

by BlackWing

First published

A human with a rather unique ability is hunted, till he find himself in a land different to his own.


Nightshade, (OC, originally Davis) has a rather unique power, one that many with less than selfless intentions will give anything to get a hold of. He is on the run, and just when he appears to be caught, he finds himself in a new world entirely. Called a monster by his fellow humans, how will he fare in a world where ALL humans are considered as such? And can he stop the darkness within himself? An HiE story, no the main character will not be ponified, because then it would lose the whole point. Also my first fanfic, so commentary is appreciated. Mild Swearing, Gratuitous Violence, Rated T for Teen. I do not own any of the characters, except Davis because I made him up, and I really don't care if you use him in your fic or not just s long as you make sure to direct back here so everypony knows where he came from. All things pony related are the property of Hasbro (insert proper legal jargon here)

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Hi, the names Davis. I'll leave the introduction at that. Not much really to say about my childhood, other than that I am somewhat different from what you might consider a normal 20 year old. As long as I can remember, I have had a special power that no one else has. I can see life force. Every living thing, from other humans all the way down to bacteria has a spark within them, the spark of life. It can't be seen, except by me. I can tell if a person is tired or not, their state of health, and even their life span just by looking at them. I ended up weirding everyone out whenever I talked about it, and because of that, ended up with very few friends. Ok, no friends, so I decided to keep it a secret to at least TRY and have a social life. Kind of hard when you say "Oh hi Sally, your Granny's gonna die in a month." Over time, I learned to manipulate this, "flame of life" in various ways. I could recover stamina, heal wounds, and extend the lives of myself or others, at a cost. You see, in order for something to be gained, something of equal value must be lost. Before you ask, no, I'm not an alchemist, although that manga is one of my favorites. But, I digress, in order for me to recover my stamina, I must pass my exhaustion onto another life form. The same with health. I can heal my wounds by adding them to another. Life span as well. So technically, I suppose you could call me a vampire, at least in one sense, except I don't feed on blood. I use life force, so unlike blood I can also use plants, trees, and even microorganisms as an energy source. I'm not required to absorb this energy to live, only if I want to extend my own life, or recover from wounds and exhaustion. I can use this power without physical contact, although touching whatever it is sure makes it easier. Now, just as I can take, I can also give, which is where my problems began.

May 29th, 2011, Michigan

I walked into the hospital room of my employer, Richard Trip, owner of Trip Industries, a medical electronics manufacturer, (you know, those really expensive machines that they hook you up to to run tests like x-ray's and MRI's and all that) Now, I wasn't on the research team, I was just a simple maintenance guy, but I had been working there for 2 years. Richie, as I liked to call him, would often talk to me about his life, things he simply couldn't talk to the rest of his employees about, mostly because they were a bunch of snivilling suck ups that would say anything to please him. He talked to me because I had quite a bit of common sense, and I wouldn't put up with any of his bullshit if he tried it. Richie had an genetic disorder, (part of the reason why he became such a genius when it comes to medicine, trying to find a cure for himself), and was near the end of his life.

I entered the room after he had called me to him, and asked, "You wanted to see me Richie?" To which he responded in a grave tone, "Davis, I have some bad news. I've gotten worse, the doctor says I only have a short time left, 2 weeks at the most." I could see he wasn't lying. By reading his life force, I could tell that he would be dead within the next 10 days. Being the only one that he could trust, he gave me access to some of his funds, and a list. "All the people in this world who I have wronged. I don't have enough time to make amends to them, so, after I'm gone, could you do it for me? I know it won't mean as much coming from you, but I still want to right my wrongs." I knew that Richie was a shrewd man, and had stepped on others to make his way up in the world, but even though he was my boss, I still considered him my friend.

Seeing him want to make up for past wrong doings, I couldn't help myself, and I made the worst mistake of my life. I told him that I could give him some more time, so he could make amends himself, and transferred 1 year of my lifespan to him. I could tell just by the look on his face that he was better, and all the medical staff were shocked when he jumped out of his death bed, and gave me a hug. Behind that hug however, was a wicked smile. I should have known better. A man who stepped on others to make his way in the world, a man who cared only about money, and who was a genius in the medical field just witnessed the most astounding discovery in the history of mankind.

Okay so overall it's a good start. I wanted to get to the dark underworld of humanity, showing just how greedy humans really are, and how most often those who ARE kind and caring just get trampled in this world. By the way, I am NOT Davis, I just made him up. I am however, a nice guy, who got really sick and tired of finishing last. Much of Davis's personality is taken from my own, so how he reacts in these situations will be however I would. As for why it's called Monster, If you didn't read the description, then you'll just have to see how the story plays out.

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished pt.2

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished pt.2

Richie obviously wanted an explanation of what I has just done, so I invited him to my house for dinner after he was released from the hospital. I told him about how to world is full of life, and that I could use it as I wished, and that I had given him a year of my life, and already recovered it from a nearby tree. I showed him on two plants in my home, one full of life and the other near dead. He watched in amazement as I switched their state of health. Realizing that I could improve human life at the cost of plants, he asked me why I kept it a secret for so long. That's when I made my second mistake. "Mankind isn't meant to be immortal. If anyone found out, everyone would want to live forever. If anyone discovered how to do what I can, they would trade this knowledge for wealth, and pretty soon the planet would be devoid of the plant life required to sustain it."

He had stopped listening at "Immortal" He didn't care about the after effects, he was going to be immortal if it it killed him, a funny concept when you think about it. And he would make billions off of extending the lives of the rich, at the expense of the planet itself. He told me that together we would make millions, between my power and his technology to uncover it's secrets. I told him that I could never let anyone discover it, and that I would never allow for that to happen. He said he would respect my wishes, and that he wanted to help wash dishes after. When I wasn't looking, Richie took a frying pan, and the next thing I knew, everything was dark.

I awoke on a steel table, with metal straps binding my arms and legs. Richard (He's an ass now, so he doesn't get the happy nickname anymore) stood in front of me, with 3 screens behind him, showing only shadows of men who were on them. "Welcome Davis, to Trip laboratories, I believe you are already familiar with it." Richard said with a hint of spite in his voice. "Since you don't want to give up your secrets willingly, I guess we'll just have to cut you open and find out how you tick. First however, I need to prove to these gentlemen that what I'm saying is true."

He jabbed me in the shoulder with a scalpel, twisting it around before pulling it out. My screams of pain seemed to be like music to his ears.

"Now then, heal yourself."

"This is illegal, you assaulted me, kidnapped me, and now you're running experiments on me? Soon as the police get here you're going to jail."

He jabbed me again. "Idiot, who do you think owns the police, who do you think controls the government? We do! We have money, and the world runs on money. people can be bought, officials can be bribed. Myself and the 3 on those screens can do whatever we want!" He was laughing maniacally now. He had clearly gone off the deep end, from his greed and the prospect of everlasting life.

"So, I am your friend for the past 2 years, I give you an extra year of life, and this is how you repay me? What happened to 'making amends'?" He stabbed my chest, missing anything vital, but making it hurt like hell.

"I only wanted to make things right because I though i was going to die. Who cares about the afterlife if I'm never going to go? If you aren't going to heal yourself, then I guess I'm just going to have to kill you. Then my eggheads can run tests on every single piece of you!"

That idiot. As soon as I said immortality, he had forgotten completely about how it's a trade off, how something has to be lost in order to gain. I was indoors, so there weren't any plants, and the dumbass locked me in a sealed laboratory, without bacteria. Richards associates were in other countries most likely, only here through the screens. It was just me and him. He stabbed me in the neck, severing my jugular. Fine, I'll take part in his little demonstration. He is going to kill me for the sake of greed, I might as well give him what he deserves.

Richard wretched in pain, doubling over and lying on the ground. The men on the screens suddenly seemed interested, and noticed that the test subject was no longer bleeding. In fact, his wounds had closed completely. Richard on the other hand was bleeding profusely, clutching his wounds.

"How could you do this, I though we were friends?" he asked. I replied, "Friends don't kill each other. All I did you give you the wounds you gave me. Basically, you have killed yourself. Enjoy the afterlife, although after what you just did, I doubt you will, Richard."

I practically spat the last word at him. I never called him by his full name, always using his nickname. Hearing me say that he acted like I had stabbed him, and finally succumbed to his wounds. Lucky for me, since I was in a sealed room, which was always disinfected before and after using, there was no need for stainless steel. I spat on my arm shackles, and forced life energy into the bacteria, causing them to multiply at an insane speed, eating right through the steel.

"Should have gone with stainless, Richard always was a cheapskate." I said to no one in particular. I did the same with my leg bindings.

"Good, now, with Richard gone, we can take this power for ourselves, and have no need to share the profits. Let the bidding begin. Davis, I offer 13 million in return for sole right to this power." Said an oriental sounding voice coming from the right monitor.

"16 million!" Said the one on the left, this one British. "Wait, where are you going?" I flipped them off and walked to the door. The screen in the middle, which I now realized was a woman said. "We will be hunting you. We can blame you for the death of Mr. Trip, and with our resources we can chase you no matter where you go. The power of immortality, and to heal yourself by wounding your enemies would make the perfect soldier, as well as giving the privileged such as ourselves everlasting life. No matter what, we WILL have you." I ignored them as I walked out.

Sorry for the long intro. I kinda want to build the back story first, just to know where the character is coming from. I also didn't mean for this to be so damn violent. This isn't cupcakes for Celestia's sake. Next chapter will actually get to the part about the ponies, and as such the rest of the chapters aren't going to be so damn gruesome. Chapter 3 will be in Equestria, and with chapter 4 I'll FINALLY get to the meat of the story instead of just setting it up. Also, I've already thought about what's going to happen before writing, which is why I can crank out these chapter one after another. Once I actually get to the story, Its going to slow down quite a bit, although I've already got a couple chapters planned out. The only thing for sure now is this is gonna be one freaking long story. One final note, I took a bit of a stretch with the science stuff. Normally, even in hermetically sealed labs everything is stainless steel, and even if it weren't, the bacteria in saliva would not be able to make such short work of it, but hey, next chapter has magic in it so screw logic, I'm writing about ponies!

Across The Gap

Across The Gap

"Come on Twilight!" said Lyra. "I just know it will work this time!" Twilight Sparkle, student of Princess Celestia and the element of magic, (as if you didn't already know this) looked up at the teal unicorn with a mix of frustration and exhaustion in her eyes. "Lyra, there is no solid evidence that points to the existence of these hue-mans. There are no credible records, and even the Princesses have no knowledge of them.

"They're just myth." she said. Lyra responded, "Look at all the things we have with us, door knobs, sewing machines, books and quills, they were all meant to be used with hands, like Spike's. Except that dragons have never had need for such things. The technology we use has been adapted to work with magic, but that's not it's original function. These things were not made by us. Just one more time OK?" "Fine" Twilight said, dropping a copy of 'Transdimensional Theory' on the floor. "At least I'm getting practice with my magic. Building up such magical endurance will greatly help me later in my studies, although I still think you're wasting your time with this old ponies tale."

Lyra responded with a sigh. "Just like Nightmare Moon and the elements of harmony are an old pony tale too right?" It was Twilight's turn to sigh.

"Well, let's say for a moment that you're right, and 'hue-mans' are real. Judging from the legends, the LAST thing we want to do it bring one to Equestria" Lyra turned back. "While, if we succeed, we'll have Equestria's most powerful unicorn to control it. Just think of what we could learn from it. That is, assuming we succeed of course." Lyra was obviously rubbing Twilight's ego, to which she simply shushed her, and said she was trying to concentrate.

Meanwhile, back on Earth, Davis was running for his life. The internal personnel were easily dispatched via having all their stamina sapped from them, making them fall asleep on the job. Davis took some of their clothes to replace the ones that had been stripped off him. Making everyone fall asleep also served to recover Davis' energy, as he was in a full out sprint the entire time. For being such a medical visionary, Richard was an idiot when it came to strategy. He hadn't changed the codes on the doors, and since Davis worked there in maintenance, he knew them all, as well as the building's layout, by heart. Richard also hadn't informed the guards about him, which Davis discovered when he bumped in the head of security.

"Working late I see?"

"Heh, yeah." Davis replied.

"Well, you better watch it, the boss already likes you. If you keep that up, you'll be in for a raise!" The guard let out a chuckle. "You seem to be in a hurry, so I better let you be on your way, I don't wanna keep the future employee of the month from doing his job." Davis hurried on his way, realizing that while he may be under the radar for now, eventually the guards would be alerted to the fate of their boss, and would be out for blood. At the same time he laughed at the delicious irony of it all. The man who tried to kill him was dead, and the one whose job it was to make sure that DIDN'T happen just complimented him. Davis took Richard's car, having taken the keys off his body prior, and drove home.

"Gah." Said Twilight. "This isn't working. Something with the universal co-ordinates must be off."

"I'm trying as hard as I can Twilight." said Lyra. This spell was particularly difficult, and so, only able to be done by one with incredible magic, like Twilight. The problem being, Lyra was the one who knew about the humans, Lyra was the one who had dreamed about the humans, and Lyra was the one who was trying to hone in on humans, wherever, and whenever, they might be. Searching all of time and space in multiple universes was straining, and Lyra didn't have nearly enough stamina. Twilight did. So Twilight would provide the energy needed, and Lyra would do the fine tuning. It required them to be perfectly synchronized, and to say it was difficult would be an understatement.

"I'm exhausted Lyra, and I can tell you are too. Although I appreciate you helping me build up my magical endurance, I think it's time we call it a night." Lyra responded, "Yeah, you're right, I suppose the research can wait for another day." Twilight showed Lyra to the door, and wished her goodnight. Lyra looked up, and judging by the position of the moon, it was already 3 in the morning. "Oh boy, Bon Bon is gonna be pissed."

Davis ditched his former bosses car a ways away from his house, and went inside to get some things. He didn't have much, and lived alone, and where he was going, he didn't need any of the comforts of society. He was a wanted man now, or at least, would be soon. Figuring the only place he could hide from the law, was where there were no other people, out in the wilderness. Davis took some survival gear from his garage, 2 hunting knives, a fishing net, several sets of warm clothes, some heavy boots, and his black trench coat with hood. Thinking he could dress warm, and the coat would hide who he was would be great for sneaking past the patrols he would eventually encounter.

The hunting knives were for once he got to Canada, so he could kill wild deer or turkeys, once they were asleep of course. The same for the fish, which is why he only needed a net and not a fishing pole, he could just catch them when they floated to the surface. First he had to get across the border. Luck was with him, because he lived not too far away from it. He didn't take his car, because he didn't want to be tracked. For the same reason, he threw out his cell phone, and any other electronics he had, save for his Ipod nano. Having everything he needed, and throwing out everything he didn't, Davis headed north, his destination being across the border, and into the untamed wilds beyond.

After Lyra got chewed out by Bon Bon for being out so late, the two room mates finally went to bed. Apparently, her excuse of 'Learning magic with Twilight' was good enough to get her out of trouble, to which Bon Bon replied,

"Well, at least it wasn't more of that human nonsense, I'm glad to see you trying to better yourself, but try not to take it so late into the night, the rest of us have jobs in the morning." Lyra laid down on her bed, and after a few moments, was out cold. She dreamed of the humans again, but this time was different. The dreams were not peaceful. The human she saw was afraid, and running from something. What it was, she did not know.

Davis crossed the border without incident. After being recognized by the border guard as, 'The murderer of Richard Trip' he simply caused the guard to pass out, and went by.

"Just great." He thought. "Well at least now I know I'm being chased." He just hoped when that guard woke up they would dismiss it as a dream. For 2 weeks, Davis traveled, before finally a small military task force, 5 special forces units, caught up to him. For the same 2 weeks, Lyra and Twilight worked together, trying to perfect their spell. Lyra was getting a little frustrated at the lack of progress they were having, but Twilight, currently not having any other projects to work on, was just pleased that she could practice magic. Luckily, by the time Lyra went to bed, the incident with Davis and the special forces had already happened, because she would not have liked what she saw.

"Hold it right there, you are under arrest for the murder of Richard Trip." Davis rolled his eyes. Since when was the military's spec ops units police officers? Especially since they weren't wearing badges belonging to any nation.

"Cut the crap Commando Joe, we both know damn well what's really going on here." The squad leader seemed stunned, but decided to negotiate.

"Very well then. we are a private military force under the command of the Verant military corporation."

"So, you're mercs." Davis replied sarcastically.

"Alright, then that makes this easy. We get paid to bring you to HQ, dead or alive. We get more money with you alive though, so if you would just come quietly we won't have to forfeit our bonus." Just great, more humans who don't care about anything other than money.

"You know, assaulting someone, kidnapping them, and running experiments on them is a serious violation of human rights." Davis spat back at his potential captors. The merc leader gave a little chuckle. "We know what you can do, you can't be considered human any more. Draining the life force of others? Sounds more like a vampire to me. Face it, you're not human, you're a monster."

This realization struck Davis right in the bone. Humans know only hatred and greed. When they commit an act of kindness, they only do so to be rewarded. Whether they are rewarded by the person they help, or in the afterlife, they don't care. They just want for themselves. Davis helped someone who he thought was his friend, only to get stabbed in the back. If all humans are evil and greedy, then Davis figured he didn't want to be a human.

"You're right, I'm not human. All humans know is greed. They take what they want, and if any resist, they call them monsters so they can justify killing them and taking it anyway. I guess that makes me a monster. Since you know what I can do, we both know how this is gonna end. Come and get me you son of a bitch."

The mercenary sighed. "Well, there goes my bonus, kill him. The eggheads can find what they need from picking him apart later." Before anyone fired a shot, 2 of the 5, one being the leader, had already dropped unconscious. The other 3 emptied their rifles. The bullets ripped through Davis' body, but there were no wounds. The 3 reloaded their guns only to drop dead from their own attack. Davis considered taking one of their guns, but it would attract too much attention as he traveled, and since he could just do what he did to anyone else he encountered, he figured he didn't need the extra weight.

Somewhat distressed that he now had the deaths of 4 people to think about, Davis let out a little chuckle. "I guess I really am a monster now."

Hey, sorry, I lied. I guess chapter 5 is when the main story is actually gonna get started. So far, I like how this is turning out. Also, don't complain about me suddenly switching to 3rd person in this chapter. It's my fic, I'll do what I want. The 1st person thing worked for the first 2 chapters, because it was from Davis' point of view. Now that I've introduced other characters switching to 3rd person seemed like a good idea. At least I kept half the promise and introduced the ponies. While Lyra is a major part of this chapter, I plan on dropping her time in the story. She's basically a plot device right now, and will be in chapter 5. After that, there will be some mention of her, and she will probably make another major appearance later, but for the most part, after Davis goes to Equestria (Come on, it's not a spoiler, you already know its an HiE story, it's gonna happen) she's gonna be taking a break. There may be some romance and sexual innuendo in this fic, but I'm not gonna make a Pinkie Pie Promise on that, I don't want a red faced pink pony to punch me through my computer. I changed chapter 2 once already to make it more better-er, and also partially because I'm still getting used to how the FimFiction website works. I happened accidently chapter 2, so I had to the whole thing again. (yes I am speaking in memes). It turned out much better. Also, there will be some serious D'aww in this, giving you warm fuzzy mental images, as well as some comic relief. It's not gonna be all doom and gloom. It just is right now because we're still dealing with the evil of humanity. Bad, BAD human!

Side note. Props to Nightgazer for tips with the paragraph style. It was all bunched together before and I agree, it made reading it difficult. It looks so much better with the spacing and is easier to find your place. I went through chapters 1-3 and in addition to the paragraph spacing, made some very minor changes with word choices to make it flow a bit better.


I Call Hax!

Lyra's latest attempt at reaching this 'human world' backfired, giving her a mild case of magical whiplash. She felt that she was getting closer to success and wanted to try again, but Twilight threatened to stop all together if Lyra didn't let herself recover first. Not wanting to lose her only chance at achieving her dream, she heeded Twilight's advice and spent the next 3 days in bed. As it turns out, she was more exhausted than she thought and fell asleep as soon as she hit the bed. During her rest, she dreamed of the human again, and he was no longer in fear. Whatever he was running from, he seemed to have escaped, at least for the moment.

Lyra decided that if she had to rest, she would at least use it as an opportunity to learn about the human world through her dreams. She observed as the human traveled, always north, deeper into the woods.She learned that humans are omnivorous, from that the human ate fish that it caught, as well as some berries that it had found during it's trek. She was mystified by it's behaviour. Human culture seemed so advanced, why was this creature trying to get AWAY from society. She watched him for several days, and he never seemed sleep. Gathering food and such during the day, and traveling at night. Then, something she never thought possible occurred.

Lyra muttered to herself, "Interesting." Only to find the human practically jump out of his skin, and begin looking around frantically.

"What?!" Lyra said, stunned.

"Who are you, and why can I hear you in my head?" The human demanded. This startled Lyra so much that she woke up. She found Bon Bon standing over her. She found out that she had been asleep for the past 2 days, and her stomach decided at that moment to make perfectly clear that it was upset at being neglected. She decided to keep the events of the dream to herself, at risk of everypony thinking she was crazy...er, and decided to get some breakfast.

"That was by far the weirdest thing to have ever occurred to me." Davis thought while eating a fish. "Then again, I'm being chased by the government because I have the power to manipulate life force. NOTHING that has happened to me is normal." Feeling that the presence was no longer in his mind, he felt relieved that he wasn't being watched anymore, but was also beginning to feel a bit paranoid. What was the presence he felt? Was it a government agent who found him? He didn't know of anyone who had telepathy, but then again, most of the world didn't know of people who can pass wounds and exhaustion onto others, so he figured anything was possible. He decided it was best that he change locations quickly, gathered his things, putting out his small campfire, and heading north east, further into the Ontario wilds.

Lyra spent the last day of her rest debating on whether or not she should tell Twilight about her dream, and decided against it. Twilight would probably call the whole thing off if she knew what the human world was like, she was already apprehensive because of the legends. Spending such a long time looking into the human world had however given Lyra a better feel for it, and knew that she was closer than ever to bringing a real, live human into her world. Just the thought of all the questions she had being answered made her heart flutter, and by Celestia, hands, the HANDS. All the things he could do that normally took magic! She was so excited that between that and having just slept for 2 days straight, she could barely sleep all night.

For the next week Lyra and Twilight tried, and at one point, successfully opened a one inch portal, only to get knocked on their flanks when the thing destabilized and exploded. There was no damage done, but Twilight was getting a little worried.

"If we make one big enough for a human to come through, who knows what will happen!" Twilight reasoned, but Lyra was far too excited by the fact that, for all their hard work, they had succeeded in some small way.

"It worked though Twilight. All we need now is to work on size and stability. Actually, I think stability might be the priority before size." Lyra said, not wanting to get thrown on her backside again.

"Finally thinking with some sense Lyra?" Twilight teased. The fact that they had succeeded in reaching a new world did however pique the lavender unicorn's interest. "I can't wait to publish this to the Equestrian Society of Magic and Science. If we succeed, we might even get featured in the Equestria Daily!"

For the next few months, Twilight and Lyra were able to open portals of ever increasing size, and they no longer blew up, but they did start moving, always in the same direction. They couldn't explain this phenomena, but the larger the portal, the faster it moved. Twilight had some bad news for Lyra however.

"Lyra, I have something to tell you. I've been given a new research topic, and it's of the utmost importance, so unfortunately starting next week we'll have to put our study on hold. I'm not sure when we'll be able to start back up again."

Lyra was visibly shaken by this news, and while she wanted to continue her work, this really was just a side project for Twilight, to keep busy when she had nothing to do, and her actual studies took priority. Nodding to show her understanding, Lyra tanked Twilight for her time, and headed home for the night. She decided then and there that she WILL succeed in getting a human, before the week was up. Who knows how long she would have to wait if she didn't? Going back to sleep, she found herself again dreaming of the human, who she now realized, after reading one of Twilight's books on passive magic, that she was communicating with telepathically. Lyra hadn't said anything yet, and the human beat her to it.

"You again? Just what do you want with me?" Davis asked, obviously less nervous then the previous time.

"I haven't said anything, how did you know I was here?" Lyra asked, somewhat confused.

"Because every time you show up I get a weird feeling. I couldn't place it before but last time you spoke and I made the connection. Now, back to my question, what do you want with me?" The fact that she was having an actual conversation with an ACTUAL human proved to be too much for poor Lyra, and for the first time her mind went blank. "Great, now I'm having conversations with a figment of my imagination. The LAST thing I need right now is to go crazy. Whoever you are, WHATever you are, I don't have time to deal with you right now, they're coming." And with that, he shut Lyra out of his mind, causing her to wake.

Davis was running full tilt, he couldn't see them, but he could definitely sense their life force. And there were a LOT of them. While he could run almost for almost an unlimited amount of time, having to constantly absorb stamina from lower life forms, and the fact that he hadn't slept in over 2 months, was wearing on his mind, and he began to slow. He found himself in a small clearing, looked around, and saw that he was completely surrounded. "Damn."

Lyra decided to put one last ditch effort into getting a human. While she was able to open a sizable portal for an extended period, the problem now was pulling something through it. She and Twilight were in perfect sync, the portal was stable, and wasn't moving. She made an agreement with her partner that it was now or never, and if they failed to get a human, she would give up on it entirely. Partially because it was wearing on Twilight's nerves, but also because she was fairly confident that if she wanted to, she could find that human again and just ask him in her dreams. This was their last shot.

"Good job Twilight, the portal is stable, magic input is even, just keep it steady while I look for one." Lyra strained herself, trying to find a subject when it donned on her. She had an innate connection to a certain human, why not try using that to bring him over? As she strained to keep the portal steady, she tried to put herself to sleep at the same time, hoping to contact the human again. It immediately became clear that this was a bad idea. The portal began moving again, this time with blinding speed. It passed through the library wall, sending the portion that passed through to god knows where in the human world. The portal began blinking, switching between a fully open and non existent state every couple seconds. Every time it opened, it took a piece of Equestria with it, digging up chunks of dirt and gravel, and narrowly missing several ponies who were unlucky enough to be in it's way. The portal sped off towards the Everfree forest, where within it exploded in a blinding flash of white light, Twilight and Lyra looked at each other dumbfounded.

"We are NOT doing that again." Twilight said.

"You got that right." Lyra responded.

With a heavy heart at having lost her last chance at getting a human, she thanked Twilight again for her help, and left some bits to help pay for repairs. Twilight was just glad that none of her precious books had gotten taken by the wayward rift in space-time, and had Spike write a letter to the Equestrian society of Magic and Science.

"Dear Dean Sigil Star, from extensive study, I have learned that while transdimensional portals are possible, they are highly unstable, and as such the risks in attempting such a feat far outweigh the possible benefits." She continued to dictate a great many things regarding the experiment to Spike, who had more than a little difficulty with many of the words. Him gawking at the hole in the side of their house was met with a, "Don't ask." Look for the unicorn pair, and with that, he sent the letter off.

Davis found that he was trapped, his enemies staying just at the edge of the clearing. After confirming that he did not have a weapon, they began closing in on him, tightening their net. About 50 or so men, all wearing some kind of black polymer suits that covered them completely. Being exhausted, Davis thought that this was a perfect opportunity. Absorb all their stamina, they pass out, I run away. Too bad that didn't happen. When he tired to sap their energy, he found that it was getting stuck on the inside of their suits.

"Oh I see, since it's life energy it can't pass through anything inorganic. That would have been nice to know, AN HOUR AGO!" He yelled. Then he heard it. The worst possible thing that could happen at this moment. They had sent out a damn helicopter.

"Now that's just cheating." Even if he somehow managed to escape from the ever tightening web of soldiers, there was no way he could escape from a freaking chopper. The soldiers lined up, preparing to shoot, and the helicopter began spinning up it's guns. Due to all the noise the helicopter was making, nobody noticed the slight hum in the air. A flashing ball of light came into the clearing, closing right before the line of soldiers, opening long enough to swallow Davis, and then closing again before it let out a massive, "BANG." A bright white explosion took place, right in the middle of the troops, knocking them all out, and causing the helicopter to crash.

Davis awoke in the middle of a clearing. It seemed similar to what he had been in before, but there was a key difference. No soldiers, no helicopter, nothing. All the trees seemed to have been blown back by some unknown force, and they were a species Davis wasn't familiar with. He had been laying there for quite a while, so he had rested quite a bit. When he looked around he saw several sets of glowing eyes, but all he sensed was trees. His confusion quickly passed when he saw a pack of wolves literally MADE of wood step out into the clearing. Trying to drain their stamina did help him recover, but it didn't seem to phase the wolves at all. Realizing that his normal tricks wouldn't get him out of this, he pulled his knives out of his boots, and wielded them in reverse style.

"What are the odds of coming across two types of enemies my powers don't work on, all in the same day?" Davis said to himself. The wolves closed in around him. "Out of the frying pan and into the fire i guess, but being here, wherever 'here' is, is a damn sight better than where I was." If he was going to keep running in to enemies who he couldn't just make pass out, then he was going to have to practice with his knives.

Davis readied his fighting stance, his hunting knives reflecting the the light of the barely risen moon, and a look of blood lust in his eyes, he called out to the wolves, "Does the doggy want a nice steak? It's right here. COME AND GET SOME!"

The wolves charged, and the sounds of howling and creaking timber filled the night.

Oooooh. Now it's getting interesting. What will happen to Davis? What about the army that knocked on their asses? Will I ever get to the main plot? Find out all this and more in chapter 5 of "Monster"

I also thought I'd clear up some possible misconceptions. When I say Lyra spent months with Twilight, I don't mean they were at it all day every day. Sometimes they would get together more than others, and usually only for an hour or too. Twilight didn't go study crazy and neglect her friends to pursue Lyra's crazy dream. She still did the things she normally did, just with this on the side. As for where we are in the timeline, we are about 2 weeks after the Grand Galloping Gala, just before the Discord incident.

Davis also found that his powers do have limits. He can't move life force through non living material, and while he can keep himself physically awake indefinitely, his mind will eventually tire. I decided to add that little bit in, because I was an insomniac for a year. I just NEVER got tired, so I couldn't go to sleep. As for what happened, lets just say that if I had a mental examination at the time, I would have been diagnosed with a mild case of dementia. Combining the lack of sleep, the constant fear of being caught, and now hearing voices inside his head, Davis is fairly certain that he has gone insane.

Leave any comments in comment section below. Yes, I changed the name from "I Call Hax!" to "Limitations" I thought up the first name, and left it because i really hadn't thought of anything else. It didn't really fit the feeling I was trying to create, so when I read through it again, I found a better name. As this is my first FanFic, your input is very much welcome. May or may not have a sequel. Yes that's right, I've already thought of a possible main plot for the next story, if I ever finish this one that is. I've been a busy little bee haven't I? Also, did you catch the shoutout to Equestria Daily? Having Twilight hope she gets featured in the paper if they succeed is a little, "I hope my story gets featured on EQD" from me. Davis is also really getting into his "Monster" mindset. The next chapter will highlight Davis' life in the forest, and will also contain a certain athletic chicken

An "Original" Plot

An "Original" Plot

Davis stood in the middle of the clearing, his trench coat, previously covered in bullet holes, now had fresh slashes through it, making it all ripped at the bottom and on the sleeves. It was stained with blood, all his own, (Since wood doesn't bleed) and had now taken on a redder hue compared to it's previous midnight black. Looking around he saw the mangled corpses of the wooden wolves, and decided that he could use some firewood. He would have been more confused at seeing trees in the shape of wolves, if he hadn't already lost the capability to be surprised. After what he had been through, nothing could possibly catch him off guard anymore. All was good for Davis. He had escaped an impossible to escape trap, he had gotten to let out some of his pent up frustration, and now he had a nice fire going. His survival training from numerous camping trips, as well as spending several months in the woods served him well. He heard water nearby, and decided he would clean himself up and try for some fish.

After Twilight had Spike send her letter, she and Lyra went around Ponyville making sure everypony was alright, and trying to wake Rosebud up. She kept saying, "Oh the horror." After she had made sure that nopony had gone missing, and taking note of the damage to the town, which was fortunately minimal, Lyra went home to Bon Bon, who was more than eager for an explanation as to what the hay that was. Taking a page from Twilight, she used as much technical jargon as possible, and ended up avoiding having to explain that she was trying to snag a human all together.

The rest of the week was uneventful, and Twilight went about her normal routine with her friends, working on the unnamed but apparently important research she had to do. Lyra was a little upset that she couldn't get a human into Equestria, but it was probably for the best, considering what humans were supposed to be.

Lyra would have to settle for talking with the human from her dreams, if she could get a hold of him again. To her surprise, she could not. She saw a few seconds of him making a fire, before he immediately blocked her out again. He seemed a bit more relaxed now, so he must have escaped whatever had been chasing him again, although he did have blood on his now torn clothes. The thought that he had been in a fight was a bit worrying, and maybe it really was best that she had failed to bring him to her world. The forest he was in seemed different however. It was more familiar than the one he was in before.

Davis spent some time taking in his surroundings while heading towards the sound of water. While the clearing didn't have a single cloud above it, the forest itself seemed to have dark clouds hanging over it permanently. The canopy was also extremely thick. It was almost as if the forest was designed with the entire purpose of keeping light from reaching inside it, and as such there were not many underbrush plants.

The few areas that did allow light to reach to forest floor were teeming with plant life, almost none of which Davis recognized. Being a rather outdoorsy person to begin with, he had knowledge of almost all forest plants and animals, and 90% of these were unfamiliar. Then again, he had encountered trees that looked and acted like wolves, so finding a couple of plants that were unknown was totally reasonable. He saw some glowing blue ones that he immediately felt a foreboding about. The entire area around them looked like a video game with the bloom turned up way too high. They were giving off some kind of haze, and Davis thought it would probably be a good idea to NOT go inhaling glowing blue flower gas. He may or may not be being chased, he was in completely unfamiliar terrain, and he was most likely going crazy. The last thing he needed was to get high off some unknown plant.

Continuing towards the river, Davis saw a dead tree, and crouched down to inspect it, after all, it may have some edible mushrooms on it, which would be a nice change to his current diet of 2 fish and 3 blackberries a day. Maybe he could make a stew? Right, He didn't bring a pot with him for cooking. He normally just balanced his fish on two sticks above a fire. Davis face-palmed. What he saw was not mushrooms, but a small flower that he recognized as nightshade. Now, nightshade is poisonous, but only if it enters the body, which means either eating it, having it get in the bloodstream through wounds, or if you literally BATHE in the flower petals. Even then, it wouldn't even make you sick unless you got a high dosage. This little flower was different. As soon as Davis touched it he felt the life drain from him. He immediately began absorbing all the energy he could, and pulled his hand away.

"FUCK! That thing almost killed me!" He vomited. Apparently the nightshade plant in this place was so deadly, that even a touch gives enough poison to kill. Trying to pass his illness onto something else, he noticed that he could not, and he kept vomiting.

"Well, I can pass injuries onto other things, as well as the effects of a poison, but I can't move the poison itself, that's still in my body. I guess I know why the tree is dead now though." He said, as he stopped vomiting. As he walked, trying to give the effects of this toxin to the plant life around him, the multitude of plants began to falter from the effects. A certain yellow pegasus, spying from a hidden spot, was horrified. This was some cloaked creature that stood taller than any pony, it's face obscured by a hood, it's clothing in shambles and covered with blood, 2 wicked blades at it's legs, and a path of wilting plants in it's wake. Davis looked like death incarnate. She backed away slowly, not making a sound, and ran off towards her cottage.

Davis didn't notice that he was being watched. He had highly tuned senses from having been on the run for such a long time, but the thing watching him had had much more practice staying hidden. Having finally recovered from his ordeal, Davis was still thinking about that damn plant.

"It can kill with a single touch. If not for my powers letting me ride out it's effects, I would have been dead the moment I touched it. And because of that, everything around me is dead or dying. It's just like hatred. One touched by hatred then passes it on to others, trying to relieve themselves of it, and so on and so forth." Davis was starting to realize the nature of things. He knew of greed, and how it would drive men to madness. Now he knew of hatred, and how dangerous it really was. Thinking back to the wolves, he realized that while they were a threat to him, that didn't warrant that kind of wanton brutality.

"Since I must be in a new world, given what's surrounding me, I think I need a new name. This will be my new life. I'm going to leave my past behind me. I almost lost myself, and I may be a monster, but I will not be filled with hate or greed. I'll call myself Nightshade, as a reminder to myself that hate is a poison, and to never touch that damned plant."

The reborn "Nightshade" decided to stop fooling around and get some food. While he was getting a bit sick of fish, after emptying his stomach four times he was willing to eat anything short of dirt, and went about his business.

Fluttershy was about to tell her friends about this mysterious animal, that killed all that drew near, when she her Twilight yelling for her. Apparently she and her friends had been summoned to Canterlot to deal with the chaos that had been going on around town, something about some creature named "Discord" escaping.

The original reason she was in the forest was to find Zecora, hoping that one of her potions would cure the animals of their suddenly long legs, but that had been forgotten at seeing the strange entity. She wanted to tell her friends what she had seen, but with her shy nature, she just kept silent and helped to deal with the more pressing matters at hoof. By the time they had reached the capitol, she had all but forgotten about the forest monster, and chalked it up to being some poor creature that had been twisted by the spirit of chaos, and that it would be back to normal as soon as she and her friends had saved the world.

After a few days, Nightshade's expertly trained hearing picked up a commotion, and with some effort he climbed the tallest tree he could find. Looking around, he saw some castle ruins. "Okay, so this place was civilized at some point, but what about now?" Looking in the opposite direction, of in the distance he saw a village of some kind, buildings with thatched roofs, floating upside down?

"You know what?" Nightshade said to himself. "For the sake of my sanity, I don't even want to know."

Dropping to the forest floor, he found that the wolves were back, and in greater number. Apparently these forest guardians did not take kindly to this new creature in their home, and were upset that so many of them had fallen before.

"Just because I'm not going to be living in hatred, doesn't mean I won't kill if I have too. You guys have come looking for a fight, and judging by your numbers, you're not backing off." Needing some more practice, and some more wood if he wanted to make some kind of shelter, he thought he was rather lucky. As the wolves charged, a great boom was heard. A rainbow appeared in the sky, making a dome over what would have been the city, and exploded into white light. Having resolved to not investigate it, he charged the wolves, not giving them time to recover their bearings and coordinate a proper attack.

"Sorry, nothing personal." He said.

Oops, looks like I broke another promise. Scootaloo chicken didn't show up in this chapter. Here, let me make it up to you, have a Fluttershy. Next episode WILL have Scootaloo in it, and I AM moving towards the actual plot of the story. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. *Ouch*. There, you happy? I made the character change his name to Nightshade as a reminder that hate is a poison that can easily kill if left untreated, and all it takes is a single touch. I was intending to do this from the beginning. I was reading the Fanfic "Connection", and found that the writer gave his main character basically the same powers, except he is ONLY able to heal others at the cost of his own health. I read his fiction after I wrote mine, and his fiction was written before I started writing mine, so no copying took place. Still doesn't change the fact that I'm a little ticked that my character is similar to another. I thought I was being so original. Oh well, nothing I can do about it now. I guess great minds think alike. Leave any comments in the comment section below, BLESS YOUR FACE. Yes, I did just rip off Tobuscus.

Flight of the Bumblebee

Flight of the Bubmlebee

Nightshade lived in the forest for another 6 months, learning all the ins and outs of his new home. He learned which plants were edible and which were not, by eating them and trying not to vomit. He also learned that when you kill a timber wolf, (he made up the name himself, as a kind of pun, having no idea that's what they were actually called), that if you leave all the pieces together in the same place, they will reform and the wolf will come back. He learned this the hard way when his makeshift tent, made from his now shredded backpack and help up by sticks, came to life along with his entire stock of firewood and tried to eat him. Now he didn't feel nearly so bad about beating them to death with gratuitous violence, because he knew that they would just reform in a couple of days. This also allowed him to train himself rather well, as he had an unlimited supply of enemies, and he favored using punches and kicks instead of his knives. He became strong rather quickly, seeing as how he didn't need to rest as much as other humans, so he could constantly improve.

Nightshade also became fast and agile, being able to climb even the tallest trees in a matter of seconds, and well as leaping through the tree branches, a skill which saved him when a strange mix of lion and scorpion attacked him. He didn't want to deal with it, remembering that his powers could only deal with the effects of poison, and not the poison itself. He was also unsure of the type of poison it had. If it was neurotoxin, then he would pass out from it and be unable to use his powers to heal himself. He didn't want to risk it, which resulted in him running like a madman, yelling random profanity as the powerful beast chased him. Having no other choice, he fled up a tree to give himself enough time to focus, and put the beast to sleep.

"You bastard, you almost had me." Nightshade whispered with malice in his voice. He had wanted to live without feeling anger and hatred, but this critter really ticked him off. He drew his knives, and slit the beast's throat while it slept. At least it's death wouldn't be painful. Remembering his survival training with the aboriginal tribes of his world, who had generously helped him when he became lost in the woods, he made sure to use every last bit of the animal, so that it's death would not be in vain.

The aboriginals, or Indians as they were most commonly called, were the one aspect of society that Nightshade DIDN'T hate. They lived humbly, with respect to the world around them. They helped others regardless of circumstance, and tried to share their way of life with any who would listen. He recalled how when settlers from Europe came, and winter arrived, they were starving. The natives also had a bad year for harvest, and were short on food themselves. Unable to ignore the plight of their white skinned neighbours, they shared all they had. If their new friends were going to suffer, then they would do so along with them.

To show gratitude to the ones who saved their lives, they celebrated thanksgiving, and then forced their saviours off their land and killed any who resisted. Yet another example of the assholeness of humanity. "Damnit, now I'm all pissed off again."

In Ponyville, Gilda had returned to cause trouble. She was going around picking on whoever caught her eye, until a rubber ball bounced into her face.

"Hey what's the big idea?" Gilda shouted. She saw a trio of fillies walk towards her. A white unicorn, an orange pegasus with purple mane, and a yellow earth pony with a red mane and bow in her hair.

"Oh sorry 'bout that. Can we have our ball back?" Asked Scootaloo.

"Sure, come and get it!" Gilda mocked, holding the ball up so the small pegasus couldn't reach.

"What's the matter dweeb? Can't fly?" She said as Scootaloo jumped for the ball.A frown came over the face of the Cutie Mark Crusader.

"No, I can't. I don't have parents so I had nopony to teach me. I've been trying to get Rainbow Dash to but she's always too busy." She just about had a tear in her eye, but was interrupted by the Griffon's laughter.

"You're such a loser, even a baby pegasus can fly!" She scoffed. "Here, I'll give you a crash course!" Gilda dropped the ball, and picked up the filly by her neck. She flew into the air, and aimed for the Everfree forest. She wound her arm back, and threw the screaming pony as hard as she could. They could tell that she had clearly landed somewhere inside the forest.

"Scootaloo!" The remaining two cried, as they ran off towards the forest. Applebloom wasn't afraid of the forest, as she had been to Zecora's plenty of times, but Sweetie Belle was. She was afraid, but she also wanted to help her friend. The two sped off towards the forest entrance.

Nightshade was walking back to his camp, after catching some fresh fish and gathering some of the more edible plants he could find. He had lost weight, which was concerning him. Yes, he could keep himself healthy using the life force of the plants around him, but his physical form needed to keep up as well, or he would have to constantly drain from everything just to stay alive. While he was a monster, he didn't want to be a vampire.

Unfortunately for Nightshade, manticore meat is just as toxic as the poison in it's tail, and proved inedible. He needed to find something more filling, like deer, when he herd a "THUMP" nearby. He checked around, and after some searching, found a chicken? No, this was too big, and orange. It looked more like a pony with wings, and had a purple mane. It had rammed headfirst into a tree, and was lying on the ground, unconscious. His stomach growled. What he was looking at here was a fine piece of meat. It was knocked out, and looked pretty tasty.

Just when he was thinking about how to prepare horse meat, he realized that he couldn't do it. First of all, by the looks of it, it was just a child. Secondly, horse meat is tough, and would probably make him sick. Lastly, and most important of all, he felt pity for the poor thing. Here was this adorable looking creature, obviously hurt, and he was going to kill it so he could have a meal that would probably make him ill. He felt ashamed of even thinking it. Some of his instincts from his old life kicked in, telling him that there was no way he could eat a horse, or pony, or whatever this thing was, and that he should care for it instead.

Nightshade had turned 21 not too long ago, so it's not like he had kids. Heck, he never even had a girlfriend, yet his parental instinct kicked in, and he brought the little filly towards his camp. She had a mild concussion, and would wake up soon enough on her own, but this forest was a dangerous place, and she would likely not survive the dangers that were within. His head hurt as he healed her wounds, bringing the concussion to himself. As he was larger and more resilient, it turned out to simply be a minor headache to him. When she started to wake up he realized that she would probably freak out, so he took her stamina to ensure she stayed asleep.

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were freaking out. Along the way to the Everfree, they had run into Applejack, and explained the situation.

"Gilda did WHAT now?" The farm pony said with a southern accent.

"Threw Scootaloo into the Everfree forest!" The pair cried in unison.

"Aww hayseed, ah knew that girl was trouble from the moment ah laid eyes on her, but not THIS kinda trouble. I gotta go round up the gang, we're goin in after her." Said applejack with an angry face as she set off to collect Twilight and the rest.

"Ah sure hope she's okay, it'll be gettin dark soon."

Scootaloo woke up, and despite everything she knew about blunt cranial trauma from her extensive experience with it, she felt fine. She was sitting under a tree near a river, got up to look around, and found that she was lost. She had only been in the forest once or twice, so she had no idea about the lay of the land, and couldn't find her way out.

"Applebloom has been in this forest dozens of times, I wish she were here." said the sullen pegasus. She began wandering around, completely unaware that she was being watched by something high in the trees. After a time, she found herself even more hopelessly lost, and sat at the base of a tree to cry.

Seeing that this thing could in fact talk was the first thing to surprise Nightshade in a long time. He watched as she wandered around, and realized that she didn't know her way around the forest. She had wings, so why not just fly out? And didn't she hit her head because she crashed WHILE flying? Either way, she was crying now, and the parental instinct kicked in again.

"I just know I'm gonna regret this." He said to himself. Positioning himself in the tree she was sitting against, so that he could see her but she couldn't see him, he spoke to the first person..horse....thing other than himself in a long time.

"Hey kiddo, why ya crying?" He said, trying to sound cool. As soon as he said it he face-palmed. at how lame he sounded.

Still crying, the orange filly jumped at the voice and looked around, unable to find it's source. "Who are you?" The confused pony asked.

"Don't mind me, I'm just the local forest monster." Her eyes widened at the thought that a monster was this close, and she couldn't see it. At the same time, Nightshade felt like a complete imbecile. "Duh, just because I think like that doesn't mean the rest of the world does. Now she's probably afraid." He thought.

"If you're a monster, why haven't you eaten me yet? Or do you just like to torture ponies with your voice before you do?" For a lost and crying child, she was a bit of a smart mouth. At least she wasn't afraid.

"Nah, I don't eat...whatever you are." He said awkwardly. "What I do want to know is if you have wings, why don't you just fly home?"

"I'm a pegasus for your information, and the reason I don't just fly out of here is...." Her voice trailed off.

"Because I can't fly." She said with a tone of sadness.

"I live in an orphanage, so I never had any parents to teach me how, and the others are always too busy." She choked out, no longer looking for the voice, and just sitting under the tree.

"The whole reason I'm here is because that mean old Gilda threw me here after making fun of me for not being able to fly. She said it was a 'Crash Course'." Nightshade knew all too well the cruelty of others. He was often mocked because of his strange behavior, and because of that, he had no friends. Being an orphan had to be tough. This kid was broken and had no self confidence, so she let herself get stepped on by those bigger than her. He had to teach her a lesson, but at the same time, be gentle about it. Then he remembered a saying.

"Ah, don't feel too bad about it kid, bumblebees can't fly either." He said, in a soothing tone. Her ears perked up at this, and she got a puzzled look on her face.

"What are you talking about?" She said. " Of course bumblebees can fly."

"No they can't." Nightshade replied. "Their bodies are too big and too heavy, their wings are too small and their muscles aren't nearly strong enough. They're too heavy to fly, and they aren't aerodynamic in the slightest."

"But then how do they do it? I've SEEN them do it!" The orange pony asked.

"Simple, nobody told them they can't. They grow up believing they can, and they give it everything they have. Even though it should be impossible, they make it possible just by trying." Nightshade said in a fatherly tone. "You don't need someone to teach you, just keep trying at it until you figure out what works. Eventually you'll get it. In life, people will try to keep you down. They'll tell you things like 'it's impossible' and 'you can't'. You know what? It's all garbage. You can do whatever you want as long as you don't give up on it. Except magic." Nightshade gave a little chuckle.

She sat there stunned. Partially because this monster's words had meaning, and partially because she was confuse as to why he said 'people' and 'someone' instead of 'pony' and 'somepony'. The again, he didn't even know what she was, so it made sense that he would have a bit of a different way of speaking. The crack about not being capable of magic though, that needed to be handled.

"Hey, so what if I can't do magic, I'm a pegasus, not a unicorn. Only unicorns can do magic." The laughter suddenly stopped. Did she just say unicorns could do magic? That mean's there's unicorns and pegasi here? Nightshade had already spent 6 months in this world, and knew next to nothing about it. Half of him still believed he was insane, and the other half didn't care either way. A small part of him however, was completely vexed by this.

"So, you're telling me that there are pegasi, AND unicorns here, and that unicorns can do magic?" He said dumbfounded.

"Geez, have you been living under a rock? This is EQUESTRIA. There are pegasi, unicorns, and regular earth ponies. Then there are griffins like Gilda, and zebras like Zecora, and even dragons like Spike." Said the purple maned pony in a matter of fact tone.

"This really isn't my world." Nightshade muttered. "Well, it's been nice chatting with you, but you should probably go home. It's getting dark and this forest isn't safe at night."

"Umm, I'm still lost, remember?" Said the filly.

"Oh right, well if you head east..." He stopped. He noticed two sets of glowing eyes in a nearby bush, glowing eyes that he knew all too well. Nightshade dropped out of the tree, just as the timber wolves jumped from their hiding spot. Drawing his knives from their sheaths, (They had been in his boots he was wearing before, but they had been torn to shreds by use and attack, luckily he had packed spare footwear, so he used to leftover fabric to attach them to his legs) he spin kicked the pair of predators, before stabbing both of them in the head at the same time. His new friend was frozen in fear, and only managed to mutter one word.

"M m m monster!" She cried, looking at the black cloaked figure that had just killed two dangerous creatures.

"Yeah, I though we had established that when we met. Then we talked for about an hour or so. If I was gonna eat you, I would have done it already. Besides, I told you, I don't eat ponies." Nightshade said sarcastically while sliding his knives back in their sheaths for safety. "And now I'm going to get you home, umm...."

"Scootaloo." She introduced herself. Her fear gone as quick as it came.

"Right, and now I'm going to get you home Scootaloo. By the way, names Nightshade." He returned the introduction.

"Like the plant?" She asked.

"Yeah, don't ask, it was a bad experience."

"Scootaloo! Scoot scootaloooooo!" Came a familiar, mocking voice from beyond the trees.

"Well, looks like your friends have found you, you should probably go home." Nightshade advised. "Oh, and you probably shouldn't talk about me. Your friends might not be too happy that you spent the last hour or so with a monster." He laughed.

"Yeah, thanks for the advise, and for saving me." Scootaloo said, fluttering her wings.

With that, she ran through the bushes, into the waiting arms of her worried friends, who then took her home. Little did they know, something was watching them their whole way back, looking out for possible danger. When they left the forest Scootaloo swore she heard a voice say, "Fly, my little bumblebee."

Once they were gone, Nightshades stomach made it's disappointment at not having eaten the poor girl known, to which he replied. "Shut up, damn I'm hungry." as he proceeded to devour what was an entire week's worth of food he had rationed for himself.

D'awwwwwww that was cute. Scootaloo finally found a parental figure. Yeah, I went a little philisophical with the whole bumblebee motivation thing, but I think it fit pretty well. I had actually been planning this scene for a while, and I have to say it turned out as good as I hoped. It was a bit of a long chapter, and I wrote 3 of em today, so don't expect anymore for a little while. I'm a closet brony, (my parents wouldn't understand, and they already think I might be gay just because I don't go around sleeping with the first girl that comes my way. I respect the ladies, even if that lands me in the friend zone most of, scratch that, ALL the time) which means that not only do I have to plan, but I also have to find the time to write, and hopefully be able to do so uninterrupted. Most of the time chapters are going to come to you in clumps of 2 or 3 at a time, and then have about a week in between. I'm in a world of pegasi and magic! This is madness! Madness? This IS EQUESTRIA! I can't believe I almost had him eat poor Scoots! Naw, she was safe the whole time. But it does put you into his mindset pretty well don't ya think?

CMC, Venom, and a Zebra?

CMC, Venom, and a Zebra?

Things were finally starting to get back to normal around Ponyville, and they put out a warrant for Gilda's arrest. Apparently she had tried to brush it off as a joke, but judging from her previous encounter, everypony knew better. Those who watched her send Scootaloo flying decided that, while she did wind up safe in the end, Gilda's actions could have easily lead to the death of the filly, so they decided to put a stop to it. Scootaloo said she had just gotten lucky, but her friends knew better. When they were alone, Applebloom was the first to speak up.

"Ok, so what REALLY happened in the forest? From a toss like that you shoulda at least had a couple scrapes, but you look like you've never been better." She said.

"And the forest is full of monsters, I mean, I know you can't fly, so how did you avoid them?" Sweetie Belle said in her extremely high voice.

"Well, alright you guys, I'm not really supposed to talk about it but, I can't lie to you. So can you keep a secret?" The orange pegasus asked. The pair nodded.

"Alright, well, when I woke up my head didn't hurt, although I clearly remember going head first into a tree. I don't know what happened there, but when I woke up, I started looking around and I was..." Her voice trailed off. "I got lost. When I did, I sat down by a tree and tried thinking of what to do."

"Ya cried, didn't cha?" Applebloom was not the most sensitive of children.

"I did not! Anyway, I started thinking of what to do, when I heard a voice. I couldn't see it, but it seemed friendly enough. It introduced itself as, 'The local forest monster'. Now, I was pretty scared at first, but once I figured if it was gonna eat me, it woulda already done it, so we started talkin. Turns out he's actually really nice, although it seems he doesn't get out much, cuz he didn't know what I was, where we were, anything! He didn't even know about magic."

"Really?" Squeaked the unicorn crusader. "I mean, he lives in the Everfree forest, how does he not know about magic?"

