
Kingdom Come

by Redback Spino

Chapter 7: ‘I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high.’

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Even as the moon rose over the magnificent white and gold spires of Canterlot, the city refused to fall silent. As most of the shops locked up for the evening, the city's nightlife sprung into action, with bars, clubs and theatres opening their doors to their public.

However, in the mighty castle that towered above the city, the night seemed far calmer. Only a scattering of night guards patrolled the corridors, as the servants bade eachother goodnight and headed for their quarters for a well-deserved rest. And joining the in their rest was the princess of the sun herself, Celestia.

Placing her golden crown and collar on her table, Celestia slipped out of her horseshoes and picked up a silver comb in her magical grip. As she stood and brushed, she reflected upon the day she had just had.

Nothing too out of the ordinary, it seemed. The usual clients at the Royal Court, forms to sign, receptions with the aristocracy, the usual. Although, she admitted in her head, I don't recall seeing Blueblood at dinner tonight.

She chuckled to herself. Probably out with some friends tearing up some club in the city. But otherwise, a rather dull day. Ah well, perhaps tomorrow will be a bit more amusing. If I have some spare time, perhaps I might even...


Her train of thought came to a crashing halt as she heard it. The comb clattered to the floor as the glow of her horn was extinguished. Not only the word, spoken in some deep, eldritch voice, but the feeling that came with it. As if her very heart had stopped for a brief moment, and her mind and body had frozen along with it. Her lungs felt like they were being squeezed by some icy, unseen grip, and a disgusting taste arose in her throat.

And then the scream. The shrill, primordial screech that echoed through her mind. And deep in her mind's eye, she felt a tiny jolt of pain as the scream was suddenly silenced.

After what seemed like an eternity frozen, Celestia's legs gave way and she slumped down onto the floor, seated on the rug. The strange feeling faded as suddenly as it had appeared, leaving only a feeling of dread in Celestia's mind.

"... What on earth was that?" She muttered aloud. "That voice... And that aura, that... sickening aura!"

There came a knock at the door as she voiced her thoughts. Looking up, she got up and brushed herself off as quickly as she could. Clearing her throat, she called, "Come in."

The door creaked open, to reveal Luna standing in the doorway. Celestia was quick to notice that she looked slightly paler than usual, and her fur and mane seemed haggard and mussed. "G-good evening, sister."

"Ah, Luna, do come in," Celestia said, pulling open the door all the way. "Might I guess that you felt it too?"

"Indeed," Luna replied. "And heard it as well. An ear-splitting scream that was suddenly silenced, and that hideous deep voice, saying something..."

"'Arisen'. It said 'Arisen'."

Luna looked anxiously to her sister. "But what does it mean, Celestia? What, or who, has arisen?"

Celestia shrugged. "I'm not sure. Have you heard any reports of our old foes returning?"

"None, sister. "Luna shook her head. "The Changelings are still locked away in their own kingdom, Discord remains loyal to us, Tartarus is still locked and guarded, and King Sombra remains destroyed. Who else could it be?"

"We have had many enemies, Luna, not all of them confined to Tartarus," Celestia replied. "Tirek, Grogar the Necromancer, the Coven of Hydia, and who knows who else..."

"But sister, they are all defeated long ago! What manner of magic could resurrect them?"

The white alicorn shrugged again. "I'm not sure. But what disturbs me more is the aura I felt as I heard those words."

"I felt it as well," Luna agreed. "It nearly made me nauseous!"

"Indeed. I fear something terrible has happened," Celestia said, sitting down on the ground once again. "But what could it have been? And why did it feel so familiar?"

"It did feel familiar, did it not," Luna said, tapping a hoof to her chin. "I know not where from, but I am sure I have felt such an aura in the past... But where?"

The sisters sat together in silence as they pondered this peculiar incident. "I think, for now, we should not alert the ponies."

"Agreed. No sense in causing a panic if no threat actually exists," Luna said.

Celestia got back up, standing at the window. "But I think also, we should be vigilant. If something is coming, we must be ready for it."

