
YuGiOh! Friendship is Magic

by moviemaster8510

Chapter 6: The Origin of Lamss

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Alex and the others woke up to a large mess in the house of the theater. Streamers and popped balloons filled the floor with a half full bowl of punch, and most of the snacks eaten but the leftovers still scattered on the table. They decided to get right into it so they could avoid being late with their spa reservations with Rarity and Fluttershy. Applejack walked in, "Mornin' y'all!" she said. "Hey, Applejack," greeted Maddie. "What are you doing here? Did you forget something?" "Naw, I just came by to give you an invitation to a dinner tonight at Sweet Apple Acres, but now I see this huge mess from the party last night. Would you like some help?" asked Applejack. Scott responded, "No, that's alright. We got this place and had it renovated for nothing. The least we could do is tend to it when it gets messy." "Balderdash," responded Applejack. "The least I could do as your friends is help you clean up, seeing as how I'm partly responsible for this mess." "You really want to?" asked Scott. "Nothing would make me happier," replied Applejack. "Well then, can you go up with Maddie to take off the decorations from the balcony level?" asked Scott. "Yes sir. Come on, Maddie. Let's head on up," called Applejack. Applejack and Maddie walked upstairs together.

Alex and Scott began clearing the table of the snacks and drinks left overnight, Lucas and Orion swept the floor while Sammy and Maddie went out to get breakfast from the town market and find a way to send a thank you note to Princess Celestia that everyone wrote to thank her for the money. There wasn't much upstairs, mainly because the balcony from the night before was for the most part vacant. There were still a few balloons and streamers and a big banner reading "Welcome!" on it. The banner was much too high to reach though. "Those pegasus ponies sure did hang that banner high," commented Applejack. "Here, I got an idea," said Maddie. She took a pokéball and released a small cactus looking creature with pink, flowery bulbs coming out of its head. "What in tarnation is this little critter?" asked Applejack. "This is my maractus," Maddie responded. "Her name is Palmer." "She's a cute lil' guy," said Applejack observing her. "Palmer, bullet seed!" yelled Maddie pointing at the rope of the banner. The pokémon shot out a few accurate shots at the rope and cut it down. Maddie was then able to reach the rope on the other side of the banner and cut it using a pocketknife. Then together Applejack and Maddie folded the banner up and tossed it down to be put away. "Good job," said Maddie. She made her hand into a fist and pounded Applejack's hoof.

Sammy and Charley entered Twilight Sparkle's home in the library. "Oh, hi Sammy. Hi Charley," greeted Twilight. "What can I help you with?" "Do you know how I can send a letter to the princess? We just wanted to thank her for the money she left us," responded Charley. "Wow, that was nice of her," responded Twilight. "Hold on. Spike! Can you please come down here?" Spike wearily came down, no doubt having just woken up. "Spike, take a letter," said Twilight. "Oh no no no," interrupted Sammy. "We have the letter written out already." She took out a perfectly white sheet of paper, which was much different than the lightly browned scrolls that Twilight used, and handed it to Spike. "Wonderful," said Twilight. Spike wrapped and sealed the letter, took a deep inhale and encased the letter in a green flame which burned the paper but made a wispy light purple aura which flew out of the window. Sammy and Charley were shocked. "What just happened?" asked Sammy vehemently. "Don't worry," said Spike casually. "I can breathe a magic fire that can send things to the princess when needed. And then I also get letters back by-" Spike then abruptly belched with a similarly purple aura coming out of Spike's green fire breath. The purple aura then materialized into a letter. "It's a letter from the princess," said Spike. "Dear guests, you're very welcome. I hope you're enjoying your stay here in Ponyville. Signed Princess Celestia," dictated Spike. "Wow, and I thought texting was a reliable method of messaging," said Sammy. "What's texting?" asked Twilight. "Where we come from," explained Sammy taking out her cell phone, "we have these devices that allow us to type messages and then send them electronically to other people. We'd love to give you a demonstration, but we have no signal here, which we need to connect a device with another." "That sounds interesting," said Twilight. Charley then cut in. "By the way, we're gathering all of the ponies we met yesterday to see if they'd like to learn how to play the game Alex and Maddie were playing last night. We were planning on meeting tomorrow afternoon at the theater. Would you two like to come?" "Sure," answered Spike and Twilight simultaneously. "Well, that's all we needed," said Charley. "We'll see you later." "Bye," yelled Spike as they left.

