
Here In My Room

by Crash Jet

Chapter 1: Here In My Room

There weren’t many things in Equestria that Soarin’ would say that he hated. Yet despite how short his list of dislikes was, there was always one thing that would make the top every time. And he found himself trapped in that one thing he hated so much.

Formal parties.

To increase the relationship with the fans of Wonderbolts, it was decided by the team that each one of the members would host a formal gathering at their home. The idea was for everypony to see the performers without the costumes and out of the formations. To learn more about their personal lives and what they were like when they weren’t astonishing mass audiences with their superior flight acrobatics. It was Soarin’s turn to host the monthly event, and he was dreading each moment of it.

The young Wonderbolt looked around at the guests he had ‘allowed’ into his small manor in Canterlot. All rich and elite ponies who were there not to learn more about the host, but to increase their own reputations with one another. Just being at a party thrown by the famous Wonderbolts would be a massive boost to anypony’s nobility it seemed. Soarin’ let out a silent scoff at his guests. They were all phonies.

From the start of the event up until that moment, it was hell for him. He stood alone in a secluded part of the room, watching the noble ponies converse with one another, talking about what they did to earn their riches, how they intended to increase their net worth, and the other elegant gatherings they have been to. Despite it being a ‘party,’ there was no fun or enjoyment for the stallion. It didn’t help that all the other Wonderbolts were busy at a show in Fillydelphia. At least if he had one of his teammates around, he’d have someone to talk to that didn’t involve money or fame.

The biggest eye sore for Soarin’, however, came from the chosen attire of the invitees. Black suits and white suits for the stallions. Black gowns and white gowns for the mares. There may have been different styles of gowns for each mare, but the lack of color in the room depressed him further. Worst of all was when he looked upon himself, seeing the black tuxedo jacket he was wearing; he truly felt he was just like all of the other stallions in the room. A fake and another lifeless drone.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door being opened. He supposed that it was just the arrival of another noble couple, ‘fashionably’ late due to debating whether the wife would wear white and the husband black, or vice versa. However, as his eyes gazed over at the presence entering the room, a pleasant shock washed over him.

It was a lone young mare. A pegasus with coat of light turquoise and mane various colors of the rainbow. Her arrival in the room no doubt caught everypony’s attention. Her gown was as rich in color as her mane, a rainbow pattern and white cloud trim. The golden shoes and laurel hanging around her ear added an extra touch of flair that in Soarin’s mind was well welcomed. Amongst the sea of monochrome, she could be seen as clear as day.

Many questions ran through Soarin’s mind all at once. Who was she? When was she invited? And why was she there? It suddenly hit him then. She was the one who performed the Sonic Rainboom at the Best Young Flyer Competition. She was the one at the gala who saved his apple pie. It was her. The pony he longed to meet again. And there she was at his party as if fate had brought her there.

She started to carefully walk into the room and through the crowd. Her apprehensive expression revealed that she could feel the icy cold glares of the guests as she walked further. Soarin’ noticed this and was immediately worried. He knew enough about these noble ponies that if they disapproved of something, they would let it be known. The mare would have been ostracized, just for being different. It wasn’t until the low mutters of the quite offended ponies that he knew he had to take action.

“You made it.” He said with a cheerful smile as he approached the mare. “I was worried you wouldn’t be able to make it after all.”

“Excuse me, Soarin’.” A stallion asked in a snooty voice. A voice that had Soarin’ resisting the urge to punch said pony in the face. “But just who is this… guest?

“This…” Soarin’ faced the noble, his voice showing a bit of annoyance at the question. “This is… my trainer…” He lied after a slight pause to think up a reasonable excuse. “Yeah… my trainer… and I’ve been waiting for her to arrive all night.”

The mare let out a slight smile as she nodded. “Y-Yeah! I’ve been training Soarin’ since he first joined the Wonderbolts.”

“… Pardon my rudeness.” The stallion said in a stoic tone as he turned away. Soon, all the other guests resumed their activities, no longer interested in colorful pony.

