
The Daredevil and the Bookworm

by DebsterFanatic

Chapter 2: 2. Mare in the Moon Part 2

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Thanks for the reviews/favorites/follows. Didn't expect it to get that much of them all but it happened. On with chapter two of our epic (Hopefully) tale. Enjoy it!

Warning: One part of fourth wall breaking in this chapter.

Everything went really quiet as Nightmare Moon released another evil laugh as lightning struck behind her. Why is it that lightning always strikes when the villain talks? Why not simply when two ponies are speaking. Why do you have to be the bad guy to have lightning? I want the lightning! Focus Dash, you can't get into a debate like this when the princess is in danger.

Mayor Mare was the first of us to say something, "Seize her! Only she knows where the Princess is!" Three Pegasus guards instantly rise up in the sky and towards Nightmare Moon.

"Stand back, you foals!" She shouts, and her eyes glow white and more lightning (Now it's just getting old) strikes down as she bellows out another laugh and the dark-blue mist surrounds her again and it's clear she is going to try and escape.

Oh-no she doesn't. Not this time! I grit my teeth and flap my wings, trying to escape from AJ's death-grip on my tail. Thankfully, due to the upper strength of being a Stallion, I manage to escape from her grip and I set off for the mist, exiting the hall in the progress, "Come back here!" But she is soon out of sight, and I stop, releasing a few pants, "Nighttime? Forever?" I frown to myself, releasing a sigh before something catches my sight.

Little Miss 'Fro-Head rushing out of the hall with Spike on her back.

"Where's she going?" I ask out loud as she disappears. With a suspicious expression, I fly back inside the hall, seeing everypony looking at me, as if hoping I managed to stop Nightmare Moon. I just shake my head and they all frown. The others approach me.

"Did y'all see Twilight? She ran outta 'ere faster than ah zap apple on ah sale day," Applejack noted as she looked between us.

"Oh, she went off to do..." I tried to decide on something a nerd like Twilight Sparkle would do, "Egghead things; read probably."

Pinkie Pie jumped up and down, "Let's go check and see!"

"Now, Pinkie, Sweetie, maybe we shouldn't. It's quite rude to burst into ones house uninvited," Rarity shook her head.

I crack a grin at the Unicorn, "Oh, but we are invited. The party, remember? Maybe we're just continuing it."

"That doesn't seem nice to just go-"

Before Fluttershy can continue, I look at Pinkie Pie, "Isn't that right, Pinkie? Wouldn't you want to continue your party?"

"At a time like this? I'm still playing the guessing game!" Pinkie shook her head but placed a hoof on her chin, "But then again, it would be fun to have a party. Like a goodbye to the sun!"

"And we can hold it in Twilight's place," I smirk brightly.

"You seem awfully in a rush to meet her," Rarity noted with a smile though it seemed more coy than sweet and innocent.

I quickly avoid looking at her eyes, turning a little red, "Well, uh, she knew a lot about Nightmare Moon! Who's to say she isn't working with her?" I quickly cover my stammer up and they seem to believe, "Okay! Let's go!" And with that said, I turned and flew off, heading for the library.

Not even bothering to knock, I kick the door down, seeing Twilight herself looking at multiple books, throwing them away as quickly as they appeared, "How can I stop Nightmare Moon without the Elements of Harmony?"

I needed to cover up the way I seemed in a rush to meet her and I swooped right in front of her, "And just what are the Elements of Harmony? And how do you know about Nightmare Moon? Are you a spy?!" I shout before releasing a yelp as I was dragged back and I look to see Applejack's mouth once again on my tail, "AJ, do you have a fetish for my tail or something? Because, I mean, it ain't that bad but still, weird." I said, oddly enough flirting with her to which she replies with a roll of her eyes.

"Simmer down, Johnny," Applejack replies to me once she let go of my tail, "She ain't no spy." The others enter, "But she sure knows what's goin' on-don't you Twilight?"

As we stared her down, she eventually bowed her head, "I read all about the prediction of Nightmare Moon. Some mysterious objects called the Elements of Harmony are the only things that can stop her." Elements of Harmony? Sounds lame, "But I don't know what they are, where to find them. I don't even know what they do!"

