Sparkle a purple unicorn sighed as she trotted to her room, it had been a long day. After the invasion of the changelings and then the situation with her friends along with the following defeat and party afterward the small pony was worn out and wanted nothing more than to curl up in her bed and sleep.

Just as she was about to go into her room she was stopped by a purple and white mare calling out to her.

"Um excuse me?" Twilight groaned but put on a smile and looked at her.

"Yes how can I help you?" She asked getting a smile from the mare who trotted up to her.

"I just have to ask are you Twilight Sparkle the one that saved Princess Cadence?" She asked getting a nod from the mare making her smile.

"Good, the queen sends her regards." The mare stated making Twilights eyes widen when a beam of green magic was fired at her. Thinking quickly Twilight jumped away before rounding on the changeling and fired her own spell just when the changeling did and clashed in a power struggle.

Twilight grunted in effort and looked to see a black ball starting to expand making her go wide eyed.

"STOP YOUR GOING TO KILL US BOTH!" She screamed at the changeling but it fell on deaf ears and even started to pump more magic out.

"You will die here by order of the queen!" The mare yelled and opened her eyes to a large black ball growing even when they stopped pumping magic into it.

"Oh well looks like your going to die anyway Twilight Sparkle along with everling in this castle." The changeling stated only to be knocked out when a bust of Celestia slammed on top of her head.

'I think is just time for you to shut up. Ok I got to stop this thing from growing, I need to take my magic out of it if I want to save everypony.' She thought looking at the black ball that was continuing to grow.

'Damnit, damnit, damnit! What do I do!? OOOOOOH, WAIT! Maybe that will work.' She thought and began to channel the magic out of the ball making it stop growing and was able to get it about the size of a large beach ball.


The unicorn jumped surprised and accidentally shot a spell into the ball making it grow brightly along with Twilights eyes.

''RUN DASH GET THE OTHERS AND RUN!" She screamed trying to keep the the ball from exploding when all her friends and the two princesses rounded the corner.


She looked up feeling her magic starting to get overpowered by the ball that was pusling dark purple and white.

"RUN GET AWAY FROM HERE!" She screamed at them but they started to move towards her making her grit her teeth.

"NO WE WONT LEAVE YOU!" Dash screamed and started to fly towards the mare as a bolt from the ball shot in front of her making her yelp in surprise. They could see the sphere rapitly pulsing white and purple, time seemed to slow down as Dash looked over to her friend that was smiling at them and lit her horn up. Dash felt Twilights magic build up around them as she looked at her friend one more time who had tears in her eyes and mouthed her last words to them.

Goodbye guys

The next thing Dash felt was her world spinning and found herself outside near where they gathered to go to the Gala so long ago, Dash looked around to see them all there but Twilight as a massive explostion ripped apart the tower they were just in along with a bright flash of blinding white light.

"TTWWWIIIILLLIIIGGGGHHHHTTTTT!" Dash yelled as tears poured from her eyes.

"No. I never got to tell her."

(Sol system 2883, Lunar Republic 25 years later)

A purple mare with a short mane and tail smiled trotting towards a large building that read LNN(Lunar News Network) she had on red leather jacket with a the emblem of a woman that looked like she had firey wings behind her as she was in armor and held a spear with the words Let Me Live above her.

She could hear the people around her and see some pointing at her making her grin wider.

"Dude is that Jayde Romanov!?"

"No way what's she doing here!"

"Oh my god dude do you think the next X-games are gonna be held here?" She chuckled looking over at the crowd and smiled.

"Sorry guys but Im just here for a interview! Hope to see you guys at my next race!" She called out to her fans who cheered while she walked into the building and came face to face with her friends who cheered.

"HEY GIRLS I DIDNT EXPECT YOU HERE!" She cried standing on her hind legs to hug her human friends.

"Oh please darling like would miss our friends first nation wide interview!" A beautiful white woman stated backing away from the mare. She was wearing a long flowing black dress that reached down to her ankles, her blonde hair was styled like she alwayed had it and two gorgious blue diamond earings. The Republics lady of fashion.