Soarin’ let out a quiet sigh in relief. Although he knew his unexpected guest wouldn’t be fully accepted by the stuck-up crowd, at the very least they would allow her to stay. He looked at her, noticing her grateful smile.

“Thanks…” She whispered to him. “I never felt so unwelcomed anywhere before…”

“Don’t worry about it.” He grinned back at her. “Believe me, you’re much more welcomed here than any of these other ponies. I’m a bit surprised to see you here.”

“So you remember me then…” She said with a smirk, complete with a coy look in her eyes. “Glad to hear that.”

Soarin’ was taken aback by her expression. He wasn’t expecting such a cute, flirtatious look from the mare. It was true that he remembered her from her skills at the Flyer Competition and seeing her in her dress at the Grand Galloping Gala. Yet, there was one crucial thing about her that he didn’t know. Something that he was uneasy at that moment to bring up.

“… I suppose you’re here to mingle with the rest of the crowd?” He asked.

Her look dropped to a slight frown. “The crowd? I thought the idea of this party was to get to know you better…”

“… Well, yeah…” He nodded, ashamed of his assumption. “Can’t say anypony’s really done that tonight.”

“So… I’d get to be the first.” She said, her grin returning.

“You really want to learn more about me?” He said in astonishment. She started to walk past him, her wing brushing against his. The slight sensation brought a tint of red to his cheeks.

“You know it.” She said with a wink. “Is there a place you and I can chat?”

“… M-Maybe the balcony…” He replied, still a little flustered.

“Let’s go then…” She started to stroll off, her hips smoothly swaying as she stepped.

Soarin’ watched her as she made her way towards the stairs. It was strange seeing her move in such a way. He never would have pictured the mare he met at the Gala to be so, as embarrassed as he was to think about it, alluring. He may have thought she was cute at first, maybe even beautiful. But to Soarin’ at that moment, she was downright seductive.

She would definitively be a most welcomed guest to this party.


It was just as Soarin’ had predicted. The balcony was empty, save for himself and the mare he was engaged in one-on-one conversation with. It seemed as if he was the main topic however; she had so many questions for him and wanted to learn as much about the stallion as she could. Soarin’ was no stranger when it came to talking about himself. Most of the fans he met in his life had always focused on his time in the Wonderbolts. This conversation though wasn’t about Soarin’ the Wonderbolt. It was about Soarin’ the pony. Something that had him so pleasantly surprised over.

“So your father taught you most of what you know now?” She asked with a sweet smile. Soarin’ noticed how much more radiant she looked in the moonlight. He was thanking Princess Luna in his mind for such a bright moon that night.

“Yeah…” He nodded, taking another sip from the half-filled glass of apple wine at his hoof. “He was a Wonderbolt when I was younger… so was his father… guess it runs in the family.” He chuckled a little.

“I remember a Soarin’ in the Wonderbolts when I was a filly.” She said as she played with the rim of her nearly full glass of wine. “I had no idea he was your dad.”

“What?” He started to smirk. “You thought that was me up until now?”

“If it was… you’re very handsome for your age then…” She said with a slight laugh. Soarin’ had to look away to cover his slight blush. Both from her compliment and the tone of her soft laughter he was graced to hear.

“So… how about a little about yourself?” He enquired as he turned to face her again.

“You don’t want to hear about me…” She answered, taking a short taste of her wine.

“I can assure you… I want to hear everything about you…” He hoped his tone was smooth enough to impress her. He really did want to know so much about the mare, hopeful that he’d get an answer to the question he dared not speak a loud.

“Well… since you’re so insistent…” She looked over with a coy smirk on her face. Soarin’ felt his heart skip a beat at the sight. “I’m from Ponyville… I’m part of the weather patrol… oh yeah, and I’m awesome. That’s all you need to know.”

Soarin’ couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed at how brief she spoke of herself. He wanted to learn more, or at the very least hear her melodic voice once more. “There has to be more… don’t hide it from me.” He said as he leaned in towards her. “C’mon… just a little more about you?”