"Very well," Luna replied as she headed back through the door. "I must attend to my nightly duties for now, sister. Try to get some rest."

She nodded in reply. "I will, thank you Luna. Goodnight."

Luna nodded back and with that, she was gone. Celestia remained by the open window, peering out over the dark mass that was her domain, scattered with specks of light wherever towns and villages sat.

Somewhere out there, something had happened. She might not have understood the aura and the first voice, but the scream and the jolt of pain, she knew well. Being attuned to all magic, Celestia had inherited the inherent ability to feel and detect the magical auras in each and every one of her subjects. And such a jolt could only mean that somewhere out there, in her kingdom, somepony had just lost their life by magical means.

Was it an accident? A tragic magical mishap? Or worse still, was it murder? She had felt it only a few days ago, when that poor unicorn had been killed in that mysterious accident in Ponyville, but what was this?

She sighed. "Well, whomever it was, and however it happened, I pray that you are at least at rest now. Your soul goes to join the flow of Harmony, where you may only know peace."

As she finished her eulogy, Celestia closed the window and clambered into her enormous bed, her mind still abuzz over this mysterious feeling.

Ponyville was quiet this morning.

Even for a village as small and quaint as Ponyville, the town was quiet. A general atmosphere of melancholia and emptiness hung over the village, as if something had been stripped from the very spirit of the town, leaving a hollow, empty feeling.
But the ponies went about their day to day business, trying to pay the feeling no heed. The shops remained open, the market-day went on. But even Sugarcube Corner, with its bubblegum-pink colour scheme, seemed somehow less than it was before.

"There you go," Mrs. Cake said in a forced cheerful voice, handing over a bag of cakes to an eager customer. "Thanks for stopping by!"

The pony nodded, depositing a small pile of coins on the counter and heading out the door. Just before the door could swing shut, a forehoof held it open and five young mares entered.

"Ah, good morning girls," Mrs Cake called to the ponies.

"Morning, Mrs. Cake," replied Twilight. "How's business?"

The dumpy mare's smile slipped a notch. "Not too good today. I guess ponies aren't really in the mood for sweets, now that news has gotten around town about... You know, Applebloom."

Twilight sighed. "Yeah, the whole town seems gloomy today. Not hard to see why."

The five mares nodded silently as they sat around a table, each ordering a milkshake.

"So, how's Sweetie Belle doing?" Rainbow Dash asked, breaking the silence.

"Not too well," Rarity replied. "The poor dear was practically in shock when I came to pick her up from Sweet Apple Acres yesterday. I nearly joined her when she explained what happened. It wasn't until I got her home that she started crying, and then she didn't stop until she finally fell asleep. She hasn't come out of her room all morning."

"Poor Sweetie Belle," Twilight said to nopony in particular. "Losing both of her closest friends in one evening... What does that do to a filly?"

"So they still haven't found what happened to Scootaloo?" Rainbow asked, taking a sip of her shake.

Twilight shook her head. "Nopony's seen her. How are you holding up about it, Rainbow? You look exhausted."

Rainbow rubbed her eyelids with a forehoof. "I couldn't sleep last night. First hearing about Applebloom, then Scootaloo goes missing... I guess it was just alot to take in, y'know?"

"And ontop of all that, there's still the whole mystery about Amethyst Star," Twilight added. "Just what is going on in this town?!"

The other mares nodded. It was not as if nopony ever died in Ponyville. Old age, disease and accidents were as common as anywhere else in Equestria. But two mysterious and violent deaths, one caused by some sort of magical surge that the victim should not have been able to create, the other completely unknown, and happening to a child no less. And ontop of that, Scootaloo's disappearance from the scene of Applebloom's death, it was unheard of.

The rest of their time in the sweet shop passed in silence, until Mrs Cake came back to take away their empty glasses.

"So, where's Applejack?" Mrs Cake asked.

"Where do you think? Back at the farm," Rainbow replied.