Next, they headed to Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie Pie was manning the register "Hey guys," yelled Pinkie Pie. "I didn't know you worked here," said Charley. "If there's one thing I love more than parties, its baking!" responded Pinkie Pie. "Anyways," interrupted Sammy, "do you by chance have banana bread?" "Sure do," responded Pinkie Pie. "Just came out of the oven an hour ago." "Great," said Sammy, "We'll take two loaves." Pinkie Pie took two loaves of banana bread from the display case, wrapped them in saran wrap, and put them in a bag. Charley was about to take out some of the gold coins from her purse when Pinkie Pie stopped her and said, "Oh don't worry, gals. This one's on the house." "Wow , thank you," said Charley. "By the way, we were wondering if you wanted to stop by the theater tomorrow afternoon if you wanted to learn how to play the card game that Alex and Maddie were playing yesterday." "Games? I love games! I'm in," yelled Pinkie Pie. "Excellent," said Sammy. "Well, we're off now." "Come again!" shouted Pinkie Pie. "We plan to," called back Charley.

In about an hour, with Applejack's help, the theater was spotless. "Looks like we put this theater back to its former glory," commented Applejack with pride. "Thanks for the help, Applejack," said Maddie. "Now I can get some practicing in before our date with Rarity and Fluttershy." "Are you declinin' my invitation?" said Applejack with a slight hint of sadness. "No, we're all are going to the spa this afternoon. We shouldn't be missing dinner. What are we having?" asked Scott. "Big Macintosh and Granny Smith are makin' a big carrot and potato stew," replied Applejack. "That actually sounds really tasty. Would you like me to bring something?" asked Lucas. Applejack responded, "Sure, we could always use a little bit more grub. What did you want to bring?" Lucas answered with, "I make this really good apple and walnut coleslaw. It sounds weird, but you'd really like it." "That sounds fine. I have to go now. I gotta help get the house spruced up for dinner tonight. See 'ya!" And with that she was gone. Maddie went to the stage to practice her drumming and Lucas went into the kitchen fashioned from the large box office of the theater to make his coleslaw as Sammy and Charley arrived with breakfast.

At around 2 to 1, the group made their way to the spa with towels and robes in hand. They were a very short walk, as it was only on the other side of the town square from where they were. When they entered, Rarity and Fluttershy were reading magazines. The two beauticians who were in the lobby stared at the humans and Orion in awe and wonderment. "Oh. You're all here. Now we can begin." She then called her attention to the beauticians. "The usual," she said. The two beauticians allowed the party to enter the changing rooms so they could get into their robes.