“Since you asked nicely…” She relented, but never dropped the flirtatious smirk. “I’m gonna be a Wonderbolt one day.”

Soarin’ couldn’t hold back the grin the statement had brought him. “You do have the skills for it… after seeing that show you put on in the Flyer Competition. Guess I’d better be careful that you don’t try and steal my job away.”

“You’re right…” She winked at him once again, laughing. “Better not let yourself get rusty, because I’m gunning for your spot.”

“Or maybe… you came here to try and seduce me into letting you join the Wonderbolts.” He said jokingly, accompanied with laughter of his own.

“You really think I came all the way to seduce my way into the Wonderbolts? Soarin’… if I was going to seduce you, it wouldn’t be for that…

Soarin’ was a bit surprised by her response, but decided to keep playing along for fun. “Oh? And what would it be for then?”

She leaned in towards him, bringing her lips close to his ear to say in a sultry whisper, “You’d have to find that out yourself…”

Her warm breath against his ear made Soarin’ heart speed up. It wasn’t enough that her behavior was driving him wild, but she topped it off with such an act. Soarin’ wondered if she was doing this on purpose or not. Regardless, it was like she knew exactly what she was doing to him.

Thanks to all the talk about seduction, Soarin’s thoughts were racing at the possibilities.

“Ah…” The mare leaned back, holding a hoof to her head. She let out a soft groan as she shut her eyes.

“Are you okay?” Soarin’ asked in concern.

“Sorry… I’m not much of a wine drinker, I guess.” She admitted sheepishly, looking at him with a reassuring smile. “I think I need to lay down a bit…”

Soarin’ pondered what he could do to assist the mare and her headache. He was half tempted to tell every last guest to leave so she would have a quiet place to relax, but that would certainly be frowned upon by his team. His guest bedroom was bare considering he wasn’t planning on having anypony sleep overnight in his manor. There was only one solution that he felt would suit the mare with the level of luxury she deserved.

“Come with me… I’ll let you rest in my bedroom…”


Soarin’ led the weary mare to the very last door in the hallway. He was carrying her shoes in his mouth so her hooves would have some relief. He could tell that they would give anypony discomfort after a while. She was also leaning against him slightly as they walked. Soarin’ could feel how soft and warm her body was against his. He prayed that his accelerated heartbeat was hidden from her.

When they finally made it to the room, he opened the door and set the shoes down next to it. “Give me one moment…” He said to her as she stood outside the room. “I’ll grab you an extra pillow if you need it.”

She nodded. “Thanks…” She breathed with a nod.

Soarin’ gave her another smile and made his way to the closet, walking past the large bed he had for himself. He had spent many a lazy day just lounging in its softness. He hoped that she would be as comfortable as it made him.

Before he could reach the closet, the soft sound of the door being closed interrupted him. Turning in alarm, he saw the mare standing in front of it, her eyes fixated on him as she wore a sultry smile.

“I lied, Soarin’…” She confessed to him. “I’m not lightheaded at all… I just wanted an excuse to bring us here…”

The stallion was stunned at this admission. She certainly was honest, not to mention clever. “W-What do you mean by that?”

The mare looked away, her grin dropping into a melancholy frown. “I’ve always admired you, Soarin’… mostly because you were a Wonderbolt. You’re a strong flier and a natural acrobat. I guess it was just a silly fan-filly thing. But lately… it’s been more than just looking up to you. It’s something stronger… something that I’ve felt building for a long time now. After the time I spent with you tonight, it’s stronger now than ever before… I can’t fight it any longer…”

“Miss…” He started before she interrupted him.

“I know that your schedule has you going to city after city to perform… I know there’s a chance I may not get to see you again for a long time…” She started to slowly approach him, placing her hooves gently along his chest. “That’s why… I want to make this a night you’ll never forget…”

Soarin’ looked upon her. He wasn’t sure if this was actually happening or just another thought he had in his mind earlier. He remained silent, a gesture that was making the mare visibly upset.