"'The Elements of Harmony'," We all turn to see Pinkie Pie looking at some book on a shelf, "'A reference guide'." Twilight rushes and knocks her out of the way.

"How did you find that?!" She asks, amazed as she looks around for the book.

Pinkie bounces across the room, smiling gleefully, "It was under 'E'!" She says in a sing-song voice.

"Oh," Twilight says and I fight to hold a laugh at her stupidness. Even I would have looked under there first! She moves in front of us and her horns glows as the books float and flips to a page, "There are Six Elements of Harmony, but only five are known; Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty and Loyalty. The sixth is a complete mystery. It is said the last known location of the five Elements was in the ancient castle of the royal pony sisters. It is now located in what is known as-"

As we then arrive at the Everfree Forest we all gulp, "The Everfree Forest?!" I stared at the darkness of the forest. Even I was a little frightened to go in there, so you knew it had to be scary.

"Wee! Let's go!" Pinkie shouts, eager of course to enter the life-or-death situation that was the forest.

"Not so fast," Twilight orders and Pinkie stops mid-hoof, "Look, I appreciate the offer. But I'd really rather do this on my own."

Applejack was quick to object, "No can do, Sugar Cube. We sure ain't lettin' any friend of ours go into that creepy place alone."

"Yeah, you might need a dashingly handsome stallion like me to rescue you when you get caught," I add in with a grin to Twilight as she rolls her eyes.

Applejack trots ahead and we all follow her, "We're stickin' to you like caramel on ah candy apple."

"Especially if there's candy apples in there!" Pinkie nods and smiles, "What? Those things are good?" She goes on ahead.

As we head off, I can hear Twilight following us and I grin. My words of encouragement must have worked. She most likely would need saving.


Later as we head on, me at the back after I insisted on doing it to check for suspicious activity. I soon hear Twilight asking if any of us have ever been in here. Rarity was quick to decline and Applejack was saying something about it not working right and Twilight was getting paranoid. Yadda-yadda-yadda. But I couldn't help but grin; Perfect Pony Scaring Time!

Slowly flying out from some shadows, I say slowly with a smirk, "No pony knows." I say to Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity. Getting down on my hooves, I stalk over towards them, "You know why?"

"Rainbow! Quit it!"

Of course I ignore AJ, "Because no pony who's ever come in...has never come...out!" I jump up at the last part, scaring them. Before I could even let out a victory laugh, the floor crumpled and everypony but me and Fluttershy fell down, "Fluttershy!" I shout to my best friend, "Quick!"

I dash down at once, quickly grabbing Pinkie Pie and placing her to safety. I notice Twilight hanging off the edge of a cliff and my eyes widen and I went to go get her when I noticed Applejack there. I floated downwards with Fluttershy just in case she slipped. They must have been talking because it took like a minute before AJ let go of Twilight and she shouted. Casually, I reach my hooves out and grab her, not needing Fluttershy's help as I strong for a young Stallion.

"What did I say? Told ya I'd save ya," I grin at her cockily as I float down, "Please, don't thank me, it was my pleasure."

"You wish," She states to me but she smiles a little in thanks once I let go of her gently.

Rarity sighed quite dramatically, "Thank Celestia we're all safe!"

"All thanks to me!" I pose in the air, "And...Fluttershy." I wave a hoof at her not so enthusiastic.

She let's out an eep before we continue on. Of course, I can't hold back on showing off, "And once Pinkie and Rarity were safe...whoosh!" I fly around them all, pleased as punch, "I looped the loop around and wham! Gotcha' right in time." I smirk as I walk alongside Twilight who doesn't seem amused.

"Yes, Rainbow, I was there. And I'm very grateful," She sends another smile at me and I can't help but grin mentally. Maybe she was warming up, "But we gotta-" A thud noise interrupts us and she gasps as we look ahead to see some lion with bat wings and ears and a scorpion tail, "A manticore!" Another roar, "We've gotta get past him!"

He lunges at Rarity and I'm shocked when she buck-kicks him in the face. Rarity's got some moves! That was until he roared right in her face and messed up her mane. She now adopted Twilight's previous look.