"Yeah come on Jayde do you really think that we wouldnt be here for you?" A asian woman stated beside her. She was wearing her military uniform a dark blue coat and pants and she had her brown hair in a bun under her beret. The moons feared ace pilot.

"Rebecca you know I know that girls, but I just didnt expect you guys till after the show." Jayde stated and felt the hand of her other friend Francheska Hawkings brush her fingers through her mane. She was tan with black hair and was wearing a yellow sundress that when just below her knees. The best animal vet in the sector.

"Jayde, you should know that we would be there for you on something as important as this." Francheska stated getting a sigh from Jayde.

"I know thanks girls." Jayde smiled.

"OH COURSE WE'RE GONNA BE HERE FOR YOU SILLY BILLY! WE'RE YOUR BEST FRIENDS AND BEST FRIENDS ARE ALWAYS THERE FOR EACH OTHER!" A bubbly dark skinned woman stated jumping in front of her. She was wearing a pink top with bluejeans and had her hair in a afro that seemed to always be like that except for that one time when the woman found out about the bad crash she had a few years back. The sectors best party planner and baker.

"Patricia please darling calm down! We are in public darling." Rose solded her bubbly woman.

"Eh its cool Rose its just Trish being Trish, wouldnt have it anyother way." Jayde getting a sigh from them all.

"Well sugar come on lets get on in there, ah'am sure they're waitin on yah, we'll be in the top row. Just look for us if your havin a hard time talkin sugar." A fit and toned dark tanned woman said smiling down at her. She was wearing a beautiful white dress with a open back that went down to the small of her back while the dress stopped about mid way down her legs, her blonde hair free from the usual hair band that she had it tied up in. The moons legendary farming family.

"Thanks Alice, come on everybody lets go." Jayde said leading the way to the door, but the closer she got the more nervous she got.

"Jaydie you ok? You look really nervous." Patricia asked smiling at her friend.

"Yeah Im good, just um is it to late to back out now?" She asked starting to pant.

"Whoa hey Jayde buck up! Come on just look at it this way the sooner you get in there the sooner it's over ok. Now come on you came all this way to your home town from the other side of the freaking moon just to do this exclusive interview, now come on and nut up and MARCH!" The combat pilot ordered getting a gulp from the mare.

"Ok, your right." She stated just as a stage worker came out and spotted them.

"Oh hey Mrs. Romanov your here! Come with me your friends can go ahead and find a seat." The man said getting a nod from the others while Jayde followed him backstage just as the audience started to clap and she heard a woman start to talk.

"Ok and welcome back everyone, today we have a very special guest. Everyone knows her, please welcome Mrs. Jayde Romanov!" She yelled as the mare trotted out with a shy smile just after the stage had got finished setting her mic up.

"Welcome to LNN , please sit down sit down." The hostess offered getting a nod from her.

"So is this your first interview?" The hostess asked as Jayde sighed.

"Nah I've had plenty before but just never one so personal." She stated getting a understanding nod.

"Well I promise we'll make it as painless as possible. So tell us a little about yourself!" She chirped getting a smile out of the mare.

"Well you all know me as the galaxies first and only unicorn and Madam President Romanov's daughter in-law, and sports fans know me as the fastest mare on the course! But you dont know me on a personal level, which is why Ive come here to tell my story to the world live today." Jayde stated still feeling butterflies in her stomach.

"Yes but why now after all these years? We all know of some of the hardships you faced when you were younger, predjustice and anti-xeno groups and there was even a attempt on your life at one time am I correct?" She asked getting a nod from the mare.

"Yes but how bout I start at the begining." She stated and looked up at her friends were encourageing her making her smile before she took a deep breath.

"The first thing I ever remember was when I was a foal at least this is what my mother told me, I appeared near a small house hold a few years after the Lunar Rebellion and tentions were still high with earth. My mother told me the people who found me thought I was some kind of earth bio weapon, mom said the first time she saw me she felt this overwhelming urge to hold me. I was a pretty big mess with cuts and scrapes on me and dirty she said I was crying and no matter who held me I just continued to cry until she took me to her lab." Jayde smiled warmly at the memory of the story.

