A young man lays his eyes upon six special mares for the first time
Cadence's special talent in questioned
Gilda goes to Manehattan for help in her people's rebellion
Photo Finish waits patiently for the right moment to "work her magic"
Rainbow comes home and proceeds to read one of her favourite books
Celestia's relationship to Sombra takes a serious turn
Twilight and Shining catch up at the Grand Galloping Gala.
Twilight and Flash reunite after the events of "Princess Twilight Sparkle"
Pinkie needs help for an important party
A Changeling drone fights for the honour of his Queen
A concerned Sans Smirk gets an unexpected visit from his former employer
Rarity goes through some of her morning exercises
A few alternate takes on the ending to "Trade Ya".
Two girls enjoy their game of chess
Flash Sentry thinks over this first day with Sunset Shimmer