I was about to charge forward when I groan, seeing Applejack on top of the manticore. Tell me she's not gonna- nevermind, she is. She is riding it like a bull as it tries bucking her off which it eventually does. As she soars through the air, she smiles at me, "All yours, partner."

I salute her quickly, "I'm on it!" I rush past Fluttershy, ignoring whatever she said and spin around quickly around the manticore, so fast it was a rainbow tornado. But then I feel its' tail whack against my face as I crash across the air.


Ah, Twilight. Bless her, actually concerned for me. I smack down in front of the group, groaning in pain but I manage to stumble to my hooves and alongside the others. At once we stomp the ground and begin to charge at him.


I screech to a halt at the sound of Fluttershy's shouting voice. As she smiles at us and turns, trotting towards the manticore, I begin to think she has serious mental issues. Did she have a death wish or something?!

It raises it's paw to slash at her and I was about to charge when she started...soothing it? Yeah! She was assuring the manticore! The beast showed her his left paw, where quite a large splinter was on it's paw, "Aw you poor little baby."

"Little?" I say out loud.

Fluttershy assures the beast again and yanks the splinter out gently. The roar that follows nearly shattered my ear drum and we all shout out for her only to see the thing...licking her mane happily. I tilt my head but then grin as I trot ahead happily. As we continue on, I roll my eyes as Rarity complains before everything goes dark.

"That ancient rune could be right in our faces and we wouldn't even know it," Twilight says.

As we keep bumping into each other, the sound of Fluttershy screaming alerts me before suddenly we are surrounded by trees. Trees with teeth. Scary trees with teeth, I might add. As we all shout out in horror, a giggle alerts us and we blink at Pinkie Pie who was laughing at the trees.

Talk about laughing in the face of danger.

She makes several funny faces at the trees, giggling along the way.

"Pinkie, what are you doing?!" Twilight demands, "Run!"

"Oh girls, don't you see," Pinkie smiles brightly.

Out of nowhere, music starts to play. I let out a groan. Don't tell me the musical number for the episode is coming up now.

"When I was a little filly and the sun was going dowwwwwwn," Pinkie happily sang. It is.

"Tell me she's not," Twilight murmured.

"The darkness and the shadows they would always make me frowwwwwn," She seemed to be floating in mid-air as her head was above ours.

Rarity sighed, "She is."

"I'd hide under my pillow, from what I thought I saw," She began bouncing around, "But Granny Pie said that wasn't the way, to deal with fears at all."

"Then what is?" I ask only to recoil as Pinkie's nose touched mine.

"She said 'Pinkie, you've gotta stand up tall, learn to faces your fears'," She hopped towards a tree, "'You'll see that they can't hurt you, just laugh to make them disappear'." And in my opinion, Pinkie gave the worst laugh ever, "Ha-ha-ha." As we all gasp in shock as the tree turns to normal, "Sooooo...giggle at the ghosty!" As we all laugh at a tree, she starts to continue singing, "Guffaw at the grossly, crack up at the creepy, whoop it up with the weepy, chortle at the kooky, snortle at the spooky!" And then in a rapid tone and popping up between trees, she sang out, "And tell that big dumb scary face to take a hike and leave you alone and if he thinks he can scare you then he's got another thing coming and the very idea of such a thing just makes you wanna...hahahahahahaha!" As they began disappearing more and more she bellowed out, "Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaugh!"

As the musical number ends, we all fall flat on our backs, snorting with laughter, "Geez, Pinkie, you just had to burst out into song, didn't you?" I look over with a grin.

"Yep!" She exclaims.

I snicker for a moment as I roll over to the others, "That was fun! We gotta do that again sometime!"

"Definitely, partner," Applejack jokes with me.

Twilight stands up, "Come on, we better continue on."

"Geez, relax, Princess, we can chill," I assure her as I flash my dashing grin again at her as I skip off to add humor.

"PRINCESS?!" I hear Twilight shout from behind me and I smirk then.

"Eeyup," I say, dragging the word out.

We look at each other and can't help but burst out laughing, Pinkie's song still having the effect on us as we follow the pink mare off until we come to pause at what seemed to be a lake but it was bubbling water out.