"She changed me and fed me, put some clothes on me and brought me into her home after she was given permission by the head director and my father that she could take me home. She said when she got me home she couldnt keep the smile off her face as I made baby noices." She stated and looked down sighing.

"Mom had always wanted a child but could never have one after a accident in one of the labs years ago, I was her first and only child. Im so lucky to have them as my parents." Jayde sighed and looked up as everyone was giving her their undivied attention.

"So what was your childhood like? I mean before your existance was released to the public?" The hostess asked.

"Life in the labs and at home either when I was with my mom or dad was pretty hard with the testing and other things they had to run on me when I was growing up to make sure I wasnt going to destroy the galaxy. The times I accidentally hurt people with my magic when I tried to control it, I almost stopped using it at all if it wasnt for my dad talking me into practising in the battle room so I wouldnt hurt anyone anymore. When I got older and started to experiment with the other scientist there and up earning my mark in containing a explosion that would have taken out the whole complex and everyone in it." she said shifting in her seat to show the mark on her flank.

"So what does the mark mean?" The hostess asked looking over at the mark curiously. It was a six pointed dark pink star with smaller white stars around it and had what looked like fire behind it.

"Dont know really I found it after I woke up from using so much magic to keep everyone safe. Mom was extreamly worried and so was dad, Ive never seen him so scared before when I woke up in the hospital. After I was released I found I could use my magic with ease and found that my power had grown quiet a bit." She said smiling.

"So from then until now how powerful are you?" The woman asked making Jayde and her friends smile.

"I could easily destroy the earth three times over before I black out." She stated getting gasps from the audience.

"Wow thats a lot of power, how do you keep it all in check? That must be quiet a burden to have but it does make me feel safe that if our enemies would ever try anything all it would take is flash from you and say bye bye to the bad guys." She smiled getting a nod from Jadye and clapping from the audience.

"Yeah Earth knows not to mess with us after they found out that little secret. Besides Im sure the military would call me back if the earthlings did try something, Im a proud supporter of the republic and wouldnt want to live anywhere else. But the way I control the power is actually from actient runes that were found on Mars." Jayde smile while the crowd cheered as her eyes lit up and markings all over her body appeared.

"Well Im glad we have you on our side! Sorry we got a little off topic there so what was your teenage life like since I know you didnt stay in the labs then. I remember when you first where shown to us and you talked it was the most amazing thing to me when I saw you." The hostess said getting a smile from Jayde.

"Well high school was... Horrible if I put it bluntly and colledge was no better, I didnt have any friends and I was either beat up or picked on during my entire school life. I started to hate humans and longed to be back to where I belonged with my own kind." She stated glaring at the memories of the younger life.

"What changed your mind?" The woman asked getting a laugh from Jayde.

"Patricia! She's right up there actally." She stated pointing to the bubbly woman who was bouncing up and down waving her arm above her head.

"I LOVE YOU JAYDE!" She yelled getting chuckles from everyone.

"Love you to Tricia." Jayde said smiling at the woman.

"So how did she get you to change your mind?"

"Well Tricia is a very determined woman when it comes to new friends, she came from a sector over around the mining parts and had a very sad and boring life there. So when she moved she came to this sector and started her own business in the middle of town called Tricia's Cake Shop, I met her in colledge when she was busy getting her degree in bakery. It was after a really bad beating from some of the other girls there when she came across me unconsious and bleeding, thats when she took me to Fracheska's clinic and where I came to and met my two best friends that saved my life." Jayde smiled as the camera panned over to the shy woman who gave a weak wave.

"So what did they say to help you?"

"Fran was furious and was about to call the police but I stopped her at first but Tricia pulled me aside and told me that it didnt matter what I looked like no one should ever be treated the way I was and became my first real friends since I left the labs. Fran was the one who introduced me to Rose, of course our meeting wasnt the best since it was a few days later and I still looked pretty beat up." She smiled up at Rose who gave a sheepish grin back.

