
Tale of a Unicorn

by Make A Sequel To Space Jam

Chapter 1: 1. Chapter 1: About Galaph

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Hey everyone and pony. This is a new story I made based off of my thoughts (IMAGINE THAT!) So do all that favorite and follow stuff and review your opinion. HUGS AND KISSES

So now I'm heading to Ponyville in a team wagon. My name is Galaph and I'm a unicorn. I have a short mane and tail that's blue and black and my eyes are green. I have two big talents. I'm really good at hoofball (basically the pony version of football except ponies have no pads and different rules (will explain later)) and I play guitar. My cutie mark is a star and I really don't know why. I got it when I pulled off a near impossible guitar solo during prom. Incidentally after I pulled off a miracle play to win the hoofball game before the prom. I guess it means I'm a star? Or that I can really just shine?

I had no date during that prom. Why? Well even though I am a star and all and had mares asking me all the time, I'm shy about mares. Just the talking to them and being with them which is pretty much all of it. I had my chance too and I blew it. Which to this day I still wonder how I managed to do that. I still got mares asking me to date them or party with them now that I play professionally but I turn them down gently.

I used to be in a band but they kicked me out because they whined about me getting all the attention. It's not like I can make myself terrible at playing guitar. I play quarterback in hoofball. I remember being told when I started, I'd be good by my coach. When I finished school he found me and told me I'd been better than he imagined. I can't say I'm the best but I'm pretty good.

The reason I'm heading to Ponyville is because my team is moving its place here for financial reasons. Our team manager put too much money in for a game we played to get into the playoffs and we lost by two points. We were in Los Pegasus. We are the Ponyneers. Purple is our primary color while red is our secondary. Our team consists of 20 earth ponies, 21 pegasi, and 12 unicorns including me.

Why there are certain amounts is because of playability. Earth ponies play at offensive or defensive lineponies, running backs, and buckers because of their limited specialty with no horn or wings. Pegasi can play at any position but they are limited on how high they can fly in a game. Unicorns can play at any backer position or receiver. A roster is only allowed to have 54 during the season. We went through a draft and cut the ponies not fit to play or not good enough. Now we have only one spot open where we can sign a pony to play.

The manager told us that there'd be a stadium waiting for us there at Ponyville. I heard Ponyville was a small friendly town which sounds good to me. I never liked being in the big city. There was lots to do sure but no pony was really too friendly. Hopefully it'll be better here. There's a hotel we get to stay at built for us. Eight stories tall from what I heard. I also heard the townsponies built it for us. Good hospitality.

I knew most of the ponies on the team real well. Most are my friends while a couple I never talked to. I trained the rookies that had just came here and became friends with them. My best friend there though was a pegasus who was the main wide receiver. He is green with a white mane and blue eyes. He's probably a year or two away from retirement but he has a lot of fight. He helped me become better at playing and me and him became best friends. We all call him "Freddy" because none of us knows his real name.

I remember he told me that before he retires he wants to win one world championship. He knows it's a big thing to ask for but he's worked for it harder than any other pony I know. Hours after sitting and talking in the wagons we finally arrived. The wagons touched down on the patched ground or grass and dirt. I could feel the fresh air brush against my mane and coat. It gave a feel of relaxation. The sky was a clear blue with no clouds. It was relieving to step out of the wagon so I could strentch after being cramped.

I levitated my bag with my uniform for practices and games on top of me and followed the other players to the hotel. Most of these ponies live somewhere else but are here for the practices. We're only a month and a half away from the preseason so we have to practice constantly. Entering the hotels, you could see bright elegant decorations and workers pushing carts onto and out of elevators. I'm surprised they have elevators! Most places don't.

We all got in single file line to get our keys to our rooms. It seemed to take forever but eventually we got there. We were greeted by an energetic pink earth pony.

"Oh hiya there here's your key and I can't wait to meet you and introduce you to my friends have a good day!" Said the pink pony. She seemed nice, a bit too energetic too as she wouldn't quit jumping up and down with her poofy mane.