"That's the thing, he was also talking weird, saying things like 'everyone' instead of 'everypony' It makes me think that he's not from around here. Anyway, he decided to help me get out of the forest cuz it was gettin dark, when I got attacked by timberwolves!

"What'd ya do?" Asked Applebloom, clearly getting excited.

"I didn't do anything, something wearing a black cloak dropped out of a tree and fought em all by himself! He was wearing a hood so I couldn't see what his face looked like, but he killed both of em in an instant. I found out his names Nightshade. Apparently he had a run in with the plant that he doesn't like to talk about. That's when you guys showed up with Rainbow Dash and the rest and took me home. I didn't want to tell anypony else about him, because I didn't think it would be a good idea if anypony else knew I was hanging out with a monster. He agreed that that would probably be best."

"I don't know." Said Sweetie Belle. "He seems to nice to be a monster. Maybe he wears that hood because he's just really ugly and was called a monster by everypony else."

"He seems more like some kind of hero ta me." Applebloom piped in. "Maybe he wears the hood to hide his identity!"

"I don't know about that Applebloom, what I do know is now I just GOTTA see what's under that hood." Scootaloo added.

Then the three in unison shouted. "CUTIE MARK CRUSADER MONSTER CATCHERS!"

After finishing his meal, Nightshade sighed at the pitifully small amount of food that he had left. He couldn't eat most of the things the native animals ate, and he was still in the process of discovering which plants were edible and which were not. Partly wishing he had asked Scootaloo to bring him some food, and partly knowing it was better that she didn't risk herself for his sake, he decided that it was too late now to find anything other than fish, so he climbed up a tree, and slept for the first time in a long time, letting his mind wander.

"Ahh!" Nightshade shouted. As soon as he was asleep, he automatically lowered his mental barrier which he had been keeping up to avoid intrusion by a certain annoying entity, and he found himself face to face with a teal unicorn, in the middle of the forest dreamscape.

"Well hi there. I'm Lyra, sorry I didn't give an introduction earlier, but I was kind of excited at the thought of talking with a real live human! I was kind of depressed after my project failed, and then I didn't get to see you for a long time because you kept shutting me out. Why would you do that, it was kind of rude...." She went on and on. Three things had changed. First, he could now see the annoying creature that persisted in invading his mind. Second, he now knew that this thing's name was Lyra. Third, it was more annoying than ever.

"Damnit, I can't even get some piece and quiet in my own mind today! Will you PLEASE shut up for a minute." He begged. Lyra was kind of upset at being spoken to so profanely, ponies are not used to swearing after all, but are aware of it. Her excitement at finally being able to talk to the human she had lost contact with months ago was just too great for her to ignore, but she didn't want to get blocked out again. so she tried asking something sensible.

"The first time I talked to you, you couldn't see me, but, now you can. Does that mean you're asleep?" Lyra asked.

"Yes, yes it does, but what's it to you?" Nightshade replied.

"Well, since you've been blocking me out for a while, and you needed to be awake to do that, I kind of figured humans didn't need sleep at all." She said with a meek voice.

"Human's do need sleep, I'm just.....unique. I can hold off sleep for as long as I want, but it'll start to wear on my nerves. Just like a certain intruder is right now. By the way, how ARE you doing this, telepathy of some kind?" He said with a tone meaning that he obviously meant he was annoyed at her.

"I guess." She said. "It just happens when I'm asleep. I don't know why it just keeps going back to you though. What did you mean when you said that you were unique?" She pryed.

"I don't really consider myself to be a human anymore. With what I'm capable of, and the way most humans act compared to myself, we're just too different." he explained.

Realizing he had said too much, and that the teal unicorn was getting ready to barrage him with questions about what he meant by that, Nightshade forced himself awake, blocking off his mind again. This left the now distraught Lyra floating in her own mind, rather annoyed that she wasn't able to get any 'real' answers out of him, and now he probably wouldn't sleep for a long time again, knowing that she would be waiting for him.

"I WILL get you." Lyra said to herself, before waking up to start the new day.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders, (that's a mouthful, so from now on I'll just say CMC) Spent the next 3 days preparing for their 'monster hunt' gathering all manner of nets, ropes, chains, and the like. Sweetie Belle wanted to bring medieval torture equipment, (where the heck did she even get that?) but Scootaloo advised against it. Nightshade was friendly, they didn't want to hurt him. That and he was strong, they didn't want to tick him off.

"Alright CMC! Let's go see what's under that hood!" Scootaloo said, taking charge as the three headed off into the forest towards Zecora's place, hoping to find their prey.

Meanwhile, Nightshade had just finished eating a fish...again. The lack of fruit was starting to wear on him. Sure he had found some berries, but he needed vitamin C badly, in absurd quantities preferably. He felt that he could probably eat a dozen or so lemons if he could find them. That's when he saw it. Lying on the ground, a perfectly round, unspoiled bright and juicy....

"APPLE!" He shouted, and ran towards it like it was his last chance of survival. He took a huge bite out of it, the apple juice running down his chin. He ate the whole thing in two bites, savouring it. That's when he saw a net come down over his head. He didn't care. If he was getting kidnapped, at least they would have apples.

"Got him!" cried a familiar voice as the hood was pulled off of his head. Surprisingly enough, these were not kidnappers looking to catch a strange animal, but Scootaloo and two of her friends who had come to save her 3 days prior.

"Huh? Scootaloo, what are you doing here. The forest is way too dangerous! And who are your friends? Who cares! You have apples!" Said Nightshade to the confused filly. What she looked upon was not some ugly or horribly maimed creature. He was somewhat beautiful in a way, with his smooth skin, other than the fact that his cheeks were sunken in.

"You're starving, aren't you?" Scootaloo said with a sullen tone. Nightshade finally realized that his hood had been pulled off, and the three were looking at him with faces that expressed only worry and sadness.

"Yeah, I kind of am." He said, returning the feelings brought forth by the group. "I can't eat the same thing ponies eat, for the most part anyway. A lot of things in the forest are poisonous, and I'm still figuring out what I can and can't eat. I've been running low on vitamin C, and some other key nutrients. I just can't find enough of the right types of food in this forest." Applebloom passed him another apple, which he ate with vigor.

"Thanks, these are really great. These are the best apples I've ever tasted, and I'm not just saying that because I'm hungry." Nightshade ate another five apples before they finally ran out. He was thankful for the fruit, and was feeling better already.

"So, are you going to introduce me to your friends?" he inquired.

"This is Sweetie Belle, she lives with her sister Rarity, the dress maker." Scootaloo said, pointing to the unicorn. "And this is Applebloom, she lives over on the Apple family orchard, and together, we're the CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!" they yelled the last part together.

"The what now?" Nightshade asked, genuinely confused.

"We're crusadin to find out special talent, and earn out cutie marks!" Applebloom spoke up, no longer afraid of the thing that was a giant compared to her.

"Again, your what now?" he said, even more confused.

"Our cutie marks!" Sweetie Belle finally opened up. "When we find our special talent, what we're meant to do in the world, it'll appear, that way everypony will know what we're good at."

"Okay, I get it, kind of. I guess it's like a tattoo, except instead of having it drawn on, it comes automatically." He said, finally grasping the concept.

"Something like that." Scootaloo replied.

"Well, I don't think I'll ever get one, since I'm not a pony, but if I did get one, I guess it would be for survival. I've been living in these woods now for, months. I've kind of lost track of the time. I was on the run for a few months before that, but I don't really wanna talk about it." he said in a quiet tone.

"Why were you on the run?" Applebloom questioned, her curiosity insatiable. "Did ya do somethin bad?"

"I thought I said I didn't want to talk about it?" His protest was met only by puppy dog eyes from the entire group.

"Nice try, I'm immune to that trick, but since you did give me apples, I'll tell you. No, I didn't do anything bad, I was on the run because I'm different. I can do things that other members of my species can't. They got jealous, and tried to hurt me, I ended up having to fight back. One thing lead to another, and I ended up having to run away from my entire society. Then I ended up here somehow. Since I answered your question, now you have to tell me more about yourselves. Do you have any other friends who are going to try and catch me?" He said jokingly.

"Well, there is Zecora, although I don't think she'll try to catch you. She's a zebra who lives in the forest and speaks only in rhymes. She stays out here because most of the folk in town are afraid of her, and there's more ingredients here in the forest to make her potion...." Applebloom was cut off from a growl coming out of a nearby bush. Two manticores leapt out from the bushes and began to circle the group.

Nightshade got really pissed off. His conversation with his new friends had been interrupted, he hated manticores to begin with, and now there were two very hungry ones standing in front of him. The last one he was barely able to put to sleep, and it had been running for a good half hour after him. The more physically fit something was, the more stamina it would have, and there was a maximum rate that it could be drained at, unless he got in physical contact with it. He couldn't run and leave the three fillies to their fates, he would have to fight. Nightshade was NOT looking forward to this.

"Get behind me now and stay close. Here's the problem. I can handle one at a time, but this time there's two, and I also have to protect you. So here's the plan. While I deal with the one on the left, you three do everything you can to stay behind the one on the right. It won't be able to get you if you're behind it. Once I've dealt with mine, I'll take care of yours. It's not a very good plan, seeing as how it puts you three in danger, but it's all we've got, are you ready?" He said in the most calming tone he could.

"Nope." Said the trio.

"Well, too bad, because here they come!"

Nightshade dove at his target, catching it off guard while Applebloom ran to the right of theirs and Scootaloo dove between them both, but Sweetie Bell just stood there, frozen in fear. The manticore didn't seem to notice the two dive around him, and were dead focused on the little unicorn that stayed. Nightshade had hopped onto his manticores back, grabbing it's tail and forcing it into the animal's spine, bright green venom seeping from the wound. With his opponent down he turned to the other, and saw Sweetie Belle still sitting there.

"RUN!" He shouted. But it was too late, the manticore brought it's tail down. The frightened unicorn closed her eyes, waiting for the strike. It never came. She opened her eyes to see Nightshade standing over her, the poisonous tip of the manticore's tail sticking into the back of his right shoulder, and a look of absolute fury on his face. Using his good arm, he pulled the tail out of his body, spun around and drove his knife into the manticore's eye. The creature howled in pain, and as it thrashed about, Nightshade brought up his foot, and drove it into the knife handle, forcing it in further, burying it in the creatures brain.

Once his rage was gone, he felt agonizing pain moving down his arm. This was no nerotoxin, it let the prey feel ever painful moment of it's death. But this also meant that he had time to act, and he thought quickly. Drawing his other knife, he quickly slit his right wrist. The three ponies looked shocked.

"That hit really close to my heart. Luckily, the poison went in an artery instead of a vein, so instead of going right to my heart, killing me, it's traveling down my arm." The now duller green venom shot out of the wound on his wrist, splattering on the ground.

"I'm not safe yet. Most of the venom is out, but there is still some residual traces, and now I have another problem. This wound had to be big to get all the poison out, but now I'm in danger of bleeding to death. Scootaloo, tear a piece off of my cloak would ya?" Simply following the command, she ripped a touch piece of the trench coat off in her mouth, while Sweetie Belle still sat there, frozen, and starting to cry.

"Okay, now tie it here, above my arm, to stop the bleeding. Make sure it's tight, yes, just like that. There. Instead of having minutes, I have about a half hour left now. Hopefully enough time to get me to a doctor or something." He said.

"Ponyville is too far away, we'll never make it! But, Zecora's is close. She could probably heal that wound right up, An I'm sure she's got some antivenom!"

"Good thinking, let's g...Sweetie Belle?" She was absolutely bawling now. "Hey, what's the matter."

"It's me, I'm useless. If I had just done what you said, you wouldn't have gotten hurt trying to protect me, and now you're gonna die because of me, all because I was too afraid." She sobbed.

"Hey, listen, you are not useless. You just haven't found what you're good at yet. I'm the one who's good at surviving dangerous situations, not you three. Besides, I told you that it wasn't a good plan, even if you had moved it still could have happened. There's no use worrying about it now. All we can do is do the best we can with what we've got. Only reason I wasn't afraid is because I've done this kind of thing before. First time I got in a situation like that I froze up too. Now let's get to Zecora's before I really do d..." With this, Nightshade passed out from the combined effect of the venom, and the lack of blood.

Sure, he could have passed his injuries on to the forest, but it wouldn't have done much good. The poison was still in his system, and if it damaged his brain, he wasn't sure if he could undo it, even with his powers. If he had left the last manticore alive, then maybe he could have given the damage to it, but then it would still be a danger to the others. He didn't even think of passing his injuries to the girls. After a long time spent in darkness, he once again found himself face to face with the teal unicorn.

"Don't say a single word." He said angrily. "I'm a little busy right now trying not to die."

"How's that going for you?" Lyra mocked.

"Not well, seeing as how I'm unconscious. Stupid poison.

"Not well, as you can see, I passed out from my injuries. Stupid poison. Lost way to much blood too." Nightshade was much to tired to argue with his psychic tormentor.

"What the hay have you been doing to get that bent out of shape?" She asked with a mixture of fear and curiosity.

"Just playing hero to a bunch of kids. I couldn't let them die, but did I have to go and get myself killed over it? I'm way too used to being able to heal myself. Kinda sucks that I can't do it now. Judging by the fact that I'm talking to you, means you must be asleep." He said thoughtfully.

"That's right, but what does that matter?" Lyra asked inquisitively.

"It means that unless you suffer from narcolepsy, it's night time and I've been out for a couple hours. Which means that I'm not going to die. If I was, It would have happened within a half hour after I passed out. Looked like those three pulled it off." He smirked. "oh, look at that, I guess it's time for me to wake up."

"No wait I have more questions." Lyra tried to interrupt. "Blast, he did it again!"

Nightshade awoke on a hard wooden floor. Apparently the three fillies had succeeded in carrying, or dragging him, to this Zecora's place. He opened his eyes weakly to see a Zebra standing over him, wearing jewelry that looked like it was from some African tribe.

"You are lucky those three brought you here soon, had they not hurried, it would have meant your doom."

Wow, I cranked out four chapters in a single day, although this one did get finished after midnight. By the way, I officially HATE writing Zecora lines. It took me a freaking half hour to think up that ONE line. I'm not very good with rhymes. Anyway, for the reason stated above, this next chapter is going to take a VERY long time, and I'm not taking the lazy way out of not giving her dialogue at all and just explaining it in narration. Tired, sleep now. Nightshade finally has some friends, and things are going pretty well other than almost dying, but as I said, this is NOT going to be a lame "I'm emo" to "OMG ponies I love everything!" in 2 chapters ripoff. He's gonna have troubles adapting, especially when he meets the mentally unstable mane six. Hilarity will ensue. Lots more action, rated teen for gratuitous violence. A bit of d'aww, are all upcoming, but first, a chapter written entirely in rhymes. The things I do for you people. Leave any comments in the comment section below, this is my first fic so criticism is welcome and wanted. I like how this is turning out. See you tomor.......ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Potions, Rhymes, and Apples Bucked.

Potions, Rhymes, and Apples Bucked

Having Nightshade dropped on her doorstep, Zecora immediately went about taking care of him. She sealed his wounds, gave him an antidote, and he was resting quite comfortably. After she assured the three fillies that their friend would survive, she sent them home.

"Okay, just to make sure we have our story straight, we were heading to Zecora's, and we....got a little side tracked is all." Said Scootaloo with a commanding tone.

"Why can't we jus' tell em about Nightshade?" Applebloom asked. "He's not mean or scary and he saved us, and he might need some help. You saw how hungry he was."

"We can't do that!" Squeaked Sweetie Belle. "If we told anypony, they'd try looking for him, or catching him! He obviously doesn't want to cause a commotion. That and I don't want to get in trouble with Rarity for going into the forest and getting in danger." She said, still crying a bit, but feeling much better now that she knew her new friend would be alright.

"We should just head home. We'll go back tomorrow and make sure he's okay. Oh, and Applebloom, bring lots of apples. He's gonna be hungry when he wakes up." The pegasus added.

"Uuuuhhhg, my head." Nightshade moaned. "Huh, where am I?

"Welcome to my humble abode, you look like you need some rest from the road." The zebra said.

"That would be the understatement of the century. I'm guessing that Scootaloo and her friends brought me here?" He asked, knowing that it was probably the case.

"Indeed." She rhymed. "With their friend in danger, they showed great strength and speed."

"Umm, if you don't mind me asking, why do you rhyme everything you say?" He said as politely as he could, knowing that in this world, or any for that matter, there are three people you do not mess with. The one making your food, the one making your meds, and someone on their own territory. Right now Zecora was all three.

"The urge to rhyme must not be ignored, if so, I find I am easily bored." She said with a chuckle.

"Ahh." Nightshade said with understanding. "A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." Letting out a chuckle of his own.

Zecora couldn't tell if that was a crack at her rhyming, or whether the strange creature before her was being sincere, but she quickly dismissed the thought as she brought him some stew.

"Ahh good, fresh vegetables. Potato and leek, broccoli, cauliflower, and red beans. You must be incredibly talented, knowing what nutrients I'm lacking without knowledge of my species' dietary requirements." Nightshade was throwing compliments left and right, trying to make up for the rhyme in case it had offended her.

"As are you, to know at a taste what is in my stew." They both let out a small laugh. "I guess that would be fair to say, since you sort through deadly plants each day. Knowing what is good to eat, in this forest is no small feat."

By the time she had finished, her rhyme, Nightshade had already finished two bowls of her soup and was moving on to a third. When he stopped. "I cannot thank you enough for this, but unfortunately I have no way to return your kindness."

Zecora looked a bit puzzled at why he had stopped eating when he was obviously hungry. He looked at her and gave an explanation.

"Where I'm from kindness is not so easily found. If you are helped by one, you should do all you can to return the favor immediately. Many times others are aided, it is only because those doing the helping want something in return, and are trying to force the unlucky victims of circumstance into a debt of gratitude. There are very few who assist others because it is the right thing to do, and not because they desire something in return. I am one of them, but I lived in a world where kindness is a trade, a transaction, so I tend to play by those rules, aiding those who have helped me so as not to find myself in their debt." At his explanation, her face turned to a frown, and then a clever grin.

"For what I've done, I won't charge you, so long as you tell me your story true."

And so Nightshade told his story, from the beginning. How he was different, the things he could do that others could not. How it alienated him. All the way up to the point of lying on the floor in her house, as well as the motivations behind them. He didn't know why, but he felt he could trust Zecora with everything. He knew from Applebloom's stories that she too knew what it was like to be different, and shunned. After he was finished telling his story, Zecora didn't even try to rhyme.


"Please, call me Nightshade, Davis is my past, one that I have buried. This is a new world, a new start, a new name." He sighed.

"Nightshade, I know what it's like to be feared. Every time I went to Ponyville, they would all hide in their houses, locking their doors and windows. I can understand why you would be apprehensive about going into town, so, I will keep you a secret from all but those you have already met."

"Thanks Zecora. Do you think i could spend the night here while I recover? I did lose a lot of blood and I need to wait for that to to replenish itself. That's something I just can't get from sapping plants."

"Of course." She replied. "And I think come tomorrow, should they not see you, three fillies would be in sorrow." Picking up her rhyming where she left off.

The CMC had avoided getting into trouble with their side tracked explanation, and nopony was the wiser that they had actually been in mortal peril. Heading out the next day to check on their friend, using the excuse of visiting their wise Zebra friend for advice on how to get their cutie marks, they arrived to find them him in the best of spirits.

"Hey! Lookey what ah got!" said Applebloom, holding out a fresh, juicy apple. It was snatched away the moment he saw it.

"Man Applebloom, these apples really are the best. You said you lived on an orchard?" Nightshade said while eating, taking his time with this one.

"Yeppers, ahm a little too young to go applebucking, but I still help out any way I can." She saw his confused look. "Applebucking is when we buck the trees to make the apples fall off." She was met with an understanding nod. "Maybe you can come by sometime and get some for yerself."

"I don't think that would be a good idea. I AM trying to keep a low profile. If someone....somepony saw me, they would probably act like a there was a manticore walking into town. Last thing I want to do is cause a commotion. I mean, I'm considered a monster by my own species, and humans are a lot more gruesome than you lot, so you can imaging what the town would think of me." Nightshade was met with frightened stares from all but Zecora, who already knew what he was. "Something I said?"

Sweetie Belle looked like she was going to cry again, and Applebloom was shaking. Scootaloo was the one to talk.

"What do you mean by, 'humans'? Humans are just an old pony tale. You only read about them in REALLY old books, not that I read much, Rainbow Dash says reading's for eggheads."

"Well, my parents were humans. My sister was a human, everyone who can talk where I'm from IS a human. So I guess that makes me a human, at least in the traditional sense. Since I don't act like a human, and I can do things humans can't, I don't really consider myself to be a human though, and neither does the rest of my world. That's the reason I was being chased in the first place, because I'm different." he explained.

Now the orange pegasus had joined her companions in their shock. Right here, was a living human. Parents told their children to behave, because if they didn't, humans would eat them in the middle of the night. In Equestria, humans were the equivalent of the boogey man, a monster in the truest sense.

"But you ain't mean, or evil. Ya saved Scoots from tha timber wolves, and all three of us from the manticores. ya almost DIED trying ta save us! How can you be a monster?" Applebloom inquired.

"Well, maybe you should tell me these old pony tales, so I can set the record straight." Nightshade advised.

They talked for several hours, telling him all the stories that they had heard. Most of them were surprisingly accurate. How humans kept other animals in captivity, making them fat just so they could eat them, and how humans would eat dogs and cats, to which Nightshade explained that in certain foreign countries they did do that, but from where he was from it was considered to be disgusting.

"Don't worry, fish are the extent of my carnivorous behaviors. Most humans don't hunt or farm, so if the meat isn't prepared for them, they have no idea how to do it themselves, and resort to vegetarian diets. Besides that, there are a large number of humans who eat no meat at all, simply by choice. Other than fish, I haven't eaten meat in....6 years, and I don't even miss it." He explained.

Realizing now that humans weren't some monster with jagged teeth and glowing eyes that would snatch them out of their beds at night, the CMC had more questions about human behavior, which Nightshade answered regretfully. He told them that their pony tales were right when they said that humans were monsters of hatred and greed, and for the most part WERE evil. He also talked about how many countries had people starving, and the other, more wealthy countries wouldn't do anything about it.

He told them about how they waged war over trivial things, and he also told them about the good of humanity. Mother Teresa, the Dalai Lama, Martin Luther King, and several other key figures throughout history that did a great deal of good. Then when he explained that almost all of them had been killed by humans too stuck in their ways to see a change for the better, even Zecora had a scowl.

"Finally, on to my story. Zecora already knows it, but you should know it too. I'll leave out some of the more, violent details. At a young age, I learned that I could see the life energy of all things, but because I was different, the other kids made fun of me, and I had no friends."

"What about your family?" Applebloom asked, being a very family oriented child.

" My mom, dad, sister, and niece. they went on a trip a couple years ago, to visit some of their friends. I didn't go because I didn't really care for family gatherings. They usually resulted in me feeling awkward around all sorts of people I didn't knw, and had no intention of getting to know me. They were adults, and I was just a teenager, we had nothing in common. There was an accident when they were on their way there, and they died." He stopped short, not wanting to talk about it any more, his eyes starting to water.

For Applebloom, who loved her family more than anything, Sweetie Belle, who was constantly trying to get her sister's affection, and Scootaloo, who had lost both her parents at a young age, just thinking about losing their families was heartbreaking.

"Over time I learned to use this life energy in different ways. I could heal, I could recover stamina, and all sorts of other things, but it was always a trade. If one was healed, someone else had to take the injury. Someone who I thought was my friend found out, and well...." he paused. "He tried to take my power for himself. He would use it to make the wealthy like himself flourish, while inflicting pain on the poor. I didn't want that, and I wouldn't agree to help him. He couldn't have what I had, so he tried to kill me, and I ended up having to give my injuries to him so I could stay alive. I'm sure that he died from it, all because he wanted something that nobody should have. That's why I'm a monster. I shouldn't exist, I can only cause pain to those around me." He said with a sob, and began to cry. "I trained this power because I wanted to help people, maybe I could have saved my family, I don't know, but now that I have it, it's brought me nothing but misery.

"But you saved me from the timberwolves!" Scootaloo protested!

"And all of us from the manticores!" Applebloom chimed in.

"You got hurt because of me, and you didn't get mad!" Squeaked the third crusader, shuddering at the memory.

"What happened to you was not your fault, my tall friend. You did what was right, in the end." Zecora, who had been silent the whole time, finally spoke up.

The crusader trio wrapped their front legs around him, giving him a huge hug, while Zecora stayed back.

"You powers cannot heal wounds on the heart, but by helping these three, you have had a good start."

Applebloom decided to bring her human friend to the edge of the forest. It had already been about 6 months since he had arrived, although he couldn't tell for sure, and he had still never left it. Sneaking past Fluttershy's cottage, while the crusaders walked out in the open, felt kind of silly, but he couldn't be to careful. It had gotten dark, and the crusaders had headed home, Applebloom bringing Nightshade to the edge of her orchard.

"Ya know, you can have some more apples if ya want, just come by and grab some every now and then. I'd hate to see ya starve." The yellow earth pony said.

"Thanks Applebloom, but I think I'll come back after it's fully night time, I'd hate to get spotted." Nightshade reasoned.

"Okay, suit yerself." With that, she ran home, and thought up a quick lie to what she had been doing at Zecora's instead of helping on the farm. The 'trying to get my cutie mark in herbology' line worked pretty well, and she headed off to bed, promising to make up for the missed work double the next day.

After the moon had risen high, Nightshade snuck back to the orchard. He was used to moving quietly, and was sure that nopony would catch him, but he was still on edge. Something told him that even though Applebloom had told him to take some apples, that something wasn't right. He wasn't a thief, he had been told to take as many as he wanted, so why did he feel like he was doing something wrong. Figuring he'd never know, he climbed up the closest tree to the edge of the property, picked an apple, and took a big juicy bite.

"Varmints stealin MAH APPLES!" Applejack awoke in the middle of the night. Apparently, having worked the farm for so long, the pony with a Texas accent had developed and innate connection to each and every tree, and could tell when the various rodents were stealing from them in an instant. Putting her signature hat on her head, and grabbing a flashlight and some rope, she stormed out of the house and towards the edge of the farm.

*Thud* Nightshade felt a thump on the tree he was sitting in.

*THUD* The apples fell out of the tree, and he almost went with them.

*BOOM* A third, even more powerful kick knocked him out of the tree, causing him to land flat on his face.

Quickly regaining his composure, he stood up to see a steaming mad mare with a stetson turn around and lift her hind legs into the air.

She bucked him, right in the apples. At least, they could have been mistaken for apples at how red and swollen they were. Doubling over in pain, and letting out a high pitched, "eep" he fell to the ground, grasping at his damaged property.

AJ wasn't nearly so mad anymore, and started thinking clearly again.

"What in the hay?" She said, spying the cloaked figure in front of her. She didn't know what it was. Laying on the ground, the cloak looked like it could have been a pony, but also wasn't quite right. She brought her hoof to the creatures hood, intending to unmask this devious apple thief, when she fell over in pain herself, and started grasping at her stomach.

Having recovered somewhat, but still in pain, the cloaked creature which was now clearly NOT a pony ran as fast as it could, still clutching his groin, hopped the fence and went into the forest. The orange cow-pony could only watch as it disappeared into the night. Why was she hurting? That creature hadn't touched her, but she was lying in pain. What was that thing?

Once well into the forest, and out of earshot of any who might be listening, Nightshade let out a series of unflattering phrases that would make even the most hardened sailor cringe. He had only given the mare half the injury, partly because he was in too much pain to focus properly, and partly because he wouldn't wish that kind of pain on any living creature, even if it HAD just inflicted the very same pain on him. After determining that he was, in fact, not sterile after being bucked in the groin with enough force to snap a tree in half, he passed his injuries onto a tree, and watched as its leaves wilted, it's roots rotted, and all it's bark fell off. The tree fell over with a crash, dead. Trees didn't have as much life force as animals, and the poor thing couldn't handle the strain.

"Sorry pal, don't worry, you'll be put to good use." He said to the fallen tree, climbing another, and going to sleep, hoping that in his unconsciousness, he could forget all about the mind-numbing pain he had just felt.

"Aww hayseed!" Applejack cussed. (Yeah, that's considered a curse word for ponies) "Ah guess I lost it, whatever it was. Nothing to do now but go back to bed, I got a long day of applebuckin tomorrow. I don't think it'll be coming back though, after the bucking ah gave it." She thought as she walked slowly back to the farmhouse, still groaning from the dull pain.

"Good riddance!"

Oh ouch! That's gotta hurt! I thought this chapter was going to take longer because of the Zecora rhyme issue, but the words just seemed to fit in the given situations. I took a little creative license and explained why she spoke in rhyme, mostly so that I could make it so she didn't HAVE to. Kind of clever if I say so myself. Nightshade is starting to open up to the ponies, and he told EVERYTHING to Zecora, mostly because they are somewhat similar, in that they are both misunderstood. It was a little hard having him explain the evils of humanity to three children, but they ARE his only friends, and he gave them a dulled down version with almost no description, like when parents try explaining sex to their kids. "Well, when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much, blah blah blah stork." So it wouldn't be to hard on them. It was also a very sad moment, where he basically lost all semblance of posture and just cried his heart out. Applebloom specifically, because family is so important to her, knowing that he had lost his was the worst thing imaginable.

By the way, I made it a mom, dad, sister and niece because that's what my immediate family consists of, and I wanted to make it a little more personal. Davis/Nightshade's way of dealing with the family is the same as mine. I feel awkward around my other family members, mostly because even though I'm 20 (21 this coming march) they still treat me like I'm some kind of kid, which mostly involves ignoring me, or asking me the same question 12 times. I often avoid going to family gatherings if at all possible because of that. As much as they annoy me, if I were to lose my family, I'd be devastated, so making his family similar to my own let me feel what the character is feeling, and plan the reactions accordingly. The reaction being, 'break down and become an emotional wreck' On a lighter note, I decided to give a Team Fortress 2 reference. "Varmint stealin MAH APPLES!" being an obvious layover to "Spy sappin mah sentry!" Mostly because I like the AJ/Engineer crossovers. I decided to put the referance explaination here in the footnotes inThey just fit well. Also, while this chapter didn't take nearly as long as I originally thought, (my estimate was a week minimum) It did take longer than the others, because I was only able to get one out today (if you don't count the one I published 10 mins after midnight) as compared to my usual 3. I'm not complaining though. I think if I write more than one a day, I'll only publish the one, and make you wait for at least the next day before publishing another. That way the story doesn't advance too fast, and I can make all your mouths water in anticipation.

Next chapter a very nasty visitor comes around, and we FINALLY meet the mane 6. Hopefully....maybe? It's what I'm aiming for, but if you've read ANY of these previous little footnote, blurb, blog things then you know how terrible I am at keeping promises when it comes to plot line. At least it's not midnight now, so I'm not exhausted writing this. Hmm, it's only 10 pm, maybe I'll...NO I'm waiting till tomorrow before I write the next chapter. And you might not see it till the day after that. I am really starting to love this Fic. I just wish somepony ELSE would write a fic I enjoy. Ever since I read My Little Dashie and Living the Dream, (even though it's a ponified HiE), I've been having a hard time finding a Fic I like, and if I do find one, it's not updated nearly enough for my liking (I'm looking at you Devil Hunter Among Ponies).

Life in the Wilds

Nightshade's Nightmare Night

While he slept, trying to forget his pain, Nightshade encountered a familiar, but annoying face. He wasn't even surprised at her appearance any more, he'd gotten used to having her pop up right next to him.

"Well look who's back. I trust you've been having fun?" Lyra said sarcastically.

"Oh LOADS. Yesterday I almost DIED from poison and had to get saved by some kids and a potion maker who speaks only in rhyme, and today I feel the worst pain imaginable." He had plenty of sarcasm of his own.

Lyra didn't know Zecora, so she didn't think think anything of it. Instead she just let out a laugh, but asked a serious question, so what she was saying didn't match her facial expression.

"What could hurt more than almost dying?" She inquired.

"Have you even been kicked with enough force to kill a lion, right in your fertility?" He shot back, obviously annoyed again. All Lyra could mutter was an, "Oh." She suddenly became very quiet.

"What, you're not gonna bombard me with questions this time?" He asked half sarcastic, and half curious.

"Not this time, I figured you were in enough pain as it is without me talking your head off, and besides, I don't want you to leave." She said with a sullen look.

"You're finally getting it." Nightshade stated plainly. "Since I've already told you a lot in our short visits, maybe you could tell me something?"

Lyra was a little surprised. She was interested in him, but she never thought that he'd be interested in her. Then again, they didn't have talking ponies wherever humans were from, so she guessed it made sense. However, rather than asking about her world, the human asked something completely unexpected.

"Why are you so interested in humans?" He said.

So Lyra began her story, telling him that she used to dream of other humans, seeing their world, and noticing that everything in hers was based off objects used for human use. How things that were meant to be used with hands had developed in a hoofed world, and were operated with magic. The whole story took several hours, and rather than interrupting her, the human just listened intently. Seems it was just questions that annoyed him.

"I know you don't really like questions, but can I ask you just one?" The teal unicorn asked.

"I guess so." He said.

"What's your name?" She followed.

Nightshade face-palmed. Of all the times they had spoken, however brief, he had completely neglected to give her his name. Lyra seemed interested in what he did with his hands, as they did the same thing.

"Why are you face-hoofing?" She asked.

"Face-hoof? Oh, where i'm from we have hands not hooves, so we call it face-palm, after the palm of our hands. And I'm doing it because having not told you my name, I have been incredibly rude. Even if you're annoying, that's the least I should do." He shook his head. "I had a different name before, but I changed it, because it's a reminder of a past I'd rather forget. Just call me Nightshade.

"Alright Nightshade, well, at least you didn't wake up and block me out again. It's morning, by the way." Lyra said as she disappeared.

Nightshade woke up, to find that he was lying is a very different position then he fell asleep in, and wondered at the miracle that he hadn't fallen out of the tree due to his tossing and turning. Completely forgetting about yesterday's bad memories, he got up, and saw his fallen savior. The dead tree that he had given his injuries too. Ripping pieces off, quite glad to have some wood that wouldn't come back to life when he wasn't looking and attack him, he fashioned some makeshift snow shoes. After all, he didn't know the climate, but it was definitely getting colder, and he didn't want to get caught in the snow.

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle didn't visit often, over the next couple months because they had other jobs they had to tend to, but Scootaloo came frequently, since she was an orphan and didn't have a family to go home to, or chores to do. She decided that she would ask a very delicate question.

"Umm, Nightshade?" She asked, her voice quaking.

"Hey Scoots, what is it?" He returned his own question, using her nickname.

"Well, as you know, I'm an orphan, and I don't have any other family members that I know of, so I live in the orphanage, and I was just wondering if maybe....."She began to stutter incoherently. Nightshade stood up, and she almost thought that he was going to get mad, until he crouched down, and gave her a hug.

"I know how hard it is to be alone, of course you can stay with me. He said. He became really fond of his little friend, and it hurt him to know that she was just as alone as he was. "Will you be okay with it? I mean, I AM a monster after all." He said laughingly.

"I DON'T CARE." Said the crying orange pegasus. "You've been better to me than anypony, and you helped me and my friends. You're no monster, you're amazing. Monster's are cruel, and you are kind." She returned the hug.

"Then it's settled, you'll stay with me from now on, but, there's three problems now that we have to deal with right away, and I'm going to need you for all of them." Scootaloo became a little sad, she didn't want to be a problem, but also a little curious. Was could this amazing creature that had given her so much possible need her for?"

"First, I don't have a house, and If you're going to live with me, that's going to be a priority." She was confused.

"Where have you been sleeping then?" She asked puzzled.

"Well, I don't need to sleep that often, but when I do, I normally climb a tree." Scootaloo was shocked. He slept in a tree? Was he crazy? She didn't care.

"I can handle getting the wood to build it, but I'll need an axe to cut down the trees, as well as a saw for cutting them to size, and I'd have to go to town for that. You can take these bits to go get it, I got some pay for helping Zecora collect some plants for her potions. Poison joke is no laughing matter." He giggled as he handed over a small pouch filled with the jingling coins.

"Second thing is, this forest can be dangerous if you don't know what you're doing, so I'll have to teach you the ins and out's of forest life. I'm sure Zecora would be able to help with that too." Giving her a pat on the head.

"And third, the most important thing of all. If you start getting chased, you need to escape, but you can't do that on the forest floor. You're going to need to learn.." he stopped to give dramatic pause, "to fly." The orange pegasus was absolutely ecstatic.

"Oh ma gosh oh ma gosh oh ma gosh thankyouthankyouthankyou THANKYOU!" Giving him a hug that nearly squeezed the life out of him.

"Okay okay kid, now get going, we have work to do." He smiled.

Construction of their little cabin went very quickly, mostly because a certain someone never got tired. Scootaloo, that is. She was so excited, she almost never slept the entire time they built, and she may have had a little help staying awake from her new parent. They worked for 3 days and 3 nights, building a cabin in the clearing that the orange pegasus originally crashed near. There were still remnants of the camp, so they had to be cleaned away first. Nightshade chopped down trees, turned the wood into planks, and built the walls, doors, and roof supports. Scootaloo got a load of hay together for the thatched roof.

Rather than using nails, because they were expensive, he shaped each piece to fit perfectly, and used thick wooden pegs to hold it all together. Having no glass for windows, they settled for some square holes, which could be covered at will by closing vertical shutters. They also made some beds, a fireplace out of stones, a table and some chairs. The whole place had a rather rustic feel to it, and fit perfectly out in the woods. If you didn't know where it was, there was no way you'd find it.

They slept their first night in the cabin, and they laid down for what would be the best sleep that either had in a long time. Climbing into bed, Nightshade gave Scootaloo a kiss on the forehead, headed off the bed himself.

"Goodnight Scoots." He smiled.

"Goodnight, Nightshade." She returned.

"Please, call me Dad."

OMG D'AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. I actually started crying while writing this. Scootaloo finally found someone to give her the love she needs. I know that most other fic's put Scootaloo as an orphan, but that's because it WORKS. It explains why we never see her family, and why she's overly attached to Rainbow Dash. She's looking for a role model. I know I planned on having him meet the mane 6 this time around, but I think I needed to write this part first, rather than after. It works in the story because since she doesn't have any family, nopony will question why she's living out in the woods, and the orphanage probably wouldn't care that she left. She probably doesn't sleep there all that often, more like a bed and a meal for lost children, but only if they want it. Nothing like the government run ones here that require screening.
Since most ponies are good, and if someone says they've been adopted, there wouldn't be any need to judge their character. This chapter didn't have much action, and was more of an emotional thing, since I hadn't done very much of that yet. Really, Nightshade adopted her because he's just as lonely, and while he hates humans, other than a really annoying telepath, a nutcracking farmer, and some monsters, (which he can deal with easily enough), Equestria is a much better place than Earth. For the first time since he lost his family, he's living for someone other than himself, he has someone to care about. Leave any comments in the *sniff* comment section below.

Next chapter, we'll see how Dash deals with some jealousy issues, since her number one fan has found someone else to appreciate, and he's basically an unknown at this point, and the plotline in the spoiler from LAST chapter, (You know, with the very nasty visitor and the mane 6? That one.) I'm so terrible at these spoilers, Even if I tell you what's happening next, you don't know for sure because I might just turn around and add something completely different. Just keep reading. Also, I'm going to follow what I said last chapter, I'll write the next one today, but I'm gonna make you wait for it. Apparently my update rate is absolutely unheard of on here, with me cranking out chapters so fast I break the word-sound barrier, creating a sonic word-boom. Trollface.jpg.

Nightshades Nightmare Night

Nightshades Nightmare Night

As Nightshade slept, he found that Lyra wasn't there yet, so he let his mind wander. He refused to let Lyra in his mind while he was awake, because then she would see where he was, not what was in his mind, and might figure out that he was in Equestria. Then he wouldn't be able to escape from her questions awake OR asleep. Not having that familiar presence knocking on the doors to his mind was slightly unnerving though, but then again, he had gone to sleep at the same time as his new daughter, which was still rather early.

"Peekaboo." Lyra said as she popped in his head. "You're here early."

"I had a long three days, I've kind of been building a house out in the woods where I'm living." He replied. "Actually, it's more of a cabin."

"Can I see it?" She asked.

"How can I go about doing that?" He inquired.

"Well, from whenever my dreams aren't about humans, I can often change what I want with them, simply by picturing it." She said in a know it all tone of voice commonly used by teachers. "Besides, floating around in this void is really getting dull."

"Alright, I'll try." Straining a little bit, the cabin popped up in front of them. Nightshade remembered to remove Scootaloo from the image before inviting Lyra inside, because that would be a dead giveaway. Looking around for a bit, Lyra didn't seem to be too fond of the rustic feel, and cringed slightly. Seeing this, he made the image disappear, and brought up a new one. An apartment building, somewhat modern, with an new style elevator and everything.

"My old house, from before I went on the run." He said.

"It...it....it's HUGE!" Lyra's eyes popped out. "You lived in this all by yourself?"

"Oh no no, at least a hundred humans live, or lived, here. We each got our own rooms."

Nightshade spent the night remembering things, letting Lyra experience them with him. The elevator confused her. The doors closed, and when they opened you were somewhere completely different. She also noted how he used his hands for various things, finally understanding how they SHOULD be used. She became particularly fond of playing Crash Team Racing, even though with hooves, she couldn't grip the controller very well.

"Dang it, I got last again!" She said.

"Well, that's because you don't have thumbs." He mocked.

Waking up the next morning before Scootaloo, he went and got breakfast ready. Now with an almost complete knowledge of forest plants thanks to Zecora, he could have proper meals, instead of 10 kind o fish medley. He was seriously getting sick of fish, and this was a nice change. The orange pegasus got up, wished her new dad good morning, ate breakfast, and headed off to school. Since she couldn't fly yet, she got walked to the edge of the forest by her dad, who noticed that she was a LOT happier than she had been before. She had been absent for a couple days, so the teacher got a little worried.

"Just spending some time with my new dad." she said proudly.

"You got adopted? That's so wonderful Scootaloo! You must be so happy!" Cherilee always liked to see her students happy, it was the reason she became a teacher in the first place.

"So, when do we get to meet him?" The teacher asked. The orange pegasus turned a little pale. "Oh crud, now what do I do? I can't tell her I'm living with a forest monster, ummm." she thought. Everypony was waiting for her reply.

"I'm not sure, I'll have to ask him. We're living in the Everfree forest, where he, umm, studies the plants and trees! And some of the animals too. He's been helping Zecora gather plants and stuff for her potions." It wasn't exactly a lie, but it wasn't the truth either. Studying meant learning the best was to fight, or run away from them, and came from experience, not note taking. "He looks a little scary until you get to know him, but he's super nice. He likes to avoid town, mostly because he's shy, so he's scared everypony will freak out when they see him, kinda like Zecora a while back."

"I understand. It's hard fitting in when you're different, and he'd rather take his time and make a good impression the first time around." said the teacher knowingly.

Later, at recess, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle found her, and couldn't wait to get the details.

"Yeah, I was kind of nervous about asking him, but he adopted me right away! He even told me to call him dad! And tomorrow, he's gonna start teaching me to fly, and how to deal with forest plants and animals, he's even more awesome than Rainbow Dash!"

"More awesome than who?" Came a cocky voice from on a cloud. The cyan pegasus floated down. "Nopony is more awesome than me!"

"Yeah, you're right Rainbow, no pony is more awesome than you." Said Scootaloo, disheveled.

"That's right, now I'm goin back to my nap, see ya later squirt." Said the Rainbow maned mare. Still, what the orange filly said had bothered her. "How can there be somepony more awesome than me? There's no way, is there?"

"Yeah, no pony." the three fillies giggled. Their laughter stopped when Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon walked up.

"Well, you're in a good mood blank flanks, so, where's your freak of a father?" Tiara sneered.

"He's in the forest, doing his job, and he's not a freak, he's just shy is all. Mind your own business. You're just spoiled brats anyway." Scootaloo, who would normally just sit back and take the abuse, not caring what others said about her, couldn't help herself when they insulted the one who had given her so much. Somewhat shocked, as they had never been so openly insulted, Diamond Tiara decided to leave.

"Later, blank flanks." They teased.

"Don't mind them Scootaloo, they don't know what they're talking about. so, when do we get to see your house?" The unicorn squeaked.

"Not sure, I'll have to ask dad when you can come over, that way he can get some more food ready." She replied.

Months passed without incident, almost a year, things carrying on as they had before, with periodic visits from her friends. She still went about her crusading, taking some hints from her dad. During they day, Nightshade would bring Scootaloo to the edge of the forest, making sure to keep himself hidden of course, then go about his business, getting food, maintaining their home, and working for Zecora. She was able to make many more potions than normal, because with him as her assistant, she could brew potions without having to go out and gather ingredients, and many of her concoctions required a watchful eye. Then at the end of the school day, he would wait at the edge of the forest, collect his daughter, and bring her home to teach her about the forest, and to train her.

Over time, Scootaloo began to grow. She became bigger, and her wings were a lot stronger too. She learned how to climb up trees, without flying, using her natural agility and her wings to give her the thrust and grip she needed to run right up the trunks, and could now glide safely to the ground as well. It was the weekend, so she didn't have school. Now was the time for her to learn to fly properly.

"Alright, so just like we practiced. Jump up, using your wings for extra lift, and start flapping them as much as you can. Remember to use your tail for balance, that way you don't tip over like last time. There you go, you're doing it!" Nightshade was so proud. He had finally given Scootaloo the one thing she wanted more than anything, the gift of flight, although she earned it just as much as it was given. She flew around the clearing for a bit, and then landed with a *thud*.

"Don't worry, we'll work on your landings next." The pair collapsed in a heap of laughter, and went back to the house for some food. Being sore from having flown for so long when she wasn't used to it, Nightshade told her that this was one pain that he shouldn't take away, it meant that she was becoming stronger, and that she would be a better flyer.

"Come on my little bumblebee, let's get something to eat." Scootaloo blushed at the nickname, remembering what he had told her over a yeah ago when they first met, how insecure she had been, and how her confidence and skills had grown since. They went inside and got lunch.

Once it was night , she asked another difficult question.

"Hey dad, you know how nightmare night is coming up right? Scootaloo said, a little afraid of being turned down.

"You want me to come this year, don't you?" He answered her question before she asked it.

"You can stop reading my mind now you know." She said sarcastically. "Will you come?"

"Well, I don't want to get noticed, so I'll follow in the shadows. I shouldn't stick out too much, If I get caught, I can just say it's a costume. If that doesn't work, well, I can't stay a secret FOREVER can I? I'll get found out eventually, might as well take some risks. And besides, it's nightmare night. There will be plenty of monsters in the streets, might just lessen the fright" He said knowingly.

"Oh and by the way, I can't read your mind, I just know you too well."

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" She hadn't been this happy since he agreed to adopt her. Something in his gut told him it would be a bad idea, but he just couldn't say no to that face. Looks like he wasn't immune to the puppy dog eyes after all.

Nightmare night came, and true to his word, he was there, hiding in the darkness. Nopony noticed him except for the CMC, mostly because they were all too busy getting candy and dealing with Pinkie Pie's insane antics. Occasionally, the crusaders would look over in dark corner to see a bit of black, tattered coat flowing in the wind. They knew he was watching, and he just smiled. That's when he saw a sight that made his blood boil. A griffin, stealing candy from kids.

"No, it's better I don't get involved. Some guards will deal with this when they get here. I know it's wrong, but it's not worth giving myself away." Then he saw Scootaloo, right in the path of the griffin.

"Well look who we have here!" Said the griffin. Nightshade recognized the voice as female.

"G-G-Gilda" The crusaders shrunk.

"Yeah. I'm back. An I'm NOT happy." She said as she stepped towards the trio. "Because you were too much of a wimp to fly, now I'm a wanted criminal. I've been on the run for the past year and a half because of YOU. And now? I'm gonna take it out on your hide."

That was all he needed to hear. The griffin threatening Scootaloo was the very same as the one who threw her into the forest almost a year ago. If he hadn't come along, she would have died. Gilda raised her sharp talons, and the three froze in fear. Just as she was bringing her claw down on the poor filly, she toppled over, and Scootaloo saw the most amazing thing she had ever seen. Her dad, the one being in the world who she loved more than Rainbow Dash, had buried his fist right in the side of the griffin's face, sending her skidding across the ground.

"What the hell." Said the griffin as she stood up and got her bearings. Spotting the black cloaked figure that was even taller than her, she walked up to it. "You do that?"

No answer.

"I said were you the one who did that!" Still silent, the hooded figure nodded.

Now furious, the enraged griffin stood on her back legs, and let out a terrible shriek, blowing the hood right off his head. The face that she saw made her blood run cold. It was not a face covered by fear, it was a face that bore a wicked grin, and had a hint of murder in it's eyes.

"Boo." Said the no longer hooded creature, with a voice so sinister, she swore she could see the hatred dripping off it's tongue.

Gilda recoiled, but not one to be scared off, she began to swing wildly at the imposing figure. Gilda was a bully however, not a real fighter, and so only had brute force. She had no skill whatsoever.

Nightshade easily dodged every attack, weaving between the slashing claws with unheard of grace, as Gilda became even angrier.

"Why...can't....I....HIT.....YOU!" She huffed. Just as she thought she had finally got him, she found her claw had been stopped by the creatures hand, and her strength began to drain from her.

"What are you?" the now exhausted griffin demanded, trying to catch her breath.

"I'm your worst nightmare." He said with the same, sinister voice, before he slammed his fist into her jaw again, hearing a satisfying snap of breaking bones. Gilda slumped to the ground, unconscious. He had really REALLY wanted to kill the griffin, but Scootaloo was watching, he couldn't subject her to that. That and since crime was almost non existent, he figured the pushishment would be much worse than what he would do, and a broken jaw was enough.

He turned and saw the growing crowd of ponies, and jerked his head slightly in Scootaloo's direction. They had already gone over the plan that, if anything went wrong, she would sleep in the crusader clubhouse till things blew over. That was her cue to get out of there.

Then he heard a shout. "It's a MOSNTER! It got Gilda and we're next! RUUUUUUUN!"

".........Pinkie Pie." He had been told to avoid her at all possible, considering what happened last year with Princess Luna. "Well, it could be worse."

Just as he turned to run back towards the forest, A lavender unicorn, rainbow pegasus, and orange earth pony all showed up, all in costume. Despite their disguises, he recognized the orange one as Applejack, Applebloom's sister the one from his extremely painful encounter the previous year which he had neglected to mention to the yellow earth pony. It made him feel sore just thinking about it. Flying down from above, he saw her. The princess of the night herself, Luna, along with several of her bat winged guards.

Apparently, they had come to deal with Gilda themselves, the three because they had a personal problem, and Luna because not only was she a wanted criminal, but also because she was ruining HER holiday. When they found the culprit lying on the ground, and a strange creature wearing a tattered, blood stained cloak, they decided the criminal griffin was the least of their worries.

Now, Nightshade had heard from the crusaders and Zecora about the princesses, and how long they had lived, and how powerful they were. Standing in front of one was a completely different story. Looking at Luna, it was like the moon wasn't in the sky overhead, but right next to him. Her life force was MASSIVE. She absolutely radiated it. It was insane how one living thing could have that much life energy and not have the ground spring to life in grass and flowers wherever she walked. This was no time to be admiring her however, as she was glaring at him angrily, and judging by her vitality, she was a force to be reckoned with. So here he had a unicorn of unknown abilities, a determined looking pegasus, an earth pony who he already had a painful experience with, and a freaking godess, along with her four guards. Needless to say, he ran his ass off.

"You four, stay here and restrain the griffin." Luna motioned to the guards. Since last year, Luna had obviously learned to speak more plainly, and so was no longer using old Equestrian, or the Royal Canterlot Voice. "Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, you're with me. We have a monster to catch."

See, I told you I'd get to the main six, so I was a chapter late with it. Not a big deal, especially since it was a d'awwwwww fest. So far, we just haven't seen Rarity. As usual, she's inside on nightmare night, because she just can't STAND to see all the horribly made, hideous costumes. It would drive her insane, and she'd run around town, chasing children with scissors, trying to fix their outfits. That would be even scarier than Nightmare Moon. I made Nightshade as scary as possible when dealing with Gilda. He was mad, he considers himself a monster, and he was going to beat her up physically and mentally, to make sure that she couldn't even THINK of hurting Scootaloo again. Protective parent instinct. Also, I had a bunch of people asking me questions in the comments in regard to Nightshade's powers, and what they would be like when faced with an immortal. I had actually finished writing this, and just hadn't posted it yet. (That's right, I'm sticking to my word, and making you wait.) This chapter and the next I actually had planned to showcase what would happen, and then as soon as I'm finished planning/writing it, all the comments came out, asking questions and coming up with surprisingly accurate theories on what would occur. I know damn well that this is a unique and original plot line, so either you guys are geniuses, or mind readers. I'm gonna go with mind readers, because it's more fun. You keep asking questions that will be explained in the next chapter, but I love you guys so much and am NOT annoyed with your questions like Nightshade is with Lyra's, so I feel compelled to answer them.

Oh come on, you know what's going to happen next. You can tell just by following natural plot progression. They're gonna chase him. He's gonna run. Something big is gonna happen. I'm leaving it at that. What will happen to Nightshade now that he's been discovered? Will Scootaloo ever see her dad again? (Yes she will, I'm not heartless you know), Will I EVER get to the main plot? Find out in the next chapter.

Chased by the Moon

Chased by the Moon

"Damnit. I knew something bad was going to happen. Didn't really have a choice though. If I hadn't come, Scoots would be either in a hospital, or even dead. All because of that stupid griffin!" Nightshade mumbled to himself. "Now I've got the moon princess, that farmer, and two I don't recognize to deal with. I can handle the farmer, and I think I can outrun the princess, bu the other two, they're the problem. I have no idea what they can do."

He was right that they were the issue, because no sooner than he said it did the Rainbow maned pegasus slam into his back, tackling him to the ground.

"Who the heck does this guy think he is, running away? Nopony is faster than Rainbow Dash!" Said the cyan mare. THIS is Scootaloo's old role model? Geez, she sure likes tooting her own horn. Rolling over, throwing Rainbow Dash off his back, he found himself face to face with the orange farm pony. She didn't look as mad as last time, but she was definitely serious. She turned to buck him, but he jumped. Landing with both feet on her back, her hooves connected with nothing, causing her to fall flat on her stomach.