They all started in the sauna, where the blue pony with a pink mane and tail was frequently pouring water on the hot stones with a ladle. "So," said Rarity to the humans, "To say that you are talented musicians is a bit of an understatement. Where did it all begin? I'd love to hear all about it." Alex decided to start the story. "Sammy and I were technically the first members, but I knew we couldn't get by on just a bassist and guitarist. We had trouble finding other members, either because of a lack of interest or they didn't have the talent to meet our standards. So we kind of dithered off into different mediums. Sam became part of a traveling softball team during 8th grade and I became more interested in dueling after I won a card designing contest, which is where I got my Virgil, the Griffin Warlock and Nero, the Dragon Warlord cards." "Wait, I don't remember the second one," said Fluttershy. Alex continued. "That's because I haven't played it yet. It's my ace monster, and I usually bring it out only when necessary. But I digress. Anyways, I would tag along for my sister's trips, and we had one tournament in a town called Fallarbor. One night, the team and the parents were eating dinner at a restaurant. That night they were having a live band open mic night, but anyone wasn't just allowed to sing, they could go up and play guitar, drums, etc. Sammy and I decided to go up for fun, but then Maddie, who was part of a rival softball team from Verdanturf at the time, decided to man the drums. She asked us to play some Led Zeppelin, but we didn't think she could handle the drumming prowess of John Bonham, so we tried to make her meet us halfway and suggested Bron-Y-Aur Stomp, but she was adamant on playing Moby Dick. We then thought, 'That song isn't too hard for us; we can do good and watch her botch up the drum solo and make a fool of herself.' So we agreed. On playing though, her rhythm was great and she seemed to have a grasp of intermediate drumming skills. Then the solo came. We grabbed our sodas, sat back and watched the show. To our surprise and everyone in the building, she was amazing. Her speed wasn't quite on the level of John Bonham, but her technicality was excellent and well controlled. We then played a couple of Rush tunes and were applauded back to our seats." "We spent the rest of the tournament as close friends," butted in Maddie. "Sammy and Alex asked me if I wanted to join their band, and I told them I couldn't be happier. Unfortunately, we couldn't stay close long. We lived on other sides of the region and couldn't always meet together to practice. But one day, my dad had to move for a promotion that he got at work, and just like that, I was living only one town away from where Sammy and Alex were. We practiced and played together more than ever. But after around 4 years of playing, something was missing. Seeing as some of our favorite bands and influences were Yes, ELP, Dream Theater and the like, we knew we were missing what all of those bands had: a keyboardist."

The party then moved to another room where they were getting mud facials, but Fluttershy had only two small dots of mud dabbed on her face. Maddie continued her story. "Enter Scott Freeman. I knew that many great keyboardists and pianists came from Hearthome City in Sinnoh, so I convinced my dad to get us plane tickets for Sinnoh over winter break." "My turn," interrupted Scott. "So I was in a music store in Hearthome buying a replacement vinyl copy of Genesis' Selling England by the Pound, my favorite album of all time, after my last once chipped. I saw the three of them- and just to let you, know I had no idea who these guys were at first- anywho, they saw me ringing up my LP and Alex, or was it Maddie? Anyways, one of them said, 'Genesis, huh? A good taste in music you have, sir.' I responded with, 'Thanks. Are you also looking for some good vinyl records? This place is very unorganized and none of these albums are sorted. Do you need help?' Then Alex said, 'No we were just looking for some guitar and bass strings and some new drum sticks for her,' pointing at Maddie. 'Oh, so you're in a band?' I asked. 'Sure are,' said Maddie. I just said, 'Good luck with that,' thinking that I would never see them again. The next night, though, I was going to be playing Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto 1 at one of the various concert halls in the city. Had that piece of music not been one of Alex's favorite classical compositions, they probably wouldn't have gone to see it which wouldn't have lead to the confrontation that ended up getting me to join the band, and our meeting at the music store would have really been the only time we would have met." "What happened then?" asked Fluttershy, who was becoming quite invested. "After the concert, they found me and invited me to a restaurant for some drinks. We talked about their band and asked me about possibly joining. I first declined, saying that I had a good thing going for me already. Maddie then tried coaxing me with promises of me being able to play the music that I really enjoy. I decided to travel with them back to Petalburg to see what they were made of. After just one playing of Dancing with the Moonlit Knight and Firth of Fifth, I knew I was where I wanted to be, and I accepted on the spot." Alex then talked some more as Rarity was getting her horn filed. "The circle sounds complete, right? No. My voice was decent, but I knew I couldn't hold up for an entire 2-3 hour concert. So all that was needed was to find a singer." Another group of ponies walked in and began giving everyone massages.