Pinkie Pie stood up. "Do you think we should pay her a visit, maybe it'll cheer her up a bit."

"That might be a good idea," Rarity replied, dusting herself off. "I'd imagine Applejack would want some companionship now more than ever."

Deathly silence hung over Sweet Apple Acres. No sounds of industrious ponies, hard at work in the orchards. No sounds of the farm animals going about their daily lives. The air seemed quiet and still, as if even the summer winds themselves were in mourning.

Inside the farmhouse was just as silent and still. In the living room, Granny Smith sat in her rocking chair, deep in an exhausted slumber after a sleepless night of grief. On the dining room table sat a single picture frame with a photograph of Applebloom, a carefree smile upon he lips, leaning against a small ceramic pot. A tiny urn for a tiny filly.

Granny's eyelids fluttered in her sleep as there was a knocking at the door, but she stayed asleep. After a few seconds of silence, there was another knocking, slightly louder. This stirred Granny Smith from her sleep, as she awoke with a start. Slipping out of her chair, she hobbled slowly to the door and feebly pulled it open.

"Oh, um... Good morning, Granny Smith," Twilight said with a solemn nod.

The old mare returned the nod. "Mornin' young'uns. I'll wager y'all wanna see Applejack?"

Fluttershy nodded. "If that's alright with you. I mean, we thought that she might want somepony to talk to or something."
Granny gestured with her head in the direction of the stairs. "She's up in her room. Poor child's bin cryin' all night. Heck, we all have, 'cept for Big Macintosh."

Her limbs creaking with age, she pointed a forehoof out a window on the side. Twilight trotted over and peered through the glass. Out in the yard by the shed, she could see Big Macintosh. He was sitting on the ground, head hunched over, right at the same spot where the horrible act took place. His glazed eyes stared downwards, at the pink hair ribbon that he held in his forehooves.

"He's bin like that since yesterday. Just sittin' there, starin' down at that hair ribbon. Can't get him to move, can't get him to speak, I guess he's just sorta gone into shock over it all." The old mare explained. With a sigh, she continued, "I still can't quite get it in my brain that... that she's gone."

As Granny Smith wiped a tear from her eye, Pinkie Pie quietly approached her. Placing a comforting forehoof on her shoulder, she gently eased Granny into a hug. Pinkie Pie was barely able to hold back her own tears as she felt the old mare weeping silently against her.

"Do you... do you think you're going to be alright?" Twilight asked.

Breaking from the hug, Granny Smith cleared her throat, wiping her eyes again. "Heh, I doubt I'll be 'alright' fer quite some time, young 'un. But I'll get by fer now. Y'all best head upstairs and see Applejack now."

The five mares nodded and bade Granny Smith goodbye, heading up the stairs. They stopped outside one of the doors, knocking gently.

"Applejack?" Twilight said in a gentle voice. "Are you in there?"

On the other side of the door, they could hear the faint sounds of muffled sobbing. Twilight knocked again. "We understand if you want to be alone right now. We just want to say, if you need somepony to talk to or something, we're all here for you.
The sobbing stopped. After a few seconds of silence, the door creaked open. There stood Applejack, her hair untied and hanging loose around her shoulders, eyes red from crying all through the night.

"Come on in, gals," she said in a hoarse voice.

Silently, the five mares entered, each nodding to Applejack as they entered. Closing the door behind them, she sat down upon the edge of her bed where her friends joined her.

"... Why?" she said in a near-inaudible voice. "Why did this have to happen?"

Pinkie offered her forelegs to her, and Applejack let herself be hugged by the pink pony. "Ssh, it's okay Applejack," Pinkie Pie whispered reassuringly. "We're here for you."

And this time, she could not stop the tears rolling from her cheeks as she felt Applejack's shaking body in her arms, and heard her muffled sobbing against her chest.

"Sh-she was so yo-young..." Applejack wept. "After Ma and Pa passed on, Big Mac and I pretty much raised her ourselves. Sh-she was like a d-d-daughter to me..."