"Nice try, but I won't fall for the same trick twice." He teased as he jumped off, and made a break for the forest. The moon princess and lavender unicorn not far behind. Upon reaching the edge of the woods, Nightshade found another three ponies. The first he recognized as Pinkie Pie, the one who had gotten the whole town riled up. There was also a bright white unicorn, and a yellow pegasus with a pink mane. At seeing him, the pegasus immediately began cowering behind her friends. Apparently Pinkie Pie had gotten her other friends together to try and stop him, but the yellow one looked like she just wanted to go hide somewhere.

Running straight at the yellow one, she ducked even further, and put her hooves over her head. Nightshade jumped right over all three, and headed into the woods.

"Blast, he has escaped into the woods." said Luna. "We will have to follow after him. He do not know what he is capable of, so we must prepare ourselves."

Rarity and Applejack were busy consoling their nervous wreck of a friend, Fluttershy.

"It's alright sugarcube, he didn't hurt ya none did he?" Said the orange farm pony.

"N-n-n-n-o, he didn't." She stuttered. "But he's dangerous."

"Have you seen this creature before?" Twilight asked.

"Once." She responded. "Right before you came to get me, so we could stop Discord. I saw him stumbling through the forest. It looked sick, and all the plants died when he came near them. He looked like walking death."

"Why didn't you say something before, darling?" Rarity was next to speak.

"Well, I was going to talk about it, but then we had to stop Discord, and I thought maybe it was some poor animal that he had changed, and I guess it kind of slipped my mind." Fluttershy became VERY quiet at the end.

"Don't worry about it. I can handle em." Bragged Rainbow. "And he can't be walking death, because me, AJ, and Gilda have all touched him, and we're fine. He seemed pretty quick to run away when he saw me, so he's probably just a big wuss."

Fluttershy was visibly shaken at the thought of Gilda being in town, but when given the explanation that she was currently unconscious, and being taken to the Canterlot prison, she relaxed a little bit. Maybe this thing wasn't dangerous after all, maybe it was helpful?

"Oh, well, if he's not dangerous then everything should be fine." Said Fluttershy, a bit calmer now that she knew the creature wasn't some unholy force of death and decay. "We can just leave it be then."

"I am afraid not, dear Fluttershy. While she Gilda is a criminal, and because of his actions she is not being detained, we must know what this creature is capable of, as well as it's intentions for Ponyville and the rest of Equestria." said Luna in a regal tone. "We must not stop till we have captured it, though since it is clearly afraid of us, it will not be an easy task. It will try to escape, and may become violent."

After they had gotten themselves mentally prepared, they set off into the woods. all but one that is. Fluttershy, was hesitant to head into the forest at night.

"Come on Fluttershy, we need you for this. You might be able to calm the creature down, and you can also talk down any animals that we come across." Twilight assured her friend." Besides, there are all six of us here, AND we have Princess Luna. We'll be fine."

"W-w-well, if you say so." Said the timid pegasus. With that, she rejoined the group, clearly still afraid, but her friends needed her.

"I think I've lost them." Nightshade thought to himself. "That was too close. I can't head home yet, not till dawn, I don't want to lead them to the cabin. Better just circle around and see if they're still following me." he doubled back, staying in the tree tops. Soon enough he found the group of seven ponies, slowly walking along the forest path. They weren't going to give up that easily. Making sure not to be seen, he got within range to use his powers.

"Rarity!" Twilight cried out as the white unicorn passed out. After further inspection, she wasn't injured, just sleeping. That was not a good thing however, as they were in the Everfree forest, at night, and were trying to catch an unknown creature. Applejack was next. Not wanting to get bucked in the nuts again, she was a priority for him. While she did have a very large reserve of energy, she had been up all day, since 6 in the morning, and it was now well past midnight. Even she was tired, making it easier to make her fall asleep.

"Applejack!" Rainbow yelled. "What the hay is going on here? Why is everypony just falling asleep?"

Things were going well for Nightshade. He had incapacitated two of the group, meaning that the others would have to take care of their fallen comrades instead of chasing him. While it was dangerous to be in the forest at night, they had the moon godess with them, as well as the very fast Rainbow Dash, the unicorn of unknown abilities, the frightened pegasus, and Pinkie Pie. Not seeing how the last two could be any threat, he figured the princess, cyan pegasus, and possibly the unicorn would have to protect the other's. They had lost over half their fighting force, and the rest had to protect their sleeping friends. Guerilla tactics 101, success. Or so he thought. Wait, where was the pink one?

"HI!" Pinkie Pie, who was now inexplicably right behind him yelled, startling him, and causing him to fall right out of the tree. He landed painfully on his face.

"What'cha doin up in the trees Mr. Monster?" said the bouncing pink pony. This didn't make any sense, she ran away screaming when she first saw him, and now she had no fear at all. Then again, he had been told by the crusaders that that was just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie.

"Uhhg." Nightshade moaned. and looked up to see an angry Rainbow Dash right in his face.

"What did you do to Rarity and Applejack?" She screamed, clocking him on the side of the head with her hoof. She had cut him, and now blood was pouring out of the wound. It hurt, a LOT.

"That," Nightshade paused, "was uncalled for." He said, grabbing the surprised pegasus around the neck, and throwing her at Luna. Luna grabbed her with her magic before she landed, and noticed that she was bleeding from the side of her head. Looking at the creature that had thrown her, he was no longer wounded. Rainbow Dash had passed out from the injury, but would be fine given a day's rest.

Using her own magic, Twilight Sparkle restrained the no longer afraid, but angry monster, pinning it to the tree it was standing next to. She felt strained. This was just basic telekinesis, why did she feel so tired? The restraints weakened, and the unicorn put forth more effort into maintaining them.

"Why..am I...so tired...?" she said between deep breaths, before collapsing like her friends. Now all that remained was Pinkie Pie, Luna, and the nervous wreck of a pegasus. Pinkie Pie wasn't much of a fighter, and was more useful for her randomness than her combat abilities, and the pegasus was too scared to do anything. Turning his attention towards Luna, the moon princess readied herself for battle, but was interrupted by a yellow and pink ball of rage.

"How DARE YOU!" Fluttershy screamed, eyes dead locked on the monster before her. "I don't care who or what you are, but you do NOT HURT MY FRIENDS!"

Nightshade was stunned. was this the same pegasus as before, the one that wouldn't even look at him because of her fear? Trying to look away, he found that he couldn't turn his head or eyes. He was caught in her piercing glare. Trying to use his powers to put the Pink maned pegasus to sleep, since she was clearly the most dangerous out of all of them, he found that he couldn't. He couldn't focus, he couldn't even think.

Nightshade had been stabbed, slashed, shot, clawed, stun, poisoned, and hit in the crotch with the force he equated to be similar to that of a cannon, but nothing NOTHING compared to the fear and mental anguish he felt with this pegasus staring at him. What was she, some kind of demon? To be able to house so much fury that she could paralyse someone who had been through hell and back, she was truly a force to be reckoned with. She was saying something, but he couldn;t hear what it was. He just couldn't get past those eyes.

Luna watched in amazement, as the creature that had so quickly incapacitated nearly their entire group, was reduced to a quivering wreck by the normally timid Fluttershy. It stumbled backwards, as his trying to escape from her gaze, and tripped, landing on its flank. Still being stared at, he curled up in the fetal position, put his hands on his head, and tears began to flow from his eyes.

Seeing that the creature became completely unresponsive, Fluttershy let up on her stare, and turned to her friends. She was relieved to see them slowly getting up. They were not injured in any way, except for a slight bruise on Rainbow Dash.

"Ow, my head." Complained Rainbow.

"Uuuug, I feel worse than that time I tried to do applebuck season all by myself." added Applejack.

"I slept in DIRT!" Screamed Rarity.

Once the whole group had recovered, (including Luna from her shock at what Fluttershy was capable of) they looked over to see the shivering pile of tattered, dark crimson robes, who even though Fluttershy was no longer staring at him, was acting as though she still was. He occasionally muttering something incoherent, the only part they were able to make out was, "The eyes."

"Very well done Fluttershy, I am impressed at your ability to handle the situation." Luna said.

"Yeah! Wait to go Fluttershy. Woohooo!" Pinkie Pie screamed. "When we get back to Ponyville, I'll have to throw you a 'Good job dealing with the scary monster' party.

"I'm afraid that will have to wait Pinkie." Twilight said, finally having woken up. "We have no idea what this thing is, we need to bring it to Canterlot so we can figure out what it is, and where it came from."

"I agree, Twilight Sparkle. In my many years, I have not seen anything like this, although it's appearance is disturbingly similar to and old rumor. Luna said while conjuring a cage around it, levitating the shaking monster. "We should take it to be examined. As for it's powers, given what I've seen, as well as from what you've said of your own encounters, I have an idea of what they might be, and it is of the utmost importance that we confirm it's nature. If I am right, it could be a danger to all of Equestria." She was met with worried looks from the rest of her group.

"Nothing is for sure though." She smiled weakly, obviously trying to ease their minds. "It might not be dangerous at all. We just have to make sure."

Glancing back at the creature in the hovering cage, there was a slight look of pity on her face. If it was what she thought it was, then there is know telling what her sister might do, especially since it had proven to be somewhat violent. She just hoped her sister would be merciful, considering it hadn't really done anything wrong, it was just scared, trying to protect itself.

"Come on, lets head back. Even though I lived here as a child, this place has changed, and it gives me the creeps."

Uh oh. Now he's in for it. Once again, Rainbow Dash fly's off the handle and does something brash. As for the guerilla tactics part, It's not like he was leaving them to die. As long as Luna was there, the group was never in any real danger from the animals. They could have distracted her while some other animals attacked the rest of the group, but with Rainbow Dash still there, as well as Twilight, even though her abilities were unknown, they should have been able to fend for themselves in the event of an attack by wild animals. The whole goal was to make it that while they weren't defenseless, they could no longer pursue him. Hopefully they would head back home, giving up on him to take care of their sleeping friends. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. As for why he didn't make Luna fall asleep, he couldn't. It would be like trying to push the moon. While he could recover his own energies, he couldn't drain enough of hers to cause any effect. So, does that mean Luna never has to sleep? No. She may have more energy, but that's because she needs it. She uses stamina at a much higher rate, which balances out her having so much. She would eventually need to sleep, although she could probably stave off sleep for a much longer time than the others.

As for why he decided to circle back and check, have you heard the phrase, 'If there's a wasp in the room, I'd rather be able to see it'? Rather than hoping they didn't follow him, he had to make sure. He didn't want to get caught off guard. Life in the forest has made him a bit paranoid.

What does Luna know about him? She must know the old legends, but had forgotten them for a time. What does Celestia know about humans? What will the princess decide to do with him. Will Pinkie Pie ever make sense? And what of Lyra? Did she see him in town? Will she ever shut up about being right about humans? Find out in next chapter, (or maybe the one after) of Monster.

Healing Hooves (12)

Healing Hooves (Chapter 12)

The ponies took Nightshade back to Ponyville, where there were three carriages waiting for them. One was a large royal carriage, to take the six ponies and Luna back to Canterlot, while the other two were caged prison carriages. The three flew in a tight formation, with the prison transports on the outside, and the princess's carriage in the middle. One housing Nightshade, and the other, holding a now awake Gilda. Having had her jaw mended magically and held in a brace, she could now talk, but it caused her pain. Pain she was more than willing to endure if it meant mocking her fellow prisoner.

"Ha ha, dude look at you, you got WRECKED." She mocked the still unresponsive figure. "What happened tough guy? Suddenly you're a wimp! Should have known you were a loser if you were sticking up for that lameo orange pegasus."

"Shut up Gilda, I have half a mind to go back there and break your jaw again." Said Rainbow Dash. "And what do you mean sticking up for?" Gilda didn't answer, mostly because Dash wasn't one to say she would do something, and then not do it.

"Ah don't know fer sure." Said Applejack. "But when we was bringin him here, a bunch of pony folk were askin me if my sister was okay. Said some griffin was attackin her and her friends, before it got clocked by a hooded thang. I think that might 'ave been him."

"Well, if that's the case, I think that explains what happened in the town square fairly clearly." Said Rarity. "In which case I think we may have been a little rough on the dear. He WAS only trying to help it seems." She looked at the nervous wreck of a monster, still unmoving. Fluttershy shrunk a little.

"But that still doesn't explain what he was doing in Ponyville. He tried to escape us in the forest, so he probably lived in there. Why would he come to Ponyville, and on Nightmare Night of all times?" Said Twilight. "It doesn't make any sense."

"Well, I guess we can ask him when he wakes up." Applejack returned. All the others looked at her with a bit of surprise.

"Somethin I said?"

"What do you mean ask him? He's a forest monster. He can't talk." Rainbow piped up.

"Sure he can. When I tried to buck him, he told me that the same trick won't work twice." She returned.

"Which makes me remember somethin. About a year ago, I got up in the middle of the night, I coulda swore there was some varmint stealin mah apples. I went to the edge of the farm, bucked the tree, and some black thing fell outta it."

Applejack thought back. "When it stood up, I went and bucked it. After that I felt a pain in my stomach, and it got up and ran off. I thought I just pulled a muscle or somethin. It went into the woods and didn't come back."

Twilight was listening intently the whole time. "Listen everypony, from what I've heard, I am fairly certain I have ascertained the nature of this creatures abilities." Everyone listened intently. "When Fluttershy saw it, it was ill, and the plants around it died. When Rainbow Dash hit it, it miraculously healed, and the wound appeared on her." Dash rubbed her still sore head.

"When Applejack kicked it, she felt the pain of the injury, while the creature recovered from it's own, at least partially." Twilight continued. "It is my hypothesis that this creature is capable of passing it's injuries onto other forms of life. While not required to do so, it prefers to return the damage to whatever inflicted it."

Luna agreed. That was her hypothesis, and it matched her sister's pupil's to a T. There was one thing missing from it, however.

"I believe it may be able to do this with exhaustion as well." Luna spoke up. "The distance from the town square to the forest edge is great, and he was running the entire time. He should have at least been winded. Either he has more stamina than a marathon runner, or he is able to absorb it from others."

"Which is how he was able to tire us out to the point that we fell asleep." Exclaimed Twilight.

"Exactly." Said Luna. " Although we don't know for sure, as Applejack said, we'll have to ask when he wakes."

"Yeah, IF he wakes up at all." Said Rainbow crudely. She never was one for sensitivity. Twilight shot her a nasty glare. "Well come on, just LOOK at him."

Fluttershy finally spoke, although it was barely enough to be heard, and had to be told to speak louder several times. "It wasn't trying to hurt us, it just made us fall asleep so it could get away." She said in a shaky tone. "Meaning that even if we hadn't caught it, we would have just woken up on our own?"

"It seems so." Said Luna.

Fluttershy looked over to the monster, and instead of feeling fear or pity, she felt something that she had not felt in a very long time. Guilt. Visibly shrinking, and letting out a soft 'eep', She looked at the poor thing, realizing the mental state it must be in. Even a couple hours after she had stopped her stare, it was still scared out of it's wits, and she caused it.

Meanwhile, being unconscious due to the mental stress of Fluttershy's stare, Nightshade found himself standing next to Lyra once again.

"Well well, you sure caused a ruckus in town. Everypony is going crazy with questions." Lyra said. "Why didn't you tell me you were here in Equestria?"

No answer. She stared at him, and realized he didn't even notice her, he was just staring off into the distance.

"Hello, anybody home?" She knocked on his head. He fell over, and just laid on the floor. "Whoa, you okay? Hey, buddy, come on, get up!" She tried desperately to get his attention.

"Eyes." She heard a soft whisper.

"What was that?" Lyra asked.

"Yellow. Blue eyes. Devil itself." The rest was inaudible.

"I don't understand." Lyra found herself watching the scene play in his head, right up to the point the Yellow pegasus began staring at him.

"Is that Fluttershy?" She asked, not expecting an answer. Then she saw it, the stare. It played over and over again inside his mind, like a broken record. Lyra had to look away.

"Hey, it's okay. Listen, I saw them taking you to a carriage, you're off to Canterlot, and they all had worried looks on their faces. They're worried about you. You need to wake up. Wake up!" She yelled. That snapped him out of it.

"L-Lyra?" He said weakly.

"Finally, you've been stuck in here for hours. I noticed them taking you in a prison carriage to Canterlot." She responded.

"Prison?" He said in the same, defeated tone.

"Yeah, but you'll be okay. They just have you in there so you won't try to escape. They all looked worried about you. You look like you got run over by a runaway cart." Lyra added. "Listen, it's morning, so I have to wake up now. You should wake up too. They're going to talk with you, and then they'll settle this whole thing."

Nightshade muttered something Lyra couldn't hear, so she leaned in closer, (apparently this still works, even in dream land) and heard him say one word.


While this was going on, the mood had gotten a little lighter for everyone except the prisoners, and Fluttershy. Knowing that she had put this creature into a shock induced coma, all because it was trying to help, made her feel terrible. She began crying, and was comforted by her friends. They arrived at Canterlot, where the rest had decided to get something to eat, since they had missed breakfast. Fluttershy didn't want anything.

"Whats the matter sugarcube?" Asked Applejack.

"It's just that, I feel terrible. It wasn't trying to hurt us, it was just trying to get away. The only reason any of us got hurt was because we hurt it in the first place." She took a quick glance at the victim of her stare. "I wish there was something I could do for him."

Luna, knowing how gentle Fluttershy was, when she wasn't in a fit of rage, decided to let the element of kindness do her thing. "If you wish, you may accompany him to his cell, and keep him company while he is being held until my sister is ready for him."

"Thanks Luna." She responded. Fluttershy was a little happier after that. She had also learned that Luna does not care for formalities around friends, and so dropped the title.

While the rest of the group went off to eat, Luna went to her sister to explain what happened and what they had discovered, and Fluttershy went with the no longer quaking creature. She felt a little better, now that he was asleep and no longer crying in fear. The prison cell was not a typical cell. It had bars, as well as a magical barrier, but the floor was carpeted, it has a soft bed rather than a cot, two chairs, a table, and several windows to let light in. It was clear that this was for holding important persons, perhaps diplomats who had found themselves on the wrong side of the law, and not for punishment. Gilda was taken down to the actual dungeons.

After some time in the holding cell, he finally woke up, and on the other side of the bars, saw the very object of his terror, no longer frightening and full of fury, but with a kind, but sad, smile on her face. He backed away slowly, still very much afraid of her, and sat in the far corner of the room.

"Umm guard." She asked quietly. "Umm, do you think It would be okay if I went in with him?"

"Miss, he could be dangerous, we don't want to take any unnecessary risks." The guard told her sternly. She stood there for quite some time, before he pulled something from his cloak.

"My Ipod." Nightshade thought. After all this time, he still had it, and it was intact, headphones and all. Since it had been turned off the whole time, the batteries wouldn't have gone down at all. He pulled it out, and started listening to some music to calm his nerves.

Fluttershy noticed that he was in the corner, and had pulled his hood over his head. She asked the guard again if she could go in, explaining that he couldn't escape, and while the guards were there he wouldn't try to hurt her, and the whole point of her being there was to keep him company. Reluctantly, the guard agreed, unable to say no to the cute face she was making, and lowered the barrier. After she was inside, he raised it again, and told her to simply tap on it if she wanted out.

As Fluttershy walked over, Nightshade didn't move at all. He didn't hear the barrier go down because he was listening to the sounds of the sea, (he likes nature sounds and classical music, as well as some stuff from the 80's and 90's. He can't stand Bieber) and didn't see what was happening because he had his hood over his head, and had his eyes closed. Fluttershy walked up to him, glad that he wasn't afraid anymore, but also a little worried about it. Surely he had heard her come in, what if he was waiting for a chance to grab her?

Very cautiously, she approached him, not making a single sound. He was still sitting in the corner. When he was sitting, his head was just slightly lower than a standing ponies, and if both were sitting, they would be at about the same height. Ever so carefully, she pulled off his hood, and saw he had his eyes closed. Not wanting to disturb him, thinking he was sleeping, she backed away, and began to walk away, when he opened his eyes.

When she was staring at him, it was dark, and she couldn't see them, but this time, it was bright, and she could see them clearly. His eyes were blue, same shade as her own, but his were, deeper somehow. They were like an endless ocean. She could see that he was still a little scared, so she sat down in front of him, trying to make herself seem as unimposing as possible.

Listening to music was one of Nightshades favorite pass times, and he needed to calm his nerves before Princess Celestia saw him. If she was anything like her younger sister, it would be all he could do to maintain his composure in front of her. Allowing his thoughts to drift, he was startled when he felt his hood being pulled off. He slowly opened his eyes, and saw a pair of light blue ones looking back. He recognized them, but this time they weren't eyes full of anger and hate, but eyes full of compassion and wonder. Gazing into them, he felt completely at ease. It was hard to believe that this was the same pegasus that had put him into a state akin to shellshock hours before. She sat on the soft floor in front of him, and looked at him intently, as if she was trying to understand.

Something caught Fluttershy's eye, the creature had something in his ears, with a white string going down to something his hand. Wondering what it was, she pulled one of them out, and looked at it confused. He took whatever it was in his hand, and brought it up to her ear. At first she started to pull back, but stopped, deciding to trust him, whatever his was. She was surprised to hear the sounds of the ocean. Fluttershy had only ever been to the ocean once, but this sounded exactly the same. Looking down at his other hand, he moved the thing he was holding, a small white rectangle that glowed somehow, and she heard new sounds, this time chirping birds. They sat there for a couple minutes, listening to everything from Sounds of the Rainforest to Frank Sinatra's "Beyond the Sea." Which she particularly enjoyed. How music could come from such a small device, she'd never know.

After a time, Nightshade put the device away, and just sat in the corner, gazing at her. He wasn't afraid any longer, but he didn't say anything. Faced with someone who was as shy as herself, they sat there for about an hour without saying anything, before Fluttershy finally broke the silence.

"Umm, hi, my names Fluttershy." She said the same way she had upon first meeting Twilight. Having extremely good ears from having to pick up the slightest sounds in the forest, he heard her perfectly.

"I'm Nightshade." He said the same way.

"Umm, I know you didn't mean to hurt anypony, and you just wanted to be left alone. I'm sorry. It's just, when I saw my friends all lying there, I didn't know what happened to them, I got so scared and I...." She stopped. He ran his hand through her mane. He was surprisingly gentle, considering how he's supposed to be a dangerous monster.

"You just wanted to protect your friends." He said, relieving her of the burden of trying to explain herself. "I know what it's like. You don't have to be sorry, nobody was at fault here, it's something that just happened." Even though she had previously put him in a state of severe emotional and mental pain, for some reason, he didn't want to see her sad, and tried to relieve her guilt.

"I just, it's so hard. No matter how much I try, things like this keep happening, and no matter what I do, it just turns out all wrong." He said, tears starting to well up in his eyes.

It was true. He had tried to help Richard, and ended up being hunted for it. He had tried to save the crusaders, and ended up nearly dead from the manticore. He tried to accept Applebloom's gift, and got bucked. He saved Scootaloo from Gilda, and now he was in jail. It seems like everything he did went wrong, and someone always ended up hurt because of it, most often it was him.

Seeing he was in distress, Fluttershy wrapped her front legs around him, stretched her wings around him, and laid her head on his shoulder, so he could do the same. He just sat there, crying into her shoulder. Another hour passed, and the guard said that while this was touching and all, that visiting time was over. Fluttershy left to go meet up with her friends, and Nightshade was all alone again. That's when he heard a voice in his head.


"Damnit LYRA!"

Aww, that was a touching moment, then Lyra had to go and ruin it. Apparently he had lowered his mental barrier and forgot about it, so Lyra was able to watch the whole thing. But how? Shouldn't she be awake right now? I'll explain that in the next chapter. As for when I'm writing them, writing them and then waiting to release them just seems kind of unnatural for me, so forget having the buffer zone. I'll just update whenever the heck I want.

Not giving ya one this time. Too bad.

Bonds (13)


Once again alone in his cell, Nightshade felt a familiar, annoying presence, and heard a voice. "Awwwwwwww."

"Damnit Lyra." He said quietly so the guards wouldn't hear him. "How long have you been there?"

"The whole time, and I have to say, you make a cute couple." She said teasingly.

"How are you in my mind? Are you asleep? It's the middle of the day." He asked in his thoughts, somewhat annoyed that she was bothering him during the day.

"Actually, since you kept blocking me out, I borrowed some books from the library about telepathy. I'm meditating right now, and I was able to contact you since you weren't blocking me out." She explained.

"Ahh, right." He had completely forgotten to put up his mental barrier, not expecting any visitors. "Well, since you're here, want me to tell you something about Earth?" That got her attention, and she began to get excited.

"On Earth, when you walk in on two people having a heart to heart, you LEAVE. It's impolite to eavesdrop." He thought at her, with an angry tone.

"Oh come on, you two are adorable. Hey, wait I....." She was cut off, his mind blocked off again.

Nightshade sat in his cell for another hour, bored. At least he didn't have to listen to Lyra though. He figured it might take a while for the princess to get around to him, since she probably had other responsibilities to deal with, and he wasn't going anywhere. When the time finally came, the guards lowered the barrier, put on a pair of magic cuffs with the dual purpose of restricting movement, as well as preventing magic. (Not that he had any mind you, can never be too careful) He let them cuff him willingly, not wanting to make things any worse for himself than they already were by resisting. Besides, they hadn't checked his pockets, and unknown to them, he had a bobby pin, and knew how to pick locks. Since there wasn't very much crime in Equestria, lock picking was an unheard of skill.

They brought him to to throne room, hands bound behind his back. Princess Celestia was finally ready to see him. He entered the throne room, and the guards left them as instructed, closing the doors behind them. For a while, the sun princess just looked at him intently, and he returned her gaze. Then, Nightshade felt a familiar feeling in his mind, albeit this time it was much stronger that Lyra.

"Great, the princess is a telepath too." He thought to himself. Having a sudden feeling of disdain for the magnificent form in front of him. Slightly upset at not being able to break into his mind, Celestia was the first to speak.

"What is your name?" She said in a soft, yet demanding tone.

"You know, even though I already know who you are, it is highly impolite to demand someone's name before offering an introduction of your own." He decided to make himself seem as civilized as possible, showing that even a monster can have manners, but also not be a pushover. He decided on being a mild 'Classhole'. "And it is also impolite to peek into the minds of others, especially when they have made it clear that you are not welcome."

At this, the princess was surprised, and tensed up a bit.

"How?" She asked. "Are you a telepath also?"

"No, but I have had more than enough experience dealing with them, in the form of a very annoying psychic stalker." He explained.

"Very well, I apologize for my manners. I am Princess Celestia. I rule Equestria, along with my sister Luna, whom I believe you have already met." She said in a regal tone.

"Indeed, quite charming. As for myself, I had another name, but that is a thing of the past. Nowadays I go by Nightshade." He said with a bow. The bow was important, as not only did it keep with his civilized facade, but it allowed him to sneak his bobby pin from his pocket.

Being quite surprised at the level of civility he was showing, she became quite sure that he was mocking her. After all, this was a creature that had been living in the Everfree forest, not some aristocrat.

"You know, just because I'm a princess, does not mean that you have to speak like I am. I happen to hate formalities." She was desperately trying to bring the conversation down a notch, as she really did hate such things. Being a princess for over a thousand years, such talk was exceedingly boring.

"Alright then princess." He said.

"Please, just Celestia." She returned.

"Celestia." He continued. "Let's just cut to the chase then shall we? The sooner we get this out of the way, the better."

"Very well. What are you?" She asked.

"I am a monster." He said plainly. Clearly annoyed at his lack of specifics, she decided to push a little.

"What is your species?" Nightshade had been dreading this question, but decided to answer it the best he could.

"Unknown. My parents were both human, as is the rest of the dominant species where I am from. I however, am not." His answer brought out a mixed reaction in Celestia, one of curiosity, as well as one of sadness, as if remembering something from the past.

"What do you mean by that?" She lost her regal tone.

"My parents were both regular humans, and did regular human things. I am different than they are. They do things that I do not, and I do several things that they are unable to. I do not act the same way that they do, and I do not think the same way humans think. Therefore, I am not human." He reasoned.

Feeling that she was getting nowhere, as this human was speaking philosophically, she decided to change her question.

"What are you doing in Equestria?" She asked.

"Living my life." He said in the same, simple tone. "As for how I got here, I am not sure. One moment, I was being hunted, the next, I found myself in what's known as the Everfree forest."

Celestia was stunned. Hunted? Why would he be hunted? And by what? She finally got some answers, but all it did was bring up more questions. This 'Nightshade' was a complete enigma.

"What was hunting you, wild animals?" She asked.

"No, the humans were. As I am different than they are, able to do things they can't, they wanted my power for themselves. They would abuse it and use it to hurt others, which is something I would not allow. If I would not give them what they wanted, then they would kill me and take it." He said in a sad tone. "There are very few who, given this power, would use it responsibly."

Nightshade paused to give her a little time to process what he was saying, before continuing. "As for those who wanted it, since I wouldn't give it willingly, they decided that they would kill me in order to examine me more closely. By that, I mean cut me up and put me under a microscope."

Celestia was even more stunned than previously. Killing somepony just because they wouldn't give you what was theirs was unheard of. It went against her entire being, everything that Equestria represents. And running scientific tests like that was considered illegal. They didn't need them, they could just examine them with magic.

"So, I ran, I fought back, I did whatever I could to escape. To justify hunting me down for their own greed, the called me a monster. Throughout history, they have done similar things." Nightshade began Celestia's crash course in human culture.

"One of the few types of humans I respect are the Native Americans. They live in harmony with the land, and teach others to do the same. When settlers from another continent came, they would have starved to death if not for the generosity of the natives. In return for their hospitality? They forced them off their land and killed any who resisted, claiming them to be evil. They tried the same thing with me, but because of my powers, they failed." Nightshade was getting angry now.

The princess was appalled. It was completely beyond her as to how any species could treat their own kind that way. To her, it would be like if the unicorns wiped out the pegasi because they were jealous of their ability to fly. It didn't make any sense.

"Surely humans are not all like this?" Celestia was praying to whoever gods pray to that the entire species was not like this. Nightshade explained that there were good humans, like Gandhi and several others, as well as Jesus from the bible, who in Equestria, would be considered the equivalent of mythology. She was shocked to hear how humans treated those who tried to do good, especially given their abilities.

"And what this power you possess?" After a long time lost in thought, trying to process the human history and mythos she had been told, she finally regained her bearings and got to the important part.

"My power is that I can see and manipulate the forces of life. I am able to transfer stamina, health, and even years from one to another, as well as determine someones physical state. Through this, I can pass my own exhaustion, injury, and age related degradation onto others, or take it from others onto myself." There was no point in hiding it anymore. He had been caught, and there was no longer any point in holding something back.

"So, the injury on Rainbow Dash?" She asked quizzically.

"The very same as the one she inflicted on me. I cannot pass an injury onto another If I do not have an injury in the first place. While I can pass it to anyone, I prefer to punish the offender, taking the literal route of 'do unto others, as you would have them do unto you, a concept that has long been ignored."

"And what of Gilda, the griffin you you assaulted while in Ponyville?" She began the interrogation.

"Gilda, was attacking a group of children, and not just a random act of bullying. I have lived in the forest long enough to tell, just from looking in somethings eyes, what they are feeling. Gilda's eyes said murder. That and she was in the process of bringing her talons down on some innocent kids. The injuries she received may have been severe, but they were necessary, and from what I have heard, are already healing nicely." Nightshade hated Gilda, and spoke with spite in his voice, something Celestia picked up on.

"True, eyewitness reports did state that she was attacking three fillies. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, before you intervened. Now that I've confirmed this, it seems your actions were justified." Nightshade was a little relieved to hear that he wasn't a criminal, but he wasn't out of the woods yet.

"That brings the next question, what were you doing in Ponyville? You live in the forest do you not? Why come to town when you had never done so before?" The sun godess asked.

"That's exactly why. I'd never been to the town before, but was aware of it's presence. I originally avoided it because the first time I saw it, all the buildings were upside down, and there were rainclouds pouring chocolate all over the place. I figured if the place was that crazy, I didn't want anything to do with it." He lied. "Since it was, 'Nightmare Night' as it's called, I became interested in the commotion, and went to check it out, sticking to the shadows, hoping not to be seen, when I saw it happen."

The princess could tell that he was hiding something, but his story didn't have any contradictions. He wasn't about to tell her that he had adopted Scootaloo, and that's the reason why he was there. He didn't want to put her in the spotlight. He just wanted her to have a normal life. She didn't call him on it though.

"I know of humans. When I was still but a child, humans lived in this world. My mother and father were the rulers of a far off land, before Equestria was founded. They were a force of chaos and destruction. Many of the old legends stem from truth. Discord, the spirit of disharmony, fed off their chaos, and used to to plunge the world into never ending strife. My parents located an alternate dimension, and sent every last human there, causing Discord's power to weaken. He killed my parents, then fled for a time to recover his strength. He returned, but Luna and myself had found the Elements of Harmony and used them to seal him away in stone." The princess said. Remembering her parents seemed painful to her, but she continued her story nonetheless.

"After you arrived, Discord escaped, and began causing chaos all over again. He was the one that changed Ponyvlle from what it is now, into what you saw when you arrived. In fact, I believe your arrival may be the cause of his escape. Humans are naturally prone to chaos, and with you present, he was able to draw on your power to free himself." the princess explained.

Not good. Telling by the look in her eyes, as well as by the way the conversation was going, he knew what was going to happen next. This was the part where she'd get rid of him in order to prevent Discord from escaping once more, in order to avenge her parents and keep Equestria safe. Knowing she was a telepath, he lowered his mental barricade, thought that at her, then raised it again. Then he began picking the lock on his handcuffs.

Seemingly getting his message, Celestia responded. "Good, so you understand my situation. You have done nothing wrong, and have actually done us a service by rescuing those three and allowing us to arrest Gilda, but unfortunately, you cannot be allowed to remain here. If Discord escapes again, all of Equestria will be endangered, and I cannot allow that to happen. I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I'll have to send you back to your own world." She said sullenly.

Nightshade had already picked the lock on his cuffs. It wasn't a magical lock, just a regular one. Only the handcuffs were enchanted, and the enchantment was to prevent magic in the first place. Keeping his hands behind his back, he opened the cuffs, and readied them, but she wasn't close enough yet. He wanted to buy more time.

"You know that I'm being hunted, but you don't know to what extent they will go to. They have found a way to prevent me from using my powers on them, and they have weapons I cannot overcome without them. To send me back would be a death sentence." Maybe he could still talk his way out of this. Celestia stepped towards him.

"I know that it will be difficult, but you have survived there before, and I believe you will be able to do so again." She stepped right next to him, and placed her horn on his head. "You know why you must go, I only hope you can forgive me for what I am about to do." Celestia said as she closed her eyes, and her horn began to glow.

"And you know why I can't go back, and I only hope you can forgive me for what I am about to do." He said. Quickly bringing the cuffs forwards, and closing them around Celestia's front legs. Her horn stopped glowing, and she had a look of absolute horror on her face.

"How is this possible?" She shrieked as she fell over. The cuffs were meant for small ponies, not one the size of Celestia. He front legs were too close together to support her properly. Holding up the bobby pin, then slipping it back into his pocket he said.

"Never underestimate a monster." He laughed. Then looked for an exit. The doors were locked, and there were guards on the other side. But there were a great many stained glass windows. Spotting one that bore Celestia's image, he thought making his exit through it would be the perfect way to add insult to injury. Taking a running start, he jumped through the window, shattering it. Celestia could only look as the human escaped, and thought he must be crazy... or stupid.

Crashing through the window, Nightshade didn't realize where he was, because he had been unconscious when he was brought there. The palace was on the cliff side, over 2 miles from the window he jumped through to the ground.


All of Canterlot turned their heads, looking for the source of whoever was brutish enough to use such a curse word, and at such volume.

Yeah, take that Celestia. Jumping out of the window wasn't a very good idea, but hey, he just handcuffed the ruler of an entire country, he wasn't thinking clearly, he was just trying to escape. Besides that he couldn't see through the stained glass, so how was he to know there was a 2 mile drop? I know I went a little religious in this chapter, but it's not something I intend to do often. I mean, really, Christianity IS a big part of humanity, and given that you can't really mention the good of humanity without mentioning it. I'm not giving the finger to anyone who has a different faith, and I'm not trying to convert you, I'm not one of those "asshole christians" you see on the T.V, who have opinions and beliefs that are freaking insane. I just added it to advance the story. Also, I personally love the "Classhole" thing, since Celestia herself is a kind of classhole, being that she trolls her loyal subjects,(kind of an asshole move but hey, she's the princess, she's probably bored) and does it in a high class way. Just try to imagine the look on her face when she got cuffed and couldn't stand up. It's hilarious.

Well damn, a two mile fall? There's no way he's gonna survive this right? Deus Ex Machina[ (God from a machine. Having a divinity descend from above to solve a previously unsolvable problem) Except instead of a god, Nightshades going to use some quick thinking and do a bit of experimentation with his powers. Hopefully it will turn out. Find out in the next chapter of Monster.

Ps, I had about 5/6 different ways to write this, and while I was writing the comment saying that it would take a long time for me to come out with the next chapter because I couldn't decide, I suddenly thought of this whole thing, and liked it better than any of the others. That's right, I thought up every detail of this entire chapter in about 30 seconds. I'm that good. When I die, I'm having my brain kept alive artificially in a tank so I can think of stuff. Lol think tank. Or not. Also, I've started putting numbers in the chapter titles, that way I can keep track.

A Daring Dive and Royal Combat(14)

A Daring Dive and Royal Combat

"Well shit, I didn't think this through." Nightshade said calmly, now that his initial freakout at falling had worn off. He knew that screaming his head off wouldn't help anything, and he needed to think. It was a two mile fall, he had plenty of time, and nothing else to do.

"Hey, how did the talk with the princess... what the hay you're flying!" A familiar voice popped into his head.

"No, Lyra, actually I'm falling. To my death in fact. And the talk did not go well." He responded.

"What happened?" She asked.

"You know, I'd love to answer that question, but I have a more pressing one at the moment." Even though he saw his imminent death, he hadn't lost his attitude. "What happens if I die, and you're in my head? I don't know for sure, but you're welcome to stick around and find out."

"See ya, I'll talk to you later if you're not dead!" Lyra sounded WAY too happy when she said that. Finally, with her gone, he was able to think.

"Okay, so when I hit the ground, I'm going to have massive injuries, definitely enough to kill me. Since I can see grass down there, It's soft dirt, so at least I'm not going to go splat when I hit it, I'll probably be in one piece." That was a good thing, since if he got splattered then there was no way any amount of life energy could keep him going, for long anyway. He'd have to be put back together first. "If I land legs first, I can minimize the damage to my upper body, but I still have my spine to worry about. I can only heal wounds that I already have, but once I have them, I won't be able to do anything about them."

Realizing that he was about to die, (yes I know it's cliché) his life flashed before his eyes. He saw his friend try to kill him. He saw the soldiers that he defeated. He saw right up to the moment with the polymer suited troops, and how when he drew their energy out, with nowhere to go, it just went back in them on it's own. Suddenly, he snapped out of it.

"Hey, wait a minute. If I could do that, then I'd be able to heal these injuries even while knocked out. Gahh, no good, I don't have the energy to give off in the first place." Then he got an idea. He figured that since he could manipulate stamina, health, and lifespan, that they must all be related somehow, and so, are probably interchangeable. He took fifteen years of his own life, and broke it down into health. Having more health than his body could contain, the excess flowed around him, as a kind of green mist. Since it had nowhere to go, it stuck to him, trying to find a way back in.

"Alright, now this is going to hurt, a LOT." He put his arms in front of his head, and crunched up his legs, so that his limbs would take the brunt of the damage, leaving his core the least harmed. "Here goes nothing."


Meanwhile in Canterlot Castle, Princess Celestia was still lying on the ground, unable to get up, and unable to use her magic. This was by far the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to her. That human, Nightshade, had to have been the most impulsive, unpredictable, insane creature she had ever seen, with the obvious exception being Pinkie Pie. To attack a princess, then jump out the window into a two mile drop, he was either really brave, or really stupid. There was no way she would take this lying down, even though she was at the moment.

"Oh LUUUUUUNNNNAAAAA." She called. Her sister appearing before her, after teleporting into the room.

"Yes sister?" Luna saw her elder lying on the ground, trapped by magic hoof cuffs, and couldn't help but fall over laughing herself.

"Luna, if you are quite finished, our guest has escaped." Luna regained her composure.

"How?" She asked.

"How do you think?" Said the now furious Celestia, motioning towards the broken window.

"Should I go get the guards to set you free?" Luna asked, to which she was given a stern response.

"NO! Nopony else is allowed to see me like this. It's humiliating. I'm the princess, and I was outsmarted by a forest monster, a HUMAN no less!" Celestia was fuming mad, but also blushing uncontrollably.

"Alright alright, I'll go get the key. Seriously, the Princess of the Sun taken out by a common pair of magic cuffs. Never thought I'd see the day." Luna got the key from the guard, insisting that he stay outside, and freed her sister.

Lying on the ground, a green mist settling in his body, Nightshade found that he was, very much alive, although in a great deal of pain. Everything hurt, his head hurt, his legs hurt, his chest hurt, both his arms were broken is several places, and he has a few shards of coloured glass lodged in his back.

"Yes! I'm alive! I'maliveI'maliveI'malive!" He screamed as he jumped for joy. "Owowow. Bad idea. Now I just need to find a forest so I can rest and recover, then I'll be right as rain!" Looking around, he saw a vast plain in all directions, and a crossroads. Reading the sign post, he figured out which way was to Ponyville, and started his long journey.

An hour Later

"Man I'm sore." He complained to nobody in particular. He was just used to talking to himself from the fact that he had been alone for a long time, as well as from dealing with Lyra, who would sometimes be listening, even if he didn't know she was there. Deciding that he could use a bit of company on his journey, he opened up his mind to find not Lyra, but Celestia.
Apparently she didn't know that she was broadcasting her thoughts for anyone with an inkling of psychic ability to pick up, probably because she was too pissed off to remember to stop doing it.

"When I find him I'll make him pay for humiliating me! And for breaking my stained glass window! I can't believe he did that! Now I'm going to have to look for him all over again!" Celestia ranted.

"How do we know he's even alive? He can't fly, and that was a two mile drop." Came Luna, the voice of reason.

" I had the guards check the whole area, he's nowhere to be found. He must still be out there. He's probably headed back to Ponyville, so he can escape into the forest. We'll catch him when he gets there." Celestia schemed.

"Should I alert the Elements to come as well?" Asked Luna.

"No, they have done enough. I'm going to take care of this myself." Celestia meant business.

"Oh well, have fun!" Luna joked.

"You're coming too!" Celestia grabbed hold of her sister and rather than waiting for the carriage to bring them there, she simply teleported over. With that her thoughts were gone.

Closing off his mind again, Nightshade Said to himself. "Thanks ladies, now I know what you're up to." And started his journey again.

Three days had passed, Twilight and her friends had returned home to Ponyville, not knowing that both princesses were there. The three day journey had left Nightshade exhausted. He was used to being in the forest, with plenty of life around to keep him strong. This was just a dirt road, with endless grasslands spanning all directions. Sure, there was plenty of grass, but grass has only slightly more life force than bacteria, and draining it would take too much effort. Besides, someone would notice if there was suddenly massive patches of dead grass. Healing his injuries would have to wait till he was back in the forest.

Scootaloo was worried about her dad. Three days had passed since he had gone to Canterlot, and still no word. She had gone back to the cabin to sleep, but it felt empty without him there. She spent a great deal of time with the other crusaders, because for the first time in a year, she felt alone.

"Aww ahm sure he's alright." Said Applebloom in her southern accent, much like her older sister's. "The princess wouldn't 'ave done anything bad to him. He's probably just taking a long time to explain things, and maybe seeing the city a bit."

"Yeah don't worry, I'm sure he'll be back soon." Said Sweetie Belle, her voice no longer squeaky since she had gown up a fair bit.

"I sure hope so." Said Scootaloo, depressed. "He sure is taking a while."

When he finally arrived at the edge of Ponyville, it was nearly dark, and Nightshade lowered his mind block to try and see what was happening.

"HI!" Oh great, looks who's back. "I see you're not dead! That's a good thing!" Said Lyra. Nightshade didn't respond.

"Hey, why the silent treatment?" She asked. While he didn't feel Celestia's presence, he couldn't be to careful, and waited till he was sure he was alone before talking.

"Celestia is looking for me, She's a telepath like you, and I don't want her to know I'm here. I know they're in Ponyville, waiting for me to come back. I need some info." He explained.

Lyra told him that there were several guards in town, while there normally weren't any, as Ponyville was a rather quiet place. She told him that they were placed around the town entrances, as well as the entrance to the forest. He quietly thanked her for the information, and closed himself off again. Sneaking around the town was easy at night, his cloak blended in well with the shadows, so even Luna's night guards wouldn't be able to spot him. After all, they were guarding the main entrances, but it's not like the town was walled.

He passed by Fluttershy's cottage, and noticed two guards standing at the forest entrance. Easily putting them to sleep, he snuck past them and into his familiar home. Once within, he passed his injuries onto the local wildlife, then went to take a look at himself in a pond.

"Oh my god." He whispered, shocked. His eyes were sunken, same with his cheeks. It just donned on him that he hadn't eaten in three days. He also noticed that while he didn't have wrinkles, he felt like his body was degrading. Of course. He had used up 15 years of his life, and hadn't replenished them. Finding a grove of very strong trees, he sapped all the lifespan from them. Again, while he was regaining 15 years of his life, to the trees, it was more like 450 years. Draining them caused them to fall with a crash.

"Well shit, now they know I'm here." He said to himself, noticing that he already looked and felt better, as he ran home. On the way, he saw a very familiar flower. Wrapping his hands in some torn pieces of his coat, (the poor thing has been through so much already, I almost pity it), he very gently secured it to his palm, taking great care not to touch it with his skin.

When he arrived at home, Scootaloo was still awake. She couldn't sleep not knowing what had happened to her dad. Her heart leapt when she saw his familiar form walking up to the cabin.

"Dad dad dad!" She cried as she jumped into his arms. "I was so scared, what happened?"

"Well, the princess wanted to send me home. Not here, I mean where I came from. I didn't want to go, and we had a little bit of an argument." He said in a chilled tone, trying to be as cool for his daughter as possible.

"An argument?" She said confused.

"Umm, yeah, and it involved me going through her window into a two mile fall." He said.

"She threw you through the window?!?"

"No, I jumped, after I tied her up. Couldn't let the guards catch me." She thought her dad was awesome, but falling two miles when he couldn't fly was just downright impressive. "Come on, let's go inside, I'm starved"

So sooner that he finished saying it, Nightshade heard a thump, and looked at the edge of the clearing. He saw two massive life forces, and he knew exactly who they belonged to.

"Scootaloo, go inside, don't come out, and don't look. It's about to get dangerous." He instructed her.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"The princesses are here, and they aren't happy." He said coldly. He wasn't going to lie, he was scared. Here he was, about to face off against BOTH princesses, who in Equestria were the equivalent of gods. Scootaloo, on the other hoof, couldn't believe it. Nightshade, who had saved her from the timber wolves, then from two manticores, then from Gilda, and escaped the capitol, was now going to fight the two most powerful beings in the world. While she respected the princesses, he had taken her in, cared for her, and taught her to fly. They may have been the most powerful, but he was the most awesome. Even Rainbow Dash didn't compare.

"I know you're there. There's no use hiding, I can see you both, plain as day." He said. Standing a ways away from the cabin. Knowing they had lost the element of surprise (which is not one of the elements of harmony) the sisters walked out from the cover of the forest.

"Since you know we are here, I assume you know why as well." Spoke Luna.

"You're here to kill me." Said Nightshade, swallowing hard.

"No, we're just going to send you home." Said Celestia.

"Same thing in my book. If I go back to my world, I might as well just lay down and die. They will kill me without a second thought, and I will be powerless to stop them. You said your parents sent all the humans away, all at once, but when you tried to do it, you had to put your horn right on me. From what I can tell, you need physical contact to perform the spell." he returned. The sisters were a little surprised at his reasoning.

"That is correct. Just surrender now and make this a whole lot easier for everypony." Said the elder sister.

"Yeah, every pony, but not for me." he shot back. "Besides, I've been here for almost 2 years now. If this Discord or whatever was going to escape using me as a source of power, he would have done it already."

"We cannot take that chance." Celestia responded.

"So instead, you're just going to throw me away, push the problems onto someone else. Let's get something straight princess." Celestia cringed at the word, he knew quite well that she hated formalities. "You want me gone, you do it yourself. I may not be from here, but I'm here now. I'm your problem, you deal with it yourself. You want me out of Equestria? You're going to have to kill me with your own two hooves."

Luna was taken aback by what this creature had said. Sure his world was bad, but he had lived there for a long time before coming to Equestria. As for how he got here, they still didn't know, but now that he was, he was dead set on staying. Surely his world couldn't be that terrible? Celestia however, had a determined look on her face.

"So be it."

Celestia fired a shot of magic, knocking him to the ground. As he stood, she fired another, piercing his shoulder, ripping it apart. Of course, she had not seen his powers before, and although he explained them to her, she had no clue of their full extent. He simply healed his wound. Neither princess felt anything, although Luna noticed that her sister had a very faint, almost non existent, red mark on her shoulder.

Standing up one again, he said nothing, and charged at the sun princess. Luna flanked him, and launched her own attack, knocking him off balance. He recovered with a cartwheel, and continued straight towards Celestia. He was getting closer, and was smiling wickedly.

Seeing him closing the distance meant only one thing. He was confident. He knew something they didn't, and he was going to use it. Luna charged and tackled him, pinning him to the ground. Using the Royal Canterlot Voice, she shouted.


Being pinned by the midnight mare. Nightshade struggled in vain. Finally he stopped moving and said, "Sorry to do this to you, nothing personal."

Bringing up his left hand, he drove his palm into Luna's chest. She suddenly felt weak and fell over, allowing him to stand. Celestia looked in utter shock. In an instant, the human had downed her sister.

"What? LUNA!" She screamed, running over to her sister. Nightshade just stood there, confident, and showed her his hand.

"Nightshade." He said. "The very same plant for which I took my namesake. I barely touched it, and I nearly died. I had to drain the life from all the plants around me, just to stay alive. I took the name as a reminder that hate is a poison. If left untreated, it can kill with a single touch, and it can spread to any who are near the one afflicted." Said the human, explaining his rather odd choice of name.

"Your sister is a lot more durable, and has a lot more life than I do, so even though she got a lot more of the poison, it just knocked her out. She'll wake up shortly, and recover fully, given a couple of days." Celestia was furious. This human had tied her up, smashed her castle, and now hurt her sister. Celestia called on all her powers, and brought a ball of energy to the tip of her horn, shining like the sun itself.

Nightshade saw this attack, and knew that if it hit him, there would be nothing left to heal. He'd be reduced to cinders. Celestia launched the attack, and he dodged skillfully. It went high, tearing into the roof of his cabin, catching it on fire, and making the wall collapse.

"NOOOO!" He screamed, realizing that Scootaloo was still inside. Celestia's rage disappeared as she watched her opponent suddenly lose focus on the fight, and run over to the burning debris, grabbing still burning pieces and tossing them aside.

"Forget it, your house is gone. It can't be salvaged." Said Celestia, her voice like ice.

"IDIOT!" He screamed. Celestia was taken aback, as she was not used to being insulted.

"Excuse me?" She said.

"There was somebody in there!" He said, turning his head. Celestia looked and saw tears streaming down his face, and felt a pit in her stomach. In her fury, she had used far too much power, and did not look to what could be caught by it. Because of her anger, it was very likely that someone had died, all because she was angry about being humiliated, and that her sister was hurt, even though she would recover in a couple days.

Nightshade continued to pull out pieces of the burning wreckage, until he found what he was looking for. Scootaloo, slightly burned, was unconscious, having been hit on the head by a support beam. She wasn't breathing. Pulling her out of the fire, Nightshade himself was burning, but didn't seem to care. Still engulfed in flames, he laid her down on the grass, and went about healing her. He couldn't risk anything, he took all her injuries onto himself, and shrieked in pain as he did so. Scootaloo was fully healed, and Nightshade passed out.

Luna awoke and, seeing the burning scene before her, used her still weakened powers to put out to fire on both the house, and the human, because Celestia was still in too much shock that she had almost killed an innocent pony. After finally being brought back to her senses, she walked over to the human, horn glowing, and prepared to send him home. Then something she never would have guessed happened, Scootaloo woke up, and saw her dad lying next to her, badly burned, as well as the charred remains of the house. Seeing Celestia walking up to him, with a cold look in her eyes, she knew what was going to happen. After all, she had lived in the forest as well, and could tell, just by the eyes, what Celestia thought.

"Move." Celestia ordered, staring at the orange filly standing over the now nearly naked body, as his cloak had been burned right off.

"No." Scootaloo responded. She was determined. "I'm not going to let you hurt my dad."

Both the princesses were stunned. Dad? Is she insane? How could this creature be her dad?

"I have to send him back to his world. If I don't, I risk Discord getting loose, and then all of Equestria will be in peril." She tried to reason with her.

"No!" Said the pegasus with even more determination. "I'm not going to let you take him away! He has done nothing wrong! He only wanted to live in peace!" She began sobbing. "When I was thrown into the forest, he healed me. When I was attacked by timber wolves, he protected me. When me and my friends were attacked by the manticores, he fought them all on his own, and got stung. He almost died trying to protect us! He saved me from Gilda! Scootaloo went on an on.

Celestia was stunned once more. She thought of this human, simply as a monster. Something that needed to be gotten rid of. Did he really do all that? What's more, this filly is the same one that he had gotten captured, trying to protect.

Scootaloo continued."I didn't have anywhere to go, and he took me in." Looking back at the charred house. "We built this house together. He taught me all about the forest. He worked for Zecora to pay for things I needed, so I could go to school! He taught me to fly." She became quiet on the last one. For a pegasus, being taught how to fly was the greatest gift of all, except for one. "He told me to call him dad." Family.

At hearing Scootaloo go on and on about what this human had done for her, Celestia and Luna both had tears in their eyes. They had made a grave mistake. They wanted to get rid of the human because they thought he would bring chaos to their world, and be an aid to Discord. What they hadn't realized was that he had shown such great love to one who needed it so badly, that there was no way he could ever do such a thing. Even now, he went into the burning wreck of his home, and pulled his adoptive daughter out of the flames. Still on fire, thinking nothing of himself, he gave all he had to heal her, to make sure that she was safe. Even though they were a different species, he loved her as his daughter, and she loved him as her dad.

