
YuGiOh! Friendship is Magic

by moviemaster8510

Chapter 7: Rarity's Epiphany

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This chapter's featured card: Gem-Knight Pearl

Xyz Monster Rank: 4 ATK: 2600 DEF: 1900 Attribute: EARTH Type: Rock

2 Level 4 Monsters

Around 11 in the morning the next day, Rainbow Dash was waiting, getting restless. "Where is he?" she grumbled. Soon a large blue dragon with red wings that was about 1 ½ times bigger than her swooped down from over the buildings. She got frightened and flew up. The dragon gave chase after her. Despite Rainbow Dash's great speed, the dragon was right on her tail. She then tried to evade it by stopping just above a cloud. It looked as if the dragon was fooled. She took a sigh of relief. Suddenly, Alex's head appeared through the cloud, which spooked Rainbow again, but upon seeing her new friend instead of the dragon, she didn't run away. He was wearing a pair of aviator goggles. "Hey, Rainbow Dash," said Alex. "Oh thank goodness it's you Alex," responded Rainbow Dash. "I was just chased by this HUGE dragon and- wait, how are YOU flying?" Alex ascended slowly revealing that he was riding on the back of the dragon that was chasing Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash screamed, but Alex told her to calm down. She took a second to look at her friend on the dragon and she was calming down. "Rainbow Dash, this is Zephyr, my salamence." "A what?" asked Rainbow Dash. "A salamence is a type of dragon from where I'm from. He's actually very friendly, but a bit playful. Sorry for us scaring you." Rainbow Dash tried to brush it off. "I wasn't scared. I knew it was you all along." "Right," responded Alex sarcastically. "Anyways, I'm here. Ready to fly?" "Always!" responded Rainbow Dash with vigor. She then flew fast down towards the earth, with Alex and Zephyr diving down with her. She started doing flips and twists in the air, showing off to Alex. Zephyr in his playful state of mind began to do his own tricks. He did a pretzel barrel roll, doing a downward loop while spinning its body around 3 times. Rainbow Dash, not to be outdone, decided to go all out early with a buccaneer blaze. While impressed, Alex gave a glance to Zephyr who gave a nod to him, confirming that they knew what they were going to do. Alex detatched himself from Zephyr's harness and let go of the handlebars that were attatched to them. He then took hold of his tail, and with that Zephyr did a tight backflip, and used the momentum to whip his tail upward, sending Alex careening towards the sky. Alex was high above the clouds when he started to freefall. He flew straight downwards with Zephyr chasing him. They were then flying close to each other and Alex grabbed hold of the handlebars and fastened himself into the harness. Alex then tucked his chin close into Zephyr's neck. Zephyr then breathed a small blue ball of fire down about 200 feet in front of them, which he flew straight into. The ball of flame then erupted into a massive inferno that engulfed Alex and Zephyr. They continued flying though, forming what looked like a comet with a fiery blue tail. Zephyr's horned face fanned the fire from Alex's body, keeping it safe. Rainbow was stunned. She chased quickly after them. She knew that in order to catch up to them at this point there was only one thing to do: a sonic rainboom. Having done this twice in her life, she was more comfortable being able to do it. She did it much more easily this time, and she was flying with a rainbow tail behind her. Alex and Rainbow Dash were now both neck and neck. They then flew towards the sky corkscrewing around each other forming a flaming rainbow pillar. Zephyr then extinguished the flame by doing a small flamethrower attack. They both then made their way toward the ground and landed. Rainbow Dash looked at Alex who had his hair pulled all the way back from the wind, and his clothes were covered in soot. Rainbow Dash couldn't hold back her laughter and let it all out on the ground.

They then started walking towards the theater so they humans could teach the ponies about duel monsters. "Wow!" said Rainbow Dash. "I've seen some great flyers, but you truly are something." "Thanks," responded Alex. "I always love flying. There's always some kind of euphoria I get from being in the air like that. And you're not bad yourself. In fact, I think that you're pretty amazing too." "Thanks," responded Rainbow Dash.