“I-I… I’m not doing this to join the Wonderbolts...” She tried to assure him. “Or for your wealth… and I don’t plan on bragging about this to my friends. I just want this to be for you and me… something that only you and I will know about…”

“…That’s too bad.” He said, lowering his head. The heartbroken mare started to remove her hooves, but the stallion placed his atop them, not letting them leave his chest. He raised his head at her with a soft smile. “I was really hoping I’d get to tell my buddies about the beautiful mare I spent the night with… but I’ll have to keep that quiet now, I suppose…”

She grinned back him briefly, just before closing her eyes and pressing her lips against his. He closed his own eyes and returned the kiss, holding her close as he leaned back atop his bed. The kiss swelled from tender to passionate, neither party wanting to stop it at that moment. Soarin’ ran his tongue along her soft lips, hoping she would permit him to explore inside. She complied and granted him the consent by allowing her lips to part. Soarin’s tongue danced slowly against hers as he savored the taste he was experiencing. It was a sweet flavor to him, almost like strawberries.

She let out a soft moan of delight into his mouth as his tongue moved faster. She gently grabbed the sides of his head and pulled it closer to his, desperate to ensure that they were as close as they could be at that moment. Finally, the kiss ended and they stared into each other’s eyes. Both ponies were ready for the next step in their night together.

Soarin’ carefully removed the necklace she was wearing and set it aside. The mare began to remove her dress, allowing it to slowly slide off her body and onto the floor. She kept the laurel on, deciding that she felt much sexier wearing only it. The aroused gaze in Soarin’ eyes suggested that she was right.

While unclothed ponies were a common thing in all of Equestria, someone about the one before Soarin’ filled him with a great amount of lust. The sight of her slender body was enough to drive him mad. He wondered how far that madness would go if he was to caress her. He ran his hooves down her back, making sure to keep it as slow and as gentle as possibly. He knew she was an athlete and that she would have some muscle, but he never knew just how soft her body and coat were. As he continued to embrace her, he brought his head up and started to kiss and suck at her neck. The sound of her moaning again and the sensation of her shivering in bliss brought a satisfied smile to his face.

After allowing Soarin’ to continue for another minute, the mare decided it was her turn to act. She pressed her hooves down on his shoulders, pulling the black suit jacket he wore off him and throwing it to the floor, right next to her dress. He was left with his white dress shirt, something the mare intended to liberate him from. She brought her head down and started to undo each button with her teeth. When she finished the last one, she trailed her tongue up his chest, receiving a very pleased sigh from the stallion. She watched as Soarin’ wings started to stand out, no doubt from the arousal he was experiencing. It was then that something caught her eye.

“What happened here?” She asked in a hush, looking at a scar that Soarin’ would have been able to hide under a tucked-in wing.

“… I-It… it was a flight accident…” He said as he struggled to pull the wing back and conceal the mark from her. It was the one thing about him that he was ashamed off the most. Something that he was certain she would find disgusting and possibly make her want to leave.

“You don’t have to hide it…” She kissed him gently as she tenderly ran the very tip of her hoof along the scar.

Her touch upon the sensitive area gave him chills. Usually, any pressure on his wound would have brought him slight pain. But the way she was touching it brought him a sensation that it seemed only she could provide.

“It shows your determination to flying…” She continued. “Not even a flight accident that could do something like this can stop you… plus…” She started to whisper into his ear. “I think it’s very sexy… you look like a tough guy…” Her breath against his ear made his erect wings even stiffer. She then brought her head close to his scar and started to kiss it, going a step further by licking it softly with her tongue.

Soarin’ let out a sudden gasp from her sensual actions. He drew his eyes upon her wings and saw that they were well on their way to standing out, just as his were at that moment. Seeing this, he knew he wanted to build up her arousal, and had just the idea of how to do so.

He wrapped his fore hooves around her and with one sudden turn, flipped her onto to the bed and positioned himself on top of her. She looked at him, startled at first from his strength, but gave him a coy smirk. “Strong too, I see…”

“I don’t want to hog all the fun…” He said with a playful, erotic tone. He lowered his head into her right wing, teasing her feathers with his tongue.