"Why was meeting her different?"

"Weeellll everyone knows Rose as the hot fashion designer but I knew her when she was just getting out of colledge. She kept trying to get me to change my coat color and had litterly threw me into her new store to try and help cover up my wounds. I thought she was crazy at first but after I got to know her she became one of my best friends to." She stated getting a kiss blown at her from Rose making her smile.

"So what did you major in?"

"Science and the study of history."

"So how did you get into rally cross racing?"

"Well when I was serving my 4 years and after I met Rebecca I hung out with her all the time and we went to a lot of sports event but when I saw that rally car and the moves the driver made and sound of the engine, I fell in love with it. I started to research it in my spare time when me and Daniels weren't hanging out and I wasn't working, I even saved up enough money and was lent some from my parents and friends to buy my first car and was sponsored by the military along with Rose, Fran, and Tricia's businesses. I really am lucky to have such great friends really." She said smiling up at them.

"Indeed, can you tell us the feeling you get when your in your car?" The woman asked getting a loving smile from the mare.

"There really is no way to describe the feeling, it's, it's just the most warm and exciting feeling you can experiance in a job you love so much." She smiled.

"So tell us about your brother Judon Jackson." The hostess smiled.

"Oh man Judon is the best brother any girl would be lucky to have! I love my brother with all my heart, it just sucks that he-RING!" Jayde looked down and smiled tapping her hoof and a screen and a dark skinned and clean shaven man with a military hair cut popped up making her smile.


[Hey Jay just wanted to tell you I love you to and I'll see you as soon as I can!]

"Love you to BB. Where are you?"

[Sorry Jay you know I cant tell you, but Ill come by as soon as I get back ok? I love you and Ill see you when I get home] He said before hanging up.

"Ladies and gentalmen Captain Judon Jackson, of the Lunar Marines! Captain Jackson is currently deployed to some of the more unruly parts of the moon so lets all hope and pray he comes home safe and sound." The hostess stated and looked over at Jayde as the audience clapped.

"How long has it been since you last saw your brother?"

"Bout a year and a half now, I cant wait till his tour is over and he's home for good. I miss him so much." Jayde said looking down and wipped a tear away before straightening up.

"So tell us about Nikolai, Jayde." The woman stated getting a loving smile on her face.

"I actually met Nik through Alice who grew up in this sector with her family and is actually really good friends with the president and our famliy. Alice runs the farm about a few miles from here on the outskirts of town called Jefferson Farms, I met Alice a few years back through RD who are really good friends. Hell her family accepted me without a second thought and her little sister has even dubed me a step sister." She smiled winking at AJ who had put her favorite family leather hat on tipping to her with a smile.

"So how did you meet?"

"Well Nikolai and his family are BIG investors in Jefferson products and Nik is actually my co-driver and is a rally sport driver like myself, we usually flip flop back and forth when we are traveling and doing races. He's currently on earth right now in this years rally cross games." Jayde smiled when her hoof beeped again and up popped a white man with blonde hair smiling at them.

[Hey baby just wanted to say I love you and Im proud of you. My mom has the kids tonight so you and the girls enjoy yourself. I got to go and I'll call you after Im done, love you babe.] He said in a thick russian accent blew her a kiss before he hung up.

"Love you to stud." She smiled.

"Well you certainly chose an handsome one thats for sure. So you said that your friend Alice introduced you? How was that meeting?" She asked the mare.

"It ended with me and him in a grudge match in the Alpes going neck and neck. I totally won but he will tell you otherwise." She said laughing with them.

"After that and a few more matches I ended up asking him out and he accepted and that's when we formed our team." She smiled as the others clapped.

"So tell us about the babies." She said as a picture of two tan babies a boy and girl each with a stip of pink and purple going through their hair showing who their mother was.

"Those two are my world, I would give up everything I had for those two and to make sure they have a safe and healthy life in this cruel world. The girl is Ana and the boy is Nicholas." She said smiling at the picture of her babies.

"Nicholas is maybe 4 months old and Ana is 6 months old in this picture." She said getting awws from the crowd.

