

by shadowmist1

Chapter 1: 1. prologue

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I hate this place. It's pitch black and severely cold. I'm just lucky I have the abilities to survive here. Any mortal even with the best tech their world could offer would die within the first few minutes here. Luckily though I'm not a mortal. My name is Desmond God of the shadows. I am six foot five, African american, I have black hair, brown eyes, I have black wings, wear all black with silver bracelets that have symbol etched into them.

I Guess I should begin my story about how I even became a god when I wasn't always one. Though however reluctant I am to do so I feel as though I should write down the events I went through for others to learn from. Well It actually started here in the shadow realm. I had just stolen from the penumbra castle and was flying away at extremely high speeds. At this time I wasn't wearing the black clothing I wore now for that is one of the things I had stolen as well as the silver bracelets which I now had on my wrist. I wore a simple white shirt, blue pants, black sandals, and a back pack that held what I had stolen.

I had gotten at least ten miles out before I heard an explosion coming from the direction of the castle. I stopped flying turned around hovering in place. From my position I could still see the castle clearly but there was a difference. Standing in front of the now half destroyed castle was a creature so huge and horrific that I can't and never will be able to be able to describe. It was looking right at me which would have scared most but I took it in stride I fear nothing.

"I WARNED YOU ONCE DESMOND NOW I WILL SHOW NO MERCY!" The monster bellowed then sprouting wings from it's back flew towards me faster than it should be able.

"Come and get me you pussy!" I yelled back at then turned back around and flew away twice a fast as I was before. That didn't do much for me because the monster was closing in and fast.


"Can't you use your inside voice your giving me a headache!" I yelled back at him which only seemed to get him even more furious because not a second later a ball of fire shot at me which I just barely missed. "Shit you getting serious now aren't."

I dodged fire balls left and right and it was slowing me down a lot. The monster was catching up with me and quickly.

"Shit I can't keep going on like this." I thought to myself as forced myself to fly faster.

By this point the monster had decided to upgrade from fireballs to black lighting bolts which immediately hit my wings setting them on fire. I started falling fast and the monster was gaining on me.

"No, no, no it can't end like this I promised her I can't die yet." I yelled angrily knowing that if I hit the ground the monster would kill me. Unbeknownst to me though the symbols on my bracelets were beginning to glow a deep red.

The ground was closing in fast but I still felt no fear instead I closed my eyes and accepted my fate. By now the symbols on the bracelets were glowing very brightly so brightly that the light got through my eyelids. The last thing I saw when I opened my eyes was the dark, cold ground.

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