Once they got into the theater, everybody was waiting patiently: Twilight, Spike, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy were all standing by the stage, and Rainbow Dash joined them. "Hi, Rainbow Dash," greeted Twilight. Since every pony was there, they could begin. Charley came up and explained the basic mechanics of the game and some of the basic rules, and in about 3 hours of questions and answers, all the ponies and Spike seemed to have a firm grasp on the rules. Next, it was time to get them their decks and duel disks. Orion had designed a duel disk modeled from a standard D-Pad, except the graveyard was perpendicular to the wrist instead of parallel, and the zones didn't fold into 90° like a normal D-Pad does. Another added feature was a hand holder that was located on the bottom left side of the D-Pad screen part. Another feature not added to other D-Pads was that it had holographic projectors, so the ponies would not need a D-Gazer. This was all made for the convenience of the ponies. There were 6 made for each pony plus a normal standard D-Pad for Spike.

Each pony lined up for their deck. A large pile of them were on the stage floor. Rainbow Dash being more excited than anyone pushed her way in to go first. Alex seeing her love for flying firsthand suggested a Gusto/Mist Valley deck, which was a WIND attribute deck. Rainbow Dash loved it immediately and quickly asked Alex to be her first opponent, which he gladly accepted. Next up was Pinkie Pie. Charley, seeing her love for surprises, thought a flip effect deck would be a perfect fit for her. "Now, Pinkie Pie," said Charley forebodingly, "knowing your personality, I thought this deck may be good for you, but the monster images on this card can be a bit frightening." "Oh come on, how bad can it be?" asked Pinkie Pie. She showed her a Worm deck, and all of the grotesque designs of the monsters that came with it. However, to Charley's surprise, Pinkie Pie just giggled incessantly. "These monsters don't bother you at all?" asked Charley. "Oh, Charley," said Pinkie Pie. Then she began to sing, "When I was a little fil-" "Thank you, I think I understand," interrupted Charley. She gave Pinkie Pie her deck and disk and she giddily bounced away. Next up was Spike. He asked Charley if she had any FIRE decks. She said the only archetypical one she had was a Jurrac/Evol combo deck. He took a look and saw that the dinosaur monsters on the cards had a similar shape to him and he saw the cool looking xyz dragon monsters in the deck. He happily accepted it with his duel disk. Next was Applejack. Maddie knew what kind of deck she was perfect for. Being such a strong and fierce pony deserved a strong and fierce EARTH deck. She handed Applejack an X-Saber deck. Applejack grinned as she browsed her soon-to-be deck. "Maddie, you seem to know me like I know the back of my hoof." "You're welcome," said Maddie. She gave Applejack a duel disk and she went. Next was Twilight. She rummaged through the decks that were laid out, but none seemed to tickle her fancy, much to her dismay. Orion then took a deck out of a case attached to his waist and laid it down next to the other decks when she wasn't looking. "How about this one, Twilight?" he asked. She looked at Orion's erstwhile deck full of Spellcaster type monsters. She seemed to be glowing. "Yes, this is perfect!" she shouted in joy. "Thanks, Orion." She went over to him and hugged him. Orion returned the embrace. "You're welcome, Twilight." She then ran off with a duel disk. "You seriously gave your prized Spellcasters deck for her?" asked Charley. "What can I say?" responded Orion. "It suits her." "What about you?" asked Charley. Orion took a deck from the pile and put it in his case. "It's my Six Samurai backup," said Orion. Charley nodded. Next up was Fluttershy. She seemed to be reluctant, but Charley, knowing her love of nature knew she was perfect for a Naturia deck. She looked at the various cards consisting of plants, insects, and animalistic synchro monsters. She happily stated, "Yes Charley. This is perfect." She was given a duel disk and she went away. Last up was Rarity, who seemed reluctant to even step forward. Charley gave Rarity a duel disk with a deck in it to try and keep her from changing her mind. "C'mon Rarity," tempted Charley. "I'll let myself be your first opponent." Rarity reached her breaking point. "I can't do it!" she said. "I will not subject myself to this crass spectacle, and nothing you can say or do can convince me!" "But-" said Charley. Rarity interrupted her. "NO BUTS! I'm not playing and that's final!" She turned away from her and stuck her nose in the air. Maddie then nonchalantly commented, "You won't duel her even though you made a promise to. You really are as stubborn as a mule." Rarity then got quite angry for being subject to an insult regarding the word "mule." She turned around and faced Charley. "Oh, It. Is. ON!" she fumed as she put her duel disk on her wrist. Charley then took out her D-Pad and put her deck in the deck slot. Both of their zones came out. Charley had a standard blue D-Pad so her zones folded 90° and didn't have holographic projectors, but since Rarity did, she didn't need her D-Gazer. Everyone stopped to watch the two square off (including Alex and Rainbow Dash who finished early). They both drew five cards from their decks. "DUEL!" they both shouted.