"How old are they now?"

"They're a year old now and spoiled rotten by my friends and family especially by my dad and mother-in-law. But they're my angels, I dont know what I would do without them." She smiled as the crowd aww'ed and clapped.

"Well Im happy for you and your family Mrs. Romanov now we will be right back after these-FLASH!- What the hell!" The camera turned to show 15 figures appeared in the room.


Jayde was awe struck at first looking at her own kind for the first time in her life along with everyone else in the room but was snapped out of when when the taller white one looked at her and smiled.

"TWILIGHT!" Jayde raised a eyebrow as the other ponies looked at her before she was tackled by a rainbow blur.

"JAYDE!" She heard her friends call out to her and could here the sound of weapons charging all around the room and even heard her body guards running from the back. She looked down feeling her jacket getting damp and saw the pegasus mare crying in her chest.

"We finally found you!" She yelled holder her tighter before Jayde flashed away to her friends and body guards.

"Mrs. Romanov are you ok?" One of the guards asked pointing his weapon at the ponies.

"Yeah Im cool." She stated looking at the ponies who were staring at her.

"Twilight what are you doing? Get away from those things!" The blue mare yelled standing up and wiping her face.

"Um sorry but you have the wrong lost mare, my names Jayde Romanov. Who names their kids Twilight anyway?" She said chuckling and waved at the others in the room who lowered their weapons.

"Well ponies allow me to welcome you to the Lunar Republic! You know who I am so who are you guys and who is Twilight?" She asked as they looked at her in shock.

"Your Twilight darling! We're your friends dont you remember? It's me Rarity dear." A white mare with a purple mane and tail with three diamonds on her flank said making her look at her own.

"Sorry it dont ring any bells, I think you have the wrong mare seriously. But why dont you ponies stay for a while and we can swap some stories, it's good to see Im not alone in the universe." She smiled at them while they gawked at her.

"Thank you Ms. Jayde we accept." A smaller pony with wings and a horn said stepping forward with a moon on her flank making Jayde frown.

"Are you ok Ms. Jayde?" She asked.

"Ok quick question what's with the mark on everyones butt and what's it called?" She asked as their jaws unhinged.

"YOU SILLY FILLY THAT'S YOUR CUTIE MARK! EVERYPONY GET'S THEIR CUTIE MARK WHEN THEY FIND THERE SPECIAL TALENT! You know that Twilight." A pink mare laughed just as Jayde's friends walked up beside her.

"Her name is Jayde ponies! Not Twilight! She already told you that!" Rebbecca yelled fingering her pistol along with AJ and Patricia.

"Well I know her name is Twilight! I dont know what you things did to her but you wont get away with it!" The rainbow pony yelled back.

"How bout we all calm down, I need to call my husband and my mother-in-law so we can get a place set up to meet besides a tv news room." Jayde stated getting a nod from the others while the ponies went wide eyed.

"Your married!?" The tall white one asked/shouted.

"Yeeeeessssss. I have two children to, look just be quiet while I talk to my husband." She said just as her wrist beeped and out popped her family.

[JAYDE! Are you ok? What's going on? Are you hurt?] They yelled making her smile.

"Whoa guys it's cool really these guys just found the wrong lost pony is all, they're looking for somepony named Twilight I guess I look like her." She said as they sighed.

[Ok babe Im going to be on my way there.] Nikolai said making her sigh.

"Sweetie it's ok really I can handle it ok? Besides your flight dont leave till the end of the week, just take it easy. Your mom has the kids and I have the girls and guards here with me ok? Just chill." She stated getting a sigh from him but he was still worried.

"Im not going anywhere babe so dont worry, just relax and I'll see you at the end of the week ok?" She stated getting another sigh but with a smile.

[Ok hun, love you and I'll see you later.] He smiled getting a nod from her.

"Love you to Nik I'll see you at home." She said and looked to see her mom and dad were gone making her groan and look at her mother-in-law.

"Hey momma hows the kids doing?" She asked as the older woman sighed and smiled.