The realization finally came to the royal sisters. He wasn't some violent animal that needed to be caged, or put down. He was a parent, who would fight and give his life to protect his child. He didn't tell them about her, because he knew since he was different, she would be mocked. He kept himself a secret to provide the best life possible for her. And now he was dead. Celestia had killed him. She had taken away the only one to ever show this poor thing the love she needed.

This sight made Celestia think back to her own family. How Discord had taken away her and Luna's parents. How much she hated him for it. Would this filly grow up hating her? Had she become the very thing she despised? The thought weighed heavily on her, and she felt a sharp pain in her heart.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a low moan. She looked back, and saw Nightshade, struggling to get up. He was still alive. He was badly burned, several bits of his skin were black and falling off, his long brown hair was gone, he had a bruise on his head, several broken bones, and was coughing up blood. Scootaloo rushed over to him to hug him, but he wailed in pain as she did.

Celestia looked at his broken form in pity. She had caused this. Nightshade was right all along. He was in Equestria now, and he was her problem. Her responsibility. She walked up to him, and Scootaloo became defensive again, but was dismissed by Celestia's loving gaze. This time, she knew she wasn't going to harm him. She stepped aside, and Nightshade heard Celestia's voice in his head.

"I was wrong. About everything. For the first time in my life, I have made a mistake that almost cost two innocents their lives. I hope you can forgive me. I am the one who has caused all of this, and now I'm going to fix it." She lifted him with her magic, placing his hand on her shoulder. "Please, pass your injuries to me, give me your pain, give me your sorrow. I want to make it right."

He looked at her with hazy eyes, and the colour began to come back to his face.His wounds healed, the bruise dissapeared, and he no longer coughed up blood. His burns disappeared. He was not healed fully however. Many pieces of skin had fallen of due to the burns, and were no longer present to heal. He would still need to be hospitalized while he recovered. While Celestia had very minor wounds, she still felt the anguish in full.

After it was over, many of the guards arrived at the scene, having seen the bright flash of magic, and came to investigate. Seeing a burned house, the monster which they had been on the lookout for, being supported by a sickly looking Luna, followed by a slightly charred Celestia, and lead by soot covered but none the less health Scootaloo. They didn't need any orders, and quickly sent for four stretchers, one for each.

In the Ponyville hospital, Celestia, Luna, and Nightshade all had beds right next to each other. Scootaloo was given the once over, and told that she could go home. When she explained that she no longer had a home to go to, since it had burned down, the hospital staff agreed to give her a room while her friends recovered. They kind of had too, after all, they did have both princesses there. After agreeing they would talk more once they had all recovered, they all headed off to sleep.

In his dreams, Nightshade found not only Lyra, but Celestia, and Luna as well.

"Oh geez, not this again, and now you're both here too?"

"What do you mean again?" Luna asked quizzically.

"Oh, I forgot, you didn't know. Celestia, Luna, this is Lyra, my psychic stalker."

"Hey!" Lyra was a little upset at being called a stalker, but for all intents and purposes, it was true.

"She's the reason I could tell that you were trying to get into my mind. Although I didn't know Luna was a telepath as well." he explained.

"Well, normally I don't use my powers. A thousand years with nopony to talk to will leave you rusty." Luna responded.

"Well great, now I've got three of you in here, and since you all know me now I'm sure you'll all be able to pop in any time you want just by focusing on me. Just perfect." Even being in the hospital, he hadn't lost his sense of humor.

"Well, it's a party now!" He said. For some reason, everyone except him looked around expecting something to pop up out of nowhere and start rambling. Then Nightshade decided that there was something he had to do. He had to show these ponies his world.

"Lyra, Celestia, Luna, while we're here, I think I better show you my world, my history, and why I don't want to go back. That way, when we leave, you'll all have a better understanding of what I feel, and why I feel it. A quick warning though, you all know the legends, and you'll see some things you would rather not, so if you feel like you can't continue, or need a break, just tell me" They all agreed. Bringing up an image of a high school classroom, placing the three ponies in desks, (which Celestia found embarrassing and Luna found hilarious) Nightshade began.

"This is a map of Earth."

Well, I think that went pretty well. I honestly cried at the part with Scootaloo in the forest. I know I usually make cliffhangers, and that makes people go crazy for the next part, but since I'm not entirely sure what I'll do next, (I have a good idea though) I decided that I wouldn't leave you hanging, and closed this chapter off an a calmer note. It can't be an emotional roller coaster all the time, and I thought I'd end it with a bit of comedic relief. I know this one ran a bit long, and I could have split it in two, but i decided that the second part didn't warrant being it's own chapter. So I had to push this one a little far. I'm not as happy with this chapter as I was with some of my others, but hey, it's what felt right.

Well, he's finally out in the open. Celestia and Luna aren't trying to kick his ass any more. Their house is gone, so I guess they'll be living somewhere in Ponyville. How will they take him being there. How will he adjust to life outside the forest? Someone who dislikes society is now being put back into one, albeit a much better one. What kind of crazy antics will he get into? Well he EVER get these ponies out of his head? Find out in the next chapter of 'Monster'

A Lesson in Humanity (15)

A Lesson in Humanity

This chapter is mostly a human history lesson, and the ponies reaction to it. It doesn't have any specific plot relevance, so if you wish, you can skip it. However, it is quite funny I believe, and you may want to read it for a good laugh. After all, the previous chapter was pretty intense, and several of the comments were of people shedding manly tears, so I figured I'd do a bit to lighten the mood. again, it's entirely your choice as to whether or not you want to read it, and while I'm sure you all will, if you decide not to you aren't missing anything plot relevant. Lol, 'plot'

"Alright, the first thing you all should know about Earth. There is no magic, at least no known magic. If it does exists, it's practitioners are very secretive about it, and so it is not common knowledge." Nightshade began. He had to start them off somewhere. Celestia remembered a bit about humans, but knew nothing of the world to which her parents had sent them. Luna knew nothing at all, as she was too young to remember, and her sister had not told her of them, trying to bury the past.

"The clouds move on their own, and the sun and moon are not raised. The sun is the center, while the Earth circles around it, and the moon around the Earth." He said, conjuring a model of the solar system that filled the entire room. Teaching is so much easier when you can call upon whatever you want, no matter how absurd it is, with just a thought. He figured that since he had unlimited resources at his disposal, why not go with a bit of flare? Lyra seemed interested, Celestia was unimpressed at being in school all over again, and Luna was absolutely giddy at the show.

After they had woken up to get something to eat, class resumed inside of Nightshade's head. His three guests were more than eager to get back to the lesson. Once he had gotten done with the rest of the solar system, he brought the focus to Earth, and labeled each of the continents.

He talked about Europe, where most of modern civilization came from, and what various royals would do to further their empires, which appalled the sisters as to how those with the responsibility of entire nations could act in such a way. They also seemed quite upset upon learning that humans rode atop horses for the greater part of the millenium, and often mistreated them.

Then he went on the the eastern nations, China, Japan, and India, and their bizzare culture, and the different things that they ate. Africa, which was constantly stricken with drought, famine, disease and the like. He covered the middle east, and brought up the various religious wars that took place, as well as ancient Egypt. He moved on to Australia, how the entire continent was originally a prison used by Britain, and how pretty much everything that moved tried to kill you, and even some things that didn't move. He moved onto the America's explaining the conquistador's, and the like.

He had to stop several times. While Celestia was no stranger to war, having narrowly avoided a full out conflict with the griffin kingdoms with a few small skirmishes about 600 years back, Luna was fairing somewhat more poorly, looking like she was going to cry. Lyra full out vomited, although how that was possible while inside someones mind is a mystery.

After going over the settling of America, how the natives were forced off their land. He finally got to the 1900's. After briefly going over WW1, (leaving out most of the details to spare Lyra) He moved on the the industrial age. He went over the development of medicine and machine, how vehicles had brought about a great deal of prosperity, and how unfortunately, they were also used for war. From his memory, he showed them a film on WW2 and the holocaust, and all three of the ponies began crying. Too much was too much, and he had to cut it short.

He explained that while it was a tragedy, that humans had suddenly realized how close they were to destroying themselves, and had made a great many advances in human rights. He told them what he knew of the various saints that had come along, making the world a better place for those around them. Harriet Tubman and the underground railroad, Martin Luther King, as well as the equal rights movements. Seeing that humanity wasn't all bad made them per up a little.

Finally, Nightshade reached the modern age. He explained the internet, (in the most unrevealing way possible, there was no freaking way he was going to tell them about rule 34 and memes, although he was sure Luna would have loved NyanCat) and the best part of the lesson, space exploration.

"For as long as man has existed on Earth, he has looked up at the night sky, and wondered what was there. During the day, the sun gave light to the world, and allowed things to grow, but the night was what was truly captivating." He began. This got Luna's attention. "Humans plotted the night sky, finding patterns, constellations, comets, and anything else that was out there. So obsessed with the night sky, they found that each month of the year had one of twelve constellations take the main position in the sky. People born under a certain set of stars had certain personality traits. They used the stars for everything. Keeping time, navigation, when to plant and when to harvest crops, they built better and better telescopes, trying to see further into the endless sky."

Celestia and Lyra were fairly interested at how humans used the night, but Luna was absolutely entranced. He moved on to the moon, how it had different phases, and how the moon affected the tides, and even the people. Humans tended to be more excitable during the full moon, and more prone to doing crazy things. It's where the term 'lunatic' came from. Celestia laughed at the fact that Luna had all the crazy people on earth named after her.

Nightshade continued, and began talking about space travel. How humans had spent entire decades trying to reach it, and they had finally succeeded.

"What!?" Luna said with shock.

"That's right, humans have traveled to the moon on several occasions. In fact, since the Earth is getting a bit too crowded, and polluted, humans are currently in the process of building an entire city on the moon, so people can live there permanently. They would grow their own food, make their own air, and do everything, all from on the moon."

After showing them another video of the rocket launch, the moon landing, and the plans for future colonization, the ponies were flabbergasted.

"How is all this possible, without using magic?" Lyra asked.

"Well, since humans have never had magic, we always had to make do without it. We relied on our own ingenuity and creativity to build things that can do what we could not. For example, humans can't see very far into space, so we built a massive telescope, called the Hubble, and put it into orbit. We also can't talk telepathically like we're doing now. Sure, we're in my mind, but I'm just the host. You're all here by your own powers. So we had to find a way to communicate. We built satellites that work with these things called cell phones. If you had someones phone number, you could talk to them anywhere in the world." The ponies noticed that Nightshade was referring to humans as 'we' and not they. When they brought it up, he just ignored them and continued on.

Amazed at all the wonders humanity had come up with to aid them where normally magic would be used, but also saddened at the cost it had on the planet. Sure they had advanced, but their world was no longer a bright and shining world. It was one of grey skies and dull stone. Lyra finally asked about his past.

"So, now that we know about human history, what about your history, Mr.Monster? what have you been through?"

"While Earth isn't at all a bad place to live if you're a regular human, I am not, and so unfortunately, I can't live there. You're not going to like what you see, so again, if you need me to stop, just say so." He warned. Nightshade went through his memories, showing what he had done to help others, and how it had come back to bite him. They also learned his real name.

"Davis. DAVIS?" Luna started laughing. Apparently his name was funny. For being a princess who had been banished to the moon for a thousand years, she sure was light hearted. Maybe she was just happy to be back is all, and living life to the fullest.

"Yeah yeah laugh it up miss Lunatic." He said sarcastically. That made Luna blush and Celestia giggle. Maybe Celestia wasn't such a stick in the mud after all. Then they saw what he had been through, his life on the run, and finally the moment when he was zapped to Equestria. Lyra's eyes went wide.

"It worked?" She said stunned.

"What worked? What do you mean?" Said Nightshade.

"The spell. Me and Twilight worked on it for almost a year. We had to stop because she had gotten a new assignment, and me trying to catch a human was just a side project. We only had a little bit of time left, so we decided to put everything in to one last ditch effort. I thought we had failed, and because of the destruction the portal had caused, we decided never to try it again." Lyra said, unsure what to feel at the sudden realization that all of her hard work had not been a loss.

"You mean, you were the one who brought me here?" he said puzzled.

"I guess I am." She said softly. She was completely surprised when the human jumped up, gave her a massive hug, and began dancing around the floor of his mind with her in his arms, limp like a ragdoll. The princesses looked rather confused. After regaining his composure and setting the still stunned Lyra down, he gave an explanation.

"If not for your spell, you last ditch effort, I would be dead right now. I never would have met Scootaloo, who would have died in the forest. Although it's been hard, the two years I've spent here in Equestria have been the happiest of my entire life. I owe everything to you and Twilight. I don't know how I could ever repay you." Nightshade said joyfully.

"Can you let me see you, face to face that is?" She asked.

"Of course. You can come by the hospital tomorrow. You may want to bring Twilight and her friends with you. They still don't know what happened, or that we're even here, and would probably like an explanation." He turned to the princess. "I mean, if that's alright with you."

Something with the way he had said that last line seemed familiar, and Celestia was compelled to agree. Besides, she needed to catch up with her student, and inform her to be more careful with what activities she did in her spare time. Jokingly of course, she'd never want to stifle Twilight, she just wanted to have a little fun with her, something called 'trolling' that she had learned about during the internet portion of the lesson. While she hadn't known they had a name for it, she was all to familiar with the concept, and she didn't feel as bad knowing it was actually rather commonplace. She seemed to remember a particular incident involving tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala which drove her perfectionist student up the wall, as well as having Twilight's friends crash the Gala itself, letting her get a laugh while maintaining her image.

"Also, before we wake up, I was wondering, just why was it that Lyra kept dreaming of me? I mean, there are plenty of other humans, I wonder why she kept getting me." Nightshade asked Celestia.

"While, as far as I can tell, her interest in humans is what drew her to dream of them, so when trying to find one, her mind zeroed in on the most interesting human there is." Celestia responded.

"So let me get this straight. Until I came to Equestria, I was the most interesting man in the world?" He inquired using the voice that narrated a certain alcohol commercial.

"Seems so." Luna said, although not sure as to why the human had suddenly changed his tone of voice. She chalked it up to being a 'human' joke.

Wow, Celestia was a bit of a bitch last chapter, and now that she and Luna know where Nightshade is coming from, combined with him having a daughter to take care of, they can see why he was so dead set on not going back. You all kept asking me to lay off the evils of humanity bit, so I decided to make this chapter a bit more comedic, and show some of the good that humans have accomplished. And now Celestia knows about trolling. What kind of monster have I unleashed? I don't always drink beer, but when I do, I prefer Dos Equines. Stay pony my friends.

After waking up in the hospital, Celestia and Luna are ready to go home, but Nightshade has to stay a couple more days to allow his skin to regrow. (Would normally be several weeks but he's in magic pony land, and healing is kind of a focus in a world that hasn't had a war in 600 years.) He is confronted by the mane six, and Scootaloo knocks the wind out of a jealous Rainbow Dash's sails. Also, if you didn't get the hint, Nightshade kind of likes Fluttershy. Kind of unexpected given what happened when they first met. Guess I just rewarded the folks who read this totally not required chapter.

The Reveal (16)

The Reveal

After getting lessons on humanity, and several days in the hospital, Celesta and Luna had fully recovered. Lyra stopped by, saying that Twilight and her friends would be over later. They were going to rush over, but when told that there was no urgency to the issue, they decided to wait till later. This gave Lyra some time alone. After reporting to the princess, she looked around.

"Umm, where's Nightshade?" She asked. Celestia motioned to the bed next to Luna's. This was the moment she had been waiting for. For all the time they had spoken in his mind, she had never seen him in person. She was shivering at the prospect. Lyra brought her hoof to the curtain separator, used in hospitals for privacy, and slowly pulled it back. There he was. He was covered in slight burns, and new skin growing in. (Healing magic was very advanced due to the number of ponies who overworked themselves, had crash landings, or magical mishaps, and so what would have taken weeks only took a couple days.) She could hardly believe her eyes. His cloak was lying on a chair, all charred and shredded.

"It's all real." Lyra said. "It's real, you're real."

"Yes, I am." he responded. She slowly walked up, and touched him.

"I'm not dreaming." She said.

"No, you're not." He said with a smile.

"I'm..... not crazy?" She said, with tears of joy forming in her eyes.

"Yes, you definitely are." He joked. "Just not for the reason you think. Besides, throughout history every genius was called crazy, because they challenged established beliefs. Because of that, I'm here."

Lyra reached around to give him a hug, but his new skill was still tended, and stung when she touched it. She backed off, not wanting to hurt the best thing to ever happen to her. Scootaloo, who was sleeping in the chair, wrapped in the coat, woke up.

"Hey dad." She said.

"Hey kiddo. Guess what? Two more days and I can finally get outta the hospital." She seemed happy at the fact that they could soon leave, as even though she spent a great deal of time in hospitals due to her antics, that didn't mean she liked them. Scootaloo settled down on Nightshade's bed, going back to sleep, and he asked Celestia a favor.

"Hey Celestia, since you're a telepath and all, do you think you could teach Lyra after you get out? Not that I mind all that much any more, but it's a little awkward having her in my head EVERY time she sleeps." Lyra agreed it was a good idea. It's not like she couldn't talk to him anymore, it just meant she could choose, and the princess decided to allow it, but she would have to go to Canterlot for a time. Besides, Lyra had written everything she knew about human culture in a book, and she needed to give her results to the Canterlot library. She left to pack, and bumped into Twilight on the way out.

"Oh hey, the princess is waiting for you. Go on in."

When Lyra had told Twilight to go meet Celestia at the hospital, she immediately began freaking out, thinking her mentor had been hurt. When she was told that the matter she needed her to attend to was not urgent, she still couldn't get it off her mind. Seeing both Celestia and Luna is hospital beds, right next to the monster they had apprehended almost two weeks ago, she put the pieces together, and was very angry.

"What THE HAY!" She screamed, waking Scootaloo. She charged a spell, but was interrupted by the ever calm voice of her mentor.

"Wait, Twilight. I invited you here so that you could get an explanation, not cause a stir." Twilight calmed down, but was also confused as to why her mentor hadn't had her come immediately when she had first been injured.

"Nightshade, perhaps you would like to do the honours?" Celestia said.

"Well, I'll just give you the simplified version. Me and the princess had a bit of an argument, which resulted in us trying to kill each other. She went a little too far, and we all wound up in the hospital. Then, the the princesses and Lyra spent the past three days in my head, getting to know me, and now we're all friends." He said monotonously.

Twilight and her friends were stunned. This creature had put both princesses in the hospital, along with himself, and now they were friends? She strained trying to wrap her mind around the fact that this creature was actually capable of harming her mentor, had done so, and now they had just gotten over it? Nightshade swore he could hear her mind breaking.

Rainbow Dash butted in, putting her face right in his. "So let me get this straight, first you tried to kill the princesses, and now you're all best friends? How do we know you didn't use you monster mind control on her?"

"Because I'm not the one with freaky mind powers, she is." He said, motioning towards Celestia. "If anyone's been mind controlled, it me." As he said it, Celestia shot him a look. "Aww come on, you know I'm joking."

Twilight had finally recovered. "I just don't get it. How could he possibly hospitalize even one of you, let alone both?"

Scootaloo decided to answer. "Well, he knocked Luna out with a nightshade plant, then Celestia got mad and torched my house. I got hurt pretty bad, but dad pulled me out of the wreckage and healed me, then Celestia took some of his injuries to heal him. They weren't actually hurt that bad, but the guards overreacted and put them in the hospital. They would have recovered on their own, but they needed to have a chat with dad, and since he did need to stay in the hospital anyway, they stayed."

The mane six looked stunned. Rarity asked. "Dad? What are you talking about dear? It's just Celestia, Luna, and the monster."

"Duh, he's my dad." She said, pointing at Nightshade. "And he's not a monster, he's awesome!"

The group of ponies looked confused, but finally understanding that Scootaloo meant the 'monster' was her dad, they were even more confused. Nightshade decided to explain.

"Well, I met Scoots in the forest, after Gilda tossed her in there. She was knocked out and had a concussion, but I healed her. Now, I didn't want to scare her, so I decided I'd just watch out for her till she got out of the forest, but she couldn't leave because she couldn't fly, and got attacked by timerwolves, so I saved her." He said, thinking back.

"We talked for a while, then we heard you lot coming for her, so I sent her back with you. We didn't say anything because I don't think Ponyville would be too impressed if they found out she was hanging out with a monster." He continued.

"A while later, Scoots, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle showed up, deciding to try and find me. Well, they found me, and they took off my hood, wondering what I looked like. Then they got attacked by a pair of manticores, and I fought em off, but I got stung. I can't use my powers to get rid of poison, just it's effects. They ended up taking me to Zecora's to get better."

"They noticed I was starving, and I said I loved apples, so Applebloom told me to stop by the farm and get some. I couldn't go during the day because I didn't want to scare anyone, and that's when I met Applejack, and got bucked in the apples." He motioned over to the orange farm pony, who had been silent the whole time.

"Aww shucks, if I had known Applebloom sent ya, I never woulda bucked ya." She said. "By the way, what did'ja mean when you said bucked in the 'apples'."

Trying to think of a way to say it while children and royalty were present, he gave an fairly vague answer, but just specific enough for the mare to understand.

"Lets just say I'm lucky I'm not sterile."

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight's manes all went limp, and their eyes as wide as dinner plates. In their world, they knew how important fertility was to males, since they made up only about 10% of the population. That and a bludgeoning to that area was the most excruciating thing a male could experience. Considering Applejack kicked him with the force of a cannon, they all got the idea fairly quickly.

"Oh horseapples. I'm sorry sugarcube, I didn't know." Said the now distraught mare.

"It's fine, it's all in the past, no damage done. Besides, I passed about half the injury to you, so I kind of owe you an apology as well." He said, genuinely sorry.

"So that's whay I was hurtin after I bucked ya. But why only half?" She asked.

"Hey, I may be a monster, but I'm not heartless." They all had a laugh, feeling much better that she hadn't robbed him of his 'stallionhood'. Rarity, however, wasn't paying attention to their uncouth conversation. She couldn't take her eyes off the perforated, slashed, stained, and now burnt robe.

"How long have you been wearing this atrocious..... thing?" She asked.

"Well, for as long as I've been here, plus three months before, so two and a half years." He said weakly. She was obviously disappointed in his choice of fashion. "To be fair, it wasn't always this bad. It was actually quite stylish, until it was put through a blender, with me in it. I guess once the forest animals had their way with it, and being burned, it just couldn't hold up any more. I'll kind of miss it."

"Well, I've seen you wearing it, as well as some of your less destroyed clothing. I think I can tell what it's supposed to look like, and judging from the scraps, I can tell your sizes as well. Yes, I should be able to do this. I've never made clothing for another species before, I'm so excited, I'll get started right away!" With that, the fashionista grabbed the tattered cloak from the chair, as well as his shirt, pants, and undergarments which had been removed to apply bandages, and ran off to her boutique. "I'll have them finished in two days, just in time for you to get out of the hospital."

Twilight looked at her mentor. "Speaking of which, when are you getting out princess?" She asked.

"Actually, right now. Luna and myself have been released, we weren't injured that badly in the first place." Celestia answered. She could see the look of relief on her student's face. Twilight always was a worrywort. She and the princesses walked out, wanting to get the full story from her mentor on what had transpired. That left Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy.

Pinkie Pie asked. "So, do you like cupcakes?"

"Yes, yes I do." Nightshade answered calmly. Scootaloo has warned him about the bouncing pink pony, and how to be very careful what he said around her.

"And pies?"

"Yes, my favorite pies are apple cinnamon and key lime." When he talked about the apple pie, Applejack suddenly became interested. Pinkie Pie was getting more and more excited.

"And, do you like..... parties?" she asked.

Oh boy, here it was. His answer would determine his future, and possibly the future of Ponyville. If he answered wrong, Pinkie Pie would throw a party that could destroy half the town. He decided to play it on safe side.

"Well, I don't know. I didn't have any friends before I came here, so I've never been to one." he said. That was absolutely the WRONG answer. Pinkie Pie had a frown come across her face, and he swore he could hear the sound of glass shattering, like he had just destroyed this pony's entire world. Suddenly, she perked up again, her smile becoming so wide he didn't think it was possible. She opened her mouth and took a huge breath...

"I'll throw the biggest party ever! A glad you're better and not a big mean scary monster party! And I'll invite everypony in ponyville so they can get to know you better! And we'll have streamers and balloons and pin the tail on the pony and" She was rambling to herself as she ran out the door in a pink blur, intent on throwing a party of apocalyptic proportions.

"Merde." Nightshade said. He didn't want to swear in front of the ponies, so he did it in a different language.

"I'll go make sure she doesn't destroy the town." Said Applejack with a sigh as she chased after her.

Scootaloo was still just sitting there on the bed, she didn't care what happened, just so long as her dad was okay, and wasn't going to leave. Just then, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom barged in.

"Ohmygosh, is it true, huh? Is it is it is it?" Said the hyper yellow filly. "Did you really fight the princesses?"

"Yeah, it's true. But we talked everything over and we're friends now. So it's all good." Nightshade wasn't to happy the news he had fought the princesses had gotten around. "But not before I crashed through her window and fell two miles. I thought I was gonna die, but I figured something out real quick."

"Wow, you're right Scootaloo, your dad is awesome!" Said Sweetie Belle.

"Not more awesome than me right?" Said Rainbow Dash. The crusaders and Nightshade just looked at her with an 'are you serious?' glare. "Come on, nopony is more awesome than me!"

"Yeah, but he's not a pony." Added Scootaloo spitefully. Rainbow Dash looked a little depressed. Nightshade told his daughter that he'd be okay, and he still had two more days in the hospital, and that since she hadn't seen her friends in a while, and she should go out and have some fun. The trio left, so now the only ones left were Nightshade, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy, who was still quiet.

"MORE AWESOME THAN ME?" Rainbow yelled as soon as the fillies were gone, putting her hooves on his chest, and her face right in his. He winced as she stepped right on his burn, and she backed off. "How could she think you're more awesome than me?" She was completely dumbfounded. "Have you ever done a sonic rainboom?"

"No I haven't, but I did save her life on four separate occasions, gave her a home, taught her to fly, and fought both the rulers of Equestria at the same time to be able to stay by her side. She idolized you, but what have you done for her?" Nightshade returned, in a calm voice.

"Hmmph, I could have taught her to fly." Said Rainbow, trying to make it seem like giving someone the gift of flight was no big deal.

"Then why didn't you? She only asked you about three dozen times. You have no idea how often she came home crying because she wanted to hang out with you, but you were always too busy. You were her idol, and you let her down." He was getting a little mad at how thoughtless the cyan mare had been, but he didn't let it show. She needed to learn a lesson, not be punished.

Thinking back at how many times the orange filly had approached her, watched her fly, and asked to spend time with her, and all the times she had shot down her attempts at affection, Rainbow Dash had only one thing to say.

"I'm an feather brain, aren't I?"

"Ya kind of are, but you know, it's not too late to do something about it. She still thinks highly of you. Why don't you go catch up with her, ask her if there's something she wants to do? I think she'd appreciate it." he said. With that, the rainbow maned pony dashed out of the hospital to catch up with the orange filly, and make amends. Now it was just Nightshade and Fluttershy.

The two seemed to avoid making eye contact. She was absolutely adorable when she was nervous. She noticed he was blushing, and started to do the same.

"She is way too cute when she does that." Nightshade said quietly. Fluttershy noticed what he said, and began blushing even more.

"Umm, did I say that out loud?" He blushed even more, realizing that what he said was completely embarrassing not just for him, but for her as well.

"Do, do you really think I'm cute?" Fluttershy said quietly. She was blushing even more. Her cheeks look like they were on fire.

"Umm, well yeah." he replied, also embarrassed.

They were both silent for a time, and just stood there, staring into each others eyes, much like that time at the castle. This time, the stare was not one of fear or anger, nor of sadness. This time, it made them both feel warm and fuzzy inside. They both just stayed where they were.

After an hour had passed, Nightshade decided to make the next move.

"Fluttershy, do you think you could come over here a minute. I have something I need to tell you."

Clearly nervous, she slowly walked over to the bedside. "Yes?" She said softly. What happened next took her completely by surprise. Instead of whispering something in her ear, be brushed her mane over her ear like he was going to, but instead kissed her on the cheek. Her eyes went wide, her cheeks redder than before. He was, kissing her? Even though it was really just a peck on the cheek, to her, it felt like an eternity. Fluttershy turned bright red, then fainted. Nightshade called in a nurse to come and take her home.

Oh My Gosh! So cute! Well, if you couldn't tell by now, you know who I'm shipping. I've seen plenty of ships out there. Most are Rainbow Dash or Rarity, a few are Applejack and Luna. I've even seen a Twilight ship. I haven't seen any Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy ships though. Am I just looking in the wrong places? I don't know. Either way, Fluttershy is my personal favorite, so I decided right at the beginning of the fic that it would be a FluttershyxOC. I told you they'd have a rocky start. Here we have the tough and rugged Nightshade, with deep emotional wounds. And over here we have the gentle and timid Fluttershy. First she tames the beast, then she cares for his pains. Besides, when he's not running for his life or fighting monsters, Nightshade is actually pretty shy himself. His personality is a lot like Fluttershy's, except that he's been forced into the 'flutterrage' half of it for a great deal of time. Now, he's not nearly as shy as she is, and will actually talk to others, but most of his avoidance of the ponies came from a fear of rejection. Either way, they're cute. I like it.

Well, now that Dash is over her jealousy, Twilight is still confused as to how the princesses could go from trying to kill him to being his friends in less than a week, Pinkie Pie is going to destroy the town with a party, Applejack is going to try and stop her, Rarity is locked up in her shop for the next two days making clothes, and Fluttershy is passed out because all the blood went from her brain to her cheeks, how will the rest of Ponyville fare? Is Nightshade really ready to go out into the town? Too bad, he has no choice. The real question is, will he be able to handle it? He lived in the forest all this time, and even though Scootaloo told him a bit about Equestria, he still doesn't know it's history, it's customs, or anything really. Twilight's going to have a hay day with him. Get it? HAY day? Will I ever stop making lame puns? Find out next in the next chapter of 'Monster'

PS, I am going to get to the big issue, but not before some hilarious antics. The actual issue, (the whole core of the story, the reason why fate put him there) is coming up. Although I'm not sure when. NACHOS!

Public Appearance (17)

Public Appearance

"Well, that could have gone better." Nightshade said as one of the nurses took Fluttershy home. The poor thing had fainted. "It was just a peck on the cheek, and she passed out." He almost started to regret doing it. "What if she hates me now, or is too embarrassed to talk to me again? What was I thinking?" He noticed some of the other patients were looking at him strangely, and not because he was a human. Pulling his privacy curtain shut he thought, "I've got to stop talking to myself."

Twilight had spoken with Celestia, who had explained in further detail what had transpired, and why she had decided to let him stay after what he had done. Assaulting a princess may be a crime with a terrible punishment, but given what she had done to him, and that they had come out mostly unscathed, she decided that it gave her a much needed reality check.

"You mean, you made a mistake?" Twilight said, unable to believe her ears.

"My faithful student, you must learn that nopony is perfect, we ALL make mistakes, even princesses." She replied with a smile. "I almost sent an innocent creature." She corrected herself. "Human, to his death, because I wasn't willing to look at his side of the story. And in my blindness, I almost ended the life of another innocent, which he was willing to give his own to protect."

"So princess, does that mean you have a friendship report to write?" Twilight said jokingly. Celestia returned her laugh.

"I guess I do. By the way, Lyra has informed me that the work you did together before Discord's release was what brought the human to Equestria in the first place."

"Really, that means it worked?" Twilight always thought that experiment had failed.

"Indeed, however, I must caution you to take a little more care in choosing your future projects, especially when it comes to alternate dimensions." Celestia shot her a glare. She loved her student, but she loved making her nervous even more.

"Actually, I was wondering something about that. Whenever we tried making the portal, it always seemed to move towards the Everfree forest. We could never figure out why." She inquired.

"When we were younger, Luna and myself lived there with our parents. It was the place that our parents used to send the humans to their world. The dimensional boundry became weaker because of it. It's why the forest is similar to their world." She explained.

Rarity was busy making clothes, and Pinkie Pie was busy inviting everpony in Ponyville to a 'Meet the Monster' party. Applejack had given up on trying to hold her back, and went home to scold Applebloom for not telling her sooner. Rainbow Dash finally found Scootaloo.

"Hey kiddo." She said sullenly. She still felt guilty for bushing her off for the past three years.

"Hey Rainbow Dash, why are you here, don't you have something to do, like take a nap?" She was obviously still mad.

"Listen, I talked with your.... dad, and I realized something. I'm an insensitive idiot. All that time you were hanging around I thought you were just being a bother, but I didn't understand how important I was to you, so I want to make it up to you." Dash felt a pit in her stomach.

"How?" Asked Scootaloo.

"Well, is there something you want to do? I mean, I could take you to Cloudsdale, you've never been right?"

"Really? I'd love to. Dad said he'd be okay on his own for the next two days, and I should try and have some fun. Why not?"

With that, the pair of pegasi flew off into the sky. While Rainbow didn't like flying so slowly, this wasn't about her, it was about the little orange filly who was finally getting some time with her idol.

Fluttershy woke up in her cottage, Angel bunny jumping on her head.

"Oh Angel, I'm up, I wish you wouldn't do that. Wait, Angel? How'd I get here?"

Using a series of complex and confusing charades, only decipherable by Fluttershy herself, he told her that she fainted in the hospital, and that a nurse brought her home. She began blushing all over again.

"Oh my oh my oh my oh my, a kiss, he kissed me? I mean it was only on the cheek, maybe it just means he's being friendly, but what if it means more? What if he likes me? Oh then I fainted, I'm so embarrassed, what if he doesn't like me anymore? But he said I'm cute when I'm embarrassed, oh that means he thinks I'm cute, maybe he does like me, oh my oh my oh my." She rambled to herself for several minutes.

Maybe a kiss on the cheek is just a way humans greet friends, but he said she was cute, and it didn't feel like a 'just a friend' kiss. But they were different species. And not just between a pegasus and a unicorn or pegasus and earth pony, he wasn't even a pony! Would it work out? And what if he was regretting it because she fainted. All these questions and more ran through her mind. She worked herself into such a fit that she passed out on the couch, and Angel, giving up on trying to wake her, just pulled a blanket over her and let her sleep.

The next two days passed without incident, Celestia had returned to Canterlot to deal with all the duties she was getting behind on, while Luna stayed to address the crowd of ponies that were obviously curious. She arranged a town meeting with the mayor, so she could announce the newest resident. Rarity had already stopped by the hospital to give him his new clothes. He had just finished taking a bath, and the new clothes fit perfectly. They were made out of some unknown fabric, it was smooth and soft and durable all at the same time. It was warm, but it also breathed. He figured it must have some magic in it because there was no way any normal fabric could do all that. He also got a new cloak to replace his old one. It was sturdy, and instead of the black one he had before, Rarity had made it in white. To help shake off his 'scary image'. It made sense. In this world, everything was bright. If he was wearing something dark like his old one, he'd stick out. That's when he saw it, his old trench coat, restored to its former self.

"Rarity, you're a miracle worker. It's been with me through everything, I was almost thinking of having a funeral for it." Rarity thought it was kind of odd having a funeral for dead clothing, but at the same time, if anyone could understand the appreciation of clothing, it was her. He wouldn't wear it in town, just in the forest. After all, to him, the Everfree was still his home, although he wouldn't mind giving Ponyville a chance. In the forest, his new white cloak would get ruined, and would stick out like a sore thumb, attracting all sorts of attention. He didn't want the new one to end up like his old one.

After thanking Rarity for the cloaks, as well as several sets of socks, shirts pants, and boxer's, (Rarity found it odd that his kind kept certain areas private, but since most ponies heads came up to his waist, it would be very awkward if he bumped into anypony on accident, so she didn't question it.) he finally checked out of the hospital.

Wandering around town, many ponies ran inside their houses and hid, while others just stared. No doubt news that there was a human in Equestria had gotten around, and the fact that he had fought the princesses wasn't helping his case. Oh well, they'd probably all get over it once they had the town meeting, and Pinkie's world ending party. For the first time, he was bored. There was nothing to do, and it's not like he could go to any stores, since they all closed up as he walked by. Looking around, he saw a large tree with a house built into it, or maybe a house with a tree growing around it? Either way, it caught his eye. Approaching it, he saw that it was labeled 'Ponyville Library', and below that 'Twilight Sparkle and Spike'

Nightshade had heard about Twilight, and how she was a bit of a book worm, but that she lived in a library, he thought that was a little extreme. Knocking on the door, he heard a male voice coming from within. Now that he thought about it, he hadn't seen any males anywhere. Just how rare were they? Twilight came to the door, and her face was at his waist. She had never been this close to him standing up, and she realized just how much he towered over her. Swallowing hard, she backed up so she could see his face without straining her neck.

"Umm, hello?" She asked, somewhat afraid. After all, even though things had been sorted out with Celestia, she was still afraid of him. Offering a gentle smile, and ducking down to be less imposing, he asked.

"May I come in?"

Twilight stayed quiet, but stepped backwards to allow him entry. He carefully stepped inside, making sure not to hit his head.

"So umm.." She stumbled.


"Nightshade, what brings you here?" She really just wanted him to leave.

"Well, I got out of the hospital this morning, about an hour ago, and realized that although I lived here for two years, I know next to nothing about Equestrian culture. I mean, we speak the same language, and I know that Celestia raises the sun, Luna raises the moon, pegasi move the clouds, unicorns do magic and earth ponies farm the land, but that's about it. I don't know of any traditions other than nightmare night, and while I've heard of a few others I don't know about them in any detail. As for history, I got nothin." He said all in one breath. "I figured, since I'm going to be in Ponyville, at least for a while, I should probably know more. I stumbled across the library, and what better way to learn than by reading? I don't want to be completely ignorant when I go to the town meeting tomorrow, and I'd like to say something that doesn't make me look like a complete idiot."

Twilight was rather surprised. To her, he was just an alien, some monster who lived in the forest. The fact that he was actually interested in their culture, and wanted to prepare for his public appearance ahead of time. She was actually impressed. They spent the next couple hours, her teaching him about the ins and outs of Ponyville, and helped him write a small speech for when he had to address the people. He was just about to leave, but it was around lunch time, and his stomach began to growl. He laughed weakly, obviously embarrassed. On cue, Twilight called up to Spike, who was still asleep, for him to 'get his flank out of bed' because it was time for lunch, and that they had a guest.

He came downstairs, still half asleep, and made three salads, mostly because it was the quickest thing to throw together. He brought them into the main room, and his eyes went wide.

"M-monster!" he yelled, dropping the salads and running upstairs. Luckily, they Twilight caught them with her magic, and the two began two eat. After they ate theirs, Twilight called for spike to stop being such a chicken and come downstairs.
Reluctantly he obeyed. When he saw the white cloaked creature sitting there, he had to ask.

"What are you?"

"Well, I'm a human, name's Nightshade. Now, what are you?" He said in the same tone as Spike.

"I'm Spike, and I'm a dragon."

Nightshades eyes went wide, and he seemed a little on edge. When Twilight asked him what was wrong, he explained the legends.

"Well, in my world, there are lots of stories about dragons, most of them bad. In my world, dragons are as much a monster as I am in yours. Even the mention of dragon inspires a feeling of power and grace." Spike was obviously wary of him, so he figured it wouldn't hurt to rub his ego. Spike blushed a bit before regaining his usual sarcasm.

"That's right buster, and just so you know, I'm watching you."

"I wouldn't have it any other way, now come and eat your salad." Spike sat and ate, while Twilight answered any questions he might have.

"So, I noticed, there aren't many guys around. Spike is the first male I've seen the entire time I've been here. Any reason behind that?" He asked.

"Well actually, the number of colts being born has dropped somewhat in the past two thousand years. At this point, males only make up 10-15 percent of the population." Twilight said in a teacher like tone.

"But doesn't that mean that a large number of mares are single?" He inquired.

"Well, actually, a fairly large amount of mares are what's known here as 'filly foolers'. Two mares will partner up, and while they sometimes adopt foals, they normally 'borrow' a stallion." She said.

"Ahh, well, that explains a great deal." He said, not wanting to push any further on the subject. "Well, I've been here for a while, it's about time for me to go to the town meeting. I should be on my way. Thanks again for the help Twilight, and thanks for the food Spike. I was worried I'd only be able to find hay in town."

The citizens of Ponyville had gathered near the town hall. The mayor began addressing them, saying that princess Luna would be the one handling the main introductions. She started off using her Royal Canterlot Voice, but realizing that there was a microphone and she was deafening everypony, she quieted down a bit.

"As you may know, we have a visitor here. He is a human, from another world. While he has been living in the Everfree forest up until now, this is his second time in Ponyville, and it seems as though he will be living here for a time. The first thing you must no is that while he is a human, he is NOT a monster. As you may have seen on this most recent nightmare night, he rescued three fillies from the criminal Gilda, one of which, is his adopted daughter."

Several murmurs from the crowd, and whispering. Luna cleared her throat.

"The second thing is that while my sister and I may have had a falling out with him, we have settled our differences and have decided to officially welcome him to Equestria. While he does possess a strange power, and he is different than the rest of us, he is not dangerous. We hope that you will all welcome him with open hearts as you did with me." That was quite a mouthful, but having the princess explain what happened made his job a whole lot easier.

The mayor spoke up. "Without further delay, here he is." The curtains opened, and the mayor had to push him out onto the stage, up to the mic.

"Umm, hi?" Great. Little known fact, Nightshade has crippling stage fright. Well, there goes the whole preparation.

"You can do it dad." Scootaloo piped up from the crowd. Knowing she was there made him feel a little more at ease.

"Well, my name's Nightshade, umm, I'm a human with a unique gift, and because of that I had to run away from my own people. Somehow, Lyra brought me here without knowing it about two years ago, and I've been living in the Everfree forest ever since. I adopted Scootaloo about a year ago, and I worked for Zecora gathering herbs to pay for stuff. I'm not really sure what else to say, so, I guess that's it." Not the most charismatic, but it did the job, the crowd didn't look so scared any more, and Nightshade was a lot more relaxed.

"Great! Now with that out of the way, let's partaaaaaay!" Said a bouncing pink blob.

The crowd moved into Sugarcube Corner. Now, Nightshade had never been to a party, so he felt really awkward, especially since he was the only non pony there. Not really one for the party scene, he sat contently in the corner, answering questions for anypony who came by. A certain colt with patches and a British accent came up and looked nervous, trying to ask a question. Nightshade simply replied. "No, I don't eat ponies."

That seemed to put his mind at rest. Several games took place, such as hoof wrestling, (which Nightshade lost every round, he didn't use his powers, that would be cheating.) and a pie eating contest, in which he placed second only to Pinkie Pie herself. After enjoying the party a bit, he went into the a corner and sat next to Fluttershy, who had been quiet the whole time.

"Umm, hi, mind if I sit here?" He asked.

"Umm, no, it's alright, I mean if you want to." She replied, beginning to blush.

"Listen, about that time, at the hospital. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I didn't know that it'd embarrass you so much, and cause you to faint." He said meekly.

"Oh well, it's okay. I mean, I didn't mind it was, umm..... nice." She returned. She began blushing again, and turned to meet his eyes. He began blushing too. Neither of them could figure out what it was about the other's eyes that had them so entranced. They both started blushing even more, before they looked away at the same time.

"Maybe it would be better if we stayed.." He started.

"Just friends?" She said.

"Just friends." He confirmed.

They both knew it was better that way, but neither could help feeling a little sad. They obviously had feeling for each other, but circumstance just didn't allow it. Then Fluttershy thought of something.

"Umm, do you have a place to stay? In Ponyville I mean?" She asked.

"Well, no, the cabin in the forest burned down, and while I can just sleep in a tree or something, Scootaloo can't, so we're kind of stuck. Nightshade explained.

"Well, you could stay at my cottage if you like. I could pull out a spare bed, and there's the couch. I mean, it's okay if you don't want to." Fluttershy said in her normal, timid tone.

"That'd be nice. Just for a couple of days, until I can build a new house." Nightshade backpedaled. Things were awkward enough between them, he didn't want to impose, or make it even more embarrassing for the yellow pegasus.

After the party, Nightshade, Fluttershy and Scootaloo headed to her cottage. It was small, and had a cozy feel to it. All the animals were already asleep, except for Angel, who was quite upset that Fluttershy was coming home so late, and that she had not one, but two guests. Nightshade had heard about the rabbit, and decided to save him a piece of carrot cake.
He took it greedily and shot him a look that said, "I'll take your bribe, but I'm watching you."

Having eaten far too many sweets, Nightshade and Scootaloo had energy to spare. Despite the bed and couch being the most comfortable things they had ever laid on, (being filled with light as a cloud pegasus feathers) they just couldn't get to sleep. They went outside for a bit, and he watched Scootaloo fly around. Fluttershy came out after a little while and sat next to him. It was about 2 in the morning, and neither were tired, so he decided to cheat. Calling Scootaloo over to him, he put his hand on her head, said "Nightey night," and watched as she passed out in his arms, limp.

Nightshade carried her inside and put her in bed. After heading out to dump his stamina off on the forest, (the first time he's ever given to the poor trees) he curled up on the couch, and went to sleep.

Fluttershy looked at him sleeping so peacefully, and she remembered the first time they had met, how he was a quivering wreck. She remembered how he cried on her shoulder, and wondered what kind of wounds he held deep in his heart. He was so good with taking care of Scootaloo, and at the party he decided they should just stay friends to spare her the awkwardness. Once he was asleep, she kissed him on the forehead, more of a motherly, caring kiss than a loving one. She blushed deeply, then went off to bed herself.

Aww, well that was cute. As for anyone wondering about the shipping, this is going to be the level it's at, and it's not going to happen all that often. You don't have to worry about me turning it into a mushy romance fest. Once again, it's going to be a struggle coming to terms with emotions. I also explained a bunch of things, like why everything weird happens in the Everfree. Keep reading people.

Well, not that the town knows he's here, he should at least be able to have some sense of normalcy, or will he? Working around town to try and get enough bits for a new, proper house, he's bound to run into a whole heap of trouble. Finally able to walk in the open, how will the school take Scootaloo having an alien for a dad? The running of the leaves is coming, and he's going to participate, after all, what better way to fit in than to take part in an annual tradition. Some heart felt moments with the Apple family, and a whole lot more. See it all in the next chapter of 'Monster'.

Cover Art Contest Update

Discord: Hello everypony, as you may or may not already know, BlackWing held a cover art contest. You pony folk would submit some art, and he'd choose the best one. Who ever's art got chosen would be made a character in the FanFic, 'Monster' And the winner is. *Drumroll* ME!

BlackWing: *Punches Discord* Get the hell out, this is my fanfic, and MY contest. How did you even get here? Anyway, I didn't get much art, and I only had one person give any at all, so I went online to various sources, and threw something together myself. So, I win the contest. Since FireBolt actually gave me some art, I'll be using his character, but since I was the winner, I'm pushing it to the sequel. While it's true that I didn't let the contest run for very long, as you can tell by the rate at which I add new chapters, that I'm a very impatient 4th wall breaking abomination, so you snooze you lose.

Discord: Ooh, a sequel? Can I be in it? Huh? Can I? I'd love to spread some more chaos around Equestria.

BlackWing: Fine, but only if you shut up. Seriously, If I hear a peep out of you before the sequel I'm going to rip out your intestines and skip rope with them. You're more annoying than Lyra, and at least everything she does isn't a cliché.

Discord: But if I'm not the big baddie in Monster, than who is?

BlackWing: *Sounds of screams then skipping rope* I'm not telling. Certainly not Sheogorath though.

Fitting In (18)

Fitting In

Nightshade finally passed into sleep, and for once, he was alone in his dreams. For the past two years, whenever he felt the embrace of sleep, Lyra was always waiting for him. This time, she was not. It was very late at night, so she must be asleep, but since she wasn't there that meant that her training with Celestia had gone well, and she was no longer forced into his head whenever she slept. Although he was glad to have some peace and quiet, it was also a little unnerving.

In his mind, he went over the various things he needed to do. He was staying at Fluttershy's house, and although she would never kick him out, as she was far too kind to do so, Nightshade hated relying on others. He had always done things himself, and while he would accept the kindness of others, he would always make sure to return the favor. The first thing he needed was a permanent place for him and Scootaloo to live, and this time he wanted it to be a proper house, with appliances and furniture, not just some shack out in the woods. There was plenty of room at the edge of the forest, and he could have a house right across the path from Fluttershy's. Partly because he wanted to see her a bit more, and also because it could get scary being so close to the forest and living all alone, and he thought having someone else out there would bring some relief.

To do that however, he's need money, and a lot of it. He had visited Zecora quickly after the party, and found that she had already collected all the herbs and the like she needed for the winter, with his help. It was mid November, and the various plants would not grow again till next spring. He could help out at the orchard, living around plants all his life he knew a thing or two about farming. He could also help at Sugarcube Corner, although he dreaded the thought of having to hang out with Pinkie all day. Nothing against her, but she was just too hyper for his lifestyle.

He couldn't help with the weather preparing for winter, as he could not fly, although maybe he could do some home repairs to help Ponyville get ready. After all, he did build a house out of nothing but logs and thatch. Maybe he could ask Twilight what needed doing around town. His train of thought was cut off by a presence entering his mind. Not something familiar like Lyra, it was something powerful,not as powerful as Celestia or Luna, but definitely not a pushover.

This thing, whatever it was, was silent, and he could not see it, but it's presence was something altogether sinister. He awoke in a cold sweat. He hadn't had a nightmare in years, mostly because he didn't sleep for years, and the times that he did he had Lyra to keep his mind from wandering. Figuring since he had some deep mental scarring, he was probably going to have nightmares for a time until he could actually cope with the events of his past, he just brushed it off.

"6:00 am? great. The first time I get some shut eye without psychic interruption, and I can only go for four hours." Nightshade said absent mindedly. Although considering his previous sleep schedule, and that before he learned to use his powers he always had mild insomnia, it wasn't too much of a surprise. The sun wasn't even up yet. It was nearing winter, and so Celestia raised the sun later to allow the temperatures to drop. He stepped outside to get some fresh air, and found none other than Luna flying overhead.

Seeing the moon princess, he waved to her, and she flew down to meet him. "Enjoying the night I presume?"

"Well, considering how long I was strictly nocturnal, and the rest of the time sleep was either random or non existent, I guess you could say I'm having a little trouble adjusting." He explained quietly, not wanting to wake up the others in the cottage.

"Couldn't sleep?" Luna said, raising her eyebrow at his excuse.

"Yeah. So, what brings you here? I thought you were headed back to Canterlot." Trying to change the subject. While they had resolved their differences, he was still walking on thin ice with the royal sisters, and didn't want to do all the talking.

"We have.... discovered that an old enemy, one who we thought we had defeated, has returned. There is no cause for worry however, it is still weak, and we shall put an end to it shortly. I was tracking it, and it seems to have passed by here." She explained. She was trying to hide her feelings, and her face and voice portrayed no emotion, but by looking in her eyes he could tell that whatever this thing was, it had hurt her personally.

Nightshade recalled the presence he felt in his mind, but it was nothing more than a figment of his imagination, brought about by his troubling past right? Then again, he thought the same of Lyra, and she was all too real.

"I think you may be right. I felt something a little earlier, maybe ten minutes or so ago. Something, sinister. It didn't say or do anything, and I couldn't see it, but it felt like a mix of cruelty and misery." He decided that, even if it was a dream, he better tell her, just in case it wasn't. It's not like it was something he needed to hide, after all, both princesses had been in his mind for several days, and all his secrets had been revealed to them.

"Then I was correct, thank you for your assistance. I must continue chasing it immediately." And with that, Luna flew off over the forest.

Heading back inside, Fluttershy was now awake as well. Despite having been very quiet, she could here him well enough to be woken up, partly because of the regular silence, and partly because she was just possibly the best listener in the world. She was making breakfast, and had already set out food for the animals.

"Oh, umm, you're up." She said meekly.

"Yeah, I, umm, couldn't sleep." He responded. She was obviously still feeling a little awkward around him, judging by how she blushed. She tried asking him why, if it was maybe the couch was uncomfortable, or if it was drafty, or any number of other things. He had to explain that he usually didn't sleep at that time, and that he was just switching his sleep schedule over. That made her calm down a bit. She made homemade pancakes, with raspberries on top. She was going to use strawberries, but Nightshade explained that he was allergic to them.

"I hate to impose but, do you have any maple syrup?" he asked.

"I'm sorry?" She didn't understand.

"Oh, well if you don't have any, that's okay." He backpeddled.

"Umm, I don't know what that is." She said confused. What the hell. Ponies didn't have maple syrup? But they had pancakes. What is wrong with this place?

"Well, where do you get your sugar?" He asked.

"Well, we normally have it shipped. There are several sugarcane farms in southern Equestria, and they make it there." Fluttershy said. Well, as soon as he got his house built, he knew exactly what he was going to be doing to make bits. Living in northern Michigan, he had been to Canada several times during the fall, and on his visits, he practically LIVED at the various sugar shacks, all dedicated to making, and showing tourists how to make, maple syrup. They made some of his favorite treats. He saw plenty of maple trees out in the Everfree, and knew exactly what he needed to do to make it. It would be in late spring, when the sap started to flow. Perfect timing. Although he really didn't want to bring any influence from Earth to Equestria, this was one thing that they simply could not do without, and it was harmless.

"Well then, come spring time, I guess I'll have to show you something new." He hadn't been this excited in a very long time. While they did have things like caramel apples, it was all made from processed and refined sugar. They needed the natural stuff. But first, he needed to get his house built.

"Say Fluttershy, do you know anywhere in town where I could make some bits?" He asked casually.

"Well, you could help me here, taking care of the forest animals." She said shyly. " I mean, they tend to get injured since the forest is a dangerous place, and you are so good at healing things."

"I couldn't charge you for that. You're already letting us stay here, and besides, the forest has given me so much, I think it's about time I start giving back to it. So I'll do it, but not for money." He couldn't make her pay him, she's letting him and Scootaloo stay in her house, for free, even though things were awkward between them.

"Oh well, umm, if you want to." She was surprised that he wouldn't accept payment. Heck, if he had asked, she probably would have just given him the bits, partly because she couldn't say no to someone who needed help, partly because she liked him, and partly because despite her humble abode, she was actually fairly wealthy. This was due to having a frugal lifestyle, and taking care of Opal, which Rarity insisted she pay her for, being the element of generosity after all.