Then a sort of crying noise rings out and we look out from a bush to see a purple sea monster fuss over something. Twilight then asks him why was he crying. Crying? More like blubbering like a baby.

"Well, I don't know! I was just sitting here, minding my own business when this tacky little cloud of purple smoke just whizzed past me and tore half of my beloved mustache clean off!" I blink at the serpent. Why does a snake have a mustache? It just makes no sense. "And now? I look simply horrid!" He splashes down on the water, soaking us all in water.

"Oh give me a break," I grumble, "He looks simply girly than horrid! Be a male!" I say. It was only now I realize I'm the only pony in the group of opposite gender and I blink.

"That's what all the fuss is about?" AJ seems to agree with me.

I jolt back as Rarity pops up, "Why of course it is! How can you be so insensitive?!" She trots forward, head held high, "Oh just look at him. Such lovely luminescent scales!" She strokes them, speaking in baby talk.

The two talk as if they're best friends. They might as well be. They both care way to much about their hair. I shake my wet mane side to side, running a hoof through it. Soon it sticks up in it's natural spiky way.

Then Rarity says something dramatic about fashion and she...bites a scale off him. What? She hungry? He wails like a little filly before she raises it into the air.


A cutting noise is heard and I fall to the ground.


"Um, Dash-"




"Rainbow Dash!"

The familiar voice makes me blink, "Rarity?" I ask, looking at her. She looks the same, except her tail is shorter and is on the other side of the serpents face.

I blink as Rarity casually disgards her tail, saying it will grow back, "So would the musstache." I muttered to Twilight who ignores me and instead notices we can cross the lake. As she trots across the water, the serpents body makes a sort of bridge for us and we hop over it.

"This isn't so bad," Twilight looks around the forest, "I can't believe we've managed to get so far." She continues on before she sees something that brightens up her expression, "There it is! The ruin that holds the Elements of Harmony. We made it!" I look to see the ruin, and notice Twilight rushing forward. Quickly we take after, "We're almost there!" She then yelps as she almost falls right off the edge.

With a roll of my eyes, I grab her tail between my teeth and drag her back, letting go and smirking at her, "What's with you and falling off cliffs today, Princess?" I tease her as she gets back up. We all approach the edge, looking over.

"Now what?" Pinkies asks.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her stupidity, "Duh." I wriggle my wings as she let's out an agreement of "oh yeah". I take off, going down and diving under the clouds and going back up with the other part of the rope in my mouth as I swoop to the other side, about to tell them to come over when I heard something echo my name. I drop the roop at once, looking to see some sort of dark-blue mist that soon disappears, "Who's there?" I demand. The voices rings again and I growl, "I ain't scared of you! Show yourself!" As I angrily trot ahead, it speaks again, more clearer.

"We've been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the best flyer in Equestria."

"Who?" I tilt my head slightly.

"Why, you of course."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing and let my glare be replaced with a grin, "Really?" I then realized how uncool I was acting and I smirk smugly, "Oh yeah, hey, uh, you wouldn't mind telling the Wonderbolts 'cause I've been trying to get into that group for like ever!"

"No, Rainbow Dash, we want you to join us!" The sound of trotting rings in my ears as I see three clad in costume ponies rush and stop in front of me. They wore costumes similar to the Wonderbolts, "The Shadowbolts!" The female of them exclaims. I quirk an imaginary eyebrow, "We're the greatest aerial team in the Everfree Forest! And soon we will be the greatest in all of Equestria. But first, we need a captain." She flies in front of me and I grin, "The most magnificent..."

"Yep," I agree as she flies around.


"Yes," I nod.

"Cutest," She says quite seductively as she hovers in front of my face and my grin becomes a little more goofier.


"Bravest flyer in all the land."

"Yes, it's all true," I say cockily.

"We need..." I feel her breath on my ear as she whispers, "You."

I fly up into the air, giving a whoop, "Woo-hoo! Sign me up!" I then notice the rope again and fly over to it, "Just let me tie this rope up real quick and then we have a deal." Before I can pick it up in my mouth, the female lands in front of me, shouting out;

"No! It's them or us!"