Rarity vs. Charley

Rarity's Turn: Rarity plays Gem Knight Fusion, fusing Gem Knight Crystal and Gem Knight Garnet from her hand to fusion summon Gem Knight Citrine (ATK: 2200 DEF: 1950). Next, she activates De-Fusion, sending Gem Knight Citrine to the extra deck to special summon Gem Knight Crystal (ATK: 2450 DEF: 1950) and Gem Knight Garnet (ATK: 1900 DEF: 0) from the graveyard. Next, she summons Gem Armadillo (ATK: 1700 DEF: 500). When Gem Armadillo has been successfully normal summoned, Rarity can add 1 Gem Knight monster to her hand from her deck. Next, Rarity overlays Gem Knight Garnet and Gem Armadillo to xyz summon Gem Knight Pearl (ATK: 2600 DEF: 1900).

Rarity places 1 card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-4000 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-1

Charley's Turn: Charley summons Vision Gishki (ATK: 700 DEF: 500). Next, she plays the spell Gishki Ceremonial Mirror and sacrifices Vision Gishki to ritual summon Evigishki Soul Ogre (ATK: 2800 DEF: 2800). Charley activates the effect of Evigishki Soul Ogre. By discarding 1 Gishki Monster, she can send one face up card back to the deck. She chooses Gem Knight Crystal. Evigishki Soul Ogre attacks Gem Knight Pearl. Rarity activates Invincible Hero, negating Gem Knight Pearl's destruction. Damage is still applied.

Rarity's Life Points: 4000 - 3800

Charley places 1 card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-4000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

"Hey," complained Rarity. "This is my first duel. Go easy on me." "Sorry, but I never go easy on my opponents," said Charley with an unusually cruel tone to her voice, "and neither will your future opponents. If you want to win, just try and duel better than me!" "Fine," said Rarity. "Here goes."

Rarity's Turn: Rarity plays the spell Xyz Gift, detaching 2 xyz materials from an xyz monster she controls to draw 2 cards, choosing Gem Knight Pearl. Next, she summons Gem Knight Tourmaline (ATK: 1600 DEF: 1800). Next, she equips Invigoration onto Gem Knight Pearl which increases its ATK by 400, but lowers its DEF by 200 (ATK: 2600 - 3000, DEF: 1900 - 1700). Gem Knight Pearl attacks Evigishki Soul Ogre.

Charley's Life Points: 4000 - 3800

Charley activates her Card of Last Will, drawing 5 cards if a monster of hers is destroyed or loses ATK. Gem Knight Tourmaline attacks Charley directly.

Charley's Life Points: 3800 - 2200

Rarity places 1 card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-3800 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-1

"Nice play," said Charley. She then looked at her hand and grew an evil smirk on her face. "Get ready to taste some heavy damage."

Charley's Turn: Charley summons Gishki Chain (ATK: 1800 DEF: 1000). When it's summoned, Charley can check the top 3 cards on her deck. If they are Ritual Monsters or Ritual Spell Cards, she can add them to her hand. There is an Evigishki Tetrogre and a Gishki Ceremonial Mirror among them, so they are added to her hand. The other card is sent back to the top of the deck. Charley plays the spell Double Summon, summoning Gishki Abyss from her hand (ATK: 800 DEF: 500). With Gishki Abyss's effect, Charley can add 1 Gishki monster from her deck to her hand. Next, she plays another Gishki Ceremonial Mirror and sacrifices Gishki Chain and Gishki Abyss to ritual summon Evigishki Tetrogre (ATK: 2600 DEF: 2100). She plays her trap Ritual Buster, forbidding the opponent from activating spell and trap cards until Charley's next Standby phase. Next, she equips Megamorph onto it, doubling its ATK (ATK: 2600 - 5200). She attacks Gem Knight Tourmaline.

