A short tale of the spirit of storms, and an unforseen encounter with a certain cyan pegasus.
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From within my dominion of storms, I survey the destruction being wrought beneath me. As the forked tongues of Eldritch power strike down at the ground below, the howl of the wind changes its timbre. There is a disturbance, an intruder within this sacred place. In the countless years I've brought forth these storms, never has any creature had the audacity to venture into their path, let alone into the very heart of such a tempest.

I must find this fearless intruder... And I must destroy it.

That was the plan, at least. Who could have foreseen this awakening, this re-emergence?

Venturing into the heart of the Tempest, indeed.


We have the Princesses of the Day and Night, and of Love and Friendship. What about the elemental forces of Fire and Ice, of Tempestuous Skies and Roiling Seas? In this short story, I shall endeavor to personify the spirit of one elemental, who wields the power of the storm.


2,125 words: Estimated 9 Minutes to read: [Fimfiction.net] [Cache]

1 Chapter:

  1. The Tempest Stirs [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Apr 26th, 2013
Published Apr 26th, 2013


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