[Darling they are just fine, Im worried about you. Are you sure you dont need some help? I can have a Special Forces team there in a few minutes.] She asked while Jayde smiled.

"No Im good momma I have my guards here and if they do try anything I'm sure that I can take them and once my mom and dad get here I'll tell them the same thing. Now please make sure that Nicholas is down for his nap at 3 he gets really fussy if he dont have his nap." Jayde said while the woman rolled her eyes.

[Darling are you forgetting that I've raised 5 of my own children. We are fine darling just please be careful and I expect you and our guest at the palace once your parents get there.] She stated getting a nod from the mare.

"I will momma love you and I'll see you in a bit." She getting a smile from the woman.

[Love you to darling see you in a little while.] She said and hung up just when a another screen popped up to show some soldiers.

[Ma'am we are in postion ready to drop on your orders!]

"Whoa whoa whoa guys stand down the situation is under control RTB ok, I got this."

[Roger that ma'am we are oscar mike]

"Well and now all we have to do is wait for-CRASH!

"Jayde! Honey are you ok?!"

"My parents." She sighed as two humans ran in and pulled her into a hug and looked her over.

"Are you ok how many fingers am I holding up!?" Jack Turner asked he was a middle aged white man with greying sideburns and was wearing a lab coat.

"DADDY IM FINE! And five now come on guys seriously Im fine just a misunderstanding." She said and was pulled into a bone crushing hug by her mother.

"Oh honey I was so worried! When we saw you get tackled I flipped out." Mai Wei a asian middle aged woman who was also wearing a lab coat and was greying in some areas sighed holding her little girl.

"Mom Im fine see the blue one thought I was someone she knew is all, no big deal." She stated and pulled away smiling at them.

"But thanks for coming though." She smiled as they all stood up and looked at the other ponies who gaped at them.

"So why dont we head over to the palace? Boys why dont you get some more cars for our guests and her escort." Jayde stated smiling.

"Hey RD!"

"YO Jayde/Twi?" The two glared at each other.

"She was talking to me!" The said in unison.

"REBECCA!" Jayde yelled making the woman jump.


"Could you please help my mom and dad?" She asked smiling at her friend who nodded and shot a look at the pegasus who growled.

"Your name is RD?" Jayde asked making the mare look at her confused.

"Yeah you know Rainbow Dash? Fastest flier in Equestria, going to be a Wonderbolt soon?" She said a little hurt in her voice when Jayde gasped and held her head falling on her hunches.

"JAYDE/TWILIGHT!" She heard as flashes of memories began to flood her mind that wasnt her own as she held her hoof out stopping them and looked at them confused.

"Your Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Celestia, and Luna. Dont know any of the guards." She stated making the ponies cheer and ran to her.

"SHE REMEMBERS!" They yelled but she pushed them back with her magic.

"Whoa guys I just know your names, but who are you guys to me? Everything is all jumbled together." She stated still holding her head as her dad came over and pulled out a pad and put it on her head.

"Here you go sweet heart." He said as the pad glowed for a few seconds as the mare sighed in relief and smiled.

"Thanks daddy." She said making the humans smile.

"Hey AJ."

"What'cha need sugar/sugarcube?" The two farmers said at the same time making them look at each other.

"Ugh MY AJ! Could you take them out to the cars for me please with the guards, I'll see you guys at the palace." She said sitting down as Alice started to lead them but Rainbow stayed behind a little bit just watching her surrounded by these things making some primal urge build up in her to protect her as she walked up to her making the others look up at her.

"Um Twi, er Jayde do you mind if I stay here with you?" She asked as the mare looked at her for a minute before smiling.

"Sure Rain, I'd like you to meet my family." She stated introducing her to the others and headed for the exit with the two mares walking side by side just talking as they headed out to the cars where the body guards were waiting on them.

"Mrs. Jayde this is your car for you and your famliy." He smiled and looked at the blue mare beside her and then back at Jayde.

"Its cool Tom she's with me." Jayde said making Dash smile with a small blush.

"Come on Rain, there's so much I got to show you." Jayde stated as a flying car landed in front of them making the pegasus jump back.