She raised her head, tears streaming in small rivulets down her face. "N-nopony should have to outlive their own child."

The mares sat in silence once again, save for Applejack's quiet sobbing and the occasional sniffling from somepony else. Everypony was at a loss for words. Sure, they had all experienced death before, be it an older relative, a friend or a little animal friend. But never of one so young.

After what may have been hours of weeping, Applejack finally rose up, rubbing her eyes and taking a deep breath. "Thanks, gals... I guess I jus' needed a shoulder to cry on, and neither Granny nor Big Mac are in much of a state to be that shoulder."

"Well, if you need another shoulder, you know where to find us," Rainbow Dash said with a smile.

With a weak smile, Applejack nodded. "But still, I wish we had some idea of how exactly it happened..."

"Well, from what I could get out of Sweetie Belle," Rarity replied, "She and Big Macintosh apparently heard you and I calling for them, so they went to the gate, but there was nopony there. And then, they heard Scootaloo and Applebloom screaming and ran back to the shed where they were."

Applejack frowned. "Hold on. Ya say they heard us callin' for them? How does that work, we were all in town when it happened."

"It gets even more mysterious, trust me. According to Sweetie Belle, when she and Big Macintosh returned to the shed after hearing them screaming, they found Scootaloo sitting on the ground in front of a pile of dust that... that looked like Applebloom. The same colour as her, vaguely in her shape, complete with the hair ribbon lying ontop. And then, Scootaloo apparently vanished in a flash of light, right before their eyes," Rarity said. "Heavens, you don't think... you don't think Scootaloo had something to do with-"

"Woah woah, hold up Rarity! Are you seriously suggesting that Scootaloo did this?!" Rainbow asked incredulously.

"Well, she was at the scene when it happened," Rarity said. "I don't like the thought of it any more than you, but it could be the case."

Twilight chimed in. "But how? Scootaloo hasn't got any magic, so how else could she have done it? Besides, I've never heard of any spell or potion or anything that does... that."

As her horn lit up, the clasps on a small bag she carried popped open and a small notebook and quill floated out. She started fervently scribbling down notes on a fresh page.

"What'cha got there?" Applejack asked, peering over her shoulder.

"I've been keeping a journal ever since what happened to Amethyst Star," Twilight explained. "Since then, I've been doing alot of investigation around Ponyville. And going by what we know, I don't think it would be too far-fetched to say that what happened to Amethyst and what happened to Applebloom may be connected."

"Connected how, exactly?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Twilight passed her notepad around, letting everypony see it. "Well think about it; in Ponyville, crime levels are almost negligible, and there are virtually no recorded cases of violent crimes. And yet, in the space of less than a week, we have two violent deaths, both by unexplained means. One of them involved an enormous surge of magic, possibly caused by some external artefact, likely the Alicorn Amulet. And the other is even more mysterious, and definitely magical in nature. I don't know of any natural phenomenon where somepony would just crumble into dust."

"Hmm..." Pinkie Pie tapped a hoof to her chin. "I guess... there could be some sorta connection. But what? And who? And why, for that matter?!"

Twilight slipped the notebook back into her bags. "That's what we're going to find out, Pinkie Pie. Applejack... I know this may be asking a bit much of you, given what's happened, but... would you be willing to help?"

The farmpony stood up, her eyes dry of tears. "As if ya even have to ask, Twilight. I wanna find out more than anypony just what the hay happened to my sister, where her friend is and just what is goin' on. Y'all can count me in. But... Maybe not right now, y'know?"

"I understand," Twilight said with a nod. "Just come and find me when you're ready."

"Well, I've bin thinkin', and if Granny and Big Mac are alright with it, we'll probably be doin' Applebloom's funeral in a few days. Once we've had a chance to lay her to rest, I think I'll be ready to help y'all out. And... Well, if y'all can make it, I'd sure appreciate it if ya could show up."

Rainbow nodded. "We'll be there."

"Of course, Applejack," Fluttershy added.

"I'll certainly be there," Rarity said. "And Sweetie Belle too, of course."