Rarity's Life Points: 3800 - 200.

Because Rarity's life points are lower than Charley's, Evigishki Tetrogre's ATK is halved due to Megamorph's effect. (ATK: 5200 - 1300).

Charley places 2 cards face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-2200 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2

"Charley, you become quite ruthless when you duel. Is your usually kind demeanor just a façade of yours?" asked Rarity, still weak from the last attack. "No," responded Charley. "I just have a lack of kindness when I duel. If I let my feelings hold me back, I can never play to the best of my abilities. You should learn the same, Rarity. Instead of receding into your state of comfort, grab life by the horns and take hold. That's how you make your mark in life." Rarity was shocked by her friend's words, but she knew she was right. "So what are you waiting for?" asked Charley. "Make your mark!"

Rarity's Turn: Rarity ends her turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-200 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

Charley sighed with disbelief. "Even after all that, you still want to give up." Rarity bowed her head in apparent shame. "Fine then," said Charley returning to her ruthless attitude.

Charley's Turn: Charley activates her trap Gift Card and increases Rarity's life points by 3000.

Rarity's Life Points: 200 - 3200.

Rarity's life points are higher than Charley's, so Evigishki Tetrogre's ATK is doubled again (ATK: 1300 - 5200). Next, she summons Gishki Shellfish (ATK: 1700 DEF: 900) Evigishki Tetrogre attacks Gem Knight Pearl, but Rarity activates Card Defense, discarding 1 card to negate the attack, and then drawing 1 card. Rarity activates the effect of her discarded Gem Knight Obsidian. When it's sent from her hand to the graveyard, she can special summon one normal monster from the graveyard, and she chooses Gem Knight Tourmaline in defense mode.

Charley ends her turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-2200 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-1

"Your feints won't save you forever, Rarity!" called Charley, "You're outnumbered, and I suggest make your next move count, because I'll see to it that you don't have another." "I shall!" cried Rarity.

Rarity's Turn: Rarity activates Mystical Space Typhoon, choosing one spell or trap on the field and destroying it. She chooses Charley's face down card. Next, she plays the spell card Particle Fusion, fusing Gem Knight Tourmaline with Gem Knight Pearl to fusion summon Gem Knight Prism Aura (ATK: 2450 DEF: 1400). With Particle Fusion's effect, it can be removed from play from the graveyard to increase the fusion monster's ATK by the ATK of one of the fusion materials. Rarity chooses Gem Knight Pearl (ATK: 2450 - 5050). Rarity attacks Gishki Shellfish.

Charley's Life Points: 2200 - 0

Rarity wins.

Charley got up after the attack knocked her down. Her violent attitude seemed to have vanished. "I can't believe I just lost," said Charley stupefied. "Charley," said Rarity. Charley was expecting her worst. "I just wanted to say… thank you. Your words helped me overcome my fear of myself to give me the strength I needed to win the duel." "Well, you certainly earned that win," praised Charley. "Your playing was brilliant for someone who's never dueled before. And if I scared you or any pony in any way with my attitude, I'm sorry." "Apology accepted," said Rarity gently as she gave Charley a hug. "Spike, take a letter," called Rarity. Spike was ready with quill and paper in hand. "Dear Princess Celestia, I was once afraid of accomplishing rites of passage because I didn't want to escape my comfort zone. But thanks to a very special friend, I know that in order to overcome any obstacle, I have to leave that comfort zone and face it head-on. The road may be bumpy, but with the help and support of good friends, the road can be smoother and more manageable. Your faithful student, Rarity." Spike sealed the letter and sent it off to Princess Celestia. "Rematch?" asked Rarity playfully to Charley. "I'd thought you'd never ask," said Charley. The two stood in position again and began another duel.

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