“Ah!” The mare let out a gasp as she could feel her feathers flex from the sensation. “D-Don’t stop…” She whimpered out, clearly enjoying Soarin’s every move.

Soarin’ chose the longest of the feathers and ran his tongue along it, slowing down once he reached her alula. The most sensitive part of a pegasus’ wing he remembered. The part where she was sure to receive the most pleasure. He removed his tongue from it and gently bit it, careful not to hurt her. Her excited yelp assured Soarin’ that he had made the right move. He sunk his teeth in a little deeper.

“Oh my gosh… oh my gosh…” She whispered out in pure bliss. The steady building pressure made her body shiver and muscles tighten. She felt Soarin’ place a hoof upon her chest and drag it slowly down her body. He kept going until his hoof reached the other sensitive part of her body. The touch made her flush and pant. “S-Soarin’…!” Finally, she had reached her peak. Her wings were fully erect and her entire body was tense, eager for the lust to release. “I… I’m ready…”

“Me too…” Soarin’ said as he lifted his head and stared into her eyes. The two shared yet another passionate kiss as he lowered his body toward hers. In the back of his mind, he remembered that his party was still going on, but he was certain that neither he nor his mare would be missed.


Soarin’ looked out the window as he lay in his bed. He had no idea what time it was at that moment, other than it was still very late in the night. He was trying to control his breathing and bring his heart back to a normal beat. The mare had tired him out, thanks to her giving him the best night of love-making he’s ever experienced. He was lying atop his back while the mare lay close to him, hooves wrapped around his body and, like himself, perspiration upon her face. Her eyes were closed as she rested her head on his chest.

“Mmm…” She let out a relaxed sigh as she gave Soarin’ a weary smile. “That was the best night ever…”

“Yeah it was…” He whispered to her, planting a kiss atop her head. “I have you to thank for that, you know…”

Soarin’ looked at the mare quietly. In his eyes, she was as perfect as an angel, yet he knew she could still be a seductive devil at the same time. All night, he had been troubled by a burning question. One that he feared asking her, not knowing how she would react. But after what she had done for him that night, he knew it was time.

“… I can’t believe you came here, you know…” He started to say. “You made this boring night into something I will never forget. And it wasn’t just the sex… just talking to you outside and getting to know you a little more made this night more special. I… I always thought you were cute whenever I saw you. But you’re more than that I can see… you’re perfect. Everything I could ever want in mare…” His tone changed to a pleading whisper. “… I know it sounds so horrible to ask such a thing… but please, tell me your name. I need to know who it was that I fell in love with…”

He had no idea what would happen next. Would she be offended and take her leave? Would she hate him for making love with somepony whose name he didn’t even know? Would she never want to see him again? He prepared for the worst, yet the result was something he could have never predicted.

She raised her head up to his, looking deep into his eyes with a sad smile. She placed a kiss upon his lips and said to him in a whisper. “I’ll tell you my name… when you come find me…”

“Find you?” He repeated. “What do you… wait…” His eyes widened at the realization. “No! N-Not this time!”


Soarin’ eyes shot open from the glare of the morning sun. He looked around at his surroundings. Sure enough, he was in his bedroom, in his bed, and alone. There was never a party. There was never a beautiful mare with him. There was never a special night. It was all a dream, yet again.

“Damn it.” He swore as he sat up. He looked over at the calendar on his nightstand. It was the day he would be leaving for a month long tour of Equestria with the Wonderbolts. It would be another month where he couldn’t have the chance to seek out the mare he desired to know so badly.

And yet his mind would play those cruel pranks on him. Every time he dreamt of her, he didn’t want to wake up. He figured it was the only way he would get to spend any time with her, even if it was all just a figment of his imagination. He hoped to one day meet her again, and he prayed that as it was in his dreams, her love for him would be real.

Until that day comes, he would always keep a special place for her in his dreams.

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