After using his abilities to treat several injured animals, and then pass the injuries onto the trees, he thanked her for breakfast, and got Scootaloo ready for school. She was dying to have him meet her class and teacher, and since family appreciation day was coming up (which she had never had a parent for previously) she was very excited to finally show him off to her class.

"Alright Scoots, I'll go, it's not like I have to hide anymore anyway." While staying hidden was the best for both of them at the time, he always regretted not being able to be more active in her life. Now that he was out in the open, he could do all the things he had missed out on, particularly, the upcoming running of the leaves. Held on December first, the ponies would run through the forest in a marathon, the vibrations from all the hooves knocking the leaves off the branches. Why they didn't fall on their own, he didn't know, but hey, different world, different rules. He wasn't about to question it.

Time went on, Nightshade could heal the injured animals so much faster than with the traditional method, that Fluttershy actually found herself with more free time than she knew what to do with. She thought about spending more time with him, just as friends mind you, to maybe see if he would open up a bit more. Nightshade on the other hand, was extremely busy with all the odd jobs he had been taking on to earn money, and building his new house, right across the path from hers.

"Monday, help Pinkie Pie make the week's orders. Done." While she was too hyper for him, she made a damn good cupcake.

"Tuesday, help Twilight reorganize library, for the umpteenth time, uuuuuugh, Done." Why she had to do it every week was beyond him.

"Wednesday, fix town hall's roof. Maybe we ought to fix Derpy's eyes instead." Ditzy Doo, also known as Derpy, had crossed eyes that for some odd reason he couldn't heal. Maybe they weren't damaged? She wasn't mentally ill, she was just silly, and her eyes matched her personality, although it meant that several parts of the town had to be periodically repaired due to her mess ups. Working as a mail mare, she was most frequently around town hall, which doubled as a post office, and took the brunt of the damage. "Done."

"Thursday, meet Scootaloo's teacher and classmates. Okay. Friday, deliver some dresses from Rarity to Manehatten, I sure hope they got the news about me, or it's going to be tough. Saturday, day off, and Sunday, running of the leaves. I'm looking forward to that." It was Wednesday, only one in the afternoon, and he had already finished fixing town hall. What can I say? He's a hard worker who doesn't get tired. All he had to do was take a 10 minute break after three hours to recharge, and he'd get right back to it. It helped that he actually had proper tools this time.

After delivering a cake to some very surprised ponies, (half because of it being a surprise cake and half because of who delivered it) he collected his bits from the Mr. Cake, and on his way out, bumped into Applebloom.

"What'cha doin Mr.Nightshade?" Mr. Nightshade? Since when was he old? He was only 21.

"Hey, that's UNCLE Nightshade to you." Why not? He was Scootaloo's dad, and she was like a sister to her. "And I'm trying to draw up some plans for me and Scoots new house. Unfortunately, I'm no artist, and everything I try turns out, well....." He showed her.

"Yikes, that's pretty bad." She said. Sure, he was good at minecraft, but that was because he could build it as he went, and change whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. That and it didn't need to obey the laws of physics.

"Mind if I give it a whirl?" She said excitedly. For once, she didn't say anything about getting her cutie mark, which none of the trio had, despite their age. "Sure. That reminds me of something, you still crusading?"

"Sure am." She said with the pencil in her mouth. Seriously, this pony could draw better with her mouth than he could with his hands. "But not as often any more, we're kind of starting to run out of idea's. I guess it's just like everypony says, it's something you just can't force." She finished in record time. While Nightshade may not be able to draw, he could definitely read blueprints, and this was a masterpiece of structural engineering. "Thanks, I'll get to work on it right away."

Since he only needed nails, an axe, a saw, hammer, and some bricks for foundation to get started, as he could just get lumber from the forest right next door, he spent the rest of the day gathering wood and making it into planks. "Heh, minecraft's got nuthin on me."

Nightshade took out the blueprints again, and taking another glance, he noted that they really were well done. It left room for everything they needed, as well as room for additions if they needed it. How this kid didn't have her cutie mark in home design, he didn't know. That's when he got an idea. It would have to wait for another day though.

On his way through town, checking to see if there was anything else that needed to be done, he noticed Sweetie Belle singing. When he asked her about it, she said it was just something she made up. It sounded beautiful, and the lyrics were pretty good too. This gave him another idea. Yes, yes, things were working out well.

Arriving at Fluttershy's house, he found that Scootaloo was already there. She was inside, crying, and Fluttershy was comforting her.

"Hey, hey, what's the matter?" He said in as soft a voice as he could. He could tell that she was really upset.

"The other ponies, they made fun of me again." She sobbed.

"Is this the whole 'blank flank' thing again?" He knew that she had been teased about it before. She shook her head no.

"They said you're not real. They said I lied about being adopted, just for attention, and tomorrow, on Family Appreciation Day, when you don't come, they'll all laugh at me." She said, tears welling up in her eyes.

There were thee thing Nightshade hated more than anything, the greedy, manticores, and bullies. Since he had often been bullied in school due to not having friends, he knew all too well what she was going through. It didn't matter what they said, it was they way they said it that even if it wasn't true, it hurt. Now, having been hit several times by kids, who only had the damages passed back to them, they had to resort to name calling. Words stung even more than being hit.

"Well then, when I show up tomorrow, I'll just have to be my regular awesome self, and then they'll feel like total morons for saying I don't exist. I mean seriously, weren't they at the town meeting? Everypony was there." Scootaloo shook her head no.

"Let me guess, spoiled rich kids who were traveling with their parents on a business trip?" She nodded yes. Ohhh, this was going to be fun. "I've got something special planned for tomorrow." He put on an evil grin.

"Promise you'll be there tomorrow?" She asked with pleading eyes.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." He had been hanging out with Pinkie too much. "By the way, no matter what anyone says, if you know it's not true, then that just makes them idiots for saying it. Don't let em get to you, besides, after tomorrow, I think that they will be strangely quiet."

Heading off to sleep, he found that it was much easier to relax when you didn't have a belly full of sugar. He didn't understand how Pinkie could not be diabetic, given the sugar she eats every day. When he finally passed out, he felt the same, sinister force in his mind.

"Okay, first time around, I'll admit, I was scared, but now you're just pissing me off. You show up out of nowhere, uninvited, and go poking around in my memories. What's your game?" He said, trying to sound intimidating. After all, this was his mind, and he was basically god in there, able to do whatever he wanted, other than kick something out.

"You have such delicious memories, little human." It said with a voice that made his skin crawl. It laughed. He could finally see it, a cloud of pitch black smoke in his mind. It was looking through all the times he had acted with hate and anger. It was also intrigued at the fight with the princesses.

"What are you?" He asked, somewhat disturbed by this entity.

"I am your worst NIGHTMARE." Suddenly, he was looking at his own face, from when he had fought Gilda. He truly looked like a monster. Seeing himself act like that stirred up something in him. A mix of fear, and anger. That used to be him, not anymore.

Even though it was less than a month ago, After dealing with the princesses, meeting Twilight and her friends, more specifically Fluttershy, and finally be able to go out in public, he had changed. He wasn't some demon that needed to be feared, he was a part of the town now. He had somewhere he belonged, and people, ponies who cared about him. Calling on his fond memories, to comfort himself from the negative feelings, the creature shuddered, like it had been creeped out, and then left. He was glad to be rid of it's presence, and was left to sleep in peace, that is, until Lyra popped in.

"Hey, I've been trying to get a hold of you for an hour now, what have you been doing?" She asked.

"Nothing important, I need to talk to Celestia and Luna though." Nightshade responded.

"That's why I've been trying to get a hold of you, they need you to come to Canterlot tomorrow. Something urgent." Lyra responded in turn.

"Tomorrow, as in, tomorrow tomorrow?" He didn't know why he said that.

"Yes, tomorrow tomorrow, first thing in the morning."

"Sorry, can't, it'll have to wait for the afternoon." He had to go to school, or Scootaloo would be devastated.

"Royal order, you have to come RIGHT AWAY." Lyra was getting annoyed now.

"Tell the princess that, with all due respect, too dang bad. I have to be at school tomorrow for family appreciation day, Scootaloo has been looking forward to this forever, and if that's not reason enough, the kids are already teasing her. If I don't show up tomorrow, she'll be crushed. I Pinkie Pie Promised I would. If Celestia or Luna needs to talk to me that badly, then I'm afraid they will just have to come here, or wait till Saturday when I have a day off." He may have smoothed things over with them, but that doesn't mean he was just going to be a push over. Besides, he'd rather tick off the princess than break a Pinkie Pie Promise.

Okay, I was going to make this all one chapter, but I added some more plot elements, finally getting towards the main story and the big baddie, dropping a bucket load of hints as to who it is, and look at that this chapter is huge. I decided to end it off the day before school, and split it into two parts. If I wrote it all as one chapter, it would be over 9000 words. So, yeah, this chapter not much happened, just explaining life in Ponyville, much as I did when he first found himself in the forest, and then after he adopted Scootaloo. I'm also having him sleep more regularly. I once went a year with no sleep at all due to insomnia, and went partially insane. Never diagnosed, but if I went to a psychiatrist, they would have given me meds for a mild case of mania. That was MANY years ago, and you don't have to worry about me.

What does Nightshade have planned for the class presentation tomorrow? What is the shadow in his mind? What do the princesses want? Find out in the next chapter of 'Monster', Standing Out!

Ps: I may or may not get a chapter out tomorrow, babysitting most of the day.

Pss:Discord isn't dead, apparently immortal spirits of chaos can survive intestine pulling. I just deleted his mouth is all. After all, he can't be dead if I need him for the sequel.

Standing Out (19)

Standing Out

Once Lyra left his head to pass his message to the princess, (Celestia couldn't talk to him herself because, although she is more powerful, Lyra has more natural talent for telepathy, and can speak to him over range, or even across dimensions, while the princesses cannot), Nightshade found himself alone in his mind once again, and had pleasant dreams of time spent with Scootaloo, and the fun they'd be able to have now that he wasn't a secret anymore. He was particularly looking forward to the running of the leaves, in only three day's time. First things first however, he had a presentation to make, and a couple of bullies to shut up. Donning his black coat, the one he normally only wore in the forest, he brought Scootaloo to school, along with several props, avoiding being seen by her other classmates. If he wanted to make an impression, he'd have to surprise them.

Taking care to avoid being seen, Nightshade climbed through one of the school windows, and perched himself in the rafters above the classroom. It was an old style school, only one room, and no artificial lighting. It was illuminated entirely by sunlight, coming in from the various windows. Perfect, with his black coat, he'd be nearly invisible up there. The school bell rang, and Cherilee brought the students in to begin the day.

"Class, today we have a very special visitor. As we all know, Scootaloo was adopted some time ago, and today we finally get to meet her adoptive parent!" Cherilee was also excited at seeing him up close. She had only gotten a glimpse at the town meeting, but as her teaching nature required, she was intrigued by the strange being.

"Without further delay, let's get started. Mr.Nightshade?" She looked around, he was nowhere to be seen. The class searched, and couldn't see him. That's when Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon began teasing.

"See, I knew he wasn't real. Adopted by an alien and living in the Everfree forest? You could have though of a better lie than that." Alright, now that he knew who the bullies were, he carefully positioned himself, and hanging onto the support beam upside down by his feet, dropped down. When Diamond Tiara turned back to the front of the class, she was face to face with a black cloak.

"Who's not real? I could have sworn you meant me." Nightshade said with a smile. Let's just say she freaked.

"Sorry about that, didn't mean to cause a scare." He said, taking off his coat and putting it on the coat rack. "Just wanted to make an entrance."

Cherilee, actually thought it was pretty funny. While she loves all her students, she agreed that those two needed to be taught a lesson. Without his black coat, he was much less frightening, even if he towered over the teacher. She just smiled.

"Well, now that that's out of the way, let's get started shall we? My names Nightshade, I came to Equestria about two years ago, and lived in the Everfree forest. I adopted Scootaloo about a year ago, and finally made my reveal to Ponyville last week." He was interrupted by Pip, who he had met at the 'Meet the Monster' party.

"Is it true that you fought the princesses?" Crap, he didn't want to have to talk about this.

"Unfortunately, it's true. We had a difference of opinion, and when you get people, or ponies as powerful as ourselves, arguments tend to get a little heated." He explained sullenly, he really didn't want to talk about it.

"So wait, you're as strong as the princesses?" Another pony piped up.

"Not even close. I can hold my own, but I'm no match for them. Now, shall I get on to my demonstration?" Desperately trying to change the subject.

"What could you possibly show us? You don't have magic, you're just a forest monster." Silver Spoon. Damn bullies are annoying. Nightshade had a scowl. Cherilee picked up on it.

"Now, that's no way to talk to our guest."

"Actually, I think I'll just show them. Luna explained at the town meeting that I have a, unique, ability. I think maybe I should show it to the class, that way they get a better understanding of it." He said.

"Is it safe?" Cherilee looked worried.

"Of course. I've been doing this for years, and it's not like I'm going to be using it on the students." He shot Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon a wicked glare. They gulped nervously. Pulling out four plants out from behind the desk (he had placed them there when he arrived), he set them on the top.

"Do you all know what these are?" He asked. Applebloom piped up.

"They're apple trees!" Of course she'd know.

"That's right, and what do you notice about them?" He asked.

Diamond Tiara, being a know it all, had to answer. "Well duh, the one on the far right is dead." Before their very eyes, they watched as the plant which was wilted and black sprang to life, turning vibrant green. They all watched wide eyed as they witnessed it come to life, while another wilted.

"Correction, it wasn't dead, it was very close however. My power is I can transfer life energy from one thing to another, and allowed me to heal the sick plant, at the cost of this one." He motioned to the now wilting plant. It came to life as well, as all three of the others wilted slightly.

"And this time, I spread it across all three of the healthy plants, so now all of the can recover. You can see how this might be useful in healing, as the damages which on one would we too great, It can be spread across the others, meaning all four of these apple saplings will now grow and be healthy. At several points, Scootaloo has been injured, and I healed her injuries by taking them onto myself, and then passing them onto some trees in the forest." It was so much easier to explain using the plants as an example.

"So, it's a kind of healing magic?" Asked one of the ponies.

"Actually, it's not. Magic doesn't follow the rules of conservation. You can just conjure something out of nowhere. With this, there's a trade. I can't heal something without causing injury to something else. If I don't have a source of energy, there's nothing I can do. While I can use my own to heal something else, that means I have to take all the injuries myself, and if they are bad enough, I'd end up in the same situation as whoever I'm healing." Seems like they finally started to understand.

So is it just healing that you can do?" Asked another.

"No, I can manipulate all forms of life energy. Exhaustion is something else I can pass off. For this, I'll need a volunteer. Any takers?" Nopony raised their hooves except for the crusaders, and Pip

"Alright, Pip since Scootaloo, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle all know me, it wouldn't make for much of a demonstration, so I'll pick you." He went up to the front of the class. The others looked at him like like she was crazy.

"Now, Pip trust me, there's no reason to worry, just a little demonstration. Now, please tell the class a little about yourself." He motioned to her.

"Well, my names Pip, and I moved here little over a year ago from Trottingham and I..." He passed out and fell over.

"What I just did is I gave my tiredness to him, and since he's smaller than me, he has less capacity for energy than I do, and it was enough to put him to sleep. Alright, how about I give him a wake up call?" With that Pip woke back up.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I just put you to sleep, by taking away all your energy." Nightshade responded. The entire class was amused by the stunt. That's when another pony asked a very serious question.

"You said you could transfer all kinds of life energy, does that mean you can bring back the dead?" The question stunned him. He had never tried. It broke all kinds of rules and morals, and he just wasn't willing to go there.

"Well, I've never tried, but one thing you should know is that life itself is a little different. Every living thing has a 'spark'. Think of it like the flame of a candle, except that you can't light another candle just by putting it near. It takes the flame. So if I were to try and bring back the dead, it would cost another life, of equal value. Myself and you ponies all have a great deal of life, so I don't think it'd even be possible for me to move that much, even if I had willing volunteers, and it goes against everything I believe in." He paused for a moment to let that sink in.

"On the other hand... er hoof, for something like a plant, or maybe an insect, that has a very small amount of life, it should be possible. For the sake of learning, I'm willing to try." This was unfamiliar territory, and he didn't much like playing god. After all, if something died, it was NOT meant to come back. One of the students brought forth a dead butterfly, and looked with pleading eyes.

"Well, alright, but stand back, I haven't done this before, so I have no idea what will happen." He placed his hands on the butterfly, and on one of the plants. They both glowed green for a moment, the plant withered, died, and began to rot. The butterfly's wings repaired themselves, and slowly, it began to flap them. It flew up, out the window and into the sky. The class cheered.

"Now remember, it would not be possible for me to do this with anything bigger, like a pet cat or something, and certainly not ponies. Besides that, it would be wrong. It's not for me to take life from one and give to another." Nightshade looked at the dead apple sapling with regret. "Given that I am dealing with some apple saplings and butterflies, I think I can for the sake of demonstration. Any other questions?"

Scootaloo asked a question this time. "You said the flame of life. What if something were to have two? For example, taking the life of one of the saplings and giving it to one that was still alive, would it have two?" He was almost hurt by the question, and it seemed to go against everything he knew, but she was curious, and he couldn't blame her.

"Well, I'm not sure, and since I'm here to demonstrate, I'll try, but everypony stand over there please, near the back of the class, I have no idea what's going to happen." Cherilee looked a little worried, but so far everything had gone well, so she decided to trust him. He focused, placing one hand on each plant. One wilted and died, just like with the butterfly, and the other began to glow a very bright green. It began to flash brightly, everyone covered their eyes, and the plant exploded, knocking all the other plant pots off the desk, and causing the one it was in to shatter.

""Well, I think that's it for today's demonstration." What happened was completely unexpected. Having a second life force caused the plant to react violently. It's a good thing that it was just a plant, and a lucky thing that he couldn't do it with anything sentient. It would be way too much temptation to have that kind of power. Besides, if a plant had that kind of blast radius, what kind of destruction would be caused in the case of a pony? Better to never find out. "Any other questions?"

"So, what's your cutie mark?" Diamond Tiara asked. She sure had her priorities.

"Well, since I'm not a pony, I don't have one." Here it comes.

"You're a blank flank? That's like, so lame." Typical.

"Lets just say I have many talents, and there's no cutie mark that could cover them all." Yeah, fuck you too.

"Well, if there's no other questions, that concludes my demonstration. It was a pleasure being here, and I hope it was informative. I should get out of your mane and let today's lesson begin." He turned to Cherilee. "Thank you for having me today."

"Don't mention it, it certainly was... interesting." She responded. "Alright, class, you are excused for lunch. Mr. Nightshade, may I speak with you a moment?"

"Of course, what do you need?" Even though he wasn't a student, teachers always scared him a bit. He didn't care if they were mad, but having them 'disappointed' was the worst feeling ever.

"While I'm glad to finally be able to meet you, I noticed during your presentation you were a little.... upset." She said. Being around kids all the time, she knew how to tell the feelings of others.

"Yeah, I guess I was. One thing I always hated about my world was bullying. Seeing it happen here too, it just, I see myself. I was an orphan too, and as you already know, I was different, it made me stand out, and not in a good way. Seeing it happen all over, it just makes me really mad you know?" He explained. She nodded in understanding.

"Well, you did a very good job not showing it, and put on a wonderful performance today. It was quite a show, and I don't think Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon will be bothering Scootaloo anymore. You're a wonderful dad to her." Cherilee was interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat, they both turned to see Celestia standing in the doorway, and bowed. Nightshade bid Cherilee farewell, and walked with the princess.

"So, what was so important that you couldn't come to Canterlot, and I had to come all the way here?" Said the sun princess with a stern tone.

"Family appreciation day. Scoots has been looking forward to it for a very long time, and I couldn't just blow it off." He answered.

"Oh, I know, Lyra told me all about it." She laughed slightly.

"You were trying to troll me, weren't you?" He said, returning his own.

"Ah, yes, the social engineering prank from your world. Indeed I was."

"Too bad I'm a master at it. You have much to learn, grasshopper." She was slightly upset that he referred to her in the same way a teacher refers to a student, but by this time she was used to it. he was someone who wouldn't suck up to her, so she could speak with him on equal terms, which is why she was here.

"I need to speak with you, regarding a certain entity." She said calmly.

"That's what I needed to talk to you about. As this is a sensitive issue, perhaps we should do it somewhere more private? Like in my mind?" He suggested.

"That, is a good idea." She said, now in thought. "An old enemy of ours, an evil creature from the time of my parents, King Chronos and Queen Aurora, has resurfaced. It is powerful, and my parents were only able to banish it. It calls itself Nightmare. Over one thousand years ago, it possessed my sister Luna, and transformed her into Nightmare Moon. I wielded the elements of harmony, but was unable to separate it from her, and was forced to banish her to the moon. Three years ago, she returned, and Twilight and her five friends wielded the Elements, and were finally able to return her to her original form. Nightmare did not die, however. It was weakened and has been hiding. We have been tracking it to try and destroy it before it regains it's power."

"I understand that all of Equestria will be in danger if this, 'Nightmare' is allowed to roam free, but what does this have to do with me, specifically?" Nightshade asked.

"We believe it may be targeting you. Nightmare seeks to possess those with power, like Luna or myself. It uses our desires against us, and twists us into something we are not. In the case of my sister, she wanted to be loved. It told her that if she allowed it, it would make Equestria love her. When it took over, it sought to make this happen by bringing about eternal night." Celestia explained. "It has been watching you, and at seeing you able to use your strength and wits to stand against both of us on equal terms, it has made you its priority."

Thinking back, Nightshade remembered the dark cloud in his mind, the entity that bled misery and wrath. That had to be it.

"I believe you may be right Celly." He used a nickname. While she may hate formalities, that was just pushing it, and she put on a scowl. "Last night, I found some sort of dark cloud in my mind. It was going through my past, and it brought up lots of bad things that happened to me, and things I did. It looked, pleased, at the sight. It was the creepiest thing to ever happen to me, even more than having you, your sister, and Lyra in my noggin at the same time."

He shuddered thinking about the entity, now known as Nightmare. "But I think I know how to keep it away. When it was in my mind, I started thinking of happy things, Scootaloo, this world, all my new friends. At that, it looked disgusted, and then it left."

"This is good. Now we KNOW Nightmare is targeting you, and you know how to keep it away. It will try to make you an offer. What ever you do, do NOT listen to it. If you accept it will possess you and all of Equestria will be in peril." She was serious. "What's more, it normally only attacks those with a high life force. Luna survived the separation because she is immortal, but even she was left in a severely weakened state. If it were to possess one such as yourself, we would have to use the Elements to drive it out, and the separation would kill you."

That struck a nerve. It would kill him? It was definitely not worth having it, whatever it offered. After assuring Celestia that he would not give in to it, and learning that the only way to destroy it would be to use the Elements on it while it did not have a body, but the Elements would need a rest period after being used, so they could not be used twice in a row to drive it out and then destroy it, he went on his way. So, even the Elements had their limits. It made sense, the ultimate pure magic, capable of returning a possessed god to normal, had to have a trade off, all things did.

The rest of the day went by well, time spent building his house, which was turning out magnificently. Rainbow Dash flew over after a couple minutes.

"Hey, what'cha doin?" She said is her usual, laid back manner. She was feeling a lot better after she hung out with Scootaloo for the day, and showed her Cloudsdale.

"Oh nothing, just building a house. I'm kinda crashing at Fluttershy's right now, and while she doesn't mind, I'm eager to get out of her mane." Nightshade explained.

"She likes ya, you know." He didn't take Dash for a gossip, he figured that'd be more of a Rarity thing.

"Yeah, I know, but we both decided that it would best best to just stay friends. I only just got out in the open, and I just want to take things slowly." It was true, he wasn't ready for a relationship, and things were just way to awkward.

"Speaking of slow, you entering the running of the leaves?" Rainbow Dash could be absolutely infuriating at times, but then again, this was a good opportunity.

"Yes I am, and that gives me an idea. Let's make a bet." At hearing the idea of a bet, Rainbow's ears perked up. She loved winning, and since she's sure she would, she loved bets.

"I'm listening." She said.

"Okay, if I place ahead of you in the running of the leaves, you have to help me build my house instead of taking naps. I could use someone who can fly to lift the heavy support beams, and neither Fluttershy nor Scoots can do it." That would be good, he really needed to help.

"And if I place ahead of you, you have to take Fluttershy on a date." Wow, really? Dash was playing match maker.

"Are you trying to make me throw the race, Rainslow Dash? I thought you were talking about if I lost." Rainbow was fuming at the name. He didn't call her Rainbow Crash, he had made up a whole new insult, and she wasn't just going to take that lying down.

"Ok fine, when I win, you have to buy me a whole barrel of cider when cider season starts. You'll have to camp out for a week in front of Sweet Apple Acres to get it." She was serious now.

"Deal." Nightshade agreed. They both spat in their hand/hoof, and shook on it.

"I can't wait for all that cider!" Said Dash as she flew off into the sky to continue her nap. She suddenly turned back, and got right in his face.

"None of those freaky powers of yours, understand?" She was dead serious.

"As long as you don't use wings." He was reminded of a story Applejack told him about the running a few years back.

That reminded his of something else. Sweet Apple Acres. Well, he had already made a bet with Dash, why not AJ as well? She was running too. He ran off to the farm.

"Hey Applejack, can I talk to you for a minute?" He called out.

"Sure, come on over sugarcube." She yelled back.

"Promise not to buck me?" He returned, grinning wide.

"Jus get yer hide over here!" She was obviously not happy to have that brought up again. He hopped the fence, and walked up to the farm pony, grinning wide.

"What'cha need?" She asked, taking a break from bucking. It was almost the end of the season, and she needed to get the last of the apples off the trees before the running of the leaves, because after that the pegasi would start the snowfall immediately.

"Well, I just finished talking with Dash, and we made a little bet on the outcome. If I beat her, she has to help build my house, and if she beats me, I gotta buy her a whole barrel of your cider, BEFORE Pinkie gets to it." He laughed.

"Well, looks like you got your work cut out for ya, but what's it got to do with me?" She asked. Nightshade got straight to the point.

"I was wondering if you wanted in on a bet yourself?"

"Hmm, alright, what the hay. If I win, come spring, you gotta help me with these here apple trees. They sometimes get sick over the winter, and I want em in tip top shape for next season." Applejack motioned to a MASSIVE orchard of trees. If he had to help with all those trees, he'd be way behind on getting his own maple business up and running. but some things just had to be risked.

"Fine, but if I win, you gotta have me over for dinner to meet the family. Applebloom has been dying to introduce me. And, If I lose to Dash, you'll set aside a barrel for me so I don't have to camp out for a week. And I already got the deal with Dash, she won't fly, and I won't use my powers." He knew that would be the next thing on her mind.

"Good, I wouldn't want no cheatin. And besides, I'm gonna be beating the both of you." They went through the same spit in hoof and shake ritual that he had done with Rainbow, and he headed back to Fluttershy's. Tomorrow, he had to deliver a dress to Manehatten for Rarity, but he had Saturday off, and he knew she'd been wanting to spend more time with him.

Scootaloo came home from school, saying it was the best day ever, how even though Diamond and Silver were still the same, all the others thought he was awesome, and they saw him walking with the princess, and a dozen other things. After that they sat quietly and had some tea, while Angel munched on a carrot. He still wasn't impressed that Nightshade and Scoot were staying over, but he was slowly getting used to it, and besides, it would only be for a couple more days while the house got finished.

"So, Fluttershy, I've got to deliver a dress for Rarity tomorrow, which will take me just about all day to get to Manehatten and back, but, I'm off on Saturday. You want to hang out, just as friends I mean." He said. Angel just rolled his eyes. It was painfully obvious to him what was going on, but other than charades, he couldn't voice his disapproval, so he didn't bother. He just went into his custom made rabbit house and slammed the door, before anything mushy could begin.

Nightshade didn't know, but Fluttershy had heard what he and Rainbow Dash had said. If having a date with her was the punishment for losing, then he'd try to throw the race, even if it meant he wouldn't get help building his house. She blushed at the thought. He really did like her after all, but was taking things slow for their mutual benefit.

"Well, umm, that would be okay, I mean if you want to." She began to blush again. They both quickly turned their heads to avoid looking in each other's eyes. They didn't want a repeat of last time. Having dinner, they all went off to bed, Nightshade sleeping on the couch again.

Once again, in his sleep, he found not Lyra, but Nightmare. It circled around him, like a snake wrapping around it's prey. In the same, icy voice it asked.

"What is it you desire mortal? I have seen your memories, but the only desire I find is to survive. Where is your ambition? Where is your drive?" It was genuinely confused. Everyone had something they wanted to achieve, some hidden need, that they couldn't accomplish on their own, either because they were too weak, afraid to try, or didn't know how.

Not afraid at all, Nightshade replied with a laugh.

"I know what you are, Nightmare. I know how you work. You want to tempt me with power. I do have desires. I want to win the race in three days, I want Scootaloo to be happy, I want Fluttershy...... to be my friend. But these are all things I can do on my own. Scootaloo is happy, so long as I'm here. I'm hanging out with Fluttershy Saturday, and the race, I want to win, but it would be meaningless if i didn't do it on my own. Even if I lose, all that changes is I help my new friends instead of them helping me. I don't need you.

Nightmare was mad. It knew it had been caught. Humans are by nature corruptible, but this one remained firm and resolute. With a huff and a growl, it left his mind, and Lyra did not take it's place. He had pleasant dreams of being surrounded by good friends, in a new house, having pancakes with maple syrup.

Alright. So that;s chapter 18. I think it went pretty well. Again, this is going to be the level of shipping, nothing super heavy. He also learned NOT to mess with the natural order of things, via an exploding plant. Makes for a good show though. Not really much in this blog, other than Trollestia popping up. I just thought I'd add it this chapter, and I don't think I'll use it again, for fear of it being over used.

How does Manehatten take the presence of an alien? How will the 'date' go, Who will win the running of the leaves and, more importantly, the bets? Find out in the next chapter of 'Monster' "Running with the ponies" *Cue music: Running in the 90's, Initial D*

Running with the Ponies, Part.1 (20)

Running with the Ponies

Waking up bright and early after a pleasant rest, having driven Nightmare from his mind, Nightshade no longer felt like he was going insane due to lack of sleep. Sure, he could take his exhaustion out on the various life forms around him, but there was no substituting rest for the mind. He make a quick breakfast, got Scootaloo's things ready for school, and headed off to Carousel Boutique to get the order. Sure, Rarity could have called for the mail ponies to deliver it, but remembering just exactly who was a mail pony in Ponyville, she decided she didn't want to take the chance of having Derpy do it, especially since it was a special order, and although Rainbow Dash could get in there faster, she was rather brutish and could easily cause the fabric to tear with her stunts.

Arriving at the store at 7 in the morning, Rarity was surprised to see that he was there that soon.

"Well, you certainly are an early riser." She said, half sarcastically, half actually impressed.

"Force of habit, I'm here to pick up the order?" He said.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot, here you are dear, now make sure to take care of it, it's highly important that this gets to Regal's shop in Manehatten in one piece. It could be a huge help to my business if the sales go well." She said, packing a number of folded dresses into a back pack. He took the back pack, and a map as well, (having never been to Manehatten it was a good idea), and headed off. Since the road was in a grassy plain instead of a forest, he'd have to pace himself or risk getting all burned out, so he went at a jog. He noticed that, even though he didn't have anything to draw energy off of, except endless grass which wouldn't do much good, even after two hours he still wasn't even slightly winded.

"Must be because I'm exercising all the time." He had never noticed it, but since in the forest he was always running or fighting, or working on something, such as building a house, he had put on a great deal of muscle. He thought to himself, "I really ought to check a mirror when I get back, see what I look like." After all, it had been at least two years since he did, his old house never had a mirror, and the last one he had taken a good look at himself in was before he went on the run.

"I may not be as strong as her, but I've probably got more endurance than Applejack now, even without draining the trees." He thought. His thought's were interrupted by a cart on the road with a missing wheel, and the owner being held up by bandits. "So, all is not well in paradise it seems."

Even ponies weren't perfect, as Nightshade saw the previous day in the case of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. I guess that while it may be infinitely more rare, such things do occur. However, these bandits must have been idiots. You don't rob someone in broad daylight, on an open road, with tall grass behind you.....

Three of them, one pegasus, one unicorn, and one earth pony. They probably thought that if they had one of each, they'd be able to handle whatever came their way. They were so wrong. Tapping the pegasus on the shoulder, and saying "Pardon me", he turned around to have a fist meet his face, and dropped to the ground unconscious. The earth pony turned to meet their attacker, and was tripped by the agile human, getting a face full of dirt. The unicorn staring wide eyed at the creature wearing a black robe, (he was traveling and didn't want to get the white one dirty) began preparing a spell, only to pass out from exhaustion. These were highwaymen? They were pathetic! Even if all three teamed up, they wouldn't be able to handle even one timber wolf.

The cart owner, now recognized as a traveling merchant, really old looking, and scared out of his mind. Taking off his hood, Nightshade just smiled at the old stallion, not a crazy, monster's smile, a warm, comforting smile.

"Hey pops, you alright?" He said in the most unimposing voice possible.

"Thanks sonny, if not fer you they woulda done me in. I been traveling this road fer years, never been robbed once, I didn't think that kinda thing happened anymore, at least here in Equestria." Said the geezer in a raspy voice. Nightshade asked for some rope, which he used to tie up the bandits, took a pair of magic handcuffs out from behind his cloak. (ever since the episode with Celestia, he had been carrying a pair, just in case) Cuffing the unicorn, he took a piece of paper, wrote 'Bandits' on it, and stuck it on the unconscious magic user's horn, just for the added insult.

"There. Now that that's done, let me help you get that wheel back on." Borrowing some repair tools from the cart, he quickly fixed up the wheel. Throwing all three of the bound bandits in the back of the cart.

"Now when you get to town, you can turn these three in. You'll probably get a nice reward if they've got a bounty, and besides, we can't just leave them here in the cold." He said. Sure, he didn't like criminals, but there was no way he was going to let them freeze, it was almost December after all. After getting a couple plums from the old pony in thanks, he was on his way again.

Arriving at Manehatten, he was met with stares from everypony in town. A couple times he thought he was going to be stopped by the guards, but they just nodded and let him pass. He told the guards that there would be an old guy coming that way later, and to take some tied up bandit's off his hands. Finding the store quickly, he spoke to Regal briefly, explaining that he wasn't a monster, and was here to drop off an order. Honestly, Regal really just wanted him to leave, as he was frightening other possible customers.

Walking through town, many so called 'high class' ponies raised their noses and huffed at the sight of him. Stuck ups. Not wanting to spend any more time in that cesspool of snobbery, he began heading home. It was about 2 now, and being a little hungry, ate his plums. Passing the smiling old pony on his way back, he gave a wave, then broke out in a full run.

Nightshade had been taking it easy the whole time he was headed to Manehatten, because he didn't want to get worn out or ruin the dresses, but since he didn't have to worry about that any more, he figured he'd let loose a bit. He began running, faster, faster. He was really moving now. Then he thought of something, maybe he'd test his powers out a bit? He knew that the human body had limits, like not using all your muscles all at once. That way, the body would avoid degradation, and could operate for a long period of time.

The only time that the limit's were removed, was in the case of fight or flight. Usually, when a person is in danger, adrenaline make's their body work harder, removing the limit for a short time to allow the person to escape, or defeat whatever danger they are facing. What if he didn't have to worry about his body degrading? He should be able to use his full capacity for extended period. That got him to thinking.

"Well, I'll only do it a little bit, just to see." He said to himself. He took a single year of his life, and turned it into some life and stamina. It began flowing around him, like the time before, when he was falling. He broke out into a full sprint, running as fast as he could, dust kicking up behind him. The speed was amazing, and gave an adrenaline rush. He began running faster again. His speed kept increasing till he was nothing but a blur. To his surprise, a mach cone began to form in front of him, before the energy he released had run out, he hit a wall of air, and was flung onto his back.

Lying on the dirt road, he was in a little pain from having landed harshly, but he didn't care. He was laughing like a maniac. He had nearly broken the sound barrier. That would be useful in the race... NO. He promised not to use his powers for that, and while it would be impressive, and infuriate Rainbow Dash, he made a deal, and he wasn't about to give up on free labour building his house, having to buy a barrel of cider, and having to fix ALL those trees. Still, the fact remained, after years of running his ass off, if he had a bit of adrenaline, and kept it up with his powers, he could probably break the sound barrier. That was something normally outside the capabilities of a human, even considering his powers and training, he still should not be able to move that quickly.

"Maybe the magic of this world this starting to rub off on me. " He thought. "Either way, Rainbow is going to be soooooo mad."

It had taken him four hours to travel to Manehatten and one hour to find the store. Expecting to be back at about 6 pm, when he showed up at 3:30, he was quite impressed with himself. He went to Rarity to report the successful delivery, collected his bits, and looked around for something to do, when he saw Rainbow Dash flying overhead.

"Hey, you're back early? What's the matter, get lost?" She asked sarcastically.

"Nope, I made the delivery in record time. I would have been back earlier, but something hilarious happened, and I spent a half hour laughing my flank off." Nightshade responded, remembering not to swear in front of the ponies.

"He he, yeah, well anyway, good luck in the race on Sunday." She said, starting to sweat a little bit, after hearing he made the journey that fast. "I heard you made a bet with AJ too, man, you are going to end up way in the hole after you lose to the two of us." The fact that he had made a journey that takes four hours on foot in a single hour was a little unnerving. Sure, she could make it in 20 minutes, but that was if she was flying, this was a hoof race, no wings. She really didn't want to give up her naps to help him build a house, and she really didn't want to give up that cider.

Having the rest of the day off, Nightshade had finished framing the first floor of his house except for the supports for the roof. Winter was coming, and he needed to get it finished before the snow started to fall. Oh well, given that he'd have Rainbow Dash helping him on Monday after he won the race, it'd make it in plenty of time. Tomorrow was a day off, but he was spending it with Fluttershy.

Back at Fluttershy's cottage, Nightshade did his normal duties of healing the sick and injured animals. He passed his injuries onto a tree, as usual, and also got back the year of his life that he had thrown to the wind. After all was said and done, the two sat there, nothing to do.

"So, what do you want to do tomorrow?" He asked her, trying to be casual. It didn't work. She blushed again, and this caused him to blush.

"Well, what ever you want to do is fine." She said in her usual tone. That wasn't good. He wanted to do something she liked, not the other way around. Thinking quickly, he decided he knew something she might like.

"How about we go into the Everfree?" He suggested. She visibly shrank at the thought, and started quivering. She was obviously afraid.

"W-w-why would we go into the f-f-forest." She said while shivering. "It's f-f-full of monsters, and the c-c-clouds move themselves, and it's not safe."

"Ahh, you forget, I lived there for two years, one of them with Scootaloo. Once you know how to deal with the forest, it's not scary at all. Besides, there are a lot of animals in there that don't come near the edge, so you could probably see all sorts of different wild life, and..." He trailed off. "It won't be dangerous as long as I'm there."

Fluttershy stopped shivering, and suddenly wasn't scared at all. He said he would protect her if it came down to it, and he did know his way around the forest, even better than Zecora. If Scootaloo lived there for a year, it couldn't be that bad, and she really wanted to see all the different wildlife that was in the heart of the forest. She had always been too scared to go by herself.

"That sounds... nice." She said in a timid fashion. The one thing was whenever she said 'nice' he didn't know if she actually thought it was good, or if she was just trying not to offend.

"Well, if you don't want to go, I guess we could do something else then, like." He was interrupted.

"Oh no, I do want to go. Seeing all the different plants and animals would be... lovely." She was careful not to use her previous adjective. She really did want to go.

"Well, alright then, I have to go prepare some things for tomorrow, like borrow a species catalogue from Twilight and such. I'll see you tonight." He said with a wink, and headed out. Getting some books from Twilight, as well as reading a few, he then made a list of thing's he'd need for the trip tomorrow, like snacks and such, as also went into the forest to get some certain things that were needed. After all was done, he picked Scootaloo up from school, and went home for dinner. Apple cinnamon porridge. Then they all went off to bed. He dreamt normally, no interruptions from sources sinister or annoying, thought of what he'd show her the next day.

Actually managing to sleep in late for once, he was awoken by the scent of pancakes, but no syrup. That was another thing he'd have to tell her about. Since it was Saturday, Scootaloo didn't have school, so she was home as well.

"So, you two ready for your date?" She asked, with a bit of tease in her voice. Fluttershy turned deep red, Nightshade just responded calmly.

"It's not a date, we're just hanging out, as friends. Getting to know each other a little bit better. That's all." He said with a smooth voice, knowing perfectly well that it was a date, but he was sparing Fluttershy the embarrassment.

"Well, if that's the case, mind if I come along to make sure you two don't go all mushy?" She teased again. Nightshade thought to ask her if she had been hanging out with Lyra, but she was still in Canterlot, so he dismissed it.

"That's fine, go get your stuff ready." He said. Maybe it would be good to have her come along, that way they could just keep it between friends, and not go any further. The three entered the forest, Nightshade and Scootaloo were fine, having lived there for quite a long time before hand, but Fluttershy was visibly nervous. Not scared, just apprehensive.

"Relax, you'll be fine." He said, soothing her worries. "Now that we have Scoots here, nothing can possibly go wrong." Throwing as much sarcasm her way.

"Oh ha ha very funny dad." All three laughed. They had killed the tension, and went into the dark forest singing humming a merry tune.

Looking at all the various plants and animals, Fluttershy was very excited. Whenever she went into the forest with her friends, it was always on a mission of some kind, and she was so afraid that she never really took a look around. Seeing it in the day time, even though the tree tops blocked out most of the light, it was strangely beautiful. Nightshade took three yellow and blue flowers from his pocket, and put one behind each pony's ear, and one behind his own. Fluttershy blushed, and asked what it was for, Scootaloo already knew.

"It's a flower from a very special tree. Hopefully we don't have to find out what it does." He explained. Fluttershy looked a little nervous, but since he was here, she didn't need to worry. This was all new to her, but for Nightshade and Scoots, it was familiar territory.

"Ah, here's one. Take a look." He pointed to a maple tree, young, but healthy.

"Yeah, it's just a tree." Scootaloo said. "I usually get all covered in yucky tree sap whenever I crash into them." Scootaloo didn't get it.

"Not just any tree, this is a maple tree. Unlike pine trees or other trees, maple tree sap actually tastes good." He said, pulling out his teaching voice.

"How do you know it tastes good?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Well, a long time ago a human got covered in the sap of a maple tree, and rather than having the normal 'yuck' reaction, he put it in his mouth, and discovered that it was actually sweet." Nightshade thought about all the other things humans discovered by behaving in ways that would have been seen as crazy at the time.

"But it's got tree bark and dirt in it." Scootaloo complained, sticking out her tongue.

"Well, that's because it's on the outside. On the inside of the tree there is lots of sap, and it's not nearly as thick. It's almost like water with a slight sweet taste. We put a tap in the tree, and in the spring, the excess sap that the tree doesn't need flows out, and we collect it in a bucket. Then it get's filtered, and boiled down to get rid of the water, and it turns into maple syrup. Then you can do all kinds of things with it. You can make cookies, or chewy taffy, or put it on pancakes."

Fluttershy and Scootaloo's eyes lit up. The thought of sugary sweets made from tree sap piqued their interest. Who would have known something like that could be found in the Everfree? Continuing on, they saw all sorts of other plants and animals, and they went through a checklist of the different things they saw. Until they saw something that they hoped to NOT have to check off.

"A basilisk! They cried." A basilisk is the cockatrices big brother. It also turns things to stone with a glance, but has very deadly venom as well. Everyone shut their eyes to avoid it's petrifying gaze, when Nightshade began to howl.

"Ayooooooooooooo." Fluttershy thought he was crazy, but Scootaloo knew what he was up to, and began to howl as well. Pretty soon, all three heard the sound of footsteps, a rustle of leaves, and the creaking of wood. Timber wolves.

"Why would you call timber wolves here?" Fluttershy screamed, tears pouring out of her closed eyes.

"Just relax, we'll be fine." He assured her. The group heard growls, shrieks, and creaking wood. Finally, all they heard was the panting of the wolves.

"You all can open your eyes now." He said. Scootaloo did immediately, while Fluttershy took some time to do so. When she opened them, she saw a pack of 10 or so of the wolves, just sitting, laying down, all calmly.

"What?" Fluttershy asked, genuinely confused. Timber wolves were vicious, but these ones were acting completely placid.

"Remember that flower I gave you earlier?" Nightshade said. "It's from the wolf tree. Timber wolves are not actually wolves. They are branches that have fallen off of that tree. When they reach the ground, the magic in the branches collects other fallen branches, leaves and what not, and turns into a wolf. They are automatons, part of the tree. They protect the forest from threats, and carry the tree's flowers to other locations. Because we have a piece of the tree with us, they think that we ARE the tree, and that basilisk was a threat to us, so they protected us." His explanation was a little complicated, but made sense.

"This forest has a different magic than the rest of Equestria. The magic of nature. If we learn how to co-exist with it, then we can learn to use it ourselves. I drew them here with the howl." Patting one of the wolves on the head, it wagged it's branch tail. "It's a trick I learned a long time ago. It doesn't have to be a flower, it can be a stick, or a piece of bark. Once you have it, you are recognized as part of the forest."

Fluttershy was in awe. When he said that if you knew the forest, you'd be fine, he meant it. He had been living within it for so long, he knew exactly what to do. She wondered if maybe that was how Zecora lived within the Everfree as well, unbothered by the dangers it held.

"Lets head back shall we? I think that's enough excitement for the day." Nightshade said. With that, they headed out of the forest, and back to the cottage. Fluttershy was blushing again. She made tea for the three of them, and just spent the rest of the day relaxing. Scootaloo had gone off to bed, leaving Fluttershy and Nightshade alone on the couch. Her face was red.

"I had a great time today." She said softly. "I was always afraid of the forest, but now, I don't have to be anymore. If I learn more about it, then I don't have to be scared, and..." She paused. "If I have you here, I won't have to worry." She said blushing even more.

"Don't mention it. I know when I first found myself there, I was attacked by about 20 or so of those wolves. I had no knowledge of the forest whatsoever, but as time went on, I learned, and now those very same wolves just saved all of us. You know, maybe I ought to write a book about it, that way, others can benefit from it." He said. Fluttershy just nodded.

They sat there for about an hour, just slowly sipping their tea. Angel was getting annoyed at the silence, and was stamping his foot. Trying to break the awkward silence, Nightshade spoke first.

"I'm in the running of the leaves tomorrow." He said. "I'm racing Applejack and Rainbow Dash."

"Oh, well, good luck on the race." She said meekly.

"Cheer for me?" He asked.

"I don't know, I'm not the best at cheering." She said, remembering back to the best young flyer's competition.

"Don't worry, even if there's a roaring crowd, as long as you and Scoots are there, that's all the cheering I'll need." He said with a blush. Yeah, okay, it was cheesy, but it was true. He didn't care who else was watching, just the two most important ponies in the world to him. Fluttershy blushed back. While he was looking at his empty tea cup, she slowly leaned in, and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

She quickly pulled away, and just stared at him. He brought his hand up to his cheek, and felt where she had kissed, almost in disbelief. He turned to look at her, she was beet red. Their eyes met, staring deeply into the other's, until Angel jumped up and kicked them both in the head. It didn't hurt, he was just a little bunny after all, but it was enough to snap them out of it. Fluttershy blushed even more, and passed out again from the embarrassment . Angel looked up at Nightshade angrily, and Nightshade just sighed.

"I'll bring her to bed."

Aww, that was cute. Angel ruined the moment, but maybe it was a good thing. So far, they keep struggling with their emotions. Again, it was just a peck on the cheek, same as when he gave her one in the hospital, it's just that they are both so socially awkward that they turn red every time they see each other, making it seem a whole lot smushier than it actually is. The obviously like each other, but neither has any idea what they are supposed to do about it. Race is tomorrow. I liked the bit in the forest with the wolves, and had thought of that for a long time. The maple syrup thing was actually a moment's inspiration, Being Canadian myself, and having been to the Sugar Bush only about a hundred times, I decided to keep it.

Well, now that he has a proper cheering section, and learned that he can move pretty quickly if he wants to, how will he fare in a foot race against the fastest flyer in Equestria, and a farm pony with legs that can knock down a house? Who will win the all important bets? Find out in the next chapter of 'Monster' Running with the Ponies, Part.2!

Ps, After this is over, there is going to be a touching moment with the Apple family, the great and powerful nuisance, a distraught Lyra, and finally the main story. I've been at about 1 chapter a day now. Mostly because I've used a lot of my idea's already. Again, this is a part.1 chapter. I've been writing fewer chapters, and been having to cut them in half to avoid going over 10k words and as much as you like my fics, I don't think your eyes can handle ll the strain, so I give you all a bit of a break. It's still only 2 pm here, so I might write the race today, or put it off till tomorrow.

Pss. Once I'm done this fic, before I write the sequel, I'm probably going to write a different fic. Another human in Equestria, but this time, with a cynical attitude and no super powers. "The Mad Gentleman" From the title I'm sure you can figure out what it will be like. Not gonna lie. It will probably be crappy, and short as well, with no well defined plot, and completely random occurrences, but I'm going to write it anyway as an outlet for my insanity, and you're going to read it anyway aren't you? Either way, I'll probably just write it while I'm thinking of stuff for the sequel, letting me write down all my garbage ideas so I can leave room for the good ones.

Running with the Ponies Part.2 (21)

Running with the Ponies, Part.2

After tucking Fluttershy to bed, Nightshade let out a little laugh. It was silly how she would get so embarrassed that she'd pass out, especially since she was the one to kiss him this time. And also adorable beyond measure. She was so kind, and caring, and she'd work herself to exhaustion if it meant helping another. She had already helped him and Scootaloo out so much. While it's true that he had helped her with the animals in return, this wasn't like the normal 'I scratch your back you scratch mine' that he had on Earth. They genuinely wanted the other to be happy. This was a strange feeling for him. He hadn't ever felt this way, about anyone. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he went back downstairs, and went to sleep on the couch.

"Hey! Long time no see?" Lyra was back.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite psychic stalker." Nightshade always was good with sarcasm. Lyra pouted, then perked up.

"Anyway, I'm headed back to Ponyville, just in time for the running of the leaves." She said.

"Cool, I'm running in it you know?" He told her.

"Awesome, now I'll get to see human running style. Wouldn't it be something if you won it huh?" She responded.

"Well, that's the plan. I may have made bets with Rainbow Dash and Applejack, and if I want to beat them, I'm pretty much going to have to come in first." He said back.

"Well, you've got your work cut out for you then don't you? I wonder how well you'll do against those two." She pondered.

"Can't do that badly, I can't use my powers during the race, and Rainbow can't use her wings, so it's all even playing field. I am pretty fast, and have lots of endurance even without them though. I should do okay." He said confidently.

"I'll be cheering for ya." Lyra said. And with that, she was gone, and Nightshade slept the rest of the night uninterrupted.

The next morning, Nightshade was woken by Scootaloo jumping up and down by the edge of the bed, and Fluttershy was woken by Angel jumping on her head.

"Oh Angel, I wish you wouldn't wake me up that way." She said meekly. The angry bunny just crossed his arms and frowned. He wanted to watch the running, and he was actually excited about it, but they were taking their sweet time getting out of bed. Scootaloo also wanted to watch, as her dad and idol were racing against each other. After everyone getting some breakfast, which consisted of omelettes and orange juice, and a carrot for Angel, they all headed out to where the running would begin. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were already there, as well as Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Rarity and Twilight.

"Hey, you actually showed up." Rainbow mocked Nightshade. "I thought you'd be so embarrassed of losing to me that you wouldn't even come."

"Nah, I wouldn't miss this even if I wasn't going to win and make you work instead of napping." He shot back. Applejack laughed. Rainbow, working? Dash was the laziest pony around. The pegasus shot her earth pony friend a glare, who returned the look and tied up her wings.

"None of them fancy powers ya understand?" Applejack said, giving Nightshade a very serious look.

"Wouldn't dream of it." He responded.

Spike and Pinkie Pie were already overhead, in a hot air balloon, commenting on the race as usual. Since three years ago when Pinkie had gone much too crazy with the microphone, Spike was the one doing the commentary. Twilight, Fluttershy, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Rarity began heading to the finish line. Nightshade stopped Rarity to ask something.

"No offense Rarity, but why are you here? I didn't think you like things like this." He asked.

"Well, after the Sisterhooves Social a few years back, I decided to be more open minded about outdoor activities. Besides, there are some photographers at the finish line, and I want them all to see you in the stunning cloak I made." She explained with a smile.

It was true, his cloak was stunning, and while he normally wore it only in town, this was a special occasion, he wanted to look his best. She headed to the finish line with the others. That's when Nightshade heard over the loud speakers.

"Everypony to the starting line, the running of the leaves will soon begin!" That was the mayor. He saw her once in a while, normally when she was on break from her endless piles of paperwork. She was the mayor after all, and at event's like this she had to show up. He couldn't even imagine having to sit inside all day, surrounded by files and forms. His train of thought was interrupted by a voice over the mic.

"This year we've got a battle of the best. Here's year's winner, Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie Pie yelled. At this, the cyan mare struck a pose, and there were the flashes of camera's.

"And here's last year's second place, Applejack." AJ wasn't nearly as much of a show off, and so just gave a quick courtesy.

"And the newcomer, a not so monstrous monster from the Everfree forest, the newest resident of Ponyville, and local hero, Scootaloo's dad!" She said.

"His name's Nightshade Pinkie." Spike corrected, obviously upset that even though he was the main commenter, Pinkie was stealing his thunder. At hearing his name, he gave a quick bow, not much for bragging, same as Applejack.

Spike went on to announce the other racers, and finally, the running of the leaves was about to get underway.

"Just don't cry when you lose." Rainbow mocked.

"I won't be the one crying." He shot back. He gave Applejack a quick look. "Good luck, let's have fun."

She nodded, and the three racers took their positions with the others.

"On your marks!" The mayor started.

"Get set!" Spike announced.

"GOGOGO!" Screamed Pinkie.

With that, they were off. Rainbow Dash and Applejack quickly pulled out ahead of the pack, leaving Nightshade behind. They were still going easy, as too save energy for the final stretch, so they decided to chat.

"Poor guy, I guess he just can't keep up with us. Now I feel kinda bad about makin him have to help me with all those trees, when all he wagered is dinner at my place." The farm pony said.

