Twilight stops to think for one critical second.
It was always Twilight's destiny to ascend to alicornhood. Yup. Destiny. That's Celestia's story and she's sticking to it.
Too much of a good thing is filling the human universe, and Sunset Shimmer is the only one who can solve the problem before it annihilates her new home.
A most disagreeable person interrupts Starlight Glimmer's dreams of revenge.
Cheese Sandwich dons the Alicorn Amulet, and Equestria trembles.
Spring comes and Tank awakens, greeted by the sound of wings.
A typical discussion between Equestria's heads of state.
A most disagreeable person makes good on his earlier promise.
Stories set in the Oversaturated World, some silly, some less so.
Something strange is happening at Rainbow Dash's apartment. No, not her parents. They're always like that.
Rarity came seeking Blueblood, knowing nothing about him beyond name, face, and family. Suppose one of her friends knew more. The one who owns land granted to her by the crown.
Just after finding their marks, the Crusaders face their first true challenge.
Starlight realizes she's about to inherit a school with no teachers. It's not that she doesn't panic. She just panics productively.
Some ponies have no respect for the time-space continuum. It's enough to make you sick.
(FiMtG) The only thing standing between Equestria and apocalypse is Ditzy Doo. Yes, really. Stop laughing!