
Recite the Multiverse

by YouAreMyHappilyEverAfter

Chapter 1: 1. Continuity

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DISCLAIMER: This continues from the Prologue series and not the Classic series, though certain elements from Classic will be present, Percy and his friends will not be on board for this book. It is also noted, that though there may be an elaborate plot in store for you, the plot may be ridiculously overrated. One more disclaimer is that there will be blood. Lots and lots of blood. Enjoy.

Recite the Multiverse

Chapter 1: Continuity

Zim had finally found the apartment to replace his destroyed base further into greater New York, in a place known as Loctat Knight Apartments. Thankfully, the Voot cruiser wasn't as crowded as it was yesterday, as Percy and Wolf hadn't had their homes destroyed, and went home to them respectively. Vir and Rav had decided that they would move in with Zim and his friends, because the hotel that they had been staying in had overcharged them by 500%* and the hotel was possibly one of the rattiest, dirtiest, most smelly things that had the nerve to place itself in the universe.

Aaron had decided he would follow as well, because he had to or he would be incinerated by Vir, who had a remote detonator for the MiniSIR in his PAK.

The three pets that the group had been acquainted with were sitting patiently inside Kat's PAK's ZPEHSV (Zero-Point Energy Hammer Space Void) that she had acquired with an upgrade. C.L.A.I.R.E's memory disk had been crushed into powder and sent back to the Massive for incineration. Hector had completely disassembled his rocket launcher and tossed it into his book bag.

Hector didn't have a place to go home to, due to the fact that he burned every place he called home to the ground with some kind of altered machine. At this point he found it comical, but others called him a complete nut case because of it.

However, when Zim asked about Hector's residential situation, he just replied, "I ran away."

Kat was still hopelessly amnesiac, and therefore thought she wouldn't need anything to call home other than the couch in the living room.

Lee remained mindlessly loyal to Zim in his zombified state, and was completely happy to leave the earth a lifeless, floating ball of dirt hurling towards the sun (worst case scenario) or a twisted dystopia of happy human freaks with giant nails in their heads who bow to the Irken empire (best case scenario). He would also be leaving his terrarium at the site of the destruction of the base, as though it was destroyed, it was still full of supplies and such that the terrarium's occupants would need to use.

When everyone had loaded the few belongings they had into the trunk of the Voot cruiser, Zim locked GIR in the trunk so that he wouldn't be singing anything stupid on the way, then he hopped right on in.

"So, is this going to be any different from yesterday or are you just going to let us slowly die of crushing?" said Vir.

"The latter," said Zim. "Suck it up and shrink. We have a bit of a ride ahead of us."

Vir scoffed and rolled his eyes, then everyone got into the Voot cruiser, creating a giant ball of humans, domesticated animals, and Irkens that only barely fit into the cruiser.

"Right-o," said Zim, and he reached for the joystick, but he stopped himself and turned around. "First, does anyone need a toilet break?"

A chorus of "no" sounded from the group.

Tak began to say otherwise, then farted. "Never mind."

"That's a no, then," said Zim, and he started up the Voot. "AND WE'RE OFF!"

The Voot covered itself in an invisibility shield that gave a shimmering effect to everything that could be seen through the ship, then it sped off.

This was something that Dib could not let happen.

Dib, who was being dragged into his house by his sister, Gaz, had seen the whole thing, and was very much enraged by the idea that Zim was on his way to an area where Dib could not see to it that he was captured for government research. Not to mention horrified.

Dib threw his hand from Gaz' grip, and pulled a grappling hook out of his pants (considering the fact that we have no idea where he hides all that crap).

"EARTH MUST LIVE!" Dib chose these words unwisely, and fired his grappling hook at the invisible Voot cruiser.

Inside the Voot cruiser, three spikes made their way into the underside of the hole, and stabbed Lee in a VERY uncomfortable area- the underside of his foot (what did you expect?)

"What the heck?" Lee asked himself; he repositioned his foot to see through the cracks that the grapple left behind in stabbing the ship, he could only see a really big head angrily making its way up the grapnel line, and man, we could talk for hours about how ridiculously enormous that head was, almost as big as a curled-up Bombay cat.

Lee looked up. "Hey, Zim! There's a giant head trying to get into the ship!"


"Scratch that, it's Dib!"

"Dib? DIB? For Irk's sake, does that human have a life?" Zim began a high-g turn of the Voot cruiser to shake Dib from the hull, eventually flinging him into the air and off of the grapple line, causing him to land on the back of the invisible ship, near the boosters.

"I don't give up that easy, Zim!" said Dib, he ran along the hull and reached the windshield, at least, where he calculated it was, and used his scythe of a cowlick as a crowbar to wrench the shield off of the Voot cruiser, it cracked a bit, and a few shards fell off like the sound of crunching plastic.

"Clockwise turn, Zim! CLOCKWISE!" Tak shouted.

"WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT?" Zim screamed, and he spun the steering wheel, then he let science do the rest.

"A FANCY SPINNING TRICK ISN'T GOING TO HELP YOU NOW, ZIM!" Dib shouted, at least, that's what he would say if he wasn't knocked off of the ship by a renegade billboard.

Comically, when Dib was knocked off, he ripped a chunk out of the billboard, and continued spinning like he had been earlier as he shot toward the ground. He thought this was the end for him, until he realized he was holding the chunk of billboard that he kicked off, and used it to glide stealthily towards the Voot cruiser, still spinning in high-G circles that made him vomit off-camera.

Unfortunately for the amateur paranormal investigator, a pigeon obstructed his flight pattern, and he spun in uneven circles towards ongoing traffic. He lost grip of his billboard chunk, which flew into a street sign that was conveniently surrounded by explosive barrels of nitroglycerin. The street sign flipped over and stabbed one of the explosive barrels, blowing it and its brethren up and cushioning Dib's fall; not harming any cars in the process, of course.

Dib landed safely on the ground, and began running for the ship, which still had his deployed grappling hook attached to it. Of course, nobody noticed.

"I think we lost him," said Kat.

"Ya think?" said Zim.

"Yeah, I think, you have a problem with that?"

"Not at all."

Lee carefully pushed the spikes out of the floor of the Voot cruiser so that the flight pattern could run smoothly. The grapple line fell to the ground, denting some poor schmuck's car, and leaving Dib with only the three floating holes in the sky to follow.

"Nonononono," said Dib, running through the wilderness next to the highway to get to his objective. Finally, he ran out of breath, and collapsed in an open area of the wilderness. "Fuck."

Hector looked out the back window, then looked at the camera with a random mustache on his face. "That escalated quickly." Hector ripped off the mustache. "Where did this come from?"

"Throw it away, it's junk," said Vir.

Hector shoved the mustache into a trash can nearby. "Are we there yet?"

Zim pointed a laser pistol into Hector's face. "I'm not even going to tell you to shut up."

"Yes, sir," said Hector, and he promptly shut up.

"Anyone else want to know if we're there yet?" Zim asked.

Another chorus of "no" sounded from the group in the back.

"Good, moving on," said Zim.

The Voot sailed over the earth with a peaceful machine hum emanating from the booster rockets, it reached Loctat Knight Apartments at midnight, and the occupants of the Voot cruiser retired into their beds in room 9:17 on the ninth floor.


Seamless, isn't it? It may have gone a bit too fast for the liking of the average reader, but chapter one of Prologue had also gone by quite quickly. I promise that the next one will go more slowly.

*Yes, we will be filling this story with numbers like in Prologue, it has to seem similar.

And in other news, Code LYOKO is now on Netflix, which is completely irrelevant to the story.

Next Chapter: 2. Universal Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 30 Minutes
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