"WHAT THE HAY IS THAT THING!?" She yelled making the others laugh.

"Calm down Rain it's just a car, you know you ride in it. Dont you guys have cars?" She asked with a small smirk.

"Well yeah we do but usually ponies pull them." She said tapping her hoof against the car.

"You mean you guys dont have motor cars or anything? That must suck. Come on and hop in so we can chat on the way to the palace." Jayde said opening the door to the car and hopped in with her parents following as Rainbow looked inside to see them sitting down inside.

"Come on Rain! It's safe I promise I wont let anything happen to you." She smiled as the pegasus grinned with a blush.


"BUT I WANT TO RIDE WITH THE PINK ONE!" They heard making them sigh.

"I WANT TO RIDE WITH THE OTHER THINGIE!" They heard the response as Dash sighed.

"Pinkie/Tricia." They said making the two mares laugh while Jayde's parents smiled at them as they lifted off towards palace. s they flew through the air Dash was looking at all the sights of the massive city.

"This is so awesome! Twi you lived here for the past year!? This is so cool!" Dash stated.

"Um Im Jayde not Twi, and I've lived here for the last 25 years ever since I was found as a baby." Jayde stated making Dash whip around looking at her confused.

"What are you talking about?! You've only been missing for a year, I dont understand." Dash stated while Jayde shrugged.

"Maybe in your world but I've lived here my whole life." She stated watching the pegasus groan and sink in her seat.

"No wonder you forgot us." Rainbow grumbled with a sad look on her face.

"Hey Rain it cool, I mean I got all these memories I guess from my past life so maybe I'll remember more about you guys." She said but it didnt seem to cheer the pegasus up at all.

"Yeah a past life." She mumbled and sighed.

"Hey come on buck up everthing will be fine Im sure of it." Jayde as Dash moaned.

"Im sure it will." Dash stated while Jayde sighed.

"How bout we see how my husband did in his race." She said as the pegasus perked up.

"Race!?Sweet! What do you things race with?" Dash said climbing over to sit next to Jayde.

"Well me and my husband are in rally cross racing and these 'things' are called humans Rain." She said watching her husband drift around a dirt path and shoot down the road and onto a paved road.

"Wait YOU race these things to? THATS AWESOME!" Rainbow cried getting a smile from the others.

"Yeah I am pretty awesome, I have the fastest record land speed in rally cross and am ranked number 4 in fastest flyer here in the Republic, Rebecca hold the number one spot followed by two Lunar Bolts a woman named Jane something and then me." She stated proudly while Rainbow looked at her with a grin.

"You know we should fly together sometime and see who the fastest of the two of us are." Dash smirked while getting a challenging grin from the other mare.

"Name what time and I'll say where." Jayde said with a wicked twinkle in her eye.

"Tomorrow 8am sharp now where?" She asked.

"Outside sector 5, its wide open and no one is out there that early. I'll bring my car but I got to warn you, I HATE loosing." Jayde stated getting a smile from Rainbow.

"So do I." The two smiled at the up coming match while her parents sighed as they landed outside the palace.

"You are so going down Twi er Jayde hope you're ready to be humbled." Dash stated.

"And I hope your ready for a healthy dose of eating your words." Jayde stated smirking at the grinning mare as they started to walk up the stairs to the palace and were met by more armed guards making the rest of the ponies look at Jayde.

"What? Its standard prosedure you really think you can just walk into the nations capital with so few guards? Dont worry they are just here for protection." Jayde stated but Rainbow stayed close to the mare while the others huddled closer to the two princesses.

As the group made it to the main room and three bio toxic screenings they were finally in the main hall and saw a older woman that looked to be in her 50's holding two children as Jayde ran up to her.

"Hey my babies! Ohhhhh! Mommy missed you." She said taking the children from their grandmother who hugged her daughter-in-law.

"Im glad your ok dear." She stated and smiled hearing the babies cooing feeling their mothers fur and warmth.

"Did you guys have fun with grandma? Huh?'' Jayde asked standing up and holding them on her hips and smiled at the woman.