Applejack smiled again. "Thanks gals. It'd sure mean alot to her, and it'll sure mean alot to me."

And with that, and one last group hug, the five mares departed, leaving Applejack alone in her room, to ponder the events of the last few days.

"Does anybody know exactly where we are going?"

Six figures trudged through the thick trees of the Everfree Forest. The Fallen King and Sombra led the way side by side, followed closely by Blueblood, Chrysalis, Gilda and, trailing at the back, Scootaloo.

Sombra grunted in frustration. "For the last time, yes! Keep your mouth shut, little prince, and just follow us!"

"Little Prince?!" Blueblood sputtered. "Excuse me, but I am crown-prince of Equestria, and I demand that you address me as such!"

"Hah! Your rank is rather irrelevant given what we plan to do, don't you think?" Sombra retorted with a toothy grin.

The Fallen King placed a hoof on Sombra's shoulder. "Now now, my faithful apprentice. Do not be too harsh upon Blueblood. He is to be one of your working partners, after all."

"Hah! Thank you sir. Hear that, Sombra?" Blueblood sneered, "You're going to have to learn to play nice."

Sombra growled, "The day you and I will 'play nice' together will be the day that Tartarus itself freezes over, you pompous blowhard."

"Anyway," The Fallen King said as he came to a halt, "We can save the banter for later. For now, we have arrived.

Brushing aside a frond of broad leaves, The six found themselves at the edge of a massive gorge. Gloomy mist swirled and wafted from the crevice that stretched across the earth before them, the sides connected only by a rickety wooden bridge. And on the other side of the gorge, there stood the crumbling ruins of a castle, now little more than a pile of stone blocks.

"So... that is where we're going to be staying?" Chrysalis said uncertainly. "My my, it's so...rustic."

"Maybe it is now," the Fallen King replied, "But in my time, it was my home. And a mighty stronghold it was."

"Your home? I read about this place, back when you were making me search for your notes. The records said this was the original palace of the Princesses."

Sombra nodded "And so it was. But they were merely guests, and so was I. Our master was the one who truly ruled this castle."

"You lived here too?!" Blueblood said, eyes wide with surprise. But before he could demand any explanation, Gilda swooped overhead, teasingly swiping at his head with her claws.

"Hey, enough chit-chat! Let's just get in there already," she said as she flew across the crevice. Blueblood, the Fallen King and Sombra followed behind.

Chrysalis stopped, however, as she saw Scootaloo, sitting on the ground behind her, staring into space. She rolled her eyes. "Come along, you."

But Scootaloo remained seated, eyes planted on the sky. "... I did it," she muttered. "I killed her... I killed Applebloom..."

"Scootaloo, you can mope and mourn later, but right now, you need to move," Chrysalis said, more firmly this time. Scootaloo seemed not to listen, still staring at the morning sky above.

"Hey! What's taking you two?" Blueblood shouted from across the gorge as the rest of the group pushed the rotting wooden doors open and entering the ruin.

Chrysalis looked from across the bridge, and back to Scootaloo. But the filly seemed to have no interest in moving anywhere.

The changeling sighed. "I guess I'm going to have to play foalsitter for the time," she said. As her horn glowed green, Scootaloo was engulfed in the same light, and lifted into the air, landing on Chrysalis' back.

"Hold on tight," she said, as she took to the air and flew across the gorge. As she landed, Scootaloo slid off her chitinous back. "Now then, in you go."

The little filly looked up at Chrysalis with mournful eyes. "Will it make the whispers stop?"

The Changeling rolled her eyes. "I- Ugh, yes, I'm sure it will, now let's go!" she said before following the others inside. Slowly, Scootaloo lifted herself off the ground and staggered in.

Inside the ruins was just as bare and crumbling as the outside. The doors opened to a short corridor that opened up to a much larger hall, a ragged old carpet leading from the doorway to the far end where two thrones stood, tattered banners of the sun and moon hanging behind them and a massive hole in the wall inbetween them. Doorways on either side led to further passages and corridors into the rest of the castle.

