

by BlackWing

Chapter 2: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished pt.2

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No Good Deed Goes Unpunished pt.2

Richie obviously wanted an explanation of what I has just done, so I invited him to my house for dinner after he was released from the hospital. I told him about how to world is full of life, and that I could use it as I wished, and that I had given him a year of my life, and already recovered it from a nearby tree. I showed him on two plants in my home, one full of life and the other near dead. He watched in amazement as I switched their state of health. Realizing that I could improve human life at the cost of plants, he asked me why I kept it a secret for so long. That's when I made my second mistake. "Mankind isn't meant to be immortal. If anyone found out, everyone would want to live forever. If anyone discovered how to do what I can, they would trade this knowledge for wealth, and pretty soon the planet would be devoid of the plant life required to sustain it."

He had stopped listening at "Immortal" He didn't care about the after effects, he was going to be immortal if it it killed him, a funny concept when you think about it. And he would make billions off of extending the lives of the rich, at the expense of the planet itself. He told me that together we would make millions, between my power and his technology to uncover it's secrets. I told him that I could never let anyone discover it, and that I would never allow for that to happen. He said he would respect my wishes, and that he wanted to help wash dishes after. When I wasn't looking, Richie took a frying pan, and the next thing I knew, everything was dark.

I awoke on a steel table, with metal straps binding my arms and legs. Richard (He's an ass now, so he doesn't get the happy nickname anymore) stood in front of me, with 3 screens behind him, showing only shadows of men who were on them. "Welcome Davis, to Trip laboratories, I believe you are already familiar with it." Richard said with a hint of spite in his voice. "Since you don't want to give up your secrets willingly, I guess we'll just have to cut you open and find out how you tick. First however, I need to prove to these gentlemen that what I'm saying is true."

He jabbed me in the shoulder with a scalpel, twisting it around before pulling it out. My screams of pain seemed to be like music to his ears.

"Now then, heal yourself."

"This is illegal, you assaulted me, kidnapped me, and now you're running experiments on me? Soon as the police get here you're going to jail."

He jabbed me again. "Idiot, who do you think owns the police, who do you think controls the government? We do! We have money, and the world runs on money. people can be bought, officials can be bribed. Myself and the 3 on those screens can do whatever we want!" He was laughing maniacally now. He had clearly gone off the deep end, from his greed and the prospect of everlasting life.

"So, I am your friend for the past 2 years, I give you an extra year of life, and this is how you repay me? What happened to 'making amends'?" He stabbed my chest, missing anything vital, but making it hurt like hell.

"I only wanted to make things right because I though i was going to die. Who cares about the afterlife if I'm never going to go? If you aren't going to heal yourself, then I guess I'm just going to have to kill you. Then my eggheads can run tests on every single piece of you!"

That idiot. As soon as I said immortality, he had forgotten completely about how it's a trade off, how something has to be lost in order to gain. I was indoors, so there weren't any plants, and the dumbass locked me in a sealed laboratory, without bacteria. Richards associates were in other countries most likely, only here through the screens. It was just me and him. He stabbed me in the neck, severing my jugular. Fine, I'll take part in his little demonstration. He is going to kill me for the sake of greed, I might as well give him what he deserves.

Richard wretched in pain, doubling over and lying on the ground. The men on the screens suddenly seemed interested, and noticed that the test subject was no longer bleeding. In fact, his wounds had closed completely. Richard on the other hand was bleeding profusely, clutching his wounds.

"How could you do this, I though we were friends?" he asked. I replied, "Friends don't kill each other. All I did you give you the wounds you gave me. Basically, you have killed yourself. Enjoy the afterlife, although after what you just did, I doubt you will, Richard."

I practically spat the last word at him. I never called him by his full name, always using his nickname. Hearing me say that he acted like I had stabbed him, and finally succumbed to his wounds. Lucky for me, since I was in a sealed room, which was always disinfected before and after using, there was no need for stainless steel. I spat on my arm shackles, and forced life energy into the bacteria, causing them to multiply at an insane speed, eating right through the steel.

"Should have gone with stainless, Richard always was a cheapskate." I said to no one in particular. I did the same with my leg bindings.

"Good, now, with Richard gone, we can take this power for ourselves, and have no need to share the profits. Let the bidding begin. Davis, I offer 13 million in return for sole right to this power." Said an oriental sounding voice coming from the right monitor.

"16 million!" Said the one on the left, this one British. "Wait, where are you going?" I flipped them off and walked to the door. The screen in the middle, which I now realized was a woman said. "We will be hunting you. We can blame you for the death of Mr. Trip, and with our resources we can chase you no matter where you go. The power of immortality, and to heal yourself by wounding your enemies would make the perfect soldier, as well as giving the privileged such as ourselves everlasting life. No matter what, we WILL have you." I ignored them as I walked out.

Sorry for the long intro. I kinda want to build the back story first, just to know where the character is coming from. I also didn't mean for this to be so damn violent. This isn't cupcakes for Celestia's sake. Next chapter will actually get to the part about the ponies, and as such the rest of the chapters aren't going to be so damn gruesome. Chapter 3 will be in Equestria, and with chapter 4 I'll FINALLY get to the meat of the story instead of just setting it up. Also, I've already thought about what's going to happen before writing, which is why I can crank out these chapter one after another. Once I actually get to the story, Its going to slow down quite a bit, although I've already got a couple chapters planned out. The only thing for sure now is this is gonna be one freaking long story. One final note, I took a bit of a stretch with the science stuff. Normally, even in hermetically sealed labs everything is stainless steel, and even if it weren't, the bacteria in saliva would not be able to make such short work of it, but hey, next chapter has magic in it so screw logic, I'm writing about ponies!

Next Chapter: Across The Gap Estimated time remaining: 6 Hours, 33 Minutes
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