
Discordia: Turn on the Lights.

by overlord-flinx

Chapter 3: Act 2: Why does yonder window break light?

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Well that was entertaining.

Glad ta' 'ear it, Cap'n!

But let's see how Canterlot's doing, hm?

Luna? Wooo!

Yes-yes, we'll see if Luna's singing...

This will be toppers!

Uh-huh, bangers and mash and all that...

Ponyville had become a storm of musical numbers and tap-dance routines in a matter of hours. Truly, a horrible sight. Even more so considering the curse had nothing to do with choreography. But, high above in Canterlot, all seemed relatively calm inside the dimly and rarely castle's halls. But no area more darker than Princess Luna's bed chamber. Being the ruler of the night, she preferred to sleep in the morning so as to have more energy in the morning. But, the sun being so bright, she would close her drapes and shut out all light from her room. Much to her shame, she was a very light sleeper. Nevertheless, there she slept in blissful peace; ignorant of the affairs outside.

Knickers, she's out cold...

Hm. That's no fun... Pip, give me that brick there.

This one? Why?

Soft breathes parted between Luna's dark lips as she remained blissful in her--CRASH!

All at once, Luna's drapes flew open along with shards of glass and a thick brick leading the charge. As sunlight bled into the princess' room, she snapped her eyes open in shock while clamming to her hooves. Frightened as she scrambled out of her bed to analyze the situation, she looked out her broken window. At first, her heart pounded hard against her chest out of her fear... But that soon steadied into a rhythmic aggression when she looked to the calendar resting beside her window.

In the Haunt of the Day
Original: In the Dark of the Night - Anastasia
Performed: Princess Luna and the Guards.

In the castle of Canter there's an unspoken law,
This act breaks it as far as I see --
It brought me into the day,
The one time I allow to lay!
Now I see here,
This act was done by he!

Luna swung herself around in rage, using the spark of magic from her horn to send the door leading to the castle hall to fly open. Glass shards cracked under her storming hooves as she moved across her room and left into the lit hallway. Her guards standing watch on either side of her room looked at her with surprise, but said nothing and allowed her to continue to storm down the hall.

Thy power was once feared by all ponies, (Woo-Ah-Woo.)
When my eyes were cleared I saw my fault, (Woo-Ah-Woo!)
My efforts are to now stay,
To keep my anger at bay,
Discord be cursed,
You called my assault!

In the haunt of the day nightmares will hunt them,
In the haunt of the day, awakened 'fore dusk,

Oh how will he feel...?

When his nightmares are real?

In the haunt of the day--

...She doesn't sound too 'appy, does she?

Oh, come now. She's just being a sourpuss about being woken up, having a window broken, and getting stuck with a villain song.

I don't know... Do you think we went to far?


Down below in Canterlot castle's garden, Princess Luna had managed to storm her way out with her amassed personal guard close behind her. Her eyes looked to the bright sky above, hatred filling her sleep filled eyes. Even still, her wings sprang open and signaled her night guards to stand at attention around her. Out from under Luna's hooves, a cloud of gathering and building black smoke started to fill the garden.

Rise my vassals,
Come to thy master,
Blind this horrid curse!

One by one, each guard took to the sky with fiercely flapping bat-wings. As each one soon took to the sky, the sunlight over the castle gradually became more and more blocked out; casting a massive shadow over Canterlot.

Darken light,
Soon hunt down the caster.

In the haunt of the day...
In the haunt of the day...
In the haunt of the day...

He'll need a hearse!

...What makes you think that?

While Discord and his partner's eyes were elsewhere, Ponyville continued to sink into its toe-tapping madness. Not only did the random music bring out random singing, but also hidden thoughts. Within the first ten minutes alone, not a pony could count how many times some stallion got slapped for admitting to something he shouldn't have. But, luckily, some were not singing in public places where confessions could go wrong... Some like Spike safely inside the library and watching the mess from one of the windows facing the sunny streets.

What do you do...?
Original: What Do You Do With a B.A. In English? - Avenue Q.
Performed: Spike.

What do you do when you're turned on by ponies?
What kind of life do you lead?
No life with dragons but plenty with hey wagons,
Has left me with a love on for steed!

Spike continued to look out the window, noticing among the commotion one particular pony just passing by the window in her own shop. Seeing that mare's flawless, violet mane, Spike sighed and put her claw against the window with a pining groan.

I can't say that I like her,
Cause I've got no fur,
The idea gives me the shakes.

Dropping his claw to his side, Spike looked back across the way to Rarity's shop. For a moment, he started to smile again and feel a flutter in the bottom of his chest.

But, hey, it might work,
The tailor and book clerk,
May yet make,
The first pony-drake!

Next Chapter: Interlude 1: What show doesn't have one? Estimated time remaining: 16 Minutes
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