"Don't be, he's the slowpoke who can't keep up on his bets, that's his problem." Dash mocked.

"Who you calling slowpoke?" Said Nightshade. The pair of ponies looked in front of them to see Nightshade's smiling face. He was running backwards. Slowing down and settling in next to the pair, he turned around and ran normally.

"What's the matter? You didn't honestly expect someone who has been running his kiester off for the past three years to be slow did you?" They stared at him wide eyed. They actually HAD been expecting that, when he failed to keep up at the start. Rainbow got mad.

"What do you say we take this up a notch?" She said, looking to Nightshade, and then to Applejack. For the two of them, that speed was barely a jog. They had obviously trained for this.

"Fine by us." They responded in unison. With that, the trio doubled their speed, kicking up leaves as they ran. After they had run a mile, Rainbow noticed that neither of her competitors had slacked off either. They all had beads of sweat forming on their heads.

"You're not using your powers are you?" She asked him.

"If I was, I wouldn't even be here, I'd be sipping lemonade at the finish line." He laughed. This just made Dash even angrier. The three picked up speed again. They had already cleared a third of the distance while the rest of the pack was reaching the 1/10 mark. They couldn't even see them any more. Leaves fell from the trees as the three ran by, the force of their legs shaking them from the trees. Applejack was looking winded, while Nightshade was grinning ear to ear, and Rainbow had a nasty scowl. The farm pony began to fall behind the other two.

"And it looks like Applejack just can't keep up with the speed of Rainbow Dash and Nightshade. We all know Dash is fast, but who knew he'd be able to move like that as well, and for so long?" Spike said over the speakers.

"Sorry you two, looks like I can't keep up. Be at my place for dinner tonight okay Shade?" He almost tripped at having someone use a nickname, but he recovered and kept going.

"Alright!" He yelled back. At his confirmation, AJ slowed to a saunter. She was meant for endurance, not speed. There was no way she could keep up with those two, and for that long.

"I must say, you're faster than I thought." Rainbow was getting a little worried. Not getting cider was a big deal, but having to actually work? That was unthinkable. She ran full tilt now. She couldn't go any faster without using her wings for added speed. Surprisingly enough, Nightshade kept up.

"Hey Rainbow, I was thinking about our agreement." He said.

"What, you trying to back out of the bet?" She huffed.

"Actually, since I won my bet with AJ, there's really no need to hold back any more. What do you say to, you can use your wings, as long as you don't fly, and I can use my powers, as long as I don't drain you." Rainbow thought about it. If he used his powers, he'd lose his exhaustion, but if she could use her wings, that'd give her some major speed.

"DONE!" She shouted, lifting her wings, and throwing the rope off. She began to pull away. Just as he was about to open up, he heard a voice in his head that made him trip over the rope.

"Hey, how's the race going?" Lyra asked.

"Ooh, it seems Nightshade got distracted by something and tripped over Rainbow Dash's rope." Said Spike on the announcement.

"Oops, sorry!" She said, before leaving his mind.

Getting back up, Nightshade said to himself. "Great, now the only way to win is to use that." There was only 1/4 of the race left, and since he did just call off the deal with Dash, there was no harm in it anymore. Having already recovered his strength, he began running ever faster. His pupils dilated, his heart pounded. He used five years of lifespan this time, and the swirling green mists covered him. All his aches and pains gone, he picked up speed.

"He's not out of the race yet!" Screamed Pinkie. "He looks like he just ate a triple decker triple chocolate fudge cake, and is running faster than before!"

"Pinkie, if he ate that he'd have a full stomach, and would move slower, not faster." Spike said in a sarcastic tone.

"Never bothers me." Said Pinkie. "Huh, whats that?" She pointed at Nightshade, a mach cone forming in front of him.


A shining white streak zoomed through the forest. The blast rocked the hot air balloon, causing the hyper pink pony to almost fall out of it. Rainbow looked behind her in disbelief. A sonic boom. She could only pull that off if she flew as fast as she could, while using gravity to give her speed. He did it just by running. The white streak zoomed past her, forcefully pulling the leaves off the trees in it's wake, and making Rainbow Dash spin out from the wind coming off it.

"What the HAY!" She yelled as she regained her bearings. She was utterly flabbergasted. She quickly got back to running, and when she reached the finish line, she saw him on the other side, looking tired, but sitting in a recliner, sipping lemonade. He also looked a bit paler, but she paid it no mind.

"Well hiya Rainbow, nice of you to come. Take a seat, you look exhausted." He mocked. She turned red in the face. And not from embarrassment.

"What the heck did you just do?" She said, still unable to believe what had happened.

"I broke the sound barrier. Almost didn't make it. After I got tripped up by that rope, I didn't have any other choice. No way I'm gonna let you get out of helping me with my house." He laughed. Dash was about to tell him he cheated, but they had called off that part of the deal, and he had been tripped by her rope. She wasn't mad anymore, she was sad.

"Well, congratulations." She said with a frown.

"What's the matter? We had a good race, I barely beat you." He tried to comfort the downtrodden mare.

"Yeah, but now I'm not the fastest in Equestria anymore." She looked like she was about to cry.

"What are you talking about. You're the fastest flyer in Equestria. Running was never in the description. Even if I had wings, I'd still never beat you in the air. Besides, I had to use up a HUGE amount of energy to be able to pull that off, it's not something I could do every day." He said. With that, she perked up.

"Heh, I guess you're right. So, you get the title fastest runner. Fine, one day, we'll have to race again, you on foot and me in the air." She said happily. Now that she wasn't worried about her title, she loved the prospect of having someone who could keep up with her. Applejack finished the race, and looked partly mad, and partly confused. After explaining that since he had won his bet with her, that they decided to call off their 'No wings no powers' deal, she looked happier. At least they didn't cheat.

"Well, you're still coming for dinner tonight right?" She asked. "Yep, I'll see you at what, 6?" He responded.

"Yep, I'll tell Big Mac not to buck you." She said with a laugh. He cringed at the thought.

During the Race

Fluttershy took up a position, not quite near the finish line. Lyra sat next to her.

"We might at well relax Fluttershy, it's going to be awhile before anypony get's this far." Lyra said.

"I' guess you're right." Said the timid pegasus. No sooner had she spoken, she heard a soft whirring noise. Looking down the path, they saw Rainbow Dash, running as fast as she could, flapping her wings for extra thrust. She zoomed past, kicking up dust and leaves.

"I guess I'm wrong." Said Lyra. "Looks like she's really moving this time."

"Where's Nightshade?" Fluttershy said, looking worried.

"I'm sure he'll be along any minute. Speaking of which, what do you think of him?" asked the teal unicorn. Fluttershy blushed at the question.

"Well, umm, he's nice, and he's good with animals. He's patient with Angel, even though Angel obviously doesn't like him. He's a good dad to Scooaloo, a hard worker and..." She trailed off in her usual manner. "He shows me things I could never see otherwise. He has lots of good ideas, and, he thinks I'm cute." She said the last part too quiet to hear.

"I'm sorry, he thinks you're what?" Asked Lyra. She was interrupted by a very loud whirring noise. Blowing past them the pair saw Nightshade. For just a moment, they caught a glimpse of him. Running through the leaves, his shimmering cloak flowing in the wind. They both thought the same thing, he was the picture of strength and grace. About 200 meters down the path, a massive explosion. The boom knocked them both over, but not painfully. Getting their bearings, Lyra motioned to Fluttershy.

"Come on!" She yelled, pulling the timid pegasus along with her till she could run on her own. While they ran to the finish line, Lyra asked her a question.

"So, are you two a unit?" She asked.

"Are we a what?" Fluttershy said, genuinely confused.

"Is he your special somepony?" Lyra responded, trying to be as plain as possible. Fluttershy blushed. She would like him to be, but they had agreed to just stay friends, despite what had happened the day before.

"No, we're just good friends." Fluttershy said meekly. She didn't hear Lyra whisper, "Good." in a somewhat creepy voice, nor did she see the smile break out across her face. Applejack passed them along the way, but other than a warm greeting they said nothing.

Back at the Finish Line

Fluttershy and Lyra finally arrived. Scootaloo was already there, bouncing up and down in glee. Pinkie had already announced the winner with great excitement, and Spike continued to comment on the rest of the racers, who had now reached the 3/4 mark. Diamond Tiara walked up to Nightshade, followed by Silver Spoon.

"So, YOU won the running of the leaves?" Diamond asked.

"Yep, I sure did." He said with a smile.

"Well, you're still lame!" She said with spite.

"Pfft, whatever." He didn't care in the slightest what a pair of spoiled brats thought of him. With a 'hmmp' Diamond and Silver walked away.

"I thought you were great." Said Fluttershy. "Woohoo." She cheered.

"And I thought you were amazing!" Said Lyra, before jumping on him, and kissing him on the lips.

"Gaah." He said, pushing her off, onto the ground. "What the hell Lyra!"

"It's your reward." She said, looking to go for another round.

"Well I don't want it!" He said angrily. Lyra looked heart broken.

"Listen Lyra, I know you mean well but, I just don't think of you that way." He said, now calm.

"But, I saved you, I brought you to this world. I listen to your problems, I'm the only one who knows your past! I understand you!" She began sobbing.

"And I am grateful for that, but that doesn't change the fact that I don't think of you romantically. I'm not ready for a relationship, and even if I was, it would not be with you. I'm sorry." He said to the now depressed unicorn.

"No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that, I should have asked how you felt first. I'll just go." Lyra walked away with her head help low. Luckily, Nightshade and Rainbow Dash had gone so fast, that they arrived before the camera crews could even get set up, so Lyra's humiliation would not be caught on film and publicized. Being tired from the race, having used 5 years of his life, and now having to deal with an emotional Lyra, he just wanted to leave.

"Hey Rainbow, come by my house tomorrow so we can start." She nodded in agreement. She was not looking forward to having to actually work. Turning to Fluttershy, he said, "Let's go home.

Arriving at Fluttershy's cottage, the two of them had been quiet the whole way there, with Scootaloo (who had missed Lyra's episode) bouncing along happily behind them, much like Pinkie Pie would have if she were there. Scootaloo went to go talk with the other crusaders at the club house, leaving Nightshade and Fluttershy alone, except for Angel of course.

"Do you think I was too rough on her? Please, be honest with me." He asked.

"I think you did the right thing. If it were me, I would have probably fainted, but anypony else would have been furious. She just jumped out like that. It's not something you wanted, and she did it without asking you. You're not mad at her, are you?" Fluttershy was always comforting, even when she should be jealous. Giving her a big hug, she let out a little squeak, and hugged him back.

"Thanks. As for what she said about understanding me, there's something you should know. Lyra is what's known as a telepath. She can speak to others using her mind. For the longest time, whenever she went to sleep, she would peer into my mind, and talk to me." He began.

"While I was in the hospital with the princesses, they were in my mind, and I showed them my past. Lyra was there too, because she couldn't control it, and I can't block her out of my mind when I'm asleep. She saw all the horrible things that happened, and was understanding about the things that I had to do. Because of her obsession with humans, she worked with Twilight to try and bring one here, and they got me. If it hadn't been for her, I would have died, I would have never come to Equestria, and I would have never met you." Nightshade looked sullen. "I can understand why she might like me, but that doesn't change the fact that I don't feel the same."

They both sat there for a while, processing what happened. That's when Angel took out a watch, and shook it in front of him.

"Oh that's right, I'm going to Applejack's for dinner to meet the rest of her family, I better get going. Thanks Angel." With that Nightshade headed out. Angel closed the door behind him, instead of slamming it like he would have normally done. Having seen the whole thing, he was very understanding, and tried to comfort Fluttershy.

"Why doesn't she understand?" Fluttershy asked the bunny. "This isn't something you can force, it's taken me a month to get him to open up at all, and she thinks that she can do something like that. I did say we were just friends, but nopony can see that I want to be more."

On his way, Nightshade recovered his lost years from the forest, and narrowly avoided a buck from Big Mac when he arrived. (As it turns out, she did tell him, and he's just a prankster. You'd never think so because he's always so stoic, but that's why it's not expected) After that, they went in for dinner. She introduced him to the family. Once they were all inside, they had a proper introduction.

"Well, this here's Applebloom, who you already know, this is my big brother, Big Macintosh." She motioned to the red stallion. His head came up to Nightshade's chest, he was really big for a pony.

"Yeeeaap." He said.

"And this here's Granny Smith." She motioned to an elderly pony in a chair. The old mare looked up.

"Why hello there sonny *cough* Applebloom's told me so much about ya. *cough* Living in the Everfree is a big deal, I don't like goin near that place one bit. I used to be quite an adventurer myself though, well, *cough* until I got old." She said.

Nightshade's eyes went wide as he looked at the elderly pony, who was clearly ill. He wasn't about to point it out though. Picking up on what he felt, AJ explained.

"Granny Smith has been taking care of all of us, ever since Ma and Pa passed. While me and Big Mac can take care of ourselves, we got our hooves full with the farm, and so she takes care of Applebloom, though she's been sick with a cold fer the past week, so I had to get to baking double time to get ready for this evening." The farm pony said.

Nightshade's eyes went back to normal, and he thanked them all for having him. They ate delicious apple products, apple turnovers, apple pie, apple crumble, anything apple you can think of. He devoured it with gusto. While he ate, he noticed Granny Smith coughed the whole meal, and was having trouble eating. Once they were all done, Applejack, Big Mac, and Applebloom went to go wash dishes, insisting that Nightshade sit, as he was their guest. Granny Smith fell asleep in her chair. He slowly walked up to the elderly mare, put his hand on her, and she immediately stopped coughing. Her face gained colour, as it drained from his, and he felt sore all over.

"Hey Applejack, I'm going to go outside for a minute, okay?" He called into the kitchen.

"Alright sugarcube." She called back.

Nightshade walked outside, and into the orchard. He started to relax, when he found Applejack right behind him, with a scowl on her face.

"Just what the hay did you do to my granny!" She didn't yell, but she was loud enough for him to know she was mad.

"Damn, I was hoping you wouldn't notice, or at least wouldn't confront me on it." He said softly.

"She ain't coughing or nuthin! Tell me what you did!" She demanded. Nightshade's looked depressed, and for a moment, Applejack was unsure whether she should be mad, or feel sorry for him.

"Alright, I'll tell you, but you have to promise not to say anything about it, ever." He said, she looked at him, confused.

"I'm serious, you can't tell anyone else, you can't talk to me about it, you can't even talk about it in idol thought, If you do, and my secret get's out, I'd have to leave Equestria." He said. Now she was scared. What was he about to tell her that was so important, so secretive, that she could never tell another soul?

"I promise to never say a word of it, cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in mah eye." She wasn't mad anymore, she had a look of trying to understand.

"Come with me." He said. They walked to the edge of the Everfree nearest the farm. Nightshade laid his hands on the trees, one by one, and Applejack watched in horror as six big, strong, healthy trees, suddenly died.

"Before I cam to Equestria, there was someone who I thought was my friend. He was dying, and wanted to make amends to those he had hurt. Now, you know I can use my powers to transfer exhaustion and injury, but that's not all there is to it. There is something else I can do, something that only Celestia, Luna, Lyra, myself, and now you, know about. I can pass years." Nightshade began to cry.

"That friend, I gave him an extra year, enough time for him to right all the wrongs he had done, but when he found out about my power, he didn't care about it any more. He wanted me to use my power to make him immortal. I refused, and so he tried to kill me and take it. Because of that, I had to go on the run, and while I was running, Lyra used a spell that brought me here." His eyes were full of tears.

"But if you can make ponies.. err, people immortal, why not? I mean, never having to die? Wouldn't that be a good thing?" Applejack asked.

"You would think so, but it's not. All things, even the princesses themselves, with lifespans of over several million years, will eventually die. It's the way of the world. All things must die eventually, to make way for the new. When we live, it is to make a better life for those who come after we are gone, but if we never go, then life is pointless. The world will become over crowded, and will become unable to support the population. It will get sick and die." He explained.

"Which is why nothing should ever be immortal. While we call the princesses immortal, in truth, they just have a lifespan so long, we can't possibly measure it. One day, after our descendant's descendant's are gone, they too will pass. My power, if I use it, would let me outlive all things, but it's not natural, and shouldn't be done. In a moment of weakness, I helped someone who I thought was a good man, and I payed for it." He said, tears streaming from his eyes.

"I still don't get what that has to do with my granny." Said Applejack.

"She's getting on in years, surely you have been thinking about it." He said. Applejack had a sudden realization.

"We knew, ever since this past summer. She was getting worse, so we took her to the doctor." Said the orange mare sadly.

"Who knew?" Nightshade asked.

"Me and Big Mac." She answered, tears now welling up in her eyes.

"And Applebloom?" He returned.

"Sakes no, we couldn't tell her her granny was going to die, she's too young, it would crush her. She never knew our parents, Granny's all she has, and she could go any day now." Applejack felt terrible having to tell him that.

"Not any day now, tonight. She will pass in her sleep." Nightshade said. Applejack began to cry as well. "At least, she would have, not anymore."

Applejack sat silent, and thought for a moment, before her eyes went wide. "You didn't..." She said.

"I did." He answered. Applejack looked at him, both with tears pouring out of her eyes.

"Why? You did it once before, and you almost died because of what happened, why'd you do it again?" She asked, sobbing.

"Applebloom. You said yourself, Granny Smith is all she has left. You and Big Mac are grown up, but she's still young, and she wouldn't be able to take it if she lost her. I gave her 10 years, enough time for her to watch Applebloom grow up. She may be old, and has had a good life, but she still has a job to do." He explained.

"While I get that you can't have everypony becoming immortal, why couldn't you do it for just a few, or even just yourself? She asked.

"Look at the trees." He told her. She looked back at the six trees, full of life moments before, now dead.

"Everything has a cost. The flame of life in a tree burns long, but is not as vibrant as yours or mine, for me to give her 10 years, I had to take 200 from these trees. And yes, while it was only once, could you imagine if anyone else found out? All of Equestria would come to me, demanding that I give their loved ones more time. If I refuse, they would hate me and try to get revenge, and if I say yes..." He turned back to the dead trees.

"Then it would be this, on a grand scale. If I use my powers irresponsibly, it would mean the end of the world." He said. They both sat in the grass at the edge of the orchard for a long time, before he finally spoke up again.

"And this is why I didn't want you to find out. Please, don't say anything, and don't come to me again and ask me to extend her life once more. I wouldn't be able to say no." He wept. Applejack looked at him, finally understanding his pain, what had caused him to be the way he was.

Even though they had met not that long ago, he gave her a gift, at the expense of causing himself a great deal of pain. This was not to make her granny live forever, it was to give her more time, in order to raise Applebloom. She finally understood, and the thought of what he must go through every day, the pain and the temptation he faced, she knew that given the choice, she would not make the right one.

"Ah promise." She said simply, and hugged him, both still crying. After a time, they dried their eyes, to make it look as though they hadn't been crying, even though they failed miserably. They went back to the house, Nightshade thanked them for dinner, and said goodbye to everyone, including the soundly sleeping Granny Smith.

Arriving at Fluttershy's cottage, she was worried about him coming home so late. Scootaloo was already in bed, so he told her what had happened, in full detail. He could trust her not to tell anyone, because he knew she could never cause him that pain.

"I guess now I talk to Lyra in my sleep. I'll try to work things over with her. She's been knocking on my mind's door for a while now, I guess it's time to let her in." He told Fluttershy, who, although a little unnerved that some strange, and overly forward unicorn was going to be in his head, she knew that they needed to solve the issue of what had happened earlier that day.

"Hey Lyra." Nightshade said. He saw that she had been crying, and she saw that he had been doing the same.

"Hey Nightshade. What's with the waterworks?" She responded.

"Something happened at Applejack's, and I ended up telling her and Fluttershy my past. It's not something I wanted to talk about, but I didn't really have a choice." He said sullenly.

"Yeah, I, wanted to talk to you about earlier today." Lyra said meekly. He simply said "Okay."

"It's just, I've seen humans my entire life, through my dreams. I worked so hard, and I finally got one here. You aren't like the others though. You are kind, and caring, and determined, and... strong." She said the last word with the slightest hint of lust.

"I saw you at the race today, you were so graceful, shining in the sun, your powerful muscles kicking off the ground. You looked like a god. I've always been fascinated by humans, and you are amazing, even for human standards. I just..." She paused. "I love you."

Nightshade was a little surprised, but it also made sense. The human obsessed pony, falling in love with a human who's life she saved, and who she dreamed about. But it was all one way.

"That's the thing though, Lyra. I don't love you. Yes, you saved me, and yes you brought me into this magnificent world, and I am happier here than I have ever been, but I don't feel the same way about you that you feel about me. I can't shake the feeling that, if I wasn't a human, if I was a pony, you wouldn't feel that way, even if we still shared the same bond we have. I'm right, aren't I?" It was a little harsh, but Lyra needed to think about it.

"I guess you are. A lot of your appeal is that you're different. You're interesting. But you aren't a pony, you're a human, and it still doesn't change the way I feel about you." She said, desperately wanting him to accept her.

"And that doesn't change the way I feel about you. While I'd like us to stay friends, I don't think you should come in my mind anymore." It hurt him to say it, because she had always been there, but it was for her own good. It wasn't right for her to be sticking around something she couldn't have.

"You like Fluttershy, don't you?" She asked.

"While it doesn't change the fact that what I've said is true, yes, I do like Fluttershy. Even if I did not, that would not change the way I feel about you." He said, but as soon as he said yes, Lyra wasn't listening anymore. She was gone.

Nightshade tossed and turned, unable to sleep. What Lyra said and did was not right, but she wasn't going to listen to reason. Meanwhile, Lyra lay awake, crying, and felt a dark presence enter her mind.

"Little pony, why do you cry?" It asked.

"The one I love does not return my affection." She said, not knowing who she was talking to.

"Then you must make him love you." The voice said.

"But how?" She asked.

"Let me help you."

Dun dun duuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnn. Oh noes! Nightmare is after Lyra! But why? She's not powerful. Why go after her? What the heck is going on? Once again, Lyra totally messes things up for Nightshade. He's got it rough enough as it is, and she just goes and make it worse. Very sad moment with AJ, I totally cried a little bit. Also, I used to be an adventurer like you, until I took an old to the hip. U MAD BRO(NIES)?

After winning his bets, and making a sonic sunboom (just made that up), how will Rainbow Dash put up with having to actually work, instead of sleeping 18 hours a day? With her help, the house is sure to get finished on time, but what then? Will Fluttershy be happy to have him move out? "He can stay here longer, umm, if that's okay with him, oh I'm sorry, am I in your blog?" Oh it's alright Fluttershy, but you have to hug me instead. "Hey what about me? Do I get a hug?" Discord, you're lucky Fluttershy is here, and I'm busy being hugged, or I'd do things that I won't say in front of her. Find all that stuff out in the next chapter of 'Monster' (I haven't thought of a chapter name yet.)

Winter's Mark (22)

Winter Blues

After a whole day of nothing but heartache, having to tell his troubled past to both Applejack and Fluttershy, and dealing with an emotionally confused Lyra, Nightshade was glad to start a new day, and hopefully leave yesterday behind. After having his dream chat with the confused teal unicorn, he didn't sleep the rest of the night, and instead opted to write a manual on survival in the Everfree. He had asked Twilight to check her library for any such articles, and even though her's was the most expansive in Equestria, save for the Royal Canterlot library, (After moving in, she made a point to collect all manner of books, as the Ponyville library had been seriously lacking.) she found none, and he was sure that she would appreciate having it. Writing down practical knowledge, for carnivores and herbivores alike, as the reader may be pony, griffin, or otherwise, cataloguing various species of plants and animals, and how to deal with each specifically, making a note that while useful in other forested areas, not all facts may hold true outside the Everfree.

After writing three chapters, it was morning, and time to collect on his bet with Rainbow Dash. Having Scootaloo fly up and pop the cloud she was sleeping on, causing her a great deal of panic, she flew down to the house groggily.

"Alright, I'm up, what do ya want?" She said wearily, yawning the whole time. "It's like, 10 in the morning."

"I was going to get you up four hours ago, but I figured I'd go easy on you, since it's your first day." Nightshade said with an evil grin. At this, Rainbow's eyes shot wide open. He called this sleeping in? She had no idea what she was in for when she made that bet, because she was sure she'd win.

"Now, let's get started."

Nightshade and Rainbow Dash worked nonstop, lifting the heavy roof supports, and bolting them in place. It was about 4 pm before they took a break. Asking Fluttershy politely to bring some food, as they were both starving, having missed breakfast and lunch. Sitting on one of the now secured supports, Neither of them were even tired.

"I thought having to work was going to be hard, but I haven't even broken a sweat. Neither have you for that matter. This is easy." Said the cocky pegasus.

"Yeah, well, freaky powers 1, exhaustion 0." He said with a smirk.

"You mean this whole time you've been stopping me from getting tired?" She was confused.

"Well, if I didn't you'd probably fall asleep right in the middle of working, and I can't have you dropping anything." He teased. They both had a good laugh, and Fluttershy gently flew up to their perch. All three ate lunch together, then continued working. After two days, all the supports were in place. Nightshade worked on the walls, while Rainbow Dash, and Scootaloo once she was home from school, worked on the roof. After two weeks they had it all finished, record timing, but not a surprise since the trio never got tired, and both Nightshade and Scootaloo had experience with construction.

"Well, alright, you're free to go. All that's left is decorating, and I don't think you'd be any good at all that artsy stuff, I know I'm not. Thanks for the help." He told the cyan pony, who was happy to be able to fly free again.

"Oh, and if you see Applebloom, can you tell her to stop by?" She nodded, and was off, leaving a rainbow streak behind her.

"Now just to decorate, and get some furniture." Rarity made a great deal of money with all the new customers she got, after they saw pictures of him wearing her cloak, she decided that she owed some of her success to him. After all, the clothes were great, but the way he wore them is what made them really shine, so she gave him quite a large sum of bits, enough to buy basic things like beds, a table, some chairs, an oven, and various other necessities. Anything else could come after.

"Hey, ya wanted ta see me?" Applebloom had arrived.

"Yep, I had an idea a while back when you drew up those blueprints, well, here's the final product." Nightshade motioned to the house. It was a single story, 2 bathroom, 3 bedroom house with open concept kitchen, dining room, and living room. It was cozy looking, and while the inside seemed rather large for ponies, it was perfect height for humans.

"It's not finished yet though, It needs somepony to do interior decoration, and since neither me nor Scoots is good at that, I was thinking I'd have you do it." He explained.

"But why me?" She asked.

"You have obvious artistic talent, as well as a keen eye for construction, and took into account all the necessities. If you were in my world, you could get a master's degree in architecture, easy. It sure is an amazing and special talent you've got there." He said, putting as much emphasis on 'special talent' as possible. As soon as he said that, the yellow filly's eyes lit up.

"You think that maybe, my cutie mark is in design and decoration?" She asked.

"I'm almost positive it is, which is why I want you to decorate the house, you designed it, it's only proper that you decorate it too. Once you see the entire thing, I'm sure you'll realize that it's what you're meant to do." He said with a smile. Applebloom was excited beyond measure. They walked through the house, and he could almost see her mind working, figuring out what would go best where, how to paint each room, and whatnot. After receiving some bits from her human friend, she headed out to get all the paint and supplies she'd need.

After three days, with Nightshade and Rarity working under Applebloom, (which Rarity wasn't too impressed with, but she did the job anyway, they needed her precision) it was finally done. The mane six and the crusaders all took a tour of the newly decorated house, and complimented Applebloom on her design. She was overjoyed, and sure enough, a hammer and paintbrush appeared on her flank.

"I did it! I got my cutie mark!" She squealed in delight. Applejack was so proud of her. Twilight was confused.

"How did you realize that this was your special talent?" She asked.

"I may have given her a little push in the right direction." He said, Twilight just stared at him.

"Okay, a big push." Now they all were staring at him.

"Okay, so I pretty much told her what her special talent was, and helped her realize it for herself." He said, a little nervous at being glared at by so many ponies.

"So, let me get this straight, after all these years of telling ponies that you can't force it, and it will come on it's own, you just read who she was, discovered her talent, and set up the perfect situation for her to discover it for herself?" Twilight asked.

"Hmm, yep. I guess you can force a cutie mark after all. I mean, it IS her special talent, I just gave her the perfect way to discover it for herself. If it wasn't her special talent, then nothing would have happened." Nightshade said, scratching the back of his head, and giving a big grin.

Twilight groaned. All these years, fillies and colts had been told they had to wait, and that they would discover it naturally, and here was a way to discover it naturally, without the waiting part. Everything she knew about getting a cutie mark had just gone out the window. Nevertheless, she was happy for Applebloom.

"ME NEXT!" Yelled the two remaining crusaders. Of course, now that their friend had hers, the other two wanted their own.

"Whoa now, while I can make it easier, it's not THAT easy. I figured out Applebloom's by chance, although, I'm sure if I spent more time I'd be able to discover yours as well." He backpedaled.

"What about me dad? We spend plenty of time together." Asked Scootaloo.

"Well, that's the thing, you have so many talents, I can't figure out which one is your special talent. You're athletic, you're graceful, you're smart, and good with nature, you could really do anything at this point." Scootaloo looked a little sad.

"You could make potions like Zecora, or you could explore ancient ruins, or take care of animals like Fluttershy. You could be a stunt pony, a daredevil, you could really do anything at this point." With endless paths to choose, she was stuck at the crossroads.

"Tell you what, since this winter all the animals are hibernating, the house it built, and there won't be many jobs that need doing since there will be snow on the ground, I can spend the whole time with the two of you." He said, motioning to Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. "And figure out what your special talents are, then set you up to realize them yourselves. I already have an idea what yours might be Sweetie Belle, so we'll start with you."

"What will I do in the mean time?" Scootaloo asked, looking a little sad.

"Silly, you're going to be helping me, same with Applebloom. Just because one of you has their cutie mark doesn't mean you aren't friends any more, and it doesn't mean that you can't help your other friends get theirs. Besides, maybe while helping Sweetie Belle out, we'll discover your own." With that, the orange pegasus perked up. It's not like he was going to brush her off, like Rainbow Dash had done so many times in the past, while he helped her friends. It was going to be a team effort.

Every night that passed during this time, Nightshade found he had trouble sleeping. It's not that he wasn't tired, it's that his mind was too active. Thinking of all the things he would do with the crusaders, his plan for starting a sugar shack in the spring, (which he still needed to build, but would not need help doing it.) how he narrowly avoided his house being destroyed when Derpy delivered the furniture, but something else was on his mind. He was still thinking about the dark presence, what had happened to it? Where did Nightmare go? Had Luna destroyed it, like she said she would? Was there nothing to worry about? And what of Lyra, who hadn't spoken to him since the running of the leaves? He hoped that she had just moved on.

"I know he doesn't feel that way about me, but I can't help it!" The teal unicorn sobbed. She had since moved back to Canterlot, and was living with her parents for the time being.

"I brought him here, saved his life! How could he not like me?" She asked the presence.

"It is because he has feelings for another." Said the dark cloud.

"He said that even if he didn't like Fluttershy, he wouldn't like me." She sobbed.

"That does not change the fact that she is in the way." It said, with a sinister voice. "I could help you... remove her from the situation."

"No, I can't do that. Fluttershy says she only sees him as a good friend, and besides, even if she does like him, I can't just get rid of her, i couldn't do that to her, she's always so kind. No, I won't interfere with their relationship. It's me that needs to change. I just need to make him like me more." Lyra reasoned with herself.

"Let me in, allow me to help you. I will make him adore you. He likes the other one because she comforted him when he was in pain, and he feels he needs to protect her. If you are in danger, he will come to your aid, and his feeling towards you will grow." Said the dark specter.

"So, I purposefully get myself in danger? That's, well, dangerous!" She told the invader to her mind.

"If I am with you, there will be no true danger to you, and if he fails, you will survive." It said.

"But then our relationship would be based on a lie!" Lyra was struggling with herself.

"It is the only way."

Come on Lyra don't fall for it! Applebloom finally get's her cutie mark, Rainbow Dash actually does some work, the house is completed. A little bit shorter chapter this time, considering the past three were over 4000 words each. Oh well.

Now that Applebloom has her Cutie mark, how will Nightshade help the other crusaders to get theirs? Will Lyra give in to Nightmare? How will Fluttershy feel now that he and Scootaloo have moved out, even though they are literally just across the road? Find out in the next chapter of 'Monster'


Fluttershy: Oh umm, hi. In case you're wondering, I am a little mad about Lyra. Oh my, I've never felt jealousy before, and we did agree to just be friends, but I can't help but feel mad about what she did, especially since I wanted to be the one to do that. Oh no, no, I have to ask him how he feels about it first, and we want to just take things slow. It's already been two months, he finally opened up about his past. Who knew he lived like that? That must have been terrible. At least I know, and can be there for him. Oh, and I hope nothing goes wrong when spring time comes, everypony get's a little crazy around that time of year.

Applejack: I just hope Nightshade'll be alright. And I hope the writer person won't make us do anything we'll regret...*angry glare at BlackWing*

BlackWing: Hmm, what? How'd you get in my blog AJ? Now all we need is Pinkie Pie and we can have a party.

Pinkie: Did somepony say party! *Fires party cannon*

BlackWing: I was being sarcastic!

Songs and Sugar (23)

Songs and Sugar

Having the house now complete, Nightshade and Scootloo moved out of Fluttershy's cottage. They thanked her for letting them stay there for the past month and a half, and moved into their own place across the path. Even though they were right there, she still felt alone, and her cottage, normally full of forest animals, was empty. Only Fluttershy herself and Angel remained, and quiet prevailed over all. So used to having others around, she felt strange, and Angel picked up on it.

"What is it Angel bunny?" She asked, as the rabbit tapped his foot on the ground. He pointed at the newly built house across the path, telling her to go. The CMC were there, and they were going over plans on what they'd do to get their cutie marks, even though most of it had to do with just following Nightshade around till he figured it out. They went out to the back yard, and Fluttershy followed.

"Alright, this looks like a good place to set it up." He said.

"Set what up?" The crusaders asked.

"Our maple syrup shop! I'll need some help setting it up, but it's not going to be nearly as much work as building the house. " He told them. Scootaloo was excited at the prospect, but the other two didn't have a clue.

"It's a new type of sweet, that comes from trees. it's never been seen in Equestria before, but from back on Earth, it's one of the most popular types of sugary stuff. You can do almost anything with it, so we're going to be the first ones to do it." He said excitedly. "I want you three to help because then I'll be able to spend more time with you three, and help to discover your special talents."

"Mind if I help?" Came a soft squeak of a voice from behind a tree.

"Of course not Fluttershy. You're always welcome, besides, You'd probably get bored since all the animals are asleep and you don't have to look after us anymore." He said with a smile. She blushed, but it was also because of the cold. "Here's what we need...."

After giving a list to the crusaders of things he needed, he realized that after buying furniture, he didn't have any left. That was a problem. One that Fluttershy didn't mind solving.

"Well, I could always give you the bits I have saved up." The yellow pegasus said meekly.

"I can't ask you to do that, you've already been such a help, I can't possibly ask any more of you." It was true. She had housed both of them for over a month, asking nothing in return.

"But I want to help! If it makes you feel any better, you can call it a partnership, and I'm simply investing in the business." Nightshade was more than a little shocked that Fluttershy suddenly became so assertive, but since she insisted, he wasn't going to say no.

"So, what do you say to Shade and Shy's Sugar Shack?" He asked the four. They all gave a giggle, and nodded in agreement.

"Alright, so I'll need 6 metal pans, 6 feet by 4 feet by 4 feet, with a hole in one end 2 feet from the bottom. I'll need 2 metal screens, as fine as you can get them, to fit in the pans. I also need lids for the pans, a furnace for each of them, and a large metal tank. Head into town and place the order with the blacksmith, I'll get to working on the housings for them." He ordered the crusaders.

Two of the pans would have screens in them, to filter the bark and dirt from the sap. With the holes in each end, they could be tilted up to drain the sap into the next pan. Each pan would be heated by the furnace, so that the sap would boil and turn into syrup. Finally, the finished product would be held in the tank. Sap would be filtered once and heated twice, then filtered in the tank as well. Having 6 pans meant two sets of three. The housings would be made of wood, and would be strong enough to support the metal tubs filled with sap, and also mobile enough to tip them up. Having Fluttershy's knowledge of wild animals, they devised a fence system with a cap along the top to prevent wild animals from coming near.

After a week of working along side Fluttershy and the crusaders, it was all done. All that needed to be done was to wait for spring, for the sap to flow. Nightshade noticed Sweetie Belle singing the entire time she worked, and confronted her about it.

"Sweetie Belle, what are ya singing?" He asked.

"Oh, just something I made up myself." The little unicorn responded.

"Well, it's very beautiful. Do you like singing?" He tried to get her to open up.

"Yeah, I really do." She replied.

"You know, with a voice like that, you could probably go professional." He said, trying to get her to make the connection herself.

"Oh, but I don't want to sing, I want to be a designer, and help my sister. I'm no good at it though." She said sadly. "Every time I try to help, I just get in the way."

Nightshade thought for a moment. Then he had an idea.

"You want to help your sister, but Rarity is someone who needs space in order to work properly. If you try to help her directly, it would just mess with her creative flow. What if you helped her another way?" He told her.

"What do you mean?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"You like to sing, and are good at it. If you became a singer, you would need outfits to wear on stage. Rarity could design and make those outfits. Then, at every one of your shows, the audience would all know who made your outfits, and that would bring business to her store. You wanted to help your sister, so you tried to be like her, but you aren't her, you're you, and that's why you've been having trouble." Nightshade said knowingly.

"But how will I know if that's my special talent?" She asked.

"Hearths Warming Eve is next week, what if you were to sing in the play? If it's your special talent, that's the best place to find out." He advised. She agreed to try.

At Hearths Warming Eve, she performs spectacularly. The historical play itself was a little sub par, after all, how could they possibly top the year when the mane six had done it? Once the end came, rather than a whole chorus of voices, the ending song only had one. Hers. The crowd had tears in their eyes, and at the end, a symphony of hooves clopping resounded their approval. And on Sweetie Belle's flank, appeared a microphone.

"Thank you so much." She said, not in her usual hyper, squeaky tone, but in a calm, soothing one. Her sister was so proud of her, having finally found what she was good at, and stopped getting into trouble at the boutique. Twilight was astounded.

"Well, you're two for two, all that's left is Scootaloo, and I need to stop hanging out with Zecora." They all laughed. "It's still amazing that you know just what their talents are, and the perfect way to bring them out."

Canterlot had become accustomed to the presence of Twilight and her friends, so seeing the strange bipedal creature with them, they didn't ask. They had all heard rumors about him, and several whispered to each other, but they figured since he was with them, he must be fine. They all got into a pegasi drawn carriage, and headed home. Little did they know, Lyra was also headed back to Ponyville.

Having learned a great deal about portal magic during her stay in Canterlot, and having given her findings to the academy, she decided there was nothing left to do in the capitol, so she was also headed home. Bon Bon was worried about her, and besides, she had plans to make.

Making it back home, the whole group went to bed, with Fluttershy and Angel sleeping over at Nightshade's.

"Nobody should be alone on Hearth's Warming Eve." He said, so she accepted the offer, and while they had a guest room available, Nightshade, Scootaloo, Fluttershy, and Angel all decided to instead sleep huddled up on the couch, next to the fire.

Having the largest floor space, he decided to have everyone over for Hearths Warming Day, so they could all exchange gifts, have a nice meal, and talk. It all went over well, until Pinkie brought them some particular embarrassment by hanging upside down from the ceiling, holding mistletoe over Nightshade and Fluttershy's heads. They both blushed deeply, and settled for a hug instead. After all, they didn't want anyone fainting. Rainbow Dash called them chicken, and having gotten into some spiked punch a little early, planted one on Twilight, who freaked out as everyone else fell to the floor laughing. They exchanged gifts, and went on their way.

They day after hearth's warming, Nightshade accidently bumped into Lyra.

"Oh hey Lyra, it's been a while." He said. "I didn't know you were back in town. If I had, I would have invited you over for Hearths Warming." He said.

"Sure you would have." She said sarcastically.

"Yes, I would have, I even made you a present. Just because I'm not attracted to you romantically, doesn't mean that we can't be friends. I know I acted a little harshly, but you kind of put me on the spot. I thought you might still be feeling bad about it, so I want you to know, I forgive you. Here." He said, handing her a small box.

Opening the box, Lyra saw a small ring, with a kind of spider web of threads inside it, and feathers hanging on the bottom. It had a string, turning it into a necklace.

"What is it?" She asked.

"It's called a dream catcher. The native peoples of where I'm from showed me how to make them. It's meant to ward off evil spirits, and prevent nightmares. It's a bit superstitious, I know, but a while ago, I had a very dark presence following me, so I made one of these, and I haven't heard from it since. I always wear it around my neck, just inside my shirt." He explained, as he pulled out his own, showing it to her. "Hopefully it keeps you safe."

Thanking him for his rather strange gift, Lyra put it on, and headed home. The rest of the day went normally, until Lyra went to bed. She found herself in her mind, with standing in an enlarged version of the object around her neck. The dark presence which she normally had with her, which gave her words of advice, stayed outside the circle. She tried to speak to it, but it wouldn't answer. She tried walking towards it, but the diagram on the floor of her dream world moved with her, and the black cloud was pushed away as she approached, as if there was a sort of barrier. Feeling scared that this spirit which had promised to help her win his heart wouldn't speak to her, she woke up, and threw the dream catcher in the trash.

"Good riddance." Spoke Nightmare.

Lyra you moron. Well, the mane six all KNOW that Nightshade and Fluttershy like each other, and are trying to move things along. Will they ever get over their fear of relationship and rejection? Oh they are such silly ponies. We like silly ponies.

Spring has sprung! Shade and Shy's Sugar Shack is open for business, some antics from a pink party pony, Lyra's disastrous attempts at winning Nightshade's heart, a forest tour for the mane 6, and some action at the school house, all in the next chapter of 'Monster'

Ps, I know it's another short chapter, but let's face it, not all that much happened this winter. They all have holidays, AJ can't farm, there's little demand for stylish clothes, as warmth is a bigger priority, it's too damn cold to fly, all the animals are asleep, not many winter parties, and Twilight can only read every book in the library so many times. They are all bored stiff until spring. Nightshade finishes his book on forest survival.


Fluttershy: Pinkie, I know you were trying to help, but we're still just really good friends, we're not ready for a serious relationship.

RD: *Hic* Aww come on, you both know you like each other, *hic* what's da problem.

AJ: Rainbow, if they ain't ready, they ain't ready. They're just tryin to take things slow, there's no rushing when it comes to love.

Twilight: That's right, this book says you have to take things slow, get to know each other, and let the relationship blossom on it's own.

Pinkie: But at this rate, they'll be as old as Granny Pie before they get anywhere!

Fluttershy: Get where?

Pinkie: *Whispers in Fluttershy's ear*

Fluttershy: Oh, my.... *Faints*

Discord: A little help over here?

Rarity: Now hold still deary, do you have any idea how difficult it is to make a festive outfit to match your.... unique figure?

BlackWing: Great, now you're all here! Did I leave a door open or something? Just for that, I think I'll skip Hearts and Hooves day. Never liked Valentines anyway.

Fluttershy: *Now awake* Why not? Don't you have a special somepony?

BlackWing: No, I don't. In fact, I'm Forever Alone.

*Gasps from all present* *Arguments about the importance, or lack there of, of Valentines Day*

BlackWing: Oh, alright. I'll make a mention of it, but just because you are forcing me to do this, Fluttershy get's her first real kiss, but it's not who you think it's with. So there.

Pinkie: Who's it with?

BlackWing *Looks at the drunk off her flank pegasus ogling Applejack*

New Year's Nonsense (24)

New Year's Nonsense

After the events of Hearth's Warming, things went pretty slowly around Ponyville, and in Canterlot as well. Many a day were spent idly, as if waiting for something to happen, many an evening were spent at Fluttershy's drinking tea, and many a night were spent curled up by a warm fire. Hearts and Hooves day, or Valentine's day on Earth, both Nightshade and Fluttershy decided to ask each other to be their special somepony. Upon agreeing, they prepared to kiss, but one of Rainbow Dash's tricks went haywire, causing her to crash headlong into the timid pegasus from above, lips puckered.

"Bleaaach." Said Dash. "Oh, sorry Fluttershy, thanks for catching me though." Her apologies were unheeded, she was too stunned from the shock of being landed on, and the embarrassment of having just kissed her best friend. She didn't pass out, she just didn't move for about 10 minutes. Arriving back at home, they settled for snuggling next to the fire, trying to warm Fluttershy up after she had fallen in the snow due to Dash's antics.

"You are beautiful." He told her.

"You like when I'm cold and shivering and soaked?" She asked, not understanding.

"You are beautiful on the inside. You are always kind and gentle, always caring, and you put others before yourself. You strive to make others happy, even if it costs your own happiness. No matter what you look like, to me, you will always be beautiful." He told her, and hugged her tightly. They fell asleep like that, and were woken when Scootaloo came home, who tried, and failed miserably, not to wake them.

Winter wrap up came and went, and with Nightshade's ability to provide energy to the animals, half of them woke up all on their own. As soon as that was done, he bought a mallet, and as many buckets and spigots that he could. Having already marked off sap producing trees, he simply tapped them, not too high that it would hinder sap flow, but not too low that animals could get into it, and hung the buckets. Having such a large number of trees in the area, all healthy and strong, he gathered enough sap, that once it had been turned into syrup, he had already filled the very large storage tank within two weeks.

Walking over to Fluttershy's cottage, covered in the syrup, she couldn't help herself but to lick it off his cheek, which of course, made them both blush. After a nice bath to get clean,(in the tub, not by Fluttershy's tongue you pervs) he bottled up the syrup, and the next morning, had breakfast. Pancakes with maple syrup were an instant hit with Fluttershy and Scootaloo, and Angel's opinion about his owners newest friend became greatly improved after having a maple glazed carrot.

"Well, time to head into town and sell it, I just hope everyone gets some before Pinkie Pie finds out. And when she does I hope she doesn't see fit to stick her head in the tank." Nightshade said, prompting giggles from the other two. Fluttershy went with, and borrowing a stove, they set up a pancake stand, where they would sell pancakes with syrup on it, as well as a separate stand selling just the bottled syrup. Unfortunately, nopony was interested in the newest product. They didn't even want to try. It's not because of the creature selling it, as Ponyville had become accustomed to seeing Nightshade hanging out with Fluttershy and the crusaders, it was because most of them had just eaten breakfast.

Scootaloo came flew down from above town, and landed in front of the stall he had set up.

"How's it going pops? She asked.

"Not good Scoots, nobody even wants to try some. I'm starting to think they don't even know I'm selling something." He said sadly. Suddenly, she flew up above the main square and yelled.

"Get the sweet new sensation that's sweeping the nation! Shade and Shy's sugar shack is open for business! Put in on your pancakes! Put it on your doughnuts! Bake it in your cookies then glaze it on top! Come and get your maple syrup here!"

So sooner did she yell did Pinkie Pie zoom out of Sugarcube Corner.

"What!? A new sugary sweet? Can I try some? Huh huh can I?" She asked in her usual hyper tone.

"Sure Pinkie, I don't have any other customers, so this one's on the house." He said, motioning to Fluttershy to bring out a stack of pancakes.

"Silly, it's not on the house, if it were how could we eat it? And I don't see a house around here." She said.

"I mean that the first one is free." Nightshade responded plainly.

"Ooh gimme!" She said, not even waiting for the pancakes to be done, she grabbed a bottle of syrup, opened it, and downed it.

"Ooh! It's good!" Said the now maple coated pony.

"Try it on some pancakes." He said, passing her a plate with a stack of three, covered in syrup and a bit of butter on the top. She devoured it in one bite. He wasn't even sure if she had tasted it.

"And here's some taffy, you pour syrup on some ice and it get's all chewy, so make sure you actually chew it." He said, a little put off at the rate at which she was eating. Once her mouth was empty, her eyes lit up.

"How much for all of it?" She asked.

"All of what?" He asked in turn, not sure what she meant.

"All the syrup, all the taffy, all the glaze, and all the cookies." She said, motioning to all the various maple products he had prepared beforehand.

"Umm." He had to calculate. "Well, that, plus those, and all this, is 300 bits, but since you're buying in bulk, and you're our only customer, how about I drop it to 200?" She didn't say anything. She somehow managed to gather all of it in her arms, while at the same time dropping a bag containing exactly 200 bits on the stall counter, before she ran off the Sugarcube Corner to experiment baking with her newest favorite substance. Fluttershy commented that she was happier than when it rained chocolate milk.

Closing up the stall, and returning the portable stove, they headed home with enough bits to rent a small store for two months, so they could sell their product indoors. They were not expecting to sell everything, and certainly not to a single pony, but it was Pinkie Pie they were talking about, and for her no expense was too great when it came to sweets.

Arriving back home, Nightshade found Pinkie Pie trying to get the lid off the tank holding the syrup.

"PINKIE PIE!" He yelled, causing her to fall and land on her head. She was fine, apparently her poofy mane cushioned the fall. What was scary was how she looked at him. She looked like a drug addict who needed to get her fix.

"Okay, yes Pinkie it is good, but don't you think you're going a little overboard? I mean, this is just the first day, there will be plenty more syrup for the rest of spring, and I need to save some for selling throughout the rest of the year." He explained. Pinkie lost the look of madness in her eyes, and her mane deflated, just a little though.

"It will be okay, spring literally started only two weeks ago, and I already have this much syrup. Tell you what. I'd like to set up a deal with you and the Cakes, let's head over there shall we?" He told the pink pony, bringing an extra batch of maple cookies, maple glazed doughnuts, taffy, and some regular syrup. On arriving, he let the cakes sample the products, and they had a similar reaction as Pinkie, although far less extreme.

They came to an agreement that they would buy the plain maple syrup at in bulk at half price, but 30% of the profit from anything made with it would go to the Sugar Shack. All parties involved thought that was fair, and the deal was made. Now he didn't need to have his own store, he could just have them sell it. After all, ponies knew about Sugarcube Corner, and were more likely to buy a new product from there instead of someone they hardly knew, from a dinky little stand in the middle of town. Now it was time to work on Scootaloo.

"How did you know that would work?" Nightshade asked her.

"I dunno, I guess I just know how to convince ponies of things." She said, flying through a cloud. As she flew through it, she left a cloud trail.

"Hey Scoots, do you think you could do that again, except make letters this time?" He asked.

"Sure thing dad." She acknowledged. She flew up and spelled her own name in cloud trail.

"That was amazing, now could you do my name?" He asked. She did, followed by Fluttershy's name.

That's great, I think i have a job for you tomorrow. Hauling a large keg of syrup to the Cake's, and recieving payment for it, the trio headed home.

The Next Day

"Remember that job I told you about yesterday? Do you think you could write, 'New product at Sugarcube Corner!'?" He liked where this was going.

"Umm, okay." She said. She put it in full view of the entire town.

"Perfect, now let's get Rainbow Dash." Nightshade said with a wicked grin. They found her only ten minutes later.

"You want me to what now?" Asked the cocky cyan pony.

"I want you to fly up as high as you can, and pull off a sonic rainboom. Then pull out of it before hitting cloud level. and THEN fly around a specific cloud formation so your rainbow trail circles it." He told her.

"Why the hay would I want to do that?" She asked.

"Because I have fifty bits that says you can't." He said with a hint of spite.

"You're on!" She accepted the bet without hesitation. "Which cloud formation is it?"

"Scootloo, you know the one I'm talking about, can you fly up and show her?" He asked.

"Sure thing dad." With that, Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash flew up into the sky.

"What do we no now?" Asked Fluttershy.

"We sit back, and watch the magic happen."

Sitting, enjoying a glass of tea in town square with Fluttershy, Nightshade looked up and saw Dash waving at him, signalling she was ready and for him to watch. He waved back, and the pegasus started her run.

"You may want to plug your ears Fluttershy, this will be a little loud." He warned.

"As if I'm going to miss this." She said with a sultry smirk.

Noticing that Fluttershy was acting a little odd, he was about to question her on it, when the show started. Rainbow Dash picked up speed, went into a nose dive, and executed the sonic rainboom perfectly. The entire town was startled, except for Nightshade and Fluttershy who knew what was about to happen, and everyone looked up to see the rainbow shock wave. Then, true to her word, Dash flew around the cloud writing without ruining it, circling it in the sky. The entire crowd looked up to see the message, "New Product at Sugarcube Corner!" Framed in the sky by a vibrant rainbow. Immediately, a large number of ponies headed straight for the sweets shop.

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo landed by Nightshade, Scoots beaming and Rainbow with her usual cocky attitude.

"You see that! I pulled it off, now where's my 50 bits?" She demanded, with her hoof out, ready to accept payment.

"Ah, yes, here's you payment, and here's 50 for you too Scoots, for a job well done." he said, handing out the clinking coins.

"Wait a minute, payment? JOB? This was a bet, one that you lost." Said the confused rainbow mare.

"I may have lost the bet, but I won something far more important. Look up." He said plainly. The pair of pegasi looked up to see the still circled message in the sky.

"AWESOME!" Shouted Scootaloo.

"New product at Sugarcube Corner? That's what you had me fly around? You tricked me into advertising?" Dash said.

"Yes, I did. If you thought of it as a job, you probably would have slacked off, but since it was a bet, I knew you'd do everything to prove me wrong, and you did marvelously. I had Scootaloo write that earlier, but I needed you to bring everyone's attention to it, the boom got them to look up, and the rainbow trail told them what to look at." He explained with a wicked grin.

"You know, you really are a monster, but you're a bucking good one. Getting paid to fly fast? So awesome." Dash said, making her 'awesome face'.

"You think that's monstrous, just wait till you see what I did to Pinkie and the Cakes."

The four walked down the street, and saw a massive crowd in front of the store. Looking inside, the Cakes and Pinkie were frantically trying to keep up with orders. Practically the entire town was there, trying to get some of the 'new product'.
Pinkie worked her way through the crowd, and looked at Nightshade with begging eyes.

"They're buying all my syrupy snacks!" She said, nearly in tears.

"Yes, but you're making a huge profit. And the more you make, the more syrup you can buy. And you know, you CAN just buy some of them yourself......" He said to the pink pony, laying on the ground in front of him. Suddenly, Pinkie Pie pulled a baker's hat out of nowhere, put a spatula in her mouth, let out a battle cry, and charged back into the overrun store, only to call out moments later.



The four of them went running off, back to the Sugar Shack, when they encountered Applejack on her way into town.

