
A Sign of Good Luck or Danger?

by Make A Sequel To Space Jam

Chapter 9: 9. Chapter 9: Uh Oh

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Im sorry it took so long ive been trying to make time and i just got it so here we go. Mistakes Suggestions Ideas Reviews MSIR PLEASE IT HELPS ME IMPROVE

I woke up at 6:23am, a bit early but it didn't matter to me. I ate breakfast then went outside to have a rock fall on my head. I might have the strength of Goku but that hurt. I grabbed it and took a close look at it. It looks familiar then I looked closer and it had a map looking thing on it but appearantly it starts here and goes somewhere in the Everfree forest. So I followed every instruction and it led to an abandoned shack with a treasure chest. I opened it and it contained a soul dew! That's great now I can use magic anywhere. I also found a scroll that said "body swapping." It interested me a little so I looked further and saw its a spell to swap bodies and it also contained a whole history behind it. I read that it was being used by spies and greedy people to either get information for wars or to take thrones from ponies. Reading further I saw that this is the last in existence for someone got rid of them all to try and restore everything. Well that's cool, I will probably use this for emergencies I thought walking home. I decided to take a look at Earth but just for a glance. I did so and realized time had not moved since I left so I went back to Equestria and the same was here. I discovered Htaed must have put a spell on me for that but that's okay.

It was a bit weird to me, sort of like it was giving me a sign. It looked like a very beautiful blue in the sunlight. I walked a bit and noticed a red strip on it that seemed to change when I turned. I discovered it was like a compass so I followed to where it led me. After 4 hours I got to a secluded pond that had a sign saying to place the soul dew in. It sank instantly as I placed it. It came up instantly along with a little bag that had a mirror, a badge, and a note. The bag was bigger on the inside. The note read "The smaller bag you have gotten contains the brightest light in the universe use it to defeat Htaed. It is the only way." That's all it read but what's the mirror for? I'll just carry it on me just in case.

I walked all the way home and when i got back it was 2:00pm. I didn't know what to do. Should I hang out with someone. Maybe talk to Fluttershy or Rarity...nah. I went to Twilight's house and hung out with her for a while. Same with Rainbow Dash then I got the idea of writing music. I decided if I go back I need good material for my metal band called "Black Lightning" and I need someone's help to write this because I'm currently out of ideas for this. I went to see DJ Pon3. I asked her if she could help me with some songs. She came to my house and I explained my concept of metal to her and everything else about it. She understood it pretty well for just now learning about it. We got writing and 3 hours later we got done with a good song. We called it "The Mist of Tar". It's about the effects of choices and how they'll haunt you. I thanked her and she left.

By then it was 7:00pm and I was getting tired. So I decided to get tons of sugar and other stuff that keeps you up and put it in a drink and drank it. It was like drugs and kept me from falling asleep. I went to the game room and made an Xbox 360 and a couple games. I put in Call of Duty Black Ops 2 and started playing. I thought I might be able to connect to Xbox Live but then I realized time didn't move on Earth and that there was no internet here. I played zombies by myself for a while then played Mass Effect 3 then went to bed. I had more visions. I was going through a maze but it never ended until I had given a peice of paper and something else to a goat. It was extremely weird with all kinds of different things happening. I woke up at 8:34am and ate breakfast. I had nothing to do today so I decided to go out into the Everfree Forest and explore.

It was pretty exotic and unique compared to forests on Earth. Different animals and weird looking trees, all new to me. Eventually I got bored and went to the Canterlot Gardens. I followed something that looked like it came from Htaed. It was a pure black mist flying there. I need to know what it's doing. I teleported to my house and grabbed the body switch scroll, the mirror, and the bag of light then I went to find him. I walked around looking for it when I came up to the stone imprisonment that held Discord. It looked a bit funny so I decided to make funny faces at it. Now I get why people used to say I have child-like enthusiasm and attitude. I kept going until a piece of stone chipped off. When I saw that I fell on my ass and looked at the statue. Discord's statue then broke with a flash of light.

"Haha I'm free at last and..um is this the one you talked about Htaed?" Discord said stretching.

"Yes." Said Htaed as he disappeared.

"Well now to begin." He said putting a protective dome around this area and the castle. "Nothing gets in, nothing gets out now none of our powers effect each other very much so you're going to go though this maze without using any magic or ki or else you fail and I release Htaed or destroy everything." He is said making a maze appear.

"Ok then game on." I said pumped. He let out a long laugh and disappeared. Now I just got to go through the maze. There's 3 paths here, which one do I take?

ok there's ch9 hope you liked it along with the side story. NOTE: I am making all side story's into one with each ch being most likely 1 story so please read it and keep reading this story. IT FUELS ME so please MSIR AND I MEAN IT WHEN I SAY IT HELPS I'm trying to make good time so once again I'm sorry for the wait please follow and favorite thanks

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