"Man, what a dump," Gilda said bluntly, her voice echoing off the stone walls.

Sombra rounded upon her. "Show some respect, griffon! That is my master's house you are insulting, and mine as well."

"Actually, I must agree with her," the Fallen King replied as he looked around. "It would seem that since they built that eyesore of a capital city on the mountainside, this castle has lain abandoned."

Blueblood lounged against the steps leading to the thrones. "Honestly, how are we supposed to operate from inside such a dilapidated place? We don't even have so much as a roof over our heads," he said, waving his hooves skyward.

The Fallen King brushed him aside with a forehoof as he climbed up the steps, standing on the small bridge that connected the two platforms that the thrones stood upon. "Well, that can easily be remedied. Now, don't... don't move..."

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath as the Fallen King's horn glowed with a sickly yellow light. The same glow emanated from the jet-black scorpion jewel on his crown. All around the throne room things began to move. Fallen stones and crumbling bricks levitated into the air, swirling around the room and setting themselves back in the walls. Cracks that snaked up the sides of pillars vanished. On the back wall, the massive hole evened out into an upside-down shield shape, and from the dust and grit that coated every surface, a great sheet of glass formed and fitted itself into the hole. The tattered banners fell from the walls and burst into multicoloured flames, burning away into nothingness. And the shrubs and vines that grew along the walls and sprouted from cracks began to grow, their tendrils and branches reaching out over the empty space that was once a ceiling. The branches intertwined above the astonished host in the throne room, until coming to a halt as they formed a roof.

Finally, the Fallen King ceased his spell as his horns glow faded. Breathing heavily, he wiped the sweat from his brown and looked about at his handiwork. The throne room was still looking very dusty and bare, but otherwise sturdy and suitable for living in.

"... Woah," was all that Gilda could utter.

"Indeed," he replied. "And that is just the start. We need to have this entire castle repaired, rebuilt and ready for habitation. This is going to be our new home now, and the base of our operations. Once we have it ship-shape, we can begin our plan."

"My my, you certainly are serious about this, aren't you?" Chrysalis said with a wry grin. "Now come on, you've been giving us nothing but vague hints for a while now, so spill it: Why exactly do you want to take over Equestria? What is it the Princesses did to you that is so bad?"

Sombra stepped forward to stand beside his master, as he noticed a shadow cross the Fallen King's hooded and veiled face. "There, you see it? There's anger in you both, I can practically taste it," Chrysalis continued. "You've seen things, haven't you? Just what happened?"

The Fallen King looked down at the floor, then up to the ceiling. But when he looked down, he was grinning. It was not a pleasant sight. "Very well, Chrysalis. Gather around, everypony -and griffon-, and I will tell you my story."

The six gathered on the steps surrounding the throne, all looking up at their leader except for Scootaloo, who still stared mournfully into space. Sombra joined them as the Fallen King recounted his story.

"Thousands of years ago, before the reign of Celestia and Luna, before even the founding of Equestria as we know it, this castle you now stand in was a mighty fortress, a palace fit for a king. And that king was me.

There was no overgrown forest surrounding it back then, but instead there was a vast kingdom of rolling plains and sprawling towns. And here in its centre was its capital city. Now, in that city, there lived three young unicorns; three talented, brilliant unicorns. They were named Celestia, Luna and Sombra."

All eyes turned to the black-furred unicorn, who glared right back. "Indeed, he was the very Sombra who sits among us now," he continued. "And the same Celestia and Luna who now sit upon their thrones in Canterlot. And so brilliant were these three that I personally oversaw their magical tutoring.

And I could not have asked for better students. Smart, quick learning, ambitious and incredibly powerful. With them at my side, my kingdom became stronger than ever before..."

Gilda raised a claw. "Woah, hold up... So, you were the Princesses'... master?!"

"That I was, Gilda," the Fallen King replied. "They were loyal apprentices, and I loved them almost like my own children. And then there came the day that they betrayed my trust and love for them.