Once that was over, the party was wrapped in seaweed and went to the mud baths. Sammy feeling a bit excluded decided to continue the story. "During spring break, a few months after including Scott, we decided to travel to Goldenrod City in Johto. We were going to meet a friend of his there who he said he knew would be a great addition to the band." Scott interrupted her. "You see, we were friends when we were involved in an interesting production of West Side Story." "What's West Side Story?" asked Rarity. "It's a musical about two street gangs: the white Jets, and the hispanic Sharks. And then, tensions amount between the two gangs when the best friend and former lieutenant to the leader of the Jets falls in love with the sister of the leader of the Sharks. What happened was that the Jets and other white characters of the show were to be played by students from the music academy in Hearthome City, where I came from, and the hispanic characters would be played by the students in the music academy in Goldenrod City, where Lucas came from. We were rival schools, and working with rival students was to help highten the tension to the levels that musical was trying to convey. I was playing Riff, the leader of the Jets, and Lucas was Bernardo, the leader of the Sharks, but ironically, over the first couple of days of working very well together, we found out that we had a lot in common, including our love for the band Genesis, and we ended up becoming best friends." "Anyways" said Sammy, "while there we found an ad for a King Crimson tribute band that Lucas was the singer in. We all being fans of progressive rock decided to attend the performance. The performance was fair at best, putting it kindly. The performers were lifeless and dull, except for Lucas. He being a big fan of the band put his heart and soul into each song he did, which actually made the others look more pathetic by comparison. After the show, Scott introduced us to Lucas and told him that we were starting a rock band. Knowing Scott's musical prowess, he was more than happy to audition with the rest of us. Lucas concluded the story. "We came back to Petalburg so they could audition me. I like big epic songs, so I tested them by requesting that they play Supper's Ready by Genesis. As they played, I could tell that they had as much of an unbridled love of music as I did, so I happily joined and we've been band mates and friends ever since. And with 4 years of touring after that, we finally ended up here. And that's that." "Wow, what a story Lucas," said Fluttershy. "What about you, Charley?" "I'm actually not with the band; I just came to be with my boyfriend in the dueling tournament. I just happen to have a fondness for violin. That's all." "That sounds wonderful," said Rarity, "but please, Scott. Tell me more of this West Side Story..." Then, they all moved onto the next station to soak their hooves/feet in a pool of soapy water.

The party left the spa feeling fresh and rejuvenated. Charley walked up to Rarity and Fluttershy and talked to them. "I almost forgot to ask you, did you want to come to the theater tomorrow afternoon to learn that card game that Alex and Maddie played?" "No. Absolutely not!" Rarity huffed. "Come on," Charley said. "All your other friends are going to be there too. Plus, I'm sure if you give the game just one shot, you'd really enjoy it." "Rrrrrr," growled Rarity. "Fine, I'll come and play one game. Is that fine for you?" "That's all I needed," answered Charley. "If everyone else is coming," chimed Fluttershy, "I'll come too." "Wonderful," said Charley. "I'll see you girls tomorrow." They left without a word. Rainbow Dash then came and flew down next to Alex. "Did I hear that you're meeting at the theater tomorrow to learn that card game?" "You heard right, Rainbow Dash," said Alex. "Great. I'm there," replied Rainbow Dash. "And you said you wanted to hang out?" "Sure," answered Rainbow Dash. "What did you have in mind?" "You seem to like flying, so how about late tomorrow morning on the eastern edge of town, we go out flying together?" asked Alex. "That sounds awesome, but you can't fly, so how is that going to work?" asked Rainbow Dash. "I have my ways…" said Alex mysteriously. Rainbow just decided to go with it. "Whatever. Sounds fun. Later." With that, she flew away. The humans went back to the theater to get Lucas' coleslaw and they made their way to Sweet Apple Acres for dinner, with another intention to ask Applejack to join the lesson tomorrow, an offer that she would more than likely take up.

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