Talk about your midlife crisis. And I'm barely a stallion! Too young to have one! As I try to think of an answer, Twilight calls over, "Rainbow! What's taking so long?" I barely heard whatever she said next but I did hear her shout my name then.

I continued to think, mulling it over in my mind. Maybe they didn't need my help to stop Nightmare Moon, maybe the Elements of Harmony weren't in those ruins. If I helped them, it could turn out to be all just nothing and my chance to be known as the greatest flyer in Equestria would be ruined.

"Well?" The Shadowbolt asked.

I couldn't do it. I can't just abandon them. Turns out to be nothing or not, they're...my friends. And I can't give them up for something like this. Even if it was my dream, "You..." As she grins, I smile then, "Thank you...for the offer, I mean." I rush over and tie the rope onto a stone, "But, I'm afraid I have to say no." I fly off towards my friends, unaware of the fact the Shadowbolts turned into that dark-blue mist.

I land in front of them, smiling as they cheer and begin to cross the bridge while I fly over them, "Good job, Rainbow." Twilight smiles at me.

"See? I never leave my friends hanging," I smile and fly ahead for a moment. I look back to see Twilight smiling a little brighter and I can't help but say, "Especially not leaving the Princess screaming for help." I add and dash ahead to the front of the ruin as the others follow much slower, "Let's go!" I push the doors open and head inside.

As we all settle in, I stare at the large stone artifact with five circular pillars on it and a larger one in the middle. It wasn't a lie, they were really here!

"The Elements of Harmony!" Twilight says in excitement, "We found them!" I quickly rush up and grab up easily, not straining under the wait as I began to lay it down, "Careful...careful..." As I move a little to fast, Twilight shouts, "Careful!" And I begin to have thoughts as if she might be sexist. As the others set theirs up (With Twilight barely saying careful to them), Pinkie began counting and came up with five. If I recall, five wasn't enough.

"Where's the sixth?" I look around, as if it were somewhere else.

"The book said when the five are present, a spark will cause the sixth element to be revealed."

"What in the hay is that supposed to mean?" Applejack asks.

"I'm not sure but I have an idea," She adopts a frown, "Stand back, I don't know what will happen." As we move back, her horn glows and Applejack decides to lead us out of the room. I take a final glance back before trotting down.

No sooner as we left, we heard a shout and headed back in. That dark-blue mist from before was back and so I headed off quickly after it but it disappeared...along with Twilight and the elements!

"Huh? Where'd she go?" I fly around the place. I go unnoticed as everypony else is voicing their thoughts. As we begin searching around, Rarity notices a light in a different part of the ruins and once again AJ leads us. Why can't I do that?! I'm cooler than dumb ol' Applejack.

As we continue, I groan as the others start saying stuff that they'll be there soon. It was cute, but kinda sappy. As we head up and eventually see Twilight...and Nightmare Moon! I barely manage to hear what's she saying but something else catches my attention.

The elements were broken but the crystals began to twitch.

"Applejack who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of Honesty!" I'm not hearing this, am I? Several bits start surrounding her.

"Fluttershy who tamed the manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of Kindness!" And those crystals start surrounding her and I blink.

"Pinkie Pie who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger-" More like singing in it, "-represents the spirit of Laughter!" Pinkie had a maniacal grin as they covered her.

"Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift, represents the spirit of Generosity!"

Aw man, those guys are lucky. They get dramatic lines from a Unicorn and get to be something cool and have stuff floating around them.

"And Rainbow Dash," I pause. Wait? Did she just say my name? From the way she shot me a smile definitely answers me right, "Who could not abandon his friends for his own hearts desire represents the spirit of Loyalty!"

I gape with a goofy smile as I have my own crystals surrounding me, and I note a red tint to them.

"The spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us!" Twilight says and I found the way she's speaking pretty darn awesome.

Nightmare Moon looks kind of scared but refuses to believe it, "You still don't have the sixth element! The Spark didn't work!"