Today the coach told us to just unpack and decide who we're rooming with. Of course, Freddy and I roomed together. All of the rooms have enough room for three but no pony else roomed with us. The rooms were very nice. The beds were in one room as everything else. The beds were decently sized and there were two bathrooms. The walls were decorated with patterns of elegant colors. There was one dresser with a big mirror on it. The whole room itself was amazing as with the rest of the hotel.

"A bit too fancy for my liking. How bout you?" Said Freddy.

"I appreciate they put a lot of work into it but yeah it's a bit too fancy for a hoofball team." I said. It was the truth but it was nice of the makers to be so generous. When we had everything unpacked, we realized it was lunch and how hungry we were. We went down the elevators to the bottom floor. It felt all fancy to push the button in the elevator and see it light up and take us to the floor we wanted. I could see it bother Freddy a little. He gritted his teeth when he saw it light up. I thought it was funny. We reached the bottom floor and went to the front door when we heard the same pink pony.

"Hey it's you two again. Are you hungry and going out to eat somewhere?" She asked jumping over to us.

"Um yeah how'd you know?" Freddy asked.

"Just a hunch...and it's lunch time. But you should go to Sugar Cube Corner. We have cupcakes of all sorts. Fat free veggie cupcakes for you players!" She said. Sounds good to me.

"Okay ma'am thanks." I said as we left. The pink pony went back to the hotel desk.

"She is over hyper with her jumping all over the place!" Said Freddy shaking his head.

"Yeah and it's kinda funny." I said chuckling a bit. We just kept small talking until we reached the place called Sugar Cube Corner. We entered the pink building and saw some of the other players at the tables. We approached the counter and no pony was there. All of a sudden though the same pink pony popped up from under the counter.

"Jeez you nearly gave me a heart attack!" Said Freddy. The pink pony gave us a tray of the veggie cupcakes.

"Oh sorry gramps, well here's your cupcakes!" She said enthusiastically handing us a pink ribbon box. Freddy didn't look too happy.

"Did you call me...Old?" He asked.

"Yep well you just look like it but that's okay I like everypony and I think it's cool you play for such a good team." She said fast. Freddy looked at her angrily and then just shrugged it off. We saw an open table nearby and sat down in it after placing the cupcakes on the table. We each took a cupcake out of the pink ribbon box and took a bite. For them being made of vegetables, they were good.

"So you didn't look too happy there." I said.

"Yeah I was mad but I'll let it slide just because these cupcakes are good." He said a bit pout like. I looked back over and saw her bouncing and smiling just giving out more cupcakes. One thing passed through my mind. How did she get here from the hotel that fast?

We sat discussing how good our team is this year and how we might win a championship. Well he kept talking like that. I told him how we aren't as good as he says and we might get to the playoffs. Only time will tell though. A little before we got finished though, we were approached by a mare pegasus. She was cyan with a rainbow colored mane and red eyes.

"So, you two play for the Ponyneers?" She asked.

"Yeah. Why" I said.

"I wanna play for you guys." Said the mare. Freddy and I laughed. No mare has ever played in pro hoofball. "What's so funny?!"

"Well no mare has ever played." Said Freddy calming down.

"Well I want to try and there's no rule saying I can't. Besides this could help me get in the wonderbolts!" She said. We laughed even harder. "Hey I'm the fastest flyer in Ponyville!"

"Okay well if you're serious about this come to the field in three hours and we'll get our coach and manager and some of our fastest. We will have a race and if you have the determination and win, you can play for us. I'll make sure you can. Shake on it?" Said Freddy. A confident grin came across the rainbow pony's face as she shook Freddy's hoof. Freddy and I left heading to the field. She can't be serious can she?

Well tada there's chapter 1 and I hope you liked it. I will accept one OC as of right now. Please if you liked this favorite and follow me and the story as it keeps me thinking. Also review your opinion and PM me if you have an OC audition. Ch2 coming soon

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