
The Derek Hicks Chronicles:First Contact Equestria

by Master Derek

Chapter 5: 5. Relations

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Chapter 4: Relations

Canterlot recreation area, Equestria

August 5th 2728

Well guess what Pinkie threw a huge party for Hicks and the others. All of Purple team came down to the surface as well as Morgan and Tom. The birds had also come down to Equestria. They were now eating all manna of vegetables and fruit.

"Ya got any chicken?" Fernando asked.

"YOU EAT CHICKENS?!" Fluttershy nearly feinted.


"What's steak?" Applejack asked.

"The meat of a cow cooked on a grill and it's so damn good!"

That did it Fluttershy feinted.

"Uh is she alright?" Donut asked.

"Your people eat the flesh of animals?" Twilight asked.

"Well yeah kinda. Don't knock it til ya try it! Hamburgers, steak, Chicken nuggets, turkey."

Fluttershy was trying to get back up but she feinted again.

"Here in equestria all we eat is vegetables and fruit." Twilight explained.

"Well this may sound like a weird question." Anthony said. "How do you guys date?"

"Date?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah ya know date; romantic night with a boy and a girl, end up kissing in the end."

"Well we have dating yes but sometimes we have ponies who like to 'date' ponies of there same gender."

"What about Dash over there she must have dated every single mare on this planet!"

"No she's strait as can be."

'Fuck logic!' Anthony thought.

"LET'S PARTY!" Pinkie yelled.

"Ugh, where's the beer." Anthony asked.

"Beer?" Applejack asked.

"Something with alcohol in it."

"Well here's some of the Apple family apple cider." Applejack gave him a mug of her famous cider.

He chugged it down.

"There's alcohol in this?"


"LET'S HAVE A PARTY!" Anthony had now downed 3 mugs of the cider.

"Great Anthony found the alcohol." Hicks said.

Anthony was now dancing with Pinkie Pie.

"May I have this dance?" Hicks asked Morgan.


"Yo Vinyl!"

The white pony with all shades of blue rock hair looked over.

"Play this!"

(Telling the World- Taio Cruz)

Hicks and Morgan began to slow dance to the song. As well as Blu and Jewel. And Anthony was so drunk that he couldn't tell he was dancing with Pinkie.

Fluttershy had unfeinted and began to jam to the beat. Dash was even dancing a little bit.

HellChurch and Tex started dancing with each other. Donut tried to Dance with Grif but he told him to "Fuck off!" So Donut danced with Rarity.

"Fuck it!" Fernando said.

He started to dance with Twilight.

A drunken Spartan, a crazy partiest, a high powered admiral, his girlfriend, a heavy weapons guy, a brainiac pony, 2 azure birds, a couple of AI fragments, a girly guy and a strive-to-be-brilliant dress maker were all dancing to music.

"Hey Rainbow!" Applejack said.



(Just to let you know I appose the AppleDash pairing or well any Dash lesbian cases. I rest my case.)

(Song end)

"Yo Vinyl!" Pedro said. "Toss this on."

(Party Rock Anthem- LMFAO)

At this point not even Celestia could keep from dancing. Everyone began to dance to the Party Rock.

Nico and Pedro began to sing along to it.

"Just because they're pre-industrial doesn't mean they can't though a great party!" Logan exclaimed.

"SHAKE THAT!" Pedro and Nico exclaimed.

Jewel sung along to the song too. Blu thought it was the most beautiful thing ever. Hicks thought that Morgan jumping up on the table and dancing the party rock was better.

The scene was amazing. Pinkie and Anthony. Fernando and Twilight. Hicks and Morgan. Donut and Rarity. Blu and Jewel. Church and Tex. And everyone else was dancing to the most addicting song in the galaxy or well THE MULTIVERSE!

(Song end)

A few hours later Fernando asked a question that should never be asked.

"Hey Dash?"


"You wanna cupcake."

"NO NEVER AGAIN!" She ran away.

"What was that about?" Hicks asked.

"I asked her if she wanted a cupcake."

"Fernando, cupcakes are the single most evil pastry EVER! I wouldn't eat a cupcake!"

"What's so bad about cupcakes?"

"Trust me you do not want to know." Hicks walked back to the party.

Fernando threw the cupcake away.

Tucker was again trying to pick up chicks.

"I dig a chick with a foreign accent!"

"TUCKER! They are ponies!" Church yelled.

"I'll take what I can get! Bow Chicka Bow wow!"

Hicks and Morgan were now dancing to (Thnks Fr Th mmrs- Fallout boy).

"So is this like your favorite song?"

"Well kinda; it's my favorite band."

Hicks and Morgan continued to dance to the music.

(Song end)

Meanwhile Anthony was drinking his emergency Brazilian ale. He was now so drunk. He passed out a few minutes later.

Meanwhile Hicks and Celestia were having a conversation outside the party.

"So what is the history of your nation?"

"Well we started off as 3 tribes: The pegasi, the unicorns, and the earth ponies. In a short story we united and formed equestria."

"Has there ever been any wars?"

"Not since the formation of Equestria."

"Well humans have had a lot of wars. Mostly with ourselves. But more recently was a war with aliens."


"Yes they were called the covenant. They wanted to wipe out the entire human race and almost wiped out the whole galaxy."

"Then I'm grateful that you stopped them."

"Well not me personally. It was more on a Spartan name John-117."

Hicks and Celestia went on and on about the history of humanity and equestria.

"So what about that other ship?"

"The other ship? I have no idea what it's doing on your moon but I'll find out soon."


Interesting party! Well now that is the second party of the story! I'm writing this chapter 1 day before I released the first chapter!

Next Chapter: 6. Intentions Estimated time remaining: 26 Minutes
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