"What the hay is all the commotion, what were ya thinkin pullin that off above town Rainbow?" She almost looked mad.

"No time to explain AJ, go get Big Mac, Applebloom, and two carts, and meet me at my place, around the back. HURRY!" He told the orange mare, almost yelling. Soon enough, she returned with the carts and her family.

"Okay, I got what'cha asked for, mind tellin me what this is all about?" She asked, a little annoyed.

"Heres the deal, Sugarcube Corner is overrun, we need to help em out." Nightshade said.

"What is is, parasprites again?" She asked skeptically.

"No! Sugar crazed ponies! I need you to help me haul all this here sugar down to Sugarcube Corner, so the Cakes and Pinkie can make treats out of it. I gotta stay here and refill the kegs!" He exclaimed.

"Listen sugarcube, I don't know what you and Pinkie have gotten yourselves into, but we're too busy gettin the farm ready for growin season, we just don't have time to..." She was interrupted.

"I'll pay you 20 bits a keg, that's 4 kegs per cart, that's 80 bits per cart load, it's not that far so it won't take that long, I gotta stay here and keep fillin them up, I got about 40 kegs worth here, and I'm sending it ALL over." Nightshade was getting worried.

"Holy canoly, that's 800 bits! With that much cash we could fix Granny Smith's hip! Lets go Big Mac!" Now Applejack was excited.

"Yeeeeap" said the big red stallion as they hitched up the carts.

"Applebloom, Scootaloo, I need you to help with unloading at the Cake's, Rainbow Dash, I need you to clear the way for the carts, I don't want ANYTHING delaying them, Fluttershy, you're with me, filling the kegs. Ya each get 10 bits per cartload."

"Got it!" They all said in unison, and each headed out on their specific tasks. Fluttershy flicked her tail in the air, and swished her mane over her eye.

"You know, I love a guy who knows how to take charge." She said in a sultry tone, the same one from earlier that day.

"Fluttershy, I've been meaning to ask you, are you feeling okay?" He asked, genuinely worried about his very close friend.

"Never better." She said. "Now, could you, if you don't mind that is, lend me some sugar?"

"Wha..?" He said, turning towards her, to find that she had pressed her lips against his. For a moment, he thought about fighting it, but then he just closed his eyes and let her kiss him.

"Alright, now let's get back to work." Fluttershy said. Nightshade was still a little surprised at how much she had opened up, and was still wondering if something might actually be wrong with her, or if it was their relationship just developing. He WAS her special somepony after all. He raised his eyebrow to her, she just giggled, and then they continued their work.

After the ruckus was over, it was night time, and Nightshade, the mane 6, the crusaders, Big Mac, and the Cakes were all sitting around a table in the wreck that had once been Sugarcube Corner.

"Geez, it looks like a tornado went through here. I wanted to bring in customers, but I didn't think you'd get this many." Nightshade said, still in amazement at just how popular the maple products had been. While he sent all 40 kegs of syrup, meaning he was now all out, and the Cakes only used 10, they bought the rest anyway, partly because they knew they would be using it the next couple days, and partly because Pinkie begged them to.

"Yeah, we had ponies coming in all the way from Canterlot!" Pinkie said with glee.

"Word sure travels fast." Nightshade said in disbelief.

"Well, when you hear a massive boom, and look in the sky to see an advertisement, it's hard to ignore." Said Princess Celestia, with a stern face.

"Princess? When did you get here?" Asked Dash.

"I was flying over Ponyville for over an hour trying to find a spot to land, the crowd finally cleared out 10 minutes ago, I decided to give you that much time to make your abode, at least somewhat presentable." She said, and everyone looked around at the mess on the floor.

"Don't worry about it, I understand you've all been very busy." Celestia said, raising an eyebrow.

"Heh, yeah." Nightshade said weakly.

"Do you have any idea how much of a ruckus you've caused?" She said, glaring at him. He gulped.

"It was brilliant!" Celestia laughed. "I haven't had that much fun since the Grand Galloping Gala a few years back. You all remember it don't you?" She looked around at Twilight and her friends. They let out a weak laugh. She was obviously trolling, and they all fell right into it.

"Oh, I just remembered, I believe I have to pay you for all the syrup." Mr. Cake broke the awkwardness. "Let's see, we made..... 8000?" He began foaming at the mouth from the shock, and fell off his chair, onto the floor. Mrs. Cake picked up where he left off.

"Okay, so 30% is 2400, plus another 2000 for all the syrup we bought for this week at half price, which will no doubt come in handy, so that's 4400 bit's for you and Miss Fluttershy, leaving us with 3600 from the day." Mrs Cake now fainted in turn. Making 3600 bits in a single day was unprecedented, not even Pinkie Pie had spent that much at their shop when she first came to town.

"Okay, so that's 1000 bits to Big mac and Applejack, I know we agreed on 800, but I think y'all deserve a bonus. And 100 to Rainbow, Scootaloo, and Applebloom for their work. Again, we agreed on 10 per load, so 40 each, but I think given the situation, this is more than fair. That's 4400- 1300, leaving me and Fluttershy with 3100 bits." Nightshade continued dividing the profit's as the Cake's were now incapacitated. Big Mac's eyes went wide, and Applejack looked weak in the knees, even though she was sitting. Pinkie Pie was freaking out, more because she had all that syrup than the bits, Twilight and Rarity were speechless, how this human who had been revealed to Equestria barely 5 months ago could have set all this up. Celestia looked amused, while eating a maple cookie.

"Besides that, I think We've found what you're good at Scootaloo." Nightshade said.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Well, you're good with cloud writing, VERY good. You could go around, making cloud advertisements for various businesses. You and Rainbow could do it together, You'd make the writing..." He was interrupted.

"And I'd provide the bang!" Said Rainbow.

"You'd get to do something fun that you're good at, and you'd be flying with Dash all day long." He continued. Scootaloo was jumping up and down with excitement.

"So, what do ya say kid? Wanna fly with me?" Said Rainbow in her usual cool manner. At that moment, a picture of a pencil drawing clouds appeared on Scootaloo's flank.

"I'll take that as a yes." The crusaders were ecstatic that their final member now had her cutie mark, and Scootaloo was psyched about being able to spend all day with her idol, having fun flying. Everyone was talking about what they would do next, when they were interrupted by Nightshade asking a question.

"While I know that it's good, I wonder why all the ponies went that crazy for it. I mean, yeah it's new, but there's no way it should have brought about a reaction like that." He asked. Celestia looked like she knew something, but didn't say a thing. Big Mac began to whistle. Pinkie Pie broke the awkwardness.

"Oh, it's nothing. Everypony just goes a little crazy come spring time, and part of the craziness is getting a really big sweet tooth, they're gonna go really bonkers next week, and stay like that for two weeks before going back to normal again." The pink pony explained. Well, it made sense. Pinkie looked like an addict with the syrup, Fluttershy was becoming more and more assertive. Maybe this happened every year. Nightshade still thought that they were hiding something from him, especially since they all started trying not to make eye contact, but they were his friends, whatever it was, he could trust them with it.

"I just hope I don't run out of syrup."

Celestia took a taffy, and Pinkie tried to grab it and eat it, only to be held back by her magic. Still flailing wildly trying to get the sugary sweet, she hung upside down, as the rest of the ponies just laughed.

Well well well Fluttershy, not so shy anymore are we? What is this 'thing' that's going to happen next week, and stay for two? Why does it have everypony going crazy, especially for sugar?


Fluttershy: *Squee* I kissed him, on the LIPS! And he wasn't mad at all. I guess he really does like me! Oh, I hope I didn't do that just because I'm starting to go crazy for next week.

Rainbow Dash: You're not that great a kisser, Fluttershy. I mean, I pegged ya at close to super sonic speeds, and left you speechless, while I didn't feel a thing!

Fluttershy: *Embarrassed*

Twilight: I hope he won't be too mad that we didn't tell him.

Applejack: I just hope he comes out of that craziness unscathed. You sure this was a good idea Big Mac?

Big Mac:Yeeeeeeaaaaaap

BlackWing: Seriously, Macintosh is in here now too? I'm gonna be seriously pissed of if anyone else shows up. Especially Lyra. I don't think I can take having any more of you in my blogosphere.

Celestia and Luna: We have arrived! Let the festivities begin!

BlackWing: Ah what the hell. Fine, everyone else is here anyway.

Discord: So nice of you to arrive ladies! Miss me? Oh how I love a good prank. These ponies have thought up an especially good one for poor Nightshade, and I think it's going to be hilarious!

Celly and Luny: *Gives Discord nasty look*

Discord: *Kisses Celly*

Celly: *Vomits*

BlackWing: Discord, stop giving away the plot and stop making the royalty puke, or I'm gonna make you eat your own ears. Who am I kidding, you'd probably think they taste good. Anyway, Happy Valentines Day people and ponies alike. I know I went a little deeper in the shipping, but I swear, that's as far as I'm gonna go. As for tomorrow's chapter of 'Monster' I guess you'll all just have to wait and find out! It's gonna be a laugh riot!

Innuendo (25)


WARNING: This chapter contains a large amount of sexual innuendo, wink wink, nudge nudge, and information regarding pony mating rituals, as well as interspecies relationships that is highly inaccurate, and does not represent the writer's view on such things, being written only as a plot device, for the humor and enjoyment of the reader. There will be NO sex in this chapter however, as this is not a clop fic. Now that the disclaimer is out of the way, on to the chapter.

Things were going well for Nightshade. The syrup sales had left him with enough money for at least six months, and it was only the second week of spring.

"Geez, if I keep this up, pretty soon I'll be set for life. What the hell am I gonna do with all this money?" He thought. During winter, once everything had been prepared, he didn't have anything to do, so he worked on his Forest Survival Guide. It was finished, and he had it drafted, and several copies printed. He brought one to Twilight, thinking she'd probably enjoy a good read. Stopping by Sweet Apple Acres, he ran into Applebloom.

"Hey, have you seen Big Mac? I wanted to thank him again for the help with hauling the carts." He asked.

"Naw, sorry, he's of town on a trip. Left two days ago, not sure when he'll be back." She told him. That was odd, Big Mac was never away from the farm, to go on a trip was unheard of. Maybe it was a vacation, but in the middle of growing season? Nightshade didn't know that much about apples, maybe they had finished and there was nothing to do. He dismissed it, and headed to the library.

"Hey Twilight, I got you a new book. I wrote it myself, 'Everfree Survival, A Guide to Forest Life." Nightshade said, handing over the book. She had already read all the books in the library at least seven times, and so was quite excited to have a new read.

"Umm, by the way. Do you have a book I can read on...." He trailed off, blushing as he said it. "Interspecies Relationships?"

"I have just the thing." She said, using her magic to pull a purple bound book from the shelf.

After two hours of reading, Twilight had finished the new book, Nightshade was still reading.

"Interspecies relationships are not frowned upon, and are actually encouraged. While no children can come from a cross species union, with the exception of the three variations of ponies, such couples are encouraged to adopt. This provides a deeper culture for the foal, and promotes a wider understanding of different traditions and concepts that they would otherwise not be exposed to." He read aloud.

"Well, that's good to know. Where I'm from cross species union is actually illegal, although that's probably because humans are the only sentient species, capable of logic, reason, and speech, so I guess it makes sense that in a world with a wider cultural pallet, it's more common, and not considered taboo." He reasoned.

"While mating does occur at all times of the year, it is most common during mating season, a 2 week period during spring. While males are unaffected, females become in heat, and upon sensing a male presence, either through sight, or smelling hormones, enter a state similar to intoxication, increasing drive and removing inhibition. During this time, unpaired males and young colts will leave town for the duration. Paired males and their partners will also leave, and find a private location, usually out of town to do the deed unbothered." Nightshade started to get a little worried. Big Mac had left town, and while males were rare in Equestria, he hadn't seen any in Ponyville today, although he didn't look that hard.

"It does not occur during the same two weeks each year, although it is always in spring. The residents of each town are biologically synchronized, but not with other towns, so often times the males will travel to another settlement for the duration of mating season. Since it is unknown exactly when mating season will occur, the males prepare early, and are on guard all spring till after the event is over. Telltale signs of mating season approaching are increased assertiveness and impulsiveness."

Nightshade thought of Fluttershy, and how strangely she had been acting. "As well as a higher level of energy, fueled by an obsessive sweet tooth the week before, in preparation for the activities of the next two weeks." He gulped. Oh no.

Glancing over at Twilight, who was no longer reading, but staring at him with half drooped eyes.

"I never took you for a genius." She said. "You gathered all this information on your own, catalogued it, and provided useful insights. You're scientific method is superb." She slowly moved closer.

"Heh, um, mind if I was a question?" he said, starting to sweat. She inhaled through her nose, apparently picking up on it.

"In Ponyville, when does mating season start?" He asked.

"This morning." Said the lavender mare, licking her lips.

"Well, thanks for the read, but I must be going." He turned around only to have the library door slammed shut behind him, locking. It was the kind of lock that needed a key to be opened from either side, really old fashioned.

"Oh no, I don't think so. I'm not just going to let an intelligent, handsome stud like yourself get away." She said in a sultry tone, picking him up with her magic, and pinning him to the wall.

"Don't do this Twilight." Nightshade said, more warning than begging.

"You know, now that I think about it, I don't have any books on human anatomy. I think I'll write one, and I know just where I want to start." She said, eying his trousers. That was all he needed to hear.

"Sorry to do this Twilight, but it's for your own good, and mine. Goodnight." He said, as the magic faded and Twilight slumped to the floor, asleep.

"That was too close, and if my hunch is correct, she won't stay asleep for long." He tried to open the door, locked. He could break it down, but that would cause a commotion, and the last thing he wanted to do was bring attention to himself, the only male in a town full of sex craved females. Maybe try the window?

Heading upstairs, Nightshade found Spike, still in bed. He shook him awake.

"Hey, what's the big idea?" Spike asked.

"What are you still doing here?" He said loudly, not quite yelling, as he didn't want to attract attention. "Get in my backpack, there's no time to explain in detail, but right now, we are the only two guys in a town filled with crazy girls."

"What!? That's not supposed to happen till next week!" Spike exclaimed.

"Book downstairs says it doesn't happen the same time every year, although I guess that explains why you're still here, but not why nobody told me about it." He said, a little annoyed. Thinking back to when they were all sitting around the table in Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie explained that everyone would start going crazy, and that sugar was a part of it. Everyone looked like they were keeping something quiet.

"Of course! They set me up! I knew they were hiding something! Come on Spike, we need to get out of town." Nightshade was a little upset that they hid that from him, seeing as how he trusted them, but now that he thought about it, they were probably trying to push his relationship with Fluttershy to the next level. Wasn't there a friendship lesson or something about not trying to force something that came naturally? Oh yeah, it got thrown out when he got the crusaders their cutie marks. Spike climbed into the backpack, and Nightshade jumped out the window, slowly jumping down the branches of the tree, and slipping into an alleyway.

"Alright, you okay Spike?" He said over his shoulder. The dragon popped out of the backpack and gave a nod.

"Okay, here's the plan. We're gonna try to get to the forest. Nobody will follow us in there, and all the different forest scents will mask our own. We'll be fine, since I lived in the forest before." He put the dragon's worries to rest before he stated them. "It's just that there are four things we must avoid at all costs."

"And they are?" Spike asked.

"A large crowd, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy." Nightshade replied.

"Why?" The pint sized dragon inquired.

"Well, if we get in front of a large crowd, there's no way I could put all of them to sleep. They all have much more energy due to the season, and so the earth ponies will be stronger, the pegasi will be faster, and the unicorns will have stronger magic. If we get in front of a crowd, we can kiss our virginity goodbye. You're young, so they will probably be less attracted to you, but they're crazy, and they still might go for it." He explained.

"Pinkie Pie?" Spike asked.

"She ate so much sugar this past week, she's going to have more energy than an entire crowd combined, and given her randomness, unless we can hide, we're sure to get caught, and I don't feel like getting ridden by a hyper pink pony till I die." He said. Spike nodded in agreement.

"Rainbow Dash is fast, and probably the only one I couldn't outrun, other than Pinkie with her strange ability to pop up anywhere." Spike was just listening and processing the information.

"As for Fluttershy, I've got a soft spot for her. If she asked me to... you know... I wouldn't be able to say no. Which is why we have to avoid those three at all costs." He blushed a bit.

"Well what about Twilight, Applejack, and Rarity?" Spike asked, his eyes widening a bit when he mentioned his favorite white unicorn.

"Well, Twilight is passed out on the library floor, although I don't know for how much longer, Applejack we can just avoid by staying away from the farm. In fact, she's probably working off all her 'excitement' bucking apples, or hauling fertilizer. She might actually be more of a help than a hindrance. As for Rarity, if I can handle Twilight, she won't be a problem at all. She's the most reserved of the group, save for Fluttershy, although that isn't saying much, considering how she's been acting lately." Nightshade said, blushing, thinking about how she had kissed him.

"What do you mean?" Spike didn't understand.

"Let's just say that Fluttershy hasn't been living up to the 'shy' part of her namesake." He said plainly.

"Oh." Was all Spike could say.

Together, they went over the plan for getting out of town. They would head across the street, into Sugarcube Corner, hopefully avoiding Pinkie Pie, and onto the sweet store's roof. From there, they would head onto the roof, and run across the roof tops to the edge of town. Once they were out of town, they could hole up in his house for the next two weeks. Besides, Nightshade always did want to get to know Spike a little better, being one of the few guys around.

"Umm, I don't want to interrupt, but there's a crowd of mares over there, and they're coming this way." Said Spike nervously. They both swallowed hard. The only place to hide was in Carousel Boutique. The back door was in the alley they were hiding in. They slowly pushed the door open, and entered. They heard humming, as Rarity was working on a dress.

"Oh my, you two surprised me. Didn't you know that it's impolite to come in a ladies back door without asking?" She said. That phrase can mean more than one thing, but judging by the way she said it, she clearly meant the second, less obvious one.

"Erm, sorry to disturb you Rarity, we are hiding from a crazed mob outside." He said, scratching the back of his head.

"We?" Rarity asked. Spike popped out of the backpack, and his mouth started watering.

"Well hello Rarity." He said, trying to sound smooth. Great, now Spike was going too, and he wasn't even in heat.

"Cool it lover boy, I'm sorry for what I'm about to do Rarity, but for your sake, and Spike's, I'm going to have to knock you out. You'll be back up in ten minutes, and we'll be gone." With that, the white unicorn passed out on the floor. Spike looked like he had hit the jackpot.

"No way pal, you're too young to even THINK about doing that. Besides, when the season is over, what would she think of you, having taken advantage of her in her sleep?" It took a minute for the words to sink in, and for Spike to snap back to reality.

"Yeah, you're right, sorry, I just kind of lost myself. What now?" He asked.

"I need you to check out front, and see if the crowd is gone. I'm too big, and will draw too much attention to use. I'll go put Rarity on the couch." Spike wasn't happy about it, but he did it anyway, he was just about to signal the all clear, when he felt a tap on his back. A large number of droopy eyed mares were looking at him.

"Erm, hi ladies. Sorry, I know what you're thinking, and I am FAR too young to do that." He tried to convince them, but they didn't seem to care. "Little help shady?" He said, glancing back towards the shop. Spike was now surrounded.

"No! I'm saving myself for Rarity!" He screamed, when a white cloaked blur sped out of the storefront, landed in the circle, snatched up the draconian child, to a leap over the crowd, and barreled through the door of Sugarcube Corner. It was dark inside. Good, nobody was home.

"Thanks, that was way too close for comfort." Spike said, a little worried.

"I don't think they saw where we went, and 'Shady?' Just for that, I actually thought about leaving you behind. Call me Shade if you have to." He said. They both started laughing, only to find that there was a third voice, giggling. The only two males in town said at the same time. "Pinkie."

The pink pony came out from the shadows. Taking a look around, Nightshade noticed that while the lights were off, there were some candles in protective lanterns hanging around. Presumably to set the mood. How Pinkie knew they would be there, well, that was just Pinkie being Pinkie.

"Hey there, sugarman." She said. Her mane wasn't as poofy as usual, but not because she was sad, because she was calm, and a calm Pinkie was something to be afraid of.

"Hi Pinks, um, what's shakin?" Spike said nervously. Pinkie didn't even notice him, she was staring at the worlds only supplier of maple sugar.

"Spike." He whispered. "There's a bottle in one of the backpack compartments, get it for me will ya?" Spike obliged, and began to dig through the contents. He had brought it with because, knowing how much she liked it, he was going to give it to her after he was done at Twilight's. Now he hoped it would bail him out of this, 'sticky' situation.

"So, Shady." Said Pinkie, picking up on the nickname Spike had used. "Wanna do it?"

"No, I don't. For one, I've never done it before, and am saving myself for the right person, second, NO." He said sternly.

"Oh my gosh! I've never done it either. You've never done it, I've never done it. We should totally do it! Then we could have a Pinkie and Shady did it party!" This mare was clearly crazy, and not her usual sugar crazy.

"The answer is still no." He said, trying to hide his growing bulge. Being surrounded by so many females all wanting one thing was starting to take it's toll. "Spike, hurry please?" He whispered over his shoulder.

"Well, if the answer is no, at least let me try have some of your syrup." She said, licking her lips.

"Just a minute. Any day now Spike!" He said, no longer trying to hide the dragons presence.

"I'm looking!" He called back.

"Oh, not that syrup." Said Pinkie. "Your syrup." She put her hooves on either side of his waist, and reached down with her mouth, trying to pull his belt off with her teeth.

"GOT IT!" yelled Spike. Nightshade quickly snatched the bottle, opened it, and shoved it into Pinkie's mouth. She began sucking on it like a baby bottle, lying on the floor, holding it in between her hooves.

"Well, that's one of the three down, but that maple syrup won't last for long, given the rate she goes through it. Let's get the heck out of here. On the rooftops, we should be able to avoid notice, except from pegasi." They headed upstairs, and found their way to the roof. Running on the rooftops, they escaped notice of all the crazed ponies but one. A rainbow maned one.

"FOUND YOU!" Dash yelled. She flew straight at the hapless Nightshade, tackling him, and sending them both into a distant field. "Got you." She said. Nightshade had landed on his back, crushing poor Spike.

"Fine, but if we do this, I've got one condition, I'M on top." He said, thinking quickly. He needed to get off of Spike, he didn't want to crush the poor guy.

"Nope, you'll try to escape. I'm not falling for that." Damn, she was getting smarter. Having shifted a bit to get his weight off Spike, the dragon was now free to move. Rainbow closed her eyes to give him a kiss, only to meet dragon lips. She recoiled.

"Bleaaagh. SPIKE?" She screamed.

"Spike, FIRE ONE!" Nightshade yelled. Spike gave a breath of fire, that caught the tip of Rainbow's mane on fire. She jumped off, and sped to the nearby lake to douse herself. She turned around to see the dragon and human duo get up, and begin running off. Rainbow flew straight up into the air.

"We lost her!" Spike exclaimed.

"Not just yet, look up." Nightshade said calmly. She was about to do a sonic rainboom. Like a bird of prey, she went into a dive, picking up speed. At that moment, a green mist began to swirl around the pair.

"Say Spike, you ever break the sound barrier?" He asked his pint sized partner.

"No...." Spike was worried.

"Well, you're about to, keep your head down!" At that moment, Rainbow Dash broke the sound barrier. with the adrenaline from the speed, plus the added fear of being caught by the pegasus, he passed the speed of sound immediately.
A double boom rocked Ponyville, causing several shattered windows.

"New plan Spike, forget my place, we run in the open field. She's got to get tired eventually right?" Nightshade hoped. Both of them moving at the speed of sound for ten minutes, he only had to use 2 years to get himself started. The entire time he just sapped stamina from Dash. They ran circles around Ponyville

"How much FREAKING endurance do you have!" He called to the pegasus next to him. Apparently, she heard him, which should be impossible since they were moving that fast.

"As soon as I catch you I'll be glad to show you!" She called back, not even winded.

After running around Ponyville about 200 times, Nightshade finally had enough.

"There's no way I can lose her like this!" Slowing down slightly to below the speed of sound, Nightshade allowed a wall of air to form in front of him. He jumped, kicked off the dense air mass, and did another sonic boom, now heading in the opposite direction, straight towards Sweet Apple Acres.

His little maneuver gave him some distance on Dash. He crashed through the barn door, Spike being tossed from his backpack. He quickly got up, and slammed the barn door, putting up the door bar on the inside. Rainbow slammed into it, but it held. Now sweating, as even though he could take stamina, he couldn't disperse the heat that built up. He found a bucket of water, and dumped it on himself.

"Why hello handsome." He heard a voice behind him.

"Not you too AJ." Nightshade said.

"What are you doin in my barn?" She asked.

"Trying to avoid a promiscuous pegasus." He said with dread in his voice.

"Ah, I see, you want a REAL mare." She said as she walked towards him.

"No thanks. Maybe I should just go." He backed up against the wall.

"I still have to pay you back for hiring me to pull them carts." She said, droopy eyed.

"If it means that much, you can bake me an apple pie." He said, trying to change the subject.

"Oh, I already have an apple pie, one that you can eat ALL. DAY. LONG." Applejack said, turning her back to him, and flicking him with her tail.

"I think I'll pass." He said, suddenly getting her meaning.

"You know, that there maple syrup makes a mighty fine caramel. What do you say we go lay over in that hay bale and make some candy apples?" Applejack said, walking over to the back of the barn. Rainbow Dash was pounding on the barn door.

"Well, I really must be going, it's been a nice visit!" Suddenly, Nightshade found one of his legs caught by a lasso.

"I wasn't asking, I was telling!" She said with the rope in her mouth. He grabbed onto the door bar, and held on, his legs in the air from the pony's strong pull. Looking over, he saw Spike get up.

"Spike! I was wrong! I'd much rather have to put up with Rainbow than Aj! Open the door, we're getting out of here!" He yelled. He lost his grip on the door, and fell to the ground, Applejack standing over him.

"You know how Granny Smith threw her hip out? Riding stallions too rough. All us Apples got it in us, but since it's you're first time, I'll be gentle." The farm pony said with a smirk.

"TOO MUCH INFO AJ!" Yelled Spike, throwing the door bar off. At that moment, Rainbow Dash had been preparing to bust the door down, and charged. The door opened suddenly, and Dash flew right through, colliding with Applejack. They landed in a very compromising position, quite literally, in the hay. Nightshade and Spike just laughed while they tried to regain their bearings.

"Ha! You two make a great couple!" He said while laughing.

"Yeah, these lovebirds obviously want some privacy!" Joked Spike. The dragon climbed on his back, leaving the two confused mares behind.

Nightshade and Spike reached the house, ran inside, and barricaded themselves within using a dresser.

"Whew, that was way too close. We almost got busted what, 6 times? By the way, thanks for the save Spike." He huffed. Even being able to drain energy from the nuclear reactor mares around town, he was at his wit's end with these crazy ponies. That's when they heard a soft giggle. "Oh no."

Fluttershy was in the house they had just barricaded themselves within. She had the telltale bedroom eyes, her tail was swishing back and forth, and she had a sultry smile.

"Oh, *giggle* hello there. Such a big *giggle* strong stallion aren't you?" She said. She was clearly loopy.

"Please Fluttershy, I've had one heck of a day running away from your friends, and the rest of Ponyville for that matter." He said, trying to appeal to her good nature.

"Oh, you poor dear, come lay down, and let Fluttershy make it all better. She said, ogling him. "Do you think it would be okay if we..." She was interrupted. Nightshade had put his hands over his ears.

"I know what you're about to ask. I can't let myself hear you ask that, because I wouldn't be able to refuse." He said, she looked a little sad.

"Listen Fluttershy, I like you, a lot but we're just not ready to do that yet. You're in heat, and we still haven't known each other that long. If we decide to do this, it will be when we are ready, and we will make the decision when you're back to being yourself, not when you're intoxicated by hormones. Right now is just too fast, and I'd hate to do something when we're not ourselves that we might end up regretting. Not that I'd regret it, it's just too soon." He said, trying to be as gentle as possible. Fluttershy seemed to go back to normal a little bit. Spike had already pushed the dresser out of the way of the door.

"I understand." She said, kissing him on the forehead. "Now go, before I change my mind." She ran her tail over his face, trying to perhaps make him change his mind.

"I'll see you in two weeks, please take care of Scoots while I'm gone. By the way, where is she?" He asked.

"Right here dad." Scootaloo was completely normal. Of course! She was under age, so she wasn't affected by it.

Nightshade and Spike headed out into the Everfree forest, where they would be undisturbed.

"What do we do now?" Asked Spike.

"Well, do you like fish?"

Nightshade and Spike spent the two weeks in the forest, Nightshade catching fish, and Spike gathering wood and tending the fire. They had a good time, learned a bit about each other. They had saved each other several times from the mares in town, and working together, survived in the forest. Bonds forged in fire are the strongest of all. After the two weeks were over, the pair walked out of the forest, and called themselves brothers. Living in the forest had caused Spike to beef up, and he had visible muscles, which he though was fantastic. Taking a look at Nightshade, he saw his own ripped figure.

"Believe it or not brother, I was a string bean before I came to Equestria. Two years in the forest, and a half year working in town, and look at me now! You're still just a kid, and look at you already! Once you grow up, Rarity is gonna have a hard time keeping her hooves off you." They both laughed.

"Hey, Shade, this was fun, you think we could come camping again sometime?" Spike asked.

"You bet. Heck, we can camp all summer if you want, once syrup season is over. We can bring Scoots with, and anyone else who wants to come. Just no comforts from home, they gotta be willing to sleep in the trees."

The pair arrived at Nightshade's house, and opened the door. The mane 6, as well as Big Mac were there, and they were back to normal.

"Well well well, is there something you all want to say to me, something about not telling me about mating season?" He said sarcastically. They all let out a weak laugh. Applejack apologized first.

"Heh, sorry Shade, we thought it would be kinda funny if you were in town when we weren't... ourselves." She said.

"We were confident that you would be able to care for yourself, and that you wouldn't take advantage of us in our, uninhibited state." Rarity explained.

"I almost had ya! There was no way I was gonna let somepony else get the only one capable of keeping up with me!" Rainbow was next.

"RAINBOW DASH!" Twilight was mad.

"You may be faster than me Dash, but I'm smarter. There was no way you could have caught me." Nightshade said.

"You know, the whole, you and me find a quiet spot offer is still open. I wonder if it's possible to do it at supersonic speed?"

"RAINBOW!" The entire group yelled.

"I'm kidding alright, I know you belong to Fluttershy." The cyan pegasus was met with angry glares from the rest, except for Mac. Fluttershy blushed at the thought that he belonged to her. Well, he did agree to be her special somepony.

"I have to say, it was an very good prank Big Mac." Twilight said.

"Wait, you mean all this was YOUR idea?" Nightshade asked the stoic red stallion.


"Well, I'll just have to remember this. I WILL get you back Big Mac, but It will be when you least expect it." He said sternly. Everyone laughed, including Mac himself, until they were interrupted by Celestia and Luna, teleporting into the room. They had a strange look in their eyes.

"Nightshade, we require your services." Luna began. "It is currently mating season in Canterlot. As we have royal duties we would be unable to perform should we have to care for foals, we cannot take that chance."

"Oh, so you came to Ponyville to avoid all the craziness?" He said.

"Actually, since you are the only eligible, and worthy, non equine, we need you to come with us to Canterlot and relieve us of our... urges." Celestia said. Luna licked her lips.

"I am shocked an appalled that you two would suggest such a thing. I belong to Fluttershy, and to do what you ask would be a terrible betrayal." Nightshade said, trying to find any excuse to deny the pair of all powerful ponies.

"Oh, I don't mind." Said Fluttershy, back to her usual timid self, but not entirely, as she said it with a hint of lust in her voice. Nightshade grabbed Spike by the tail and ran his ass off into the forest.

"It is for the good of Equestria!" Celestia called after him. At this point, is was clear that she was actually NOT trolling. She was serious.

Once within the forest, back at their campsite Spike was working on making a fire.

"Fish?" He asked Nightshade.


Well that was fun. See? I told you no sex. I mean, okay, it was a super hyper unrealistic chain of events. Especially the part at the end with the sisters, but I felt like I needed to have a chapter like this, and so I decided to have fun with it, and get it out of the way. There will NOT be any more of this in the entire fic. This is the last you will see of it, so if you didn't like it, then don't stop reading just because of this chapter. There was a LOT of mature themes in this chapter, but it was meant to have a laugh at. As for him being the only worthy non equine, they weren't just about to use any riff raff, they wanted to use someone they respected, and who wouldn't let their secrets out. After all, they have reputations to protect.

Ponyville is finally back to normal, it's summer so now what? What will happen next. What is Lyra up to? Find out in the next, non sexual chapter of 'Monster'!


BlackWing: You ponies are crazy you know that? Making me write that garbage, just because you wanted a laugh, and to feel all lusty.

Pinkie: Aw come on Mr. Writer, it was fun!

BlackWing: Okay, maybe it was fun, but seriously, I'm not doing that again!

Discord: At least not till the sequel!

BlackWing: Which you should be in right now, shouldn't you? Get out of the present and into the future!

Discord: *Poof*

BlackWing: Now that that's taken care of, what do you want to do?

Celly: I know who, I mean what I want to do! *Looks at BlackWing

BlackWing: You know what? Until you get over this, I'm gonna go chill in the 'The Mad Gentleman' blog, bye! *Poof*

Pinkie: Ooh! Does that mean I get to write the story?

Twilight: No Pinkie. *Looks up from Everfree Survival* It means that until the Princess Molestia gets over herself, he won't be coming back. So, he'll be back tomorrow. You know how fast time moves in this story. 2 weeks is a day, and a year is a minute and all that.

Rainbow Dash: I can't believe I landed like THAT on Aj. Now everyone is going to think I'm a fillyfooler!

Applejack: Aren't ya?

Rainbow Dash: *Bucks AJ*

Applejack: I'll take that as a yes?

Rainbow Dash: *Face red, steam coming out of ears* You're gonna get it AJ!

Applejack: Sorry, I don't swing that way Dash.

Pinkie: Well, since the writer is gone, I guess I have to end this breach in the 4th wall. See ya later everypony!

Fluttershy: That is, if it's okay with you.

Disastrous (26)

Disastrous (26)

After such a long break of having 'Slice of Life', I'm finally getting back to the plot. Yay!

After spending another two weeks in the woods with Spike, hiding from the royal sisters who were, unlike the Ponyville ponies, not afraid to go into the forest looking for them, it was now mid April. Spike had grown quite a bit, and now looked more like a teenager. (Like in Secret of my Excess, but not quite) It's amazing what one month living in the wilds did to the dragon. After returning to town, and receiving an apology from the princesses for their unbecoming behavior, they went into town. Twilight made a point of remarking how much Spike had grown, and Rarity made a point that Twilight should let Spike out of the library more often. Being stuck as her assistant was clearly stifling him, and being able to get out and live a little did him worlds of good.

"I'm just glad that's over with, at least till next year." Spike said, his voice a little deeper now. Nightshades eyes opened wide, dreading thinking about it.

"Well, at least I'll make a load of bits on syrup sales." He commented. Living in the forest, he was still able to collect the sap and return it to his house for processing. Pinkie ran it, after all she was the one who wanted it the most, so he figured he'd teach her how. She caught on quick, and had been making it ever since. After getting back she was a little sad that she didn't have to work the stand anymore, but more happy that she could stop syrup making, and start syrup eating.

As it turns out, the events of the past month were a direct result of the new type of sugar. Everypony had a sweet tooth anyway, and since there was a new type, they all wen mad and gorged themselves on it. More sugar means more energy, more energy means more drive for 'activities'. Once mating season was over however, any sweets eaten would result in the normal Pinkie Pie-esque hyperness, instead of what he had been running from.

Nightshade dropped Spike off at the library, and headed home. Fluttershy was standing there, and avoided eye contact.

"She probably thinks I'm mad at her." He thought, and went to talk to her.

"Hi Fluttershy." He said, She visibly winced at his voice.

"What's the matter?" He asked. She stayed silent.

"I can't help fix whats wrong if you don't tell me. And don't say nothing is wrong, I know you better than that." He had to put a little more pressure on her than usual.

"It's just, we all tried to take advantage of you, and you're not even mad. We were so forward, and you did the right thing, even though it must have been tempting." She said timidly.

"Well, nothing happened, so it turned out alright. And besides, you were able to control yourself. You are the only one who didn't force herself on me. I ran around Ponyville 200 times, at speeds faster than sound to escape from Rainbow, I had to knock Twilight out, I nearly choked Pinkie with a bottle of syrup, and I tricked Dash into pile driving Applejack, just to escape from them. If anything, you and Rarity are the only ones who DON'T need to apologize for anything." Nightshade tried comforting her, it was starting to work.

"We still didn't tell you about the season, and because of that you had to spend a month in the forest, and.... I didn't get to see you." She had obviously missed him the entire time he was gone. He reached down, and gave her a big hug.

"It's alright. Since it's spring. we can spend a lot more time together, taking care of the animals, going on nature walks, picnics, dates." He said the last word more slowly than the others.

"And if you're still upset about trying to take advantage of me, well, maybe we'll be even one day." He said with a wink. Fluttershy understood the meaning and turned bright red. "But only if and when we're ready, and we'll make the decision while we're both sane." He added, giving her a peck on the cheek. She was far less embarrassed about that, since she had kissed him on the lips before, and this was becoming more common, although it still made her light up.

Lyra finally started to put her plans in motion. Nightmare had taken up permanent residence in her head, but so far had not possessed her. It was simply whispering sweet nothings into her ear, making misguided suggestions, and ideas that were sure to fail. After all, it didn't actually want to help Lyra, it wanted to push her over the edge.

"Alright, so the come to life spell. I'll cast it on this cart, have it go 'out of control' in front of him, and he'll rescue me before I fall off the cliff to my doom. Oh, here he comes!" Lyra said to herself. She cast the spell, and went careening down the steep hill at the edge of Ponyville, leading to a cliff. The cart nearly ran over Snips and Snails, who were pushed out of the way by Nightshade himself, leaving nobody to stop the cart. It went over the cliff, and Lyra screamed as she fell, only to be caught by Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy was happy he was able to save the two, and gave him a hug for his kindness. He gave Rainbow a salute, which she returned, almost dropping Lyra in the process.


Several expertly planned but poorly executed attempts later, Lyra was becoming increasingly frustrated.

"Well, it's not MY fault." Explained Nightmare. "Perhaps, you should let me help you a little more. On your next attempt, I'll make sure to steer things in the right direction."

"I think you're right." Lyra was letting it in a little more. Nightmare grinned wickedly.

Spring was over, the trees were out of sap, and all the remaining syrup had been bottled for the rest of the year. With all the bits from the sales, Nightshade had expanded his facilities, doubling the Shade and Shy Sugar Shack's ability to process sap into syrup. That way, next year, there wouldn't be nearly so much of a rush to do it, because they could do more at a time. Even after that, they still had 3000 bits left over. Finally closing up for the year, he looked over to Ponyville, and saw smoke.

"Oh no."

Lyra, having no new 'damsel in distress' ideas, decided to teach unicorns some basic magic at the school on Saturdays to help her take her mind off past failures, and earn some bits while she was at it. Rent didn't pay itself.

"Alright class, this spell is a standard magnification spell. By condensing the air, you make a lens. Then you bend the lens to change the focus. This can be used to see things that are far away, or small things that are really close. Now watch carefully." She formed the lens, and magnified some small writing on the blackboard. As the rest of the class tried to emulate her, Nightmare took control of the spell.

"What are you doing?" Lyra asked in her mind.

"Helping." Nightmare said plainly. The lens magnified 100 times, and caught the light of the sin coming through the window. It set the floor on fire.

"Okay class, calm down. I'll have this out in a second." Lyra was starting to panic. She couldn't access her magic. Something was wrong. The students began to back away from the growing flame.

"Nightmare, what are you doing!?" She screamed.

"Succeeding where you failed." It said. She tried to run, as the school had now become engulfed in flame, but she couldn't move. Nightmare was holding her there. The students had already left the burning school, the fire ponies arrived, and started pouring water on the flame. Nightmare used Lyra's magic to make the fire grow.

"Relax, so long as I'm here, no harm can come to you." It said.

"I wanted to put myself in danger to have him save me, not put others in danger!" She screamed, crying.

"It's the next step." It said, with the same calm, uncaring voice.

Nightshade arrived at the already burning school. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight were on the scene.

"Is anyone hurt? Did everyone get out alright?" He asked the frightened crowd. Silver Spoon walked up to him.

"Diamond Tiara and Miss Lyra are still inside! Please, you have to save them!" She was crying. Diamond was a bully, and Lyra was annoying, but they didn't deserve to die in a fire. Nightshade knew his powers wouldn't be much help inside. He needed to think.

"Rainbow, get me a cloud! Twilight, use a spell to clear out some of this smoke! Applejack, buck the door down! I'm going in and getting them out!" He barked orders, taking charge of the situation. They did as they were told.

"What do ya want the cloud for?" Dash asked.

"Drench me." He said.

"Shouldn't I put it on the fire?" She was confused.

"Listen, If you get me soaked before I go in, I won't catch fire. That way I can get them out without getting myself killed. Now hurry up and do it!" She complied. Applejack busted the door down, and Twilight cleared out the smoke. Nightshade dove inside to find a passed out Lyra, and a crying Diamond Tiara desperately trying to wake her up. She looked in horror at the white figure. She thought it was the angel of death.

"No! I'm too young and rich to die!" She cried.

"Come with me and you won't." He said rather calmly given the situation.

"But you're...." She started.

"Is that a no? Well to damn bad, I'm pulling you out of this fire whether you like it or not!" He grabber her and put her under his arm. Then he put Lyra over his shoulder, and covered her with his cloak. That's when the support beams fell, blocking the exit. The whole place was going to come down on their heads.

"Hey kiddo, do you know a force spell?" He asked. It was one of the simplest forms of magic, even easier than levitation. Just collect a mass of magic, and throw it at something.

"Yeah." She replied.

"Good, do you think you can break that window open?" As he said it, she had already shattered the window pane, blowing the wooden cross section out of it.

"I hope you can fly, because here goes!" He said, throwing Diamond Tiara through the fire, and out the window. She barely touched the flames, so she didn't get burnt.

"Now for you." He said to Lyra. He held her close to his body, and covered her in his cloak. If he had looked, he would have seen her wearing a wicked grin. Using two months of his life, he turned it into enough energy for a burst of unnatural strength. He charged straight at the support beams blocking the door, shattering them as they were already fragile from being burned, and was sent flying through the doorway. Those fallen support beams were also what were keeping the roof from collapsing, and so as soon as he was out, the whole thing came down.

Nightshade laid Lyra down on the grass. She wasn't burnt, but she wasn't breathing.

"Smoke inhalation." He said to himself. He was exhausted, and injured from mild burns but he would have to give her mouth to mouth. None of the other ponies knew how. Little did he know, Fluttershy was watching.

Steam flowing off of him, rising to the sky, he bent over, and blew air into her lungs. To everypony else, it looked like he was kissing her. She woke up and smiled, and Fluttershy turned, and ran away, crying. Nightshade looked up just in time to see the tears in the yellow pegasus' eyes. He went to run after her, but was mobbed by other ponies.

"You're a hero!"

"You're so brave!"

"You saved my daughter!" Said Filthy Rich.

After finally getting rid of the press, it was already getting close to 6 pm. He had been talking to the news ponies for four hours, and he refused to spend a moment more answering their endless questions. Nightshade headed to Fluttershy's cottage. He knocked on the door, but only heard soft crying. Opening the cottage, he was met with a barrage of carrots, thrown by a VERY angry Angel bunny.

"Fluttershy, we need to talk." He said.

"About what, how you don't like me anymore?" She said crying.

"What makes you say that?" He asked.

"I saw you kissing Lyra!" Fluttershy almost screamed.

"I wasn't kissing her, I was saving her life!" He yelled back. Then he realized what she must have thought, and as she buried her head in some blankets, he walked over to her, forcefully flipped her onto her back, and looked her straight into the eyes.

"What I did with Lyra is called mouth to mouth resuscitation. I blew air into her lungs to get rid of the smoke that was in there. It's what humans have learned works best to help those who have stopped breathing." He took a deep breath, put his lips to Fluttershy's mouth, and blew air into her lungs. Her chest rose, and then lowered.

"It's not a kiss. This is a kiss." He said, taking her head in his hand, looking lovingly into her eyes, and kissed her.

"Do you see the difference?" He asked.

"I, I'm not sure." Fluttershy said weakly. "Maybe you could show me again?" She said, tears still just barely formed in her eyes, but now smiling.

"Oh you silly pony." Nightshade said, causing Fluttershy to look down, ashamed.

"I LIKE silly ponies." He said, giving her another kiss, which she was apt to return. Angel looked on in disgust, made a gagging motion with his paw, went into his rabbit house, and put his pillow over his ears.

Lyra was spying on the two through Fluttershy's window, seeing them so happy together just made her angry. It was supposed to further HER relationship with him, not Fluttershy's. Heading back to Ponyville she yelled, "DAMNIT ALL TO HELL!" Prompting strange looks from other ponies who were shocked at her vulgarity.

After making sure she was going to live, Nightshade actually had the nerve to tell HER that she needed to go see a doctor. Not for smoke inhalation, not for possible burns, but for a psychological exam. He told her he noticed she was getting into a lot of accidents lately, and wanted her to see a shrink to find out what was wrong. He thought she was INSANE! This just pissed her off all the more.

"So close! We almost had it." Nightmare proclaimed.

"Yeah, but no matter what happens, he's just not going to change the way he feels about me."

"So what then, do you give up?" It asked.

"No, I step up my game. If I can't have him, NOPONY can."

Sorry about the short chapter folks,but I did what I wanted to do with this one, at it reached my self imposed 2000 word minimum. I actually wrote about another 2000 words of 4th wall breaking blog, but the instant I decided to save and upload, FimFiction decided to go down for maintenance for 5 minutes, and it's all gone. So now I guess none of you will ever know the craziness that went on in my head.

Actually, I'll tell you right here, short version.

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo's advertising business is off the a great start, they got a contract with Filthy Rich.

Sweetie Bell got picked up by a talent agent and went on tour, and so Rarity is making loads of money because of all the free publicity.

Fluttershy became the *Squee* world champ because she was happy Nightshade kissed her.

Since the school burnt down, they're going to take the 5k bits they have saved, along with some donations from Rarity, and a concert with Sweetie Belle as a dedicated fundraiser, in order to build a bigger, better school house.

Applebloom got signed on with a construction company and is designing the new school.

Twilight is letting Cherilee teach in the library, as it's a good place to do it.

Rarity thinks Spike is becoming a hunk.

Granny Smith's hip is fixed.

Everyone thinks something is wrong with Lyra.

Lyra was there the whole time and got mad that they were talking behind her back, right in front of her. (Nobody noticed she was there)

While I was away from the blog for 5 hours.

Discord came back and somehow became by blog's unofficial co host, without my knowledge and against my will.

Applebloom gave it a new paint job.

Celestia and Luna brought in some sculptures to make it feel more at home.

Pinkie Pie painted the whole thing in maple syrup, which she stole from Nightshade. (She found the secret storage room behind a book case that was actually a fake wall.)

BlackWing (Me) Kicked everybody out except Discord, (cuz he's the co host now, don't ask me how) Nightshade (because he's an extension of myself) and Fluttershy (because she's my favorite)

I told them I was going insane for having a conversation with figments of my imagination, based off a cartoon for little girls, on a fanfic site populated mostly by guys, for all the world to see.

Fluttershy gave me a hug to make me feel better.

I realized that you people are actually going to read this and start to seriously worry about my mental health, so I ended it. Tomorrow, (actually, now it's considered later today) I'll be writing the next chapter of 'The Mad Gentleman' before the next chapter of 'Monster'.

Also, Nightshade found out that Discord gave him a crappy life on Earth (OMG SPOILER) and gutted him, which Fluttershy said wasn't very nice. And I said that he's going to get a lot meaner in the next couple chapters. (OMG ANOTHER SPOILER)

And that's the SHORT version. At least it explains what they've all been up to. Seriously, I could have made an update chapter containing all this. It was as big as a regular chapter. But fimfiction decided to crap out just as I was saving it. I still love the site though. It just made me a little frustrated.

For Those Who Come After (27)

The Great and Powerful Annoyance

After the school house burned down, Nightshade and Fluttershy decided to donate all the bits they had amassed to go towards building a new, better one. Rarity's business had been booming, since Sweetie Belle had been picked up by a talent scout, and went on tour with Octavia, she became lead singer in an orchestra, and wearing her sister's dresses was huge publicity. Thus Rarity decided to donate some as well.

Since news got around about the school burning down, and how Nightshade had become a hero, (although he insisted it was a team effort, since it was), Sweetie Belle got the paper, and asked the manager to dedicate one of the concerts to fundraising for the school. Applebloom had been signed on with a construction company, and convinced her boss to give them a discount. Twilight used her connections in Canterlot to buy all the books they would need on the cheap, Mr. Timepiece, (You know, Dr. Whooves, except he's not actually a timelord.) offered to donate the clocks, and Vinyl Scratch added the PA system. Everyone in Ponyville helped out in their own different way. It was heartwarming to see how the whole community came, and it disgusted Lyra.

"Look at them all, happily giving to help rebuild the school. All of them working together, in harmony, makes me sick."

Her mind had been so poisoned by Nightmare, she started hating the happiness of others, much like the dark spirit itself. What's worse, he was now considered a hero in Ponyville, while she was considered a walking disaster. She moved out of Bon Bon's place, and was not renting as cheap a place she could find. She was bad luck. Nopony would hire her. Everyone thought she was cursed. If they only knew how right they were.

Nightshade and Fluttershy went on a great many dates, and were the happiest they had ever been. The school had been finished, and the names of everyone who had contributed to it's construction were placed on a plaque. Of course the press were all over it. He had become the hot topic of Equestria. 'Stranger from another land saves filly and teacher from blaze.' And such headlines were quite common. 'Alien donates fortune to build new school.' Was another. Even the princesses were bombarded with questions.

"Yes, we did have a bit of a falling out, before he went public. We tried to send him back to his world, and since where he's from is not a nice place, he didn't want to go. We ended up fighting him. He might have actually beaten us, except that he stopped to help somepony who got caught in the crossfire. Then we realized how wrong we were. Even we make mistakes." Celestia said humbly. She didn't really want to talk about this, because it was bad for her reputation, but Equestria needed to know the truth.

"However, none of us are ones to hold a grudge." Luna added. "We settled our issues peacefully, and have actually become quite good friends. I know better than anypony that once in a while, we all need a reality check, and a slice of humble pie." Luna had been getting better with talking to the press, and knew just what to say to save face.

"So, this 'Nightshade', is actually more powerful than the two of you combined?" a reporter asked.

"Goodness no." Luna responded. "He does have a unique ability, but he is not capable of magic. The reason he was such a challenge is because he does not give up, and a great deal of his perceived strength comes from his quick thinking. You recall the school fire? He became a hero in that event, but not because of his ability. He thought up a plan, and made the best use of the resources he had. That probably come from the fact that in his world, he had to think quickly to survive, and couldn't rely on his ability."

Murmurs from the crowd. While he was powerful, it was his intelligence that made him truly formidable. They were also wondering what this ability he possessed might be, but the princesses dismissed it.

"He made us swear not to tell."

Word got around to a certain blue unicorn about this creature. Able to stand on par with the princesses? If she could defeat such a creature, her career would be back on track, better than before. Since most of his strength came from his smarts, the arrogant unicorn said to herself.

"Who is more cunning than the Great and Powerful Trixie? Certainly not some alien who lived among the beasts of the Everfree for two years. While Trixie is loathe to return to that mud hole called Ponyville, she will make the necessary sacrifice to defeat this 'Nightshade' creature, and expose it for what it truly is, a fraud. For none is greater than Trixie."

Coming back from a week long camping trip in the forest with Spike, Scootaloo, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash, they had all had quite a bit of fun. Spike was glad to be roughing it with his new big brother, Fluttershy got to see more of nature, Rainbow Dash didn't have anything better to do, and wanted to prove her toughness, and Scootaloo was just happy to spend time with her dad and idol.

"So, how about we all go to Fillydelphia beach in two weeks? Right after the Summer Sun Celebration? Celestia is raising the sun in Manehatten this year, so the beach will be pretty much empty." He suggested. They all agreed it sounded good.

"We'll just have to get the other's to come along. Rarity shouldn't be too difficult to convince, but Twilight is gonna try and shut herself in the library, and Applejack might not be able to get off work, although if we all help her get ahead, we might be able to convince her."

They got back into town, and saw a strange stage in town, with lights and banners all over it.

"Oh geez, here we go again." Said Applejack.

"Gah, didn't she learn the last time she was here?" Rainbow commented.

"Please tell me she's not." Said Spike.

"Who are you all talking about?" Nightshade asked.

"Trixie." They responded. "She calls herself The Great and Powerful Trixie, ALL. THE. TIME. She goes around claiming she's this super magical unicorn, when she doesn't have a lick of talent. She's just a blowhard." Applejack explained, with an annoyed look on her face.

"Last time around, she claimed she bested an Ursa Major, so two numbskulls brought one to watch her do it. It ended up only being and Ursa Minor, and she couldn't do anything to it. Twilight had to step in and save the town. I never thought she'd be back after that." Spike said.

"Ah well, she's in show business, she makes her bits being full of hot air. They all do. None of my business." Nightshade said. They all looked at him like he was crazy.

"You mean you don't care at all that she spouts nothing but lies and insults?" Applejack asked.

"If you think those in show business are blowhards, you should meet politicians from my world." He chuckled. They all laughed. "You know, why don't we just go watch the show? Doesn't matter what she says, as long as we know it's not true, that just makes her an idiot for saying it." Scootaloo remembered him telling her the very same words the day before family appreciation day.

"Surely ONE of you has some aspect of talent? Can none match the awesome abilities of The Great and Powerful Trixie?"

"Does she always speak in the third person?" Nightshade whispered to Spike.

"Yes, she does. Please shut her up. PLEASE." He said with begging eyes.

"Hmm, I think I've got an idea."

There was a large crowd of ponies in front of the stage, so Nightshade climbed in a tree, and made it look like he was sleeping in it.

"Come now, I require a volunteer from the audience to test my skills against. Hmmmm." She spotted her target, the whole reason she came to Ponyville, sleeping in a tree. "You! You dare have the audacity to sleep while The Great and Powerful Trixie performs amazing feats of magic the world has never seen?"

"Who, me?" Nightshade said, pointing at himself, acting all innocent.