"But it did," Twilight says like a total bad-flank, "A different kind of spark." She turns towards us, "I felt it, the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you. The spark ignited in me-" Tears come to her eyes. Oh man, she's getting sappy, "-made me realize that you all..." She turns around towards Nightmare Moon, "Are my friends!" Above us a light shines and we all look up to see another stone pillar with a star on it come down and float on top of Twilight, "You see, Nightmare Moon when those elements are ignited by the...the spark that resides in the heart of us all it creates the sixth element! The element of; Magic!"

With that said, I soar up into the air, feeling the bits go towards under my neck and forming a necklace as a crown appears on Twilight's head and out from all of our necklaces shoots out...a rainbow. Really?! Our weapon is something like me?! THAT'S SO COOL!

It comes flooding down towards Nightmare Moon, striking her and wrapping around her quickly. As she screams, I was about to say something before everything...just went back.

My eyes awaken sometime later, and I release a groan as I lift my head up, "Oh...my head." I then pause as I notice something on top of me. Not something, somepony. My faces turns about fifty shades of red as I see Twilight resting on top of me. Didn't get worse then, she was sorta snuggling into me.

As Twilight began waking up, I notice the crown on her head again. Heh, she was definitely a princess. But then she looked up at her eyes stared into mine; cerise met lavender and she blushed and got off of me, stammering out apologies.

"It's cool Princess," I say before noticing Rarity and the others staring at their necks. I look down at my own, seeing how it was red and in the style of a lightning bolt, "Awwwww yeah!" I laugh out loud, the awkwardness from before slowly leaving.

"Gee Twilight, ah thought you were jus' spoutin' ah lot of hooey," Applejack and we look at her, "But ah reckon we really do represent the elements of friendship."

"Indeed you do," A voice calls and a light shines at the window as it looks like the sun is moving towards us and a ball floats in front of us and changes into the Princess! Instantly I get down and bow in respect to her.

I watch as Twilight and her have a quite heartwarming scene and I feel giddy as I hear Twilight say we were friends again and I couldn't help but smile. Then as Princess Celestia walked towards Nightmare Moon, who now looked small and innocent, a regular old pony if it weren't for the horn and wings that showed royalty. Turns out they are sisters!. As Celestia offered her sister a second chance, my heart thumped as I awaited her reply.

Let's just say I grinned brightly once she accepted her sisters apology (And I didn't shed any tears, unlike Pinkie Pie...).

Later, a huge party all over Ponyville began as we celebrated the return of Nightmare Moon- wait, Princess Luna. But all of a sudden, Celestia and Twilight were talking and it seemed like she would have to go back to Canterlot...

"Spike, take a note, please," Celestia smiled and the little dragon did so, scribbling down her words, "'I Princess Celestia, hereby degree that the Unicorn Twilight Sparkle shall take on a new mission for Equestria." A flicker of hope shoots through me, "'She must continue to study the magic of friendship. She must report to me her findings from her new home in Ponyville."

"YES!" I shout and rush to Twilight's side as we all did.

"Thank you Princess Celestia, I'll study even harder than before!" Twilight smiles and we all cheer brightly.

As the party goes on (With me downing a ton of cupcakes) and everypony is happy. Even the princesses stuck around for awhile. Currently I was in the middle of a apple-cider (Courtsey of Sweet Apple Acres) drinking contest between me and Spike. The little dragon wasn't enough for my awesomeness and I soon won and I laugh, "Take that!" I shout as Spike laughs instead of getting mad and he heads off to talk with Rarity.

As I turned around, I noticed Twilight looking at me and I grin, "Oh, hey, Twilight."

"Hey, Rainbow," She looks odd, nervous even as she shuffles from one hoof to another, "I just wanted to thank you for earlier." As I look blank she chuckles, "Saving my life?"

"Oh yeah!" I nod, shrugging, "It's no big deal. Just a day in the life of me." I say with a smile.

"Still, it means something to me," Twilight turns a little red, "And you also gave up your dream to help us-even if it weren't exactly real."

"Na, it's cool," I shrug it off again before I feel a pair of lips touch my cheek. As Twilight pulls back from kissing my cheek, I turn bright red.

"Well, um, thanks," She says as she trots off.

Looking after her like a struck fool, I let a little dumb grin escape and even a chuckle.

Having her around was going to be good.

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Next Chapter: 3. The Ticket Master Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 41 Minutes
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