Pinkie Pie lived a fairly normal life. Work at a diner, try not to think of the looming magical threat. The usual. But when six strangers from different times appear in her life she’s suddenly thrown into a world of danger, adventure, and destiny.
It’s Hearts and Hooves Day and Rainbow Dash needs someone to be her Special Somepony for the holiday. But turns out that’s a lot more difficult than she imagined it’d be.
Six prequel short stories to Spark Visions of Twilight
Pinkie Pie is dead. Which isn't really a problem, but it could be a problem if Twilight doesn't find a way to stop all the other ghosts
Spike and Thorax have a conversation about colors
Braeburn hoofwrassles Little Strongheart and makes metaphors along the way.
Mini sequal to Spark Visions of Twilight. A in the Nightmare Moon timeline from season 5
A new fashion designer has come to town and Rarity wants to be rivals
Pinkamena is feeling rejected from her family.
Rainbow and Rarity try to make the perfect wedding for each other
Hippogriff history, a rare fruit, and an artistic talent. An Iron Author story.
The main six go into another dimension. They have to blend in. But is that really the best idea?
Gilda is back! But is she here to apoligize like she said? Or did something else bring her back?
Ponies battle it out on the seven seas
Party Favor, Sugar Belle and Night Glider save the day.