"Yes you, you must clearly think yourself superior to Trixie to be sleeping during her performance, come, show her what you are capable of." She demanded.

"Aw, no, I couldn't. I wouldn't want to steal the audience from you with my charming wit and dashing good looks, who are you by the way? I don't think I've ever heard the name Trixie." He said in a sophisticated tone, trying not to sound sarcastic.

"I am The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie, perhaps you recall now?" She said, full of pride.

"Nope, sorry, doesn't ring a bell." He responded playfully. She was troll bait and he knew it. Celestia would have a hay day with her.

"You must be rather uncultured to have not heard of The Great and Powerful Trixie. Trixie thinks you have been living under a rock." She said with a smirk.

"No, actually in the forest. I even wrote a book about it. Perhaps you have heard of 'Forest Survival: Life In The Everfree'? It's a best seller." He was eating this up. She made it way too easy. He could clearly see the veins beginning to pop out on her head.

"I have heard of it, but I found it poorly written and dreadfully dull." She was beginning to catch on to his game.

"True, but it was not meant to be entertaining, it was meant to be useful. A tool, not a toy. And I never claimed to be an author. My claim to fame is maple syrup. I am the sole producer in all Equestria, and as such, have made quite a name for myself." He didn't like boasting, but it would goad Trixie to continue their verbal battle.

Trixe was quite shocked. Those maple treats were her favorite. They had come out in early spring, and were quite expensive, given the limited quantity. Now she had an idea.

"It seems you are quite the character after all. Trixie may have... underestimated you. What do you say to a contest? We shall each bring forth our best magical abilities in an attempt to sway the crowd." She thought she was being clever, but as soon as she said that, he knew she was a fool.

Not only was Nightshade a local hero, so the crowd would already we on his side, but most of the crowd was sick of Trixie. She would be hard pressed to win this competition. Still, he wanted to push her a little further.

"I must decline, for you see, while I do possess a unique power, it is not magic. I cam incapable of performing magic, and so you would win by default." He explained. Of course. The papers said he didn't have magic, so how could she get him to enter the contest, so she could best him?

"You possess a power however, perhaps you could show us that? My magic versus your ability." She said, desperately trying to get him to accept. After all, if he simply declined, she could not best him and earn her fame. Nightshade saw through this, and thought she was an even greater fool. Going up against a power you not only don't understand, but have no knowledge of what soever? Unless you are forced to do so, like when he had fought the princesses, it was incredibly foolish.

"Hmm, I accept." He said simple enough.

"Shall we make a wager then?" Trixie was getting to the best part of her plan.

"What do you propose?" He asked.

"If I win, you will teach me to use your power."

"Denied." He said without hesitation.

"Do you fear that you will lose, and the secret of your power become known?" She taunted.

"I refused because my power is not something that can be taught. Me teaching you to use it, would be the same as you teaching Applejack magic. Even if you understand the concept, the method, means, and all of its subtleties, you would not be able to perform it. It is a power that is mine alone, and cannot be passed to another." He said.

Trixie was mad. He wasn't going to teach her his power. Even if he did, she still couldn't do it. She had to think of something else valuable.

"Then when Trixie wins the contest, you will teach her the method of making maple syrup." That was the next best thing. If she had that, she could compete with him, making thousands of bits, and drive him out of business.

"Very well, but if I win, you will never again speak in the third person. You will drop your title, and the only time you may ever say your name is in introduction. Why? Because its annoying. You will simply become Trixie." If he won, then he could shut Trixie up for good without ruining her. He wasn't heartless, he just wanted to see her put in her place.

"Agreed, should Trixie lose, which she will NOT, she will drop her titles Great and Powerful, never to take on a new one, and she will refer to herself as, 'I' and 'myself'." Trixie gulped as she said those words. She wasn't used to them.

"Then, we shall meet tomorrow at noon, perform a single trick using our abilities, and let the crowd decide. Since the crowd is already partially on my side, I shall give you the option to choose who goes first." He gave a bow.

"Trixie will perform first, and after her display, you will no longer have the will to compete, as it would be utterly hopeless." She said confidently. Nightshade and friends left the town square, and headed to Twilight's library. They were followed in by the remainder of the mane 6.

Entering the library, Nightshade explained why Trixie is a fool.

"Well, for starters, she's going up against an unknown. She doesn't even know what my power IS, and she's confident she'll beat it. Secondly, she's having the crowd decide who's trick they like better. Everyone in Ponyville knows me, and I can safely say, are not too fond of her. Third, in showmanship, you always want to go last. Whoever goes last will have a greater effect. If you go first, then while your talent may be good, the crowd will likely forget about it when they watch the other show. The important part is leaving an impression on the crowd." He told them.

"Um, I hate to be a bother." Fluttershy said timidly. "But, um, while I know Trixie isn't very nice, what you said before was, kind of mean."

"Yes, I suppose it was, but at the same time, she didn't seem all that offended by it, and it will do her a bit of good to be taught some humility. It was just banter between rivals. I didn't sling any insults like she did though." He explained softly to Fluttershy. "Trixie is full of hot air, and the only way to let some of it out was to give her some of my own."

"I don't mean to interrupt, but do you know what Trixie's powers are?" Twilight asked.

"She's an illusionist, right? Using trickery to puff herself up and be more impressive than she really is. She could be truly talented if she knows how to cast subtle spells that require high precision, using her big flashy ones as a distraction, but something tells me she can't. Even if she can, I'll be expecting it, so I don't think it's anything I can't handle." He said.

"Wow, you're right, how'd you know?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I'm just good at reading people, and ponies for that matter. Like how I got the crusaders their cutie marks. it's the same thing. That's also why I kept egging her on, I was expecting her to want to compete against me, and to make a wager as well. She would have done that no matter what I said or did, so I tried to make her talk, which was easy since that's what she loves to do. Once I heard enough from her to figure out her personality type, I was able to determine her skill set, and what she'll plan for tomorrow." Nightshade said with a snicker. He whispered something to Fluttershy, and she nodded.

"Besides, either way, she's going to come out of this with something."

"As for what I'm going to do, I'm going to leave an impression. Rainbow, tomorrow, I want you to bring a bunch of rain clouds over. AJ, a couple bags of fertilizer. I'm gonna wow that crowd."

The Next Day, 12:15

"Well well Mr. Nightshade, you decided to show up after all. Trixie was getting worried that you would 'chicken out' and disappoint the crowd." Trixie said mockingly.

"It's called being fashionably late, and besides, I needed to gather some things. I am fully prepared, are you?" He returned her mocking tone.

"Trixie was born ready." She stated.

"Very well, audience, are you ready for a show!" The crowd cheered. Neither had even performed any feats, and he was already winning the crowd. Spike came to referee.

"No interfering with each other's tricks, no talking during the other's performance, no trying to manipulate the crowd. Let's begin!" Said the dragon.

Trixie started off by sending sparks flying, spinning clouds together, charging the whole thing, then sending it into the sky, making it explode in a shower of sparks and lightning. It was impressive. More impressive than any of her other tricks. She had obviously used all her creativity coming up with it, and since the writer came up with it last minute, and literally threw it in on a whim, that tells you something about how creative Trixie was. (Here lies Wall IV, R.I.P)

Now it was Nightshade's turn. He pulled out an apple, ate it, and held up the core.

"This is an ordinary apple, yet within it, lay something extraordinary. It contains the spark of life, and is the future of this world." He hopped off the stage, into the crowd, who cleared away. Trixie looked on, amused. He dug a hole in the ground with his hands, placed the apple core within it, and buried it. He used 5 years of his life, (which he had grabbed from a tree in the Everfree beforehand in preparation) and the green mists swirled around him. He held out his hand for dramatic effect, and channeled it into the ground.

"Applejack, if you will?" He motioned to the farm pony. She brought a bag of fertilizer, and dumped it on where the apple core was buried.

"The seeds in the apple core are children just like any other. When cared for properly, they will grow, and flourish." He motioned to Rainbow Dash, who emptied a cloud onto the pile. Slowly, a green plant sprouted up from the ground.

"We must take great care in raising them. Not enough of something, and they cannot grow, too much, and they become smothered. While an apple seed needs water, too much and you cause it to drown. The same can be said for care. We must care for our young to allow them to prosper, but we must not stifle them by being over protective, or they will not flourish." He said, the tree still growing. It was now up to his waist.

"Given the proper care, the young grow, and become able to give back to the world." He was silent for a time as Rainbow Dash emptied more and more clouds onto the growing tree, and Applejack dumped some more fertilizer at it's base. It was now a full grown tree, and a single apple grew on it.

"Applejack?" He asked again. She bucked the tree, knocking the apple out of it. Nightshade picked the apple up, and ate it.

"Now, the cycle is complete. Or is it? All things must eventually die. From the humble fly who's lifespan is only three days, to the sun itself which shall last for countless eons, there will come a time when all must sleep, and the old will pass the torch to the young. If not, the world would be full of apple trees." Everyone gave a quick laugh.

"While that may sound nice, it wouldn't leave any room for the rest of us, or any more trees to grow. So no, unfortunately for our friend the apple tree, his time has come." Nightshade dug another hole, put the second apple core in it, buried it, then placed his hand on the tree. The tree wilted, it's leaves fell off, followed by some of the smaller branches. Finally, the tree trunk itself rotted, and the tree fell. He caused the tree to grow and degrade faster than normal, draining the life energy from it that he had added in the first place, and using bacteria to make it rot. Taking a shovel, he moved the pile over the newly buried apple core. Another tree began to grow.

"Notice how this time I didn't add fertilizer? That is because this dead tree knows what must be done. Throughout it's life, although it was very short, it did all it could to make the world better for it's child. It's roots tore up the soil, making it easier for the seeds to take root themselves. It's very body, once broken down, will feed the new tree. It did everything It could to ensure that it's child had the best start it could, and then it let it go." The crowd was eating it up. They weren't cheering, they were listening intently. Trixie was in awe at how even though it wasn't flashy, he held the crowds attention in an iron grip. The new tree began to grow again, but this time, it stopped at being a sapling.

"In the world I am from, the people have forgotten this. They live only for the now. They thrive in opulence while they poison the world they live on. They do not care, for when the time comes that their children inherit the world, they will already be gone, having had their fun. Their children will curse their names, and scorn them for not being more responsible with the world they were given. They sought immortality, something they should not have, and for it, they paid the price. They forgot that the most important thing they can do with their lives, is improve the world for those who come after."

Nightshade stood up, and walked back to the stage. "We must always remember that we are but relics of the past, but they.." He pointed at a group of fillies and colts, listening intently. "They are the future. Equestria has learned this lesson well, and while you do not think on it much, you act according to it. My people once did so as well, but then they forgot their place. A world of blue skies and green grass turned grey. Grey stone, grey skies, grey clouds, grey rain. The people themselves turned grey, and lost hope. By trying to live forever, they forgot how to live." He said, with a tear in his eye.

"This world is one of beauty, one of peace. You do not starve, you do not have war over resources, you live happily, humbly, and in harmony with the world in which you live. When I came to this world, and saw it's beauty, I was afraid to be a part of it. I feared that I would be like my people, and cause this land to rot as mine has. I was wrong. So long as we hold this lesson in our hearts, we shall have happiness. Living in the forest, I learned this lesson, and I wanted to share it with you all."

The crowd was awestruck. Many were crying at the beauty of what he had said. Others were crying at the though of what a dull and grey world would look like. Even Trixie was moved. Using such subtle methods, and words alone, not of boasting, but of advice, he had clearly outmatched her.

He then walked back to the small tree, and caused it to grow to full size. "For those who come after." He said, and walked away, with the tree in bloom.

Nightshade headed back to his house, where he was met by the mane 6 and Scootaloo. Trixie followed him. Upon heading inside, Trixie stopped at the doorway, but he motioned for her to come in.

"That was beautiful." Fluttershy said.

"Who knew that our way of life could come from a simple apple tree." Said Applejack.

"So poetic." Said Twilight.

"That was absolutely divine." Said Rarity.

"I'm just glad you made Trixie shut up." Said Rainbow, not realizing she was in the room. Trixie cleared her throat.

"It seems that Trixie.." Nightshade cleared his throat. "It seems that I owe you an apology. You are a far better showpony than I. To captivate the audience like that, and remind us all of our mortality, but in such a beautiful way. With one such as you in this world, I do not deserve to be in show business." Trixie took off her hat and cape, and threw them into the fireplace. It wasn't burning, since it was summer, but everyone got the idea.

"So, what will you do now?" He asked her.

"I, I don't know. My life was show business. I don't know anything else." She said, sobbing, as she didn't know how she'd live after this.

"You know, I could always help you." He said.

"You would help me, after I treated you, and your friends, in such a way?" She sniffed.

"It's really quite simple. I know for a fact that maple syrup is a best seller. Everypony wants it, and the craving isn't going away anytime soon. I can't possibly produce enough for all of Equestria, and many will go without it. So, how about I teach you how to make it. I show you everything you need to get started yourself, and give you 1000 bits to get yourself started. In return, you give me 25% of whatever profit you make, and you get to run your own Sugar Shack. I hear Trottingham has excellent forestation, and would be a prime location, as it's currently too difficult to ship large quantities there."

Trixie looked up. "But the wager..."

"I decided last night with Fluttershy that even if you lost, we'd still show you how to make it, that way, you could quit the miserable show business and do something more wholesome. We figured that after the last time you came here, you might want a way out. This is it." Nightshade always was one to help those down on their luck. Trixie just nodded.

Trixie, Nightshade, and Fluttershy headed out into the forest. He showed her which trees were good for tapping, where to tap them, when to tap them. He showed her the facilities needed to refine it, and how to make all the different sweets like taffy. Trixie still had enough bits from her show business for food, and had made quite a lot during the contest, as many ponies loved Nightshade's performance, and when they wanted to pay him, he simply told them to throw it in the stage collection bucket. This way she would be able to set herself up in Trottingham, and still be able to eat. She bid them all goodbye, and thanked them for their hospitality, and her second chance.

"See Fluttershy? We did a good thing today. Now we don't have to feel so bad about earlier. This did her a world of good." Fluttershy snuggled up to him. Pinkie wondered if there was anything syrup couldn't fix, and the rest of Ponyville was happy to have Trixie out of their manes.

Lyra was furious. She had seen the whole show, and spied on them afterwards. While she was glad to see Trixie's life in show biz ruined, she wasn't happy at all that they had given her a new, better life to replace it.

"If it was me, I would have made a public mockery of her. She deserves it. Why did he help her? He must like helping those who need it." She was talking to herself again, or at least that's what it looked like.

"Maybe I just need to get in REALLY big trouble." She said.

"I can help with that."

Oh noes! Lyra is about to fully give in to Nightmare! What's going to happen? There's actually only a few more chapters left! OH MA GOSH! What will you all do without me to enrich your little lives with my stories? Oh, I know! Tell me to write another one! Which is already planned! I knows whats the peoples wants! Also, seriously, what is with Nightshade and maple syrup? Oh wait! I know that one too! It's freaking awesome!

Lyra, a criminal? Ha, that's all I'm gonna say.


Pinkie: You broke the 4th wall, IN THE CHAPTER

BlackWing: Who let you back in here? I thought I kicked all of you out!

Pinkie: You did, but then it didn't upload, and you lost the conversation, so it never actually happened because it didn't get posted. And telling everyone you kicked us out isn't the same as actually doing it!

BlackWing: Discord, take the syrup from Pinkie, she's way too hyper.

Discord: *Gets hand bitten by rabid Pinkie*

BlackWing: Well okay then. At least everyone is being quiet. Seems like they're all playing Jenga. Not really fair since it's infinitely harder with hooves and mouth than with magic, although for some reason Rainbow Dash has won every round.

Nightshade: Discord, you're lucky Fluttershy is here. I guess I'll just have to wait for the sequel to kick your ass.

Discord: Like you could. I'm the eternal spirit of disharmony.

Nightshade: More like irony.

Discord: What?

Nightshade: Nope, I'm saving our battle of insults and wits for an actual chapter, not some abomination of a 4th wall blog.

Celestia: *Massaging BlackWing's shoulders*

BlackWing: Are you hitting on me?

Celestia: Well, you ARE kind of the creator of this branch of our universe, and as a princess, I find ultimate power to be attractive.

BlackWing: Well, that's too bad. I like Luna better. She has flaws in the show, which make her seem more real. I actually had to make some up for you, like having a short temper.

Celestia: Wait, YOU did that?

BlackWing: Yep, and now you're going to go play with Discord. He's terrific at connect four.

Discord: Yay, somepony to play with!

BlackWing: See ya next chapter everybody.

Lyra's Own Monster (28)

Lyra's Own Monster

It was the middle of Summer, almost time for the Summer Sun Celebration. And what do you during the summer? GO TO THE BEACH. Trying to set up plans to go to the beach after the celebration didn't pan out, as everyone was really busy, even Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash with their advertising business. In the end, it was just Nightshade and Fluttershy who were going to go, so they moved the trip up a little. They found a quiet spot on the Fillydelphia beach, where nopony else was. They had arrived there after only 20 minutes travel, since he decided to show Fluttershy what life was like faster than sound. She had her eyes closed the whole time, and held him tightly, but thought it was great fun. As it turns out, it takes more energy to break the barrier than it does to simply maintain the speed, and once he was moving fast enough it wasn't too taxing anymore. It had actually gotten easier since the mating season fiasco, and he didn't have to use as much energy to get there or maintain it.

They spent the evening walking quietly along the beach, listening to the sounds of the ocean. He let her listen to his iPod again. Her favorite song was Beyond the Sea, as it could be happy or sad, all depending on the tone and speed in which it was sung.

"Fluttershy, although you tried to keep it a secret from me so I wouldn't worry about getting you something, but I found out anyway." Nightshade said, taking his dream catcher out from his shirt. "I didn't know what I could get you, so I thought I'd give you something personal of mine. It's my dream catcher. It's a silly little superstitious thing, but it's said to keep the wearer safe from evil spirits that haunt dreams. I made it myself, but I don't need it any more. As long as I'm with you, my dreams will never be anything but pleasant. So, I want you to have it. Happy Birthday." He said, placing it around her neck.

"Oh, it's beautiful." Fluttershy didn't know what to say. They stared deeply into each others eyes, as they had so many times before, and kissed on the beach. Then, they headed home.

"Finally!" Lyra laughed maniacally, although it was now Nightmare instead. "You're finally mine! Your jealousy has given you to me! Worry not, foolish little pony, you will get what you desired, and I shall get what I desire, Revenge! This world shall be dark as a cloudy night once I do away with those worthless sisters. Neither the sun nor the moon shall shine! All shall be in misery. All shall wither and die!"

Nightshade finally asked Fluttershy to move in with him. Scootaloo was fine with it, after all, Fluttershy was very nice, and if she made her dad happy, then she was A-Okay. They still slept in separate bedrooms though. They weren't THAT far along in their relationship. Arrangements had been made to turn Fluttershy's cottage into a proper animal hospital, clearing out the unneeded furniture to make more room for sick animals and equipment needed to heal them. Since Nightshade could simply heal their wounds, it was more focused on treatment of poison and disease, and so was stocked with various potions from Zecora, whom Nightshade had been working for again.

All was good with the world. Fluttershy would wake in the morning to the smell of the forest mixed with maple syrup drifting in on the warm summer breeze. Nightshade would awaken and the two would prepare breakfast for themselves and Scootaloo, who would fly up to Rainbow's cloud home, (which she had moved right above Nightshade's own, so she herself could wake to the smell of sweet thickened tree sap), and they would head off to work.

"I just wish things could stay like this forever." Nightshade remarked, and Fluttershy agreed. Unfortunately, as Murphy's Law would have it, they would not. Falling asleep one night, an intruder found their way into the house. Mere locks were no match for Lyra's magic, bolstered by Nightmare's power. Using a sleeping spell on the hapless human, she picked him up, and walked out, not making a single sound.

"Wake up sleepy head." The Lyra and Nightmare combination said.

"What the... Fluttershy?" He asked wearily. The sleeping spell hadn't wore off completely.

"No you dolt." She said.

"What... Lyra? Where the hell am I?" He demanded.

"I am not Lyra, I am...... Nightmare Song. Do you remember us?" She said.

"Wait, so, Lyra, and Nightmare... Damnit Lyra, what have you gotten yourself into?!" Nighthshade finally got a good look at her. She was taller, and her coat was no longer teal, it was darker. Her horn was longer, and she had a flowing black aura.

"Little Lyra was so obsessed over you human that she went made with envy. Seeing you and that pathetic yellow one together made her sick. With a little bit of venom on my part that is. She gave in completely. She only wanted you to love her, and when you did not return her affection, she fell into delicious despair. Her pain has made me strong! And now, you are mine forever! You will never again see the outside world! You will stay with little Lyra till you DIE!" The twisted unicorn said.

Nightshade had finally woken up fully, to find that he was caged.

"Like a monster." He thought.

"Now my love, you just wait here. I have a pair of princesses to kill. Once they're out of the way, I'll get rid of those blasted elements of harmony, and then it will just be you an me, forever." Nightmare Song whispered lustfully, before flying off into the night. (Nightmare had given Lyra feathered wings of midnight black. She wasn't an alicorn like the princesses, Nightmare just added them because it sucked not being able to fly.)

Of course, Nightmare had underestimated Nightshade, who always had a bobby pin. He spent 10 minutes, desperately trying to pick the lock, until his bobby pin broke.

"SHIT! I don't have time for this!" He was sweating. Once the princesses were gone, she'd be heading after the bearers of the elements. "Fluttershy."

He started to panic. He hadn't panicked in years. He was about to give in to hopelessness when he had an idea.

"No way, it can't be that simple, that easy." It was. The bars were meant to hold a pony, not a human, and so were spaced widely. He simply turned himself sideways, and slipped through them. "No time to beat myself up, gotta get to Twilight."

He found that he was in a motel on the edge of town. He ran as fast as he could without using his powers, and reached the library. He pounded on the door until Twilight came and opened it.

"For Celestia's sake it's the middle of the... Nightshade? What bring's you here at this hour?" She said groggily.

"Nightmare. Lyra. Get friends. Gather elements. GO!" He said, panting. Twilight was going to ask what it was all about, but from the look in his eyes she could sense the urgency. Instead of running, she used a walking on clouds spell, then teleported right on top of Rainbow Dash. The pegasus was the fastest, and could gather everyone the quickest.

Spike had woken up from the noise, and looked at the ragged Nightshade in the doorway.

"Big bro? What's going on?" He asked, still half asleep.

"Letter, princess, NOW!" He said, finally starting to catch his breath.

Princess Celestia, (Or Luna),

Nightmare is back. It possessed Lyra and is headed straight for you. It intends to kill you, then the bearers of the elements. Twilight is getting her friends together as I'm writing this letter. I'll send another when we're ready. We'll need you to teleport all 7 of us to you in Canterlot. Please be safe.


Spike sent it off in a puff of smoke. 5 minutes later, Twilight and friends arrived.

"Oh no, is it true? Is Nightmare Moon back?" Applejack said.

"Yeah, except it's Nightmare Song now. It's not possessing Luna, It's got Lyra instead. She kidnapped me earlier tonight. All the times she was acting weird, getting into accidents? That was her and Nightmare, trying to get her in danger so I'd come and save her. She though if she played the damsel in distress I'd be her knight and come save her, then I'd fall in love with her. It didn't work, so she kidnapped me. Now she's in more trouble than ever."

"What do ya mean?" Asked Twilight. "We can just use the elements to drive it out of her, like with Princess Luna."

"I got a look at her new form. Nightmare changed her body to be more like the princesses. More like an immortal, that way it can house Nightmare properly. Luna was already an immortal when she was possessed, so when Nightmare was driven from her, he left her weakened, but she was fine. Lyra isn't. If she isn't changed back BEFORE Nightmare leaves her, her life spark won't be strong enough to sustain her new body. In short, it'll be just like when I sap a plant to the point that it can no longer live."

"You mean, if we force Nightmare out of her, it'll kill her?" Rarity said in shock.

"Yes. Unless Nightmare leaves of it's own free will, changing her back to normal before exiting, Lyra will die. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening, not after it worked so hard, poisoning her mind. What I do wonder though, is why her? She's not particularly powerful. Why would Nightmare pick her?" Nightshade swallowed hard. He didn't like Lyra, but he didn't want her to die.

"I don't know sugarcube." Applejack tried to comfort him, seeing as how he was so shaken up. "But Nightmare ain't givin us any options."

"If it comes down to it, we'll have to use the elements to destroy Nightmare, even if it means losing Lyra." Twilight said, taking command.

"That's the thing though. It won't destroy Nightmare, just drive it from it's host. If they could have destroyed it, they would have done so already. The only way the elements can destroy Nightmare, is if it's not in a body, otherwise, it'll just use it's host as a shield and escape. Then it'll come back again and again."

"How cowardly!" Said Rarity.

"It's the spirit of hatred and misery, it isn't going to play fair." Nightshade said nonchalantly. "Spike, now that we're all prepared, send the letter. Nightmare's probably going to be there already, when we get in, it's going to be a mad dash to the elements. I'll try and drive it out of Lyra, then you get ready to hit it." He ordered. Spike sent the letter.

"How are you going to drive it out?" Dash asked.

"By kicking Nightmare's ass!"

Well, here we are. Almost to the finale! What's going to happen next? Only I know, and you all have to wait to tomorrow to find out! Bwahahahaha!


Twilight: I can't believe Lyra did that!

Dash: I knew she was acting weird!

Nightmare: You little foals! You cannot defeat me!

BlackWing: Get the hell out of my blog!

Sacrifice Part.1 (29)

Sacrifice, Part 1

After a bright flash, and the seven found themselves in the Canterlot throne room. There was cracked stone and dead guards lying around the room. The elements lay scattered on the ground around the room, as Celestia and Luna were deadlocked in a battle against the possessed Lyra. Nightmare's powers stem from the hosts own abilities, and are magnified by the host's negative emotions. Lyra's jealousy, sadness, malice, depression, and hatred had given Nightmare a great deal of power, which in turn made Nightmare Song able to stand on equal footing with the princess pair.

The princesses were slinging spells left and right, trying to strike Nightmare, while Nightmare skillfully dodged them. Nightmare apparently wasn't aware that it had visitors.

"ENOUGH!" The possessed Lyra yelled. A black sword with an ever so slight curve appeared in her mouth. The sword seemed to drain the light from the room, projecting shadows all around.

"That's......" Celestia could barely speak.

"That's right you foals." Nightmare said clearly, even with the sword's handle in her mouth. "This is the Black Law. This pathetic unicorn's magic is far too weak to be useful, so I have decided not to use it in favor of this!" She said, swinging the midnight blade at Luna, who flew and dodged it just in time.

"The very same blade used by Discord to kill mother and father. It disappeared. Why do you have it?" Celestia said, partly crying from remembering her parent's deaths, and partly enraged at the sight of the very tool used for the deed.

"FOOL! It was mine to begin with! This blade is a part of my very being! I loaned it to Discord, right up till your worthless parents died by it's edge, at which point it returned to me!" Nightmare laughed maniacally. Twilight had heard enough and sent a spell towards the cackling spirit of hatred. The blade swung round, and upon connecting with the spell, the purple light of magic disappeared.

"This blade cancels magic! While sheathed, it does nothing, but when drawn, it makes the wielder untouchable by your pathetic spells. The magic in this body is weak, so this is a much better option!" Twilight stared wide eyed. Any magic she tried would be pointless. That blade had the power to cancel out the magic of the ancient royals, she couldn't hope to do anything. The possessed Lyra dove straight at Twilight's mentor. She couldn't move in time, and was tackled to the ground. and pinning her head under hoof.

Nightmare lifted the wicked black blade, and swung towards Celestia's neck. The sun princess closed her eyes, and awaited the end. Rainbow Dash and Applejack charged, hoping to save the princess from her inevitable fate, they wouldn't make it in time. The rest simply closed their eyes.


The sounds of clashing metal reverberated throughout the entire throne room. Nightshade stood atop the princess, green mists swirling around him. He had blocked the deathblow using his hunting knife, and stared at Lyra with a face that would make the devil himself shudder. Ironically, that's exactly what Nightmare did.

"Back the FUCK OFF!" He yelled. All present were astonished to hear him swear, as he had been very careful to watch his tongue since he had arrive in Equestria. Nightmare swung the sword to the side, and the hunting knife shattered into small metal shards. Moving faster than what could be seen, Nightshade jumped straight to a coat of arms hanging on the wall, grabbed a blade from it, and repelling off the wall, dove straight at Nightmare, blade parallel with his body, point extended.

Nightmare parried the strike with her horn, sending a shower of sparks into the air. Nightshade rolled on the floor, but quickly got back up, and spun around to try for a decapitation. The strike was parried again, but that left his fist a clear shot.
The blow connected, and the possessed Lyra was sent skidding across the broken flagstone and tile that had once made up the floor of the throne room. The jagged pieces embedded themselves in her side.

"What are you all doing? Get the elements!" He yelled.

"That sword, the Black Law, the elements are useless against it!" Twilight yelled back.

"Magic works by breaking the established laws of reality, like the conservation of mass and energy. The Black Law stabilizes the laws of reality, meaning magic, no matter how powerful, WON'T WORK!" Celestia cried, feeling helpless. Though she had powerful magic, she was by no means skilled at physical combat, and what skill she did have had waned in the thousands of years they had peace. For her to get involved would just be making herself an easier target.

"Don't care! get em anyway!" Nightshade ordered, blocking another blow, and countering with a kick to the chest. Nightmare coughed a small amount of blood. He was obviously wounding her. The mane six ran around, gathering the elements. Nightmare couldn't stop them, since it was far to busy fighting Nightshade, and in order to use magic to stop them, she would have to sheathe the sword. Not that it mattered, the elements couldn't affect her as long as she had the blade.

"Just be ready to use them when the time comes!" He told them, the mane six were now all wearing their elements, and had gotten into position. The human and possessed unicorn continued to clash for an hour, while all the rest were helpless. They moved so quickly, and with such power, that if anypony interfered, they would just end up dead. Rainbow Dash and Applejack wanted to help, but Twilight advised against it. If they were injured, then they could not use the elements when the time came, if it came at all. That's when Nightshade when down on one knee.

The green mist of life had stopped swirling around him, he fell backwards, and was sitting on the ground panting. His face was pale, his hair had started to turn grey, and his skin had small wrinkles.

"I.. I don't have anything left." He said, starting to worry. "I used up 85 years fighting her, I, only have 10 minutes left, I can't go anymore." Everyone looked stunned. Nightmare Song walked over to him, grinning evilly despite being covered in dirt and her own blood. She had several broken bones.

"My power isn't magic, because it doesn't break the rules of the universe, it only bends them. That sword of yours prevents that too huh?" He said with a cough.

"That's right, I felt you trying to drain me with that power of yours, but it wouldn't work at all would it? The Black Law is unbreakable, and it's judgement is absolute." With that, Nightmare fell over in pain. Apparently, it had taken far more damage than it thought it had.

"Your precious elements are useless, your magic is useless, and now the only one who can stand against me is USELESS!" Nightmare laughed.

"Nightshade, take some of my life! Then you can fight on!" Luna yelled, running towards him. The dark sword swung at her, forcing her to back away.

"I'm not about to just let you do that. Here's what's going to happen. The little human is going to die by having his life run out. Then, I'm going to kill you princesses, and both the sun and moon will die. Then I'll kill the bearers of the elements. This world will be in eternal darkness, not just night, and every living thing will die. I'll find a new body in the mean time, maybe a strong earth pony, and live for eternity in a world of pitch black! Of course, little Lyra will die when I leave her. I COULD change her body back before I go, but then she'd just die from the cold of a sunless sky."

Nightmare had them. It was going to escape, free to haunt the world as it wished. Nightshade and Lyra would die. It would be an unhappy ending.

"No." Nightshade said, weakly getting to his feet, still exhausted. "Lyra fell to you, but it was because of me. I was too hard on her. I should have paid more attention, I should have taken her feelings into account. She's going to die because of me. I want, I want to make things right."

"And how would you go about that?" The laughing specter asked quizzically.

"I only have a few minutes left, then I'll die. If you change Lyra back before you leave her, she won't die. In exchange.... you can have me." He said, sullenly. "You won't be able to use my powers, because they reside not in my body or mind, but my soul. I'll die in 6 minutes, and you'll have a body all your own. I know you work by making pacts, so make one with me. My body, in return Lyra, Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie will not be harmed. I won't ask you not to harm the princesses, since that's your entire goal, and you'd refuse."

"Trying to buy time for the element bearers to defeat me? Even if I don't kill them here, with the sun and moon gone, they will die in a matter of weeks. Having your body would save me the trouble of finding another one before everything dies, and those ponies would get to see their dear friend murder the royal sister is cold blood. Very well, but I will not leave myself open to attack by the elements. To transfer, you must lock lips with mine."

Nightmare agreed to the pact on those terms. Nightshade knew that the second reason why she asked him to do that was specifically to stab Fluttershy in the heart. He would have to kiss Lyra in order to make the deal, and that would tear poor Fluttershy apart. He looked to her, both crying. She simply nodded, and closed her eyes.

Nightmare placed the sword atop her soon to be host. If the elements were used now, the magic would simply be cancelled by the magic blackout as soon as it touched either of them. Changing back into Lyra, she opened her mouth, and Nightshade kissed her. Black smoke passed from her to him, unseen by the others. Lyra was completely normal, her injuries healed, and passed out on the ground. She heard a voice in her head.

"You accepted me into your body, on the terms that I make this human love you. He just kissed you, of his own accord, sacrificing himself to save you in the process. In doing so, he has proven his love to you. You foal. He always loved you, just in a different way. I held up my part of the deal, and I no longer need you. Enjoy the next 6 weeks of your life, the last you will have, wallowing in the guilt that you just killed the one you care for, and in your jealousy, doomed the world." The voice was no longer chill as ice, nor venomous with hate. It was a plain tone, simply stating facts. Lyra opened her eyes, and began to cry.

Nightshade on the other had, underwent a rather dramatic transformation. His teeth became sharp, his pure white hoodless cloak Rarity had made him turned black as a clouded winter night. Black, feathered wings. The same as those that had appeared on Nightmare Moon, then Nightmare Song, had appeared on his back as well. His eyes became green and slitted, much like Spikes. His skin was no longer pale, his body recovered now thanks to having Nightmare's immortal life held within. He became slightly taller, his hair stood on end like there was a small amount of static. Nightmare had changed his body to be stronger and faster than before, although not so much as when he used his powers. This however, would not cost lifespan to use.

The newly born 'Nightmare Shade' was a sight to behold. He looked at the mane six, and spoke.

"Since the contract for this body states that I can't hurt you, I must abide by it. It doesn't change that you'll die in under two months anyways." He said with a hiss. "Now then, the business at hoof... er hand." Nightmare, using it's new found body, held out it's hand. The Black Law, hoisted itself from the ground, and he coldly walked over to Celestia, murder in his eyes.


So that's it. Lyra's doomed them all. Game over man. The ponies will have to fight against the powered up Nightmare Shade, even though he doesn't have his powers, his physical form, although naturally weaker than a ponies, is now boosted. How will the story end? Will Celestia and Luna die? Find out in the next, and final chapter of 'Monster'

Ps: There will also be an epilogue, but it doesn't count as an actual chapter, and is actually the setup for the sequel.


Nightmare Shade: Class, please be seated.

*Celly, Luny, Mane 6, Crusaders, Lyra, and Audience all take seats*

Discord: Now, I'm going to explain a little about how this works. You see, in order for Nightmare to possess someone, they have to make a deal. Nightmare can 'haunt' someone, like the whole time before it possessed that Lyra that it was talking to her. It's housed within the person's, or pony's mind, but has no power at all, other than slowly corrupting them.

Shade: That's right. While within someone's mind, I can slowly poison their thoughts with my being, however, strong willed individuals like my new host can resist it. There are several other way's to protect yourself from me, since this is outside the reaches of the 4th wall, I don't mind sharing them.

Discord: You're basically a demon right? Your natural form is a cloud of black smoke, you poison the minds of others, you possess them, make pacts with them.

Shade: That's right. One of the ways to protect yourself from me is with a dream catcher. While in the universe that the writer comes from they may or may not have an actual power, in this story, they do. Even though humans are not supposed to have magic, it makes sense that the aboriginals, who were the most in tune with nature and the spirit world, would have found ways to combat malevolent spirits.

Discord: Another way is by channeling a pure spirit, like the spirit of harmony, to drive you out.

Shade: Right. Now let's move on to the whole upgrade thing I do. When I possess a body, I make certain changes to it. Improvements, if you will. With Luna, I just made her bigger. I improved her size and physical form to be able to match her sister in physical combat. I didn't even have to do that much, since she's already an immortal, and fit to house my spirit.

Discord: With Lyra, you added wings because not flying sucks, amplified her magic ability, and increased her physical ones as well?

Shade: Right, but there's only so much I can do. Lyra is kind of pathetic, and since she's not an immortal, I had to make a lot of changes. Once the changes were made, the new form is only sustainable with me in it. If I leave before changing the body back, the host's life force won't be able to sustain the body that was meant to hold an immortal. It's like putting the life of a butterfly in the body of a cat. It's just not enough.

Discord: And then you did the same thing with Nightshade, since if you didn't change it, he wouldn't be able to house you?"

Shade: Right again. While I didn't change that much appearance wise other than the wings, his body became a lot denser, and somewhat heavier, into a body capable of housing an immortal.

Luna: But if you're a demon, then aren't you dead? Shouldn't you not HAVE a life force?

Shade: Not true. I'm a malevolent spirit. I'm actually the hatred in the hearts of others driven from them, and once out of their hearts and into the world, it all collected together forming a new life form. I wan't around when it happened, so that's all I know of my origin. I wonder how that could have happened? There's not nearly enough anger in Equestria to form an immortal spirit of hatred and misery.

Discord: *Whistling, trying not to draw attention*

Celestia: Then what of the Black Law? How did it come to be? And why is it a part of Nightmare?

Aurora: That's a good question my dear.

Celestia and Luna: MOTHER?

Discord: Ahh, Lady Aurora, how nice to see you again, how's the afterlife?

Aurora: It's a treat, since YOU aren't there.

Discord: Still mad about that are we?

Aurora: You twisted my little ponies into freaks, no offense, and then murdered me and my husband.

Nightshade: *Looking at Aurora like she either just spoke nonsense, or unravelled the secrets of the universe*

Aurora: Anyways, when the Elements of harmony were created, they were designed to be the ultimate 'overcoming' magic. They could overcome anything Of course, when they were created, something equally powerful, and opposite, was created as well. The Black Law, named as such because of it's appearance, and how it is the law of the void that is the universe. It basically enforces the rules, so universe rule bending and breaking can't occur. One of the rules magic consistently breaks is the law of conservation of energy. Lifting an object while using only your mind, with extremely little effort. You have to draw on energy that doesn't exist. Magic makes it possible, and so breaks the rules. Nightshade's power allows him to bend the rules. He conserves the energy, but he moves it around in a way that shouldn't be possible.

Shade: As for it's intricacies, the Black Law cancels out magic on whatever it touches. The wielder cannot use spells, or the life transfer abilities, but it also means that any magic that comes in contact with the sword, or the sword's wielder, is negated. If you cast a spell at someone holding the sword, as soon as the spell touches them, the magic is cancelled. Magic used BY the holder and magic used ON the holder is the same deal.

Luna: What about when I was Nightmare Moon? If you had used the sword, the elements would never have turned me back.

Shade: That's because you alicorns are pathetically weak without your magic. Even your physical strength is actually your muscles being enhanced by magic. By simply touching the sword, you would become unable to move. Which is why I didn't summon it when I possessed you. I would have been rendered powerless before those six, and unable to move or fight, or use my magic.

Discord: I on the other hand, have physical strength as well as my chaotic magic. While holding the sword I couldn't float or spread my chaos, but it was the only was to get rid of you and your annoying husband Aurora, always trying to stop me having fun.

Celestia: But if the sword is part of Nightmare, how did you get it?

Shade: Simple, If I want my sword, I call out to it, and it will come it me. If it's close, it'll fly to me, if it's far, it will dematerialize and appear next to me. I loaned it to him, once he was done with it, I took it back.

Celestia: And how DID it become part of you? It was created before hand, was it not?

Discord: Oh ALRIGHT! Fine, before the humans were banished, Aurora and Chronos used the elements on the lot of them. They weren't mindless killers anymore, they became capable of rational thought, although they still kept some of their tendancies. The hatred was driven out, but not destroyed. I... 'collected' it, and put it in the sword, which then took on a mind of it's own. Nightmare's real body isn't a cloud of smoke, it's the sword itself. The cloud is just how it moves around.

All: *Looking on in shock*

Luna: So, just holding the sword can allow Nightmare to possess you then?

Shade: No. While it does make it easier to poison the mind of the wielder, I can't possess someone just because they pick my sword.... me up.

Celestia: But wait, if the Black Law is possessed by hatred, how is that even possible when it cancelled magic?

Shade: Because the one exception to the Law is the Law itself. That and the elements themselves. The law can't affect the elements, just negate their power when used. The sword cancels magic, but if it comes across a power with the same alignment as itself, the two will fuse. Since harmony is a sacred power only usable by the pure of heart, the Law is the opposite, and the opposite of friendship is hatred. Which means that when Discord collected all the hatred expelled from the humans and gave it to the sword, the sword 'ate' it, and took on a mind of it's own. Me. I'm able to move around freely without the blade, like a ghost moving around without it's body, but still able to control it. Kind of like a puppeteer.

Discord: Well, I hope that explains all of the gaping plot holes in this story.

BlackWing: Believe it or not, I did NOT just make all that up, I thought about it for a very long time, back when I first introduced Nightmare, I had this whole ending planned out. So, now you know the history of Nightmare, and the Black Law, and some of Discord's past. Plus we met Celestia's mom! Too bad she's dead. She's really nice and not a troll in the slightest. I wonder where Celly get's it from? Anyways, class is dismissed.

BlackWing: Poor Fluttershy, I hope you can handle the heartbreak. Next chapter is sure to be a real tearjerker. It's going to probably be short, and then there will be the Epilogue. It's been really fun writing this, and although the sequel won't be as good. (I'm hoping it will be but honestly, how could I top this?) I'll be taking a little break to gather my idea's before I start writing it. Can you believe it? From start to finish this monstrosity only took me two weeks to write, with a week beforehand to think it up. See ya next time!

Fluttershy: Wait! What do you mean will I be able to handle the heartache? What are you planning on doing to my special somepony?

BlackWing: Too late! I already said goodbye! *Grabs Fluttershy*

Fluttershy: *Hanging under BlackWing's arm* Eep!

Sacrifice Part.2 (30)

Sacrifice Part.2

The mane 6 stood in front of Celestia and Luna. If the princesses so much as touched the midnight sword, they would be rendered helpless. They would not be able to stand against Nightmare Shade at all.

"STOP!" Twilight commanded. Nightmare just chuckled.

"Little ponies, I have promised not to hurt you.... intentionally, as part of the pact for having this body. If you just happen to get in the way of my strike, then that's your problem. Now move, before you die." He said with a piercing stare. Twilight sent spells at him, only for them to be stopped. Rarity tried to bind him in a hanging banner, but as soon as the magically lifted cloth touched him, it fell to the ground limp. Rainbow Dash charged him, only to be caught by the hoof and thrown into the wall. Applejack tried to buck him, only to miss and fall flat on her stomach, her possessed friend standing on her back.

"Didn't I tell you the same trick wouldn't work twice? What makes you think it would work the third time around? Wait what? What are you..." Pinkie Pie had somehow gotten onto his back, blindfolded him, and wass trying him up with streamers and balloons.

"Woohoo! Ride em cowpony!" The pink party pony yelled, before she was thrown off, into Rainbow Dash, who had just gotten up. The flying Pinkie knocked her over again, and they both fell in a crumpled heap. Grabbing Twilight and Rarity by their horns, Nightmare picked the unicorn pair up and threw them into their friends. All that remained in front of the princesses was Fluttershy.

"Move." Nightmare said coldly.

"No." Fluttershy responded timidly. She was obviously afraid, but she wasn't just going to give up. "Don't do this. This isn't you. Please, wake up!" She was crying.

"Fool, his time is almost up. He's as good as dead! He can't stop me! If you won't move, then I guess you'll just get caught in the cross fire. Goodbye Fluttershy." He raised his sword above his head. Fluttershy didn't close her eyes. She looked straight into his green slitted ones with tears pouring from her own. When their eyes met, there was a flash in them, and the eyes changed back to their normal, deep sea blue.

"No! This is impossible! This can't be!" Nightmare screamed.

"Nightmare, you really are an idiot you know that? I let you in because of love for another, not greed for myself. Your control over me is weak, you could never use my body to hurt the one I love." Nightshade said, stabbing Black Law into the ground. He kneeled to Fluttershy, and she had a look of amazement on her face.

In Equestria, love has a different meaning than on Earth. If you love someone, it's more than just friendship, it means you consider them to be a part of your family. Love meant mother and daughter, brother and sister, uncle and nephew, husband and wife. Given their relationship, it was clear what he meant. He he wanted to be with her for the rest of his life.

"L-love?" She said weakly. She was still a little afraid, but she was also blushing. She ran and hugged him. He hugged her back, wrapping his black wings around her, then let her go. He stayed in the same position however, arms outstretched, wings forward to provide comfort.

"Listen, I need you to use the elements on me. Don't drive Nightmare out, instead, turn me to stone, while I'm still in control. I only have one minute left in my life, and then Nightmare will take over, because I won't here able to stop it anymore. If I become a statue, I'll be frozen in time. With me in control, I won't try to break free, and Nightmare will be imprisoned in my body for eternity." He said, crying.

"But, I love you! I don't want you to go!" Fluttershy said, crying.

"I love you too, but that's why I have to go. For you, and all those who come after." Nightshade said. Fluttershy understood as soon as she heard those words. He was going to die, so with his death, he wanted to make the world a better place, by sealing Nightmare forever. Then they would never have to live under the shadow of hatred ever again.

The bearers of the elements stood before him, and did not say anything. There was no time. If this was to work, they needed to act now. They rose into the air, the familiar rainbow appearing, striking Nightshade in his heart. He turned to stone with a smile on his face, positioned to forever be embracing and sheltering a pony that was not there. Once it was done, the mane six, Celestia, Luna, and Lyra looked at the statue, and all wept. The Black Law had turned to stone as well, it's spirit gone from it, sealed within the statue it was next to.

Trapped in stone, Nightshade found himself within his mind, and the black cloud of Nightmare there as well. His life only had a minute left, but since he was encased in stone, it never decreased.

"Hey Nightmare, welcome to eternity. You and I will be spending a great deal of time together over the next forever, I suggest you get used to it." Nightshade mocked the spirit of hatred and misery, which raged at him.

"Together, we have the combined power to escape from this prison of stone. Let us do so, and in return, I shall grant you anything that is within my power. Tell me, mortal, what is it you desire?" The spirit asked. Not with a voice of malice or hate, but of fear. It knew it's plan wasn't going to work.

"All that I desire is for Equestria to be happy, and the only way that is possible, is for Equestria to be without you. My body and mind are now your prison, and I am the warden. As long as I keep you in here, Fluttershy, Scootaloo, and all the rest will be happy and safe, which is why you're NEVER getting out."

No WHYYYYYY. Well, this was a short chapter, but I already knew it would be. He's a statue now. Nightmare can never come back. But wait! The story is not over yet! Read the epilogue. I'm gonna start working on it right now!



One year has passed since the events that took place in the throne room. The press had a hayday with it. The hero who came from another world, and gave them so many things had sacrificed himself to bind an ancient evil forever, the same evil that caused the Nightmare Moon crisis barely six years ago. Nightshade's statue had been moved to where all the other statues go, the royal garden. The statue of Nightshade, kneeling, with arms stretched wide and wings forward, to embrace something that wasn't there, and a stone sword in the ground next to him. He was placed in the front of the garden, a place of honour, to be seen by all who passed through so they might recognize him.

The statue sat on a pedestal, with a plaque at the base. The plaque read.

"Here stands Nightshade, friend to all. He came from a world far worse, but made ours far better. Gave his life to forever bind the ancient Nightmare, standing watch forever, guarding us from it's return. May his rest be peaceful."

Celestia, Luna, Lyra, Twilight, Spike, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Trixie, Big Mac, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Zecora, all stood before the memorial, on the one year anniversary of his 'death'.

They each walked up, said a few words, and walked away.

"He gave is life to save mine, that I may continue to raise the sun and give this world warmth." Celestia said calmly.

"He gave his life to save mine, that I may continue to raise the moon and watch over their sleep." Luna cried. "He destroyed the evil which I myself could not overcome."

"He wrote me a book, and shared his knowledge with the world." Said Twilight, putting 'Forest Survival: A Guide to the Everfree' on the pedestal.

"He gave us enough money to fix up Granny Smith, giving us some easy work just for an excuse to do it." Applejack said, placing an apple pie by the statue. "I'll never forget ya."

"He had excellent fashion sense, and never complained when I chased him with scissors. " Rarity cried, leaving his old cloak on the pedestal.

"He ruined my life, and then gave me a better one to replace it." Trixie said, leaving the plaque of the newly founded 'Trottingham Shade and Shy's Sugar Shack'

"Ah pranked him, and he never got me back." Said Big Mac, leaving nothing but a manly tear.

"He was the only one who could keep up with me." Rainbow Dash sighed, leaving behind her Wonderbolt pin, the one she got when she finally joined them 6 months ago.

"He gave me maple syrup!" Pinkie exclaimed, leaving a bottle of the sweet substance behind as she walked away.

"He saved my life, took me in when I had nowhere to go, taught me to fly, and brought me closer with my idol. He became my dad." Scootaloo said crying, leaving behind a bottle with a cloud shaped into the word 'dad' inside.

"He taught me to be my own pony." Sweeite Belle said, leaving her signed microphone.

"He discovered my talent, and helped me to grow." Said Applebloom, leaving her favorite paintbrush

"I taught him much, he taught me some, twas not for long, but I had fun." Said Zecora Leaving pressed Nightshade flower.

"He became my brother, and made me a hunk." Said the now even bigger Spike, leaving one of his scales behind as he chased after Rarity.

Now all that remained at the memorial, with all the various objects sitting on the pedestal, were Lyra and Fluttershy. For a time, they just sat in silence, before Lyra finally spoke up.

"He gave his life to spare mine, he saved me from myself, and the world from my mistake." Lyra said. She didn't leave just yet though. "I was so jealous of you, I couldn't see what was happening to me, and because of that, he was taken from both of us. Even though everyone has forgiven me, I still haven't forgiven myself."

"He came to me, and even though I hurt him when we first met, he didn't bear a grudge. He made me the happiest I've ever been. I fell in love. He showed me the world through his eyes. He always cared, and was always kind, even if he was a little timid. He was a lot like me, but he was able to stand up and fight for what's right." Fluttershy said. She took out a dream catcher, one that matched the one he had given her.

"It was hard to make, but I wanted him to have it. Wherever he is, I want him to be safe, and although it is just a silly superstitious thing, he gave me his, to show how much he cared." Fluttershy took the dream catcher, and hung it around his neck, giving him a hug as she did so.

"He gave me one, back when I was all messed up. It held Nightmare at bay, but I was so poisoned, I threw it out. If I had kept it, this never would have happened. He gave me a gift, and I threw it out because I wanted him to like me." Lyra began to cry, Fluttershy put her wing over the sobbing unicorn.

"Because of me, he's gone. We'll never see him again, we'll never talk again. And you, you'll never hold him again. He loved you, as much as any stallion could love any mare, and you loved him back, and I..... I took him away from you. I don't know if I could ever forgive myself for that. I even wish that you hadn't forgiven me for it." She said, walking away.

Once Fluttershy was all alone with the statue of Nightshade, she began to sing, ever so slowly and softly, as this was a song of tears, not of joy.


beyond the sea

Somewhere waiting for me

My lover stands on golden sands

and watches the ships

go sailling.


beyond the sea

he's there, watching for me

If I could fly

like birds on high

straight into his arms

I'd go sailing.

It's far

beyond the stars

It's near

beyond the moon

I know

With out a doubt

My heart

will lead me there soon


Beyond the shore

We'll kiss

just like before

Happy as can be

beyond the sea

and never again

I'll go


Once the song had ended, Fluttershy turned back to see all those who she thought had left, standing behind her, tears in their eyes. Her friends gave her a hug, and the princesses turned away, not wanting to be seen having lost their composure. It started to rain. At first, a single drop fell, landing in his stone eye, and rolling down his cheek, as if the statue itself were crying. Then it began to pour. The rest of the group headed inside the palace, while Fluttershy sat atop the pedestal, the stone wings protecting her from the rain. She reached up, gave him a kiss, and said.

"Happy Birthday"


OMG SO SAD. Yes, he 'died' ON HIS BIRTHDAY a year ago to save them all. I figured that each pony leaving a little something on the pedestal his statue is standing on was fitting, a little something from each of their lives, a reminder of all he had done for them. Kind of a funeral march. Are you all crying? Good, then I've done my job. Great, now I'm crying too. I'm going to let you all sob for the next while, while I take a break to gather my idea's for the sequel. Don't un-track just because it's over though. When I'm ready to start the next story, I'll put an update in here telling you all it's name, just in case you can't find it. It's been an awesome ride, full of laughs, d'aww, and the shedding of manly, (and maybe not so manly) tears. I just hope the next one is as good as this one.

Sequel Update

Sequel Update

Why hello there everypony! BlackWing here with some exciting news! Come March 1st, I'll be releasing the sequel of Monster! It's going to be a bit more light hearted, but epic none the less. It will be a bit heavier Fluttershy shipping, and more innuendo, (because we all had sooooo much fun with it in this story) but once again, this is not a clop fic, so too bad. Also, congrat's to Firebolt, the winner of the cover art contest by virtue of being the sole entry! (Even though I ended up making the cover art myself, and by 'making' I mean paintshopping pics from google images.) I just love teasing you, so come march, you all have something to look forward to.



The sequel has 6 chapter's written, and I've decided that I'm far enough ahead to put it out there. It's titled 'Ascended' It's going to be a bit of a more light hearted story, but still epic none the less. Enjoy you crazy ponies, enjoy.

Ps, I'm holding off on giving you the other chapters, so right now you just get number one.


Griffin the Griffin

I'm writing a new story called Griffin the Griffin. I'll cycle between it and Ascended. Whenever I need a break from one, I'll go to the other. I'm not going to have the same insane update speed I did with Monster. Go check it out.

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