An accident with the Mirror Portal ends up with Twilight stuck as a small pony in the Equestra Girls' world. Her friends can't get over how cute she is.
Sunset discovers that Earth horses can't vomit. This makes no sense to her.
During a routine visit to Equestria to see Princess Twilight, Sunset decides to bring her pet Ray along with her. Only... she wasn't quite expecting what he would turn into on the other side of the portal...
Rarity and Fluttershy discover that Sunset works as a waitress at a sushi restaurant. Who could have ever imagined?
Ocellus should have expected this question to come up someday. She really should have...
Texting her friends to come meet her for coffee, Sunset has one final regret from her past to tell them.
The Tree of Harmony and Twilight sit down and have a long overdue conversation between them.
Shining Armor and Thorax have a chat about current matters and their own regrets.
Former Commander Tempest wakes up to discover a certain somepony is lying next to her in bed.
Twilight seeks answers for Discord's whereabouts during the Canterlot invasion. He has an odd way of answering her questions.
An alternate Princess Spike involving the competent Spike we all know and love.
An alternate take on the end of The Times They Are a Changeling, where everyone isn't miraculously swayed by song.
For the first time in a long time, Celestia is given the chance to teach Twilight magic once more.
An unearthed time capsule brings up painful memories for Twilight.
For all his life, Gallus had been alone, an outcast ignored by his people, and left to fend for himself out in the cold Griffonstone streets. All he ever dreamed of was a place he could belong, somewhere he could finally call home.