"It's cool momma, I told you I could handle it." She smiled getting a nod from the woman.

"I know dear but you know how I worry. Now why dont you take your new friends outside and show them around while I talk to their leaders." She said as the two sisters stepped forward.

"Sure momma come on guys I'll show you guys around. Why dont you girls meet us at the house later tonight ok?" She stated to her human friends who looked uneasy.

"You sure sugar? Ah don't want to leave yall alone with the youngins and them." AJ stated getting a nod from the other girls.

"Indeed darling, though I know you can handle yourself we just want to make sure you will be alright with them and the babies." Rose stated looking over at the other mares.

"Really girls I got this, plus I want to know what my home world is like and get to hang with some of my own kind, don't worry girls it's not me ditching you really. The party is still on and we'll just have a few more guests is all, is that ok Tricia?" Jayde asked as the woman smiled and nodded making her afro bounce back and forth.

"Sure thing Jaydie the more the better!" She smiled and looked down at the pink pony who was looking up at her.

"You want to help me bake a few more cakes?" She asked at Pinkie's smile grew to dangerous levels.


"Twilight er Jayde dear do you know of any fashion store around, I'm an seamstress back home and fashion is my passion." Rarity stated as Rose chuckled.

"Please darling Jayde has no real fashion sence why dont you come along with me. I can show you some of the hottest fashion spot in town and I would like to talk with someone who loves the game as much as I." Rose smiled getting one from Rarity.

"Thank you darling I may just get a head start on the next line of fashion!" Rarity giggled and the four where off.

"Um Jayde? Do you know where any forests or animals are... Um if you dont mind telling me." Fluttershy asked.

"Um I could show you my vet clinic I have a lot a little friends there that you might like and the forest sector is not far from it." Francheska offered meekly smiling.

"Oh yes please." Fluttershy stated and walked off with Fran.

"Well if yall are sure ah'm gonna go check on the farm before the party starts, the crops are comin in really good this year." AJ stated as Applejack perked up.

"Y'all wouldn't mind if ah tagged along would yah, ah want to see how y'all get yer batch in." Applejack stated getting a nod from the human.

"Come on then ah'm sure that mah sister and her friends are there by now and Al is runnin damage control and granny is probably makin dinner fer us." She stated heading towards one of the cars to be taken home.

"Well I'll see you at the party Jayde just be careful ok?" Rebecca said eyeing Rainbow.

"Ok RD I'll see you later." Jayde stated still holding the babies on her hips before she kissed them both making them giggle as she walked towards their room so she could get their carrying bags.

"So Twi er Jayde what's it like being a mom?" Rainbow asked and winced.

'Real smooth Rainbow.' She thought to herself as Jayde put on the baby carriers and put the two in them.

"I dont know how to describe it to you Rain, it's hard work but it's the best job I could ever have. I'd give up everything if it ment my babies had a safe secure future. I love being a mom and wouldn't trade the job for anything, I'm happy here. I have a loving husband, two beautiful kids and a awesome job, I dont know what else I could want in life Rain." Jayde said smiling at her kids who were giggling.

"Come on lets go, I got a lot to show you." Jayde said and turned to see the pegasus staring at her with a small smile and looked like she was staring off into space.

"Rain? You ok?" Jayde asked as the mare blinked and smiled.

"Yea totally. So where to?" She asked just a Jayde's hoof beeped and a window opened up to show she needed to pick something up from Rose's as she blushed.

"Um lets head to my favorite spot here in town. The arena." She said trotting out as the babies giggled clapping their hands while Rainbow followed after the mare giving a good long stare at the mares flank and blushed at the toned muscles on her.

'Wow Twi is HOT!' Rainbow thought licking her lips.

"So Rain do you mind if I ask you some questions while we walk?" Jayde asked snapping Dash out of any pervy thought she was starting to get.

"Um sure. What do you want to know?" Dash asked.

"Well what's our home world like?" She asked getting a smile from Dash as she started to swap stories with each other.

Next Chapter: 2. Chapter 2 Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 54 Minutes
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