When Rainbow comes to Fluttershy for help with her next big prank, Fluttershy actually finds herself enjoying it. Till the Cutie Map calls them to Cloudsdale and things start getting peculiar...
A possible clue to the fate of her long-lost mother has Ember needing to find a zebra shaman. And didn't Spike mention one of those when he was telling his whole story about going through the molt?
His name is Locust Bean, but he prefer to be called Carob. He runs a plant nursery in Ponyville, and he can't seem to take his eyes off the town's new princess.
Despite herself, Twilight starts to think that Rainbow Dash might be right about Rarity having a crush on Big McIntosh. And, well, friends help friends out in situations like this, don't they?
Strawberry Sunrise isn't falling for Braeburn. She just isn't!
The founders of Equestria vs. Discord
Fluttershy and Discord keep pushing forward with their relationship even when they have no idea what they're doing. Especially when they have no idea what they're doing...
Celestia is the Day, Luna is the Night, and Cadance is...?
If Starswirl the Bearded mentored Clover the Clever sometime before the events of "Hearth's Warming Eve" and mentored the Royal Pony Sisters sometime after, where was he during the coming together of the tribes and the founding of Equestria?
Desperation can make a pony do a lot of crazy things. Like maybe even tell the truth...
Cozy Glow can't remember the last time she'd felt the need—or had the ability—to blink. But with Stygian standing in front of her and saying that she's Equestria's only hope? That definitely deserves a blink or two.
Not long after her retirement, Celestia receives a visit from Scorpan. This revives feelings she'd almost forgotten she was capable of having.
Twilight learns why Starswirl wasn't around for the first Heath's Warming Eve.
Sapphire Shores is a changeling. She's always been a changeling. This has had something of an effect on her life and career.
Luna and Pinkie Pie set off to save Equestria in rhyme.