The three unicorns were nearly in their adult years when Sombra and I stumbled upon a strange new magic. You see, before this, the only magic taught to unicorns was based on the idea of Harmony, tapping into positive emotions, which was powerful in its own way. But the magic Sombra and I discovered, this was something else entirely. It tapped into the negative emotions, where the real power lay. Together, we learned to control and harness this magic for our own uses, and with it, rose to become the most powerful unicorns in all the world... Then, enter Celestia and Luna to ruin everything.

They attacked Sombra and I for daring to tap into this magic, and why? Because some archaic magical lore forbade the use of such forces!"

The Fallen King's voice rose angrily as he told his tale, until he caught himself as he began to shout. Pausing to regain his composure, he continued. "Sombra and I tried to reason with them, telling them that we only wished to harness this magic for the greater good of our kingdom, but they stubbornly refused to listen. Our feud finally came to a head when they rose up against us and staged a rebellion!

"It started small; protests in the street, posters on very building calling for our unjust removal. But slowly, protests turned to riots, their little gangs turned into militias and finally, they had an army. And so, the First War started.

"This war lasted for years, battles raging all across the kingdom, ravaging the land and causing untold suffering and death to my people. But the Princesses weren't satisfied with only turning my subjects against me, they even sent for aid from neighbouring kingdoms and tribes! Well, two could play at that game, and I happened to have many allies of my own, including a recently discovered land that I had sent Sombra to colonise, which called itself the Crystal Empire."

"The Crystal Empire was on your side?!" Blueblood asked incredulously.

Sombra managed a tight smile. "They were rather easy to control. And when they heard of my masters plight, they were all too willing to help."

"So, the First War raged on for another year, until finally the Princesses overran our capital and drove us to our castle. Sombra was lost in the battle, banished to the Frozen North along with the rest of the Crystal Empire, where they mysteriously vanished. The siege lasted three days, until they finally broke down our gates and stormed the castle.

"Luckily, I had a failsafe. In the event of my demise, I had crafted that." the Fallen King pointed to the Alicorn Amulet, which hung around Blueblood's neck. "It was designed to hold a small portion of my being should I be slain, and then hide itself somewhere safe. My body was eventually killed in battle by Celestia herself, but part of me lived on in that little gemstone.

"So Celestia and Luna were victorious, but at a great cost. The land that was now little more than a barren wasteland of scorched earth and lifeless corpses, and everypony was suffering because of their stubbornness. And do you know what they did, when they saw what they had done?"

The five, now listening with rapt attention, shook their heads.

"They hid it," he coldly replied. "They herded everypony who had lived in those lands away to a new land, where they then did the unthinkable: They erased the war from history.

"Every memory, every written record, every possible reference to the First War, and they destroyed them all. They hid the memory of their despicable revolution and the horrors of what they started. And there were horrors, do not doubt it. I saw things during that war that would curl your horns and shrivel your wings... The Destruction of the Eternity's Crossing, the fall of Windsoar and Vaporia, the Opening of Abaddon's Fury... And they wiped it all from the memories of those who survived, in a vain attempt to hide their mistakes."

The Fallen King could no longer hide the chilling fury in his voice. Slamming a hoof onto the rail of the bridge, he glared out across the throne room. "And that is why I am going to make them pay. They have disgraced the names of those who perished because of them, by claiming that they did not even exist! And I ask you, my friends, does that sound fair to you?!"

"Absolutely not!" Blueblood shouted.

"It's disgraceful! And they call themselves royalty!" Chrysalis agreed.

Gilda joined in. "Somebody needs to take those two Princesses down a peg!"

"And so we shall, my friends," The Fallen King said, hushing them all with a wave of his forehoof. "So let us get to work building this old ruin into our new stronghold. And then, the great work can truly commence!"

Next Chapter: And The Beast Opened his Mouth to Blaspheme Against God, and Them That Dwelleth in Heaven Estimated time remaining: 14 Minutes
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